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VELATIONS 2013-04 (Apr)

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Got to last week's episode of YJ & the hits keep on coming. First off, I'm really liking how you guys handled Deathstroke, right attitude, right power level, overall done right! The main thing I was happy about was at the end, seeing Kaldur on the road to recovery. This will also be good for Megan, I'm sure. And Green Beetle, man I like the guy, but I can't help this nagging in the back of my head that he's a mole.
Awesome work as always!

Greg responds...

Thanks. We tried.

Response recorded on April 18, 2013

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Shyann writes...

First I'd like to say that I really love the show. Everything about it is quality and I'm so happy to see an animated show be done with such respect. I'd also like to say I'm really happy that you included the character of Klarion. Without you guys, I probably would have never found out about him. I'm also glad you guys went with a version that's more like the originally since I'm not a fan of the blue skinned innocent pilgrim boy version. And everyone seems to always use that one. Also I'd like to say I like yalls version of The Joker. I see people complain about it a lot but I personally think it's rather fresh and I enjoyed seeing him in action. So thank you for trying something different with him! Umm that aside I've got a couple of questions if you don't mind, sir.

1. Is Klarion capable of having affectionate feelings for anything other than his cat? Is he above romantic feelings? Or is he just tooo uhhh non human for that type of thing?

2. How old is Deathstroke?

3.(This is half compliment and half question) I really like the direction you guys took with Deathstroke's design. It's different from any past versions I can remember. It actually made me think of his daughter as soon as I saw the white hair sticking out like it did. What did you guys have in mind when designing him?

Greg responds...

1. He's chaotic, not emotionless.


3. You'd have to ask Phil Bourassa and Brandon Vietti, though the marching orders are generally the same for any new character. We want the character to feel iconic. But we want to translate what's great about him or her into the design style of our world.

Response recorded on April 18, 2013

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Amy writes...


1. When you write an animation spec how much blocking do you put into the episode? My research says I should describe every single twitch of the character's face and body so that the animators in Korea will get everything right. But I wrote a short episode for a company that told me I should only do that if I'm both the writer AND the animator. I should just stick to short details like I would for live action. So who is right?
2. I assume the best way to answer that question is to read examples of animated scripts--Is it possible to obtain copies of Young Justice scripts from season 1 somewhere? Should I go to a script library in LA or attempt to contact Cartoon Network for a copy?

Greg responds...

1. There is no right and wrong. Every series has it's own rules. I'd love to say there's a standard, but there just isn't. On MY SHOWS, we use the scripts to direct the entire episode, including camera angles, etc. The actual directors and storyboard artists aren't restricted to doing the script exactly as written, but by being thorough like that, I feel more confident that at the very least, they know what I'm looking for. If they come up with better ideas, great. I don't know that I've ever seen an animation script that was totally Master Shot style, a la live action. But I've seen many that lean way more in that direction. But it's not the way I work.

2. You can. But I don't recommend it. Currently, though we're not thrilled about it and hope the situation changes someday, YJ is dead. You want your spec script to be for a show that's CURRENTLY IN PRODUCTION. On that level alone, YJ doesn't qualify as a good way to spend your time if you're serious about getting work in the industry.

Response recorded on April 18, 2013

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Peter S. writes...

Hey Greg! Huge fan of Gargoyles. Just recently bought season 1 and 2(half of it ;p) and can't get over how ahead of its time this show was. Anyways I was wondering if you we're going to be at comi con in Toronto? Excited to hear back from you!

Greg responds...

I'd be happy to go, but I haven't been invited. Talk to the people who run the con and have them invite me as a guest, and I'm there.

Response recorded on April 18, 2013

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J writes...

Sice Stephanie Brown is confirmed to exist on Earth-16, is her father Cluemaster?
It seems like if he is, her story would be just a retelling of Artamis...but if not, she would loose a lot of who her charactor really is...so i'm not shure what i'm hoping to see. I'm guess if we ever see her again i'll be happy with what you decide either way.

And, since Cissie King-Jones exists, did her mother briefly operate as Miss Arrowette?
Her mother pushing her to become the hero she could never be (to the point of temporarily loosing her due to child-endangerment laws) was the primary aspect of her charactor in the comics, and their dynamic was one of my favorites in all of DC...but it looks like if she is ever used in the show again, your leaning more to her just being inspired by Artemis. I'll admit, if that happens i'll be dissapointed to not see her bicker with her mom...but i'll be estatic just to see her.
On the topic of Arrowette...there was a huge fan-based (myself included) speculation that she could possibly be Green Arrows illigitamate
daughter (with a lot of evidence to support that fact). I'm assuming you probably couldnt get away with that on your show, so i'm not going to het my hopes up, but i'm curious about your thoughts on that...or, do you just not even think about that since you wouldnt be allowed to do it even if you wanted to?


Greg responds...


2. Ditto, but, what the heck, I'm in the mood, so: YES.


Response recorded on April 18, 2013

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Akino writes...

Sorry if these questions mean having to think way back. I've been reviewing the W.I.T.C.H. series, and now that I'm on season 2, I had a couple questions about developments in the show.

1. When season 2 first aired, rumors went around that Will's father was originally going to be written as unpleasant and manipulative as he had been in the comics, but due to resistance from Disney, this idea was scrapped. Is there any truth to this?

2. I absolutely loved how Matt ended up becoming Shagon. Did you plan from the beginning that this would happen, or did the idea come later on? Because this was brilliant.

3. Similar to the above, the relationship between Caleb and Nerissa. You hinted early enough into season 2 that the Mage might be Caleb's mother and that Nerissa was the Mage. Caleb was already very different from his counterpart in the comics. How did you decide that Nerissa should be his mother? It was such a surprise.

4. The final question is more of an opinion question. As I watch the series, I find myself wanting to feel sympathy toward Nerissa, despite the things she does throughout the series. What is your take on her?

Thank you and all the staff for doing an awesome job with this show, and for everything else you've worked on.

Greg responds...

Actually, I'm kinda impressed I remembered as much as I did:

1. No. He was originally written as more at odds with Susan over custody, but we never were going to write him as a bad guy like in the comics. We were just going to have two well-meaning parents at odds, and then realizing that they were only hurting Will by fighting. But Disney didn't like Susan and Tony to even argue. So instead of the issue being custody, we made the issue Tony's new wife and Will's (mistaken) belief that she was really Nerissa in disguise. In a way, this worked out even better for our overall arc.

2. Well, I planned it from the beginning of my run, but keep in mind I didn't start on the series until Season Two.

3. It all seemed to fit with Nerissa having multiple identities throughout the cast. And, heck, the whole "Luke, I am your father" thing is still too tempting not to use.

4. That she's complex, interesting and fascinating with the tragic flaw of most great villains. Plus she loved and mourned Cassidy. And in her twisted way, loved Caleb and Julian too. And that makes her at least a little sympathetic. Though, of course, the fact that she killed Cassidy and used her, Caleb AND Julian also undercuts that sympathy more than a little.

Response recorded on April 18, 2013

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Alexia writes...

What was Kaldur saying in Atlantean in his psyche in "The Fix"?

Greg responds...

I think the following covers all of the Atlantean in the episode:

Kaldur: Keh eh-GO, keh eh-GO… What is left of Kaldur'ahm? Udam-OS en keh-RO teh-LES-so… [And I, and I… What is left of Kaldur'ahm? I'll never finish in time…]

Kaldur: LIHS-soh-meh, Artemis. LIHS-soh-meh! [Please, Artemis. Please!]

Kaldur: Keh eh-GO? I am alone. There is no one here. Nothing. Ruins…

Artemis: We're here! We care about you and want to help! And we can do it… <burn> What is that word?! Sim-bih-OH-se! Together! Help us save you! Sim-bih-OH-se!

Artemis: Sim-bih-OH-se. Together.

Response recorded on April 18, 2013

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Tyler Reznik writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman. (Okay, so "three consecutive posts" didn't turn out like I planned. In the interest of not blocking the queue, this is the last set of questions I'll be posting for at least a few weeks). My questions today return to the subject of Ra's al Ghul and his League of Shadows.

1. When did Ra's learn Batman's secret identity (I get the distinct feeling that asking how he found it out would result in a SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT)

2. Has Deathstroke ever been a member of the League of Shadows?

3. You've stated that Ra's was able to force Clayface to fall asleep via a "pre-programmed hypnotic failsafe" that all the Shadows were subjected to at the start of their training. Did Ra's subject Talia to it as well?

4. On the subject of the hypnotic suggestions, what happens after someone leaves the League of Shadows? Would the suggestions still work on (for example) Sportsmaster?

5. Why did Ra's create the League of Shadows?

Greg responds...

1. I haven't nailed down an exact date at this time.



4. Assuming he hadn't had it removed or overcome it somehow.

5. Lots of reasons, starting with this: it's lucrative.

Response recorded on April 18, 2013

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Mirami writes...

It feels so good to have the show back from hiatus.

"Cornered," "True Colors" and "The Fix" have all been stupendous episodes and I'm loving the direction the story's following.

Keep up the good work and let's hope we get some good news about the show's future after season 2!

Greg responds...

Well, we can still hope, at least. No one can stop us hoping.

Response recorded on April 18, 2013

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In my on-going shameless attempt to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.), I'm going to direct you to Rain's page on Amazon:


They've posted some quotations from a handful of folks, who have already read the book. More often than not, these are merely partial quotes, so I'm going to post the full quotation here over the next few days. Next up:

"All of the excitement and hyperbole of teen emotion is captured in this quick-moving debut." -Shannon Delany, author of the 13 to Life Series

I've never met Ms. Delany, so once again, it's nice to have someone more objective saying something so neat.

Here's the full quotation:

"All of the excitement and hyperbole of teen emotion is captured in this quick-moving debut. Filled with adventure, ghosts, and mystery, this book shouts to be read." - Shannon Delany, author of the 13 to Life Series and the upcoming Weather Witch

C'mon, you know you want to pre-order. So, go ahead! INDULGE!!!

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Anonymous writes...

why did M'gann let herself believe in the visions in "The Fix" to allow Tula to hurt her?

Greg responds...

Guilt and shame.

Response recorded on April 17, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

what is your favorite episode from season 1?

Greg responds...

They're all my children. Though I'll admit "Misplaced" came to mind first when I read the question.

Response recorded on April 17, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

What is your favorite episode from season 2 of Young Justice? If it's that hard to decide, what are your top 3? :D And thanks for the intense episodes!!

Greg responds...

They're all my children.

Response recorded on April 17, 2013

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Tyler Reznik writes...

Hello yet again, Mr. Weisman. This is the first of three consecutive posts (REALLY hoping I won't be blocking up the queue). For this post, my questions revolve around Roy Harper (both of him; three if one were to count Jim).

1. After the the clones (Red Arrow and Guardian) were force-grown to whatever age the Light needed them to be, they subsequently aged at a normal human rate, meaning that Red Arrow is (as of Team Year Six) biologically 23 or 24, and Jim Harper is physically 29 or 30. Am I correct in assuming this?

2. Once it was discovered that Red Arrow and Guardian were clones, did the League and/or the Team take measures to remove the programming that left them vulnerable to the Light's control? If so, what measures?

3. When did Guardian discover that he was a clone?
3a. Is he aware that he's a clone of Roy Harper, rather than Jim?
3b. For that matter, what's the status of the original Jim Harper? I would assume that he's dead, but I have no way to be sure.

4. Now that he's found the original Roy, has Red Arrow rejoined the Justice League?

5. I've noticed personality differences between Arsenal and Red Arrow, some that are subtle, some that are... less so (for instance, I can't really see Red Arrow risking the outcome of a mission just to spite Luthor). These differences are, I think, the result of the vastly different life experiences of the two Roys. Was exploring the ways that experiences can shape a person's personality part of the plan when you (and, I'm assuming, Brandon Vietti, and probably several other writers) devised the whole "Roy Harper clone" plotline, or was it just something you all realised would come up after devising the storyline itself? I mean, experiences changing someone is all a part of character development, but I'm referring to how the different lives managed to produce two very different versions of what is essentially the same man (Cadmus programming for Red Arrow notwithstanding).

Also, I'm happy to say that I received a set of Gargoyles DVDs for Christmas. The show's every bit as good as I remember, and Keith David's performance at the end of Awakening Part I was some of the best voice acting I've ever heard.

Greg responds...

1. At the start of Season Two, Roy is biologically 23. Jim is biologically 30.

2. Yes. Miss Martian made the first pass on Roy. Both Miss Martian and Martian Manhunter subsequently scanned Roy and Jim.

3. More or less immediately following the events depicted in "Auld Acquaintance".

3a. He is now, yes.

3b. He's long dead.

4. He's continued his leave of absence. But for a very different reason. Right now he's focused on being a dad.

5. All of the above.

6. Glad you liked it! Can't say enough good things about Keith.

Response recorded on April 17, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

Spoilers within. Fair warning.

Holy crap, Greg. You, sir, have outdone yourself. The Fix was amazing. So much happened so fast. In most shows it would seem cluttered and rushed. But this episode was perfect. The animation was fantastic. The writing was fantastic. The acting, however was simply mediocre. PSYCHE!!! Everything was FANTASTIC!!! I LOVED everything in this ep. Manta wants to fix Kaldur. Psimon discovers the Team's secrets, goes ballistic. They want to use M'gann now, on the advice of Artemis/ Tigress. M'gann gets kidnapped. Lagoon Boy attacks Deathstroke with a refrigerator, which I found hilarious. Lagoon Boy goes bonkers that Conner isn't looking for her. Nightwing if forced to reveal their secrets to Lagoon and Super Boys. Nightwing learns that M'gann fried Kaldur's brain. Some crazy Reach commercial for a soda. Green Beetle 'fixes' Jaime's scarab. M'gann and Artemis go inside Kaldur's head. Some crazy stuff happens. Kaldur without a face. Pissed off Tula. Destroyed Atlantis. Holy CRAP NUGGETS. I sat in silence for a good five minutes through the next show just trying to comprehend everything that had happened. Time for questions.
1. So Green Beetle isn't an existing character. Was his "alter ego" based on anyone?
2. Who came up with the concept for Kaldur's broken mind? It was frightening.
3. Why was Impulse less than enthusiastic about Jaime being in control? (I'm joking. There's no way that could be anything but a SR.NC.)
4. Is it odd that I'm more emotionally invested in a TV show than in my school drama stuff-ness?

Greg responds...

1. Not particularly.

2. Mostly me but with a lot of help from Brandon Vietti and Kevin Hopps. Plus some great artists. (See the credits.)

3. I don't think he was unenthusiastic so much as stunned and a little unsure if it was truly legit in that first moment.


Response recorded on April 17, 2013

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btgr writes...

My review on "Fix":

Best portrayal of Deathstroke EVER! I don't watch Prison Break, but I believe Wentworth Miller is a FAR better Deathstroke than Ron Perlman.

I really enjoyed the illusion sequence between Miss Martian and Artemis. And do you know what I think is the most funniest part of "Fix"? Lagoon Boy interrupting the illusion sequence!, although Blue Beetle saying "zzzz's" was also hilarious.

Greg responds...

Glad you liked it!

Response recorded on April 17, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,

I was just hoping you could clear something up for me.

1) You previously mentioned that Wally only knew about the plan because Artemis "insisted" he be told. That would seem to suggest that Nightwing approached her and asked her to fake her death and do this mission behind Wally's back, and she put her foot down on that idea. Is that really how it went down?

2) If so, does Wally know that his "best friend" wanted to leave him out of the loop and let him believe she was really dead? If he does know, I don't see how he could ever call Dick his friend or trust him ever again. And even if Dick and Artemis kept the fact that Dick didn't originally want to tell him about the mission from him, I don't see how I could ever buy them as friends anymore. Or even think that they were ever friends in the first place as I see no beneficial reason as to why Dick wouldn't want to tell Wally. I mean, wouldn't it complicate the mission more? I can't believe Wally would be too happy with Kaldur if he thought he killed Artemis for real.

Greg responds...

1. I don't want to put it in such black and white terms, but basically: more or less.

2. Wally and Dick were friends to the end. Which is OBVIOUSLY not to say they never argued or disagreed or went through a rough patch. Justify it or be disgusted by it in whatever manner you choose, but their friendship is just a hard fact. For me, loyalty and a certain understanding of the business they're in counts for a lot. A good ultimate result doesn't hurt either.

Response recorded on April 17, 2013

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Caroline writes...

Dear greg,does artemis want to go back to her life with wally, or she wants to stay as tigress or something like that?

Greg responds...

I think at the time of "The Fix" she was conflicted. Now, I think she'd give anything to get Wally back.

Response recorded on April 17, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello, Mr. Greg Weisman,

"The Fix" was a well-done episode and kept me guessing every other moment. Here are my thoughts below.

Topics of Thought on "The Fix":

Reach Apocalypse…Averted?: By the end of this episode, I felt that's what most likely happened. But then again, nothing concrete has been shown to tell the audience that Green Beetle is pure good. What would really shock me is if Green Beetle was actually later shown to be a bad guy; making him a scorpion of sorts. Heck, I'd be surprised if a later episode is called that name…

Artemis' Self-Doubt: Hearing everything she's been thinking to herself, I bet all Artemis fans might be reasonably worried. It would be a shame if she actually decides to become a villain for real. But then again, it would defeat the whole point of what she's been establishing for herself in Season One, and more importantly, Wally would be heart-broken if she defects…

Secrets and Lies = Divided They Fall?: With at least two more members knowing the truth about Aqualad and Artemis as well as the resulting frustration, I fear it might lead to an episode that might actually bear the name. The addition of Miss Martian's life being in jeopardy doesn't help much either.

The Additive: Well-explained… though I thought it would be some kind of mind-control drug to turn the public against the Justice League… I might be wrong, but I'll wait to see what else happens.

Tula, Aqualad's Mental Defense Mechanism? = What the heck was that all about?! I thought that Tula would be shown in some kind of flashback, but that was just crazy beyond belief. On the other hand, Aqualad is on the slow road to recovery; I just hope that as he does, he doesn't accidentally slip about Artemis or himself to his biological father…

Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts.

Greg responds...

You're welcome. Seems like you'd like a gig titling episodes.

Response recorded on April 17, 2013

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Harlan Phoenix writes...

What was the creative incentive for writing "The Fix" personally?

Greg responds...

I think the curb appeal was going inside Kaldur's devastated mind. Plus, the Artemis internal monologue.

Response recorded on April 17, 2013

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In my on-going shameless attempt to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.), I'm going to direct you to Rain's page on Amazon:


They've posted some quotations from a handful of folks, who have already read the book. More often than not, these are merely partial quotes, so I'm going to post the full quotation here over the next few days. Next up:

"A thoroughly entertaining joyride." -Jonathan Maberry, New York Times bestselling author of Rot and Ruin

I've never met Mr. Mayberry, so this is the first quotation that came from a stranger.

Here's the full quotation:

"RAIN OF THE GHOSTS is quirky, clever and downright creepy. A thoroughly entertaining joyride into the world of the fantastic." -Jonathan Maberry, New York Times bestselling author of ROT & RUIN and ASSASSIN'S CODE

Salivating yet? (Ugh. That was over the top, huh?)

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J writes...

Does your version of Despro have telepathic powers like in the comics, or can he do anything other than paralize with his third-eye?

If he does have telepathic powers, why didn't he "hear" the conversation between Miss Martian and Guardian?
Was it because he didn't have his third-eye open at the time?

Greg responds...

You're assuming that his paralytic power isn't telepathic in nature.

You're assuming that all telepaths operate on the exact same frequency.

Neither of those are safe assumptions.

Response recorded on April 16, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

If each member of the Team on Young Justice were to be replaced with a character from Marvel Comics (regardless of which universe they are from) who would act as their potential equivalents (in terms of similar skills/abilities), who would they be and why (in one sentence per character)?

Greg responds...

Why are you asking me this?

If this is an exercise that interests you, go for it. But I have no inside information on something so arbitrary.

Guys, please, I appreciate that you want to have fun with these kinds of things, but that's not what ASK GREG is for. Creating make-work for me - because, I can only assume, you think I'll enjoy it - is not going to get a positive response here. And all it really does is clog the queue.

Response recorded on April 16, 2013

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Kevin writes...

1. Do the inhibitor collars also take away invulnerability when they are used on individuals with super strength?
2. Does Black Beetle's strength come from the suit or is it a superpower from his own species?
3. Who was the person in the Star Labs coat besides Eduardo Dorado Sr. in Cornered?
4. Is Star Labs a public or private organization?
5. Who storyboard/animated the shot of Deathstroke with his sword between his shoulders in the Fix? I was actually a little intimidated.

Greg responds...

1. Depends on the nature and origins of said invunerability.

2. Mostly the scarab/suit. Though he is a fairly large specimen, and he has training.

3. I think you're referring to Dr. David Wilcox.

4. Private.

5. Oh, I'm sorry. I don't recall. It was pretty cool though. Brandon might remember. You could ask him.

Response recorded on April 16, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Which fandom do you honestly appreciate the most:
1- Gargoyles fans
2- Spectacular Spider-Man fans
3- Young Justice fans
4- Greg Weisman fans

Greg responds...

See, now, the Hulk is more powerful because the madder he gets, the stronger he gets. But the Thing can still beat him if he keeps his wits about him.

Response recorded on April 16, 2013

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Chris writes...

Were Ivo or Morrow ever members of S.T.A.R. Labs?

Greg responds...

Morrow wasn't. Haven't thought about Ivo in that context. Honestly, I haven't given any thought to when S.T.A.R. was founded.

Response recorded on April 16, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello, Mr. Greg Weisman,

I thought I might want to let you know about this. It's seem kind of funny when I think about it.

It seems that anything DC Comics-related is recently making the strange use of the number 5.

How do I know this? Well, to recap things:

A. Following the events of the DC universe-changing Flashpoint on 2011, it is stated that the age of heroes began FIVE years prior to the present day (which would be about 2006).

B. The first issue of "Earth 2," which was released on May 2012, also took place FIVE years prior to the present day (which is about 2007), and then the rest of the series takes place in the present day.

C. The time-skip between Seasons One and Two of Young Justice was FIVE whole years, a period of time of which whatever happened to our heroes (both old and new) remains mostly a mystery (probably about 90% unsolved by my guesstimate)...

D. Recently, DC Comics has just started a prequel comic for the upcoming video game called "Injustice: Gods Among Us" which will comic out in April. The first chapter (which was released digitally) came out the week prior to the date of this posting (on a Tuesday). The events of the prequel comic happens to take place FIVE years prior to the events of the game.

Does it seem like a coincidence that the number 5 is being used in such a manner by DC Comics?

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting. I'm interested to hear your opinions.


Greg responds...

It seems like five is a nice round number for a time skip.

Response recorded on April 16, 2013

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Sam writes...

In "Happy New Year" aboard the Watchtower, Superboy, Nightwing, Miss Martian, Zatanna, and Rocket were shown privately in a psychic link during the discussion of the Kroloteans. This seemed to be similar to the psychic link Zatanna pointed out in "Humanity". Do the senior members, even Z and Raquel/from Team Year Zero, automatically link up psychically whenever they're together?

Greg responds...

Old habits. Of course, Miss M would need to be there.

Response recorded on April 16, 2013

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RedRobin writes...

Hi Greg,

During season two I have noticed that Nightwing spends a lot of time in Bludhaven. Does he live there at present? Or does he just figh crime there?

Greg responds...

Yes, he has a loft apartment in Bludhaven, which you'd know if you'd been reading our companion comics!!!

See, you don't know what you're missing!!

Response recorded on April 16, 2013

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hilldon writes...

How strong is blue beetle? does the scarab enhances jaime's strength or speed to superhuman levels?

Greg responds...

If by "superhuman" you mean more than standard human, then, yes.

Response recorded on April 16, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

In regards to Players, Chapter Five:

In my opinion, the comics industry sucks. In most books, we get a major cliff hanger, and then we have to wait a month for the resolution. But you have to go and leave us with THREE cliff hangers! And we still have to wait a month for our answers!
I'm sorry. That rant against the establishment just had to come out. I know there's nothing you can do about it. I guess it's because you're a fantastic story teller, it just makes the wait all the more painful...
But honestly, Chapter Five was fantastic. We pick up right were we left off last month, Batgirl fighting Match, Plas standing by helplessly; Manhunter, Flash, and Atom falling out of Brainiac-- I mean, the Collector of World's ship while Beetle, Wonder Girl, Nightwing, and Zatanna infiltrate it; Bumblebee and Gar searching for the force field generator; the Supers, Wonder Woman, and the Captains in battle with Kylstar; and Deadshot attacking Harjavti five years earlier. And you didn't disappoint. I'm not sure about how easily Match was defeated... I guess even a ultra-pissed genomorph needs oxygen... But the Lexcorp truck was too perfectly timed... like they knew ha had been defeated... hmm.... Beast Boy's still concerned about Ms. Harjavti. He seems to think that her safety is more important than anything else. I guess since he's just 12 or 13, he can't see the big picture... I liked the reference to Independence Day, the 'West maneuver' they used on Kylstar. But he certainly isn't someone to be trifled with, given how quickly he counteracts the League's actions. (It is a he, right?) I liked the two Robins confusion for Beetle. And that face was perfectly drawn. Christopher Jones has done great work on the art for this whole run. And the realization that the CoW was shrinking Metropolis... Leads to an interesting predicament. I just don't know what to do until next month.... Only question: is it correct to call Kylstar him? Alien genders can be unpredictable. Thank you again for a fantastic story that caused me to lose sleep.

Greg responds...

I'm sure the folks in the LexCorp truck DID know Match had just been defeated.

And, yeah, you can call Kylstar him. In English, anyway.

And I share your praise for Chris' work on the book. Stellar.

Response recorded on April 16, 2013

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In my on-going shameless attempt to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.), I'm going to direct you to Rain's page on Amazon:

They've posted some quotations from a handful of folks, who have already read the book. More often than not, these are merely partial quotes, so I'm going to post the full quotation here over the next few days. Next up:

"The perfect book for the young adult reader." -Stan Lee

Stan "The Man" Lee is, of course, a legend. He was also the voice of "Stan" on The Spectacular Spider-Man. Oh, and... he kinda co-created the ol' Web-Slinger too.

There's only a little bit more to Stan's quotation here:

"On a haunted isle in the mysterious Caribbean, a 13-year-old girl discovers her magical heritage! It's the perfect book for the young adult reader."

But I mean, Stan Lee! Not too shabby, huh?

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In my on-going shameless attempt to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.), I've decided to countdown my progress on writing the SECOND book in the Rain franchise.

I just finished writing Chapter Eleven. That's right, folks. I'm on a roll. Admittedly, this is a pretty short chapter, dedicated to connective tissue for a number of different characters. But still, I finished my first pass on it in one night! Doesn't that mean it HAS to be good? Right? Right?

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Riki writes...

Hi Greg!

Ummm this isn't really a question but I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you and LOVE Young Justice... It's been my favourite show for over a year now and ugh it's just so amazing. There are literally no words.

I'm so upset knowing that one day it will be cancelled, although I hope it's later rather than sooner... I just wanted you to know that I love you and your work (especially Young Justice) and you've really turned me into such a fan.

Thank you so much.

Greg responds...

Thank YOU, Riki.

(I guess producing YJ's not such a no-win scenario afterall.)

Response recorded on April 15, 2013

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Quinton Groves writes...

In Young Justice Issue #24,Seeing Superboy using the shields. Is someone giving them to him? To be exact, Lex Luthor? Or from a different source.

Greg responds...

Didn't you see him get them from Luthor in episode 122? If not, go watch it. It's a really fun episode!

Response recorded on April 15, 2013

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Ollie'o writes...

Dear Mr. Greg,
1. In Happy New Year Dick says this to Tim, "Just don't die okay. And no unnecessary risks to the squad. That's an order." Is this some subtle reference to Jason?
2. Why did you choose to exclude Jason from the story altogether? I understand that Jason't story is dark and sad, but what about non-comic-reading people who don't know who the Robin in the Grotto was? The world will never know about Jason Todd's sacrifice. (3. See what i did there?)
Okay, my Jason Todd rant is over. Nightwing out.
PS the show has gotten to be just outstanding recently. Give yourself a figurtive pat on the back.

Greg responds...


2. If, as you suggest, we had chosen to exclude Jason from the story altogether, why would we INCLUDE him at all?

Everyone's SO impatient for everything to be included instantly. And then they also bitch when we include too much and THEIR favorite character isn't getting enough screentime because of it. Talk about a no-win scenario.

Response recorded on April 15, 2013

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Richard writes...

I've been a fan of Gargoyles since ever, but i didnt know it co tinued i comics till two days ago!!!! OMG!!! THATS AWESOME! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! but now i have a questio about gargate biology. I read that they go into heat every twenty years, on years that end in "7" but ...

What about just physical maturity? At what age are they physically mature, and Is this different from when they are seen as adults by their clan?

Greg responds...

Okay, first, it's years that end in 8 not 7. (How weird would '7' be?!!)

Second, it depends on how you're defining physical maturity. The Trio were old enough to be considered warriors in 994 when they were 36 years old chronologically (and 18 biologically). On the other hand, Kermit and True would still have been considered children then, when they were 16 chronologically (and 8 biologically).

Response recorded on April 15, 2013

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JC writes...

A few months ago my post in witch I said that I was looking forward to Mal taking on the roll of Guardian was deleted three times.
Now that it can no longer be considered a spoiler, I would just like to say YOUR AWESOME.
Mal as Guardian (and not a lame Herald or Vox) is the coolest thing! Predictable...but still cool!
Thanks again.
But, since this is ASK Greg, not tell Greg, here is a question for you:
Does Jim Harper aprove of Mal taking his moniker and costume?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 15, 2013

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Hana writes...

Does Black Manta really care about Aqualad? Or is he just being egoistic about his son success? How does Aqualad feel about his father?

Greg responds...

I think those questions have been answered by now in the show itself.

Response recorded on April 15, 2013

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kenzey818 writes...

So in a previous post I said I wouldn't ask a question, but it turns out I have one about the production/voice recordings. When Nolan North is doing an episode of Young Justice where is playing both Superman and Superboy, does he record their voices in the same session? Like in Auld Acquaintance when the Supes have interaction did he record both of them? (PS I checked the archives and I didn't see if anyone had asked this)

Greg responds...

Generally, we record all our actors together and proceed from the first line through to the last. SOMETIMES, if an actor has more than one character he or she may prefer to do that one character first and then the other. But Nolan has a pretty complete command of Superboy and Superman. So, as far as I can recall, he'd just talk to himself.

Response recorded on April 15, 2013

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,

FINALLY get to post my response to the last episode of YJ. First off, nice work with Arsenal, I like the laser arm and the attitude. The biggest surprise for me was seeing Deathstroke, did not see that coming. I love the design, but why doe he have a ponytail? Also, I like Vandal mentioning also havig kids, since I read Secret Six and thoroughly enjoyed Scandal. Finally, the Green Martian beetle? Very cool, I like the reference in his name; B'arss O'oom? Cute. But I'm not sure if he should be trusted yet. Guess I'll just have to wait & see.
Thanks for the great episode, look forward to next week's!

Greg responds...

I've dealt with the ponytail already.

Oh, and it's spelled B'arzz O'oomm.

Response recorded on April 15, 2013

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In my on-going shameless attempt to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.), I'm going to direct you to Rain's page on Amazon:


You may notice that they've posted a brief tease of the book there, which I may as well reprint here:

First in a series about of an adventurous young girl, Rain Cacique, who discovers she has a mystery to solve, a mission to complete and, oh, yes, the ability to see ghosts.

Welcome to the Prospero Keys (or as the locals call them: the Ghost Keys), a beautiful chain of tropical islands on the edge of the Bermuda Triangle. Rain Cacique is water-skiing with her two best friends Charlie and Miranda when Rain sees her father waiting for her at the dock. Sebastian Bohique, her maternal grandfather, has passed away. He was the only person who ever made Rain feel special. The only one who believed she could do something important with her life. The only thing she has left to remember him by is the armband he used to wear: two gold snakes intertwined, clasping each other's tails in their mouths. Only the armband . . . and the gift it brings: Rain can see dead people. Starting with the Dark Man: a ghost determined to reveal the Ghost Keys' hidden world of mystery and mysticism, intrigue and adventure.

They've also posted some quotations from a handful of folks, who have already read the book. More often than not, these are merely partial quotes, so I'm going to post the full quotation here over the next few days, starting with:

"From his work on DC's cartoon Young Justice to his first novel, Rain of the Ghosts, he hits it out of the park every time!" -Danica McKellar, actress and New York Times bestselling author Math Doesn't Suck

Danica, of course, is the voice of "Miss Martian/M'gann M'orzz/Megan Morse, Marie Logan/Megan Wheeler and Tuppence Terror on Young Justice, which is how I met her.

Here's Danica's full quotation:

"Greg Weisman really 'gets' the deep-seated emotional angst of teenagers, and he's an expert at creating complex stories filled with intrigue, mystery, drama, fantasy, adventure, you name it - always with just enough comedy peppered throughout. From his work on DC's cartoon 'Young Justice' to his first novel, 'Rain of the Ghosts,' he hits it out of the park every time!"

Pretty cool, huh?

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In my on-going shameless attempt to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.), I've decided to countdown my progress on writing the SECOND book in the Rain franchise.

I just finished writing Chapter Ten. Rain's asleep throughout most of the chapter, but that doesn't mean there isn't a LOT going on. Especially among the more nefarious members of our cast. This chapter was very wide-ranging. But it was fun to write - especially the last couple pages.

Intrigued yet?

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Anonymous writes...

In bloodlines, Bart said he needed to get 'in character' before he used the time machine.

Does that mean he's putting on a facade of being cheerful and cocky the whole time we see him? Or was he acting at first, but is genuinely that way now that he's escaped from the dismal future?

Greg responds...

Does it have to be either/or?

Response recorded on April 12, 2013

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Clark Cradic writes...

Was Norman's attitude and quirks as the Green Goblin all an act to intimidate and mislead people or was it a bit of his own true nature leaking out while in costume?

Greg responds...

Does it have to be either/or?

Response recorded on April 12, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

It seems that when the green Reach scarab attached itself to B'arzz O'oomm, his face is made to look more humanoid-looking after the armor covered his entire body. Do all Reach scarab give their hosts a humanoid-looking face after attaching themselves to their bodies?

Also, it appears that B'arzz O'oomm remains in natural Martian form after the scarab attached itself. Does that mean he cannot shapeshift his body to be more like a human?

Greg responds...

1. I think the premise of your question is highly debatable. It seems to me that it gives everyone a REACH-looking face.

2. He can if he wants, as I'd hope you've seen by now.

Response recorded on April 12, 2013

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Clark Cradic writes...

You said that Macbeth found the play bearing his name to be rather amusing in how it got most about him wrong. What do you think his view on the Highlander film would have been?

Greg responds...

I think he would have found the notion of Sean Connery playing an Egyptian Spaniard, while Christopher Lambert played a Scottish Highlander, hilarious.

Response recorded on April 12, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

In Young Justice, do Jay, Barry, or Bart have the same hyper-fast metabolism as Wally? And if not, why don't they?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Jay's accident. Barry's experiment recreating Jay's accident under laboratory conditions. Wally's near disastrous attempt to recreate Barry's experiment in his parent's garage. Bart's genetic inheritance. Four different methods of acquiring super-speed means that none of the effects are exactly the same.

Response recorded on April 12, 2013

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Nash writes...

Greg, True Colours was awesome for the most part.
There's just something that's been bugging me lately. I hope you don't mind.
As much as I love how you've charaterised Jaime and Bart, I can't help but think that they've been hogging the spotlight at bit too much lately. This won't be at the expense of the other characters, will it (namely Cassie, Gar and Barbara, and to a lesser extent, Tim and La'gaan)?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 12, 2013

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Louissa writes...

Hey, Greg, not a question, jut wanted to stop by and tell you that "True Colors" was brilliant! Green Beetle was a shocker, I really didn't see that one coming. Now you probably realise everyone's wondering if there's gonna be a Red Beetle in. But I'm not asking that. Second, Impulse is a great character. He has that thing everybody liked about Wally in the first season, but at the same time he's really different and actually awesome.
Oh, and if the show goes on hiatus again, I'm going to slip in a severe depression, so no hiatuses, okay?
Thank you for creating this show that sums up all my wishes and all my childhood. And though I'm 15 I'm telling you, I'll never stop watching this show as long as it airs and I honestly hope I'll be watching it all my high school years.
You and your team are incredible! Thank you, again.

Greg responds...

Hiatuses were never up to me or within my ability to control one way or another. But I'm glad you loved the series.

Response recorded on April 12, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Since Martians have a fondness for earth television, have cultures from earth affected Martian culture? Did they have their own tv shows before Martian Manhunter sent tv signals back to his home? Does Martian Manhunter send tv shows of different languages or mostly western tv shows?

Greg responds...

Mostly American television shows, but not exclusively. As for the effect on Martian culture - beyond HELLO, MEGAN! on M'gann - that's a SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT. Also keep in mind that just because Robin said "All Martians love television," that doesn't make it so.

Response recorded on April 12, 2013

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Otho Fernandes Damasceno writes...

Did the Hunters ever interacted with any of the Children of Oberon? If so, what's their opnion about them?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 12, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Since the concept of time travel has been introduced I was wondered if you view time travel as more of a circular thing (events that repeat themselves and are unchangeable) or more like J.J. Abrams Star Trek where time travel creates an alternate reality?

Greg responds...

It depends which series you're talking about. I've gone on ad nauseum about time travel in Gargoyles, and I've even answered this question vis-a-vis Young Justice. (HINT: They utilize two different theories of time travel.) Check the ASK GREG archives.

Response recorded on April 12, 2013

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In my on-going shameless attempt to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.), I'm keeping you updated on the book's progress.

Today, I received a couple copies of what my editor at St. Martin's Press calls "Some early galleys. Close to a book!"

And, in fact, it looks pretty much like a book to me!

I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty darn excited!

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Anonymous writes...

Why didn't Tim tell Nightwing about Arsenal's antics? Shouldn't Nightwing know not to send him on covert ops if he's going to blow stuff up?

Greg responds...

In that moment, Tim thought he was cutting Arsenal some slack.

Response recorded on April 11, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Why was Arsenal allowed on the team, he's obviously not mentally stable after his ordeal.

Greg responds...

Ah, hindsight.

Response recorded on April 11, 2013

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J writes...

Being a gay man who has to go out of his way to see even a glimpse of his own existance in mass media, especially in what would be considered for kids (although, I really dont see Gargoyles or Young Justice as "kid shows"), I usually dont try to make those kinds of connections...and all the speculation surrounding Impulse & Blue Beetle kind of felt more like just some fans grasping at straws...but then there was that scene in "true colors" where Beetle elbows Impulse that is HIGHLY remanisant of Artemis doing the exact thing to Kid Flash...
I used to love Impulse in the comic (pre Titan days), and it did kind if seem like he had a man-crush on Batman, and by extention Robin...so I gues its not totally unpressidented (he also seemed to act oblivous when a gil was trying to flirt, which I can totally relate to).
I know next to nothing about Blue Beetle (except that one of my faveorite Leaugers was replaced by some kid), but I thought that one of the major reasons he became a hero revolved arround a dead gilfriend...and didnt he also have girlfriend in Titans? (like I said, I knie nothing about him prior to your show).
I guess my question is...
I know your willing to write a charactor as gay, even if you cant say it out liud (and thank you for that), but are you also willing to portray a, for the most established straight chatactor as having a different orientation?
I had to stop buying Devin Grayson's run of Nightwing...not because I dont like bisexuals (my partner of 7 years has 2 kids), but because I found it extreamly disrespectful to the charactor and the fans, to suddenly alter decades of established charactorization.
Having said that, I did kind always kind of assume Ted Kord and Booster Gold had a thing (they were always together and neither ever had a girlfriend), but never really got my hopes up...and YJ's Blue Beetle and Impulse almost parallel them.

Greg responds...

I'm willing in theory if it feels right for the character, particularly in the context of an Earth-16 type scenario, where the choice I've made doesn't necessarily effect or reflect what's going on with the character elsewhere.

Response recorded on April 11, 2013

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Nightwing writes...

http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120623231608/youngjustice/images/f/f4/Young_Justice_Invasion.png Who is this Guy/Girl between Robin and Blue Beetle?

Greg responds...

This was an early internal development image designed to showcase the second season's NEW characters, that was later used for promotional purposes. It is NOT canon. But from left to right, you have: Wonder Girl (Cassie), Arsenal (Roy), Robin (Tim), Static (Virgil), Blue Beetle (Jaime) and Impulse (Bart).

Response recorded on April 11, 2013

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Nightwing writes...

Hi Greg. Can you tell me what happened to Ocean Master? And was he REAL brother of Aquaman?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what you mean by "REAL" in all-caps. They were brothers, as clearly established in the YJ companion comics.

As to what happened to him, come on, seriously?


Response recorded on April 11, 2013

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SHAZAM! writes...

1. Where did you come up with the idea for a Green Beetle? DId he exist previously?
2. Is the reach responsible for the fall of the martian civilization?
3. Who is the black beetle? Wasn't he Jaime's friend Paco in the comics, is there a reason he isn't?
4. Is the Green Beetle a red, white, or green martian?
5. Why is lex trying to help the reach conquer earth? In the comics he honestly beleives he's trying saving the planet, not doom it...

Greg responds...


2. Assumes facts not in evidence.

3. I think it's pretty clear from the show who Black Beetle is. Why in the world would you think it's Paco?

4. Green.

5. Okay, I'm aware that you wrote up these questions before the end of the series, so I have a question for you: WHY DID YOU WRITE UP THESE QUESTIONS BEFORE THE END OF THE SERIES? What was your hope here, exactly? That I'd get to it before all was revealed and answer "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT" Or that I'd get to it (more or less) now and simply refer you back to the episodes themselves.

Look, SHAZAM!, I don't mean to single you out, but this is symptomatic of an on-going problem here at ASK GREG. All you've really succeeded in doing is CLOG UP THE QUEUE.

Please, everyone, THINK before posting.

Response recorded on April 11, 2013

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Janey writes...

I just wanted to say I really like what you guys have done with the villians in Young Justice. Especially Black Manta, I love the relationship he seems to have with his son, and seems to really love him. Most shows make the bad guys just pure evil and without a care in the world and all villians think the same way. All of them have different personalities so to me it seems more real. I do have one question about Miss Martian. I looked through the forums and didn't see it so if you answered fill free to delete this post!
1. When Miss Martian is not in her true form and having to concentrate on the way she looks like does it take away from her mental abilities or is it like a subconsense thing. I guess what I mean is if she wasn't shape shifting and was in regular form would her mental powers be more focused and more powerful?

Thanks for the show!!! I love watching it, you and your team have done an amazing job with it. I love how the heroes aren't perfect and have faults too, and how the bad guys aren't pure evil(maybe seem to focus on themselves, but not you know trying to blow up the world all the time) Thanks again for all the hardwork!!!

Greg responds...

1. Somewhat. As already esttablished in episode 126.

Response recorded on April 11, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1. I really enjoy the dynamic between Jaime and Bart. I am curious though, why did you decide to make them friends? Since Bart knows Blue Beetle brings on the Reach apocalypse I can easily see Bart wanting nothing to do with Jaime whatsoever. I just want to know your thoughts on this friendship.

2. You've said previously that you have sexualities in mind for the characters. You don't have to name any names, but I was wondering if you perceived any characters as asexual?

Greg responds...

1. My thoughts are mostly on screen. The relationship began with Bart trying to get close to Jaime as part of his agenda. Then they became legitimate friends.

2. Probably - in a show with as many characters as YJ has, it seems likely, doesn't it? But I haven't given it much thought.

Response recorded on April 11, 2013

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Sturidge writes...

Hi Greg! I must say, I'm absolutely loving the new season of Young Justice, especially the new aditions to the Team. I have two questions, though:
1. How long before Jason's death and Tim joining the Team? I got the feeling he hasn't been around for more than a year.
2. Has a romantic relationship between Blue Beetle and Impulse ever been considered, or should it stay on the realm of the fandom? Seeing as it is a kid's show, I can imagine it would be hard to develop such relationship, even if subtly.

Greg responds...


2. I honestly don't know what to do with this question. No, I guess the answer is no. But fans can dream.

Response recorded on April 11, 2013

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In my on-going shameless attempt to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.), I've decided to countdown my progress on writing the SECOND book in the Rain franchise.

I just finished writing Chapter Nine. It's the longest chapter in the book so far. There was a LOT of expository information to cover, but I hope I did it in an entertaining way.

Hopefully, you guys'll be the judge of that soon enough.

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Brian writes...

Hi Greg,
I have to tell you that I LOVED True Colors, the whole episode was incredible and in my opinion flawless.
I've posted before and am a huge fan of your interpretation of Lex Luthor. I found it very interesting that LexCorp Farms was located in Smallville.
Many versions of Lex have featured him spending some time and/or growing up in Smallville.
1) Does this apply to Lex in Young Justice? If so could you elborate on his time in Smallville? And did this influence his decision to place LexCorp Farms in Smallville?
2) If Lex did not spend time in Smallville, why did he chose to locate LexCorp farms there?

Greg responds...



Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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B writes...

Is "the Reach" the name of the species that the Ambassador, the Scientist and Black Beetle belong to? On Young Justice Wiki, we're debating whether the Reach is a species.

Greg responds...

It is, though at this point, it's also an empire (though not in name) that incorporates many other species, as well. Still the most trusted members of the Reach are those of the original Reach species.

Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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Marvelman writes...

Black Beetle sounds different. Did you alter his voice this season?

Greg responds...

This season? He's only appeared in the one season, i.e. Season Two. And no, Black Beetle is voiced consistently through Season Two by Kevin Grevioux. And I just want to say that we don't alter Kevin's voice at all. THAT IS HIS REAL VOICE!!

Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

How long have Wally and Artemis been living together?

Greg responds...

Since the start of their sophomore year of college.

Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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B writes...

Given that he also has Lex's DNA, does Superboy look *exactly* like Superman did at 16 or just extremely similar?

Greg responds...

Pretty much exactly, except for the hairstyle.

Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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Albert writes...

What is Garth's, as well as his parents Thar and Berra, Atlantean name? Thanks!

Greg responds...

Garth is Garth's Atlantean name, as you saw if you watched episode 108. We have not addressed his parents yet at all.

Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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Piper writes...

Hello Greg. I have a few questions about Nashville as a character.

1. How would little Gnash react to living with the Manhattan Clan in 1997? Staying in one place and not time hoping around with his family like he's used to.

2. What's his impression of Goliath as the clan leader? Does he admire him, or is he envious that Goliath is the leader and not his father.

3. Does he address both his parents in English, or in English and Japanese respectively?

Greg responds...

1. That's something I'd demonstrate and reveal in storytelling. Not on a question answering site like this.

2. I think he's been raised to think highly of Goliath, but as for how it plays out... see above.

3. He's bilingual.

Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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btgr writes...

My review on True Colors:

It ABOUT time they've said Deathstroke in a DC cartoon!, But I love how Nick Chinlund delivered that name. More funny moments and one-liner jokes from Blue Beetle and Impulse which I do appreciate. Green Beetle?, well that's original. I really wonder where are Barbara Gordon and Cassie Sandsmark though. Anyway looking forward to "Fix".

Greg responds...

Hope you liked "The Fix."

Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

What determines a scarab's color?
P.S.- Good work on your shows, I appreciate how you have taken the time to set up this Q and A, and I hope you keep having this kind of communication with your fans.

Greg responds...

Scouts start out as blue. Warriors as black. Color can change based on circumstance.

Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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Z-Rocket Fan! writes...

Dear Greg,
Zatanna and Rocket are my favorite characters, so I have a few question pertaining to them.
1) Who is better at hand-to-hand combat between the two?
2) Would you say they are close friends?
3) Where does Zatanna live now in 2015?
4) Does Rocket fight alongside Icon anymore now that she is part of the Justice League? Is she still his sidekick?
5) After Zatara's imprisonment by Dr. Fate, did Zatanna have to learn magic on her own.Did she ever ask for help from Dr. Fate?

Thanks Greg!

Greg responds...

1. Rocket, probably. I guess. Maybe.

2. Yeah.


4. She's more his partner.


Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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Thomas writes...

Mind releasing some episode names post Runaways?

Also, a question about the Rimbor 8. Do they know what Godfrey is doing to the league's rep? Or anything going on at the moment

Greg responds...

The Rimbor 8? Do you mean the Rimbor 6? Or is 8 including Icon and Hawkman? If so, then why not the Rimbor 10 and throw in Hal and Guy?

Anyway, they knew very little about what was going on on Earth.

As for episode names, of course, you know them all by now.

Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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West writes...


I've really gotten addicted to Young justice ( it has converted me from marvel to dc lol) and I watch it religiously.
My favorite characters are aqualad and superboy.
1. I kind of see superboy as the main character of the series, he seems to have the most number episodes centered around him, picks up the best toys (sphere and wolf) and over all seems to have had the most character development. While kalder is my favorite character, my favorite episodes have always been the ones centered around Conner.

So I would like to know, while the series is really more of team show, which character would you consider more of a main protagonist? ( blue beetle, nightwing etc)

2. I loved how kalder pulled an "anakin " ( went over to the dark side, so to speak,), and he's really a awesome at it!!!
I loved the scene where came out of the water to fight artemis and nightwing, and then the ALL SHALL SUFFER IF BLACK MANTRA COmmands it, along with how he instantly fired his laser while the team was in stealth mode was beautiful.

Does kalder enjoy being bad? Even a little..

3. Young justice is INCREDIBLEly well drawn, are you more motivated to make more intricate battle scenes because they come out so well?

Greg responds...

1. It doesn't work that way. This isn't Spectacular Spider-Man, where we had one clear lead, and everyone else was a satellite orbiting around him. We think of this as a DC Universe series. It's an ensemble piece. "Leads" are defined by story. Hopefully, we laid enough groundwork in Season One that any character can step up and be interesting and carry an episode.

2. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

3. Nah. We always just want the show to be the best it can be. Period.

Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello, Mr. Greg Weisman,

Another good episode! Here are my thoughts on interesting things I've seen on this episode.

Jonathan Kent's First Appearance - Finally! After all those times of me worrying of what his fate might have been in comparison to the comics, Mr. Kent is still alive and well on Earth-16. It's probably a fair bet that Martha Kent is okay too, but thanks for at least showing us Mr. Kent… Also, I noticed Jonathan acknowledged Conner as one of his "boys," and so I'm guessing that Conner was introduced to the Kents by Clark during the time-skip?

Green… Beetle? - Yeah, the latest promo did show this guy, but I never expected him to be a Martian. The name probably suggests that he is a Green Martian. I also suspect he is an original character because I looked around the Internet to see if there was prior info on the guy, but I found nothing. It got me curious that he seems to know about Martian Manhunter to some extent. Perhaps they met before?

The Light wants a team of heroes of their own? - Oh no no no no no! I had feared something like this would happen. For a while, I have been theorizing that one of the factors that could have led to the Reach Apocalypse is that there would be some kind of meta-human civil war (which would theoretically be something like the Marvel Comics event "Civil War."), because something like that could really push public opinion against the Justice League forever. And now, we are going to have a group of kids whose intentions may be good but are going to unintentionally work for the bad guys? Not good! Not good at all! If I turn out to be right, I will be very surprised.

Tim Drake's second round of leadership - It's nice to have Tim be in charge again. I've been waiting forever for him to have a chance to lead more often. If Tim gets more chances like this, I bet he'll eventually lead the Team himself someday…

Aqualad is at risk of being compromised?! - With Psimon on the case, it's going to be bad for him if the truth is revealed. I hope Aqualad recovers in time to help our heroes in the fight against the Light and the Reach…

Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts about this episode.


Greg responds...

Conner is considered family at this point.

Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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Just A Nughtwing/Oracle fan writes...

The new episodes was AWESOME, and never have I had any other show that kept me waiting for the next.
1) What is Bruce and Barbara's relationship to you?
2) If Stephanie Brown is now in, is there gonna be like, Tim/Steph interaction?
3) Why is YJ not aired in South East Asia? Cause, well, the fans back here are all watching the newest episodes on YouTube.
4) When Nightwing said "Just don't die, okay?" to Robin, did he mean Jason?

Well, I guess that's it. If I have any more, I'll make sure to ask you. Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

1. I don't really think they know I exist.

2. What you saw is what you got, unless WE get more episodes or issues somehow, someday.

3. I have no idea.

4. I think Jason was on his mind.

Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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guy writes...

how old is deathstroke?

how old is green beetle?

Greg responds...

At the END of SEASON ONE (that's right, ONE):

Deathstroke was forty-seven.
B'arzz O'oomm was 114 Earth years old, which is the biological equivalent (more or less) of 38.

Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Okay as much as I love Blue Beetle and Impulse, they have way too much screen time. It was the same problem with Superboy in the first season. If you do end up getting a season 3 (fingers crossed) could we have a little more balance with character screen time?

Greg responds...

Balance (vis-a-vis screentime) was never promised, nor was it ever a priority. Nor am I much interested in it. I guess I'm glad you like all - or at least enough - of the characters to want screentime balance for them, but it's NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. That doesn't mean that ALL - and in this case, I DO mean all - of the characters don't interest Brandon and I. They do. ALL OF THEM. And given enough episodes and/or issues and/or games and/or whatever, I suppose over time you'd get more balance than you probably want. But in any given season or run or whatever, we are going to go with the story we're telling. And, frankly, balance be damned.

Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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Robin's Girl writes...

First off thank you so much for this show! I don't know what I would do without it. Anyways my question is what ever became of Queen Mera's pregnancy? Did she manage to have the child sometime during the time skip?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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In my on-going shameless attempt to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.), I've decided to countdown my progress on writing the SECOND book in the Rain franchise.

I just finished writing Chapter Eight. I think it turned out to be a fairly authentic conversation over dinner between a thirteen-year-old and her parents. I hope so, anyway. Need to ground my magical fantasy in some truly human reality.

Hopefully, you guys'll be the judge of that soon enough.

Bookmark Link

Paul writes...

1) Did Red Arrow or Green Arrow tell Nightwing about Arsenal's attempt on Luthor's life in "Satisfaction"? I'm assuming not, otherwise why would Nightwing send Arsenal on the stakeout in "True Colours" without fear of it being too personal a mission for the latter?

2) Is Arsenal B-24, since he seems to be the most recent addition to the Team after Impulse?

Greg responds...


2. He's B-25. Guardian is B-24.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

Spoilers ahoy!

Wow, Greg. Just wow. True Colors blew my mind. It was like pure, bottled awesome broadcast through the TV. Loved the Atom/Bumblebee surgury bit, but was Impulse really qualified to be in an operating room? I'd be scared he'd see something shiny and go nuts. Jamie's hesitation to go on the mission was perfectly scripted and acted, and I loved Arsenal's new look, costume, hairstyle, everything. Robin in a leadership role was cool again. And Pa Kent was just awesome. Liked Impulse's impaitence, and the stealth-tech punch in the arm. More Black Beetle was great, as was Arsenal's want to cause Luthor grief. The Light's conference with Sportsmaster was great. I thought someone was going to leave that room in a body bag. And Deathstroke... One of my all time favorite villains in Young Justice caused me some serious freaking out. But the Psimon/Aqualad "therapy session" is gonna end up with some serious repercussions. And the Green Beetle was just... Completely unexpected and totally epic. Gaahh, I'm going obsessed fanboy. Just a couple questions, though.
1. Did Impulse really have any business in the operating room, or was he there for, like, moral support?
2. Where did the idea come from for Deathstroke to have a ponytail? Not finding fault, in a strange way it works.
3. Is the Martian with the scarab actually from mainstream DC? Or was it a new creation for the show?
Thank you, thank you, thank you for such a wonderful show. This episode blew my expectations out of the water. Can't wait for The Fix!!

Greg responds...

1. Impulse was a spectator at a surprisingly non-invasive procedure (which constituted two intravenous injections only - one to put Atom and Bumblebee in and the other to get them out).

2. That damn ponytail. <sigh> The ponytail was Phil Bourassa's idea, supported by Brandon Vietti. That's right, I'm hanging them both out to dry on the ponytail! HANGING THEM. OUT. TO DRY. I never liked it, but I was outvoted two to one. (But I'm glad you liked it.)

3. He was basically created for the show, extrapolating from what we know about the Reach and Mars, which of course was all based on DC Comics (through an Earth-16 lens).

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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M. writes...

In the past, has a relationship between Dick and Artemis ever been seriously considered?

Greg responds...

Do you mean a romantic relationship? If so, then no.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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The Somnabulist writes...

Young Justice is the reason I awoke after 23 solid years of uninterrupted slumber. My gratitude...


Greg responds...

I'd respond, but it looks like you've gone back to sleep.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Kyle Kincaid writes...

Greg, when is Artemis, Miss Martian, Aqualad and many other of the citizens' birthdates?

Greg responds...

As I've stated before, I have NOT assigned specific birth dates to anyone until or unless I require those for a specific story. Only birth years.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Eclectic Emma Ellason writes...

Hi Greg,

I have no idea if this has been asked or answered before but, have you read/watched the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling? And if so, what Hogwarts Houses do you think the Team (2010 and 2016) belong to?

It's okay if you aren't that knowledgeable about it and don't want to delve into that specificity, but I - as a fan - am just curious. :) Love your shows!

Greg responds...

1. I have read all seven books (and the Deathly Hallows follow-up), listened to all seven books-on-tape and seen all eight movies.

2. Your guess is as good as mine.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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JAC writes...

A couple of questions about Beast Boy...

1. Does his morphing suit only capable of those two modes, uniform and collarI know youve said before that those are the only two he knows how...but with practice, could he, for example make, a saddle for his horse form?

2. Does he have an idenic memory? It just seems to me for some reason that he does...maby because he says "noted" a lot and recites animal facts.

Also I've made this plea in the past, and you mentioned it coud go either way...but, if its still not decided yet PLEASE don't make him vegitarian. I'm sure whatever you decide to do will work out great for the show, but I have a couple points that might sway you to the meat side...
First, its BEAST boy, not "hippy d-bag boy". Second, hes a Human, an omnivore, who can become other animals, not a rabbit who can take Human form. And, finally, your own version of him spends most of the time as a hybrid monkey...also omnivores.
Please dont take this as me trying to tell you how to write your show...like I said, it.will be a great story either way. Its just that Changling was my second favorie Titan (after Nightwing, of course)...until they made him vegitarian...after that I never saw him the same way. It was like "Oh no! A ferocious tiger! Oh, never mind...its a vegitarian."

Greg responds...

1. No. He's not psychic and so cannot control it psychically. It's been "pre-programmed" by Miss Martian to react to his transformations by retracting to collar form and vice versa. Beast Boy doesn't control it AT ALL.

2. I have no reason to think so. But he's a bright kid.

3. Not that we addressed his eating habits on the series one way or another, but you MUST see that writing this request in January of 2013 was pointless. We finished ALL production in October of 2012. We couldn't honor ANY requests after that, even if we were so inclined.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

Crap. Meant to ask this in the last post. Whoops.

Did you ever consider putting Despero in YJ as the awesome, world-threatening chess fanatic?
Did I miss any chess refrences in Cornered? Because I didn't see any... But I don't know.

Greg responds...

I guess not.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

You've previously stated that Kid Flash is a Harry Potter fan. But after his doing-everything-in-his-power-to-deny-magic bit in Denial, it seems strange that he would read a book about a teenaged wizard. And the quote that led to the HP fan question was in the same episode. I don't know. Something there just doesn't connect in this screwed-up brain of mine. Does he read it to laugh at the 'stupidity' of it? Or just for the entertainment value?

Thanks. Loving Invasion, by the way. Cornered was amazing.

Greg responds...

Kid Flash has/had nothing against the portrayal of magic as FICTION. That was his whole point. IT'S FICTION. He may not think STAR WARS literally happened either, but that doesn't mean he's not a fan.

I mean do you believe in everything YOU enjoy as fiction?

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

I don't know if anyone else asked this question before or not, but I didn't realize that I should've asked this question sooner.

After the real Roy was found in Tibet and after the events of "Satisfaction", did Clone Roy ever rejoined the Justice League and worked himself back into shape?


Greg responds...

He's getting back in shape, but officially he's still on a leave of absence from the League.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Thomas writes...

What keeps the Justice League from arresting Lex Luthor or Queen Bee, who they definately know are light members from the team? And why haven't they gone public about the Light's description

Greg responds...

"description"? What does that mean?

Anyway, you need this little thing called EVIDENCE to arrest someone.

Heck, for Queen Bee you'd also need JURISDICTION.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

I hope we see more of Black Beetle. Boy he has to be one of the most badass villains I have ever seen. Great job! Despero seemed very reticent and not much of a personality but L-Ron was brilliant! I laughed. Loved him. Oh and that Megan and Conner relationship? Their drama just is getting annoying now. I can't even feel sorry for them. Poor Lagoon Boy.

Greg responds...

Um. Thanks?

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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guy writes...

red tornado was a member of the all star squadron?

Greg responds...

No. The All-Star Squadron was disbanded by the time Red Tornado was created.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Does G. Gordon Godfrey have any strong ideological problems with the Justice League or does he just rip on them for sensationalism?

Greg responds...

Neither. It's strategy.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Mr. Weisman, in Cornered, why was Captain Atom so ineffective debating with the Reach Ambassador, and why was the UN Secretary-General so completely willing to believe whatever he was told by the Reach? I mean, the Reach kidnapped a number of young people from many different places, all of whom were probably reported missing to the authorities. They're obviously traumatized, and the experiments that they were subjected to clearly left measurable changes in their physiologies. When all of these missing kids suddenly show up, testify against the Reach, and begin demonstrating metahuman powers that they didn't have before, how does the Reach Ambassador manage to negate all of that by waving his hand and dismissing them as impressionable groupies? Also, were none of team able to get any records (visual, audio, etc.) of the rescue itself? Wouldn't they have wanted to acquire as much information as possible on that mission, both for careful analysis later and in order to reveal the hidden threat? It just seems to me that the League should have everything they need to prove the Reach's ill-intentions. Thank you.

Greg responds...

You've got some assumptions wrong.

Ninety-nine percent of the children that were abducted were runaways, kids that either wouldn't be missed or whose disappearances could be easily explained otherwise.

THEN most of those captives are dead. There's no one to testify to the experiments besides, Virgil, Tye, Asami, Eduardo and Nate. And Nate doesn't remember anything. And the point that the Ambassador was making is that the four who could testify could be shown to be biased in favor of the heroes.

In addition, Tseng knew (from personal experience) about alien abductions BY THE KROLOTEANS. So the Ambassador's claim that Captain Atom was confusing the two was certainly plausible. Even if it could be proved that the kids had powers (which wasn't yet obvious at the time of the U.N. meeting you're discussing), the blame could be shifted rather easily to the KNOWN abductors.

As for the rest of your comments, ultimately you're entitled to your opinion. But I'm satisfied with what we portrayed.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

What's your reason to change Virgil backstory ?

Greg responds...

To fit our continuity.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Windona writes...

Hi Greg! I loved Cornered, and the character interactions were great. I especially loved the subtle character development of the scarab, seeing Billy Batson again, and Mal becoming Guardian (the haminess was perfect!) Combined with how slick and manipulative the Ambassador is, along with the reveal at the end... well, I cannot think about anything but next week's episode!

Now, on to my questions:

1) Does the scarab dissolve and reform Jaime's clothes like in the comics? I ask because his pants and hoodies he wears don't seem like they'd fit under the armor, but the Earth-16 version of the scarab has less capabilities than its Earth-1 version, so I could not be sure.

2) Why did you (you or you and your team) decide to change the name of the Negotiator to the Ambassador?

Greg responds...

1. His clothes are soft and smooshable. His armor is hard. They fit.

2. What was he negotiating?

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1) is Marvin the closeted gay character that your not allowed to explicitly show as being homosexual?
1a) If so, does Wendy, his best friend know, even if he hasnt told her?
1b) If not, did he and Wendy ever date?
1c) Are both 1a and 1b true?

2) Are Marvin and Wendy still best friends?

3) Is he going to Ivy University with her?

An unrelated question:
4) Is Mercy an Amazon like she is in the comics?

Greg responds...

1. Why would I answer this? SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

1a. Obviously, since they're dating, Wendy doesn't think he's gay.

1b. Yes.

2. Yes.


4. No.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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