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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the fourth issue of "Justice League vs. Suicide Squad," there is a moment where the Emerald Eye of Ekron refuses to attack Green Lantern Jessica Cruz; the reason why this happened was never explained in the comics (as far as I know...) As such, if this event ever happens in the Earth-16 universe to your version of Jessica Cruz, would you be able to provide a plausible explanation as to why this happens?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Based on my observations in "Over and Out," am I correct to assume that when the Earth-16 version of the Emerald Eye of Erkon chooses its female wielder and transforms them into the Emerald Empress, that person's natural eye color temporarily changes to green until the transformation is reversed?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Dru-Zod's quote after Ursa's transformation into the Emerald Empress was "What sorcery is this?!" As such, my question is how and when was Dru-Zod aware of the existence of magic?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I don't know if this is a plot hole or not, but how come M'comm did not sense Nightwing coming out of the Boom Tube and stop him; considering it took Nightwing about five seconds to destroy the solar pods?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In regards to the Earth-16 version of Emerald Empress from the 31st century, is her real name Sarya, Falcye, Cera Kesh, or Ingria Olav? Please confirm which real name is correct in the Earth-16 universe.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Exactly how many minutes were Dru-Zod and Ursa Zod absorbing fellow sun radiation in those pods before Nightwing intervened and destroyed them? The reason I am asking is because I wanted to know how much yellow sun radiation they needed in order for their invulnerability to be triggered.

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Krypton colonize Daxam?

2. What year did the technology exchange between Metron and Krypton took place, and who specifically was involved on Krypton's side of this exchange?

3. What year did Zod's attempted coup took place, and what exactly was his issue regarding Krypton's relations with New Genesis?

4. Besides the Houses of El and Zod, what were the names of the other major houses on Krypton?

5. In the Earth-16 universe, how does the Kryptonian calendar work in comparison to Earth's calendar?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In "Over and Out," I'm honestly surprised that Dru-Zod did tell not tell Kal-El "you truly are the spitting image of your father" when the two of them faced each other outside of the Fortress of Solitude. Did you ever considered using that line when you were working on the script for this episode?

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Anonymous writes...

You have repeatedly said that you’d like Earth 16 to continue forever, but (barring contact with a strange meteorite) it is almost certain that Brendon Vietti and yourself will not live forever. While I can well understand wanting original creations, such as the Gargoyles, to continue after a creator is gone, adaptations seem markedly different. Especially an adaption with such a strong and specific authorial vision as Young Justice.

If we allow ourselves to imagine an idyllic world where HBO Max is still eager to order new Young Justice seasons 30-40+ years from now, could you imagine yourselves passing the torch to a new generation or would you prefer the final NEVER THE END be written by yourself and/or Brandon Vietti?

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Paul writes...

Is the Wisdom of Solomon one of the powers that Mary Bromfield can call upon? It seems obvious enough, since this was the only one of the Shazam powers that she did not state aloud in season 4, but I just thought I'd ask to be sure.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In regards to Earth-16 version of Kara Zor-El...

#1. What is her age as of the end of Young Justice Season 4? The reason I ask this question is because her Earth-0 counterpart is currently 21 years old in the comics.

#2. What year was she born on Krypton?

#3. Did she lived in Argo City along with her parents prior to Krypton's destruction; like in the comics?

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

What do you think would be more painful?


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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the following link below, which locations listed in the "Points of Interest" section also exists in Earth-16's version of Krypton?


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Jalen Tucker writes...

Hey Greg congrats on the show really love where it’s going and definitely praying for a season six and more because what you guys are doing, outside of it being an action pack drama you know with our favorite superheroes I really appreciate what you guys are doing as far as like you know the mental health aspect personally. Beast boy is a mirror to my lifestyle right now so thank you for that.

My question is how come we as young justice fans don’t have a Instagram page or a Twitter page. I only ask because I really think it would be helpful just to promote the show you know putting different scenes or snippets out I’m just because I know seeing is believing. And it’ll just be a better way to NoCap to my viewers you know the show is really good extremely good, and I feel like it deserves to be promoted right. If I could help I definitely would love to but outside of that I love the show and everything that you guys are doing with it.
I would also like to say I would love if the episodes could be a little bit longer ; )

Thank you hope you guys are all good.


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YJ Fan writes...

How old is Kara Zor - El ?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Just so I can understand this correctly, the Emerald Eye of Ekron chooses its wielder based on that person's anger and desire for absolute power? If this is not correct, then factors determines how it specifically chooses its wielder?

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Jacob Jinnins writes...

Will Garfield return to Space Trek

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

By the time of this posting, I discovered that some scenes for the Season 4 finale "Death and Rebirth" were somehow leaked on YouTube. From my interpretation of the leaked scenes, everything appears to have ended on a good note for the heroes. In regards to the bad guys, I should have expected Vandal Savage to make such a sneaky move. The most shocking part was the Apokolips scene. Yes, I had suspected all along that Mary Bromfield was going to become a villain and one of the female Furies ever since the mid-Season 4 finale; since I figured her turn was a nod to what happened to her in Final Crisis. HOWEVER, I was shocked as hell that Kara Zor-El, daughter of Zor-El and Alura In-Ze, and paternal cousin of Kal-El, is also one of the Female Furies as well; which suggests that she never eventually made it to Earth like in the comics. As such, in regards to your decision to make Kara Zor-El a villain, was this a nod to the comic book storylines "Superman/Batman: Supergirl" (which first introduced Kara Zor-El; during which she was temporarily brainwashed) and "Superman: The Dark Side" (in which Kal-El landed on Apokolips instead of Earth)?

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Eric_Hogue writes...

In Catwoman: Hunted, was Dr. Tzin a shout-out to Dr. Zin from Johnny Quest?

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A Nony Mouse writes...

Why did Dr Fate rotating hosts cheese the Chaos Lords off so much?

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Anonymous writes...

I was so excited to see Supergirl and Black Mary revealed as two new Furies. Talk about a cliffhanger!!!!!!

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C.M.D. writes...

Hey can you chill with the neck snaps already? Apokolips War traumatized me enough, thank you.

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chloe writes...

Why did Garfield Logan not apologize to queen peridia and ask to restart their relationship in last episode of young justice season 4?

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Fallenlegend writes...

Just some questions about the Phantom Zone.

In Alan Moore’s seminal story “Whatever happened to the man of tomorrow” the phantom Zone was a place so scary even the 5th imp Mxyzptlk feared being trapped. And he is nearly Omnipotent . yet in your version it seems it is child’s play for people like Zatana

1.- Why did you decide to make the Phantom Zone less formidable to hold magic beings ins your version? Not complaining just curious.

2.- Many powers don’t seem to work on the zone, like Rocket’s fields,but magic oaks without any issue. Why is it an exception?

3.- Given Dr Fate is Klarion p rough equal, wasn’t it have been viable for the them to just have wait until he came back to ask him if o take the team into the oahnrom zone safely, rescue Connor and avoid the whole phantoms finale crisis?

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Fallenlegend writes...

Just one question about Sargeant Marvel/Mary Bomfield

Now now that she is with the furies, In the comics, the origin of the black suit was her getting Black Adam’s powers. Given that this didn’t happen on earth 16…

1.-What changed the color of her suit from white to black? Is it something she can control?
2.- Is she stronger, ore powerful in her black suit?
3.- Did her source of her powers change?
4.- Would she be rough equal to Kara Zor-El, or the fact that she shares/shared her powers with Freddy and Billy meant she would be weaker compared to Kara who is a full flooded kryotonian?

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Fallenlegend writes...

Just Some questions about the kryptonians

1.- Why did General Zod called Superman “The last of son of the house of el” when there was another house of El prisioner. Kru-El and, presumably. Also Kara Zoe El?


2.- Speaking off, why was Zod so angry at Kal-el but showed not such aggression at Kru-el and presumably Kara-Zor El?

3.- Assuming the final episode reveals Kara was with the other kryotnians on the phantom zone, would this confirm that the city of Kandor wasn’t saved by the “collector of world” aka brainiac?

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Anonymous writes...

So Tim and Stephanie are together ? To be expected.
What bothers me is the fact that you used Tim and Cassie’s relationship as a filler, and for what ?
So people don’t say that "DC doesn’t allow batfamily members to date outside of the batfamily" ? -which is the absolute truth btw-.
It is just so disrespectful towards Cassie and such a shame that you wasted all of the potential that Tim and Cassie’s relationship had…

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman Before i ask my questions I what to say i am fed up with the ''House of zod''Getting its way and hope that the Kryptonian luck will end soon now then 1. Why did you and the production crew Decide to give Ursa the powers of the Emerald Empress ? 2. Was Phil Morris happy that he finally got to say ''Knell before Zod!'' in a Young Justice episode ?

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6f5e4d writes...

Hello Greg,

It's seemingly become a pattern that the second half of season 4, unlike prior episodes, has rather vague episode descriptions, whether only stating minor plot details, or containing riddles. Is this because you became wary of possible leaks and wanted to keep everything a surprise?

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg. Just want to say i am absolutely loving young justice so far.
I've been wondering. Would you mind answering if jason todd died in 2013 or 2014?

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Anonymous writes...

I recently read an article about some of the characters’ favorite movies and books (https://www.polygon.com/entertainment/23014687/young-justice-movies-beast-boy-miss-martian-artemis). How do you come up with small background details about the characters that feel meaningful and genuine (rather than randomly deciding that a character likes Honey Nut Cheerios or something), especially ones you know you probably won’t use? Is it easier when you’re doing this for original characters rather than adaptations of characters from other works?

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AlphaRomeo writes...

Hi there, I'm so happy we got to see this much of Young Justice. Hopefully by the time you read this HBO Max will greenlit a season 5. But I'm still gratefull for all that we have already.

I have to say that I particularly loved Kaldur's arc and Rocket's arc in season 4. I do wish we got to learn a bit more about Rocket's backstory on earth 16, since she is such a unique take on being a sidekick and has a pretty cool lifestory in the comics.

I also hope one day you guys choose to explore the more unique parts of the Wonder Woman universe and we get to learn more about Cassie Sandsmark and some cool takes on villains from that world. But I get it if you guys have others part of the DC universe that interest you more. It's fair.

Anyway, my main question is what was the process you took in season 2, 3 and 4 to determine how much you wanted to jump forward in time between each season? Five years was a big jump in season 2, but since then you've made shorter and shorter time jumps. What aspects of the story made you decide to jump so much at the beginning, and jump so little nowadays?

Thank you for all you give us

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dawson writes...

1. Have Superman and Dick Grayson ever been close like uncle/nephew thing like in the comics
2. Did Superman viewed Dick as an annoying little sidekick

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Matt Itelson writes...

Is Kobold an original character, based on someone from the comics, or both?

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John Paul Gontor writes...

in Young Justice Outsiders, what is the nuclear option that lady shiva and ocean master talking about?

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NoOneSpecial writes...

Language barriers

1. So, Miss Martian downloaded English language into Forager’s mind so Forager could speak English. But Forager would still refer to Forager as Forager because Forager, like all bugs, have complex sense of self. But Forager also studied English language at Happy Harbor High School where Forager learned more about English language and also read works of William Shakespeare. But works of William Shakespeare still use English language version of pronouns, yet when Forager speaks and reads works of William Shakespeare, Forager would still speaks and reads with the absence of English language version of pronouns. Is this only Bug culture thing for Forager or has Forager still not yet learned how to read or write or speak using English language version of pronouns? NoOneSpecial must think it to be former as Forager must be very well versed in English language to be reading works of William Shakespeare.

2. I'm guessing that when Zod and Ursa are speaking, they are speaking in kryptonian. So, if Superboy can understand them, is it just another case of willing yourself to be understood in the Phantom Zone?

3. How about Lor-Zod and the Legionnaires? Are they speaking plain English from 1000 years in the future? I'd assume the Legion Flight rings have translators built in them. But what is Lor-Zod using to translate his words?

4. The Atlantean language is designed to be spoken underwater. What about the Martian language? Is it designed to be only spoken telepathically? Can you actually speak it aloud?

5. Do either Halo or Cyborg have the ability to translate languages?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. As she works as a Green lantern now has P.F. ( my nickname for female Forager to avoid confusion) been assigned a sector to patrol yet? or is she still in training? 2. Does Sornaik Natu (the universe 16 version) work as a scientist for the G.L. corps like the late Tomar Re or does she do a different Job besides being a Green lantern ? 3. I originally thought that Danny Chase was running away to Markovia but after re watching a clip of Miss Martian read his mind and learning that the meta gene was activated after he was caught by traffickers this was proven otherwise. where then was Danny running away to before he was caught by Traffickers and sent into space?

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Arthur writes...

Hi Greg.

I'm all caught up and I really enjoyed Seasons 3 and 4 of YJ.

Just curious as to whether you're a big fan of Grant Morrison's Seven Soldiers series?

I noticed in Season 3 that at one point Vandal placed some significance on the Light having 7 members and I thought that might be a reference of some sort.

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Anonymous writes...

Was mantis and forager’s relationship with each other better before m’comm started posing as orion?

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Anonymous writes...

Tomar-Tu’s father knew the El brothers. Did tomar-Tu also ever meet them or other kryptonians before krypton blew up?

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Unknown fan II writes...

Do you think in the future Amistad will pick the mantle of Rocket and become a superhero like his mother or the first black autistic superhero?

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Unknown fan writes...

Are Lian,Anissa,Arthur,Jon, Jennifer,Amistad and Don & dawn best friends?

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Anonymous writes...

Were there ever any plans for Will to receive his own arc in Phantoms? Why was Will the only member of season one's team (besides Wally of course) to not have an arc this season?

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Daniel MacDonald writes...

I know this may count as a spoiler, but who are the two reserve Leaguers who's faces are blocked when Superman and Black Lightning are looking at the screen? My personal theory is La'gaan and Detective Chimp, but that's just head canon. Also, is La'gaan fully part of the League as Aquaman III now, or is that just an idea?

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Anonymous writes...

When did Guy Gardner enter his coma?

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Lieutinant Whoareyou writes...

Can you tell us anything about Young Justice's version of Tim Drake's background? I know that some might be spoilers, but since the show is mostly focusing on different characters, I don't think it would be that big a deal.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. Was the crack in the Helmet of Fate meant to be an indirect nod to what happened to the New 52 Earth-2 version of the Helmet of Fate; in which it was damaged by that universe's version of Bizarro?

#2. If the Helmet of Fate ends up being completely destroyed, does that mean that Nabu will die and cease to exist? If not, what would actually happen?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Is green Kryptonite the only form of kryptonite that is known in the Earth-16 universe? The reason I am asking this question is because I am aware that other forms of kryptonite exists in the comics, and I assume that they also exist in the Earth-16 universe, but they have probably not yet been discovered.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. If the Earth-16 version of Lor-Zod is currently 16 years old, does that mean that in the original timeline of the 31st century, he was born in the year 3004; assuming that he time-traveled to the past from the year 3020? Also, was Lor-Zod born BEFORE or AFTER the Kryptonians were settled on Daxam?

#2. It seems that in the Earth-16 universe, prolonged exposure to kryptonite causes Kryptonians to lose consciousness and their skin color to become a discolored pale green; as seen in the case of Lor-Zod. However, how come we don't see any blood veins pop up and turn dark green; assuming that kryptonite poisoning likely also affects a Kryptonian's blood inside their bodies? Did you decide not to do that because showing such a high level of severity of kryptonite poisoning would be considered too graphic?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Does "The Circle" (a clandestine organization composed of five powerful cosmic beings and intergalactic rulers; first introduced in the six-issue mini-series, "The Man of Steel") exist in the Earth-16 universe?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will we ever see the Earth-16 versions of the Arrowverse characters, Zeta-Rho (The 1st husband of Lara Lor-Van) and Tal-Rho (son of Zeta-Rho and Lara Lor-Van, and maternal older half-brother of Kal-El)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Although Superboy will obviously survive the events of "Young Justice: Phantoms" because he will appear in the six-issue comic book mini-series "Young Justice: Targets," the main concern is whether or not his mental state (which is messed up due to his time in the Phantom Zone) will be alright by the time "the big event" happens on May 14th, 2030 at midnight in Happy Harbor; an event that he is destined to participate in and which will in turn inspire the formation of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st century?

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Anonymous writes...

1 what are the chaos lords opinion on the phantom stranger?
2 what are the lords of order opinion on the phantom stranger?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. In regards to the Earth-16's version of the Guardians of the Universe, are its known members (Appa Ali Apsa, Ganthet (formerly), Krona (formerly), Sayd, and Scar) presumably the same as those seen in "Green Lantern: The Animated Series, since this series is canon-adjacent?

#2. With the introduction of the Earth-16 version of Tomar-Tu (son of Tomar-Re), should we be worried about the possibility that he may one day become a member of the Earth-16 version of the Darkstars; like in the comics?

#3. As a member of the Green Lantern Corps, what Space Sector does Tomar-Tu protect?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Does Rogol Zaar exists in the Earth-16 universe? If so, then how much of his history is the same as in the comics?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. Is Darkseid considered to be the second ruler of Apokolips; succeeding his father, Yuga Khan (real name Zonuz)?

#2. Thus far, Dru-Zod is shown to be familiar with New Genesis, but not with Apokolips. Why is that?

#3. Where is the Earth-16 version of Nubia?

#4. Where is the Earth-16 version of Myrina?

#5. Does Grail (the daughter of Darkseid and Myrina) exists in the Earth-16 universe?

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John Paul Gontor writes...

Hello Mr Weissman,it's John Paul again.

I want to tell you some questions about a few characters from DC comics if they appear in  Earth-16(Young Justice):

•when we are going to see the Thall Sinestro and his Yellow Lantern Corps?

•Is Reverse Flash/Eobard Thawne on the DC Earth-16?

•Do Deathstroke has a long lost son named Jericho/Joe Wilson?

•where is Slade's illegitimate daughter, Ravager/Rose Wilson?
•Are gonna see the members of the Blood Syndicate like Wise Son,Tech 9,Boogie Man,Third Rail,Fade,Flashback and Dogg in the Young Justice?

•Time Travelling is real in the Young Justice universe,are you going to introduce Rip Hunter and Booster Gold in the next YJ season

•Are we going to have animated debut with international meta squad from DC comics, Global Guardians?
•are the Justice League going to recruit more metahumans and Viligantes such as Vixen, Firestorm, and Doctor Light?
•Do Captain Cold will formed a organization composed of the Flash's enemies called The Rouges?
•Will the light recruit Brother Blood in their ranks?
•Will the Outsiders or Team recruit a young green Lantern named Jessica Cruz?
•Do Darkseid have a illegitimate daughter who is half Amazonian called,Grail?
•Are we see our fan favorite Titans, Starfire and Raven joining the Outsiders or Team in the next season of Young Justice?
•When is our antithesis of Batman, Prometheus is coming to Young Justice?
•Are going to see the Girl of Steel aka Kara Zor El in the next season of Young Justice?

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Nick writes...

Is Megan’s telepathy much more powerful than her brothers?

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John Paul Gontor writes...

Hello Mr.Weissman,
My name is John Paul Ritji Gontor.I'm a first-generation Nigerian American and I'm on the Autistic Spectrum. I'm a pop culture fan of comic books, anime, and video games,
ten years ago, I watched Young Justice Season 1 & 2 on Cartoon Network in Nigeria.
Also, I watched your classic cartoon show you made for disney in the 90s , Gargoyles and it was the best underrated classic cartoon I ever watched. It had great action scenes, dramatic moments, Shakespearean themes, diverse & complex characters, the voice cast of famous actors, and sci-fi and fantasy elements.
You did a great job with this show and a lot of Disney fans like it.
After Young Justice, are you going to revive Gargoyles for Disney like you did for Young Justice for DC and Warner Bros?

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Lea writes...

In Young Justice, how did Batman become the legal guardian of Jason Todd and Tim Drake?

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Anonymous writes...

#1. Will we ever see the Earth-16 version of the Arrowverse character, Ryan Wilder? If so, what would her superhero code name be; if not Batwoman?

#2. Where is the Earth-16 version of Green Arrow's half-sister, Emiko "Emi" Queen?

#3. Does the Circle of Eternity/Council of Eternity exists on Earth-16? If so, who are its members?

#4. Does the Quintessence exists on Earth-16? If so, who are its members?

#5. Were New Genesis and Apokolips used to be one world called GodWorld/Asgard/Urgrund?

#6. Was New Genesis formerly known as Galactica (as indicated in the "Green Lanterns" storyline, "Lost in Space")?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to Earth-16's Lobo:

#1. Is he from the planet Cznaria; like in the comics?

#2. Is he the last of his people?

#3. Which space sector is his home planet located?

#4. When was he born?

#5. Is his real name unpronounceable; like in the comics?

#6. Does he have a half-Czarnian, half-human daughter named Crush (Xiomara Rojas)?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to the Earth-16 version of Carrol Ferris:

#1. Is her full name Caroline "Carol" Ferris?

#2. Is she the current owner of Ferris Aircraft; with the previous owner being her father, Carl Ferris? Also, how long has she been the owner of Ferris Aircraft?

#3. Is her mother's name Christine Ferris? Also, what is her mother's maiden name?

#4. Did she have an ex-husband named Gil Johns?

#5. Is she currently the only human member of the Star Sapphire Corps in the Earth-16 universe?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Assuming all ten Lantern Corps exist in the Earth-16 universe, are the following power ring A.I. greetings and Lantern Corps oaths provided below correct? If not, what are the correct versions in the Earth-16 universe?

Green Lantern Corps:

Power Ring A.I. Greeting: [Person’s Name] of [Planet of Origin]. You have the ability to overcome great fear. You have been chosen. Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps.”

Oath: “In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might, beware my power, Green Lantern’s light!”

Red Lantern Corps:

Power Ring A.I. Greeting: [Person’s Name] of [Planet of Origin]. You have great rage in your heart. You belong to the Red Lantern Corps.”

Oath: “With blood and rage of crimson red, ripped from a corpse so freshly dead, together with our hellish hate, we’ll burn you all, that is your Fate!”

Orange Lantern Corps:

Power Ring A.I. Greeting: [Person’s Name] of [Planet of Origin]. You want it all. Welcome to the Agent Orange.”

Oath: “The power is mine, this is my light, be it in bright of day or black of night! I lay claim to all that falls within my sight, to take what I want, that is my right!”

Sinestro Corps:

Power Ring A.I. Greeting: [Person’s Name] of [Planet of Origin]. You have the ability to instill great fear. Welcome to the Sinestro Corps.”

Oath: “In blackest day, in brightest night, beware your fears made into light. Let those who try to stop what’s right, burn like his power, Sinestro’s might!”

Blue Lantern Corps:

Power Ring A.I. Greeting: [Person’s Name] of [Planet of Origin]. You have the ability to instill great hope. Welcome to the Blue Lantern Corps.”

Oath: “In fearful day, in raging night, with strong hearts full, our souls ignite! When all seems lost in the War of Light, look to the stars, for hope burns bright!”

Indigo Tribe:

Power Ring A.I. Greeting: [Person’s Name] of [Planet of Origin]. You have the ability to feel great compassion. Welcome to the Indigo Tribe.”

Oath: “Tor lorek san, bor nakka mur, natromo faan tornek wot ur. Ter lantern ker lo Abin Sur,
taan lek lek nok, Formorrow Sur!”

Star Sapphire Corps:

Power Ring A.I. Greeting: [Person’s Name] of [Planet of Origin]. You have great love in your heart. Welcome to the Star Sapphires.”

Oath: “For hearts long lost and full of fright, for those alone in Blackest Night. Accept our ring and join our fight. Love conquers all, with violet light!”

Black Lantern Corps:

Power Ring A.I. Greeting: [Person’s Name] of [Planet of Origin]. Die.”

Oath: “The Blackest Night falls from the skies. The darkness grows as all light dies. We crave your hearts and your demise. By my Black Hand, the dead shall rise!”

White Lantern Corps:

Power Ring A.I. Greeting: [Person’s Name] of [Planet of Origin]. Live.”

Oath: Unknown; not mentioned in the comics.

Ultraviolet Lantern Corps:

Power Ring A.I. Greeting: Unknown; not mentioned in the comics.

Oath: “By shield of day, and shield of night, we feed and grow, beyond all sight. Your darkest self shall be our knight. Wield the sword of unseen light!”

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Shyan writes...

Hi Greg,

I really enjoyed your post about how Brandon Vietti is a "MASTER OF STORY," and how he was the one who thought of adding Olympia into the "Evolution" episode of Young Justice: Outsiders.

Do you have any other anecdotes you could share about Brandon having cool ideas or just otherwise doing amazing work on Young Justice?

Also, fantastic work on Young Justice: Phantoms to you and rest of the team, I'm really impressed by the writing this season.

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg. I have a few questions regarding the ages of the New God’s, mainly what their human biological equivalents are. What would the ages be for:
1). The Forever People
2). Highfather
3). Highmother
4). Orion
5). Metron
Anyway, I’m a huge fan of your show and I love the storylines being told. As always, keep up the great work!

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Anonymous writes...

Why did you deny us a Supermartian kiss at the end of season 2 only to have them interrupted by Aqualad?!?!?!

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Anonymous writes...

Who are your top 5 favourite relationships on Young Justice? Why do you love them and what's your favourite moment from their relationship?

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Anonymous writes...

How long exactly did it take for Miss Martian to restore Aqualad's mind? Like how many days or weeks did it take before it was fully and completely restored?

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Jason R Carter writes...

1. In "Ego and Superego," when Zatanna offered the Trowogs Nightwing's SUV, he protested, "I'm not Bruce Wayne!" What is Dick's source of income? I mean, he's not sponging off Bruce, is he?

2. Kind of an overdue question I'm just now asking: I noticed watching "Agendas" that Blue Devil wore a badge on his utility belt. Did Earth-16 Dan Cassidy ever work in law enforcement?

3. Was it your intent to make fans want to see Ma'alefa'ak die a slow, agonizing death? If so, mission accomplished.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Were you ever tempted to use "Ride on the Magic School Bus" theme song from "The Magic School Bus"/"The Magic School Bus Rides Again" TV Series for season 4 of "Young Justice" due to significance of the school bus' role?

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Matt Itelson writes...

Which of M'gann's hairstyles is your favorite?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Out of curiosity, why have the Earth-16 versions of Bernadeth, Mad Harriet, and Stompa not made any appearances; considering they are considered to be three of the five core members of the Female Furies in the comics?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. In regards to the truce between New Genesis and Apokolips in the Earth-16 universe, even though the details are unclear/unrevealed, is it safe to assume that the pact between the two worlds was sealed with the exchange of Orion (son of Darkseid and Tigra) and Scott Free (son of Highfather and Highmother) to New Genesis and Apokolips; respectively?

2. When Big Barda was introduced in Season 3, is it correct to assume that she was at the point in her life when she was not yet the wife of Mister Miracle (Scott Free)? Also, because Superman clearly risked his own life to save her, is this the turning point in her life that will start her on the path of becoming a hero?

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Michael Broder writes...

My apologies if I wasn't specific enough with my request about the names of the guards at Belle Reve, but here's the question again: What are the first names of Biggtz, Banks, Hart, Hauser, Ripley, Riker, and Wilcox? (Cooper's first name has been confirmed)

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Hafiz writes...

How can new gods exist in 3d plain because in the comics they can't so that. As you know the fourth world is a different plain. His mere physical existence will destroy the universe. Does it stand true for earth 16 new gods as well?
for more info:

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Hafiz writes...

no question Zenith and Abyss was awesome

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Caleb writes...

Hey, Greg! Loving Phantoms.

In Zenith and Abyss, when Orion arrives on the Watchtower, he is accompanied by both the Boomtube sound and a Zeta designation. Was that just an oversight, or does the Watchtower have a mechanism for identifying Boomtube arrivals and verifying they aren't intruders?

Also, how did Green Lantern Forager and the Kaizer-Thrall arrive at the Watchtower? Ring power, Boomtube, Zeta beam? A minor point, but I'm curious.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

It was honestly shocking that the true identity of the Kaiser-Thrall is an 11-year-old boy named Danny Chase. As such, this is the Earth-16 version of Daniel W. "Danny" Chase, the nephew of Adrian Chase/Vigilante?

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X writes...

Where is Danny Chase from? He has a pretty clear southern accent, can you tell us what state he's from? <3

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