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Anonymous writes...

I was going through your question/answer archive recently and a certine
question/answer caught my eye and sparked my interest. Someone else asked
"Will Owen ever have a life outside of Xanatos" or somethink like that, and
you answered "Who says he doesn't have one already" or something along those
lines. Hmm. . . 1) DOES Owen have a life outside of Xanatos/running a
multimillion dollar company/butlering? 2)If so, does Xanatos know about
this life? Some of it? None of it? All of it? 3) Considering that before
the gathering, Puck was free to use his powers as he wished, did he
mascarade as other people/gargoyles/beings/during the time he worked for
Xanatos, or was he striclty Owen? 4)Is Puck the biological son of Oberon
and Titania? Yes. . . Owen is my favoritie character

Greg responds...

1. Maybe.
2. Maybe.
3. When he was on duty, he was strickly Owen, cause that was the deal he had
with Xanatos. That didn't proclude him from messing around a bit on his off
4. No. (GDW/1-15-98)

Response recorded on January 15, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

I have a quick comment: in the Avalon episodes, the Magus seems infatuated
with Princess Katherine. Is that my imagination or was the Magus just very
loyal to the Princess? I liked the way Katherine became strong while the
Magus seemed foreever unsure of his magical powers. Thanks you.

Greg responds...

It's not your imagination. In fact, the Magus pretty much, as I recall, came
right out and admitted to Elisa that he loved the Princess. She loved him
too, but not in the same way. (GDW/1-15-98)

Response recorded on January 15, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

How long was/is the Gathering on Avalon to last? If your immortal it has to
last longer than the traditional week or so.

Greg responds...

It's still going and it's been over a year.

Response recorded on January 15, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, I think you had mentioned earlier that some of the original manhattan
clan would still be alive by the time of Future Tense (2158). Who would
this have been, besides the timedancing Brooklyn?

Greg responds...

I don't think I confirmed that absolutely. I'm still not going to.

Response recorded on January 15, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

How can Demona wear the same clothes that are over a thousand years old?
Wouldn't they have disintigrated in a thousand years? How come in "Hunter's
Moon Part 1" and in "Sanctuary",Demona was a human (not wearing her
headband), then she trasformed into her gargoyle form, and she was wearing
her headband?! That's either bad editing, or that Demona is more magical
then I thought!!

Greg responds...

You probably don't want to hear this, because among other things, I'm sure
you know it, and yet you asked the question anyway. There are limitations to
our resources in making an animated series. One of these limitations is not
to redesign a character's clothing for every episode. So Elisa always seems
to wear the same outfit and Demona dresses in the same rags for a millenium.

As for the headband, there was some confusion with our animators, partially
because Demona has horns behind that headband. But there was nothing wrong
with the editing.

Come to think of it, this may be exactly the answer you were looking for,
since I'm sensing you just wanted me to cop to the fact that our process was

Response recorded on January 14, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg, 1. On a visit to the movies not long the other day I saw a
poster for a movie by Dreamworks animation, called The Sons of Egypt (I
think). Did you have anything to do with that movie? If so can you tell us
anything about it? If not What are you working on (I know you've been asked
this before, but I thought that there may be a chance that by the time you
read this question you might be able to talk about whatever it is your
working on)? 2. Are the mutates now considered a race or just a freak
experiment? 3. How many races are there? I know that Broadway said there
were three, but then "what does he know?" 4. On a scale of one to ten, ten
being absolutely sure and one being no chance, what is the possibility of
Gargoyles actually coming back? I also realize that in a way you've
answered this question before as well, but I want a better idea of the
chances. 5. (notice I didn't forget the five!) Using the same scale what
are the chances of the movie actually making it to the theaters? I realize
you may not have any idea about this one. 6. Humans evolved from monkeys,
gargoyles evolved from beasts, but what did beasts evolve from? Dinosaurs?
Pterasaurs (I notice that that pterasaurs glide just like gargoyles)? What?

Greg responds...

1. That's PRINCE OF EGYPT. And, no, I have nothing to do with it. I know
it's the story of Moses, but it's being done by the Feature Animation
Division in a completely different building, in a different part of Los
Angeles. I've got nothing new to report on my own work. Wish I did. I'm in
development hell.

2. I don't think they qualify as a race, but I think any reference with the
word "freak" in it might not be politically correct.

3. He knows what he was taught. It depends on how you count of course.
We've met beings of four separate races on the show. Humans, Gargoyles,
Oberon's Children and the New Olympians. The latter, as I've mentioned
before are an ancient hybrid of Oberon's children and mortal humans. We've
also met Nokkar, who's a member of an alien race, and he's mentioned the
Space Spawn, who are still another alien race. I'm not counting "animals"
like dogs, panthers, gargoyle beasts, loch ness monsters, etc. I'm also not
claiming that this answer is definitive.

4. The odds are against us. But it isn't impossible. I don't know how to
quantify beyond that. I guess I'd have to say three or four.

5. I have no idea. 6? 2?

6. Humans didn't evolve from monkeys. Both monkeys and humans evolved from
a common ancestor. Same with Gargoyle Beasts and Gargoyles. I don't know
enough about dinosaurs et al to answer this question. At least not yet.

Response recorded on January 14, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Greg:Do the gargoyles have their own "language" or tounge? I assume they
picked up English when the castle was built. What did they speak before

Greg responds...

Sorry, you assumed wrong. Gargoyles had interaction with humans long before
humans were building castles. So they "picked up" the native human tongue
long, long ago. They have no living spoken language of their own.

Response recorded on January 14, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

(Insert standard declaration of praise and
gratitude here.) After seeing the World Tour and observing how various
world religions were incorporated into the Gargoyles universe, I am led to
ponder the following questions. (1) Do gargoyles have any sort of a
religion? We know that the dictum "Gargoyles Protect" makes up a
consderable portion of their worldview, but do they have any such thing as
creation myths, legends, commandments? (2) I also noticed that the gods of
other cultures (Anubis, Anansi, Odin, and the Cloud Fathers) were revealed
as Children of Oberon, but no mention was made of any major Western faith.
What about characters like Jesus, Mohammed and Buddha? Were their
omissions oversight, or was it decided that the other gods were
sufficiently "exotic" that no one might be offended at their portrayal as
"merely fae"? (You don't meet a whole lot of Odin worshippers

Greg responds...

1. Yes. I've answered this before, at least in part. Check the archives.
Gargoyle myths and legends would probably differ in different parts of the
world, just as human myths and legends do. But I'm sure there are thematic

2. Mohammed was a prophet, not a god. But basically, there was no point in
even proposing stories that we knew we could never get on the air. Your
evaluation may therefore be correct, though I admit to balking at it a bit,
because it sounds like we were condescending toward these other
cultural icons. I hope that's not the case. We tried to treat each
character with respect, but it may be that I have to cop to being more
presumptuous toward deities with less "political" power. (GDW/1-7-98)

Response recorded on January 07, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

1.How does your brother feel about being John Castaway's namesake? 2. How
long would Demona and Macbeth have lived? 2a. Would they ever have come to
peacefull terms with eachother? 3. Who was Merlin's mother? 4. When did the
Archmage recruit Demona as his apprentice? 5. When and why was the Archmage
banished? 6. When and why did Demona get kicked out of the Archmage's
apprenticeship? 7. When did Xanatos start construction of the Eyrie? 8. How
long did it take to move the castle and reassemble it on the building? 9.
What year did Xanatos and Demona first meet? 10. What year did Demona and
Puck meet for the first time? Thank you for your time. Good luck with the
magazine. Good luck with the movie. Good luck with life. Be seein ya

Greg responds...

1. I think he likes it, but you'd have to ask him.

2. At least into the 22nd century.

2a. Maybe, maybe not.

3. I forget her name, but you can look it up, I believe, in Geoffrey of
Monmouth. Or read about her in Mary Stewart's THE CRYSTAL CAVE.

4. Prior to VOWS.

5. Prior to LONG WAY TO MORNING, for plotting against Prince Malcolm.

6. The Archmage thought Demona had betrayed him at the end of VOWS. He
wasn't completely wrong. That ended their professional relationship.

7. 1994.

8. A few months.

9. I'm not revealing that yet.

10. Ditto. (GDW/1-7-98)

Response recorded on January 07, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

oh great and illustrious creator, how and why did goliath get his name?
were you the one how named the three that are coldstone, coldsteel and

Greg responds...

We had been struggling to name all the characters for some time (with the
exception of Demona). I came up with the New York names and the rationale
that they had no names in the past. But that didn't seem to work for
Goliath. So we went with something classic. It appealed to me that Goliath
was named by the humans for an evil giant. A perfect indication that humans
didn't understand him (or gargoyles in general) at all.

I don't remember who chose the Coldstone name. It might have been me. Or it
might have been Michael Reaves who suggested it (or almost anyone on the show
for that matter). I know I came up with the Coldsteel and Coldfire names.
In early drafts of POSSESSION, Coldfire was called Goldfire, which was
another name I came up with. Finally the Coldfire name occurred to me.
It was obviously a better name, and I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of
it first. So I switched it. That was a bullet I dodged. (GDW/1-7-98)

Response recorded on January 07, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Thank you in advance for answering my questions. 1. In an earlier "Ask
Greg", you said Brooklyn's first trip with the Phoenix Gate would be to the
year 997. I'm assuming that would be to Castle Wyvern. Why would Brooklyn
want to go to the time and place that would drudge up painful memories? 2.
While we're on the subject of the Phoenix Gate, how does Brooklyn get his
hands on it in the first place? Isn't it supposed to be lost in the time
continuum when Goliath tries to make sure no one can get in "Future

Greg responds...

1. You assumed wrong. But at any rate, Brooklyn is not in control of the
Gate, so he's got no choice where and when it sends him.

2. The Gate pops open in front of him. He reaches for it and falls through
the rabbit hole BEFORE he can get a grip on it. (GDW/1-6-98)

Response recorded on January 06, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hello!! I have white a few questions, so please bear with me, (if at all
possible!!) (1) Does Oberon's law of noninterference in human affairs
physically prevent the fae from interfering, or do they only risk Oberon's
wrah as a punishment? (2)Is Avalon part of Earth, a different dimension or
planet, or none of the above? Please explain this concept to me. (3) Can
alines perform "human magic"? (4) Does Castasway consider Jason Canmore a
traitor? Would he be willing to harm Jason to kill the gargoyles? (5) Are
gargoyle clans extended families or are they communities of gargoyle who
choose to live together (or both)? (6) How does Coldsteel heal itself (7)
As the coldtrio are in mechanical bodies, are they physically immortal,
(i.e. can they die of old age)? If their bodies were destroyed, could they
be brought back "on-line?" (8) What are the biological ages of the clone
clan? (9) Why do dome of the clones have structural differences, such as
Hollywood's huge fangs and underbite? (10)In City of Stone, the Wyrd
Sisters said that MacBeth and Demona share "pain and anguish", does this
include emotional pain and heartache? (11)Why was Elisa's mother in
Nigeria? (12)Are Jade and Turquesa still on Avalon? If yes, Do they live
with the Avalon clan in the castle? (13)How did Mace Malone learn abouth
the Illuminatti? (14) Why was Jack Dane in the Witness Protection Program?
(15) In Turf, Brooklyn asked Goliath when the rest of the clan would get
their world tour. Was this an oblique hint at something? (16) Would Lex
eventually have a mate/ (Any background info is appreciated!!) (17) How did
Hakon escape Wyvern in the axe? Is he now permanently gone? Thanks for your
time. Sorry if I repeated any questions already asked!!

Greg responds...

1. Both.

2. It's part of Earth, but it's location isn't reached in a three
dimensional manner. It's magic. A nexus of native Earth magic.

3. Is "alines" a typo for "aliens" like Nokkar? If so, the answer would be
that they could in theory with study and practice and the right equipment.

4. I think he considers Jason to be a victim, not a traitor. I don't think
he would intentionally hurt his brother, but as we've seen, there's a bit of
a gap between Jon's actions and his intentions.

5. Both.

6. The animation wasn't great in that scene, but the idea is that the robot
body has a small internal repair function. Mini-robots (less sophisticated
and much larger than the nanotechnology used for Matrix) enact repairs.

7. Well, is any appliance immortal? I'd say time takes it's toll on most
things, but obviously they don't age in the same way an organic creature
does. So they have a greater immortality potential. As to their restart
capabilities, that would depend on how they were destroyed, I guess.

8. In 1996, all the clones (including Delilah, Malibu, Burbank, Brentwood
and Hollywood, but excluding Thailog) were biologically aged into their early
twenties. Thailog was aged into his late twenties to match Goliath.

9. Speed-aging has side effects. Also Hollywood is biologically older than

10. Metaphorically, yes.

11. She had studied their culture, and the village had invited her to be
story teller at the festival of the Panther Queen. This was a great honor
that she had been preparing for for years.

12. No. In my mind, they eventually returned home.

13. That's a story for another day. Not a short answer question.

14. He testified against the Dracon family.

15. More of a smart-ass remark, but it was a vague foreshadowing of
Brooklyn's TimeDancer adventures.

16. Someone asked this already. See my earlier response.

17. The axe had absorbed a lot of magic. And yes, he's permanently gone. I
figure the character is now spent. (A lot of people felt he was already
spent went he appeared in Vendettas.) (GDW/1-6-98)

Response recorded on January 06, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

I only have one question right now, and I'll try to phrase it
appropriately. Have Demona and Macbeth ever been, um, intimate, excluding
the time she was masquerading as Domenic Destine? Hope this doesn't break
rules or offend.

Greg responds...

I don't think they've ever had intercourse, if that's what you're asking,
including when she was his fiancèe. That was part of her mystique as
Dominique. (GDW/1-6-98)

Response recorded on January 06, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Oops. I'm so sorry! I asked a question that someone else had asked. I
didn't mean to. Please forgive me. *sobs in remorse* ...Halloween candy is
my friend. *bounces off nearest wall* Sorry. I'm calmer now. I think that
the magazine is a very cool idea, and I hope that you get to do it. Um, I
suppose I should ask a question. (Like I haven't asked enough.) All right,
you won't tell us how or when Puck and Demona met, but would you tell us
WHERE they met? Please? Thanks! (whether you tell me or not.)

Greg responds...

No. (GDW/1-6-98)

Response recorded on January 06, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hey almighty ruler- er, Greg. Thanks for taking the time to answer my
questions- that is, if they're being answered:) Moving on... 1. Which
buildings on the show are real? I know the silver falcon is real... it's in
a mattress ad!!! 2. In "Awakenings" the Magus said that the gargs were
un-natural creatures. Did he mean that in prejudice, or did it mean that
they were actually un-natural? Well, that's all I
can think of right now. Thanks,

Greg responds...

1. Give me a list of buildings your curious about, and I'll let you know
which ones, to my knowledge, are real. Eyrie Building is not of course.
Cloisters are. (There, that's a start.)

2. Prejudice. (GDW/1-6-98)

Response recorded on January 06, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

I'm sorry again. You will be pleased to know that I've seriously cut back
on my candy consumption. I just have one more question (that I can
remember), and then I promise to go away... for awhile, at least. How did
Oberon, Titania, and Puck react to A Midsummer Night's dream? Thanks! Bye!

Greg responds...

I haven't given that much thought yet. So at the moment, It's hard to
divorce my answer from the issue of the comic book SANDMAN that dealt
with this exact subject and which I read some time ago. That felt pretty
close to right for me. Having said that, if I ever got around to telling
my version of that story, I'd probably take our characters in a very, very
different direction, because I wouldn't want to be copying Neil Gaiman.

Response recorded on January 06, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Mr. Weisman, I really enjoyed the show. My question is a lot of
attention has been spent on the significant others of Broadway and
Brooklyn. What about Lex? Did you plan for him to have a mate, or would
he have turned as some celibate computer geek? Thanks!

Greg responds...

I do have plans for Lex's significant other, but they are tied into other
long-term plans, so it doesn't make much sense to reveal the details now.

Response recorded on January 06, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

You once said that Demona was capable of conceiving a child. 1) Is this
so in both gargoyle and human forms? 2) If she concieved a child in
gargoyle form, would the child survive her sunrise/sunset
transformations? 3) Ditto for if she (Demona) concieved as a human. 4) I
define immortal as this: having a lifespan capable of lasting
infinately. Now, are Fox and/or Alexander Xanatos immortal? 5)
What does Katana look like? (Hope ye answer this one, grin!) Thank
you very much for giving your time to those of us who are obsessed with
your show. Especially me. (She bows low, acknowleging your superiority.
Greg is all-knowing...Greg is omnipotent...I am not worthy! Arigato.)
Again, thanks. Arlee

Greg responds...

1. I would think so, yes.

2. I'd guess that the magic that generates her transformation would also
allow the child to live.

3. Ditto.

4. We honestly don't know. (See the Archives for a more complete answer on
the immortality of Oberon's Children.)

5. She hasn't been designed. I have a vague (extremely vague) picture in my
mind, but I wouldn't want to pin anything down here. Sorry. (See I'm
neither omniscient nor omnipotent. I'm rarely even omnipresent.) (GDW/1-6-98)

Response recorded on January 06, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

****Blaise takes on solid form in the "Ask Greg" room.**** Greetings, Mr.
Weisman. I do have a few questions for you, but they can wait for a little
bit. I am happy to hear about your idea for a magazine. If you choose to
do it, good luck to you! May it be accepted, good, and profitable. Now
then, as for my questions...well, the first one kind of takes some
explaining. 1) I may just be jumping to conclusions here but...when
Bronx, Angela, and Goliath first met Raven in his gargoyle form, they
seemed somewhat wary of him to me. However, when they meet the real
gargoyles, Leo and Una, Angela recognizes them as gargoyles right off the
bat. My question; is there any signifigance to these differing reactions?
2) This second question may be offensive, and I apologize if it is, but I
want to ask it. You have answered a lot (and I mean A LOT) of questions,
and it's obvious a lot of thought went into some of the answers. However,
are there ANY questions which you've just thought up of quick answers to
right when you're asked? By this I mean several odd show nits, or various
internal show devices...aw heck, even I have trouble understanding what I'm
asking! 3) Last, you are very friendly with us fans. Has there ever been
any time in which we have been too...I don't know. Too something? (like
too inquisitive in the case of so many questions) Well, I numbered my
questions and (if I pressed Enter the correct number of times) should have
them spaced apart (if they aren't, I apologize). Thank you very much for
all your time, Mr. Weisman. Farewell. ****Blaise becomes energy and flies

Greg responds...

1. I think you're reading in more than is there. Bronx is a good
instinctive judge of character, but Goliath and Angela aren't particularly.
I think Goliath largely did trust Raven right off. Angela was suspicious,
but that was because his story didn't make sense to her, although not
necessarily for the right reasons. As for Leo & Una, I think Goliath, Angela
and Elisa were all trying to solve the mystery of the War Memorial and were
too distracted to have too much of a guard up.

2. Some answers are spur of the moment. Some are not. Some answers are
part of my overall thinking but have never been articulated before. Are you
wondering about anything in particular?

3. Never too inquisitive. I don't always feel like giving an answer, but I
don't mind the questions. I don't think it's a secret that I've found a
couple of commenters a bit presumptuous. Assuming they know better than I
what went on behind the scenes in the making of our show or even what is or
was going on inside MY head. That's annoying, but not exactly tragic. I'm
also not too fond of rumor spreaders, who take advantage of fans by
spreading false info so that they can feel superior. But generally, the
fans have been incredibly courteous and enthusiastic. We haven't always
agreed on everything, but I don't expect the fans to goose-step in line
behind me. And it has been great to see how you all have responded with so
much passion for the series. (GDW/1-6-98)

Response recorded on January 06, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

That Gargoyles magazine is an excellent idea, Greg. Good luck with it, and
if it does go through, I hope you make at least a modest profit on it.
Now for some Q's... 1) Is Officer Morgan's name really Morgan Morgan? I
mean, he gets called Officer Morgan at work, and people call him just
Morgan outside of work.. 2) Are you in the mood to reveal the identity of
the Director? (I have a pretty good guess as to who it is, but saying it
would be breaking the ground rules...) 3) What about Mr. Duval? Feel like
telling us who he is? 4) What would Tachi's, Nashville's and Katana's
approximate ages have been? 5) Would Fox still be alive in 2158? 6) If
#5 is yes, then how old (biologically) would she have been? 7) How far
would the Coyote program have evolved? Would he eventually become sentient,
and not tied down to 'what he was programmed with' ? 8) What MiB episode
did you write? 9) Do you think that if the Gargoyles magazine goes
through, relatively high sales from all us garg fans will prompt Disney to
actually consider making new Gargoyles episodes? (Or at least bringing back
the reruns to afternoons, or putting them on the Family Channel with the
rest of their shows.)

Greg responds...

1. Yes. I went to high school with a guy named Morgan Morgan. His full
name was Morgan Lord Morgan III. He had nothing in common with our Morgan,
but I always thought he had a bizarrely cool name.

2. Um, I'm not sure what you mean. I'm not going to reveal his given name,
but it wouldn't be of any particular significance to you. He's not an
existing character, if that's what you're thinking.

3. I've basically given this away already, but I think I'll maintain a bit
of mystery here.

4. When?

5. Not saying.

6. See above.

7. Sorta.

8. It's called "The Big Sleep Syndrome". I just watched a tape of it today
for the first time. It hasn't aired as of today's date, but probably will
have by the time you read this post.

9. Disney on the Family Channel? I think you're confused. Magazine sales
would have to be enormous for it to effect programming decisions. I got
less than 300 responses to the poll. That barely qualifies as a drop in the
bucket. (GDW/1-5-98)

Response recorded on January 05, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

The magazine sounds like an excellent idea! :D I hope you do eventually get
to publish it. 1)Would we, as fans, be permitted to submit articles or
artwork for inclusion in it? (no fanfic, of course. We would leave the
storytelling up to you) You have stated that Oberon was Merlin's father.
2a)Was Oberon aware of that fact? b)Was Merlin? c)What was the
relationship between them?(ie. did they get along?) 3)Is Merlin on Avalon?
(This may have been asked before, but it *is* a yes-or-no question, so I
hope you won't mind) 4)a)Who was Morgan LeFay? Some accounts of the legend
of King Arthur refer to her as the Queen of Avalon. b)What was her
relationship to Oberon and Avalon? c)Was(is?) she part fey? 5)Just a
small matter I wanted to clarify: Is Puck incapable or merely forbidden to
use magic when not teaching or protecting Alex? 6)You mentionned in
response to an earlier question that Xanatos had been fully developped
*before* Jonathan Frakes was cast in that role. How is that
possible??!?!?!?! They are virtually IDENTICAL!!! 7)Inquisitive am I not?
That's all for now, but I'm sure I'll come up with more. Thank you in
advance for your reply.

Greg responds...

1. Letters to the editor certainly. I'd have to check the legalities on the
rest. Of course, it's all looking mighty moot now, but maybe someday.

2a. Yes.

2b. Evenutally.

2c. Complex.

3. Not at the moment.

4. I'm not going to reveal that right now. Sorry.

5. Both.

6. Kismet? I'm not saying that we didn't write to Jonathan's strengths, and
certainly Jonathan brought a great deal to the role. And he was clearly
perfect for it. But the character was designed and developed before Jonathan
came aboard. Before he even occurred to us. The only character from the
original group of regulars that was developed with a specific actor in mind
was Hudson. (And, yes, that actor was Edward Asner.)

7. No more than most. (GDW/1-5-98)

Response recorded on January 05, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg! I promise I'll try to ask fewer questions this time. 1) Why did
Owen freak out when Anastasia mentioned that she had remarried her first
husband? 2) What did Titania do to provoke Oberon into exiling everyone
from Avalon? 3) What were the exact terms of the exile? 4) Just how upset
is Owen/Puck about being eternally banished from Avalon? 5) Does Owen ever
accidentally hurt himself with that stone arm? Like maybe turning over in
bed and whacking himself in the forehead? 6) How much time passed between
"Ill Met By Moonlight" and "The Gathering"? 7) Why did Owen return to help
Xanatos in "The Gathering"? 8) Does Owen just have one tie, or does he have
lots of identical ties? (I like pointless questions. Sue me.) 9) If Puck is
only allowed to use his powers when teaching or protecting Alex, how did he
change back into Owen at the end of "The Gathering"? 10) Could you please
try to clear up the whole Owen/Puck thing? (*sigh* Let me try to clarify
that. People have lots of different ideas about the exact nature of
Owen/Puck, like just how separate they are, (or if the term "they" would
even appliy to "them")... Ack! I don't think I can explain what I mean any
better without breaking the rules! I really hope you understand what I
mean.) Would you believe that I actually came in here to ask *one*
question? Sheesh... Anyway, thanks!

Greg responds...

1) He knew her first husband was Oberon.
2) I'm not revealing that right now.
3) I'm not sure how exact a guy Oberon was (or is). Basically, it was get
out there and live among the mortals 'til I gather you back. Which I
probably won't do for about 1000 years.
4) It's a real blow. He didn't want to go back now, but that's not the same
as being banished from your home forever.
5) Owen is much too competent for that. Don't you agree?
6) Not too much. Ask me again when I've done the whole timeline thing.
7) Basically, he cared too much not to.
8) He has a few ties, but he favors a certain style.
9) That's his "non-powered" form. The one he's stuck with when he isn't
teaching or protecting Alex.
10) I think I've answered this a lot, so I'd recommend checking the
archives for a more complete answer. Basically, Owen is one of Puck's many
identities. A persona Puck created. Owen is, however, a persona that Puck
has a lot invested in. They ARE one guy though. I hope that answers your
question. I don't really think it's that confusing. Are you sure you're not
over-thinking it? It's pretty much what Puck said it was in "The Gathering,
Part II." (GDW / 12-24-97)

Response recorded on December 24, 1997

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

I would like to thank you for reading my response. I have a few
questions that have been nagging at me for a while. 1. What happened to
the clocktower after the Hunters blew it up? Was it demolished or
rebuilt? 2. Did/will the gargoyles find out that Canmore and Castaway
are the same person. 3. Did anyone at Internal Affairs wonder where Dect.
Maza was at during her "World Tour"? 4. Not to mention how she got shot?
I feel that I should inform you that you made a mistake. The assault on
the 23rd precienct was a terrorist act. Such actions are a federal
offense and the handling of these cases is under the jurisdiction of the
FBI. The NYPD CANNOT create the "Gargoyle Task Force" without proper
authorization. I find it very hard to believe that the FBI does not have a
larger role in these things. They don't take these things
lightly(believe me, I checked). Sorry for sounding picky. Thank

Greg responds...

1. It was under reconstruction during "THE JOURNEY", though I'm not sure if
that was clear in the episode. It was, at least in my mind, being rebuilt.

2. Yes.

3. I don't think there was an Internal Affairs investigation, but Elisa had
to tell Chavez something when she got back. And there was a Missing Person's
Report filed. That case was closed.

4. Elisa told them it was an accidental shooting. There was no evidence to
the contrary, so they let it pass. I'm sure it doesn't hurt that Elisa has a
fairly stellar record, not to mention that she's the daughter of a police
sergeant with an equally clean record.

And, Tim, I don't think I did make a mistake. Who said the FBI
DIDN'T get involved? I never did. I just didn't depict it. But don't tell
me that a local police force cannot create a Task Force at the drop of a
hat. The LAPD does it all the damn time. I'm sure it's no different in
NYC. They don't need the FBI's permission to launch a task force. Just
the Police Commisioner's permission (and no veto from the mayor). And don't
tell me that FBI juristiction or no, the NYPD isn't going to be very
territorial and involved in any investigation into the destruction of one of
their precinct houses. Cops get very intensive when it comes to attacks on
their own. Very intensive. Sorry for sounding prickly. (GDW/12-15-97)

Response recorded on December 15, 1997

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Hello! I just have one question for you. 1)Why doesn't Elisa even shed a
tear when she finds out (or thought she knew the truth) that Hudson died in
the episode when Macbeth was a robot? I'm REALLY sorry, but I forgot the
title of the episode. If your too confused with this question, I'll
understand if you don't answer it! Thanks.

Greg responds...

1. THE PRICE. And I just don't think there was time to take it all in,
before the real Hudson showed up. (GDW/12-15-97)

Response recorded on December 15, 1997

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Hello again Mr. Weisman. You mentioned that The Goliath Chronicles moved
"too fast" with public acceptance of the gargoyles, and that's certainly
true. My question is this, by the time "Bad Guys" rolls around (that
leika was AWESOME!), Yama is a member of this covert team. What is his
"status"? Does the mysterious group behind this Dirty Dozen-esque team
grant him any legal rights or acceptance, or is he considered along the
lines of a trained animal, more like Hunter's property than a sentient
beast? Just curious, thanks for answering (if you can)!

Greg responds...

The Director and the Hunter both know that Yama is fully sentient. That
doesn't mean that they choose to recognize that he has any rights. As with
Dingo and Fang, they basically blackmail Yama into joining the team or
else. The Squad's operations are, at least in theory, covert, so there
wasn't any need for a public stance on this point. Good question though.

Response recorded on December 15, 1997

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman, I?m sorry that there are so many questions, but watching the
repeats on the Disney Channel (in England at least) has given me a lot to
think about. At the time of writing I can?t find the answers to these in
the archives, but ignore the question if that has changed or I?m wrong. 1.
How long do the New Olympians generally live for, naturally? 2. One of my
favourite shows was HERITAGE, but it is the only one that nobody seems to
talk about. A) Whatever happened to Raven? B) Would he have featured again?
3. How and when did Demona come to know that Puck and Owen were the same?
4. I might be reading too much into this, but through the first two seasons
Xanatos and Demona were the two main recurring villains. Xanatos changing
some, if not all, of his views seems to set him up to be a character on
either side, as it suits him (like Macbeth). Castaway, after THE JOURNEY,
can hardly be less than a major villain. A) Is my analysis correct, at
least partially? B) Would having two main villains driven by hate and guilt
make the stories start to seem repetitive? 5. When (ie. The year and maybe
month) would the New Olympians make themselves known? 6. In THE PRICE, out
of all the villains, why did Xanatos choose to make a robotic version of
Macbeth? He knew that the weird sisters took him away in CITY OF STONE, but
presumably didn?t know about HIGH NOON. To him, Goliath would have been
suspicious. 7. Why did Goliath not show himself when Elisa introduced the
Mutates to the Mazas? Although he is a different species, the Mazas would
probably not have noticed until he turned to stone. That way Goliath could
have had the support of the Mazas. Goliath had no problem with Derek
knowing in HER BROTHERS KEEPER. 8. Were the human gargoyles and gargoyle
Elisa how the clan would have looked had they been human or was this only
Puck?s interpretation? 9. You once mentioned that the World Tour was
?laying seeds.? What were they? New Olympians, Pendragon and Matrix for
their series, Hakon, Brod and Griff for other stories in the season and the
clan in Japan was presumably setting the stage for Katana. All these are
obvious. What about the Loch Ness Monster, Raven, Anubis, Odin, Cucullain,
the Guetamala clan and the were-panthers? 10. Was it just chance that
Demona chose to speak to Brooklyn or did she pick him knowing his
character? 11. One of the Weird Sisters mentions, in AVALON PART TWO that
the Eye of Odin was forged on Avalon. Was she referring to Odin?s birth?
12. Would there ever have been any truce or even friendship between Demona
and Elisa? Thanks for doing ?Ask Greg? and especially if you can bear all
these questions.

Greg responds...

1. They're all pretty different, but I'd guess it ranges from between 13 and
250 years.
2. Raven was present for the Gathering on Avalon, where he's currently
residing. I did have more stories planned for Raven.
3. Shortly after Puck created Owen.
4. As far as it goes, your analysis is correct. I'm not particularly
concerned about having both Castaway and Demona as villains. I wasn't
concerned about having Xanatos and Thailog as villains, and their motivations
were fairly similar. I'm making no attempt to have a quota on the number of
Major Villains, Minor Villains, Swing Characters, etc. I try to be true to
each individual and allow them to grow if they're capable of it.
5. I can't answer that. It depends on when, if ever, I get another chance
to tell their story. It's intended to be a contemporary event however, if
that's what you're asking.
6. Xanatos chose Macbeth presumably because he served as believable
misdirection. David guessed correctly. Goliath did believe that Macbeth had
a magical powder that could keep Hudson frozen in stone.
7. I don't think Goliath wanted to intrude on their moment of reunion. They
had enough to deal with, without having to hear Elisa's whole history with
the Gargoyles on top of everything else. And yes, Goliath probably could
have passed for a Mutate, but I doubt he'd want to lie to Elisa's parents,
even by ommision. Also, I'm sure Elisa had input on the decision, and as we
know, Elisa wasn't big on sharing that secret with anyone.
8. Uh... How do I answer that? Both. I mean, how would you look if you
were born a platypus? How would a mule look if he were born an anteater?
9. Yes.
10. When?
11. Maybe. Or maybe to his eye being transformed into the jeweled form we
were familiar with.
12. I'm not sure yet.

Response recorded on December 15, 1997

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1) How did Puck decide on the name Owen Burnett? 2) What does Owen do in
his spare time? 3) Who are Puck's parents? 4) Who told Shakespeare the
story of A Midsummer Night's Dream, and why? 5) How accurate is AMND? Is
it more accurate than Macbeth? 6) What is Puck's real name? (I'm hoping
that that IS his real name, but...) 7) Xanatos does pay Owen, doesn't he?
If so, how much? 8) Does Xanatos ever let Owen take a vacation, and if so,
where does he go during his time off? 9) Why is the window in Owen's
office up so high? 10) What happened to Queen Mab after Oberon overthrew
her? 11) Whenever people ask you if Oberon's Children are immortal, you
get kind of evasive, so I'm going to rephrase it. Do Oberon's Children
eventually die of old age? 12) You've also pointed out that since they're
shape-shifters, Oberon's Children can look any way they want to. Does Puck
really look the way he usually appears? What about Oberon and Titania? 13)
Did the events that occured in "The Gathering" happen exactly the way
Titania planned them, or just generally the way she planned them?
Specifically, did she expect Oberon to eternally ban Puck and take his
powers away? I guess I'll stop now. Thanks for putting up with me. :)

Greg responds...

1. I'd have to think about that. I'm sure he was looking for something that
had the feel of Preston Vogel without actually sounding so close as to arouse
suspicion. (They already looked so much alike.)

2. What spare time?

3. I'm not telling.

4. Ask me again later.

5. Less at stake, so in its way, probably. But the play is heavily
anachronistic and analocalistic (a new word), so it's not exactly a

6. Puck is ONE of his many "real" names, others include Owen Burnett and
Robin Goodfellow. In fact we briefly considered using the latter name or
just plain Goodfellow instead of Puck because a couple people were nervous
that Puck would be mistaken by parents for another word which it happens to
rhyme with. Ultimately, we figured that we'd go with the name that the
character was most famous for and just make sure we were really careful with
our enunciation.

7. Yes. I don't know the exact amount. Quite a bit, but he's worth every

8. Xanatos would let Owen take a vacation, but I don't think Owen's
requested one yet.

9. Design fluke?

10. Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh.

11. I honestly don't know, because they don't know. I'm not trying to be
evasive on this point. Here's what we do know: (1) they are, at the very
least, extremely long lived; (2) none of them have died of old age YET;
(3) They are shape-shifters, so they don't ever have to look old, and most
choose not to. Even the ones who do choose to look old, like Grandmother for
example, don't age visibly, they simply maintain an elderly form. None of
this is evidence against the evenutal possibility of dying of extreme old age.

12. Who knows? I doubt Puck does. Or Oberon or Titania for that matter.
When you can choose any form, who's to say which form is the "true" form?
I'd say Puck, Titania, Oberon et al are in their "true" forms because those
are the forms they most often choose to be in.

13) You'd have to ask Titania, but I wouldn't bet against her.

Response recorded on December 15, 1997

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Some questions and comments: 1) I was wondering if you think Disney would
consider licensing the comic book rights to Gargoyles to an imprint other
than Marvel (ie. Dark Horse, WildStorm, Topcow, ect.) and would you
consider taking on writing duties if they did? Marvel didn't do a great job
with the series because it didn't have the same quality of art and
story-telling that the cartoon had at the time. Without a T.V. series to
compete with, a Gragoyles comic could continue your stories with adequate
sales. Just a thought. 2) To your knowledge, were any of the other
Gargoyles videos edited down from the original broadcasted version? 3)Did
they include any new scenes? Although "Awakening" was cut down a lot, I
noticed a new scene where Goliath answered the airship captain's question
of "What are you?" with "Your worst nightmare", a cliche that kind of
deserved to be edited out. 4) I just want to say that I'm glad your staff
put out such a great animated series without resorting to adding the
pointless violence that your Mighty Morphing competitors survived on. There
are only a handful of children's shows nowadays that rely on true
story-telling, but they seem to be getting cancelled all of the time in
exchange for mediocre programming. Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

1. I think Disney would consider that. The question is, how do you get a
new comic company interested, when Marvel's version poisoned the water from a
sales standpoint. Still if you guys could convince a comic company to take
it on, I'd love to write the book. Again, I was poised to take over the
writing of the Marvel book (and I had already scripted one issue) when the
mag was cancelled by Marvel. Incidentally, I think the art was generally
pretty strong on the book. The stories suffered because they were tangential
to my series continuity, but I don't think it was a bad effort. The main
problem was that it was marketed poorly and/or incorrectly.

2. To my knowledge, they were not. Though I didn't watch them. I'm just
confident that they didn't spend the money to do any editing.

3. There were no new scenes. Even that wasn't a new scene. As you noted
the two (nearly) simultaneous edits of "AWAKENING" and "THE HEROES AWAKEN"
were done by two different sets of people who had two different sets of
marching orders.

4. Thank you and you're welcome. (GDW/12-15-97)

Response recorded on December 15, 1997

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

A few questions, all fey (fae, fay, whatever) related. Thank you in advance
for your responses. 1)a)Does Oberon have any biological offspring other
than Merlin? b)Who are they? c)Which of the above, if any, are also
Titania's children? 2)Where was Puck during the late 15th century? (I am
not asking WHO he was or WHAT he was doing, since you are unlikely to
answer such questions. All I want is the name of a city - or country, if
you would prefer not to be more specific.) 3)You mentionned that Queen Mab
was Oberon's mother, and several people have asked who his father was, but
who were TITANIA's parents? 4)Just out of curiosity, have you read the
novel "The Mists of Avalon"?

Greg responds...

1a. Yes.
1b&c. I'm not telling.
2. Around.
3. I'm not telling.
4. No. Though I received it as a gift while I was working on the show, I
haven't gotten around to reading it yet. Right now I'm in the middle of
reading the plays of Christopher Marlowe. After that, I plan on reading the
complete works of William Faulkner. In between, I generally fit in a Tony
Hillerman book here and there. Everything else is in line behind those three
authors. (GDW/12-15-97)

Response recorded on December 15, 1997

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, thanks again for answering all our q's. 1)You said in one of
your responses that one of the main, gargoyle characters would die
violently. In another response you said that Castaway might (in the future)
kill a gargoyle. I don't want to break your rules by assuming any of my own
opponions on this, but are these two responses any way related? 2)How
long ago was the Guatemalan clan mostly killed out? 3)What happened to
Pendragon's son that Oberon needed to owe him a favor? 4)I know you
told us "Let me surprise you" on the ceremony between the commitment of
Elisa and Golith's relationship, but I'm just wondering one thing...Were
any of their friends there, or were they in privacy? 5)You said that
you had 10 monthes to produce/make the first 13 episodes, but I heard
before that it took a year to make the final copy of an ep. Am i wrong? If
I am, how long should it take to produce a great final copy? 6)I have
noticed that while watching TGC (and I'll take this from the first ep that
you did) the sound affects, and the animation is strikingly similar to the
sound affects and animation the the cartoon, "Spiderman". Was their an
animation/company change between the 2nd and the 3rd season? 7)In
another response you said that Elisa and Goliath barely had a realtionship.
Was the "date" that Elisa and Goliath were planning to have, before being
ambushed at her apartment, in "The Journey", considered to you, part of
thier progress in their realtionship? Thanks for your time! I greatly
appreciate it!

Greg responds...

1. I'm not sure that I said exactly what you're reporting here. I don't
remember. At any rate, I'm not responding to this.
2. Not very.
3. Huh? Oberon owed his own son Merlin a favor.
4. Friends and relatives will be in attendance.
5. "Final Copy"? I'm not sure what that means. From premise to air can
take as little as six months to as much as two years, depending on schedule,
staff, money, etc. Obviously, the more time, the better the odds that the
quality will be high in the end result. Time is no guarantee of quality, but
it sure helps.
6. Yes.
7. I'd say it was progress, though aborted progress. You'll notice
Elisa did dress up for it. (GDW/12-15-97)

Response recorded on December 15, 1997

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Well first I what to thank you and the rest for a great TV series. First,
you probley bee asked this one a few times, are you or your staff Star Trek
fans, no malice intended, I enjoy Star Trek. Just wondering about the
voices, personally i think are great choices. Second, this might be
stepp'in on some toes, but ya never know less ya ask, is Disney or anyone
going to be porting the second season to video, I know the movie and first
season are already on video. And now I can't remember any other questions,
oh well, thanks for your time...

Greg responds...

I do like Star Trek -- some episodes and films more than others, of course.
I've discussed why we had so many Star Trek voice actors before. Check the
archives, but the short answer is that a bunch of them auditioned for us
right off the bat, so that later when we were casting we had them in mind.

No plans for putting the 2nd season out on video as far as I know.

Response recorded on December 15, 1997

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

First I would like to say that I think gargoyles had to be the best
animated series I have ever seen. Now for the questions. 1. Do you have
any gargoyles fiction on this or any site? I have enjoyed alot of the
fanfiction but would love to read some of your work. 1. I have been
curious abaut Demona. How evil is she rated from 1 to 10? I mean could
she bring a new born human infant to harm, or isn't she that bad? 3.
Does Oberon have an equal? Or someone who's power nears or exeeds
Oberons? 4. I am from New Zealand And the last Gargoyles episode we got
here was "Hunters Moon". Are there any more episodes to follow and if so
do I have much to look forward to? Thanks alot Greg.

Greg responds...

1. Not really, though I have written a couple of short things here at ASK
GREG. A little story about City of Stone, as I recall, plus the multi-part
background piece called "Once upon a time there were three brothers..."

1. [Two question ones. Boy, this numbering thing must be harder than it
looks. :)] I don't know how to numerically rate a character's evilness.
Everything with Demona is situational. I'm sure she believes she could smash
in an infant human's skull. But frankly, I doubt she'd do it when push comes
to shove.

2. There was no question 2.

3. Yes. Mommy Mab for starters.

4. There were 13 episodes done after the HUNTER'S MOON 3-parter. They were
collectively titled "Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles". I worked on the
first episode of those 13, a show titled "The Journey". I'm fairly proud of
that episode. The other twelve were done by other people, and I don't much
care for them, but I'm hardly objective. I'm told that they aren't as
good as the original 65 episodes, but that they are pretty good compared to
other cartoons. (GDW/12-11-97)

Response recorded on December 11, 1997

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

I have a silly little question. Before Oberon overthrew Queen Mab, were the
Children of Oberon called the Children of Mab?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 11, 1997

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1. You said in a previous question the vial with the virus was destroyed?
How'd it get destroyed if breaking it causes the spell to be unleashed, or
can it only be unleashed on a Hunter's Moon. 2. What the blazes was meant
by Demona being on the side of the Angels. I looked all around the archive
for that question and the first two parts of THE THREE BROTHERS but didn't
find a single one. 3. Who's Kenneth I? I hope this question isn't wiped
but: was THE THREE BROTHERS a cut scene or an ep that was lost from the
original ep making? 4. Will you insert all the scenes you had to cut from
the eps GATHERING up to HUNTERS' MOON before Gorebash closes this archieve,
and any other scenes you had to cut, or are some going to be left out? 5.
I hope the question isn't wiped either but: What I meant by timeline in my
previous question is how exactly would you have started off your spinoff
serieses, like, with an introductory GARGOYLES Ep: Or in TIMEDANCER case,
FUTURE TENSE Ep, or would you have just started them giving no reasons. 6.
I hope this question isn't wiped either but: If you do the spinoffs and
then decide to conclude one, then wanted to make a Second Season for it how
would you start it back up? 7. How many years of timedancing does Brooklyn
do before he meets Katana, after he meets her but before they have
children, after they have children but before FUTURE TENSE, and after that
before returning home, or, assuming FUTURE TENSE comes first how many
before FUTURE TENSE, then between that and metting Katana, then between
when they have kids, then between when they come home? 8. How would you
have pulled off where Brooklyn shows up with a mate and two kids and keep
the show going while having a spinoff, why would the he touch the Phoenix
Gate, how would it exit the Timestream, and why wouldn't Brooklyn be able
to control it. 9. I hope this doesn't get wiped either but would Demona
ever learn about the Illuminati? Are there other secret societies besides
them, and if so, which is the strongest? Who was the first Fae? Who was the
first gargoyle? For Demona's redemption or becoming an ally, whatever you
want to call it, would that have happened in a single ep, a multiparter ep,
or started and gradually taken shape and conclusion over a series of eps?
10. Why would Yama, Dingo, the Matrix, and Robyn be considered BAD GUYS
since they're all good now? 11. What would happen if some idiot did change
the timestream?

Whoops, ignore question 11 please! I think that might've been an idea, and
I don't want the whole question wiped.

Greg responds...

1. You answered your own question. (Man, I'm feeling so redundant.)

2. I'm only guessing here, because you gave me no context, but I assume
you're referring to the proposed FUTURE TENSE spin-off series.

3. Kenneth I was Kenneth MacAlpin, considered by history to be the first
High King of Scotland. And no, I'm writing "Once upon a time there were
three brothers..." as the mood strikes me, as an ASK GREG exclusive. A lot
of the ideas were already in my head of course. And it's all based on a few
real historical facts.

4. I'll include as much stuff as I get around to including, but all the
major stuff has already been included.

5. I'm sorry, I really don't understand the question.

6. All right, quit worrying about whether your questions are going to be
wiped. Questions aren't wiped individually anyway, only posts. Gore has his
instructions and parameters. So do you, if you've read the guidelines. If
Gore wipes it, I'll never know it existed. If he doesn't than the odds are
good that the questions were o.k. If you are unsure about what is or
isn't acceptable, just e-mail Gore. As to question 6, well, you are asking
me to answer a hypothetical question based on a whole set of hypothetical
circumstances. There's nothing "real" to hang an answer of any substance
on. Sorry.

7. I haven't done the Math yet to that degree of specificity. Ask me again
some other time.

8. Again, this is all theory. We didn't know how many series if any would
be on the air. But I was prepared to have Brooklyn as the lead of TIMEDANCER
and as a member of the ensemble of GARGOYLES simultaneously. As to the
details of how the Gate operated in TimeDancer, I don't feel like revealing
that right now.

9. A lot of questions, many completely unrelated to each other, are grouped
under one number here. Please, NUMBER EACH QUESTION SEPERATELY.

10. The TITLE of that proposed spin-off was Bad Guys. It was indicative of
attitude and background of the characters, not necessarily their
immediate good/evil orientation, though Fang would be fairly slow to make a
real transition.

11. Can't be done in the Gargoyle Universe, no matter how stupid you are.
And again, Gore let the question through, so you're safe. But again,
let me make this totally clear. If you suspect that you've slipped in an
idea, than you had better erase it yourself. Gore has very specific
instructions not to edit posts. (He won't play this game: "Question 5 is
o.k. But this question 8 must be deleted." Uh uh. No way. That's not how
Thanks. (GDW/12-11-97)

Response recorded on December 11, 1997

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

I had thought I was done, but then I thought up more questions. (Oh, well,
my last set was a short one of two.) 1. Isn't a katana a kind of sword? Did
Brooklyn's mate have this name when he met her? 2. Which leads me to a much
broader question -- what is the gargoyle custom of naming? In the Avalon
World Tour all the members of other clans (that I can think of, at least)
had names. I know at least in 994 the Scottish gargs had no names, and was
it the same all over the world at that time? Did gargoyles gradually take
names to adapt to modern times? (Which I don't really understand. Names
don't seem to be any more necessary now than they were a thousand years
ago, though the Manhattan clan seems to think they are.) 3. Are there any
clans left in Scotland? If no, was Demona's the last one? 4. Did Demona
ever lead another clan? 5. Were the gargoyles ever going to get new clothes
in the near future, or would they attend all those formal ceremonies (about
the recognition of gargoyles as sentient species, the granting of equal
rights to them under the law, and whatever else) wearing thousand-year old
loincloths? 6. Just a little trivia. What color was Hudson's hair before it
turned gray? That's it. Thanks again!

Greg responds...

1. Yes and yes.

2. A lot depended on how much interaction a particular clan had with
humans. The Ishimura clan taught Bushido to the Samurai of that province.
That caused them to take names early on. The Guatemalan Clan had some
interaction with a Mayan sorcerer with whom they protected the rain forest.
They're all named after their pendants. Probably traditional monikers handed
down from generation to generation, occupations that became names over time,
like John Smith or Karen Carpenter. I'd guess that the London clan began to
use names around the time they opened their Soho shop. Basically, naming is
a human trait. But it's addictive and easy to adapt to. In fact, it's
somewhat hard to resist once you've started. I'd guess there aren't many
gargoyles left in the world who don't have names. (But there are a few.)

3. Perhaps.

4. Besides the one in Macbeth's original era? No, not for any length of

5. I don't know. Can't imagine Goliath in a tux. I'm also not sure what
ceremonies we'd be having in my continuity, at least in the immediate future.

6. White, I think. But I reserve the right to change my mind.(GDW/12-11-97)

Response recorded on December 11, 1997

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

By now I must be driving you nuts with these questions. Sorry! I post one
then think of another a little later. Please bear with me :) This time, I
do have three, though. 1) Oberon is Merlin's father. Who is Merlin's
mother? 2)Is Oberon's mother out of myth, or did you just create her? Is
there anything I can research to find out more about her? 3)When Oberon
overthrew his mother to become lord of the fey, did he rise against her on
his own, or was there a struggle for power? A sort of "war of the fey" as
it were? Thanks!

Greg responds...

1. A mortal. I'm blanking out on her name, but I think you can find it in
Geoffrey of Monmouth.

2. Check out Geoffrey.

3. Long story. Some of each. (GDW/12-11-97)

Response recorded on December 11, 1997

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1)Did Oberon over throw Queen Mab or his father? I believe you said he
overthrew the previous ruler. 2)For that matter, who is his father? 3)
Apparently Dingo crossed over to the dark side (Dingo...I am your father)
again, I am wondering how he convinced the matrix this was the right thing
to do. 4)Last but not least did you plan for Delilah to mate? If so who?
Well, to make a requst would you mind telling all of us which publisher
you are trying to get the attention of? That way we could write letters to
prove there is a market. -Durax

Greg responds...

1. His mom.

2. Not saying now.

3. I don't know what's given you this idea. It's inaccurate.

4. Yep, but I'm not saying yet.(GDW/12-11-97)

Response recorded on December 11, 1997

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Hello! 1. Demona makes references to gargoyles living on the cliffs at
Castle Wyvern before humans arrived. (And before the castle was built, I
suppose). Would you say a few words about the culture of the Scottish
gargoyles before the arrival of humans?(You have my permission to ramble)
A "yes" or "no" is fine for these next questions, but any extra info would
be much appreciated. :) 2a. Are there any gargoyle writers or poets?
2b. " " " "composers/musicians? 2c. " " " "visual artists? 2d. " " "
"scientists? 3. Were there ever any gargoyle vs. gargoyle wars? 4. Does
the Manhattan clan (or individuals from that clan) worship the
Judeo-Christian God? A gargoyle God? No God? (I understand that you might
not want to answer that question. It's fine by me.) Thank you for your

Greg responds...

1. This sounds like a job for...
"Once upon a time there were three brothers..." PART FOUR
"Duff is still with us, will always be with us," says Kenneth. Malcolm
nods. The young former prince has been thinking a lot about birth and
death, since the family came to England four years ago. Since his mother
died. Malcolm misses her. Misses his eldest brother Duff too. And yet life
goes on. Down in the courtyard, Malcolm's nephews play at battle with wooden
swords and much gusto.
The year is 971. Lieutenant Robert has crossed enemy lines once again,
bringing news from home. And the news isn't good. King Culen finally has an
heir. Until now there had been hope. Culen was 49 and had had no sons.
That had left Scotland unsettled. That had left open the possibility that
Kenneth and the others would be called upon to secure the throne. But
Culen's queen had just given birth to Prince Constantine. The succession
was now secure. The unrest would soon fade. Unless...
Kenneth has a decision to make.
He and Malcolm have climbed the battlements of Northumberland Keep. But
neither has spoken since Kenneth raised the spectre of their late brother.
Still, Malcolm knows what Kenneth is thinking. Duff was the king. Kenneth
was always just the strong right arm. Now Kenneth is 39 years old. Is he
prepared to start a war over a crown he never truly wanted?
Malcolm waits in silence for a long time, but Kenneth doesn't elaborate.
Finally, Malcolm speaks: "I'm seventeen now, Kenneth. I'm not a child that
needs protecting. If you will take up Duff's crown, I will take up your
sword. And together we can secure our land for those boys down there."
Kenneth's head turns slowly. He looks at his brother, and then down at the
wee warriors below. His own son Maol Chalvim is a nine year old tyrant
lording his size over Duff's orphaned four year old boy. Not that little
Kenneth's complaining, mind you. Both are clearly having a grand time
playing at war here in England. But a real war in Scotland would be an
entirely different matter.
"Look at them, Kenneth," Malcolm continued, "If we raise them to be good
Thanes, then someday their honor will demand they recover what their
fathers and uncles have lost. It doesn't end with you and me. So your
choice is clear. Do we leave this struggle for Maol and Kenny and this
new Constantine to fight? Or do you and I take the battle to Culen now?"
Kenneth turns back to his brother. "Duff will always be with us," he
repeats, "Leading us to victory." And the brothers grasped each
others arms -- firmly and with newfound resolve.
Preparations are begun. Allies are secured. But Kenneth had been through
this sort of thing before. Three times before. He knows the Thanes are
fickle. They like to pick a winner, even if that means changing horses mid-
stream. Kenneth needs allies he can count on. Powerful allies.
And so it comes to pass that Robbie is once again slipping past the Scots
border guard and riding north by northwest. This time, however, Malcolm's
come along for the ride... and the mission.
Malcolm and Robbie approach Wyvern Hill alone. The sun is still out, and
they know they could walk among the frozen sentinels unmolested. Be among
the creatures already when they awaken. But that's no way to begin an
alliance. They wait a good mile from the cliffside. The sun sinks. Even at
this distance they can hear the cracking of stone and the roars. Malcolm
shivers involuntarily. He's seen gargoyles before. But at a distance. And
he's never had to ask one for a favor before. They leave their horses and
climb up the steep grade, taking pains to keep their hands in plain
Suddenly, a sentry swoops down upon them. A huge winged demon with
shock-white hair and two great devil horns rising from his brow. The
creature speaks -- and Malcolm's terror fades: the voice is a low
earth-shaking rumble, but the cadence betrays excitement and inexperience.
This gargoyle is young, perhaps no older than Malcolm himself.
Robbie responds quickly. "We've come to see your leader. He and I have met
"I remember you." The monster's tone makes it clear that he remembers
Robbie and only Robbie. Malcolm is still a stranger.
"He's my friend," Robbie states. "My greatest friend. I would lay down my
life for him."
The gargoyle seems impressed. Frankly, so is Malcolm. Not that Robbie's
statement was a revelation. But to hear it out loud like that. Malcolm
suddenly feels awed by his companion's loyalty.
The gargoyle crouches and says, "Follow me." And then races off like a beast
on all fours. After but a moment's hesitation, Robbie and Malcolm take off
after him. Passing through a gauntlet of Gargoyles 'til they've climbed
their way up... to the Rookery!

Sorry, Sam. I know I've stopped right at the point where I might just be
starting to address your question. Frankly, even using this abbreviated,
time-telescoping style which I established with chapter one, it took me a
little longer to set up Malcolm and Hudson's first encounter than I thought
it would. So let me answer the rest of your questions now, and hope
you'll stay tuned (so to speak) for Part Five, which should at least touch on
life at the Rookery before the Castle was built.
2a. I'm certain there were and are gargoyle poets -- in the oral tradition.
The written word is a largely human invention. But gargoyles adapt. Maybe
the Ishimura or London clan have a writer or two in their ranks.
2b. Probably.
2c. Maybe.
2d. Probably. (Does Lex qualify?) A lot depends on how formal you want to
be about defining a composer or a scientist, etc. Does someone who dabbles
qualify? Or do they have to have made a career of it? And what qualifies as
a career to a gargoyle. Generally gargoyle philosophy works in terms of
"being." Popeye's famous "I yam what I yam" proves that Popeye would have
made a good gargoyle. If a gargoyle enjoys music -- or science or poetry or
whatever -- he or she simply engages this interest, without attempting to
let the activity define the individual.
3. Wars? I don't know. I doubt it. Battles? Sure. Fights? Plenty.
4. Currently, none of the Manhattan gargoyles worship the Judeo-Christian
God specifically, though they wouldn't recognize that God as being
inconsistent with their faith. And they do have a faith. Though I don't
think they've practiced it much since arriving in the twentieth century. I
don't think the particular group who survived the massacre included anyone
who was particularly priestly (except maybe Desdemona). (As with science or
music, a gargoyle might have pursued a spiritual interest, without letting
that interest define him or her as a priest or priestess.) This faith is
both monotheistic and pantheistic, though a gargoyle would not see any
paradox in that. "All things are part of the whole." Their most important
credo has to do with how they perceive their part of that whole: "A Gargoyle
can no more stop protecting the castle than breathing the air." Gargoyles
don't simply exist. They protect their community. It was a primitive belief
when our gang lived in the tenth century. Goliath found a modern application
by the end of our first season. But I think the credo will continue to have
validity even as our characters continue to redefine and evolve its
parameters. (GDW/12-10-97)

Response recorded on December 10, 1997

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman, (I just can?t bring myself to use your first name) thanks a
lot for answering questions here at Station 8 and creating Gargoyles. I
would personally chisel a stone monument and place it in the middle of New
York, but I don?t have any stone or talent. Anyways, I?d like to ask you a
couple things (I?d like to warn you in advance that I am a mythology nut.
1) How could Odin still be around at this point in time? If I?m not
mistaken, he and all but a handful of the Aesir were killed in the last
battle at the field of Vigrid. Odin was eaten by the wolf Fenris. 2)
The Eye of Odin was located at the bottom of Mimir?s Well in payment for
unprecedented knowledge. How?d they get it out? The well was destroyed
when fire destroyed most of Asgard. 3) Why didn?t Odin?s horse, Sleipnir,
have 8 legs like it was supposed to? 4) CuChullain was supposedly
mispronounced in "The Hound of Ulster". The second "c" is silent. Just
wondering ? is it Banshee or Ban Sidhe? 5) Gae bolga, CuChullain?s spear
was supposed to never miss its mark. Why did it? 6) How can Elisa afford
to buy the Gargoyles all of their things? Lex has a laptop, they have
furniture, and their food must cost a fortune. 7) Did any of the mutates
contact their relatives after their mutation? 8) The Gargoyles didn?t
have access to a bathroom at the clocktower, right? Where did they go? A
bush? 9) Were you ever going to introduce the original Olympians (Zeus,
Hera, Apollo, etc.) into the story? 10) Did Elisa ever launder her
clothing during the Avalon trip? I mean, she fell in a peat bog and
countless other places. 11) In the earlier episodes, Bronx?s (he?s a
cutie-pie) voice seems to be something like an electronically enhanced
lion?s roar. But in the later ones, Frank Welker completely takes over.
Was it because of time, budget, or inconvenience? 12) Is Proteus one of
the Children of Oberon? 13) The gods (Anubis, Odin, Coyote, etc.) are
just really powerful Oberon?s Children, right? 14) Oberon divorced
Titania because she hated mortals so much, but was there a specific event
that was the last straw? 15) At the end of "The Mirror", didn?t Demona
smash Titania?s Mirror? It shows up later on in "The Gathering". 16) Why
weren?t Preston Vogel and Halcyon Renard affected by Oberon?s sleep spell
in "The Gathering"? I?m sorry for writing so much. But I?ll forever be in
debt to you if you answer them!

Greg responds...

1. Odin was swallowed, not eaten.
2. The Eye wasn't destroyed.
3. Sigh. I wanted Slep to have eight legs. But Frank Paur and Bob Kline
convinced me that it would just be too hard for our overseas animators to
draw. We agreed that a well-animated four-legged horse was preferable to a
poorly animated but accurate eight-legged horse. In my head, Slep still has
eight legs, but as a changeling himself, he can choose to appear with four
legs if he wants.
4. We thought we had AN accurate reading on the pronunciation of Cu's name.
I'm still not sure we don't. Someone in that session was pretty positive,
and there are always variations depending on locale and tradition. As for
Banshee, both spellings are correct, as far as I know. We went for the
simpler one.
5. Ultimately, it didn't.
6. The furniture is all disguarded junk (except for the t.v., which Elisa
did purchase as a gift). Xanatos donated the laptop back when they lived at
the castle. (Lex went back for it.) The big question is the food.
Gargoyles probably require less than you think, since they absorb solar
energy in their stone form during the day. Still... Fortunately, I can dodge
the question now, because it's moot. They're back living with Xanatos who
can afford it.
7. Other than Derek? No. Definitely not.
8. Let's afford them a bit of dignity and privacy, shall we?
9. Maybe in flashback.
10. Yes, she did. In streams and rivers, mostly. Though maybe she had the
opportunity to do a bit better than that in Paris and a couple other places.
11. From beginning to end, we always used a combination of Frank Welker
as well as some electronic enhancements. I've never noticed a significant
change over time, though obviously each roar was literally mixed on a case by
case basis, each roar required its own decision as to whether we were going
to use no enhancement, a little enhancement or a lot. It's possible that as
we progressed, Frank's familiarity with the nuances of the character required
less and less enhancement. But the policy never changed.
12. No. He's a New Olympian.
13. Right.
14. "Hate" isn't the right word. And that's not why he divorced her
anyway. But yes, there was a last straw incident. And incidentally, the
Titania of 1000+ years ago was not the same woman we met in our series.
(Wait, wait, she is the same person. I wasn't being literal.) She was
considerably less mature than the Anastasia/Titania you know today.
At the time, Oberon was substantially more mature than his mate, and
consequently "wiser". Over the millenium however, Titania really grew as a
person. Oberon, thinking he needed no improving, remained stagnant. Now
it's easy to see Titania as wiser and more mature. But she's the one who
changed, not him. And if you think he's bad, wait 'til you meet his mother.
15. That's "Oberon's Mirror" at the Gathering. Demona did smash
Titania's. But a long time ago, they each had one made at the same time.
16. They arrived in Manhattan after the spell was cast. Their bridge
may also have been protected by an energy field, which jammed Oberon's
magic, just as Owen's field protected David, Petros and Fox inside the
castle. (GDW/12-10-97)

Response recorded on December 10, 1997

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr. Weissman- first of all I would like to thank you for your time and
devotion to answering all of the questions of us fans. It really means
alot to us what you're doing and we greatly appreciate you're efforts.
Now, I have several questions mainly on Duval and the Iluminati, but I'll
try and keep them not too specific. 1. Was Duval a knight of the Round
Table? 2. How did Duval survive through the centuries, obviously sorcery,
but of what kind? Who is responsable? 3. Did Duval ever see the Grail?
4. How has Duval's attitude changed over the centuries? 5. What are his
motives? 6. Is Duval good, evil, or somewhere in between? 7. You said
that Duval would be an enemy of Arthur, does he hate Arthur? 8. Does he
know of Arthur's return? 9. Does Arthur know who he is? 10. How does
Duval feel about gargoyles? 11. Does Merlin know who Duval is? 12. Does
the Director know who Duval is? 13. What kind of position is the Director
in, is he some billionare industrialist such as Xanatos or some other
occupation such as a politician? 14. Is the Director immortal? 15. What
is the relationship between Duval and the Director? 16. What is the name
of the biological son of Oberon and Titania? 17. This may be an off the
wall question, but do you believe that there exists some shadow society
such as the Illuminati in real life? Many do. 18. Can you briefly
describe your experience to Tintagel such as when you were there, why, and
the effect it had on you? Again, I truly appreciate you're time. I hope I
didn't have too many questions for you, I tried to keep several of them as
"Yes" or "No" questions to make your job easier.

Greg responds...

1-12 & 15. Man, "Illuminator", bad timing. I just promised "Xanatos" I
wouldn't give out any Duval clues in this post. Ask me again later, and I'll
try to be a little more forthcoming.
13. He's a civil servant.
14. No.
16. Did I say that they had a son? Was that the word I used?
17. I believe in most everything, up to a point. But if the Illuminati (or
something like it) does exist, then I'm not too impressed with the results.
18. The first time I was at Tintagel was during the summer of 1981. I had
just graduated from high school here in Los Angeles. I went to France and
England with my Dad, Mom, my younger sister Robyn and my younger brother
Jon. I was really into King Arthur in those days and had gotten my father
interested as well, so our trip through England was something of an
ArthurQuest. Of course, we went to Tintagel. I remember I was wearing my
high school sweatshirt, you know the kind... big, over-sized, grey thing with
a hood. There was a light, very fine rain, so my hood was up. Tintagel is
impressive: it's location, it's scope, the ruins themselves. I climbed over
every inch of that thing. I intentionally moved off away from the rest of my
family, so that it would take some time to find me if they wanted to head
out. I climbed to the top of the cliff, overlooking the castle ruins. The
light rain continued above me, but the surf pounded below. And looking off
to sea, I could see that a major storm was literally sitting just off shore.
Lightning. Thunder. High winds. Rolling seas. Torrential Rain. The
works. And just in case that wasn't awe-inspiring enough, something else
happened. The black clouds parted directly in front of me, and the sun shone
down. Like a spotlight on the water. So I stood there, in the light rain,
and watched the sun shining down through the midst of a lightning storm. I'm
not sure how to describe what I was feeling. But "religious awe" is probably
the best I can do. It seemed to prove the existence of God to me. I removed
my hood and stood there. Then I knelt and touched the ground. I felt like
it was charged with some kind of power. Eventually, the storm died down and
the sun went away. And it was just another cloudy day in England. I walked
down the hill.
It would be easy for me to be cynical about this experience. Neither my
parents nor my siblings recall any weather phenomena that equates with what
I've just described. They weren't standing with me, but they were all on the
cliffside. It's certainly possible that I've exaggerated the whole thing
over the years. But in my mind, I saw the hand of God at work. I don't see
any reason to question that, even if I don't quite know what to do with it.
In 1992, I returned to Tintagel with my wife Beth. We stayed in a Bed &
Breakfast overnight so I went to the castle twice. First with Beth, and
then again by myself the next morning. I figured it wouldn't live up to my
memory of the place. But it did. I didn't see the big show-stopper again,
but I felt the same rush I had felt eleven years before. I also had the
opportunity to go through "Merlin's Cave" under the cliff, which I hadn't
been able to do in '81 because of the tide.
I'm told that every year, erosion removes a little bit more of Tintagel. I'm
told that Arthur could not have been born there. I'm told a lot. But I know
what I felt. For me, it's a place of power. There's only one feeling in my
life that has ever topped it: the love I feel for my wife and two children.
If Tintagel wasn't enough, than the fact that I found her and had them, is
all the proof I'll ever need of God's existence.
Now, are you sorry you asked? (GDW/12-8-97)

Response recorded on December 08, 1997

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman. How's it going. My favorite eps are "The Edge", "The Mirror",
"Hunter's Moon", "City of Stone", and "Awakening". I thought they all had
excellant scripts, and great stories. The others were good too, though some
of the World Tour eps bothered me. 1. What are you currently working on
now? 2. Do you watch Seinfeld (the second best entertainor)? 3. What would
have happened with Demona and Angela's relationship? 4. My friend wants to
know if you watch and what you think of Babylon Five. Sorry. 5. Please
don't ever reveal the true identity of Duval here. I would rather find out
in an episode if you ever make more. 6. Are there any other groups of fay
besides Oberon's Children? 7. What led you to decide to bring the fay into
the series. 8. You said that Demona would have had two more great loves.
Can you tell us about them? Would they have both been gargoyles? Thanks for
taking the time to answer my questions, and some of the one's my friend
sitting next to me asked me to put in. See ya around.

Greg responds...

1. Nothing I'm ready to talk about yet. Nothing that will definitely happen.
2. Yeah, I watch Seinfeld.
3. A lot.
4. You don't have to apologize. No, I don't watch B5. I did see the pilot,
and it didn't grab me. Later, a number of people recommended it to me, but
by the time I tuned in, I couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on.
Frankly, it made me nervous that GARGOYLES would have the same effect on a
new viewer.
5. I think I've pretty much given his identity away already, but I won't
give any clues in this post, I promise.
6. No. But there are a lot of subsets within Oberon's Children.
7. I wanted to open things up, bring more magic and mystery into things.
Create the opportunities for more stories, and more myths and legends to
8. You don't want to hear about Duval, but you don't mind me revealing the
identities of Demona's last two great loves? That's too selective for one
post. :) (GDW/12-8-97)

Response recorded on December 08, 1997

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Hello once again, Greg! Thanx for answering all of our questions. I've
gotta couple more for you: 1) How did you decide on what Puck was going to
look? (the white hair, his clothes, etc.) 2) Or how any of the other
tricksters for that matter? (i.e., Coyote, Anansai, etc.) 3) Didja have
any more plans for Anubis? What were they? 4) You gave a response to a
question a long time ago that said to the effect that you would probably
not write the Encyclopedia because there would most likely not be a
publisher. In the latest response section you said that you would determine
the timeline for the series when you wrote the rest of the Encyclopedia.
Did you find a publisher?! Thanx again for your time.

Greg responds...

1. I had some imput, but the real credit should go to my partner Frank Paur
who oversaw design for the series. (And of course to whoever designed the
character for "The Mirror". I'd guess that was Greg Guler, but I'm honestly
not sure anymore.)
2. I knew I wanted Coyote to be reminiscent of both James Dean and a young
Peter Maza. Anansi was going to be a giant spider, so that was easy. Raven
had many forms, dictated by the script. Credit for how they actually looked
should go to Frank (and producer Dennis Woodyard and our designers).
3. Sure. But I'm not telling now.
4. I never said I wouldn't write it. In fact, I've almost finished writing
it, but I doubt I'll be able to find a publisher, which is what I said.
(GDW / 12-5-97)

Response recorded on December 05, 1997

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman. I am a sophmore in the most boring high school in the
most boring city in the world. I recently got into film making, directing,
and screen play writing. Anyways, I've heard that you are co-producer do?
do you get to direct at all? choose how things are going?? Um thanks. OH
yeah, where did you find out about all the myths and legends??? Oh yeah, I
think that as far as character development went, through out the show...the
trio and Demona evolved perfectly, but in my opinion, Goliath didn't really
change too much. did you have any ideas on developing him? oh yeah, have
you seen Clerks? or any other Kevin Smith movies? If not...check them out,
you deserve some humor on your hands. -the film making guy.

Greg responds...

The best description of my job is Writer-Producer. I'm responsible for story
and script. But I also oversee voice and play a major role in watching
over the entire production. In other words, I produce. I don't direct.
Although you should keep in mind that directing in Animation is very
different from directing in live-action. The end result (and much of the
brainwork) is the same, but the process is very different. (I did voice
direct one episode, but that's not the same as directing.)
I did a lot of reading on myths and legends, cuz the topic fascinates me.
Much of this began in school. I was rarely bored in my English and History
classes in school. I was lucky. I had great teachers almost without
exception in those two subjects. But I also WANTED to learn, even on those
rare occasions when my teachers weren't that great. I don't mean to
lecture, but if you're bored in school, fix it by finding
something you'd like to learn about and pursuing it in a serious and
passionate fashion. Myths and legends are as good a place to start as any.
I think Goliath went through some changes, but they were subtler than the big
obvious changes that, say, Brooklyn or Xanatos went through. But I will
admit that Goliath acted as an anchor for the series. He was a strong,
basically optimistic and capable leader. He didn't require as much change
as some of the others did. Still, I had plenty of plans to continue to
evolve the character. The changes might still have been subtle, but taken
over the run of the series, I think you would have seen a substantial
I haven't seen Clerks, and I'm not sure I know who Kevin Smith is... did he
direct Clerks? (I have two very young children. My wife and I don't get
out to movies very often. Am I boring or what?) (GDW / 12-5-97)

Response recorded on December 05, 1997

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

OW!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY HAND HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DO YOU KNOW A GOOD

Greg responds...

Nope. Sorry. (GDW / 12-5-97)

Response recorded on December 05, 1997

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Thanks for answering some of my questions earlier! (And you're right about
me mistaking "you six" for "Ussex".) Here are a few more: 1) Okay, we know
Oberon has a son, a wife, and a mother. Obviously he had to have had a
father. So is Oberon's father around, and if so, who was he? 2) For that
matter, does Oberon have any siblings? 3) Is Oberon the most powerful fay,
or is there any fay more powerful than even him? (I'm talking about just
plain, brute magical strength here.) 4) You said that there were three
races in Nokkar's intergalactic war. The Space-spawn are one. What were
the other two (if Nokkar's race wasn't one of those other two)? 5) This
one has to do with Demona (again): I was thinking about her, and about
her genocidal plans, when I realized something. The Wyvern Massacre,
brutal and devastating as it was, wasn't enough to push Demona to the point
of exterminating humans. In fact, she actually _allied_ with a human
(Macbeth) about 45 years later. And I doubt her second clan meant as much
to her as her own. So this leads me to think that there was _some other_
event in her life, something that you haven't shown us yet, that really
made Demona not just hate humanity, but hate humanity _so much_ that she
wanted to destroy each and every last one of them. Am I right? 6) In the
proposed "Future Tense" cycle, about how old was Samson supposed to be,
anyway? I'm not asking for an _exact_ age, just an approximate idea of how
old he is. Is he a child? A teenager? An old man? Thanks for
answering these questions.

Greg responds...

1. I'm not saying right now. I didn't plan on revealing Mab right away
either. You're just getting ahead of me.
2. Yes.
3. Mab is more powerful. No one else.
4. Nokkar's race IS one of the other two. (And keep in mind, I said
three races were the main players in the conflict. I never said
there were the only players.)
5. No. There were other events, but they were more cummulative than
defining. Wyvern is still the defining moment. She wasn't genocidal
immediately after Wyvern, because I don't think genocide occured to her. She
was alone (largely) and hunted. I don't think she felt that powerful. Her
brief alliance with Macbeth only confirmed her feelings about humanity. But
it also gave her immortality. The ability to start making some long term
plans. As I said, other things happened. But nothing as devastating as
6. Samson will be born in 2058. The inciting incident of that
proposed spin-off series was to take place in 2158. I'm sure you can do
the math. (GDW / 12-5-97)

Response recorded on December 05, 1997

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Anonymous writes...

This question is from the Gargoyle shows. In Future tense why do you kill
everybody in Goliath dream and when Angela died why didn`t Golaith react
well its just that I know that the gargoyle were frozen in stone but

Greg responds...

Puck wanted to devastate Goliath enough that he would be willing to turn over
the Phoenix Gate. Death makes for great devastation (which is why we
included it in the story). Goliath didn't immediately react to Angela's
death, because (frankly) he didn't know he could at first. (GDW / 12-5-97)

Response recorded on December 05, 1997

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Greg. I have another question for you. Thanks for your time :)
**Owen can become Puck only when Alex is in trouble or is being taught. In
all other times, is Owen physically unable to become Puck, or is it just a
law he must follow?

Greg responds...

It's a law he must follow which makes him physically unable to become Puck...
unless he can think of a loophole. (GDW / 12-5-97)

Response recorded on December 05, 1997

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Anonymous writes...

Hi! I really loved the show. One question. 1. Why did Puck choose to help
Xanatos fight against Oberon to keep Alexander?Thank you.

Greg responds...

When push came to shove, Puck/Owen cared about Xanatos, Fox and Alex.

Thanks for numbering your questions, although when you only have one, it
isn't that necessary. (GDW/12-5-97)

Response recorded on December 05, 1997

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Anonymous writes...

Here are some questions greg how did princess Elena(katherine's mom and
wife to prince malcom,,excuse spelling) get the pheonix gate....who owned
it before her.....who made the pheonix gate.... When exactly does the clan
know of demona's link with macbeth.......in "The Price".....everyone thinks
macbeth is dead,,,,and yet he tells Xanatos "Most of my clan is gone and I
am a stranger in a strange land--DEMONA AND MACBETH ARE IMMORTAL..HAS IT
BROUGHT THEM HAPPINESS?" how does hudson know this.......what does this old
guy know...does he know the futre of brooklyn....does he know that brooklyn
will go into timedancing stuff..... Please...what did Titania whisper
into fox's ear? Who is merlin's dad.....is Oberon related to
merlin........Waht is the name of Oberon's kid.

Greg responds...

Elena got the Gate from her father. The Gate exists, like the protagonist of
Robert Heinlein's "All You Zombies". Goliath, Elisa and the Avalon clan
learned of the link after the death of the Magus and before the good-bye
scene at the beach. The rest of the Manhattan Clan learned of the link when
Goliath and Angela returned to the Tower, sometime after saving Alex from
Oberon. As I've said before, Hudson knew Demona and Macbeth were immortal.
That's obvious. They're not dead. They're really old. He didn't know any
details about the how or why. He didn't know about the link, though their
behavior did suggest a connection of some sort. Why would Hudson know
Brooklyn's future? I'm skipping the Titania question on purpose. Oberon is
Merlin's dad.
In the future, please number your questions. (GDW/12-5-97)

Response recorded on December 05, 1997

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Anonymous writes...

hi all powerful and exulted creator!!! i would like to have your opionon on
elisa and goliath's relationship and how you feel they would have children,
seening as half of the fanfic authors are going in that direction,just
basically how long would she be pregnant, what sort of problems you could
see happening, i f it would even happen,etc?(one thing though she would not
lay and egg, right,cause humans don't) also would it be possible for bronx
and boudicca to have puppies, because your explanation as to how the dogs
come about would seems to say no. just one more thing, do the hatchilings
turn to stone during the day? i don't remember for sure, but it seemed that
during the flashback in avalon show that tom and katherine were playing
with the young hatchlings during the day. thanks so much for the best
cartoon on ever!!!!!!!!

Greg responds...

Eventually, way, way down the line, I see Elisa and Goliath addressing the
issue of children. All sorts of options are available, except natural
procreation between two widely and wildly divergent species. Elisa could
never be pregnant with Goliath's child without assistance from science or
magic. I've already stated that I don't see them going that way. But I do
see them raising a child together. But not without serendipity (and
some tragedy) playing a role. I don't want to say anymore right now.
As to Bronx and Boudicca, of course they could have offspring. One every
twenty years if they saw each other at the right times. I'm not sure what
"explanation" you're referring to that would lead you to believe otherwise.
And yes, hatchlings do turn to stone during the day. The lighting in the
scene you're referring to is misleading. It's night time.
In the future, please number your questions. (GDW/12-5-97)

Response recorded on December 05, 1997

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Here's another tidbit you've never seen. A cut scenelet from "Hunter's Moon,
Part Two". It takes place during Act Two. Goliath, Brooklyn and Lex have
spotted the Huntership. Goliath glides in and latches onto the craft,
digging his talons into the metal hatch. He rips it free and lets it fall...


VINNIE is out for a stroll. Suddenly, the steel hatch SMASHES to the
sidewalk in front of him, digging a big chunk out of the sidewalk. Vinnie
takes, looks up. Shakes his head.

VINNIE: (gasp, then) Can you believe it?


And we're back inside the Huntership with Goliath, Lex and Brooklyn. That
little touch of Vinnie in the night was scripted and I think boarded, but it
was cut before the show was shipped because we were too long. It's a silly
moment, but it does help motivate Vinnie a little more for his role in "The
Journey," and anyway, I thought you all might get a kick out of it. (GDW / 12-5-97)

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Anonymous writes...

(1) Some how the Arch Mage rescues himself using the portal. I really don't
understand how this is possible. Though he later states "I'm glad he's gone!"
about himself. Was the Archmage mentor actually someone else who looked like
him or creative license? #2 So if the entire clan is from Scotland how come
only Hudson had an accent? #3 Awakenings, Scenes were added when televised
that also were not on the tapes (most all references to the eggs) Any reason
why? Other than Vows were there any other eps that were added too or deleted.
Thank you very much for this chance to find out a little more about a very
impressive show.

Greg responds...

1. I've already explained the working time paradox that allowed the Archmage to save himself. If you haven't seen the explanation, check the archives for this page. If you have.... well, all I can say is that it seems pretty straight-forward to me, though you're not the only one who didn't get it. In any case, his "mentor" was not a look-alike. He was the more powerful Archmage of the future. And from my point of view, no "creative license" was taken, unless you count time travel itself as creative license. The classic story of this kind of time travel working paradox is by Robert Heinlein.
It's called "All You Zombies". Maybe reading that would help clear up "Avalon", Part Two for you. It's worked for others.

2. Hudson had had the most contact with Scotish humans.

3. In the movie version of "Awakening", which we originally produced for the DisneyWorld Premeire, my boss decided that references to the eggs slowed down the film and raised questions that "the movie" would not even attempt to answer. Since we were cutting the length down for time anyway, I reluctantly agreed to remove egg references. I had no idea that Disney's Home Video Division would later decide to use this edited version for the video. As to "Vows", I've mentioned before that mistakes were corrected in that and many other episodes after they first aired. (6-23-97)

Response recorded on June 23, 1997

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Anonymous writes...

hey greg! Got a behind the scenes question. 1) During the voice session(or whatever it is called) when the actiors and actresses voice the characters.
How do they talk along with the lip movement of the gargoyle characters?
Meaning do you have the big screen in front of them playing so the actors speak exactly when the chatacters do? how do you ppl do that? 2) You said you had rejected names for Elisa and Demona(ie dakota, or Elisa Chavez etc.) did you have Rejected names from the other characters. Such as goliath, Angela, or the trio? If so what were the origional names that you guys decided not to be used for those charcters? Thanks. ~Demonalisa

Greg responds...

1. We do the voice work first. Animators animate to the voices, not the other way around.
On extremely rare occasions we did something called ADR (short for Automatic Dialogue Replacement). This is something done as a last minute fix in both animation and live action. In that case, we do have a screen. The actor (usually, one at a time) looks at the lip movements, practices getting the rhythm down that he or she needs to match, and then speaks the line (cued by an electronic tone which tells the actor exactly when to start speaking).
ADR is a tremendous pain in the rear, so we avoided it whenever possible.
2. I've answered this... in the same answer where I listed Elisa and Demona's old names. I'm not sure how you could have missed it. No other names for Angela. No other names for Goliath that we considered for more than a minute or two. The trio had names like Coco, Lassie and Amp in the original comedy development.
"Once upon a time there were three brothers..." PART TWO
[Disclaimer: I should have mentioned this somewhere before or after Part One. The historical framework for this story is all true. Most of the details, on the other hand, I'm making up.]
The year is 962. King Indulf is 58 years old. Prince Culen is 40. Neither are happy men. Culen is childless. He is heir to the throne, but it's beginning to look like Indulf's dynasty will end with his only son. Assuming it even lasts that long.
No one likes Indulf very much. The main problem is that everyone knows that he has kept (the former Queen) Katharine and her young son Malcolm prisoner in Edinburgh Castle. This alone is enough to make people believe that he is a tyrant. After that, any little infraction on Scottish liberty is viewed as more evidence that Indulf is unfit to rule. Honestly, Indulf wouldn't mind dumping both prisoners, but, aye, there's the rub. Katharine and Malcolm are the only insurance Indulf has against Malcolm's older brothers Duff and Kenneth.
And as Indulf's popularity has waned, Duff's has waxed. Even noblemen who had once helped Indulf to the throne approach the fifty year old Duff and his thirty year old brother Kenneth and pledge their support if only Duff will act. But Duff stubbornly refuses to risk Katharine or Malcolm's lives. What kind of King would he make if he can't even keep a vow made to his own father on the man's deathbed?
Malcolm isn't exactly a happy child. He's eight years old, and he's never been outside the walls of Edinburgh castle. He has only one friend. A peasant boy named Robbie who's twice his age. Robbie's a short, stout lad with a face like a bulldog, but he's loyal and helps Malcolm with some petty acts of ceremonial sabotage that would only earn Malcolm a reprimand if he was caught, but would certainly cost Robbie his life.
Malcolm's mother Katharine is a strong woman but she knows the situation is intolerable. She conceives a plan, and through Robbie, sends a letter to Duff. Duff and Kenneth consider her proposal. They argue about it. But, ultimately, they agree. They summon Robbie, who knows nothing of Katharine's plan. They give him no details, only a date. They send him back to Katharine. Then Duff and Kenneth gather their forces.
Word of Duff's rebellion reaches Indulf, but he's slow to react. After all, he has his hostages, safe at hand. But then on the pre-arranged date, Duff and Kenneth march on Edinburgh Castle. They demand Indulf's unconditional surrender. Indulf orders his guards to bring Katharine and Malcolm to him. Soon, Katharine is dragged before the king. But Malcolm cannot be found. Indulf orders Culen to personally search every inch of the castle. Duff and Kenneth and their armies settle down to wait.
Culen searches for hours. Katharine seems anxious. Still, Malcolm cannot be found. Indulf draws his sword and threatens to cut Katharine in two if she doesn't reveal Malcolm's whereabouts. She hesitates, but finally agrees.
She leads them to the tallest tower in the castle. Malcolm isn't there.
Indulf threatens to throw her off the ledge, but she points to the ground below. There in the moonlight, Malcolm can be seen riding away from the castle, his purple cape flapping in the breeze, toward the safety of Duff's camp.
Indulf is furious! But he still has Katharine. Duff still won't attack.
But Katharine doesn't agree. Her tone becomes threatening. She commands Indulf to open the castle gates and let Duff's troops enter. He laughs at her. Why would he do that? "Because," she tells him as she climbs out of his reach onto a battlement, "If you don't open the gates, I will jump off this tower." Indulf starts to laugh again, but the impulse catches in his throat. It all becomes clear. If Katharine throws herself to her death, than his last hostage is gone. Worse, his last hostage is martyred. Duff and Kenneth will lay siege to Edinburgh and in time, they would ultimately triumph and then... And then things might go very badly for a tyrant.
He makes a quick decision. He and his son will be granted safe passage to Ireland immediately following his "voluntary" abdication of the throne to Duff. Culen protests, but Katharine agrees to his terms. She remains on the tower's battlement until the gates are open and Duff and Kenneth are at her side. "Hurry," she says, and rushes with her step-sons to the Castle's small cemetary.
Robbie is already there, still wearing Malcolm's purple cape. He is digging up a fresh grave. Some of Duff's men are helping him, but Duff and Kenneth push them aside and personally begin to dig. Katharine falls to her knees, pulling dirt aside with her hands until a waiting woman is brought to comfort her. The coffin is unearthed. Robbie has a crow, and snaps off the lid with the kind of bull-like strength he would one day be famous for. Malcolm lies still in the grave. Suddenly he gasps for air. He is alive. He had been buried alive with a slim wooden tube to provide air. But he had spent hours below ground. And the tube had been only barely sufficient. Much longer and he would have succumbed. But now the brave boy rocks back and forth in his mother's arms. He smiles at his good friend Robbie. And then he is introduced to his two older brothers for the very first time. He has worshipped them from afar his whole life. But it is they who are impressed.
Duff, soon to be King Duff, lifts Malcolm to his feet. "Prince Malcolm," he says, "I am honored to be your brother."

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Anonymous writes...

Hi! Me again! Anyway, I have 2 questions: 1.what would youhave done with the gargoyles had the series contiued without the Goliath Chronicles ever happening (You can tell by now that I REALLY dislike Goliath Chronicles) 2.What happened in the gargoyles comics that did not happen in the series?

Greg responds...

1. This is too big a question to answer here.
2. 11 issues worth of stuff. I consulted on the comics, but I'm hardly an authority on them, so you'll have to look to another source for that information.

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Anonymous writes...

This question has been bugging me for some time. I hope you can answer it.
;) Between the time of 1054 (I think that was the date) and 1994, did Demona have any contact with any other gargoyles, or was she truly 'alone' the whole time?

Greg responds...

Demona is always alone, even in a crowded room. But basically, the answer to your question is a story (actually many stories) for another day.

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Anonymous writes...

Did Thailog ever really love Demona? Or did he plan on betraying her right from the beginning?

Greg responds...

From the beginning, yes, though that doesn't mean he wasn't physically attracted to her.

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Anonymous writes...

Are the children of Oberon immortal? What are the details if so? Can they legitimately be called faeries?

Greg responds...

"Faeries" is one name. The Fair Folk is another. So is Dark Elves.
Changelings. Fae. The Children of Oberon. The Third Race. The Aesir Gods. (The Vikings took certain very powerful Children of Oberon to be gods. For that matter, so did the Egyptians. So did at least two Native American tribes and the Hauka tribe of Nigeria. (At least, that's how we played it in the GARGOYLES Universe.)) The generic name doesn't matter so much. Because it changes depending on who you're talking too.
As to their immortality, it depends on how you define it. Certainly they are extremely long-lived. Certainly they are difficult -- but not impossible -- to kill. Certainly, they are almost all shape-shifters, so no matter how old they are, they can always look as young as they desire. So, again, it depends on point of view.

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Anonymous writes...

(1) Hi? (2) I really would like to stop talking about Goliath Cronicles, but I have one more question. How many members of the original development team were involved in TGC? If the whole development team was involved, how come it was so much different (and worse)? (3) Oh! Thought of another one! When did you have it figured out that Broadway and Angela were going to be a couple and not Brooklyn and Angela as many fans had thought? The first big clue was in that episode where Puck transferred the souls of Coldstone's three gargoyles into Broadway, Angela, and Brooklyn. Broadway and Angela became the two lovers, and Brooklyn was the evil gargoyle, trying to steal Angela away. If you had wanted Angela and Brooklyn together, you would have reversed Broadway and Brooklyn's parts. I think that Broadway and Angela make a better couple! (: That's one of my favorite episodes BTW!
(unfortuantly, it's the only one I've seen only once!!! ): )

Greg responds...

[Questions numbered to make life easier. As usual, no other editing.]

1. Hi? Uh, hi back to you.
2. The development team? None. Well, me. Keep in mind, the team that developed the show was largely not the same team who produced the first two seasons. The unsung (read largely uncredited) people who worked on the development of the series included the following:
Greg Weisman - Director of Series Development (Greg went on to be Supervising Producer of GARGOYLES.)
Bob Kline and Dave Schwartz - Development Art Directors (Bob later became a Producer/Director of GARGOYLES in its second season.)
Paul Felix and Greg Guler - Development Artists (Greg became lead character designer for GARGOYLES in its second season.)
Fred Schaeffer, Paul Lacy, Kat Fair, Cindy Chupack, Ellen Gurney - Development Associates.
(I hope I'm not leaving anyone out; we had a lot of development
associates at Disney, and I'm not 100% sure if any of the others worked
on GARGOYLES specifically.)
Also Gary Krisel and Bruce Cranston - my bosses, who were very involved in
developing the show.
And Tad Stones - who provided some important conceptual advice.
After the show was developed and sold, we began assembling a production team for the first season, most of which was pre-produced and produced in Japan.
I was still a development executive at the time. I asked to be switched over to Producer, but my bosses wanted me to prove that I could do the job while I simultaneously held down my Executive slot. So that's what I did.
We went through a couple of writers who didn't work out, and then Michael Reaves was brought aboard as writer and story editor.
In Japan, Kazuo Terada, Saburo Hashimoto and Takamitsu Kawamura were brought on as directors. Kazuyoshi Takeuchi was our lead character designer. And that's just the tip of the iceberg in terms of Japanese talent that worked on the show. (But I don't want this answer to turn into me just rewriting 66 episodes worth of credits down here.)
Back in L.A., Frank Paur was hired as our producer. Jamie Thomason was brought on as voice director. Laura Perrotta was our production coordinator. Dave Witting was our production assistant. Denise Byrne was our script coordinator. And Carl Johnson was our composer. Again, a lot of other people were involved, but that was the basic team for the first thirteen episodes.
Some of you may have noticed that I don't have a credit on the episodic television version of "Awakening". That's because, I was still officially an executive, and Disney executive's don't receive credit. The decision to allow me to officially move over from Executive to Producer came after the pre-production of the first season was completed. In fact, it came during post-production. As a matter of fairness, it was decided that any work that I had done as an executive would still not be credited. Frank Paur posted the five part "Awakening" by himself, while I posted the "Movie Version" for our Disneyworld Premiere. So I was credited as co-producer on the "movie" (which later became the home video) and on the other 8 episodes of the first season. Co-producer because I hadn't participated in pre-production except as an executive. I received no credit on any of the five parts of the television mini-series "Awakening" because my pre-production contributions were as an executive and
my post-production contributions were minimal, because I was busy on the "movie".
The second season was a whole other story. We did 52 episodes and the crew expanded geometrically. Most (though not all) of our pre-production was brought back to the U.S. We added Bob Kline and Dennis Woodyard as Producer/Directors. Lisa Salamone was brought on as Associate Producer.
(Laura Perrotta left Disney around this time.) Tom Pniewski was added as another Production Assistant. Greg Guler became our lead character designer. Butch Lukic, Patrick Archibald, Doug Murphy and others were brought aboard to storyboard and design, etc.
I officially shared producer credit (later supervising producer credit) with Frank. Michael remained a story editor and Brynne Chandler Reaves, Cary Bates and Gary Sperling were added as additional story editors. Lydia Marano became a regular writer on the series. My assistant Monique Beatty made the move with me and joined the Gargoyles team as a script coordinator.
Since I was no longer an executive, new executives were assigned to oversee the show. Jay Fukuto was director of current programming. Initially, he had Ellen Gurney watching the show. Later, my former development associate Kim Christianson took over. Adrienne Bello was the S&P executive from day one.
Again, refer to episode credits for a fuller listing of people.
GOLIATH CHRONICLES was a whole different animal. I wrote and story edited one episode only. Jamie Thomason remained the voice director. Denise stayed on as script coordinator. Tom Pniewski was promoted to Production Coordinator or Manager (sorry, Tom, I get those credits mixed up). Cary Bates wrote a couple episodes. Lydia wrote one. Another of our writers, Adam Gilad wrote one. Jay and Kim were still overseeing the scripts, but otherwise Pre-Production and Post- Production were moved to Nelvana in Canada. A new Supervising Producer, Scott Thomson was brought in. A new story editor, Eric Lewald, was brought in. Officially, I was a consultant, but I had my consultant credit removed, because I felt I hadn't been consulted enough
to earn that credit. I believe Frank Paur may have consulted a bit as well, but I'm not sure. For the most part, it was a complete turnover in creative personnel. I've always thought that hurt the show.
But there were also other problems that I've gone into before, (and this "answer" has gone on long enough). I should say, however, that Goliath Chronicles is probably still an above average cartoon show. Any problems with it are probably relative.
3. When Gary Sperling and I were working on the episode "Turf" we realized that we needed to know who, if anyone, Angela would wind up with. We talked about it. In some ways, Brooklyn did seem like the obvious choice, but it soon became clear that he was the wrong choice. It had to be Broadway.
Nothing else made sense. There are some subtle clues in "Turf". For example, Broadway never refers to Angela as Angie in that episode, despite the fact that he had been the first one to call her that in "The Gathering, Part Two". By "Turf" he had already realized she didn't care for the nickname. Lex and Brooklyn didn't figure it out until she told them (at high volume).

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Anonymous writes...

Hi! I have a few Q's about your wonderful show 1. I absolutely love Puck (er...Owen), the way you fit him in was really clever. Did you ever intend further develop him as a character? Give him a past? A love life? 2. Okay, this has been driving me nuts, Were Margo and Brenden actually planned to be characters, or were they some sort of inside joke made up by the animators? Thanks for your time! Long live Gargs!

Greg responds...

1. Yes.
2. Brendan & Margot were in "Awakening". They had lines. They were in the script. The animation is done last. In other episodes we began using them as background characters. That became amusing to us. So we kept using them as recurring. We made a particular effort to parallel their appearance in "Hunter's Moon" to their original appearance in "Awakening". Later, I decided to make more use of Brendan & Margot in the third season -- develop them beyond their cliches, which is why Margot had such a prominent role in "The Journey". But then I didn't do the rest of the third season, so I had no control over how Margot was used or how Brendan wasn't. But the animators only put in the characters we told them to use. As far as I know.
"Once upon a time their were three brothers..." PART ONE
The year is 954. The King of Scotland, Maol Chalvim I, is 66 years old. He is very ill.
He has two sons. They are half-brothers. (Maol is the father of both, but they had two different mothers, both of whom died in childbirth.) The eldest son, Duff, is 42 years old. The youngest, Kenneth, is 22 years old. Despite the twenty year age difference, they are the best of friends.
Maol Chalvim also has a new, young wife. Very young. And very pregnant.
She is 18 years old, and her name is Katharine.
On his deathbed, Maol begs his sons to support each other and to protect his third wife and their child. The brothers vow to do just that. Duff assumes he will be the new king. Kenneth assumes he will be Duff's strong right arm.
Indulf has other ideas. Indulf is a 50 year old nobleman and is, himself, a descendant of kings. He has a 32 year old son named Culen, and hopes to launch a dynasty of his own. While Duff and Kenneth wait by their ailing father's bedside, Indulf makes alliances. While Duff and Kenneth close their father's eyes for the last time, Indulf gathers his troops. While Duff and Kenneth take their father to be buried on the holy Island of Iona, Indulf has himself crowned King on the Lia Fail at Scone.
Needless to say, Duff and Kenneth aren't too pleased. They prepare for battle, but Indulf pulls his trump card. He has Katharine. And he will kill her if they raise a sword against him. Bound by their vow and their sense of honor, Duff and Kenneth retire to a family stronghold and wait.
At Edinburgh, Katharine gives birth to a boy. She names him Malcolm, (which is a more modern variant on the name Maol Chalvim). Indulf is now willing to return Katharine to her step-sons. But the babe will stay in his custody as insurance. For obvious reasons, Katharine chooses not to leave.

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Anonymous writes...

(1) I was wondering--what happened to the Guatamalan gargoyles? I don't want to guess, 'cause that'd be breaking the rules. What did Broadway end up doing with that amulet? (2)Also, I wanted to say that I'm really glad that you and Reaves'll be involved in the movie. (3) Also, were you planning on introducing lots of new characters? (4) When did you decide that Owen and Puck should be the same person? (5) What's your favorite episode of Gargoyles? (6) What were the plans for what was going to happen between Matt and theIlluminati? (7) Are there any gargoyles that are members of the Illuminati? (8) If all the stone statues are supposed to look alike (like I've heard as an explanation for the Brandon-Margot thing before, among other things) whydoes Elisa look like Elisa, and Owen look like Owen? (9) When Xanatos talked about it not being a good idea "mixing magics," was he referring to Puck in some way? (10) What kinds of magic are there in the Gargoyles universe? (11) How
long are Fox and Alex going to live (that is, if Mr. X DOESN'T reach his goal of being immortal), since they're part Third Race? (12) What does "Third Race" mean, anyway? I've heard it referred to numerous times. (13) Why won't Disney sell the rights to Gargoyles? (14) I've heard rumors that Mr. Xanatos'name was decided on by picking a name out of a phone book--is that true? (15) Last, but not least, was it even remotely planned that so many Star Trekactors would voice-act on Gargoyles? As a fan of both ST and Gargoyles, Ithink it's really great. ::whew:: That's a lot of questions.
Sorry ifsome've been asked before; don't worry 'bout answering if they had.
Thanks, and this place is great!

Greg responds...

As usual, I've added numbers to your questions to make them easier to answer. No other editing was done.
1. Thanks for not breaking the rules. Jade & Turquesa eventually returned to Guatemala after dropping the plants off in Avalon and making a couple of other quest-type stops. I had plans for Zafiro to come in search of the Sun Amulet, which is still in Broadway's possession.
2. I'm glad your glad, but let's take everything one step at a time.
Nothing much has been done on the movie yet. We'll see how truly involved we are when the thing gets rolling.
3. Where? In the movie? If we had done more episodes? I guess the answers probably yes, either way.
4. I didn't exactly decide. I realized Owen was Puck about 12 hours after I decided to put Puck into the series. At almost the exact same time, Lydia Marano and Brynne Reaves realized the same thing independently. That confirmed we were on the right track.
5. I've answered this fully elsewhere. My favorite single episode is "The Mirror", but I like all 66 that I worked on, particularly the multi-parters.
6. I'm not going into this now.
7. Maybe.
8. That was a joke.
9. Yes.
10. Mortal Sorcery. Fae magic. Talisman magic. Location magic. Ghostly illusions and telikinetics. Just to name a few.
11. Until they die.
12. Gargoyle hatchlings are taught in the rookery that there are three races. Gargoyles. Humans. And Oberon's Children. The fae are the third race from the Gargoyle point of view. (To themselves, I'm sure the fair folk feel that they're number one.)
13. Why would they? Why give up something with long-term income potential?
And by the way, who exactly is lining up to buy the rights? No one with nearly enough money, I'll tell you that.
14. Sort of. Xanatos' orignal name was Xavier, which we dropped because of Professor X from the X-Men. But I still wanted a name that had that same kind of sound to it. It's a subjective thing, but I liked it. I thought of Thanatos, which is the name of the Greek God of death, which seemed cool. X and TH sounds are often exchanged. So I tried Xanatos.
Everyone liked the sound of it. Later, I checked the phone book, and the name was there, (different first name though). It all seemed to fit. The name David was chosen because Goliath's name was Goliath. The hero/villain role reversal of David & Goliath was too perfect to resist. I have on occasion abbreviated the above story by simply saying I found it in the phone book. But usually I only do that when someone says the name sounds phony or cartoony.
15. It wasn't planned. I think I've answered this, but who remembers?
Marina nailed her audition right out of the gate. Jonathan had a more competitive field, but after a few false starts he got the job. After that, it was natural when we were casting new characters to think about the gang from the various Trek shows. Michael, Brent, Nichelle, Colm, Kate, Le Var, etc. They did great work for us.

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Anonymous writes...

Why did you decide to change Dekota to Demona?( Name and personality?) I hope I spelled Dekota right. If I didn't, sorry.

Greg responds...

You didn't. But that's o.k. Dakota was a bland comedy heroine who was transformed into a much more interesting comedic traitor and villainess named Demona. The reason for the name change is probably obvious: Demona sounds more villainesque than Dakota, which is kinda generic, and certainly has no particular gargoylean feel to it. 6-10-97)

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Anonymous writes...

Demona is definetly my favorite character on Gargoyles. She's intellegent, beautiful, has a great voice[excellant job Marina], and I can understand why she's insane. Imagine coming home one day and finding pieces of your loved ones all over the place. I guess we'd all snap. How did you come up with her character? The tragic villain, not the comedy character. Did you ever plan a spinoff show about her and what she did through the centuries?
I'd watch it.Well thanks for taking the time to read my question. Ciao.

Greg responds...

No spin-offs were planned for Demona, though I had hopes to tell more flashback stories about her life. She would have remained a recurring character in GARGOYLES and she would have been a regular in both DARK AGES and FUTURE TENSE. And she would have appeared at least once in TIMEDANCER.
All of that is moot for now, but maybe someday...
I basically enjoy villains a lot. I think the villains in our show were very unique, particlarly Demona and Xanatos. Much of Demona's character came so easily and fit together so well, I hesitate to take credit for it. Demona was out there in the mist ready to be revealed to the world. At any rate, I certainly must share credit with everyone else who worked with the character, in particular Michael Reaves, who wrote "Awakening". Still, from the beginning of our second phase (read non-comedy) development, we already knew Demona was a traitor who had meant well initially but could not face up to her own guilt. Though I hadn't worked out all the details of "City of Stone" from that early point of pre-Awakening development, I also knew that she had not slept through the centuries as Goliath and the others had. She would have had to live through 1000 years of persecution and prejudice. I knew that she was Goliath's lost love. How he viewed her defined both who she was
and who she wasn't. I knew she was a tragic figure. I didn't want the audience to forgive her actions, but I did want them to understand.

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Anonymous writes...

There has been one question bothering me for a long time. Are gargoyle talons like curved fangs that have been put at the end of their fingers(not the small ones I am talking Sabre Tooth Tiger fangs) or are they smaller like eagle talons/ thick curved fingernails? I saw one picture on the net and right after the second joint in their fingers they had this white curved-fang like talon that looked to about the same size as the barrel of a gun. On the show you can't really see how big the talons are, you can only guess. Please clear this up for me.

Greg responds...

It depends. Outside of the series, different artists have interpreted their talons/claws differently. I'd have to say, all of those interpretations aren't cannon. On the series, Frank Paur had the designers make the claw an integral part of each finger or toe. It made for cleaner animation, but you'd have to ask Frank for a definitive anatomical description.
Today is Monday, June 9th. On Friday, June 6th, I logged onto Gore's chatroom. It was fun, but I must admit that I felt rushed. Part of the problem was that just as I was scheduled to log on, I got an important phone call that I had to take. That meant I was late getting to the room, and I never had time to get settled. Another problem was technological.
Everything was moving very slow for me at this end. Maybe, it's my computer. Maybe it was heavy traffic to the site. I'm not sure. But today JEB sent me a transcript of the questions and answers, and I realize that I missed a ton of questions which had scrolled off the bottom of the room by the time the page reloaded to my screen. Sorry about that. If I missed your question, ask it again here. But the result of all that rushing and missed postings was that I didn't really get to "chat" with you. I just answered questions at a faster speed than I do here at ASK GREG.
I'll try the chat thing again sometime, I promise. But all this led me to realize something else. Answering questions is only part of what I want to do here. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the question/answer thing. All the details, all the plans for the future. But I'd also like to discuss the show with you guys. Discuss the episodes we already made. The characters, the themes, etc. Occasionally, I lurk in the comment room, but I almost always have to vacate fast, because someone invariably posts an original notion, like a "What If" or something. That's appropriate to the comment room and I WOULD NOT want to see that change, but unfortunately, it keeps me out.
So let's turn ASK GREG into a bit of a comment room also. Feel free to post your reactions to a given episode. Sometimes I'll respond. Sometimes, I may not. But I'd like to hear what you have to say. And you never know, it might inspire me to relate some behind-the-scene story and/or some tidbit of the Master Plan and/or what was going through my head at a given time and/ or what I think of the episode in hindsight. I'm not suggesting we quit with the questions, but I think adding this aspect to the page would be more fun for me, and I hope, ultimately, more interesting for you.
A few brief groundrules:
1. Don't forget the old groundrules. They still apply.
2. Let's limit discussions to the first two seasons of Gargoyles and also "The Journey" from the Goliath Chronicles. I'm not saying that the other 12 Goliath Chronicle episodes aren't cannon, but since I had almost nothing to do with them, I'm not going to be able to respond effectively to them.
Anyway 66 episodes worth of material should keep us busy enough.
3. This is not supposed to take the place of the existing Comment Room, obviously. For starters, this page doesn't "move" fast enough for ongoing (or even cogent) discussions. But a comment here or there, and my response to it, might spice up this page a bit.
Anyway, let's give it a shot.

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Anonymous writes...

Which buildings that were used more than once in the series really exist?

Greg responds...

I don't know. I'd have to go through every episode to answer that question.
Any specific buildings you're curious about?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Was Matt Bluestone inspired by Fox Mulder of "The X-Files"? 2. Whatever happened to those two cities that Jackal-as-Anubis wiped out in "Grief"? 3.
When you first did "Enter Macbeth", did you know that he was *the* Macbeth?
And what led to the decision to include Macbeth as a major supporting character in the series? Was his weariness of life inspired by the "Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow" lines in Shakespeare's play?

Greg responds...

1. I wanted Elisa to have a partner, but it was Michael Reaves who basically originated Matt. I wasn't watching X- Files much in its first couple of seasons, so Mulder definitely wasn't in my mind. You'd have to ask Michael if he had Mulder on the brain when he came up with Matt's conspiracy- hunting mentality.
2. One town, as I recall. It was wiped.
3. Yes, Macbeth was always Macbeth. And he was included because he fit. He filled a short-term role, AND he was perfect for our long-term plans. I've read and seen Shakespeare's MACBETH so many times, I can't say if any one line influenced me so much as my entire reading of the character did. His weariness, however, was again, logical and right to the character we had "created". Nothing else made sense.

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Anonymous writes...

What were you planning to do with Owen's stone hand, anyway? He only hit Oberon with it once I believe (I may be wrong) and that's about it. I doubt you would have made such a drastic change to a character without a plan on what was going to happen.

Greg responds...

Owen never hit Oberon with it, though he did use it on Talon once.
Originally it was put in to deepened the mystery of who Owen was. What kind of man would react so casually to such a drastic change? I also felt it was a kind of clue to Owen's true identity. Now, it's largely a reminder of what Puck has lost to stay in the mortal world; a disability he lives with and a weapon he occasionally makes use of.

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Anonymous writes...

(1)He isn't my favorite but by far one of the coolest, for lack of a better word. (2)How active of a part are you taking in the Gathering? (3)Since Gargs seems to be "Dead and dust" what was the future supposed to have in store
for Coldstone Desdemona/Coldfire and that annoying rustbucket, cliche-ing Coldsteel. (4) Why live action for the movie? Why not a animated feature, with the quality of work from eps such as 'Shadows of the Past' 'M.I.A.' and 'High Noon' (Three of my favorite episodes, for exceptional animation and storyline)? (5) Which leads me to my next question: Why was the animation quality of some eps better than others, ie 'High Noon': with it's superbly drawn and well rendered graphics, compared to Metamorphosis: with it's awkward movements and seemingly lowscale animation, and slightly less interesting storyline? (6) This is my personal biased opinion but almost always cartoons or animated shows/features etc. that turn to live action are inadequate by comparison. That is unless you pull some CGI graphic, Jurassic Park quality effects for the gargs. It just seems that the animation end of Gargoyles is so much more enticing than Live action. And it also seems that it [Animation] has much more to offer. Please surprise me with how incredible this movie will be just so you can tell me..."I told you so."

Greg responds...

(Numbers have been added to your comments/questions to make my life easier.) 1. Who?
2. I've been asked to attend, and if we can work out the details, I'll be there.
3. Lots of interesting stories that you just wouldn't be able to get enough of.
4. No one offered to make an animated feature. But the guys at Touchstone were interested in making a live-action movie. Who am I to say no?
Actually, no one. I have no control over what Disney does with the property.
5. You've raised two different points. Animation was done at a number of different studios. Our best work was done by Walt Disney Japan's in-house teams. Second best work was done by other Japanese units. Third best by KoKo in Korea. That was all great stuff. The rest ranged from O.K. down to poor. Your second point was about storylines, but I think it's interesting that you credit better animated episodes with having more interesting storylines. You're not alone, I've noticed in general that fans of the show seem to like the stories of better animated episodes and dislike the stories of poorly animated episodes. My guess is that at least to some extent, the animation is creating a bias negative or positive. The reason I feel that way is because, with the exception of the multi-parters, I never knew which studio an episode was going to go to when creating our stories. I never knew whether it was going to get great animation like "The Mirror",
"Future Tense" or "M.I.A." or whether it was going to get lousy or mediocre animation like "Monsters" or "Vendettas". We wrote the best 66 episodes we could. I find it hard to believe that the best stories just coincidentally happened to go to the best studios. Some stories certainly turned out better than others, but evidence suggests that animation quality had a larger subliminal effect on which stories people liked than anyone realizes.
6. First off, I don't have a lot (read any) control over this situation. I hope the live action movie is great. They are planning to use some CGI, although I don't think even they know how much yet. But mostly, I'm not worried about the look. Hollywood movies invariably look great. I'm hoping for a good story that is faithful to the spirit of the GARGOYLES property, if not the details.

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Anonymous writes...

Can we trust close-captioning to interpret hard to hear dialogue?

Greg responds...

Good question, Greg. NO, YOU CAN'T. It's probably right most of the time, but as far as I know no one involved with the show approved the close captioning, and I know of at least a couple of examples where it was dead wrong. Particularly on the spelling of names. That suggests to me that whoever wrote the captions didn't even have access to the scripts. I'm guessing he or she simply listened to the episodes and wrote down what they heard (or thought they heard). That means the "guesswork" known as close captioning has no more authority than what your own ears reveal. If you have any specific questions about dialogue or name spelling, don't check the captioning. Ask Greg.

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Anonymous writes...

Hi there! Please, once and for all: How the heck do you spell the name of that building? You know, the one that Xanatos owns, with the castle on the top?

Greg responds...

I think I've answered this but it's faster to type it in again then it is to check: EYRIE BUILDING. (I think Michael Reaves came up with that name.)

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Anonymous writes...

Two questions this time and a 'thank you for your time': 1. In "MIA" Griff looks at Goliath and guesses he is of "Scotish stock". Such a comment seems to imply that Griff has seen Scotish gargoyles. Are there surviving gargoyles in Scotland or does the English clan have some very well preserved thousand year old pictures? 2.'Time passes differently on Avalon' is that always or was an 'hour for every day' spell placed over the island to avoid the damages of a 1000 years of neglect? [I know there are myths of time passing differently on Avalon, but I thought those were to explain the longevity of the third race. In Gargoyles Oberon's Children do not seem to have aged noticably in a milenia.] Thank you

Greg responds...

1. Hee hee hee.
2. Always.

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, you stated that the ratings went from good, to not-so-good to bad. I write a column on television for my school newspaper and if you could provide me with those numbers (neilsons) I would really apreciate it. Thanks

Greg responds...

Sorry, but I didn't save that info. It must be on file somewhere, so why don't you try writing a polite, typed and carefully proofread letter to Nielson. (And no, I don't know their address, but a good reporter should be able to find it. :))

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Anonymous writes...

You stated at one point that Demona and Xanatos were intoduced by Puck/Owen. What was the reason for the introduction?

Greg responds...

Mutual self-interest.

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Anonymous writes...

(1) I'm known in the comment room as Xanatos so you can call me that. (2) So the Illuminati funded the Quarrymen eh. Why? (3) Is Demona Brooklyn's mate?
Since the Future Tense episode, and the fact that you want to keep it a secret I'm begining to think she is. Plus she's the one no one would suspect. (4) I heard that you were going to be at the '97 Gathering, is it true? If so than I can't wait to meet you. I live in NY. I lve your show and am looking forward to the movie. I was relieved when I found out it would be about Goliath. I'm boring you now so good bye.

Greg responds...

1. Hey, Xanatos. I'd rather call you Greg, but I'll respect your wishes.
I added numbers to your questions to make this easier to read. No other editing. Hope you don't mind.
2. The Illuminati had their reasons.
3. No.
4. "Beth Maza" and I are trying to work out the details for me to be there.
We don't have it nailed down yet, so I don't want to make any promises. But we're trying, and it looks likely. Hopefully, I'll see you there.

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, I am re-sending the questions again via. this route as you requested: 1) Which story writer was responsible for the introduction of Shakespearean characters into the story plot and what motivated the decision? 2) Why was the ending in "Vows" changed? In the first version Goliath embraced Demona in front of the clock tower scene and then broke the Phoenix Gate. In the second version, the clock tower background is replaced by a castle window. The animation in the second version seems to be done by Nelvana. Why was this done? Did the clock tower background symbolize that Demona and Goliath's vows of love were "now and forever?" I noticed the ending changed right after Hunter?s Moon aired for the first time. Did the writers decide to alter the ending of "Vows" now that the end was no longer valid now that Goliath loves Elisa? 3) In the episode called "The Mirror" Puck shows an image of Goliath in the mirror to Demona and says, "So after all these
years, you still carry a torch for him." What did he mean by this? Does Demona still love Goliath deep down, or was Puck just playing mental games with her? 4) Why were the Weird Sisters named after moons. Did it have to do with Shakespeare's love with the topic in his works? 5) In City of Stone, the Weird Sisters are in front of a TV store and say to one another, "So, it begins again..." What begins again? Are they referring to the Gathering or to Demona and MacBeth? 6) In the series, the show seems to focus on Goliath and Demona's relationship. Later in the second season Demona begins to show some signs of repentance. The show seems to suggest that they were going to be re-united (The fact that Angela is their daughter) and then all of a sudden in Hunters Moon, Goliath chooses Elisa as his mate. Did the writers originally plan for the re-uniting of Goliath and Demona in the beginning and changed their minds later on, or was the Elisa/Goliath relationship planned from the start?
7) In The Goliath Chronicles, Goliath advises against any dealings Demona and shuns anyone idea of befriending her, but in "The Reckoning" he praises Demona sacrifice and states that it was an act of "good." Why did he change his mind all of a sudden? 8) What are the plans for the character Demona if there is a new season? Will Goliath, Demona and Angela become a family? Is the Elisa/Goliath relationship going to end? If not, why didn't The Goliath Chronicles portray it more? Was it executive pressure?

Greg responds...

1. Most (though not all) of the Shakespeare was me. Beginning with Macbeth. We were looking for an immortal Scottish hunter. Macbeth had the name recognition. It felt like the kind of thing Stan Lee would have done in the early sixties at Marvel. Plus I love Shakespeare. The other things flowed from that rather smoothly. The Weird Sisters were obvious. Puck, Oberon and Titania likewise. Marty Isenberg & Bob Skir, the writers on "Legion" created an Othello/ Desdemona/Iago/Cassio set up (with Goliath in the Cassio role). I'm still not 100% sure if Marty and Bob did that on purpose, because per our rules, none of the other characters were named in their original outline for the story. In order to relieve some of the stress on our all-too-human brains, I suggested the Shakespearean names for internal use in order to keep all the characters straight. With more episodes, we would have included more Shakespearean characters. But I think that covers it for now.
2. NO. NO. NO. First off, Nelvana did none of the animation on the first two seasons. (Frankly, they didn't do any animation production for the third season either. They just handled pre-production.) The original background in front of the clock tower was a mistake. A MISTAKE. It was supposed to be a flashback to the moment when Demona first broke the gate and gave her piece to Goliath at the castle. A wistful memory. The mistake with the clock tower background came in too late to fix in time for the first airing. Maybe too late for the second too, I can't remember. But eventually, we got the correct background back from overseas and cut it in. Our intent never changed. Pragmatic realities dictated the two versions you saw. Sorry if that's disappointing.
3. Both.
4. There is a tradition of triple goddesses connected to the phases of the moon. It seemed to me that the Weird Sisters fit that tradition.
5. Demona and Macbeth. And the Archmage.
6. Elisa/Goliath from the start, and we never wavered. Demona's journey to some kind of redemption is another subplot, (if possible an even slower one then Goliath and Elisa's journey to finding each other). Sometimes, these subplots are going to intersect. But again, our intent remained constant.
7. I can't answer any questions about any Goliath Chronicle episodes except for "The Journey". Didn't work on them.
8. Again, I had little to do with Goliath Chronicles. But I doubt there was any executive pressure. Your questions suggest a clear bias toward wanting Goliath and Demona to reunite. All I can say is it wouldn't happen if the show was under my watch. As far as I was concerned we put any real chance of that to rest with "Vows". Someday, Goliath and Demona might have eventually reached some kind of detante. But Goliath's destiny is with Elisa. IMHO.

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg: First off, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. I wonder how many people would continue to promote interest in a project that's no longer providing them with employment, and we are all very appreciative of your comments. RE questions: 1. In MIA it seems Griff and Una were romantically involved in the 40's. Are they still romantically involved? Did Una get together with Leo? I love the British gargs. 2. Do the names of the Japanese gargs (Kai, Yama, Sora) have special meanings in English, and what are they? 3. Do the Illuminati in Gargoyles have any connection to the real historical Bavarian ILluminati of the 1700's? 4. Is there a reason Malibu's arm shield has the Maltese Cross of Germany on it? 5. Would there ever have been a cure for the mutates?
6. WOuld the child of Ophelia and Gabriel have been in the Future Tense series? 7. Someday, when you feel like rambling, Brooklyn and Lex's mates and the fifth member of the Ultra-Pack would be interesting to hear about.
:-) also, if Hudson would ever have found some company... I respect your freedom not to answer any of the above questions, and thank you again for taking the time to talk to us.

Greg responds...

1. Griff and Leo were involved in the 40s, but by the 90s Una and Leo were mates.
2. Yes. Yama means "the Mountain". Gary Sperling told me what all the names mean, but I don't remember the others. Sorry.
3. Sure.
4. Not that I know of.
5. Not really.
6. Probably.
7. You're welcome.

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Anonymous writes...

How would I get involved in writing for an animated series? Or any TV series for that meatter.

Greg responds...

First and foremost, you write. Then write some more. Then do a little writing. Read a lot. Write some more. Read some more. Read a lot. Write a lot. Study story structure. Study great literature. Study myth and legends. Joseph Campbell. Listen to how people talk. How they really talk. Learn your craft. Get a kick-ass education. Write. Read. Write.
Get copies of animation (or other television) scripts. Learn the format.
Write spec scripts for shows that you like. Try to use those specs to get an agent. Then your agent can use those specs to get you work. Write more specs. If you can't get an agent, send the specs to production companies that you admire. Don't send a Batman spec to Warner Bros or a Gargoyles to Disney. Legally, they can't risk reading those. But you can send Batman to Disney and Gargoyles to Warners. (I know it sounds weird. There's a real good reason for this, but it's a whole other question, so for now just trust me.) Actually, you shouldn't be writing a Gargoyles spec at all, since that show isn't producing new episodes now. You don't want your spec to come off as yesterday's news. Keep reading. Keep writing. Try writing a pilot script and a short bible for an original series. Try using those to get an agent or work (any work, you need credits on your resume.) Oh, yeah.
PROOFREAD. PROOFREAD. PROOFREAD. Read your own work aloud, you catch more mistakes that way. Read. Write. Write some more. Get used to a lot of rejection. A LOT OF REJECTION.
That's the best advice I can give you except this: writing for television is an extremely difficult career to break into, let alone succeed at; so if you don't really have a PASSION for it, then do something else. You'll need that passion to see you through a lot of dark times. If you can be happy doing anything else, then do that other thing. Otherwise, good luck.

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Anonymous writes...

Hi. Wow, this is nifty. But, anyway, here are my questions. 1: How is Sevarius (or Servarius) really spelled? 2: Xanatos is a Greek name, but does it come from Thanatos, the name of the Greek god of death? 3: I just love those names. I discovered on accident that Dracon means snake in Greek, which was neat, and very appropriate. Makes the quote 'honor of a Dracon' even more oxymoronic. Or was the quote 'word of a Dracon'? Oh, well. But on to the question: What does the name Sevarius (or Servarius) mean, or where did it come from? Sevarius sounds Latin, but it's all Greek to me. (Ooh, bad joke. Sorry!) 4: Hmm. Well, I could ask another question, but hmm.. what? Oops, that wasn't the question. But wait, that gives me an idea. Here it is: what question (or questions) would you most like to be asked, and who would ask them? :-) Not very creative of me, I know, but I hope you have fun with that one.I guess that's all. Thanks for taking the
time to answer these questions. And thanks for Gargoyles.
Gargoyles has been a work of art, a real gift to the world. It's inspired many people. I hope someday you can continue it. Good luck!

Greg responds...

1. Sevarius.
2. Yes.
3. Michael Reaves came up with the name "Sevarius". I don't know if it had a meaning to him. Initially, I wasn't sure if I liked the sound of the name. It sounded cliched to me at first, though I was at a loss to explain why. Later, it seemed perfect for the character. I was wrong on that one, so I'm glad I deferred to Michael.
4. Uh.... Sorry. I can't think of anything that hasn't been asked. But I'm sure you guys'll come up with something.

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Anonymous writes...

O.k.#1 I was just wondering, if you were going to have more episodes on Elisa and Goliath's relationship? They don't seem to be doing anything lately.#2 Are the recordings (for voices) more fun, or more like work?
Tha's all my questions for now. Thanks!

Greg responds...

1. I've answered this. The short answer is yes. For a longer answer look at the archives for this page.
2. They were (usually) a tremendous amount of fun. The most fun part of the job, frankly. You get to be there as actors bring your characters to life with their voices. I sat second chair to our fantastic voice director Jamie Thomason, so I got to pretend I was helping. Plus most of our actors were a complete joy to work with. Particularly our regulars: Keith, Jeff, Bill, Thom, Ed, Brigitte, Salli, Frank, Marina and Jonathan. Laura San Giacomo, Peter Scolari, Sheena Easton, Jim Cummings, Morgan Shepard, Kath Soucie and John Rhys-Davies were also great fun people to work with and talk to. (Actually, I'm nervous about leaving people out. Most everyone was great.) Anyway, yeah, it was a lot of fun. It WAS also work. Some sessions lasted for hours and could be grueling. But mostly it was a hoot.

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, I have greatly enjoyed your work on Gargoyles. Have you worked on other shows or books in the past, and do you have anything in the works for the future.

Greg responds...

The future is hazy. I'll consult Puck later (not that he can be trusted).
As to the past, I've worked on a number of animation projects, most of them as a development executive. These include (in no particular order) Gummi Bears, Duck Tales, Winnie the Pooh, TaleSpin, Rescue Rangers, Duck Tales the Movie, A Goofy Movie, Mighty Ducks, Bonkers, Goof Troop, Darkwing Duck, Aladdin (series), Little Mermaid (series), JEM, Timon & Pumbaa, Schnookums & Meat,
Raw Toonage, Marsupilami, Quack Pack, etc. Some of these I had a lot to do with, others I had almost nothing to do with.
I also worked for DC Comics for some time. The main thing I did was CAPTAIN ATOM. But I worked as a writer or assistant editor on DC Challenge, Tales of the Teen Titans, Justice League of America, Justice League, Justice League International, All Star Squadron, Infinity Inc, Young All Stars, Titans Spotlight, Silverblade, Watchmen, Secret Origins, Millenium, Who's Who, etc.

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Anonymous writes...

Hi.#1-WHAT IS BROOKLYN'S MATE? #2-Will Xantos ever go back on his word to betray the gargoyles? Now for the last one. #3-Will Lex ever meet a female gargoyle?

Greg responds...

1. Katana.
2. Xanatos and Goliath will never be totally in synch, but Xanatos no longer desires to be at odds with the gargoyles. That doesn't mean that occasionally they won't wind up at odds.
3. Meet? Sure.

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Anonymous writes...

I know I said I wouldn't ask any more until this batch was answered, but I have one last question; who exactly was MacDuff? He was in the credits of "City of Stone," but I never heard his name spoken in the show. So who was he?

Greg responds...

Macduff was Duncan's lieutenant in 1040. He was knocked out by Demona, allowing Macbeth to go one-on-one with Duncan.

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Anonymous writes...

Oh, almost forgot, one more question: Where in New York is the Xanatos Enterprises building meant to be located? I've been searching my tapes for a full shot of the city skyline including this building, but I can't find one....

Greg responds...

It's on Central Park South. At least it is in my Manhatten.

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Anonymous writes...

I have always wondered why Disney never promoted Gargoyles all that much?
You said it never did that well but I hardly saw anything to promote the show. I just happened to see it one day and was immediately hooked. Any guess as to why Disney seemed to distance themselves from Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

The question you should ask yourself is whether ANY of Disney's animated series from that era of the Disney Afternoon received MORE promotion.
Personally, I don't think so. Other producers complained that they didn't get as much of a push as Gargoyles did.
Now you could argue that Disney didn't promote any of their shows enough.
But keep in mind that promotion costs a LOT of money. It just wasn't money they felt like spending at the time.

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Anonymous writes...

Was Elisa's metamorphosis in THE MIRROR just a one-time idea, or something you'd panned on doing more on?

Greg responds...

A one time deal. Elisa's humanity and Goliath's gargoylity make up one of the series prime dynamics. Any permanent alteration of that would have been a betrayal.

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Anonymous writes...

1. Hi, Greg. I want to be a animator when I grow up and I was wondering if you have any tips for me ? 2. Will Brooklyn EVER HAVE A MATE ?!

Greg responds...

1. Uh, draw a lot? Seriously, I'm not an artist or animator, so I'm not the guy to ask. But I guess you could try to get into to an art school which has an animation department and a history of industry recruitment.
2. Yes. In my mind, at least.

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Anonymous writes...

Intresting Question Greg. Exactly what did Demona do during 1900-1990?

Greg responds...

About 90 years worth of stuff.

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Anonymous writes...

This isn't exactly a question. I just wanted to tell you what I heard from a guy who worked on "Touched by an Angel". Anyway, he told me that they sometimes called witers "Co-Producers" because it cost them less (because of the writers guild or somthing). Just thought you'd like to know!

Greg responds...


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Anonymous writes...

I've got a *lot* of questions. Hope you have time! 1. Who created the phonix gate? 2. Did you ever intend to do a story where Xanatos goes back to his old tricks? 3. Is Coyote (the fey one) *really* Elisa's ansestor? If so, how far back? 4. Who was the friend of Arthurs who created the Illuminati? 5. Is the Illuminati supposed to be good, or bad, or neither (like the wierd sisters)? 6. Is the Magus *really* dead? 7. Someone asked if halflings were mortal, and you said "Define mortal." Okay, can they be killed? If they can, do they age at all? 8.
Is Puck an illigit. halfling, like in the legends? Thanks for doing this!

Greg responds...

1. I did.
2. In my mind, he never abandoned his old tricks. But some of his goals and priorities have changed a bit.
3. I don't think the show ever even implied that. The Coyote was "joined" to Peter Maza when he danced the part of Coyote in a kachina ceremony.
4. Sorry. Not in the mood today.
5. Depends who you ask.
6. Yes.
7. They can be killed. Or destroyed. They might age very slowly. Hard to tell, since they can alter their forms to suit their vanity.
8. Which legends specifically?

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Anonymous writes...

When Elisa kissed Goliath , why was Goliath just staring ? It was VERY romantic though! haskett@juno.com

Greg responds...

She caught him off guard. Then he turned to stone, so there wasn't much time to react.

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Anonymous writes...

Who came up with the caped wings idea and who thought of the loin cloths?

Greg responds...

Loin cloths were there from the beginning. No one wanted to see Goliath twisting in the wind, so to speak.
I think Gary Krisel came up with the idea of "cloaking" the wings when they were at rest. I resisted that notion at first, but I soon became a convert.

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Anonymous writes...

Why won't you answer some of the questions asked? If there were still a show(sob) I could understand, but it's not like we're ever going to find out the answers, are we?

Greg responds...

Sigh, I've answered this before too. Gargoyles has one good shot at coming back. If and when the live-action movie is completed, interest in the property might be revived and Disney might consider bringing the show back.
If that happens, then I want to have a few surprises left.

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Anonymous writes...

Are there plans for any new clans to be discovered like the ones found on Goliath, Elisa, Bronx, and Angela's tour of the world?

Greg responds...

(Seems like a good time to remind you guys to check the FAQ for ASK GREG before re-asking old questions. It's fine to reask something I've dodged.
Or to get more specific in your question. But try not to ask the same question over.)

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Anonymous writes...

I'm a huge fan of Gargoyles, and I wonder what plans you had for the Owen half of Owen/Puck.

Greg responds...

More of the same, plus more of the different.

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Anonymous writes...

Is it a coincidence that all the clans mentioned so far are on islands or in the New World? South America, Japan, Scotland, England, Manhattan, Avalon.

Greg responds...

Islands or the New World? What's the connection between those two?
Guatemala isn't an island. I guess the answer is no, because I don't get the question.

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Anonymous writes...

1. Forgive me if this has been asked and answered before: Did you know about Angela's character and who she was from the start (i.e. that Demona and Goliath had a child) or did who she would be come to you later, when you started planning "Avalon"? 2. This may be something Carl Johnson has to answer, but did he use any medieval/Scottish folk tunes or ballads as the basis for any of the music in gargoyles? Thanks.

Greg responds...

1. I knew that one of those eggs from the first episode was a child of Goliath's and Demona's. I didn't give too much thought initially to who that child was. Later, it became clear that she would be a female. A female who was in many ways Demona's opposite (hence the name Angela) but in other ways very much like her mother. The positive side of Demona, so to speak.
2. I'm not sure.

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Anonymous writes...

I'm not sure this is a fair question to ask, but here goes anyway: Why was the episode "The Hound Of Ulster" so inaccurate in terms of the original legends -- in which, among other discrepancies, "the Hound of Ulster" was not an actual dog, but a nickname for Cuchullain himself?
Especially considering that one of the writers for that ep was Diane Duane, and I KNOW she knows better than that?

Greg responds...

You seem to know Diane pretty well. What's her excuse? :)
Are you sure that Cuchullain and his "hound" weren't actually combined and confused in the legend? Are you sure our version wasn't the true truth? :) :)
To be honest, I'm not that familiar with the Cuchullain legends, so I didn't double check Diane, Peter and Michael's version. Also I asked for some changes from their early drafts. They told me they had problems with some of the changes, so we compromised. (Or at any rate, we found something that I liked which they didn't object to.) Maybe they compromised too much, I don't know. But I do take full responsibility for what got on the screen.
Ultimately, I was the guy in charge of story, so the buck stops with me. I just wasn't aware we were making serious errors. I'm still not. Where did we go wrong, besides adding a gargoyle beast to the legend (a logical extension in our series)?

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Anonymous writes...

One question Greg, you said in answering an earlier question that you wanted to have Elisa and Goliath to have some sort of marriage ceramony, but do you think that the censors or whoever made those kind of decisions would have let you? I would have liked it but some people have a thing with different race marriage I guess.

Greg responds...

I believe I said that we had no censors. And I didn't say "marriage ceremony", I think I said "commitment ceremony". I don't know exactly what I would have done, if I had been given enough episodes to get to this issue.
I have no reason to believe that it would have been even vaguely controversial. But rest assured, when I felt the time was right, Goliath and Elisa would have had some sort of clear moment of commitment. I don't think it would have been a traditional marriage ceremony (not because of censorship, but because that doesn't feel right to me vis-a-vis the two characters), but you'd have gotten the message. Trust me.

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Anonymous writes...

1. Which is your favorite character? Mine is Brooklyn. 2. What made you decide that Angela would choose Broadway as her mate. I think that she and Brooklyn would have made a better couple. 3. It seems that Brooklyn is always getting the short end of the stick. First Demona tricks him. He loses Maggie to Talon. He's forced into leadership and then he loses Angela. Why are you doing this to him? 4. I never got to see the third season. Where could I get copies of it?

Greg responds...

1. I've answered this one too. The short answer is Goliath, but they're all my children, and I love them all.
2. I've answered this too, but see below.
3. Faulty assumptions. Who doesn't get the short end of the stick sometimes? Lex? Goliath? Broadway? Demona tricked Brooklyn. Goliath lost his clan and castle. The Pack tried to kill Lex. Broadway shot Elisa accidentally. Bad stuff happens. Particularly to cartoon characters.
Was Brooklyn "forced" into leadership? I suppose you could look at it that way, but don't forget he WANTED it. It's a lot of responibility, but even now, I don't think he'd give up being Goliath's Second-In-Command gladly.
And Brooklyn never lost Maggie or Angela. He never had them. Hell, he never KNEW them. He was in love with their looks, their seeming availability. He had crushes. Broadway, on the other hand, understood Angela inside and out -- her fears, her desires, her moods. He's a more sensitive guy. He sees inside people. Brooklyn doesn't. Or at least he didn't. When Brooklyn does truly fall in love for the first time, he'll know the difference immediately. It will be real, not superficial. It will be lasting.
Gargoyles mate for life. Brooklyn won't be an exception. He just hasn't met the right girl yet.
So when you ask me why I'm "doing" this to him, I don't know how to respond.
Either you go inside the show and realize that this is his life. He has to go through the bad stuff in order to learn enough to appreciate the good. Or you remain outside the show and realize that this is storytelling. We put characters through paces. We challenge them. We watch them overcome odds.
If everyone's lives were always perfect, it would make for boring television.
4. I have no idea. Sorry.

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Anonymous writes...

do you ever dream to be a gargoyle as me ???

Greg responds...

Not in the sense you mean.

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Anonymous writes...

Call me stupid, or not as big a fan as I should be, but what is the stroy behind your non-involvment with the Goliath Chronicals? I don't think I've seen your name in the end credits.

Greg responds...

I wrote and story edited one episode, the first one, "THE JOURNEY".
Otherwise, I was not involved. I was paid as a creative consultant, but I asked Disney to remove my consultant credit from the end credits of the last twelve episodes, because I felt I hadn't earned it. Eric Lewald, Jay Fukuto and Kim Christianson consulted me a bit on those episodes, but not much.
They followed some of my negative recommendations, that is they chose not do some things that I recommended against, but they rarely did any of the things I suggested that they should do. So I felt I had made no positive contribution
to the show that would appear on screen. Thus I felt I didn't deserve screen credit. So if you're looking for my credit on Goliath Chronicles, look fast at the end of "The Journey" and then forget about it.
As to the "story"... well, I think I've answered this, but maybe not here.
Basically, it's a decision I regret, but at the time it made sense. Disney offered me the opportunity to story edit the thirteen Goliath Chronicles episodes they were doing. I agreed to do one, while we worked out the details. But we never could work out those pesky details. It was not about money. We never got that far in the conversation, and they met my fee for "The Journey", so I don't think that would have been a problem. The problems were creative control and resources. Disney didn't offer me the opportunity to produce Goliath Chronicles. They were, in essence, asking me to take a demotion. Also, at the time, they were going to pre-produce the show at DIC and refused to guarantee me any creative approvals over DIC's work. They also presented me with an impossible schedule. (The first script was due before they made the offer to me. I'm not kidding.) I felt like they were asking me to preside over the demise of the show. So I passed.
Then after I passed, things changed. They switched from DIC to Nelvana.
They gave new Producer Scott Thomas all the approvals that they wouldn't guarantee to me. They gave new Story Editor Eric Lewald a schedule that was much more realistic. I felt, well, screwed.
But even so, I shouldn't have passed. I missed out on the opportunity to tell twelve more of my stories. To let the series go out on a note of my choosing as opposed to someone else's. Eric's a very good guy, but GARGOYLES was my baby, and I should not have abandoned it. Live and learn.
O.K. Now I'm really not gonna answer this question again.

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