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RESPONSES 2001-6 (June)

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Lexy writes...

Hey Greg!:)

When Savarius caught Angela he noticed, after looking over some DNA samples, that she was related to Goliath. Hudson and Broadway were also cloned later on in the series, but no body seemed to notice a correlation. Why is that?

Greg responds...

No one mentioned it on screen.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Alex "Cyclonus" Bishansky writes...

Ok, a rather stupid question.

Xanatos, Republican or Democrat?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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matt writes...

in "Awakening" we see Bronx playing with the trio. was Bronx more often with the trio then other gargs or was he just playing with them that night? what i mean is, was Bronx more a pet to the trio or had more of a connection with them than other members of the clan?

Greg responds...

Yes, generally.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Does the illuminati know every single detail of a person's life on earth? For example does the Illuminati know when Matt (not the cartoon Matt but the Matt on this question server) take a shower, eat, sleep, etc?

Greg responds...

I doubt anyone in OUR universe is that organized.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Phil writes...

Here's a math question based on the list of characters' ages you posted a while back:

The Wyvern eggs were scheduled to hatch in 998, but they were taken to Avalon in 996. The two years remaining would stretch into 48 years, so the eggs should hatch around 1044.

Angela and the Avalon clan are listed as being 917 years old in 1995, meaning they hatched in 1078. That's a 34 year difference.

Even if their hatching was naturally delayed to coincide with the outside world, it seems that 1058 would be the closest year.

Could you explain where my logic or my math is off? I don't doubt what you've said; I just don't understand it. Thanks.

Greg responds...

Good question.

Here's where you got off. The eggs were taken to Avalon on September 28th, 995. Not 996.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

In "Macbeth" when Elisa, Broadway and Lexington tried to get the Grimorum Akrimnorum (I think I spelled that wrong)
and Owen tries to stop them Elisa just gos ahead and takes Xanatose's property along with Broadway and Lex so if she's a police officer then doesn't she have to follow the law like everyone else?

Thanks Alot

Greg responds...

Arcanorum. And it's highly debatable who's property it was -- at least in Elisa's mind.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

In "High Noon", why did the Weird Sisters get Othello to seize back control of Coldstone from Iago? That rather puzzles me, seeing that the result of Coldstone's "shift in loyalties" saved Elisa and the clan, and consequently allowed Elisa, Goliath, and Bronx to help the Avalon clan against the Archmage and the Weird Sisters - almost a case of the Sisters shooting themselves in the foot, in fact.

Greg responds...

Yeah, seems that way doesn't it.

But... first off, the Weird Sisters represent three opposing forces battling for ascendency without ever acknowledging or even being aware of the conflict. So more was going on then you saw.

Second, they were concerned with the Archmage's short term goals. They didn't want a prolonged battle. They wanted Demona and Macbeth to get away with the Gate, the Eye and the Grimorum. And they wanted the Manhattan Clan to be unaware of the theft. Helping Othello aided that cause.

Finally, it's asking a lot for them to predict what would happen on Avalon. Or is it?

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Puck writes...

You know in the eposode "Metaphors" I think it is when Dr.Zervarious turns Derek Maza into a gargoyle and tries to fake a deth in front of Derek or Talon he gets electocuted how did he servive the peronas.
And if possible can you cantact me at bbaleja@hotmail.com thanks.

Greg responds...

No, I'm sorry. We have this forum for a reason. I don't personally contact people with answers. We want to share the info with everyone.


"Metamorphosis" not "Metaphors".

Sevarius not Zervarious.

Derek's turned into a Mutate not a gargoyle.

death not deth.

electrocuted not electocuted.

survive not servive.

piranhas not peronas.

And they were electric eels not piranhas.

contact not cantact.

(Sorry, to pick on you, Puck, but I'm a former English Teacher and Editor. At some point the quantity of typos and errors in such a short post overwhelms me. I'm not saying I never have them. But a little proof-reading would be nice.)

Anyway, it was all pre-arranged. The eels probably didn't have enough charge to kill anyone. (Frankly, it's a detail I'm not that interested in.)

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Siren writes...

I looked and looked for these questions, figuring they were asked already but didn't find them. I apologize if they was asked before...

1.)When the sun rises, do the gargoyle embryoes/fetuses turn to stone as well? Is it something right from the beginning or do they develop it in the egg through the years before hatching?
2.) Do the hatchlings use their hands or do they have an egg tooth as many birds and reptile species do? I'm sure the adults help them as well.
3.) Is the shell of gargoyle's egg hard like a birds or leathery like a reptile?
4.) Do gargoyles die in labor as humans do? Or is labor easier for them, as it is a little more round and they are usually larger.

Greg responds...

1. Yes, to store energy.

2. Hands, wings, claws, feet.

3. After the first day, it is hard like stone.

4. Labor is marginally easier. But death from laying the egg is not unheard of.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Jacob writes...

Sorry, my fault.
I asked you: "What happens to a gargoyle if he is at the north pole during the long night in the winter? does he sleep like humans?".
You answered: "Over time, he or she would adapt.".
What I really was meaning with the "long night" was the polarnight(hope it is called that in English) when it is dark for a few months.

Greg responds...

I get it. I got it.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Was there ever any gargoyle creatures like gargoyle cats, birds, besides gargoyle beasts and humanoid gargoyles

Greg responds...

No. Assuming I understand the question. Which isn't necessarily a safe assumption.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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matt writes...

how many eggs can a female garg beast usually lay in its lifetime?

Greg responds...

More than three.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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matt writes...

what is more rare among gargoyles, a gargoyle giving birth to twins or a female gargoyle being able to lay more than 3 eggs in a lifetime?

Greg responds...

Both are extremely rare. EXTREMELY.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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matt writes...

besides the gargoyles and the garg beast had you thought of any other gargates that once existed or perhaps still exist? like what they looked like and stuff...

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Jessica writes...

How would you compare Desdemona's love towards Othello, to shakespear's sonnet # 116, Let Me Not the Marriage of true Minds

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, but I don't have my copy of the sonnets with me -- and I don't have them memorized.

You feel like typing it out?

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Vashkoda writes...

Fey magic and metals: I've noticed that most of the magical items forged by fey magic (the Eye, the Gate, and Puck's flute) are made of gold. Iron, of course, seems to have a disruptive effect on fey magic. Is there a particular reason why the fey chose to forge their talismans out of gold and not some other metal (except iron, obviously).

Greg responds...

It's shiny.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Duncan Devlin writes...

WQhen Oberon's children spent the millenium among the humans, how did those who took human form avoid the "...cannot directly interfere in human affairs" ruling.
By marrying Halcyon Renard, Titania severely altered his life, and anyone who gets married will need records, which will cause some form of interference.
In fact, what constitutes inteterferance, since Banshee had been screwing around with the locals for years (if I remember correctly).

Greg responds...

What they feel they can get away with, generally.

Take your Titania example. Oberon ORDERED her (and the others) to learn about mortals. Taking a mortal form (and artificially producing whatever necessary records are required) was fulfilling that order. She could justify marrying Halcyon as part of her "course work". Etc.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Why are the fay the youngest race? In almost all mythologies the gods/fay are the first to appear?

Greg responds...

That's what they'd like us to think.

As to the why... Just is.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

How big of a story arc would Queen Mab get?
Would it be bigger than that of the archmage story?
How many episodes did you plan for it?
What others characters were to appear besides our regulars
and Oberon and Titania?

Greg responds...

This wasn't planned out in detail while the series was still in production, so I didn't sit down and say this is a Five parter or anything like that. It's a big story that we would have built to, if that helps.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

(Laughing at Sapphire's comment to matt.) Well, buddy, it looks like you and I both get ourselves in deep water sometimes...Let the Almighty and Honorable Greg Weisman be the judge, for this is his courtroom. (Laughs)

Anyways...(turning to Greg)

Do members of the Third Race exist outside of Earth? Because, we all know that from what Broadway said, there are three Earth races: Humans, Gargoyles, and Oberon's children. But....
Should your Space Spawn series go through...there would undoubtedly be a fourth race, maybe not Earth-originated, but yet another race. So eventually that leads me to believe that could there be be other races in the universe that exist like Oberon's children?

I've always sort thought of Oberon's children like the "Q" on Star Trek...And the Space Spawn spinoff sort of clashes two worlds together, as if Babylon 5 and Hercules got together, if you know what I mean...

Greg responds...

I don't think I do know what you mean.

If you're asking if there are other magic-based races out there in the cosmos, then I'd be a fool to say NO absolutely. Big cosmos, you see. But if you're asking if those races are directly related to Oberon's Children, then the answer is no.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Siren writes...

On the eye color thing...
What biological and creative reason is it that females have red glowing eyes and males white?
I found this is a strange, but really cool thing on the show.

Greg responds...

Well, behind the scenes, I think it was a result of Demona having glowing red eyes in the pilot and everyone else (i.e. the guys) all having glowing white eyes. I'm not sure I remember us planning it then. It just happened. Then we strove to be consistent.

Biologically, I dunno... hormones?

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Phil writes...

I've enjoyed reading your development files for Gargoyles. The fact that you're here and still working on the concept years after it's been cancelled leads me to a question:

At what point did you realize that Gargoyles was not just another cartoon series? It's obvious now how different Gargoyles is from Bonkers or Tale Spin, but at what point in development did that emerge?

Greg responds...

There came a point when Frank Paur was hired to join the project, when I realized I didn't want to let go of it. That it was too personal, too in synch with my own head. Normally at that time, I developed shows (like Bonkers) and handed them off to a producer. This one, I could not let go of.

Which is not to say I knew there'd be conventions, websites, fanfic, fanart, etc., way back then. I had no idea the series would generate that kind of loyalty. I just knew I cared about it.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
I`m back (not as if annyone is interesting:), and here comes my question :

Jason Barnett writes...
You've stated that you'd like to see the people who voiced the characters portray them in a live action movie. However John Rhys-Davies would make a fairly poor MacBeth because of his size. So excluding him who would you like to see portray MacBeth?

your awnser:
I don't know. Connery? He's probably too old now. Guess we'd have to hold auditions. :)

Actually, I'm not sure I agree with you about John.

Well, now that is the first time, you say, wich Hollywood actor you would like to see in a gargoyles live action movie becides the voice actors. Are there anny more Hollywood actors, you would like to see in a G. movie?
Hope, you`ve understood me. It feels great to be back:)))
CU, John

Greg responds...

Welcome back, John.

But I don't really understand. Are you defining "Hollywood Actor" as something different from our cast, most of whom have acted "in Hollywood"?

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Robert D. Powell writes...

When this show first aired years ago, I was only about ten or eleven years old. Being without cable, the only Gargoyle episodes I ever watched were the "Goliath Chronicles" on ABC. I am now 16 years old and I have since began watching the re-runs of the ORIGINAL series on Toon Disney. The stories have intrigued me and I am eager to watch the next episode one after the other. Before I get to my question, I want to say that characters like Macbeth, the Weird Sisters, Xantos and Demona make for an ever-changing and developing story line that keeps me coming back for more. Now my question is this, if you did make a movie (which I believe is still possible even today), would the story line be closely based on what we saw in the original series. Would it take snippits from the original series to explain the main plot, but be a completely new adventure? Would you base the plot of the movie around items such as the Phoneix Gate and the Eye of Odin?

Greg responds...

If _I_ made the movie?

Yes, it would follow the series closely, but not religiously -- unless it were an animated movie sequel or prequel to the series. In which case, I would be religious about it.

But I'm not the one making the movie. Touchstone is. Don't know what they have in mind.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Dracolich writes...

One more thing, I visited the Coming Attractions website, which mentions the Gargoyles movie. It had a plot synopsis that was written when Devlin was in charge. In my opinion, I'm SOOO glad it was rejected. For all fans who are curious, check it out <http://www.corona.bc.ca/films/> , but be warned. It is BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!

Greg responds...

Uh, thanks, I guess.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Chris Taylor writes...

What are the chances of Gargoyles being made into a movie anytime soon?

Greg responds...

Depends on how you define "soon".

Touchstone is developing a live-action picture. But they don't yet have a script that they fancy. They're still working on it though.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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matt writes...

besides the New Camelot clan, were there ever any other clans living in Antartica?

Goliath said there were once clans all over the world, were they widely seperated from each other?

how many clans do you imagine there once were? closer to 50, 100, 1000, 10000?

Greg responds...


Define "widely".

I don't know. Lots.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Rhythm writes...

I am so agog, aghast, and pleasantly stunned that you still take the time to do these! Well done, Mr. Weisman. I join in the multitudes begging for the restoration and continuation of this series.

Oh don't worry, I do have a question. Don't think I'm just here to spread big words. Tell me, part of what got me so interested in Gargoyles in the first place was that the gargoyles and ol' Xanatos and other assorted characters were Scottish. I'm sort of fascinated with my heritage and it led me to wonder, did you ever work the Scottish independence into the plot, even if only in your head? You know, similar time period to, for lack of a better reference, "Braveheart"? (Awful film, IMHO...)

Greg responds...

Xanatos isn't Scottish. He's Greek-American.

I haven't seen Braveheart. But the whole of Scottish history is a tapestry I'd like to further explore.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Siren writes...

More questions on Hudson's mate...you gonna start hating me soon
1.) Could she read?
2.) What were her feelings on how Demona treated Hudson? Or was she even alive when Demona started bashing him?
3.) Did she use weapons/shields/armour as Hudson' does?
Thanks for answering what ya can or want to :)

Greg responds...

1. I tend to doubt it, but I haven't given it much thought.
2. No comment.
3. Occasionally.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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matt writes...

do baby gargs need to have diaper changes?

this question is a feeble attempt to find out if/how gargs go to the bathroom, sorry, couldn't resist!

Greg responds...

I'm going to remain consistent and leave bathroom functions as a private matter.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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matt writes...

ok, Sapphire, now you are starting to freak me out a little... the second i read that last post of yours i felt like someone WAS watching me... *shiver* why can't you just leave me alone! i'm not sure what i did to you, but was it really so hurtful and destructive?

anyway... i was wondering about the word "gargoyle" in the gargoyle universe. in our universe the word comes from the noise water makes when flowing off stone gargoyles, which served as rain spouts, but i was wondering if that is the explanation in the garg universe. i don't think humans in the garg universe chiseled gargs into our buildings until after we discovered living gargoyles, right? what i'm asking really is did gargoyles come up with the term "gargoyle" or did humans (as always) give them the name? and when was this term given to the gargoyles?

Greg responds...

The etimology of the word gargoyle goes back a long way. It evolved at least in part from an Atlantean word. That's all I want to say at this time. But hold tight. More will be revealed at the Gathering 2002 in Virginia Beach.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Is New Olympian society a Patriarchal society in which males are in charge or is everyone equal regardless of gender? as a woman I get really offended when some men say that woman belong in the home, as a comedian on t.v. impersonating Artimis greek goddess of the moon and virgins once said 'all right girls down with men" I totally agree with her, right Matt (not the cartoon Matt but the Matt on this question server)

Greg responds...


You lost me toward the end there.

Anyway, no. New Olympus isn't strictly patriarchal. HOWEVER, like our own society, there are remnants of patriarchy still extant. Ekidna holds an important position. Sphinx will too, eventually. But at the moment, the three biggest wigs are Boreas, Taurus and Talos. All guys.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Who has more power in terms of electricity a Labyrinth mutate or Jove of the NOs?

Greg responds...

Probably Jove. But I'm not big on this kind of question.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Who was Helios decended from?

Greg responds...

Lots o' folk.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Does Daedalus exist in the Gargoyles Universe? If so was he a scientist or was he a magic user?

Greg responds...

An inventor.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

How did the first Talos work? Gears? Magic?
Who created it?

Greg responds...

Not magic.

As to the who, it was, I believe a team effort. Daedelus and Hephaistos worked on it together.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

You said that the ancestors of the New Olympians were the Olympians. Are these Olympians the gods who sat on Mount Olympus or are these Olympians something else entirely?

Greg responds...

The ancestors were the "gods and monsters" of legend. Many of whom were known as the Olympian Gods of Ancient Greek and Roman mythology.

Most of them were of the Children.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Taurus said that Elisa Maza was the first human to visit New Olympus in over 2000 years meaning that around the time Christ was born, a human must of accidently stumbled on to New Olympus can you give discription of what must have happen to this human when he accidently dicovered the secret island?

Greg responds...

I can, yes.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Why does Terry's mother become the UN ambassador to New Olympus?
What exactly is his mother's profession?

Greg responds...

She's a diplomat.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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matt writes...

i was wondering some things about Demona's second from "City of Stone" the rust-colored garg with the breastplate:

1. you've said before that the almost identical garg on Avalon is his son, so he was part of the Wyvern clan until it split, right? were all the new gargs in "City of Stone" from that clan?

2. was he from Goliath and Demona's generation or an older one? was he Demona's rookery brother?

3. you hadn't thought of a behind the screen name for him have you? if so, do tell...

4. did he ever have a romantic interest in Demona?

5. did he survive Canmore's massacre of Demona's clan?

6. would we ever see him developed more in one of the spin-offs? Dark Ages maybe?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Probably not.

3. He had no name.

4. Maybe briefly. But I don't think that lasted.

5. No.

6. Yes.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Sorry Matt for picking on you I was just joking any question time.....

Greg you said earlier that Talon would get upset when his sister takes Goliath to be her mate. I was wondering why would he get upset over his sister's choice about the person she wants to spend the rest of her life with?

Greg responds...

Think about it and get back to me.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Shavri writes...

Between Goliath and Broadway, who would eat more food? I'm guessing Broadway, but I'm sure Goliath would have to eat a lot of food himself.

Greg responds...

I'm not big on quantifying these sorts of things.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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matt writes...

do you think it is possible and likely that Goliath and Iago are close relatives biologically, like cousins perhaps? they just seem pretty similar compared to most gargs... the black hair, the purple wings, etc.

i'm sorry, i know how you hate questions about bilogical garg relatives... but i had to know!

Greg responds...

I'm glad you put that in the past tense.

Otherwise I'd be worried that this response would upset you.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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matt writes...

in your most recent (and long awaited) batch of questions you said that a garg living at the poles in a 6-month day, 6-month night cycle would eventually adapt. do you mean the garg would adapt to be flesh for six months and stone for six months, or adapt so that occasionally the garg would be awake in daylight or asleep at night?

Greg responds...

It's all more complicated than that. It has to do with the Master Matrix and New Camelot, etc.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Corrine Blaquen writes...

How many of the thirty-six (I'm not positive it was thirty-six) eggs that were taken to Avalon were gargoyle beasts?

Greg responds...

A few. At least three.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Jacqui writes...

I was ask to paint a statue of a gargoyle for a friend of mine. I am a portrait artist and never painted a statue before. I have been searching the internet to get ideas on what a painted gargoyles looks like. All I have been coming up with are stone gargoyles that aren't painted is there a reason for this?

Greg responds...

It's not generally part of the mystique, is it?

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

Did you ever have any plans for incorporating the Carolingian cycle (Charlemagne and his paladins, the Song of Roland, etc.) in "Gargoyles"?

Greg responds...

Eventually, everything.

C'mon Todd, you knew the answer to that.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman

In the episode where Goliath and company was in Australia stoping the Matrix from taking over the Earth. The shaman said to Goliath that the dream time is in another Dimension.
My Question is what is a dimension? Because when I see different movies and shows I hear phrases like "This portal leads to another dimension" or "I am going to send you to another Dimension" l keep on wondering what is a Dimension?

Greg responds...

A side-step from our reality.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

OK, this is nothing, but why is the server's time on my last message read 6:29, when it is 10:00 here? It has always usually been accurate to my clock in previous posts. Even if there's a time zone differential, it's a half-hour ahead.

Greg responds...

Man, are you askin' the wrong guy.

Gore, you out there?

(Didn't think so.)

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Blaise writes...


"Better late than never" as Elisa would say.

I liked this ep alot for several reasons. The first and foremost of course being Bluestone. He becomes the focus of an entire episode and finally meets the gargoyles. I kind of agreed with the "About time" sentiment the gargs had.

I'm not sure if, in my initial viewing, I believed Matt actually helped trap Goliath. Probably because I was so pleasantly surprised at hearing Efrem (sp?) Zimbalast Jr. as Mace. I think I may actually have decided to reserve judgement on Matt until the end of the ep (or at least I decided to do so when he went "narrating gumshoe" on us).

That's another thing I kind of like about this ep--the majority of it is told via Matt's voice-over and flashback. It just adds something to the story. And yeah, with his trenchcoat and character quirks, doing "gumshoe narration" seems to be natural for Matt.

On the subject of voice-overs, I didn't notice that Chavez had a different voice until I started looking at the credits at the end of the episodes. After that, I did notice the lighter sound, but still Ms. Gabrielli did a great job filling in for Ms. Ticotin.
And Mr. Asner's Jack Dane (with his wonderful use of the word "bum") proves a memorable character. I was quite happy when he showed up again later.

Anyway, back in the story, I also liked the attention to continuity. Matt's refernce to Elisa bringing in the TV in THE EDGE, the reappearance of Hacker, etc.
And like you, I loved the "enough food for a family of gorillas" and "dental plan" lines. I'm not sure why I like the former of the two so much, maybe because that just seems an interesting way of putting the gargoyles' eating habits in some perspective.

I was suitably impressed upon learning that Xanatos was only a "lower echalon" member of the Society. In fact, I was almost aghast. "How could this rich, powerful guy, whose been pretty much the main adversary and most successful bad guy in the series, be only in the LOWER ranks of the Illuminati?" So the Society got my attention pretty quickly here.

Can't say much about the car sequence, except that I can't help smiling every time the "three words" bit is played--it's just so perfect. Other than that, I like Elisa's quiet admission at the end.

The gargoyles' awakening in this ep does seem a bit more..."unique" than usual. For me it still feels like something in the animation, but Matt being new to it does add something.

The whole sequence at the hotel itself is real fun (hey I knew Goliath was going to get out well enough--I just wondered where Matt's fate would fall). Looking at your memo on this ep, I'm more than a little sorry that we didn't get to see the "false roof" room. That sounded great.

I don't know when, but somewhere in his talks with Mace, I kind of figured Matt was shaming him somehow. So I was prepared for a happy ending.
One of my favorite lines comes from Mace here when he talks about "wasting" Goliath: "It'll be a black mark. I'll be severely reprimanded. But if I allow Goliath to become the first prisoner to ever escape the Hotel Cabal...the flushing sound you hear will be me and my 75-year pension going down the drain."
I think the thing that really intrigues me about this line is the mention of Malone being punished for killing Goliath. I'm still dying to know the Illuminati's plans for the gargoyles.

Yeah, everytime I see Mace grab onto the elevator cables I have to wince.
And I suppose in some sadistic way, I like seeing Mace trapped in the Hotel--especially with that tic going in his eye as he completely loses his mind.

I thought Elisa's confession here was well done. I could understand her feelings about this and sympathize (though, of course, I can't say I'm special because I know the existance of sentient, non-human creatures).

And then the Hacker tag. I saw quite a few things coming in this episode, and this was NOT one of them. I didn't think Hacker would appear again after his spot at the beginning. But here he was, and as a member of the Illuminati. A very fun and intriguing revelation, IMHO.
Kind of a pity that we don't hear from the Illuminati again until THE JOURNEY.

THERE! I do believe I am finally caught up with your episode rambles (as of this writing).

Greg responds...

I'm the one who's behind. I've been so swamped preparing for the Gathering, I've been resisting watching more eps. After it's over, I hope to get back into it.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Blaise writes...


Okay, finally back on track since mid-March.

First off, yes I'll agree this ep had a few problems, which you pretty much pointed out in your ramble--animation problems, especially in relation to Goliath's size, and the extra flashback are somewhat annoying. Still, this ep did have some nice stuff. And the sound wasn't too bad, I still heard, and loved, Goliath's "That. Stings."

Anyway, as soon as I heard "Cyberbiotics" I was interested in where this would be going. Hearing the name "Renard" I instantly guessed some connection with Fox. Her being his daughter did cross my mind, but I didn't rule out any other possible relation to him.
(If I may digress here; I knew that "renard" was another name for "fox" from its usage in a children's book I had had for years, THE TOMTEN AND THE FOX. Just felt like mentioning that.)

As for Vogel...when I first saw him I laughed. I thought he was a wonderful in-joke, one of the best I had seen in any series. I'm surprised people had a problem with him looking like Owen (as I said, I thought it was extremely amusing). Of course, at the time I first saw the ep, I was surprised he ended up having as big a part as he did. I thought he would just have had that one appearance at the beginning and then, that was it. But he turned out to be a very important (and interesting) character in this episode.

Renard intrigued me...mostly because of his unhealthy appearance and use of a high-tech wheel-chair. Despite this, he had a reasonably strong voice and managed to "talk-down" to Goliath (something Todd and I both find amusing about the interaction between the two).

Fox: I loved seeing her in the "red sweater and tight, black pants" ensemble. Her fight with Xanatos was fun as well--he knocks her down once, she gets back up, pins his arm behind his back, and then takes him down with a flip. Fun!
I never picked up that Xanatos was afraid when he mentioned "test results." Probably because as soon as I heard that I figured out that Fox was pregnant (I was finally starting to expect greater things from this series).

Back on the Air Fortress--I had missed METAMORPHOSIS the first time this aired, so I didn't know who this "antonsevarius" was that Renard mentioned. I didn't pay it much mind though (after all, Renard had immediately before named Owen as an ex-Cyberbiotics employee, and that really interested me). Basically, I forgot all about it when I finally did get a chance to see METAMORPHOSIS, so when I watched OUTFOXED again, and heard Renard mention "Anton Sevarius," it was like finding out the connection for the first time.

On a similar (but not quite) note, when Renard mentioned "My Anastasia. My Janine." Well, I guessed right away that Janine was Fox's real name. I don't know why...maybe that just seemed to fit her better to me than Anastasia (who I then figured to be her mother).

Vogel's betrayal and return to Renard's aid were, in my opinion, handled quite well. I found Vogel's actions believable, and had no problem with his change of heart.

Goliath gives Renard a great speech on the difference between the minds of living beings and automotons, and the two have one of my favorite exchanges in the series.
RENARD: "One thing I do know is your debt to me has been paid in full. A ship for a ship. We are even."
GOLIATH: "No. We are friends."
RENARD: [laugh] Yes. Friends.

And then the tag! I knew Fox was the "Hang-gliding ninja" and that she was Renard's daughter by now. AND that she was pregnant. But I still enjoyed this tag. I really liked the discussion between father and daughter, and the way the revelations were handled. A very fun ep.

Another digression: When I showed this ep to my mother, she instantly recognized the voices of both Peter Scolari, and Robert Culp. Anyway, I thought they did great jobs, and I still love the little nuances Culp managed to invest in Renard.

Hopefully, I'll catch up with your rambles by tomorrow.

Greg responds...

I hope so. Cuz I like your rambles too.

Yeah, Peter and Robert were terrific.

And I'm glad the Fox stuff worked for you. It's a strange little episode, but it's also got some pretty revolutionary stuff in it. Kind of insidious that way.

Anyway, I'm fond of it.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Who is Captain Atom?

Greg responds...

Who is Captain Atom?!!!


Years from now, someone's gonna ask me, "Who is Goliath?" and then I'll really feel old.

Anyway, Captain Atom is a comic book super-hero. He was originally part of the Charlton Universe. But DC Comics purchased all the Charlton Characters in the Eighties and incorporated the character into the DC Universe. Cary Bates and I were the two writers assigned to the task. We wrote fifty issues of Captain Atom, and some of it is still some of the best stuff I've ever written. Back issues are hard to find, but cheap. Check it out.

Most recently -- well, a couple years ago -- DC asked me to do a Justice League flashback story featuring Captain Atom. So I did. But just for fun, I made it a Garg parody story as well. I think it came out pretty funny.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Yttrium writes...

Can you tell us of any particularly amusing/interesting garg reference in either MAX STEEL or 3X3 EYES?


Greg responds...

I can't think of any in max.

There are quite a few in 3x3, including the use of a lot of garg voice talent. For example, Keith David plays a cop and uses his Morgan voice. He also plays a much more startling character. It's a hoot.

There's a homeless guy who hums the gargoyle theme song. I did that voice.

Someone says, "What could be strong enough to leave claw marks in solid stone?"

And so on...

Nothing that didn't TOTALLY fit the context. We didn't want to abuse 3x3 for the sake of Gargoyles. But where it fit, it fit.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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"Farinelli" writes...

I was wondering what the translation of Gillecomgain's name would be.. Do you know?

Greg responds...

No. Is there a translation?

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Siren writes...

About Hudson's mate...
1.) Was she dead before the Wyvern Massacre in 994 A.D.?
2.) Was she alive when Broadway hatched?
3.) Did she die due to battle or of old age?
4.) Since Hudson's accent is more apparent then any other clanner, might her accent been just as strong?
Thanks Greg!

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

3. Not old age.

4. Probably. I'd have to think about it.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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matt writes...

Blaise's ramble reminded me of a question i've been meaning to ask...
how does Martin Hacker rank in the Illuminati? obviously hes higher up than Matt, but probably lower than Mace was... he was partnered with Matt years ago, meaning that hes been an Illuminatus for years, is he higher up than Xanatos? how long has Xanatos been an Illuminati member?

Greg responds...

X hasn't been a member very long.

Martin outranks him.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Questions on "The Mirror":
1. In the beginning, we see Elisa undercover as a nightwatchman or should I say "nightwatchwoman." Anyways, I'm sure anyone who watched real closely notices that when she looks in the mirror simply to beautify her hair, and then suddenly hears the noise of Demona approaching. She rotates quickly to see, but her reflection in the mirror does not. It remains the same image from only seconds before. Was this merely an animation mistake? Or was it intentional because it is Titania's mirror?
2. How did Elisa and Goliath know that Demona was going for the mirror? Kinda weird that by chance they just happened to be there, but I know there was some pre-existing knowledge of Demona's plan when we hear Goliath say, "At least she didn't get the mirror."
3. How did Demona manage to rent out an apartment or maybe even the whole building where she had the mirror delivered?
4. After Puck does his first major city-wide transformation, he falls unconscious. Demona picks him up, and we see her sort of taking advantage of his levitational ability to escape into the subway where the other gargs persuing fall short because lack of wind. Why is it that Puck can still fly even though unconscious? Or was he?
5. Why did Bronx not get transformed earlier?
6. Was the trash can (that I think Hudson used to trap Puck, but I don't remember accurately) made of iron or have traces of iron ore in it? I suppose it would have to in order to trap Puck, but most metal trash cans are usually made of aluminum.

Greg responds...

1. It was intentional to hint that the mirror had magical properties.

2. They didn't know. But they guessed right. It seemed like a tempting prize for the likes of Demona or Macbeth or Xanatos.

3. She owns that house and has for decades. A person with a lot of money can make arrangements.

4. She's not using his levitational ability. She's just leaping around. She has powerful legs.

5. He wasn't there.

6. Yes, it was an old iron trash can.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Why did you go for the more villainous portrayal of Raven and the more heroic portrayal of Coyote? In most legends Raven is seen as benevolent and brings humans food while Coyote is seen as more an Anasi type trickster.

Greg responds...

I've read all sorts of versions of EVERY trickster, including the three you mention.

Story largely dictated our choices, I guess. But it wasn't cavalier. And we had further plans for all four Tricksters (including Puck, of course).

Given enough episodes, I think you would have seen more rounded portrayals.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Siren writes...

When they began designing the characters from 994 A.D. do you know of what books they used to find out the clothing of the first century? I am looking myself as well, but maybe a book the creators used themselves would be wonderful. Thanks Greg!

Greg responds...

I don't know. Sorry.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Vic writes...

Hellos again,
(typing this as a rerun of 'Thrill of the Hunt' concludes, such apprpriate atmosphere)
Several questiones focused more on the conception and creative procees behind Gargoyles:
1. How long did you think Gargoyles would last on TV initially?
2. Was the whole Saga to you a finite story, or something that would go on as long as some one was writing it?
3. What's your involvement in the Gargoyles Saga presently? Speciffically, do you just give those writing it down an outline to go with, or have more active involvement?

That's all,
Thanks for your attention.

Greg responds...

1. Initially, I had no idea. But I had hopes it would go on forever.

2. It was never finite. Still isn't .

3. If you're talking about TGS, the fan-fiction, I literally have ZERO involvement. Nada. Never read any of it. Don't participate. And though it's great that the fans are doing that, it's not canon in my mind.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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matt writes...

geeeez, Sapphire, i didn't know you hated me so much, yikes! i don't want to be a mutate!! actually, i'm with Fang, i might like it, it could be cool, i don't know...

anyway, question time:
you said that besides Bronx you showed no gargoyles of his generation in "Awakening" cuz it would've been hard to show these young kid gargs and then have them all die in the massacre, so would you have had a problem showing the young gargs in "Dark Ages" knowing most of them would probably end up dieing too?

Greg responds...

No. I would have shown them eventually.

But keep in mind, Dark Ages begins in 971 when the Trio were young. It ends in 994. But it might have taken me 23 years to get there.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Timbo writes...

Hey yo....gotta tell ya' that Gargoyles is my favortie toon or all time. Just one thing that always bugged me about the Awakening series, is that the first half hour seemed cut around Goliath's brothers and sisters. For some reason those first to nameless Gargoyles (especially the one with the bull horns) and all of the others you barely got a peek at always intrigued me....who were they?, what were they like?....if there's any names or info on these mysterious characters of Goliath's fallen clan, please let me know..
p.s....If Coldstone was made up of pieces of other Gargoyles....wouldn't he have some womenly feartures too?...j/k

Greg responds...

He does. Have you seen his inner thigh. Whoah!!!

Anyway, yes, I have some notions about Goliath's rookery siblings. We've met three. And I've given a great deal of thought to Hyppolyta, a fourth.

Again, given enough time and episodes we'd have met them all.

That's what the Dark Ages prequel spin-off was for.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Vashkoda writes...

I just rewatched "Vendettas", and yup, a few questions came to mind:

1) While battling Wolf/Hakon, I noticed that Hudson is pretty proficient with his sword, yet you said that he had just happened to pick up the weapon during the battle with the Vikings. Had he actually had some sword training beforehand, or did he learn how to use one through trial and error?

2) While Hakon was possessing Wolf, he told him that if he destroyed the axe, Hakon would lose his only link to the Earth plane and disappear. However, in "Possession", Desdemona and Othello lamented over the fact that if they destroyed the Coldstone body, they would be trapped in Broadway and Angela forever. You've said before that the relationship that Hakon has with the axe is similar to that of the Coldtrio and their mechanical bodies. a) So if what the Coldtrio said about possessing hosts also applies to Hakon, would he in fact have been able to remain permanently in Wolf's body if the latter had destroyed the axe while he was still being possessed? b) Puck had said that soul transferance was tricky, and that the host had to be willing to be possessed. So how was Hakon able to take over Wolf? Wolf didn't seem to happy about it when he regained consciousness, so I don't think he would have been willing. c) Why did Hakon need to worry about Wolf destroying the axe? Couldn't he have taken complete possession of Wolf once he managed to get inside him and prevented him from doing the weapon any harm?

Greg responds...

1. Maybe a bit of both.

2. a. Different deal, basically.

b. They were sympatico. Ancestor/descendent with a common hatred of Goliath.

c. Obvioulsy, he couldn't. Not when Wolf was conscious.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Did the New Olympians made any great advances in the field of genetic engineering? Are New Olympian scientists at present capable of turning someone like Matt (not the cartoon Matt the Matt on this question server that always trys to condidict me) into a mutate like Sevarius did with Derek?

Greg responds...

I don't think that's been of interest to them. They're pretty diverse as it is.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Some monsters in Greek Mythology were once human for example Athena the Greek goddess of wisdom turned Medusa a very beautiful woman into a snake haired monster because Medusa had a love affair with Poisiden. I was wondering are any of the New olympians desended from humans who were turned into monsters by the fay?

Greg responds...

Descended? It's possible, I guess.

But I'm not currently going to commit to any specific myth.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Who are Morgana"s biological parents?
Who are the Green Knight's biological parents?

Greg responds...

Not saying on the former. Don't know on the latter.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Oberon writes...

Why were the Wierd Sisters chosen to guard Avalon, they seem to neede humility just as much (if not more) that any other Child of Oberon.

Greg responds...

They're bulldog-like nature, mostly. Plus the Sisters have many functions.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Basilisk writes...

Do you ever plan to involve the Avalon clan again? Would you create more "individuals" within the clan (besides Gabriel and Ophelia, who we've already met), or would you just involve them as a whole?

Greg responds...

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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matt writes...

is Delilah and Samson just a concidence or does Broadway and Angela's naming of their son have anything to do with Delilah?

is anything ever just a coincidence in the Gargoyles universe?

Greg responds...

Few things are just a coincidence in the garg universe, but Samson wasn't named by his Rookery parents to intentionally be Delilah's mate. And in the current development (2198 as opposed to 2158) Samson is no longer the son of Angela and Broadway. He's either their grandson or great-grandson. No one knows. Or cares.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

I've been wondering recently if it might not be a bad idea to put up an "Ask Greg" FAQ page on this site. It's struck me for a while now that you seem to be getting many of the same questions over and over (such as the whole business of why you left after Season Two or if "Gargoyles" will ever get brought back), and this page could be a good way of dealing with that. What do you think?

Greg responds...

I'm all for it. But how do we build it?

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Did you have plans for Tea's hunter friends?

Greg responds...

For the poachers. No. Nothing specific at this time. But you never know. I'm not a particularly wasteful guy.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Nathan writes...

I can't find info on psycho anywhere! what made him the way he is (I.E. Cyborg)? I really want to know.

Greg responds...

Never revealed that in my 13. Ask Mattel.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Phil writes...

I was going to take another stab at the 2198 contest, but there are a lot of guesses in the queue and mine are already taken. There's a good chance that by the time you read this the contest will be over. At least I hope it is.

Someone had asked whether you would post your timeline here and you said you weren't sure what you'd do with it yet. It seems to me that it would make a good prize for the winners of the 2198 contest. It's just a suggestion; what do you think? If there are secrets in it that you still want to keep, you could award an abridged version of it.

Greg responds...

Spoken like a man who's won the contest. No, the timeline isn't the prize. It's currently over 200 pages long. Just xeroxing and shipping it would be a bit costly, and yeah, it's got a few things in it that I'm not yet ready to reveal.

And who's got time to abridge it? Not me.

But I think you and Matt'll like the prize.

Todd, sent me your addresses. I'll e-mail you both after the Gathering is over.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Jacob writes...

Are gargoyles at day really heavier than at night? I ask this because I have no idea where the mass comes from when they are turning into stone. Do they pick up dust from the air during their petrifaction?

Greg responds...

I never said they were.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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matt writes...

would a biologist or Sevarius or someone be able to tell a sleeping gargoyle from a regular stone gargoyle? i would guess so since gargs don't actually turn to stone. would they be able to clone a garg from a few flakes of the sleeping gargs skin?

Greg responds...

The outer layer of garg skin is dead skin that is shrugged off on awakening, so I doubt that a few flakes would do. I guess, if they took some sort of core sample (gross), or ran the thing through a catscan or something. But a cursory exam... I don't think so.

Unless the 'regular stone gargoyle' was obviously an anatomical impossibility.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Why exactly is does Brooklyn name his son Nashville? Does he name him after the city or does he name him after something else that bears the name of the city?

Greg responds...

Not answering this now, but you might do a little research.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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matt writes...

well Todd, if you are not going to ask it, i guess i will...

in "Legion" when Coldstone first arrives at the Clocktower, Bronx is growling. Iago hasn't come to the surface yet, so is Bronx growling cuz he has something against Coldstone or robots/cyborgs, or does he sense the evil one inside Coldstone or what?

Greg responds...

I guess the latter. I'd have to look at it again.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Which one of the clone gargoyles is going to assume the position of leader of the Labyrinth?

Greg responds...

At the moment, Talon is the leader down there.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Greg-- in the undying hope of Gargoyles being turned into a movie, did you ever consider Sean Connery for Macbeth? I know you said that John Rhys-Davies would be an idel match, and this just popped into my head.

Oh, best wishes for the upcoming series Atlantis!!!!

Greg responds...

I've mentioned Connery for Macbeth before.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Corrine Blaquen writes...

Every now and then in the series, we hear a gargoyle use the oath "By the Dragon!" For some reason, I'd always assumed that this referred to the dragon constellation, Draco. I don't know why; it was just my first thought. Is it at all correct? If not, what is this "Dragon" they refer to?

Greg responds...

not saying at this time...

But mostly, at this point, it's just an expression.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Basilisk writes...

Something I would like to point out:

The fifth Ultra-Pack member wouldn't HAVE to be named after a canid--- just has to live in a pack. I mean, hyenas are aren't dogs, but they are pack animals. (But then, a fox is a canid and isn't a pack animal, so I suppose that logic isn't sound...)

Greg responds...

Logic may not be the main issue here. Look who we're talking about.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What kinds of upgrades were Hyena, Jackal and Wolf going to get when they join the Ultra Pack?

Greg responds...

not saying

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Oberon writes...

1) Why did the Weird Sisters spend so much time and effort making Demona and MacBeth their pawns, and keeping them alive for nine-hundred and something years?
2) Why did the Archmage want those two in particular?
They seam pretty powerfull but there have got to be people of equal power in the 20th century (even people who would be willing o go the Avalon)
3) If they had over 900 years, why didn't the Weird Sisters get afew more pawns (would have been a good idea, considering ththier attack on Avalon failed)

Greg responds...

1. Partially, because the Archmage asked them to. And for other reasons, I'm not yet revealing.

2. I don't think the Archmage fully knew the answer (or thought to care). Demona, he thought he was punishing for an earlier ("Vows") betrayal. But even that argument is specious. And he didn't know Macbeth from Adam.

3. The Archmage didn't ask for any others. That restricted them, vis-a-vis Oberon's Law.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

You know that gargoyles don't age as fast as humans and Demona and MacBeth feel the same things is that whay MacBeth lived for a long time or is it because MacBeth is a king?

Greg responds...


They've been cursed, remember?

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Jacob writes...

You said by day Demona is completely human, right?
But at the end of the episode when Demona and Macbeth finally have the three items (sorry, but I only know the German name of it) and they began to quarrel her eyes were glowing red. Have you an explanation for it?

Greg responds...

Well, artistic license. Either by us, or Puck, or both.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Why did the Malcom Canmore's descendents start hunting Demona? I mean Demona didn't do anything to them?

Greg responds...

How do you know?

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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matt writes...

since Angela has had an interest in gargoyle parentage and has a close relationship with Gabriel has see perhaps guessed that Gabriel's parents are Othello and Desdemona? she had to know that they had a child on Avalon, did she think through the next step and guess at that child?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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lesley writes...

does demona have any other childern besides angela?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Buck writes...

At the end of "Temptation", Elisa tells (commands?) Goliath (under the spell) to always act as if he was not under a spell. I'm assuming this means for all spells and not just that particular one he was under. If this assumption is correct, how would Goliath be affected by Puck's spells in "The Mirror"? I want to say there are other times he's been under a spell, but I haven't seen too many episodes on Toon Disney yet (I just got the station) and I'm cursed with a poor memory.

Greg responds...

You're assumption is incorrect.

She didn't (couldn't) give him full magical immunity. She didn't have that kind of control. She simply ordered the slave to act FOREVER as if he wasn't one.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Andrea writes...

What were your plans for Goliath and Angela ?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Justin writes...

Hi Greg

Ok now am I too assume correctly that when the 78 ( 39 biologically) year old Brooklyn returns from his dances he is stronger than he was when he left right? I mean he had been fully grown by that time and plus the perils of the dance could cause for a greater need to thicken up.

So the big question,
Can the (39) year old Brooklyn hold his own or maybe even win in a fight against the (29) year old Goliath?


Greg responds...

Why would they fight?

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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matt writes...

when did you and the writers decide that the clan was going to move into the Clocktower? was it right from the beginning or from the first appearence of the Clocktower in "Deadly Force"?

Greg responds...

I don't know what "from the beginning" means, exactly. But long before we wrote episodes for the show, when it was still in development, we knew that the situation in the Castle would be untenable. So Paul Felix designed the Clock Tower.

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Why would the Weird Sisters care if Goliath knew that the Gate, Eye and Grimorum was stolen?

Greg responds...

They didn't want him looking for them.

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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lorienne writes...

Hey, I've read a while back somewhere that you said that you were going to have puck play his flute to temporarily put oberon in some kind of trance. and also that you were going to name him goodfellow instead of puck. also that ransom was going to be an episode with puck and other tricksters. (that idead would of totally rocked) anyways where i am getting at is puck is my ablosute favorite character. my friends and family actually wanted to get me help cause i have printouts of him all over my house. it worries them :P i was wondering if you had any ohter plans for him, or if like there were other ideas such as the flute thing that you guys were going to use. just brainstorming maybe that wasn't actually in the show. i'm just trying to dig up as much information as i can about him. thanks for taking the time to read this.

Greg responds...

Yes, I had other plans. (Though maybe it's NOT such a good idea to feed your obsession.) Have you read Rudyard Kipling's Puck of Pook Hill?

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What other characters were suppose to join the Redemption Squad besides Robyn, Harry, Matrix, Fang, Yama and the director?

Greg responds...

The Director doesn't join the Squad.

And no one else is a permanent member.

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What were the Redemption squad created to do?

Greg responds...

The dirty jobs.

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

You said that in the future the Castaways and Monmouths would be in conflict with each other so who does Jon marry somebody to have kids or does he adopt kids to continue his line? If he marries who does he marry?

Greg responds...

Not answering that now.

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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Epyon Zero writes...

Will you, one day, do the ramblings on the last Starship Troopers episodes (the ones that never aired, not the clipshows)?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what you mean by "do the ramblings".

We're still hoping those last three Starships will get made for DVD. (A real possibility if the DVDs sell well.) Until I know they AREN'T going to DVD then I'm reluctant to reveal anything.

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

How does Xanatos exploit the New Olympians?

Greg responds...

Any way he can.

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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Basilisk writes...

Does the weight of a gargoyle increase when they turn to stone?

Greg responds...

Ask the floor.

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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