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randomspideyfan writes...

1.How much of the 90's Spidey series have you seen?

2. Do you like it?

3. Isn't Dr. Ashley Kofka originally from that show because I don't recall her being in the comics. If she is then that means you've seen its Venom and Carnage story arc correct?

Greg responds...

1. Very little.

2. I haven't seen enough to judge.

3. She's originally from the comics. I have no idea if she's in the 90s show, and, no, I haven't seen their Venage arc, though I think I did see the one scene (as a clip) where Carnage first appeared.

Response recorded on December 04, 2009

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Anonymous writes...

Hi again, Greg! Thanks for answering the Goblin mystery question...although it just made me realize how stupid I was for not remembering that...lol....this ain't a question, I really want to say want an AMAZING job you've done with this show, every idea, every twist, is just spectacular (no pun intended) I really hope there is a season three, I can't wait to see what ideas await! Thanks again!

Greg responds...

You're very welcome!

Response recorded on December 04, 2009

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Kyle S. writes...

Do you have any restrictions on New York locations you can use in Spider-Man? Obviously, you probably can't make any references to Ground Zero/World Trade Center, but I don't recall ever seeing the Statue of Liberty. While on the other hand we've seen Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, Grand Central Station, Flat Iron (disguised as the Daily Bugle), etc.

Greg responds...

We licensed the Flat Iron. Other buildings we can use as part of the scenery, etc.

Response recorded on December 04, 2009

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BackLash writes...

Hello again,

1. Considering he was J. Jonah Jameson in one of the previous two Spider-Man series he took part in, did Ed Ansner try out again for JJ?
2. Without spoiling anything for S3, what's up with Miles Warren's brother Aaron? Was he created for the show or was he in the comic? I don't remember him from the comic, but then I didn't know Mr. Devereaux was from the comic either so.
3. Was Mayor Waters in the show a homage to the one from Spider-Man: Reign?

Greg responds...

1. Nope. But I always knew I wanted him for Uncle Ben.

2. Aaron Warren was in the comic, as, yes, Pete's high school science teacher.

3. I'm not sure "homage" is the right word, but that's where we got the name.

Response recorded on December 04, 2009

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David Sky writes...

This time I'm sure I have come up with a question unasked. Did Eddie like Gwen? He captures Gwen in the season one finale with the words "we know who you love the most" to Peter. Peter pleads with Venom with the words "c'mon bro you've always liked her.let me save her." Did Peter mean like as in LIKE? Furthermore Venom replies along the lines of "Oh you'd like that wouldn't you? to get to be the hero" which seems to imply the bitterness he has of Gwen's feelings towards Peter. Remember also that Eddie offered to take Gwen to the dance. Eddie obviously was aware that Gwen loved Peter each and I think that made him jealous. Am I right?
Or am I reading too much into all of this?
At any rate Gwen is my favorite character in the series. Her cutest moment is when she giggles at the rumor of Peter being Spiderman.

Greg responds...

Pete just meant like, not LIKE.

As to Eddie's feelings, I'd rather leave that to everyone's individual interpretation.

Response recorded on December 03, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Greg writes...
"Norman's survival was a purely creative choice. Don't you get tired of characters "dying" and then inevitably returning. To me, it cheapens the very concept of death. So I didn't want our series to try to fool you on that subject (for more than a few minutes). You'd know right up front that he was alive and well, even if the cast all thought he was gone. That way no one feels cheated, right? I mean face it, if he had eventually returned would you really have been stunned? "

I am sooooooooooo happy you said that, Greg, 'cause that is EXACTLY how I feel! That the constant revival of dead characters diminishes the concept of death and takes all the meaning out of it! And you're right - really, NONE of the revivals in the comics came as a shocker (some as a temper tantrum, but none as a shocker).
Which is why I completely, whole-heartedly agree that to prevent that, there needs to be some level of foreshadow shortly after they died (even it's something as simple as "they couldn't find the body").
So yeah, just writing to tell you how happy I am that you said and ecstatic to see you're above that.

Greg responds...

Thanks. I try to be above most stuff. But the air is so thin up here...

Response recorded on December 03, 2009

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Martin writes...

Two Spidey questions:

1) Does Norman know who is Master Planner?
2) I'm sorry, but aren't you like, pissed off because there are no news about season 3?

Greg responds...

1. At this point, I doubt it's still a secret.

2. Sure, as if that helps.

Response recorded on December 03, 2009

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BlkAngl Bradshaw-Koo writes...

I just wanted to say that I like the new Spectacular Spider-Man Animated Series concept. At first, I was skeptical; being that I am a fan of the 90's cartoon Spider-Man, but I like it..and so does my son. Secondly, I personally do not care for the idea of Peter Parker in a romantic relationship with Gwen Stacey. She's too drab for him. Yes, they are kind of cute together in an all too predictable way. And so, makes for boring T.V. drama. I'd prefer it if Gwen ends up with Harry instead. That would actually make for a more interestingly dramatic twist. The concept of Peter with Liz is not so bad. But being that this versions Mary Jane Watson is soo much more intriguing, I would love it if Peter ends up with her; or at very least, Spider-Man with Black Cat. Either or is fine with me. ^_^ I just hope that Mary Jane does not suddenly turn into a scaredy cat type. (Shudder...) ~_~
Thank you for your time in reading this and allowing me to submit our comments. Best wishes on your journey. Peace. - A Fan ^_^"

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 02, 2009

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Jose Aranzamendez writes...

I made some mistakes when I asked a question earlier.I'm reasking the same question again with corrections

What will happen to Gwen Stacy in Spectacular Spiderman?Will She die just like she did in the comics?Or will she live and become Peter Parker's girlfriend?I curious because I'm a big fan of Gwen Stacy and wish she never died in the original comics.I hope that you will not portray her death in this excellent cartoon adaption.I'm getting tired of Gwen Stacy always dying in many new Spiderman comic series and adaptions;I would like to see something different for a change.I would like Gwen Stacy to live and actually marry Peter Parker!I also would like to see Peter Parker have aa wonderfully successful happy marriage with Gwen Stacy!

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on December 02, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

So yeah, I know how all the titles of TSSM are based off a common concept (like Lizard is Bio), and, by that way, that's REALLY awesome, but there are a few which I can't figure out how they relate to the episode. So, how do the titles of Catalysts, Nature v. Nurture, and Shear Strength relate to their episodes?
Thanks in advance!

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, but I think it's obvious. And if I'm wrong, then my trying to justify it won't help. Look up the meaning of those terms and if it's still not clear, then assume we screwed up.

Response recorded on December 02, 2009

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