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REVELATIONS 2012-12 (Dec)

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Olga writes...

Hello Greg!
I was wondering what's Mal Duncan role on the Team? Thanks for amazing series, it keeps getting better and better!

Greg responds...

It's stated in "Happy New Year". STATED. OUT LOUD. Not to mention, SHOWN (DEMONSTRATED, CLEARLY REVEALED), as well.

Olga, I don't mean to pick on you per se, but FOLKS, please do not come here to ask questions that the show has ALREADY objectively answered. You're just clogging up the queue and slowing things down for everyone.

And apropos of nothing, I've also noticed that sometimes the questions asked seem only to be asked for the sake of having something to ask. Like people are stopping by the site and TRYING to come up with a question that no one else has asked - even if they have no real interest in the answer - just so they can participate in the... "fun". Even if NOBODY could possibly have any real interest in the answer. Please do not do this.

Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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Michael writes...

Hi, Mr. Weissman, I truly, truly love Young Justice as well as the rest of your work. But I had some questions about Young Justice.

1.) When I was watching "Depths" for the first time, the beat with Nightwing looking at the photograph (of himself and Artemis at School) nearly killed me. When Dick took the photograph in "Homefront" was that included in the episode with the intentional purpose of paying it off in that manner? Or was it just an extraneous element that you took advantage of when developing the storyline for season 2?

2.) Was Jason ever a serious contender for the new Robin in season 2? I ask because I recently saw the episode "Darkest" where a building is destroyed in a manner similar to "A Death in the Family". I loved what you guys did, and I don't mean to imply that "it would have been better if you'd done it this way." But I do think it would have added an interesting layer if Jason Todd had been an unintended casualty of that event. Assuming of course that the network would let you do something that extreme in the first place. So was that idea ever discussed?

Greg responds...

1. I knew I wanted to pay it off.

2. No. By the time we got to that level of specifics, we had already decided (long ago actually) that Jason would already be dead and Tim would already be Robin by the start of Season Two.

Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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Triela D. writes...

One question.

You once answered a question asking, "If the Light knew that Black Manta had a son?", and you stated that they did although it was questionable if Klarion remembered or not.

I've noticed in another episode (Misplaced, I think) that Klarion leaves saying "See ya later armadillos" instead of "See ya later crocodile". So my question is, does Klarion have a bad memory? Or what exactly makes him forget?

Love YJ:I so far, I've really come to enjoy it. :)

Greg responds...

It's not so much that he has a bad memory, but Klarion's mind is... chaotic.

Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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Michael writes...

Re: an earlier question: "I know this series is different considering that this is another Earth, but in the comics the scarab was against causing physical harm to living things, even almost getting Jamie killed sometimes."

I don't know what comics they've been reading, but this is 100% incorrect. The scarab in the comics was created to be a killing machine, and is only tempered to non-lethality by Jaime's influence.

For a question of my own:

In the tie-in comics, it is mentioned that Jaime had met Guy Gardner, Peacemaker and Captain Atom prior to joining the Team. His connections to Guy and Peacemaker are references to his original comics, so I was just wondering why you added Captain Atom to the list, rather than continuing the theme with another hero comics!Jaime encountered early in his career, like say Batman?

Greg responds...

It has to do with the (Earth-16) relationship between Nathaniel and Ted. Plus they're both Charlton characters. Really, the guy I wasn't sure about including was Guy, because - unlike Cap and Peacemaker - he's NOT a Charlton character. But I got a good line of dialogue out of it, and it hooked up with the source comics, so...

Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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celestia writes...

Hey Greg! I think you adviced people that wanted to become writters to read great literature and the classics.

Beyond Shakespeare (who is a must read :) ) What kind of literature would you recomend for this purpose?

Greg responds...

Homer, for sure.






Even Hemingway.

The list of authors are probably endless. Personally, I'm a big fan of mysteries/detective stories, and my favorite author in that genre is Ross Macdonald, who I believe transcends the genre. I also like James M. Cain, Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, Michael Connelly and Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahlöö, to name a few.

I'd scarf up myths and legends. Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norse, Arthurian, etc., etc., etc. And I wouldn't just limit myself to Western Culture. Chow down on the stories of the far east, of the mid-east, of aboriginal peoples everywhere...


History books. Biographies. Some are deadly dull, but others are fascinating.

Anyway, that should keep you busy for awhile.

Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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Side Trip


So yesterday, I took a brief - about four hours - side trip to an alternate (or parallel) universe. My counterpart in this universe, I assume, changed places with me, as I did not see him there. (And I also didn't see him here when I got back.) As far as I could tell, everything was EXACTLY the same in that universe as in this universe with one exception: the word for "pineapple" over there is "palm-apple". I brought back a 6 oz. can of "Dole's Palm-Apple Juice" as proof of my trip. I noticed no other differences, though of course in only four hours, I hardly had the time for a thorough investigation into every aspect of history, science, entertainment, current events, etc. But if it weren't for the pineapple/palm-apple thing, I'm not sure I would have even noticed the shift.

It makes me wonder if we're shifting all the time. But that the differences between universes are so subtle, we miss it.

Oh, and the juice tasted exactly the same too. And there's no difference visually either. A palm-apple there looks and tastes exactly like a pineapple here. It's just the name.

Weird, huh?

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Beryl writes...

"Darkest" was some episode. I must say, Dick and Wally'a behaviour during the episode has split the fans' opinion of them into two, with the fans defending one and criticising the other. I must congratulate you for the nature of the argument. Both Wally and Dick had valid points and glaring flaws,which just serves to underline how human they are. In the end, I found it difficult to place the blame entirely to either one of them, especially since it's clear that the stress of keeping the secret is getting to both of them in a very bad way.
Bravo, Greg. I think whoever wrote the episode deserves a pat on the back.

Greg responds...

Thanks. And that writer would be my brother Jon Weisman.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Did it amuse you that the main villain in season six of Dexter was named Travis Marshall?

Greg responds...

It REALLY did! Or in any case, it freaked me out a little.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

1) Did Dick and Rocket date? (Zatanna seemed to suggest this in issue #20.)

2) Why was everyone so surprised that they were kissing?

3) I thought M'Gann covering Beast Boy's eyes was cute. But I was confused by the expression of amusement on Batgirl's face. What's up with that?

4) What is wrong with Nightwing? Zatanna, Raquelle, even Barbara... They're all awesome! Anyone of them would be entirely worthy of a long term committment. (Maybe Barbara is smiling because she knows better than to become another notch in Dick's belt?)

5) Initially, Superboy and Miss Martian had some difficulty separating their personal and professional relationships. During the five year gap, do you imagine that Wally and Artemis were as successful at checking their relationship at the door as Connor and M'Gann?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. I assume you're talking about the Zatanna/Nightwing kiss, right? The reactions varied. Some were surprised, some were not. As to those that were surprised, you don't know WHAT surprised them, the kiss itself or the timing, placement and intensity of said kiss.

3. Read on.

4. Read on.

5. I'm sure there were bumps in the road. But they managed.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

The second season of Young Justice may either conclude or is close to reaching its conclusion by the time you respond to this, but I wanted to ask you this question.

Considering all the individual events that have been happening through out the second season and their seemingly apparent (and somewhat hinted) connection to that state of the world in 2056, would you say that the way that these events connect to Bart's future is almost like that of a spider's web, kind of like threads?


Greg responds...

If you like.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

Is Rocket pregnant?

The reason I ask is because I got the vibe that she was having a baby shower before I got any indication that she was having a "bridal shower" (which I, as a guy, know nothing about). I know she's engaged, but is she also pregnant?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure where you got BABY shower out of that at all.

As for whether or not she's pregnant, c'mon: HOW COULD THAT BE ANYTHING BUT A SPOILER REQUEST?

I mean it's a perfect example.

Let's say hypothetically that she isn't, and I tell you that she isn't. Then the next time, if someone asks if another character is pregnant, and I refuse to answer, than I've just given away that that other character IS pregnant.

Having said all that, you might check out our companion comic, especially issue #20, for more clues.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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L'gann writes...

Many people in the Yj fandom dislike Lagoon Bpy. While a majority of the dislike is due to the fact that he 'broke up Supermartian' (as untrue as that is) a lot of it is for his cocky-ness. Was this trait something you put into him because you believed he would be trying to outdo all of Aquaman's previous trainees (eg. Aqualad, Aquagirl, maybe Tempest)? Is his desire to be on alpha, take down Nightwing in a spar, be better than superboy, all a ploy because he is filling the shoes of great people?

Greg responds...

In part.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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russianspy1234 writes...

1. This might be past tense by the time you get to it but: (Do you think it will be / Was it) difficult to give as much character development in Season 2 as you did in Season 1 since there is a much bigger cast?

2. What was the point of the charm allowing Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash to see Artemis's original self? I mean, I know it's a common thing to do in shows, but it seems particularly risky in this case (e.g. someone else could have been there, Aqualad might slip and call her blondie, Zantanna figuring it out, etc) and no reward, since they are all there and can see what she looks like with the charm and should have no need to see her original self.

3. Superboy mentioned that he isn't immortal, but doesn't age externally. Does that mean he is aging internally and will eventually have the problems therein, or just that he can be killed but will never die of old age if he isn't?

Greg responds...


2. It is what it is.

3. Watch "Earthlings" again. He states things very clearly.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Willow Tree writes...

It's seems that many characters from the first season in Young Justice are becoming the things they didn't want to - ex. Artemis is posing as a villain, Robin is using people, M'gann is losing control. Was this planned (most likely, I'm assuming, with your and Brandon's in-depth writing) or just a coincidetial thing?

Greg responds...

Most everything was planned in tremendous detail.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Matthew writes...

This is a question about the Gargoyles episode "Bushido."

In the episode, Taro had ninjas in his employs. Does this mean that ninja clans of feudal Japan survived to modern times in the Gargoyle universe (instead of being wiped out by Oda Nobunaga)? Or were they just martial artists in ninja costumes?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Tyler Reznik writes...

Hello again, Mr. Weisman.

I know you've previously stated that you don't play video games, but I was wondering: what's your opinion on video games as a story-telling medium?

Greg responds...

I'm all for it.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Clark Cradic writes...

It says on you wiki page that you came up with the plot for an episode of Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Powerless!, but didn't actually write the script itself. My question is how your version of the story would have differed from what we received, though I'm guessing Captain Atom wasn't an arrogant git to people without superpowers.

Greg responds...

My story idea was based on an issue of Captain Atom that I wrote (with Cary Bates) back in the late 80s, where Cap lost his powers and went to Batman for some... career advice. Or that was the jumping off point, anyway. I did have Major Force in the premise I pitched.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Megatron Wolf writes...

Are there any plans at this time to do something for the 20th anniversary? Man asking that makes me feel old.

Greg responds...

If we're talking about Gargoyles - than, yes.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Jake writes...

I have a theory as to why M'gann changed her hairstyle between seasons. She based her appearance off of Gar's mother, and my guess is that she changed her hair after Gar's mom was killed so that she would look less like her so it wouldn't be a constant reminder to Gar that his mother is gone. Am I right?

Greg responds...

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't want to reduce it to one reason.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Jake writes...

You said in a previous response that Beast Boy has to have seen and made physical contact with an animal in order to turn into it. So, can he not turn into a dinosaur? Or could he have gone to a museum or something and touched a dinosaur skeleton?

Greg responds...

He can't do dinosaurs.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Does Stephanie Lemelin voice Tigress as well? Her voice sounds similar but deeper, just making sure.

Greg responds...

She does.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Tim S writes...

First off, I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for Spectacular Spider-Man, which is, IMHO, the finest superhro show ever created. Now, for a few questions!

1. Did you have any influence over choosing the art style for the series? Because I absolutely loved it.

2. Do you have a favorite Spidey villan that DIDN'T appear in the show?

That's really all I have to say, other than thanks for working so hard to make such great shows. Looking forward to more Young Justice!

Greg responds...

1. Vic Cook and I both agreed that Sean "Cheeks" Galloway was the guy for us. So did everyone else on the series.

2. I have many.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Jordan Wade writes...

Has there ever been an super registration act like in marvel civil war that existed on Earth 16? If so does it still exist or will it exist later on in the future?
Greg responds...
There was something like that in the 50s during the Red Scare.

1.This what my typo was referring to and I was wondering if there was any specific details regarding said law that was passed during the fifties?

2. Such as the law's name and who passed the law?

3. How long did the law last or how long was the law enforced?

4. Who did the law effect did effect just superheroes or anyone with superpower?

5. When did Icicle Sr put himself on ice?

Greg responds...

1. There is, but I'm not going into it here, as that would be a SPOILER REQUEST.

2. See above.

3. See above.

4. See above.

5. Assumes facts not in evidence.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Shazam writes...

1. On several occasions there have been cameo's and brief shots of characters that don't properly get introduced till later, some big ones being Icon, Rocket, and the Atom. Other times they make appearances but don't get any screen time afterward such as Blue Devil and Black Lightning. My question is, are all these cameo's created with an idea for them to play a bigger role and it just hasn't happened yet, or are they just for fun for fans that recognize them?
2. Were any of the new members of the team (post 5 year gap) established in their current identities during the first season (pre 5 year gap)?
3. If you had the ability to make the show without any censorship would you make it more mature regarding language, topics discussed, or level of violence? I'm thinking specifically of "Batman:Under the Red Hood" as an example
4. When the Justice League was being controlled by the Light and fighting the Team was the League able to fight at 100% or did being controlled limit the complete use of their abilities?

Greg responds...

1. Those two options aren't mutually exclusive. But there is always a method to our madness, certainly.

2. I'm not sure I understand the question. You saw La'gaan, Gar, Barbara and Karen in Season One. Are you asking if they were already super-heroes back then? Barbara, Karen and Gar were not. As for La'gaan, it depends how you define the term. If you picked up our companion comic, you saw him in action. But he wasn't yet running around the surface world calling himself Lagoon Boy.

3. Nope. Maybe more on-screen nudity. (KIDDING. KIDDING. (mostly))

4. This was covered in the episode itself. Rewatch it.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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salve-sis writes...

You made Jason Todd cannon. *THAT* was just like- my favorite part of the entire series. But Nightwing's character development is a close second.

Nightwing- the same Nightwing who was so convinced that he couldn't be The Batman (and didn't *want* to be) - is now acting so much like his mentor I wanted to cry. He's acting exactly like he did in Failsafe, and that was a simulation (not that that makes what happened in that episode any less traumatic). He was already going through the trauma of actually making those decisions, but he was spared from having to live with the consequences of them. He doesn't have that luxury anymore. Whatever decisions he might have made or will make, he is going to have to live with the end result for the rest of his life. Did you have his whole 'That's not me' line in mind when you guys made this episode?

On a side note, I found it insulting that Nightwing and Aqualad blew up the Cave. I mean, I understand Nightwing's reasoning, but that was NOT his decision (or Aqualad's) to make. That wasn't just a place. That was Super Boy's, Beast Boy's, and M'Gann's home. Seriously, being the leader does not give him the right to make these kind of choices without consulting his team. Of course, the same could be said to faking Artemis's death, but I'm not going to get into that. I still love Nightwing, but I want to slap him for being suck a thoughtless jerk. I feel so conflicted. And I love you for that.

I can't wait to watch more YJ! episodes in the future, and I hope you guys get renewed for a third season. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Greg responds...

1. Yep.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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