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Anonymous writes...

I love Young Justice, I love how you put a lot of emotional problems and and painful things that the team will go through.

1. What made you chose Sportsmaster/Lawrence Crock to be this amazing bad-ass villain? They're probably other assassin's you could've used but you turn a very funny Golden-Age comic villain character in to one of the most dangerous bad guys in the series so far?

2. Does Lawrence still care about Paula? So far he is disappointed at both his daughters?

I love that there is this complicated dynamic in this family and drama really unfolds little by little in the series.
I hope you continue your success in season 2!

Greg responds...

1. Always liked him. But mostly, we liked the dynamic we saw as possible between Huntress, Sportsmaster and Artemis (and adding Cheshire in seemed very workable).

2. Disappointment is transitory with this guy, I think. I think he still has feelings for Paula - to the extent he has feelings.

Response recorded on August 29, 2012

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YOUNG JUSTICE Issue #19 out now!

Issue #19 of our companion YOUNG JUSTICE comic book has hit the stands - real and virtual. This concludes our two-part Gorilla City story, reveals the origins of Gorilla City and has just about every DC ape I could think of in it.

The cover's by our regular artist Chris Jones, and the interiors are by the talented Luciano Vecchio, who also drew issue 12 (one of my personal favorites). As for the writing, you're stuck with me. This is the last issue, before we transition in issue #20 from first season stories to our cast from Young Justice: Invasion.

Pick an issue up in digital form (https://read.dccomics.com/comixology/#/series/5348) or at your local comic shop (http://www.comicshoplocator.com/Home/1/1/57/575)!

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

I would to say that "Usual Suspects" is one of the very best episodes of Season One. You and your co-workers did a fantastic job! Now for the questions.

1. This Rocket character… I believe that she had a non-speaking role for at least two episodes if I’m not mistaken. I’m glad she’s been given a voice actress, which almost sounds similar to the person who voiced Virgil Hawkins’ sister in “Static Shock.” “Usual Suspects” has already have her established as a member of The Team at this point. Why wasn’t she shown to be properly introduced to the other members of The Team (within the show) and vice versa? I think this was the only point within the episode that has gotten me somewhat confused; otherwise, everything else was great.

2. The crowd was laughing (but not in an insulting way) after Superman made a comment about how one of the three values that the Justice League upholds is also part of the team’s name. Was that supposed to be Superman’s bad attempt at humor or something? Is it rare for Superman to try to be humorous?

3. If Miss Martian was able to permanently remove/block the “red sun” programming in Superboy’s mind, did Superboy had to TELL Miss Martian about it first in order for her to help him or was she presumably able to LOOK into all of the potentially dangerous programming (that was installed) within his mind and got rid of them all?

4. As demonstrated in the episode, Batman preferred working at the Watchtower rather than joining the celebration party for the new Justice League members. When Green Arrow and rest of the previous Justice League members joined within the last seven years (prior to 2010), did Batman ever did that same routine of “business first and celebration later”?

5. While the cliffhanger on “Usual Suspects” took me by surprise, why was it ultimately decided to have this episode to show the cliffhanger instead of the final episode of Season One, which will air in the coming week? If it seems like this question sounds ridiculous, please recall/remember the question from one of my earlier postings, in which I told you my thoughts about the nature of cliffhangers on television shows.

Thanks for taking the time to read my questions. I look forward to the Season finale with much anticipation!

Greg responds...

1. We felt that she was introduced as much as necessary.

2a. It was his attempt at humor. Though I wouldn't say it was "bad". Just a little chuckle for everyone to share.

2b. He's not a laugh riot, but he's not grim.

3. Knowing the kind of thing to look for, she was able to clean out "Red Sun" and check for the rest. But there was nothing in there except "Red Sun". As stated in the episode.

4. Ever? Probably.

5. I'm afraid I can't remember past posts that clearly. But I think the end of "Usual Suspects" and "Auld Acquaintance" both worked well and require no justification from me.

Response recorded on August 28, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Just saw "Usual Suspects". Just wanted to say that I love, LOVE the fact that Superboy knew about Miss Martian's true form all along. The simple fact that he already knew makes their relationship seem so much more "real." It would have felt so false if he found out for the first time and then immediately accepted it. It's more believable that he already knew.

Greg responds...

Thanks. We liked it too.

Response recorded on August 28, 2012

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Colton gambrel writes...

Does the public know about miss Martian,superboy,zatanna,rocket,artemis,sphere and wolf,or do the justice league hide them for covert reasons

Greg responds...

Rocket is a public figure, though not as well known as Robin, Aqualad and Kid Flash. The rest are not public figures at all, though of course some members of the public have seen one or more of them here and there.

Response recorded on August 28, 2012

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Nino Escobar writes...

Mattel has announced that they are cancelling the Young Justice toy line (along with all current DC action figures, which just plain sucks!) Now, I know that the show isn't as merchandise-based like, say the Transformers, but does this have any effect at all on the likelihood of renewal for a third season?

Keep up the good work!

Greg responds...

It doesn't help.

So we really need big ratings and comic book sales. Wouldn't hurt to buy what YJ toys Mattel is still offering, like the Miss Martian/Superboy two-pack.

Response recorded on August 28, 2012

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Greg Bishansky writes...

The Usual Suspects

In the early promotion of "Young Justice," Greg Weisman said that the theme of the first season was "secrets and lies." He was not kidding, that theme was a major factor in "Young Justice" being one of the darkest animated series in a long time. Both this show and "Avengers - Earth's Mightiest Heroes" premiered around the same time, give or take a few weeks, and I remember my brother and I remarking to each other that it was kind of funny that the series about the adult heroes was bright and rather cheerful with occasional dark moments, while the series about the teen sidekicks was the dark and rather dire with occasional cheerful moments. Well the secrets and lies are out now...

But what surprised me was that the none of Superboy, Miss Martian, or Artemis's secrets and lies were exposed by villains. They confessed them on their own. This by no means a complaint of mine. One thing heroes are defined by is their courage. What can be more courageous than facing your own fears, which each of them did here.

Superboy came clean about his use of the shields, and that Lex Luthor is his other father. Following that, we found out that "Red Sun" was the only bit of programming Cadmus successfully got into his brain before Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad liberated him. And Miss Martian was able to remove the "Red Sun" command from his head.

Artemis came clean about her family connections, and wasn't shunned by anybody. Her moments were quite cathartic, I think. I did enjoy it when Cheshire saved her life, and even though Cheshire managed to escape, I bet she enjoyed kicking her father in the face at the end. I know I would have.

Miss Martian revealed what she really was to the Team, and they all took it rather well. The big surprise for me being that Superboy knew since the Bialya mission, although in retrospect it shouldn't have. I still am curious if Martian Manhunter knows this secret or not. Well, if he doesn't know now, he'll know soon... if he survives. Honestly, I misjudged her entire relationship with Superboy. In my defense, I was assuming based on what I knew at the time, but I don't mind being wrong.

I thought the Santa Prisca battle scene was one of the best in the series. Everyone got something to do, and while it was fun to see Bane again, I can already foresee some 90's fanboys once again complaining. Personally, I never liked Bane, never thought he was worthy to "break the bat" and was happy to see Robin kick his ass. Let's just say that Christopher Nolan has his work cut out for him to convince me that this character can carry a movie once "The Dark Knight Rises" hits this summer.

Rocket is the new member of the Team, and... while I'm sure there will be much more to her than just a sassy black chick, this is a Greg Weisman production after all, she hasn't made an impression on me beyond that yet. But I can't blame her, this is an episode heavy with lots of material and plot threads coming to a head. I did, however, like her scene at the beginning where she said the other sidekicks were her inspiration.

So, who was the mole?

Red Arrow. Who saw it coming? I didn't. I probably should have, I did narrow it down to him and Aqualad last week, but I didn't. I guess I expected the mole to be on the Team, but really all Ra's al Ghul said was that they had an operative on the inside. Red Arrow was... is friends with Kid Flash, Robin, and Aqualad, so I can easily see them casually mentioning things to him before he tips off the Light. But, considering that Red Arrow had no clue that he was the mole himself, I'm guessing that there is far more to this story... and we'll find out next week.

And what a cliffhanger to leave us on. Red Arrow places the Starro pieces on each member of the Justice League, then they all bow down to Vandal Savage. I love a good cliffhanger, and right now I'm really wishing that this was an hour long special. Well, a week isn't that long a time, and the wait will be worth it to see the Team take on their mentors... while the creative team hits us with one last sucker punch for the season.

Personally, I hope Vandal Savage cuts off Superman's head and chucks it into the nearest red sun, but I doubt that will happen. Aw well, tuning in next week, same bat time, same bat channel.

Greg responds...

Wow. What's with the Superman hate?

Response recorded on August 28, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg. By the time you read this, season one will be long over. There's one thing that I still don't understand. Who created those ice fortresses in "Coldhearted," and why? I'm not asking for a spoiler; I'm just wondering if there's an obvious answer that I missed. Were the ice fortresses just another part of the favor Vandal owed Vertigo? It doesn't seem to advance the Light's cause which may be something more than just taking over the world. Did Vandal cover the U.S. with snow just to stop Princess Perdita from getting a new heart? Isn't that a bit extreme to kill one little girl?

Greg responds...

The ice fortresses were designed by the five ice villains. The Light was indeed working with Vertigo, because having him in control of Vlatava works in their favor, just as it works in their favor that Bialya is ruled by Queen Bee.

Response recorded on August 28, 2012

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Amber writes...

Did Black Canary ever wear her horrible 1980s Stephen DeStefano costume on Earth-16? Please say no.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 28, 2012

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Easter egg writes...

I just notice the Aqualad poster in Gar's room during Image.
And I know is there other hidden thing secrets in earlier episodes?
P.S I think Aqualad is the breakout star of show.

Greg responds...

Here and there.

Response recorded on August 28, 2012

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