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Hey, Greg. My friend A.H. with the screeners just gave me the titles and loglines of the final episodes:
"Ego et Superego"
"Zenith and Abyss"
"Over and Out"
"Death and Rebirth"
And I have some questions..... but the most important one: why aren't these titles unwords though?? What a missed opportunity.
Anyway, just dropping by to brag about my inside knowledge. lol
Invitation to Kneel Before Zod confirmed!!! Wish I had figured it out first. lol thinking is hard!! lol
What is Doctor Fateâs Doctorate even in?
Greg, I have a very important question for you. Did the Metropolis Monarchs, indeed, run away with it in their game against the Gotham Knights? Or did the Knights slaughter the Monarchs?
Dear Greg,
I just started watching âGargoylesâ and Iâm already hooked.
Have you ever considered reviving the show?
I know Iâd like to see it air again.
1) Gretchen Goode's line in "Nightmare Monkeys" about "father and son" going through time and space has always been intriguing. Is Paul Sloane the biological father of Garfield Logan?
2) Regarding designations A-08 and A-09, are these characters that we have seen in the show, or are they characters that we have not seen yet (like A-06 Freddy Freeman)?
3) Wonder Woman seemed very unhappy with Batman in "Agendas" for making young Dick Grayson his sidekick as Robin. But then two years later, Troia (her little sister) joined the Team. Is there more to this apparent change of heart by Diana than what has been revealed so far? (I suppose this will get a NO SPOILERS...)
4) Lt. and Sgt. Marvel seem like odd additions to a covert team (certainly Sgt does anyway, since she's in a costume that isn't exactly subdued or subtle). Not asking for an in-universe explanation for why they joined the Team, but what was the rationale from yourself and Brandon Vietti? The obvious explanation would seem to be that as the Outsiders didn't exist at the time, the covert team was Lt. and Sgt.'s only option. But was this the reason that you both chose to go that route with those characters?
5) Would yourself and Brandon Vietti ever consider a backwards time skip or are you resolute about bringing the show forward in time for now? This is probably going to get another NO SPOILERS response, but what can I say, I'm curious as to what you might say to this.
Hi Greg!
1) Can you please confirm whether Mary Bromfield is a member of the Sentinels of Magic as of "Odyssey of Death!"? She wasn't standing alongside Khalid and Traci. I know that the ending of "Kaerb Ym Traeh!" strongly implied that she was leaving, so just making sure.
2) What made yourself and Brandon Vietti want to do a darker take on Mary Bromfield here? What sort of material influenced you both? I know that there is the Black Mary stuff in the comics around the time of Countdown and Final Crisis, but of course the character has had many more appearances in the comics, so I'm just curious.
3) Was the general idea/arc for season 4 (Superboy being sent to the Phantom Zone) planned by yourself and Brandon Vietti from early in development? I ask because you've said that you originally had a five season plan and that nothing in your plan has changed, so that would suggest that the premise of Phantoms was always part of your plan.
4) You have said that you will only reveal designations when they become fairly obvious and/or defunct. At least, I think that that is what you have said, although I am paraphrasing. With that in mind, are you able to confirm that Wonder Girl now has designation D-02, and that Geo-Force had D-06 and that Cyborg had D-08 (before he joined the Justice League)? We know that Beast Boy is D-01, that Blue Beetle is D-03, KF is D-04, Static is D-05 and El Dorado is D-07, so it seems logical that Cassie would be D-02 (having been a founding member of the Outsiders and longest active superhero of that group's founding unit after Garfield Logan), while Brion would be D-06 (as the "newest superhero" of the group's founding unit) and Vic would be D-08 (since we know from Tod Donner's broadcast in "Overwhelmed" that he joined before Superboy, Forager and Terra).
what type of computer is the Justice League computer? Is it a supercomputer, mainframe, server? what are the specs?
Was the creature that Chameleon Boy (and then Ma'alafa'ak) turns into when Lor-Zod infiltrates Bio-Ship in "Rescue and Search" a Martian creature? I ask because I found it very interesting that Chameleon Boy's version was smaller and greener while Ma'alafa'ak's was larger and grayer.
Whatever happened to Dragon King after he âkilledâ Firebrand in 1945?
Hi greg
I wanted to know more about martian shape shifting so I hope you could answer my questions.
1-does Martians gain abilities of animals or creatures they mimic? I know turning into superman wouldn't give them strength,heat vision, ... but they can gain abilities that are based on physical body. right? If yes does Turing into a dog give them dog's Enhanced sense of smell?
2-i also read somewhere that a martian only changes apereance and would never truly become a dog as beast boy does.They would only be a martian shaped like a dog. How true is that?
3- as you mentioned before Martians can't change mass so if they turn into an elephant (which normally weights above 4 tons) what would happen? Would they become a weak elephant or something?
4-you said that Martians have relatively high mass because of their large natrual Form, so why when Megan was impersonating as a little girl beast boy who was carrying her didn't suspect anything? Couldn't he understand that she is much heavier than she should be?
Sorry for my long questions and thank you for giving us such great show.
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GargWiki.net has answers for all your Gargoyles questions.
The story of Gargoyles continues in the comic book series Gargoyles and Gargoyles: Dark Ages published by Dynamite. Available online or at your local comic book shop.
NECA has produced a line of Gargoyles figures which continues to grow. Available through online and department store retailers.
Includes episode commentaries by co-creator Greg Weisman, interviews with the cast, and a documentary on the fan convention.