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New Olympians, The

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Faieq writes...

When you said that the gargoyles on New Olympus were never converted to NO religions and the fact that we never saw any gargoyles (except Goliath, Bronx and Angela) in the episode 'The New Olympians', and that you also said that the gargoyles on New Olympus wouldn't reveal themselves to the world immediately after the New Olympians do, does that mean that the gargoyles on New Olympus live away from the bulk of the New Olympian population?

Greg responds...

They are somewhat isolationist, yes. But I hesitate to make generalizations about any group.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Do any of the gargoyles of New Olympus practice any of the New Olympian religions?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 02, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Todd> Such scenarios have their root in reality - whereever a minority is oppressed by a majority, you'll get the individuals who'll fight back hatefully and the individuals who'll want to live in harmony.

In my opinion it's *extremely* silly to think that Gargoyles could be copying the X-men when both were obviously copying the real world...

Now X-Men and the *New Olympians*... well that's a whole other story. :-)

Greg responds...

New Olympians is influenced by Jack Kirby's Eternals or New Gods much more than X-Men.

But I think you're missing Todd's point. I don't think we were ever really a Batman rip-off any more than we were an X-Men rip-off. His question was about our concerns. And we were concerned that we'd be PERCEIVED as a Batman rip-off. We weren't concerned about being PERCEIVED as an X-Men rip-off. But frankly, I can't remember why. Because one concern is just as legitimate (or illegitimate) as the other.

Response recorded on November 02, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

What are Taurus's five favorite movies?

Greg responds...

I doubt Taurus has seen all of five movies.

Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

1a) Would there be any point in the future when the practice of mortal magic becomes more common than it is at the time of "The Journey"?

b) If so, roughly how long would it take for such a revival to come to pass? (decades, years, centuries?)

2a) Why is it so dangerous to mix fae and mortal magic? Energy is energy, right? And both fae and mortal magic are presumably of earthly origin. So what makes them so incompatible? b) What are the actual consequences of mixing the two?

3) The Archmage was able to bring the Grimorum to Avalon by "bending the rules", and so bypassed Oberon's Law. But in the end, he was still using the Eye to control the Grimorum, and hence, was "mixing magics". Why didn't this have any (visible) consequences?

4a) You've mentioned "ghost magic" before. Would it fall under the "mortal magic" category, or is it a completely different form of magic? b) If it's different, is it safe to mix with mortal or fae magic?

5) Which is the Megalith Dance powered by--fae or mortal magic?

6a) Do any New Olympians possess (or are capable of practicing) "fae" magic? b) Do any New Olympians practice "mortal" magic?

Greg responds...

1a. Maybe a tiny bit -- but not until WAY beyond 2198.

b. Centuries.

2a. Different frequencies maybe. Feedback. I don't know exactly. Just is.

b. BOOM. Usually. Or some other backfiring.

3. The Eye is a bit more flexible. It WANTS to "help".

4a. Another category, I think, maybe, sorta.

b. Not recommended, but less dangerous.

5. Not telling its origin right now.

6a. Maybe, but it's more internalized as "powers" generally.

b. Maybe, but not many. They're a technology driven society.

Response recorded on October 26, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

After the events in "Hunter's Moon", the Manhattan gang are the first gargoyle clan to be revealed to the general public.

1a) Which clan will be revealed next? b) Will it willingly reveal itself, or will it be discovered?

2a) When the New Olympians reveal themselves to the human world, will they also reveal that there are gargoyles living among them? b) Will the majority of the New Olympian gargoyles be open to starting relations with humans themselves?

Greg responds...

1a. Don't know.

1b. Don't know.

2a. Not right away.

2b. No.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

More qustions on New Olympus

1) You said that New Olympus picks up radio and television shows from the outside, what do they think of shows like Friends, the Simpsons, the David Letterman show, and Star trek?

2) When the New Olympians learn more about human religions will any of them convert to Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, or Sikhism?

Greg responds...

1. I think Taurus likes Worf.

2. Anything's possible, but I wouldn't expect mass conversions to anything.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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LSZ writes...

1) Are the new Olympians themselves aware of their fae origins?
2) Re: population of New Olympus thing. What's wrong with quantifying that? I don't want an exact number, I just want a rough guess. A million? More? Half a million? A hundred thousand or thereabouts?
3) If the answer to 1 is yes, do the humans of 2198 know of this? If they do, how do they interprete it without knowing the existence of the fae?

Greg responds...

1. Maybe.

2. I'm not good with numbers. I don't want to put something down here and have to live with it. So I'd rather not answer at all and leave it vague until or unless I have some need to define it.

3. Not answering 2198 questions until the contest is over.

Response recorded on October 05, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

what kinds of problems will the illuminati society create for the New Olympians when they reveal themselves to the world?

Greg responds...

That's too complex a question to answer in this format.

Response recorded on September 27, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

A question about the New Olympians question. It's obvious enough why the ones that were viewed as monsters by humans and consequently hunted by them (such as Taurus's minotaur ancestors) would want to flee to New Olympus and shut themselves off from the outside world. But why did the ones who were worshipped as gods decide to withdraw themselves to New Olympus? After all, if they were being worshipped, that would be more of an incentive to remain in the outside world rather than to leave it.

Greg responds...

They weren't actually immortal. Humanity was catching up. And nothing gets tired faster with the masses than a "fallen idol".

All this is to say, that there was no ONE reason. But there were many factors.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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