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The Phoenix Gate

Unanswered Questions


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Pasco writes...

Could you elaborate a bit on why Vogel was willing to betray Renaud in Outfoxed? I'm sure Fox offered him a substantial amount of money, why he always seemed to hold Renaud in such high regard and vice versa. These two things lead me to believe that Vogel would value Renaud's trust and his own integrity more than money. Am I incorrect in that assumption, or was there something else at play that I'm missing?

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Anonymous writes...

is virgil hawkins studying and what

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Brent writes...

I know you've teased it before, but can you tell us what the rationalization was for Captain Marvel to change his name to Shazam?

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Sage H H writes...

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Spike writes...

Why didn't dc universe not want to make young justice season 4 after dc universe made young justice season 3?

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Mike writes...

Is there a story or a script where Elisa and Demona switch bodies?

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Anonymous writes...

whether Delphis studied before becoming a Meta-human

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mrbean writes...

With the Spectacular Spider-man making an appearance in Across the Spiderverse and also being in Disneyplus, have there been talks about continuing the series? Thanks!

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Cody writes...

Hi, I love Gargoyle had as I grew up with them since I was a little kid.
I just thought of this. Would Goliath be the youngest of his bio siblings? Because if he had younger or two sibs. One hatched with Lex, Broad, and Brook, and the other hatched with True and Bronx.

Have you thought about writing something for his bio family or making a family tree? Like if you did for the related ones we already know of.

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Anonymous writes...

what Em'ree J'onzz studied

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Anonymous writes...

is jaime reyes studying and what

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Anonymous writes...

It's been months and months since only this rambling of names shows up in latest responses... how about answering actual questions people wrote to Greg? Pretty please. Thanks.

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Anonymous writes...

As Superboy was moving the Martian Gene-bomb into the lava in the episode "Involuntary", we see that the wedding ring in his pocket was destroyed.

1. Was it his ring or Miss Martian's ring that was destroyed by the lava?

2. Did he fashion a new ring for the wedding later on in the season or was there a way to salvage the old one?

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Anonymous writes...

Does Floyd Lawton have a son Edward

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Anonymous writes...

(SPOILERS for anyone who hasn't seen Across the Spider-Verse)
1. Did the creators of the Across the Spider-Verse contact you about their use of Spectacular Spider-Man in the movie, or was it a surprise?
2. In the movie, we see Peter holding a dead Captain Stacy. Was this a plotline you ever considered for the show?
3. What are your thoughts on Spectacular Spider-Man's appearance in the film?

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Anonymous writes...

is tye longshadow studying and what

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Anonymous writes...

what year of study is Khalid Nassour in

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anonymous writes...

i had a couple questions regarding the Outsiders!
1: are we meant to understand that all the members who don't cover their faces at all don't have secret identities? such as Cassie and Virgil? is who they are outside of the Outsiders public knowledge?
2: is Jaime's secret identity not a secret after season 2, seeing as the Reach had him reveal his face on TV?
3: do these characters have to deal with getting hounded by the press in their civilian lives if their identities are public knowledge?

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Anonymous writes...

what Barbara Gordon studied

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Eian writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman. I have a few questions regarding Young Justice.

1. Is Zeus, King of the Greek Gods of Olympus, Wonder Woman and Troia’s biological father?
2. Are Wonder Woman and Troia demigod?
3. Are all of the Greek Gods of Olympus Wonder Woman and Troia’s half-siblings?
4. Has Vandal Savage ever met Hippolyta and the Amazons with the alias Alexander the Great?
5. Did Steve Trevor meet Wonder Woman on Themyscira?
6. Does Wonder Woman and Troia have a biological brother they don’t know about?

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Anonymous writes...

How old was Felicia in Spectacular? I assume she couldn’t have been that much older than Peter unless you guys were going to go the ultimate comics route.

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Anonymous writes...

what is Richard "Dick" Grayson studying

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Tin writes...

Were you going to show the reason why Perdita has a scar on her neck shown in season 4 if you got a young justice season 5 made?

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Anonymous writes...

1. How long did it take Cassandra savage to finish reading through Olympia's journal about Vandal's life story ? 2. Has Cassandra savage ever thanked Vandal for taking her away from her Mom to help with his world vision and tolled him that she was honerd to help fight for mankind while wearing a baseball cap or newsgirl cap over her hair?

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Anonymous writes...

how many classes does gotham north high school have

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Anonymous writes...

where Bette Kane works

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Anonymous writes...


In the Earth-16 universe...

#1. Because Saturn Girl was identified as a human during a mental confrontation with M'comm M'orzz in the Young Justice Season 4 finale, this implies her ancestry can be traced back to the first humans who eventually colonized one of Saturn's moons; this presumably being Titan.

#2. The Durlans of the 31st century can trace their ancestry back to M'comm M'orzz and his White Martian followers; who have settled Durla in the 21st century.

#3. Cosmic Boy (Rokk Krinn), Lightning Lad (Garth Ranzz), and Saturn Girl (Imra Ardeen) are the founding members of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st century.

#4. As Lara El was born as Lara Lor-Van, this means she was a member of the House of Van before her marriage to Jor-El.

#5. Alura El (mother of Kara Zor-El) was born as Alura In-Ze, and was, therefore, a member of the House of Ze before her marriage to Zor-El.

#6. The names of the paternal grandparents of Kal-El and Kara Zor-El are Seg-El and Nyssa El (formerly Nyssa-Vex).

#7. Dru-Zod's appearance differs from his counterpart in the comics because it is a nod to his appearance in the canceled Syfy TV series, Krypton, and, as such, it can be assumed that his familial relationship with the members of the House of El and the House of Zod are most likely the same as depicted in that canceled TV series.

#8. Barry Allen's mother (Nora Allen) does NOT die like in the comics, and, as such, she is still alive in the present day, and the circumstances that causes Barry's father (Henry Allen) to be framed for Nora's murder and wrongfully sent to prison also NEVER happens.

#9. The Joker was directly involved in the death of Jason Todd one way or another; regardless if the events/circumstances are different in comparison to what is depicted in the mainstream DC Universe.

#10. Jason Todd and the Red-Hooded Ninja are truly one and the same person; with the cause of Jason's return most likely being the the result of the Lazarus Pit, and his initial inability to recognize his former teammates (as depicted in Young Justice Season 3) most likely being the result of post-traumatic amnesia due to the injuries (presumably) inflicted on him by the Joker.

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Anonymous writes...

#1. If an evolutionary offshoot race of the Thanagarians somehow existed in the DC Universe, and if they were an analogue/pastiche of the Shi'ar from Marvel Comics, what would be a good name for such an offshoot race? Also, would this offshoot race likely use the same naming convention as the Thanagarians, or would it be different?

#2. If an evolutionary offshoot race of the Kryptonians somehow existed in the DC Universe, and if they were an analogue/pastiche of the Strontians from Marvel Comics, what would be a good name for such an offshoot race? Also, if this offshoot race were to use a Kryptonian naming convention, would it be based on the traditional Kryptonian naming convention, the ones used by the Phaelosians (who only use the "personal name"-"family name" Kryptonian naming convention for BOTH males and females), or something original?

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Anonymous writes...

gotham academy has grades 7 through 12 and Happy Harbor High School

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr weisman 1.What where Marvin white and Wendy Harris respective majors in collage? 2. are Marvin and Wendy still dating each other and have they both worn baseball caps or newsboy caps at the same time on some dates study sessions or on and off work at times ?

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Anonymous writes...

whether Aquagirl was a minister

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James Dixon writes...

It's good to see that you're taking questions again. I've spoken to you on Twitter, but like you said, Twitter's quicker, but it's much better here because you get to give a more thorough response, which I like too. You and Station 8 must be more on top of things now.

I thought Young Justice: Outsiders was great and pushing the boundaries more than ever. I've liked more or less everything, except for when Victor was crushed to (near)death. That was hardcore, Greg.

I was only able to watch the first episode of Phantoms, unfortunately, and that was only through the use of my VPN to access that for free, officially, from the DC Fandome. The season has yet to come to the UK in any shape or form, and I'm really surprised Outsiders came.

I did think it was strange how you got Greg Cipes to do the voice of Beast Boy. I guess I would've preferred a new actor to take on the role.

It's not quite the same as Kevin Conroy coming back and doing the same serious Batman for almost 30 years, since your Beast Boy isn't really the same comical Beast Boy from Teen Titans 2003 or Teen Titans Go.

I think he nailed it, though, so that may make my questioning of it pointless. Since Cipes was also Beast Boy on a Lego DC Super Hero Girls movie, I'm wondering if there's an attempt from DC to kind of streamline the voice as the main Beast Boy. Although I'm sure if you didn't want Greg Cipes, you wouldn't have cast him. I doubt it was a DC mandate.

So, I guess that brings me to my first question:
1. Why cast Greg Cipes? How did that come about, was that a conscious decision from you, Brandon, or Jamie Thomason?
2. Another question is about Marvin's goatee in season 4. Was that still influenced by Shaggy from "Scooby-Doo?"

I have some other questions, but are of a different topic, which is Space Ghost, and Hanna-Barbera in general.

3.A How did you and Brandon end up creating your own Space Ghost series.
3B. Why didn't it get picked up?
3C. Was Space Ghost and your own ThunderCats a close thread that kept you around WBA to eventually co-create Young Justice, or were they all separate incidents?
4. Would you still be open to doing your own Space Ghost? Because I would love to see that. With you at the helm, I bet lots could be done.
5. Do you think Hanna-Barbera cartoons belong in the modern era? You tried bringing Space Ghost back, so at least you do with him. But I've also read about other revivals that were rejected, too, such as Top Cat, Blue Falcon, and even El Kabong. While there were times when WBA did greenlight revivals such as Yabba Dabba Dinosaurs and Wacky Races, which were either liked or disliked. Scooby-Doo can't be the only Hanna-Barbera cartoon that's worthy of being continued.

I also want to thank you for answering my Stargate: The Hunted questions, which included the lengthy detailing of the plot, the backstories of the characters, because you were luckily in your office that day. Well, it made my day, but I just never got to thank you until now.

When you said how you hoped a second season would be the good guys going after the bad guys, I was thinking how you could have even changed the name to Stargate: The Hunters, because the hunted have become the hunters. But the original title still works, too. Ha.

It's also nice that Gargoyles is getting new comics and merchandise again. Too bad Disney won't push for another new season from you.

I should close it there as I've taken up enough of your time, Greg. I sincerely appreciate it.

P.S. I was formerly Green Lantern's Nightlight, and going by my real name for some reason. I suppose it doesn't matter which name I use, but I'm trying to bring some continuity, instead of just being random person #5000 (and I know some others here who have been asking you questions for years).

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GOKU FAN writes...

Did miss martian visit the LOGANS after the December 1 2010 visit before queen bee kill marie logan on January 16 2011?

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Anonymous writes...

did Wally West work somewhere in the second season

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Mark writes...

Hi Greg, hope all is well.

Couple more YJ character countback Qs if I may.

1) Is Anton Kraft the doctor at the Vlatavastok hospital in Targets #3?
2) Who is Rae Foster? No-one seems to be able to figure this one out.


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Anonymous writes...

where Malcolm Duncan works

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JJ writes...

Hello Greg!

This may seem like a pretty oddball question, but its about Wildcat in Young Justice.

I was browsing the Young Justice TV Tropes page and came across Wildcat's picture, where he looks a fair bit darker-toned than the other members of the JSA. So it got me wondering: is he possibly Latino and/or Black on Earth-16, or just very tan?

Usually its pretty self-explanatory, but I went snooping to see where else he might've popped up and he shows up at Kent Nelson's funeral in the tie-in comics, but when I looked at the actual page he looked white. Given the comics back then tended to have more than a few coloring errors (a prime example being the very white, blue-eyed Artemis), I'm more inclined to trust the episode he first appeared in as what he actually looks like, but confirmation would be wonderful.

Thank you, and I hope you're having a great day!

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Kaldur727 writes...

1. I was just on the Gargoyles Wiki and reading on the Gargoyles 2198 stuff and it said that the Illuminati would ally with the Space-Spawn. Was it kind of a full circle thing to have the Light teaming up with the Reach in Young Justice Invasion?

2. I know the Gargoyles do not have the same view or put the same focus on biological family like humans do but what would the closest analogue be for Lexington's relationship with Alexander Xanatos? Brothers, Uncle/Nephew, etc.?

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Anonymous writes...

does Kate Kane have a twin sister Elizabeth

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Anonymous writes...

Why does miss martian call herself beast boy's adopted sister in young justice invasion episode Earthlings if miss martian did not adopt garfield after rita farr died?

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Anonymous writes...

where Kate Kane works

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Aaron writes...

During season 2 of gargoyles were there any scrapped ideas for places or countries, you also wanted the gargoyles to travel to?

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Aaron writes...

does black beetle have actual name and surname or is he just only known to everyone as black beetle? cos isn't young justice's version of the character based on Dawur, is his name in the earth 16 continuity Dawur as well or is it something else entirely?

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Aaron writes...

before young justice season 3 and 4 came out on dc universe and hbo max, were there any other places that warner brothers and dc were considering releasing those seasons' episodes, like e.g. adult swim for example?

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Anonymous writes...

whether Jade Nguyen attended Gotham North High School and whether she graduated

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Verdragon5 writes...

I’ve been watching a lot Spectacular Spider-Man recently and I’ve really been enjoying it. My question is a bit more of a hypothetical, but here goes: The stars have aligned and you get to finally do a continuation of the series, and you’re free to use any of the new Spider-Man characters introduced since Spectacular ended, but there’s one caveat. Due to the overwhelming popularity of the character, the executives want you to bring in Miles Morales as a member of the main cast. How would you go about it?

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Anonymous writes...

what Jimmy Olsen studied

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Anonymous writes...

what he studies Jason Bard

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Anonymous writes...

1. What gave Black canary the idea for her ''Sanctuary'' that she brings up at Superboy and Miss martians wedding? 2. does Black canary ever get any time off to rest from therapy and hero work? and has she ever worn her baseball cap or newsgirl cap over her hair douring at lest some therapy sessions in star city at the meta human youth center or any sessions with the league team or outsiders?

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Anonymous writes...

or Kyle Rayner works at the Daily Planet

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The Dynamite Comics

Gargoyles Comic from Dynamite

The story of Gargoyles continues in the comic book series Gargoyles and Gargoyles: Dark Ages published by Dynamite. Available online or at your local comic book shop.

The NECA Figures

Gargoyles Figures by NECA

NECA has produced a line of Gargoyles figures which continues to grow. Available through online and department store retailers.

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All seasons of Gargoyles are available for streaming through Disney+.

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Gargoyles Season 1 DVD Cover

Includes episode commentaries by co-creator Greg Weisman, interviews with the cast, and a documentary on the fan convention.

Season One
Season Two, Volume One
Season Two, Volume Two