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Anonymous writes...

I actually rounded up some examples of you using MPAC and GLAAD to dismiss criticism, since I know you'll try to pretend you've never done that even though the evidence is right here on your own blog:
Right here you say -We've been working with MPAC (the Muslim Public Affairs Council), GLAAD and OUT on these plotlines. They are aware of our long term plans for Halo and have been extremely supportive. This suggests to me that the response you speak of isn't monolithic. So I'll admit it has been hard for me to apologize for things, which I believe, in the long term, will be appreciated by the Muslim and LGBTQ+ communities.-
Do you SERIOUSLY NOT SEE how you're using these organizations' support to dismiss what the asker was bringing up??? You think that because those organizations liked it, all of your fans that were unhappy with the choices you made were wrong and would come around once they understood your vision. Do you not see how you're basically saying the opinions of MPAC and GLAAD are more valid than your fans? And this was not one person, this was MULTIPLE people. If a significant portion of your fans are reaching out to you about something and your response is -well MPAC/GLAAD said its fine- then you are invalidating what they are saying.
You also say -It sincerely makes me feel awful that I've "hurt my fans in the LGBT+ community". I AM truly sorry about that. But I know for a fact that I didn't hurt ALL my fans in that community. Because I've talked to a bunch of them. Not on Twitter or on ASK GREG but in real life.-
First of all, of course you didnt hurt ALL your LGBT fans because not everyone has the same opinion, that doesnt change the fact that you did upset some; but you used the fact that some people werent upset as if it cancels out the people who were upset. Secondly, did you ever consider the fact that the people in your real life may pull their punches because they know you? Or did you ever consider that you may have a limited scope of the LGBT community through the people you know and maybe you should try to get a variety of perspectives before dismissing something?

Your response was better here, but you still felt the need to bring up that MPAC likes your long term plans and suggest the asker simply didnt understand your vision and would eventually like it. Just because MPAC likes your longterm plans doesnt mean this asker, or every Muslim fan, will too.

And because you took such offense to me suggesting that Hollywood orgs like MPAC/GLAAD can sometimes be out of touch with everyday people (btw, I am both Muslim and gay and I am speaking for myself. I feel they can be disconnected from what the youth are talking about. That is how I feel. No org is perfect or above criticism. Youre not a part of either community, so how would you even know what Im referring to? I mean, you couldve asked instead of flying off the handle, but we're past that). I would like to call attention to this issue with Halo:
Did no one at MPAC bring this issue to your attention and warn you that this could bring a negative response? This is literally one of the biggest issues female and POC characters face in comics and media in general. I think any young POC fan wouldve told you this. If they truly did not advise you against graphically killing Halo multiple times, then I think this goes to show that these institutions dont catch everything, this is why its important to listen to your fans along with them to get a full perspective. You seemed to suggest that I was insulting the org by me saying they don't represent everyone...all I was saying is that its only one perspective and you shouldnt only listen to them or use the fact that they like something to dismiss something a fan is saying.

Clearly, I touched a nerve and this caused you to misconstrue what I said and go off an a tangent about something i wasn't even talking about. Maybe because you were still upset about that tweet, which funnily enough, is the one criticism I personally don't agree with, I just noticed that you used MPAC as a shield yet again when I think it would've been better to ignore it and let that person have their own opinion. I noticed it's becoming a pattern with you and that's why I brought it up (notice I said increasingly, meaning I wasn't referring to one incident).

Truth is, you have created a bubble for yourself. The fandom on Twitter has become a place where you can't be critical of the show without getting flamed, so people don't discuss as much. Tumblr, where most of the fandom used to congregate, is pretty much dead; if it was still in its heyday, I think you would've seen a lot more backlash to Halo in particular. This forum is moderated before a question reaches you. I have seen some good discussion on Reddit, but I dont know how often you go there.

I never said you needed to leave Twitter, I suggested you maybe not respond defensively to everything. You dont need to do a poll for every decision as you sarcastically suggested, youre lucky enough to have a fanbase that gives you constructive feedback. It's impossible to please everyone, but you could use your fans as an additional resource to get a fuller perspective. But if you don't think our opinions are important enough to listen to, that's your choice.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello. I am the person who sent the question about you using MPAC and GLAAD to shield yourself from criticism and I see you responded in a ramble. Um..wow lol what a response.

You mistakenly thought I was only referring to that one tweet and threw a huge tantrum that I mischaracterized what you said and disrespected the Muslims who worked on the show, when you in fact mischaracterized what I was trying to say.

First of all, I was not referring to the one tweet only. I was mostly referring to how you responded to criticism of Halo. You used the fact that MPAC likes her to dismiss a lot of valid criticism about the character. And I have seen several of your answers on here when someone is critical of an LGBT character where you say GLAAD signed off on it so the criticism the person is bringing up “isnt a monolith”. You can search on here and find those yourself. That’s why I mentioned GLAAD, why would I randomly throw them under the bus as you suggested? Maybe you shouldve taken a moment to think about that and consider I wasn’t talking only about that tweet instead of flipping out while you were emotional.

THAT type of response is what I take issue with, not the characters you have created. In fact, I disagree with the tweet about not making a Muslim practice magic, I think that is more than fine. But not everyone agrees with me, there are some who believe it is haram and will take offense. Because as you say, we are not a monolith and it will be impossible to please everyone.

I just dont think you should make a habit of responding to these types of things using these institutions as a shield. And when I say that they can be out of touch…its just a simple truth that an institution cannot represent an entire demographic as a whole…I don’t know why you interpreted that as me disrespecting them. These institutions are based in America, which limits their scope, theyre adults, they’re naturally going to be out of touch with the youth, and they work in Hollywood, theyre not going to see the perspective of the working class. Not that their opinions aren’t valuable, but if you’ve got more than one fan reaching out to you on social media about something, you should value their perspective equally as much.

And as for your lovely sarcastic response asking if you should take a poll, actually lots of creators will pose general questions about representation on Twitter to gauge the response. It’s not unheard of. Or you can just read what people are saying and take it in without responding. Clearly you were being hyperbolic to make it seem like I was demanding something ridiculous. Real mature.

Finally, I LITERALLY NEVER SAID you can’t create diverse characters. Do you see me say that anywhere? Where did you get that? All I said was I don’t like how you were seemingly using these institutions to dismiss criticism and invalidate other people’s opinions. All I said was I think you should stop responding in that way and just accept not everyone will like what youre doing.

But hey, thanks for willfully misinterpreting everything I said, responding in pure anger, and getting defensive. white male fragility at its finest.

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg - you have repeatedly said you do not think giving Dick tech skills was taking away from tim because you think a modern version of the character would have those skills. i would like to offer a counter argument: dick does exist already as a character in modern comics as nightwing, and while he does have tech skills, he is consistently shown not to enjoy it or be the best in the batfam at it. he often turns to barbara or tim when something requires a lot of tech work. also tim is supposed to be the Robin most skilled in this area, that and detective and strategy skills is what sets him apart from the others who are more naturally skilled in the physical things. but in the show you have seemingly made dicks tech skills better or equal to tim. therefore i do think giving dick tech skills was taking from tim and did a real disservice to the character once he came around - tim has nothing unique to bring to the table in the show

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Marvelman writes...

I thought I understood something but I just read an article that is making me doubt myself.

The writer describes Zatanna as more ruthless than Batman because she took on apprentices with sole aim of using them to free her dad from Nabu without ever caring about them at all. I thought this reading was extremely harsh and wrong.

My understanding is that Zatanna's plan to save Zatara did not occur to her until "Undo!" So, it's not as though all those years ago Zatanna made Thirteen her apprentice with the intention that she could someday be used as a pawn to free Zatara from being Dr. Fate.

Do I have that right?

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Anonymous writes...

when u made the choice to drive one plotline forward instead of exploring the world slowly did u ever consider the wasted potential? so many characters and storylines left behind by the time skips. kinda makes me sad tbh.

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Anonymous writes...

I havent been able to get into young justice since it returned which was disappointing since I was a huge fan of the first two seasons, I keep trying but I was so confused why the show wasnt about the team anymore, then I recently saw you say that the show was never about the team itself, its about the original team as individuals and thats why the team isnt a focus anymore. Im honestly baffled by that…I thought the show was called Young Justice because it focused on the young heroes, aka the team. I think it also kept the show more organized when that was the focus. The only arc I have enjoyed in the latest season was Artemis, and that just so happened to be the only one that featured the team, it was the only time since it came back that it reminded me of why I wanted this show back. I think this decision was a creative misstep and I know I am not the only one who feels that way. Its your show but sadly its not the show I fell in love with anymore.

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Anonymous writes...

Why was Black Lightning a lead in season 3? I love the guy but it made no sense in the context of the show. He was never a young hero or on the team with the others. The only reason I can think of is that you wanted to get brownie points for making a Black character made that grandstanding speech to the rest of the heroes. It would’ve been nice if you developed Virgil instead.

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Anonymous writes...

1. Whatever happened to Garfield's pet monkey back in season 1
2. What became of the Logan Animal Sanctuary? Was it shut down or did someone take over the reserve?
3. Why did Garfield decide to get rid of his tail?

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Anonymous writes...

It was made clear that a lot of the martians did not approve of M'gann and Conner's relationship or the fact they were getting married, but what were the White Martian's views on the subject since one of their own was marrying an Earther?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Wiesman I have some Young justice questions for you 1. Besides Dubbilex and Super boy can any other non human clone Genomorph speak English or any other Language ? 2. Did all the Genomrophs at Cadmus make it to geranium city or did some decide to live else were disguised as humans like the genorophs in geranium city do? 3. Besides Mayor Tompkins Sheriff Maguire and the Girls does anyone else live in Brooklyn Maine ?

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