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Zack writes...

First of all, as a huge fan of DC comics lore, I want to thank you so much for including so much of DC's history in your show. It makes the show so much more enjoyable for me.

I was wondering how the writers choose the characters that are showcased in the show. I noticed you included a lot of lesser known characters in the DC universe such as Lagoon Boy, Blue Beetle and so on. How do the writers pick and choose with such a huge who's who list of superheroes and supporting characters to choose from?

Greg responds...

I don't think Blue Beetle would still be considered "lesser known".

Mostly, this question is ASKED AND ANSWERED. We had a "huge... list". We gave a great deal of thought to juggling powers, backstories, personalities, etc.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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M King writes...

First off, I just wanted to thank you for being a part of what makes superhero cartoons awesome. I'm loving Young Justice/Invasion so far, and each episode just gets better.

I've just got one random question to ask that's been on my mind:

Did Dick go through a phase of resenting being Bruce's sidekick like in some continuities or has he always been happy to be a part of the Batfamily no matter what costume he wears?

Greg responds...

I'm not saying it was always 100% conflict free, but largely they're good, and have never had a major falling out. Resentment isn't really Dick's style.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Samantha writes...

Why did Wally decide to stop being a hero? Did Nightwing try to persuade him to continue with him?

Greg responds...

1. It's complicated. There isn't one single reason, one single event. It's cumulative. It involves things that took place over the five year gap (SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.), his relationship with Artemis and his general maturing as a human being. A choice to leave behind things that seemed extremely important to him as a child - and not so important as an adult. Also, keep in mind, Wally didn't decide to stop being a hero. Wally and Artemis together decided to stop being heroes.

2. Nightwing wants what's best for his friend. I'm not saying they didn't have a conversation or two. Or six. Or whatever, but...

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Legacy & Boomerang

I'm currently sitting in the Control Room at L.A. Studios while voice director Jamie Thomason records Mark Rolston as Lex Luthor for YOUNG JUSTICE LEGACY. Later today: Eric Lopez, Jesse McCartney and Cameron Bowen. More to come next week after I get back from visiting my daughter in New Orleans.

Also, James Harvey at Worlds Finest is reporting that reruns of YJ and YJ:I will be appearing on Boomerang:


This is good news, and I'm guessing must be a direct result of fan response to the latest hiaturs.

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Kevin writes...

What are the names of the trophies in the Hall of Justice that were in Alienated?

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Jefferson writes...

Hey,Greg, what is Black Lightning's League Designation?

Greg responds...

Wait and see.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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grimlock writes...

1 .When did Superboy meet Ted cord for the first time? 2. did Greg Cripes ever audishion for the role of Beast boy?

Greg responds...


2. In Season One, we cast Logan Grove to play Garfield Logan at age 8. I love Greg - he was Caleb in W.I.T.C.H. - but he was too old to play our Garfield (and that's on top of the fact that we weren't particularly inclined to cast any of the five original Teen Titans actors in their signature roles). Then in Season Two, Logan just continued on to play the 13-year-old Garfield/Beast Boy.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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btgr writes...

Did you came up with the idea of "Apple Laxative"?

Greg responds...

That specific phrase? Yes.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Katie writes...

What's Wally and Artemis's dog's name?

Greg responds...

I want to say Brucely.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Anonny writes...

Dear Mr. Greg and Whoever Else May Be Credited With The Writing For "Salvage":

I absolutely loved this week's episode. "Salvage" has, in tumblr terms, provided "so many feels" for many shippers of the Spitfire (Wally/Artemis) and CheshRoy (Cheshire/Roy) pairing supporters; those "feels" were multiplied even more with the introduction of Lian.

I LOVE that Wally and Artemis are still together after 5 years and are a cute, loving couple. I LOVE that Lian has been born and that Jade seems to be doing her best to not only fix up Roy, but to have some stability in her family for the sake of her daughter. I also LOVE that she and Roy were married.

Once again, thank you. Words cannot express any more of what I am feeling, but let me just say that all throughout this morning I had to stop myself from involuntarily smiling at the thought of this episode.

Keep up the AWESOME work. :)

Greg responds...

Thank you.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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dailyplanetintern writes...

OMG! I just LOVED today episode! "Salvage". I thought for sure that the hero that had "fallen from grace" would have been Kaldar considering what happened last week but I was just as glad to see Roy come back into the picture! Now everything is complete and all my questions have been answered! I know what Roy's doing and what happened to Wally and Artemis! I LOVE the fact that after 5 years that they're still together! Now my mind can rest. It's been driving me CRAZY for the last 3 weeks to know what happened to Wally and Artemis, I already knew that Kaldar would be making a showing and that he now had a Black Manta connection but not knowing what was going on with Wally and Artemis was making me nuts. I figured that they'd be in school since it didn't seam that they had passed on (some people thought that Artemis would have gone bad but I figured that that wasn't true. You went through the trouble of having this Artemis of Earth-16 go down the hero path instead of a villainess one and in "Unusual Suspects" had her reveal her family connections to her friends and her finally being able relax and find acceptance I found it highly unlikely that her future would swing the other direction...) I hope to see them again! They're so cute together!

Now I can wait for the upcoming episodes in peace. ^_~

But on to my questions these are regarding Miss Martian and Superboy and their aging processes.

Now M'Gann is approached as having been of an equivalent of "16" in season 1, and Martian Manhunter mentioned that she was 48 earth years old. Now 48 divided by 16 equals 3 so what I was wondering was:

1. Does M'Gann age at a Martian emotional and physical equivalent so that every 3 earth years of ageing and development for her is the equivalent of 1 human year? So instead of her being "21" she's more like "17 and 3/4"? Almost "18"?

Now Superboy. He was force grown to 16 years in 16-weeks, and he can't visibly age on the outside. But he can age internally / physically on the inside. So it can't be said that he's "21" like Kaldar and Wally are.

1. So does this mean that at some point internally he'll be elderly with all the negatives that with it but sill look like a 16-year-old hottie?

If so that really is a "standard blessing and curse".

2. Exactly where is his age in the emotional sense since that's the only "ageing / maturity" that would be visible?

3. How old is Superboy internally? He was force grown to 16 years in 16 weeks. So does his body think that it's 16 in season 1 and 21 in season 2 or does it read it's self as younger since he's only almost 6 chronologically?

PS: I loved the "You freshman never do the homework." Statement that Conner made.

I also noticed that in the last episode that Superman called Conner, Kon-El. That made me happy too. Although the caption on my TV said 'Conner' instead. Like in "Earthlings" when Conner says that he doesn't visibly age, the captions said physically age. Which means two entirely different things. Not visibly aging means that you can't see the aging, but that it is occurring. Not physically aging usually equates immortality.

4. Dose it annoy you when closed captions get things wrong like that?

One word that seams to give a similar impression like visible and physical can give a person 2 distinct understandings, and in this case it would be the wrong one.

Greg responds...

a. Yes, she's the biological equivalent of an 18-year-old, give or take, by Martian standards. Of course, that has nothing to do with how old she chooses to look as a shape-changer.

b. Yes.

1. Yes.

2. That's a matter of opinion.

3. I don't think his body is quite as obsessed with numbers.

c. Yes, captions are notoriously unreliable. Which is a shame. (I don't know why they don't work off the scripts.)

4. A lot.

d. Agreed.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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BH writes...

Greg, I'm a big fan of Young Justice, and I think it's really great that you are willing to answer questions about your creations like this. I have 3 questions:

1)In "Salvage", Artemis and Wally go to school in Palo Alto. Is this meant to imply that they attend Stanford? I ask because I figure you won't be mentioning an actual university on the show.

2)Also in "Salvage", Red Arrow's apartment appears very similar to the apartment at the end of the "Under the Red Hood" movie. I'm guessing you recycled the animation to save money, but did you intend it to be a nod at the Jason Todd/Roy Harper Outlaws, or was it just coincidence?

3)In "Targets", during the scene outside Happy Harbor High School, there is a moment where 4 people wearing logos on their shirts are lined up as follows: Superman ("S"), the high school ("H"), Flash (a vertical lightning bolt), and Batman (which in this case looks a bit like a "T"). Was this meant to resemble a certain 4 letter word that would be inappropriate for a cartoon, or was it just a coincidence? I laughed when I saw it because it's pretty clever.

Anyway, thanks again for such a great show. I hope you get many more seasons!

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. It's the same apartment from "Auld Acquaintance".

3. I never noticed.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Ralph Dibny writes...

It is of earth shattering import that we all know:

That kid sitting in the booth at Bibbo's (not Blue Beetle or Bumblebee) at the begining of Alienated... how old was he?

The guy who tried to shoot Lobo in Secretary-General Tseng's office (but Lobo blocked the barrel with his finger), how many times has he eaten corn in his life? Please list by types of corn.

Could you give a detailed description of every last time Batgirl has ever stubbed her toe? Ignoring occurrences taking place on Tuesdays that fall on odd numbered dates (for obvious reasons).

The guy who comments that G. Gordon Godfrey thinks the League is working with the aliens during a tour of the Hall of Justice at the begining of Alienated. Does his Earth 11 counterpart have a good relationship with her mother?

Lastly... Where are my car keys?

Thank you.

Greg responds...

"Please list by types of corn," actually made me chuckle out loud.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Matthew writes...

1. Are Wally and Artemis now married, engaged, or still just dating?
2. If they're married, how long have they been married?

Greg responds...

1. They're a couple. Not married or officially engaged.

2. Not married.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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TVT writes...





And seeing how I'm pretty sure that you have more class than to kill her off in the most pointless fashion ever (though the fact that real!Roy does have a missing arm disturbs me because that means you've read or at least heard of Cry For Justice), LET ME LOVE YOU MORE.

Greg responds...

Love me more. Go ahead. I dare you!

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Janey writes...

I just wanted to tell you I love your show!!! The guessing going on in my head this season has me wanting to watch more...and thanks for all the hard work you and your team are amazing!!! I figured since people come on here and bash you sometimes it would be nice to here a fan who appreciates it!!!

Greg responds...

Thanks. It's very appreciated.

Though much less negativity came my way than everyone seems to think. Maybe the moderators removed a lot of the negative stuff for various guideline flags.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Harlan Phoenix writes...

What was the creative incentive for writing "Salvage" personally?

Greg responds...

The intervention scenes.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Matt writes...

When did Jade and Roy (clone) get married?

How old is Lianne?

Is Jade a still technically a reform villain or a villain?

Greg responds...


2. By the end of Team Year Five, she was born, but not yet one.

3. I'm not sure "villain" is a "technical" term.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Voice Actor fan writes...

Hi Mr Weisman, I read your response a while back about how you pay your voice actors for their roles and after watching the episode 3 of season 2 I realized something. I noticed that Aquaman is voiced by Phil Lamar who previously voiced Green lantern John Stewart in Justice League, where as you have Kevin Michael Richardson voicing him. I was just wondering if you were aware of the fact and if, when first auditioning actors, thought about getting some of the previous actors to reprise their previous roles. I know that in some of the direct to DVD movies some of the former cast from previous works did voice the same character again.

Greg responds...

We didn't audition any Justice Leaguer except Superman. (And only him, because we wanted an actor who could play both Superboy and Superman.)

I am very aware of who played characters in the past, and we LARGELY chose to AVOID direct comparisons to previous works by NOT using the same actor in the same role. There were a few exceptions, such as Bruce Greenwood's Batman, where we felt the actor wasn't already over-identified with the part. But for the major leads from the old Justice League/Justice League Unlimited series, the truth is that if they played the role there, it all but eliminated our interest in having them play the rolls in YJ.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Jacob writes...

When is Lagoon Boy's birthday?

Greg responds...

I dunno.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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No One's Favorite Anon writes...

It's May 18th and I got out of a final about two hours ago. I had been agonizing over it since I got home. But then I saw your heads-up for the 4th episode of Invasion (http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=956), and let me just say, good sir, that made my day.

Right now I am buzzing with excitement, I feel giddy and I can't wait until I can catch this episode. Saturday could not possibly come any sooner. Here's to a wonderful new season~

Greg responds...

Wow. Thanks! Makes my day to make your day.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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SpazzyLazzy writes...

Just a couple questions:

1. Are Lagoon Boy's puns/slang something common to where he came from (I assume some city-state in Atlantis), or is it a style of speech unique to himself?

2. Seeing as Martians' shapeshifting occurs at a cellular level (as Miss M demonstrated in Image), does that mean they're "immune" to certain human diseases like AIDS?

Thanks in advance!

Greg responds...

1. It's a combo.

2. Um... maybe?

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Babs writes...

At the near end of "Alienated", when that massive, nuclear level explosion went off (the alien bomb), is it safe to assume that Aquaman and Wonder Woman would of been disintegrated if they didn't manage to escape in time?

Greg responds...

Safe enough.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Enias writes...

Hello =) I love your show, and loved it even more since Wonder Woman and Wonder girl got a little bit more screentime, yet not as much as the superfamily or batfamily does, but still it is pleasant to watch!

Now i have got a couple of question:

1: What exactly is Cassie's powerset? I read somewhere you went with the Zeus's daughter origins. Is she as powerful as Conner Kent? Are her powers growing up as time goes by?
On a scale from 0 to 10, where are WW and WG?

Keep up the great work guys =)

Greg responds...

A scale of what? Never mind, I don't much care for numerical scales anyway.

1. Cassie can fly, and she's very strong - but not as strong as Conner. She can bounce bullets off her bracelets, but she's NOT invulnerable - else why would she NEED to bounce bullets off her bracelets. She's also very proficient with her unbreakable lasso.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Reiena Grayson writes...

I was curious if you were able to provide a full list of the Zeta Tube designations. I only ask because I keep track of it for my own fanfictions, and I can't have some characters enter the cave in a story because I don't have thier code, and I don't want to be inaccurate. I research everything before I actually start a story, but some of the codes are just unknown as of right now.

Greg responds...

ASKED AND ANSWERED. But have you checked out the Young Justice Wiki? Cuz they have most of them.


Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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