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Jake the Fearless Leader writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman. No questions this time around. Just wanted to say that I'm very sorry for your loss and will be praying for you and your family.

At the point that I am writing this, "Insecurity" has aired just the previous day. Artemis was never one of my favorite characters on the show, but I really enjoyed the episode. Now, I am looking forward to the rest of the season, as well as the beginning of Invasion.

Greg responds...

Thank you.

Response recorded on August 15, 2012

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jenova writes...

why did ocean master get so little screen time?(esp when compared to the rest of the light)

Greg responds...

We only have so many episodes and so much screen time. So we introduced him as Orm on the show, and then used the comic to give him a bit more of a showcase as Ocean-Master.

Response recorded on August 15, 2012

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Insert A Creative Name Here writes...

Hi Greg!
How would you describe the relationship between Paula and Lawrence Crock? Do they have any affection for each other? How do they treat each other?
If this is a spoiler request or this question's been answered, I'll apologize in advance.

Greg responds...

They're majorly estranged.

Response recorded on August 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I know it was just a fun nod to DOCTOR WHO in "Insecurity", but I still gotta ask the question: does the fact that the Star City Zeta-Beam portal terminates in a police box mean that police boxes are (or were) commonplace in the America of Earth-16? I mean, presumably the League would want to conceal the portals in inconspicuous places. And the only thing I can figure is that a police box would be a good disguise only if they were otherwise commonplace. As a long-term fan of the multiverse it would be a cool thing to say that one of the distinguishing features of Earth-16 was the widespread use of police public call boxes in North America as well as Britain. (By the way, kudos to not only giving a sly nod to DOCTOR WHO in general, but specifically the 1966 serial, "The War Machines'. The "out of order" sign made me howl with laughter.)

Greg responds...

You may be giving me a little TOO MUCH credit. I'm not specifically familiar with "The War Machines." The out of order sign is a natural way for the league to keep folks away from the box.

As for the commonplaceness of it... I'm fine leaving that to your imagination.

Response recorded on August 15, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
I realize it'll be a while before you get to this, but first off, my condolences. I lost my grandpa this year too.

Onto good things, Insecurity was a good episode. The story was fun, I liked the character interaction, and I hope Artemis stays with the team, I've grown fond of her. On that note, I also want to thank you for the cameo by a blonde girl with the last name King. I know that's supposed to be Cissie, and having her be impressed by Artemis is a nice touch. I hope we see more of her in the future.
Please keep up the awesome work.

Greg responds...

Thank you for the condolences, and you have mine as well for your loss.

Given enough episodes and/or comic book issues, Cissie will return.

Response recorded on August 15, 2012

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Bodhi writes...

Hello, Greg.
Very sorry for the loss you've had. I had my dog put down because she had some sort of tumor growing on her hip. It was bleeding like crazy. So, day before Thanksgiving(isn't THAT a great time to do something like this?), we'd put her down.
Anyways, all losses aside, I've been thinking. I was very surprised last Comic-Con when Lego announcing they'd be making licenses for BOTH Marvel and DC. The DC sets were great,(even though most of them were just remakes of the old Batman sets), and I'm sure the Marvel sets will look incredible too. My question is, do you think DC could let Lego produce some Young Justice sets? Even with your past confrontations with Lego(which didn't end well for you), do you think it could be possible?
P.S. Young Justice is fantastic!

Greg responds...

It's got nothing to do with me one way or the other. I think it would be great, but it's not up to me.

Response recorded on August 15, 2012

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nikesh writes...

OK, this is a really stupid question, so do forgive me for asking, but:
I noticed that Red Arrow sounded noticeably deeper in "Insecurity" than he did in his previous appearances. Was this done on purpose?

Greg responds...

He didn't sound any deeper to us.

Response recorded on August 15, 2012

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Ernie writes...

Is season 2 considered episodes beyond the 26 announced or are we watching season 2 currently (14 - 26)?

With your staff of writers for season 2, just how many episodes do they get to write for that batch of episodes --- being a fan of Peter Davids work I'm wondering how many more I (and any other fan of his work) can look forward to.

in episode 123 (the name escapes me right now) the cut away to wolf was just laugh out loud funny

Greg responds...

1. I don't know how Cartoon Network's broadcasting arm defines things, but from a production point of view, Season One consisted of 26 episodes (from "Independence Day" through "Auld Acquaintance") and Season Two is another twenty episodes (from "Happy New Year" to [CENSORED] ).

2. Feel like I've answered this, but maybe not:

201 - Greg Weisman
202 - Nicole Dubuc
203 - Kevin Hopps
204 - Greg Weisman
205 - Brandon Vietti
206 - Peter David
207 - Kevin Hopps (story), Paul Giacoppo (teleplay)
208 - Greg Weisman
209 - Jon Weisman
210 - Kevin Hopps
211 - Nicole Dubuc
212 - Paul Giacoppo
213 - Greg Weisman
214 - Kevin Hopps
215 - Jon Weisman
216 - Kevin Hopps
217 - Brandon Vietti
218 - Peter David
219 - Greg Weisman
220 - Kevin Hopps

So I guess the final score for Season Two is:
Kevin Hopps - 5. 5
Greg Weisman - 5
Peter David - 2
Nicole Dubuc - 2
Brandon Vietti - 2
Jon Weisman - 2
Paul Giacoppo - 1.5

And, of course, Brandon, Kevin and I came up with and broke EVERY story. And I wrote every premise.

3. That was our hope.

Response recorded on August 15, 2012

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Arthur Jr. writes...

Hey Greg, I have been watching the recent episodes of "Young Justice."

* In "Image," the episode's twist ending had the Bialyan Queen Bee appearing in Garfield Logan's bedroom as Miss Martian appeared to check up on Garfield. Queen Bee stated that Psimon wasn't the only one who knows that Miss Martian is a White Martian and is now planning to use Miss Martian in a later plot. I am assuming that Psimon must've relayed his discovery of Miss Martian's true form to her before being knocked out. If that's not the case, then what is?

* In "Insecurity," the twist ending there revealed that Sportsmaster is Artemis' father (just like the comics) as well as being Cheshire's father on Earth-16. Outside of that, I did see the opening where Black Spider targets a reporter named Mr. Jones. I don't think you have mentioned which version of Black Spider you are using but some are assuming that it is not one of the three Black Spiders in DC Comics. Do you have any comment on that?

* In "Coldhearted," I was surprised that you got Ariel Winter to reprise her role of Princess Perdita (who last voiced her in "DC Showcase: Green Arrow" where Steven Blum voiced Count Vertigo). This is a coincidence since Jamie Thomason had voice directed her in that "DC Showcase" short.

* When it came to Clayface's animated appearance in "Downtime," Clayface's voice actor was uncredited. I thought it might've been Kevin Michael Richardson. Some others are claiming that Khary Payton or Nolan North voiced him. Do you have any comment on that? Outside of that, the comic spin-off stated that he was a member of the League of Shadows who was locked in the Lazarus Pit by Talia al Ghul when he tried to use it to cure his terminal cancer which led to him becoming Clayface.

Greg responds...

1. Does it matter how she knows?


3. Not a coincidence. We all loved Ariel's performance (and Steve's).

4. It was Nolan.

Response recorded on August 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Do all the members of the Light blindly trust each other, or do they have contingencies to protect themselves from one another? For example, are the men impervious to Queen Bee's thrall?

Greg responds...

There's mutual trust and respect. "Blind Trust"? Well, probably not. But I don't see any of them betraying each other, so there's not much point in me giving much thought to contingencies.

Response recorded on August 15, 2012

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