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Anonymous writes...

You've made it clear that you care about plot and story more than characters and that you don't give a damn about characters getting balanced screen time (your words, not mine, I distinctly remember you saying "balance be damned" on here when people complained during season 2) but are you aware that the majority of people who consume media feel the opposite? We care about characters, characters drive the plot, we get angry when the plot forces characters to make decisions that don't make sense. Star Wars doesn't have the most original plot in the world but it's endured because we love the characters. This show is treating the characters as so disposable plus you keep ignoring everyone who says they want to see more of the season 2 cast because you claim the plot doesn't involve them. You tell people to be patient or say no spoilers when they ask for more info but you have yet to follow through on a lot of characters. It's annoying.

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Anonymous writes...

i want to thank you for teaching me an important life lesson. i spent so many years pining for young justice to come back and lamenting its cancelation when i should've just appreciated it for what it was. i had such high expectations for what you guys would've come up with but the revival has been so disappointing that it's soured the entire show for me. i can't even enjoy the older episodes knowing the direction the universe ends up going. i used to hold the diversity in such high-esteem but the crap you guys pulled with halo made me lose all respect i had for you. i should've just let it be and enjoyed the fanfiction that was a thousand times better. lesson learned.

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Lucas Schimmel writes...

Hello Mr. Weismann, I'm a big Superman fan and love your work on this show. Time is short, so I'll keep it brief.

1. Did Pa and Ma Kent adopt Conner? Was it a formal, legal adoption?
2. Was it public to Smallville? How did they react to Clark finding his little brother, who is 16 or 17 years younger than him?
3. Does Conner have a dual identity, like Clark does, or when he publicly announced himself at the UN summit it was also as Conner?

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K writes...

I really liked your post about Brandon Vietti and Olympia. And she absolutely made the episode for me. Her own voice-over explaining that Vandal Savage prefers not to kill anyone who might still be of use to him rivals Secret emerging from her grave and Soranik Natu's explanation of the Kaizer-Thrall for "most blood-curdling moment in YJ," in my humble opinion.

So I wanted to ask, what are some other cool moments or aspects or reads that other collaborators have brought to the (aired/published) series that made you think, "Wow, this part of YJ would never have been this good without them?" Artists, voice actors, sound people? I get that there's probably not a lot of room for improvisations, though. It's just fun reading about people complimenting the people they work with!

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. Is Vandal Savage (the earth 16 version of course) ever content with anything in his life? or does his hunger for more kingdoms to rule (as seen in the 3 long yarns that He and the Phantom Stranger and Nabu all told) Never end? 2. How did Soranik Natu react when she heard the news about Tomar Re and does she get along well with P.F.? ( my nickname for female Forager to avoid confusion) 3. I have skipped Aqualad's arc for personal reasons but have herd of Mera's new role as high Queen of Atlantis however with her other duties to both the Conservatory of Sorcery and helping to care both her and Aquaman's son Artur does she feel overburdened at times ? 4. Did Nika Fluttermen have much trouble with the bug noises for her role as P.F. (aka Purple Forager) ?

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Mry writes...

Hi there
How did miss martian grew 4 arms in order to help her in combat? As you already mentioned they cannot alter their mass so her muscle mass couldn't have change so how did she grew 4 more arms?
Is it safe to assume her arms were getting weaker as her muscles had to be separated between all of the arms?

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Anonymous writes...

I don't have a question I just wanted to say thank you for giving us paraplegic Barbara Gordon in your show even though she's not one of the main characters, Oracle's addtion and her value to the team means a lot. I love her bond with Cassandra as a sister and also her relationship with Dick how it evolved over time even after her accident it's refreshing and nice to see :)

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Anonymous writes...

Before Arion did the lords of order choose any other agent to fufill their will on earth?

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Anonymous writes...

Why did the chaos lords choose child to replace klarion?

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Alex (aka Aldrius) writes...

So I've fairly recently watched all of Hill Street Blues. Loved it. And it did really get me thinking a lot about the show, police justice and how Gargoyles was influenced by it.

Firstly, while searching for interviews and info on the series on YouTube, I found an old commercial for HSB which described Frank as "the Man in Charge". It made me laugh because it was so blatantly antithetical to who Frank is.

Frank is not in charge of anything. He's got a boss who is constantly on his case pushes him to keep up appearances all the while torpedoing him at basically every opportunity if it makes his job easier. Two lieutenants, one who wants to revolutionize the police force and change the way the whole city is run (i.e. "the bleeding heart liberal") -- the other a neo-fascist who wants to buy tanks and start wars on the street. (Incidentally I LOVE Howard Hunter, he is *hilarious* and super sympathetic despite this.) He has a girlfriend who is a public defender, so not only are her attitudes and sympathies just deeply anti-cop in pretty much every possible way, it's literally her *job* to oppose him to the best of her ability.

So in my mind, Frank is less the man in charge, and more so the great appeaser or compromiser. He has to balance all these forces in his life, while maintaining his authority and making sure it all doesn't implode in on itself. And he does it very well, largely because he is so extremely compassionate and *not* the "Man in Charge".

Which is largely, especially in the first season, how I think of Goliath. I rewatched the first season not *too* long ago, and one thing that struck me is how much I enjoyed one of Goliath and Elisa's first meetings where they discuss human justice. Something to the effect of Goliath questioning who decides what's just and Elisa tells him "[The people]" and Goliath says "the humans decide" and the conversation is never REALLY followed up on. Goliath's decision to become a modern-day superhero of sorts ends up being more based on just his search for a purpose, and just doing what *feels* right. But I suppose in my head I can pretend that Elisa and Goliath continued to have conversations about modern judicial practices off screen and Goliath liked what he was hearing (or I imagine he WOULD like it).

What interests me, though, is that this is *largely* what HSB is about. Both explicitly and implicitly. There are stories that discuss these issues and sometimes the characters just blatantly talk about them. And what's cool about HSB to me is how *highly* critical it is of the police, primarily as an institution. And how critical it is of the justice system.

This isn't *really* present in Gargoyles as much. The cops in the show are generally extremely fair people, and though there are the occasional token mention of the system being "flawed" this isn't really demonstrated. Which is totally fine, but it is sort of interesting to me.

Incidentally I think that element was somewhat lost after Steven Bochco left the show, and Dennis Franz became a lead. The show was still a great show, but man did it get silly.

Anyway, I don't know if I really came to a cohesive point there but I did wanna share my thoughts on the show and wanted to thank you again for (indirectly) recommending it.

Just a few questions:

1) I know Goliath is based on Frank Furillo but I got the vibe that there was a bit of Howard Hunter in Matt Bluestone? Particularly in the episode Legion, I think the RECAP robot might almost be straight out of that episode where Hunter brought a bomb disposal robot into the precinct.
I think Hudson might have a bit of Robert Prosky's physicality, Morgan a bit of Neal Washington's Zen mentality, Elisa has a bit of Lucy's street smart attitude but that's really about it.
2) Young Justice has those briefing scenes once in a while in it's first season, where Batman will sort of outline what the episode is going to be about. It reminds me a lot of the briefings in HSB. Honestly? I think it's SUPER smart. It's just a great way to outline the A, B and sometimes C plots of an episode without having to have awkward "Here we are at Brad Goodman's self-help seminar" dialogue. Was that perhaps an influence there?

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