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Sandrine Matheron writes...

Dear Greg,
I like very much the Max Steel series.
1.When will the second season arrive in USA and in France(if possible) ?
2.I don't know if you are concerne about the graphism but in Shadows (I think it's the title of the Paris' episode, in french it's " Paris, ville sombre ") Paris'streets are not well done. They're to american with the hill and the double yellow lines in the middle of the road… (normally there are no hills and there's one white line in the middle…) but the Eiffel Tower's place is beautiful (where was the Seine ?).
Can you answer my questions please ? Thank you.

Greg responds...

1. I believe the second season (which I have nothing to do with) has already begun airing in the US. As for France, I have no idea. Sorry.

2. In general, we felt the animation was very disappointing on all our cities, except maybe Del Oro Bay.

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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Maxy Steel writes...

Boy, I have too much free time on my hands.

1. In season one, about how many times did Psycho supposedly die?

2. Has Shannon Kenny (Rachel) done any other roles in other shows you've worked on?

3. Is Berto really 18?

Doomo Arigatou!
-Maxy Steel (who has had too much sugar!)

Greg responds...

1. Gee. Hmm. Twice? Three times. It depends on how you define it. There was only one time when N-Tek really felt pretty sure that Smiley had bought it. That was when Nez sent him flying off into space in "Sabres".

2. No, darn it. I'd love to work with her again, though. She's an amazing actress, with a great voice. She's currently in that Vincent Ventresca Invisible Man series on Sci-Fi (I think).

3. I thought he was nineteen. But I don't remember for sure.

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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Maxy Steel writes...

Yeah, I just keep sendin' 'em in. I hope I'm not bothering you to insanity.

1. If L'Etranger is not a robot, and he's not a person in a suit, then is he a cyborg, like Smiley?

2. And wouldn't hair and eye color "naturally" changing be counted as DNA reconstruction?

3. In your world, did Mairot die in "Shattered?"

4. Which voice actor does who in the show, of the characters that show (somewhat) regularly. I already know ones like Max, Rachel, Berto, Smith, Laura, Pete, Smiley, Mairot, and Dread. But what about others, like Sophia, Vitriol, Dragonelle, Woody and Annabelle Barkowski, and L'etranger?

Thank you soooooo much!
-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

1. In my development, yes. I can't speak for the new producers.

2. No. I consider it part of the color/light warping abilities of the Max-probes.

3. No.

--Sophia and Dragonelle were voiced by Mia Korf. (She's great. She also did a voice for me [Natsuko] in 3x3 Eyes.)
--Woody was the amazing Jeff Glenn Bennett (voice of Brooklyn, Owen, the Magus, etc.)
--Vitriol was an actor named August Paro, that I had never used before. But I thought he had a great voice.
--Annabelle was done by the same performer who voiced Claw and Nought in Gargoyles.
--L'Étranger was voiced by John DeLancie. Better known as "Q"
in Star Trek.

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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Maxy Steel writes...

Hi again, it's Maxy. More questions, once again.
1. There's a Max Steel bible?! I want one!
2. About what year is Max Steel set? Like, is it set in the present, past, future? How far in any of the directions?
3. What are the ages of the frequently seen characters? (Smith, Mairot, Yevshenko)
4. Does Yevshenko have a first name?

Thanks a bunch!
-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

1. Yes, it exists. But I'm not currently at liberty to distribute it to anyone.

2. Somewhere between the present and Max Headroom's "Twenty minutes into the future." Say, twelve minutes.

3. I don't have that info handy.

4. Yes. From memory, I'd say Elena, but I don't want to be held to that. Again, I'm not at my office where I have access to that info.

Ask again another time.

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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Andrea L. Marbry , marbryalm@AltaVista.com writes...

Dear Greg,
Sorry about the synopsis to the first episode of Max
Steel, Season II [posting it (inadventently), that is].
Hope it doesn't get you into any trouble! But the reason
why I am so fascinated about 'Berto is that my first epi-
sode of the show I saw was "Spear-Carriers", his "trial
of fire", so to speak. I'd noticed that most of the senior
N-TEK personnel, like Rachel & Jeff, are very protective
of him. My question is, given the events of Snow-Blind,
Sphinxes, and especially, Shattered, is it proabable that
'Berto's temporary captivity aboard Breamer's Javelin
was a covert Dread plot to abduct him? If not, what led
Breamer to treat 'Berto with "kid gloves" after capturing
him? And, finally, who responsible for the great music
used on Max Steel?

Looking forward to more of your work,
Andrea Marbry

Greg responds...

That Spear-Carriers episode was supposed to air much earlier in the sequence. I think it was like the sixth show or something (though I'm away from my office and don't have that info handy).

And, no, it wasn't a Dread plot. Breamer was impressed by 'Berto. At least in part because 'Berto pretended to be impressed by Breamer.

I believe the music on Max was by Jim Latham, but I wasn't involved in the post-production of that series, so I'm not sure.

Response recorded on November 17, 2000

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Maxy Steel writes...

Yup, Maxy's back! More questions...
1. Where's the Max Steel archive on this site? The part with the episode bios ad stuff.

-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

There isn't one. This is a Gargoyles site. I answer Max questions here occasionally. And there's an archive of those answers here.

Response recorded on November 15, 2000

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Maxy Steel writes...

I'm back, thanks so much for answering my questions. I've got a few more.

1. How old is Rachel? One site said she was 26. Is this true? (This same site also said Jake Nez was 32.)

2. Is L'Etranger a robot, or a person in a suit?

3. Why weren't there that many animals in the first season? I counted about four or five.

Muchos gracias, doomo arigatou, thanks a million!
-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

1. I'm not at my regular office so I don't have my Max "bible" on hand. Those ages sound about right, but if you want to be sure (at least in terms of what I was thinking) than ask me again later.

2. Neither.

3. I'm surprised we had that many. What animals did we have? A shark. What else? If the scripts didn't call for them, the animators weren't likely to design them.

Response recorded on November 15, 2000

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Maxy Steel writes...

Just a few quick questions about Max Steel:

1. Why does Max have a uniform like the girl's uniforms, and then Berto's is different? Is it because of Berto's postion at N-tek or something?

2. In your world, what honestly happened to Jim McGrath?

3. Why is it that when Josh becomes Max, his entire DNA structure seems to change? I'm not picking up on that one.

Thannks a million!
-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

1. In the original set-up, which I'm not sure we executed consistently, Max was an MX operative. MX-1. Rachel was an Agent/Operative. (I forget her number, but she said it once in a French elevator.) 'Berto was part of the Sci/Tech staff. That should explain the different garb.

2. I don't know whether or not they plan on using my original plans. Since I don't know, I don't want to screw them by giving it away. When and if the series is cancelled, I'll answer that question.

3. Huh? Just his appearance -- and really only his hair and eye color. His clothes have Max-probes in them and change at the same time. But he doesn't change them. His bio-link signals them to change.

Response recorded on November 13, 2000

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Joxter writes...

Max Steel question... You've indicated that one reason all the episode titles started with the letter "s" is because it amused you, but you also indicated that there were other reasons. What were some of the other reasons?

Greg responds...

Nothing that'll ever happen since I didn't work on subsequent seasons.

Response recorded on November 10, 2000

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marbryalm@altavista.com writes...

Dear Greg,
I see that you're trying to restart your Gargoyles
series elsewhere, with what network, please? And, of course, the best of luck to you. Just for your information,
on Max Steel, Season II, things got off to an explosive start when Dread, who survived the Dread airship crash in
"Shattered" attacked Josh by kidnapping his best civilian
friend Pete, and ran Max thru a gauntlet designed to weaken
and eventually destroy him. But, even cut off from Berto,
who finally tracks him down and re-energizes him with a
portable trans-phasic generator, Max still manages to survive the deathtraps, especially the most vicious one,
where Pete is chained to a time bomb in an old mining
cavern, and rescue his friend. (Laura, by the way, is
spending a year at sea, but has spoken to Josh again,
saying "See you later, (but) NOT goodbye.") After Berto's
save, Max is able to capture Dread and lock him up in a
high-tech castle dungeon. Oh yes, there was a robot dog
in this episode (Berto is developing a pet hobby), that,
as of the second episode, has morphed into an android cat
(that occasionally barks at Max).
Of course, I understand your wish to avoid commenting
on the program since you were invited off of it, but the
above is for folks who don't have access to the second
season yet (like in Canada). However, in your storylines,
is there some reason why Berto rarely, if ever, leaves
N-Tek HQ, and when he does, it's always in a heavily-secure
environ, like Behemoth?

Greg responds...

I never said I was trying to start Gargoyles up "elsewhere". Gargoyles is owned by Disney.


O.K. For starters. Please DON'T feel the need to post synopses of future Max Steel episodes here. If I wanted access to them, I could get them. It just makes me nuts. There are comment rooms for that kinda thing.

As for 'Berto during my seasons, it was his job to "run" Max from his console. The console was either at N-Tek or in Behemoth. We did (under extraordinary circumstances) have him get out from behind the monitor on a couple of occassions. But to make that a consistent thing, would have changed his job description.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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