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Does the UN know about the light? If so how much do they know
The U.N. has offered a membership to the Light, complete with all the perks, including unlimited access to free smoothies at the smoothie bar on the fifth floor.
There's no smoothie bar on the fifth floor. It's on the third floor, and everyone has to pay their own way.
The U.N. has been briefed on its existence, but the League has only presented what it could prove.
No, wait. That last one's right.
What species is bio-ship and her kin?
Biologicum Navis. Because all Martians use Latin for species nomenclature. It's not a language Native to M'arzz, but it just makes everything sound so intelligent!
They're just the Bio-Ship species, I guess.
What's the name of those lenses the Team use? Who invented them? When?
1. They're called Intensa-Lenses.
2. They were invented by Professeur Oeil, the French cousin of Professor Ojo.
3. Before breakfast.
Actually, I don't think we ever bothered figuring that out. Sorry.
What was the relationship between Tim and Cassie like? I heard the relationship is now toast so I hope this isnât a spoiler.
They were constantly caught making out on Wonder Woman's invisible jet because they kept forgetting that even though the jet was invisible, no one inside it was.
April Fool's!
Actually, I think that's best left to the audience's imagination for now.
How did Paul react when he learn Garfield Logan was meta human ? During the time of the events of young justice outsiders how did Garfield Logan's Godfather Paul react after he learn Garfield had form his outsider superhero team ? How did Paul react he learn Garfield was dating Queen Perdita ? How did Paul react after he lean his boss Gretchen Goode was was a alien after Cyborg exposed her merging back her other self on tv ?
1. He was stunned and appalled.
2. He openly questioned whether some of Gar's enemies might not attack the set.
3. He asked for an introduction to the Vlatavan Royal Family.
4. He locked himself in a closet for 72 hours.
1. Paul stated in the press that he knew it all the time.
2. He expressed pride.
3. He suggested he knew about their relationship before they did.
4. He had suspected as much.
Now, the question is... which set of answers is an April Fool's joke, and which is what really happened?
Since when have Bruce and Giovanni known each other?
Quite awhile. At least - obviously - since Zatara joined the Justice League. At least.
Who is A33 whom Nightwing called for medical support?
No spoilers.
1 Did mâcomm genuinely think that his failed bomb attack was still a victory? Or was he just making excuses so that his followers wouldnât lose faith
2 Why did poison ivy reveal the truth about the injustice league to the joker? What did she have to gain from turning the joker against the light?
3 Why did Lady Shiva show the Joker's video to orphan? Couldnât she have just ordered her to kill him? It wouldn't really have mattered to her why she had to kill him anyway.
4 Why did orphan care that she crippled batgirl wasnât killing people a thing she was raised to do since birth?
5 If lady Shiva wanted orphan back why did she wait so long to retrieve her?
1. I feel safe leaving that to your interpretation.
2. I feel fine leaving that to your imagination.
3. An assassin always benefits from having more background intel.
4. Turns out she did care. Who knew that was gonna happen?
5. You make it sound easy. You also make it sound like she never tried before, which is not a given.
Hi Greg,
1. How broke is Green Arrow?
-Hes dressed rather smart for someone whos broke.
-He could afford a hospital room for Speedy.
-Hes able to afford to run several vaults fully equipped with weaponry and the electrical bill that comes with it. He also repaired the damage from the bomb Speedy planted in it.
-He can afford arrows for himself and his protege.
-He can support himself and Roy (and probably also the medical bills that come with sending him to therapy, etc.)
2. How successful is Bowhunter Security?
3. How was Roy a shareholder in Bowhunter despite being a minor? Was Ollie a caretaker for his share as his guardian?
4. Did Ollie help Will start his Private Security business? How did he find investors for it?
1. He's not destitute. He's just not a millionaire any longer. You're assuming he paid for Speedy's healthcare, but that's not a safe assumption. The League has funds for that sort of thing. Also, Oliver set up a substantial trust for Roy before Oliver lost his fortune. That trust went to Will, but he's since given the bulk of that over to Roy.
2. Fairly.
3. Roy's no longer a minor. Technically, i.e. legally and chronologically, he's about 28 during Season Four.
4. No. (I mean he didn't hinder it, but he didn't help financially in any way either.)
4a. By "he" do you mean Will or Ollie?
When Orphan is held prisoner by the Shadows why did they take her shoes?
Same reason they took her utility belt.
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