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Anonymous writes...

Artemis didn't seemed shocked when Cheshire mentioned Lian Harper. How long has Artemis known about her niece, and who else knows about Lian besides the characters that have already been shown to know?

Greg responds...

I haven't nailed down an exact date when Artemis learned, but she learned AFTER Roy, if that helps.

An ever-widening handful of people know.

Response recorded on May 08, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

If Bart Allan, Flash's grandson got superspeed does that mean flash's children got powers as well?

Greg responds...

It seems logical. Plus, didn't Bart say he learned a trick or two from his dad?

Response recorded on May 08, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

How did Dick Grayson think up the name Nightwing?

Greg responds...

That's a damn good question. I could write SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT. But the truth is, I don't know yet. It's something I'll need to figure out if I ever get to revisit those years.

Response recorded on May 08, 2013

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Paul writes...

How do Jaime Reyes's parents feel about his secret identity as Blue Beetle now that he has gone public as of the end of "Complications"?

Greg responds...

Well, he didn't exactly go public. He opened up his face mask and showed that he was human, but he didn't give his name and social security number or anything. You couldn't even see his hair.

Still, I can't imagine they were pleased, can you?

Response recorded on May 08, 2013

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Paul writes...

How can Sportsmaster look so young for his age? Are the Lazarus pits involved?

Greg responds...

Crusher credits his youthful appearance to good genes and an extensive exercise regimen. Plus he eats right. No pits involved at all. Not even olive.

Response recorded on May 07, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Was there an element of you fearing that having Donna Troy on the Team in season 2 would be too much like having a female Superboy around?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 07, 2013

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jac writes...

This just dawned on me...
1. Is the reason you didn't name Brainiac, well, "Brainiac" because that is actually the stage-name of Milton Fine, whome I suppose you are calling the Collector of Worlds was posessed by?
If this is true...
2. were there any plans on using Brainiac-proper eventually?
3. Is the Collector of Worlds from Colu?
4. Is his name Virl Dox?
5. Does he have a son? (I think you know where I'm going with this one...the L.E.G.I.O.N. seem like they would make a perfect fit in the show, as you've done so well showcasing aliens, alien planets, and the politics of the galaxy in general).

Greg responds...

1. Huh? Sorry, I can't quite figure out what you're asking here. But the reason I used "Collector of Worlds" was because the name fit better. But we tried to pay homage to ALL of Brainiac's other names.

2. I'm not clear on what you mean by "Brainiac-proper". If you just mean the name, we've already used it. (Then again, maybe you wrote this before we did. In which case, I'm wondering why you didn't wait to ask until after the multi-parter was over.)

3. Have you read the issues?

4. We list many of his names in the comics: Vril Dox; Notlimenif; The Computer Tyrant of Bryak; The Brain of Colu; The Maniac of Yod. Plus Flash mixes up the last two and calls him the Brainiac of Izod.


Response recorded on May 07, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Greg I can't imagine no new Young Justice. I was really looking forward to another season because I know it would be crazy addictingly (a new word) good.
I was really looking forward to Starfire, since you guys said she's something you're thinking about for a season 3.
I just wanna tell you we are not giving up, we will always support Young Justice and make Cartoon Network air these episodes one way or another.
Hell, why don't you just go to another program?
Thanks for the amazing shows, Greg. You've been obviously told this before but you've got some talent. Cartoon Network obviously doesn't see it. It's their loss.

Greg responds...

Um, I get along pretty well with the folks at CN. I really think the decision had less to do with me than with overall trends and the current version of conventional wisdom and economics than anyone at all thinking that YJ was a bad show.

Response recorded on May 07, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg, in War, I was curious as to why Blue reacted the way he did in the end RIGHT AFTER Cassie kissed Roy.
Did the situation trigger some more biochemical things going on that made him attack right then and there? I mean it could've been another time with the whole team. Who knows, I'm probably over thinking it.
& is there a reason why Blue knocked out everyone except Wonder Girl?

Greg responds...

You're WAY over-thinking it. Blue Beetle was not in control of his own body. The scarab was under complete Reach control. They wanted the Crystal Key, and that meant they had to make their move at that moment to keep it. Plus it was the perfect opportunity to take out the entire Team. It had NOTHING at all to do with Cassie giving Roy a peck on the cheek.

Response recorded on May 07, 2013

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SuperMartian89 writes...

I saw this quote and immediately thought of Superboy and Miss Martian.

"If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you won't give up. If you give up, you're not worthy. ...Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for."

Do you agree?

Greg responds...

I don't actually. So let's break it down.

*My wife is amazing, and getting along with her was easy from the first moment we spoke together.

*I suppose it depends what one means by "easy", but by any definition easy does not mean that it won't be amazing.

*Is she's worth it, it's good not to give up - unless she's made it clear that she's not interested. Then you should give up and move on. Or else you're a stalker.

*If you give up, you might indeed be unworthy. But this SO depends on the circumstances. You might be the better man for giving up.

*Truth is, NOT everybody is going to hurt you - not in a significant way. You'd definitely be better off with folks who don't hurt you.

*No relationship is perfect, but if you're actually 'suffering', then I'd have my doubts that person is worth it.

Basically, I don't believe in the kinds of absolute statements this quotation is making. (I'd be nearly as suspicious if it said the exact opposite in the same absolutist manner. Nearly.) Worse, I think the statement suggests a romantic view of love through conflict which is antithetical to my actual personal experience.

Instead, here's my advice: The best lover/spouse/etc. you can find is one who is also your best friend. And friends don't make friends suffer. Or drive drunk. Etc.

Response recorded on May 07, 2013

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