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BatFan2099 writes...

Who is A-33, the Bat-Family ally mentioned in "The Lady, or the Tigress?"

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Earth-16 universe, is Krypton the fourth planet of the planetary system known as the Rao System? Are the names of the other planets called Boron (the first planet), Phalon (the second planet), Thalon (the third planet) and Haron (the fifth planet)?

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Paul writes...

Orion is A-52 and then we have two mystery A-designations before J'ann and M'att. Regarding these mystery designations (A-53 and A-54), do they belong to Saturn Girl and Chameleon Boy? I ask because Phantom Girl was given a designation (A-51), so there is a precedent there for Legionnaires being given A-designations. And both Saturn Girl and Chameleon Boy were present at the wedding (though of course they left before the ceremony started), so it's reasonable to think that they might have Zeta'd there.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In terms of percentage, how much of Superboy's burn wounds had healed by the first day after the heroes won the fight against the House of Zod and Miss Martian's brother? The reason I asked because it clearly took nearly two full days for Superboy to be 100% healed.

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Paul writes...

I loved "Death and Rebirth"!

Some questions:

1) When in Team Year Ten (in terms of which month) were the Justice League Reserves officially established? We know, of course, that Superman and Black Lightning were discussing candidates for the Reserves in August (as per the credits scene for episode 18), so I suppose the answer must be either August or September given the new designations that were heard at the wedding... Which month is it?

2) Does Windfall have designation D-15? I ask because it seems logical, given what we know. A total of 16 known characters have been (and/or still are) Outsiders, with only D-02, D-06, D-08 and D-15 still unknown. As I mentioned in another question, it seems likely that D-02 would be Wonder Girl, D-06 would be Geo-Force and D-08 would be Cyborg. Now that we know that Looker is D-16, that leads me to wonder if Windfall is D-15.

3) Did everyone who was visible on the screen when Superman and Black Lightning were discussing JL Reserves candidates ultimately accept the offer? I'm sure Mary Bromfield will get a NO SPOILERS, but maybe you could confirm the others (where applicable)...

4) It's interesting that Tempest is E-03. Are the JL Reserves designations ordered according to how long ago it was that the character first became active as a hero? If so, then perhaps E-01 is Zatara and E-02 is Red Arrow... but anyway, I won't get carried away in speculating which number applies to whom in this new category.

5) Finally, I noticed that Troia chose to sit alongside Garth at the wedding, even though she obviously could have sat with Cassie or anywhere else, really. They work together at the U.N., so I guess it's natural that they would be close, but I wonder if you could confirm whether this is the case, please? (Not asking you about anything too spoilery, like whether or not they are an item.)

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

What is the military rank hierarchy in Krypton's Military Guild? Aside from Dru-Zod (whose highest rank was General), where does his wife and the rest of his followers fall in this hierarchy?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to the Earth-16 version of Krypton:

#1. How big is the planet in comparison to Earth?

#2. How many moons does Krypton have and what are their names?

#3. How many continents and oceans does Krypton have, and what are their names?

#4. What form of government existed on Krypton?

#5. Was Krypton's red sun, Rao, named after the Kryptonian deity of the same name?

#6. Was the primary religion on Krypton known as Rao-orthodox Religion, or Raoism, for short?

#7. How long is a Kryptonian year in comparison to Earth?

#8. How many guilds existed on Krypton, and what are their names?

#9. Was Krypton's history divided into historic periods like Earth? If true, how many were there, what were their names, and how long did each historic period lasted?

#10. Aside from Rao, were there other deities that were worshiped by the people of Krypton? If true, what were their names?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If Jonny Kent meets Kara Zor-El, would he likely call her "cousin Kara" OR "aunt Kara"?

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Madison writes...

1. Who has been your favorite Young Justice character to write for?
2. If you could write for any character in the universe who would it be and why?

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Rayk K. writes...

Hi! I’m sorry for disturbing u, I just have a few questions to ask and it won’t take much time.
a) I was just curious if it was a joke when you said that Klarion is 9 y.o. or was you serious? Fans of this character are in real shock (lol ahah) we all were sure that Klarion is physically older (like ~15) for a decade ahaha! Honestly, some of us thought that even Child was from 10 y.o. so now I’m clarifying this small detail on behalf of many fans

b) I am a big fan of the witch boy after YJ so there’s another question about him: if Dr. Fate has a tower of Fate, does Klarion has smth like that? “The place of power”, I mean

c) Will you show us smth about Earth 17? Or no spoilers? Or, on the other side, maybe we don’t need to attach great importance to small phrases XD

In any case, even if you won’t find these questions good and won’t reply, I want to say that I truly love Young Justice, I’m thanking you for YJ4 (it was awesome! ^з^) and we all truly hope to see YJ5 to admire the story!

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