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REPLIES 2003-08 (Aug)

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Joe writes...

Hey everyone, since he is far behind on questions, lets give him a chance to catch up ok?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 22, 2003

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RenegadeEXER writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,

The Gargoyles show is the only show that i can truely say will remain in my mind to have been produced by disney. I appreciate you creativity and input on a show of this kind.
My questions are:
Are there any plans at this time involving the Gargoyles series.
- What happend to the relationship between of Goliath and Elisa

- Did you really want to end the series the way you did when you did.

on a personal note the 3rd season skipped over me as the show and time changed along with the station that showed it but the hunter's moon series in my opinion showed the series in a light that wasn't always typical in a disney associated production, I guess thats why I liked it more.

Greg responds...

Thanks for the kind words. I'm going to refer you to the archives or the FAQ for the answers to your questions. It's all been covered before.

Response recorded on August 22, 2003

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jjwspider writes...

>> Hey Greg,

Just out of curiousity(I hope to what ever god/dess that I spelled that right.) I was wondering why Sevarius did gene splicing to make the Mutates? I watched this thing on one of the educational channels and it said that humans have little bits of DNA from every animal in their DNA codes. So, why didn't Sevarius just activate the exsting genes in them? Or, did he by that gene splicing?

Well off to homework, "yeah".

Greg responds...


Anyone with a scientific background want to field this? Come up with an explanation that justifies what we put into the show?

Be my guest. <<

I believe that the reasoning here would be that as humans we contain DNA that is very similar to the DNA found in amimals (like proteins that have the same structure) but we don't contain the DNA of every animal per se. It may look like we do but that is just because of similarity of structure or similar proteins in our bodies. Sevarius spliced animal DNA to the mutates based upon which section of the animals DNA controlled a certain trait. But putting these DNA samples into their systems they eventually became grafted onto their own DNA structures, mutating the DNA, and causing their appearances to change in order to resemble their now changed genetic code.

I hope that helps Greg!

-Joe Wagner

Greg responds...

It does. Thanks, Joe. See, gang, the fans are always your first and best resource.

Response recorded on August 22, 2003

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Todd Jensen writes...

Thanks for your comments on Asimov's "Guide to Shakespeare"; I agree with you that Asimov's analysis of "Hamlet" weakened the play in making Hamlet's actions and thoughts centered almost entirely around "How can I kill Claudius without being disqualified from the succession to the Danish throne?" I certainly feel that other matters seem far more important in Hamlet's thoughts in the play than just becoming king - his troubled feelings over his mother being so quick to forget about the old King and marry Claudius when her first husband has only just been buried, for example.

Incidentally, have you ever read "Hamlet and Revenge"? I can't remember the author, but it's a very interesting analysis of the play focusing on the revenge issue (and, to a certain extent, on the Ghost). The thesis that the author takes is that Hamlet's choice of revenge is wrong - and also focuses on how, in fact, the Ghost, when examined closely, doesn't seem too reassuring (even pointing out that the fact that the Ghost is telling the truth about how Claudius killed him doesn't necessarily mean that it's an "honest ghost"; after all, the Weird Sisters similarly "tell the truth" to Macbeth in his play). It's very good reading.

Greg responds...

It's definitely a good question as to whether or not the Ghost is in fact a ghost at all. The play clearly raises the question as to whether it might not be a demon from hell, sent to cause Hamlet's downfall. The fact that it tells Hamlet a truth, notwithstanding.

The title "Hamlet and Revenge" sounds very familiar, but I've read so much about the play over the last 25 years, that I'd be hard-pressed to tell you whether or not I've read that analysis.

Response recorded on August 22, 2003

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FanForLife writes...

I was wondering, when exactly did Goliath actually admit to himself consciously that he was in love with Elisa? Actually said to himself, "I love her?" Was it at a specific moment in the series, and if so what scene/episode? Thanks!

Greg responds...

That's a darn good question. I'm sure he hadn't figured it out by "Sentinel". It might, in fact, have been in "Hunter's Moon, Part III" after she returned from the dead. Maybe right after the Praying Gargoyle was smashed. Or maybe after he returned to the castle. It wouldn't surprise me if it was as late as that.

I'd be eager to hear what all of you think on this question.

In any case, he certainly knew by "The Journey".

Response recorded on August 22, 2003

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FanForLife writes...

Hi, Greg, hate to pester you more, but it's what I'm particularly good at. First I want to say thanks for taking the time to look twice at our questions, and to those who criticize you for giving "smart ass" answers I say this----"HIS SHOW HIS RIGHT! LEAVE HIM ALONE!! YOU'RE LUCKY HE EVEN TAKES THE TIME OUT OF HIS INCREDIBLY BUSY SCHEDULE TO EVEN LISTEN TO OUR WHINING, SO GET OVER IT!!" Okay, now for my question, hehe:

1. Do you know what Titania said to Fox or is it something you thought you could come up with later, kind of leave it open?

2. If you do know what it was, did you have any plans for revealing it in the future or were you keeping it bottled up indefinitely?

3. Last question: If you do know what she whispered to Fox, will you please tell us one single word from what she whispered--just one single word? (That is, assuming it wasn't a single word in the first place, then it would be a little pointless to ask you to say, huh;))

Thanks Greg. I know you get pestered a lot about this, but it's only cuz we CARE! hehe Love the show and thanks! Take it easy!

Greg responds...

1. I know what I think she said.

2. Most likely, the latter.

3. Not today. Probably never.

Response recorded on August 21, 2003

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Cha-Cha writes...

Seline: "Are you mad? The Eye and the Gate were forged on the island..."
--Avalon: Part Two

Who forged the Gate? Were they human or one of the children?

Greg responds...

The gate forged itself out of flame. Or out of the timestream or whatever. Think of a Phoenix.

Response recorded on August 21, 2003

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Anonymous writes...

1.Are the preferred forms of Puck and the other children of oberon illusions? The reasoning is that you said that when the children of oberon transform they lose their powers so are their preferred forms where they utlize their power illusions?

2.Was the deathworm an illusion/glamour?

Greg responds...

1. No. Transformations, not illusions.
2. No. Ditto.

Response recorded on August 15, 2003

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Anonymous writes...

Was arthur's alliance with gargoyles an extrapolation of Gargoyles being used on coat of arms?

Greg responds...

Not particularly.

Response recorded on August 15, 2003

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Sanjai K. writes...

Hi Greg, I'm a big fan of the Starship Troopers Roughnecks series, which you wrote for. I wanted to ask you, did the worlds we saw the Roughnecks fighting on then comprise all the worlds involved in the "First Interstellar War"? Or were there other worlds being fought over during that war, which we didn't get to see? Also, since I notice that it's referred to as the "First Interstellar War," does that mean that there were other interstellar wars following that one, presumably with different enemies? Again, the show was incredible -- so sorry that more episodes were never made.

Greg responds...

I wasn't the producer of that show, just one of the story editors, so what follows is only my opinion.

I believe that there were other planets involved in the war that the Roughnecks just weren't assigned to.

And I know we had plans for a second season and another "war". But we never got to even produce the last three episodes of the first season, so a second season obviously never materialized.

Response recorded on August 14, 2003

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Todd Jensen writes...

You've mentioned how, in the Gargoyles Universe, you see Excalibur and the Sword in the Stone as being one and the same. One thing that I found myself wondering lately was whether you'd ever worked out a plan to reconcile these two different accounts of how King Arthur got his sword.

After all, the "Lady of the Lake" account of how Arthur received Excalibur portrays him as receiving it from her some time after he became King via the Sword in the Stone, so that if Excalibur was the Sword in the Stone, he would already have it by the time that he met her. (Of course, as I recall, the movie "Excalibur" did manage to reconcile the two different versions by having Excalibur be broken under the strain when Arthur used it to defeat Lancelot and then being briefly returned to the Lady of the Lake, who restores it and gives it back to Arthur).

Of course, if you've managed to find a solution yet, you're probably choosing (and understandably so) to keep it secret for now to be saved for the possible future occasion that you get to do the "Pendragon" spin-off, but I was still wondering if you'd ever come up with a way to reconcile the two different origin-stories, seeing that you treat them as both true in the Gargoyles Universe.

Greg responds...

Well, I kinda believe (generally) in consolidation. So, for example, the Stone of Destiny is also the stone from the Sword in the Stone. The Weird Sisters are Fates, Graces and Furies, etc.

So, yes, I see Excalibur and the Sword in the Stone as being one and the same in the Gargoyles Universe. As to the exact how, well, I'd tend to follow the lead of the movie "Excalibur," probably. But I'll admit, I haven't given the specifics much thought.

Response recorded on August 14, 2003

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Lisa- Mary writes...

what exactly is a gargoyle?

Greg responds...

If after 66 episodes you don't have the answer to that, then I'm not sure what I can add.

But, sigh, I'll give it a shot.

A gargoyle is a living creature. A sentient animal (as humans are) that happens to turn to a stone-like substance during the day.

Response recorded on August 08, 2003

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Deliha/Elisa Fan writes...

Hi I love the show Gargolyes but do plan on bringing the show back. If u do will it be a revamp of the show(Same charecters?) Or a new clan hopefully with Deliha.

Greg responds...

I'd love to bring the show back, as I've stated many times before. Take a look at the "Bringing Gargoyles Back" archive here at ASK GREG.

I like Delilah too, by the way.

Response recorded on August 08, 2003

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matt writes...

have we seen the person or persons responsible for massacreing the Mayan Clan and stealing the Sun Amulet in any of the episodes of Gargoyles?

i must say Greg that for some reason that i'm not entirely aware of i really really like the Mayan Clan. they are my favirote clan. so, my birthday is coming up, care to give me any tidbit of unknown information about them? hehee

Greg responds...

I think I've missed your birthday, twice over now.

And no, we haven't yet met those that destroyed the Mayan Clan. I'm glad you like 'em though. I have more plans for them.

Response recorded on August 07, 2003

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Demona Taina writes...

In Hunter's Moon I (or was it two?) Xanatos said: "It looks like this Mr. Carter could cause a bit of trouble for our old friend Goliath," referring to the reporter, Jon Canmore in disguise. But something dawned on me this morning, and I can't tell you how hard I laughed when I realized that this "Jon Carter" could actually be an inside joke of the episode Vendettas! When I realized that Xanatos' could've been referring to the bazooka causing Goliath trouble! So, was it an inside joke of the infamous Mr. Carter, Vinnie's banana cream pie bazooka? Because I very much doubt that it was a coincidence!

BTW, Vendettas is one of my favorite episodes! It's so funny!! And I love how everything falls into place as if it was written as a whole! Thanks again for such a wonderful show that still brings joy to my days. :)

Greg responds...

It wasn't a coincidence. It was a throwaway.

Response recorded on August 07, 2003

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Sunny writes...

I was wondering what you could tell me about the Max Steel character?

Greg responds...

Lots, probably. What do you want to know?

Response recorded on August 06, 2003

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lorena murati writes...

what type of character has titania in midsummer nights dream shakespear

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what you're asking. She was Queen of the Fairies. I'd recommend reading the play or, even better, attending a production.

Response recorded on August 06, 2003

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George B. writes...

I'm looking for models sheets for the Gargoyles, particulary Goliath, Elisa, Bronx and possibly Elisa's car. Could you tell me where I could find such things? or where I could find official pictures of the characters in front and side views? Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated. thank you

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, I don't have that information. You'd be better served asking the fans, I think.

I mean, obviously Disney has these model sheets, but I don't know if they'd send you a copy. You could always write to them and ask, I suppose. Worse that happens is that they say no.

Response recorded on August 05, 2003

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jennifer writes...

what are gargoyles used for?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 05, 2003

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Jimmy_Q writes...

I recently skimmed through you smart-ass responses and I ran in to this question from matt: ok, a beast generally lays more than three eggs in a lifetime. and you are being difficult (as always) and not being very specific... ok, we know that beast mature and can mate a generation before other gargs, and we know that beast live about the same length of time that other gargs do, but can beast continue having children after other gargs stop? if not then garg beast can have about 4 eggs, if so, they could have alot of eggs, i think.
so, how many eggs can a female garg beast generally lay?
you responded: The world may never know.
(That smart-ass response was a reference to an old tootsie-pop commercial. Anyone old enough to remember it has my sympathy.)
I'm quite familiar with that commercial and I'm only 20, so I guess that makes me old, huh? And to think I used to feel so young and virile, too...

Greg responds...

I think they must repeat it periodically. I'm nearly twice (TWICE) your age, and it first ran when I was a kid.

Response recorded on August 05, 2003

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jjwspider writes...

Who-hoo! An update, thanks Greg!
Onto the questions:
1) Will we ever see the Gargoyles episodes collected onto DVD? I would love to own the collection and think that it could possibly lead to more Gargoyles toons, as a Direct to Video thing maybe?
2) What projects are you currently working on?
3) As an aspiring cartoon creator can you give my any advice on who to contact or how to break in to the business?


Greg responds...

1. Disney tells me that the DVD of the first season will be released sometime in 2004 to coincide with the series' tenth anniversary. Further releases will obviously depend on the sales of the first release.

2. I'm in development on a number of potential projects, but nothing definite. My current paying gig is for Platinum Studios, where I'm writing a bible for their entire Universe.

3. Where do I start? How about referring you to the "Animation" achive here at ASK GREG, where I've answered this question before.

Response recorded on August 04, 2003

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Rick Maloney writes...

How can Thailog and the Clones be cured of the clone virus when they're solid stone, and incapable of intraveneous injection? If science is a kind of magic, as Titania mentions in 'The Gathering' two-parter, no mage could meddle with it.

Greg responds...


1. Don't take what Titania said too literally. She was making an analogy, not writing a treatise.

2. Keep in mind, you're talking Goliath Chronicles.

Response recorded on August 04, 2003

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The Cat writes...

Hello Greg,

I am helping a few friends with their fan fiction and I thought I'd ask this. You know kind of do a research paper. Anyway, one of my friends wants to know if gargoyles evolved or were they just created by something or someone? I wouldn't know so I figured since you were one of the creators I'd ask you.

1. Were the gargoyles created by a higher being than themselves?
2. Did they evolve?

3. If they evolved, what did they evolve from?
Dinosaurs(that is actually my best guess)?
Komodo Dragons?

Well, thanks bye.

Greg responds...

I've answered this before. Research papers generally require research, so it might have been nice had you checked the archives. Even given its volume, the odds are that by now, 8-1-03, you'd have already gotten the answer to the question you posted back on 1-16-02.

But anyway, it all depends on what you believe. If you believe a higher power created life more-or-less as is, than that same higher power did the same for the Gargoyles. If you believe in evolution, so be that. Personally, I don't see evolution and creationism as mutually exclusive, so I believe in both, elegantly. But that's just me.

If you believe in Evolution, they evolved back in the era of dinosaurs, but I'm not going to say from what.

Response recorded on August 01, 2003

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F7 Addict writes...

Creamy writes...
1. Is Hunter's Moon a specific day or week of the year?
2. If so could you give us the date(s)?

Greg responds...
In 1996, Hunter's Moon was on Saturday, October 26th. I doubt it's on the same night every year, since we operate on a solar, rather than a lunar calender. Anyone else know how this works?
recorded on 01-15-02

The Name of the moons are based on 12 lunar cycles per year, first is Jan or Wolf; 2 Feb or Storm; 3 Chaste; 4 Seed; 5 Hare; 6 Lover's; 7 Mead; 8 Wyrt; 9 Harvest; 10 Oct Blood or Hunter's moon; 11 Snow; 12 Oak. And on the odd chance of two full moons in a month, the second is called the blue moon.

Greg responds...

So, if I'm getting you right the Hunter's Moon (a.k.a. the Blood Moon) is the first full moon of October. (Or the only full moon of October, most years.) Right?

Thanks. That's very helpful and useful. I'm writing this down.

So a couple more questions...

Do you know the origin(s) behind these names? And if so, what are they?

And what is a Wyrt?

Response recorded on August 01, 2003

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