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Peter writes...

1) Does Bruce Wayne fight crime? I mean economically and socially? Creating workplaces, factories etc? Fighting poverty? He has money after all, and it's a rational thing to do, it prevents people from becoming criminals. YJ!Batman is the most sensible Batman I've ever seen, it would fit his personality. Instead of spending all money on creating more ways to beat people
What is Gotham like? Dirty and rotten like in Batman Begins? Or more like Central City, because I imagine things are pretty good there? Though I think after 11/16 years of Batman things are much better than they were before
2) Love that Batman is a supporting character. No need for conflict for him, Gotham can be a safer place, criminals are locked up in Arkham and not escaping, his relationships with his partners are healthy, maybe he can even be happy. All of this is unlikely to happen when Bruce is a main character, and the last one is impossible. It irritates me sometimes, the guy just can't get a break, I don't care if he is Batman, everyone needs rest. And it's very irritating how he alienates his partners by being a jerk. Come on! It doesn't make sense!
3) Also I don't like when people say that Batman never got over his parents death and in his heart he is still a boy that lost his parents. Clearly not the case in Earth 16, where Bruce is a parental figure to Dick, especially when he says he doesn't want Robin to become Batman
4) Had adoption of Dick made Bruce more happy?
5) Would it be theoretically possible for YJ!Batman to be in a stable lasting relationship? Which is absolutely impossible when he's the main character. Like in the Mask of the Phantasm but without the need to break them up
6) Is he happy? On the one hand he doesn't want Dick to become him. Implies that Bruce doesn't see being Batman as a burden. But I can easily picture him being in a relationship. What do you think?

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, but you're really pushing the five question per post limit here. For starters, you have six numbered questions, and then you ask multiple questions within most of the numbers. Please follow the guidelines. It's only fair.

Response recorded on January 25, 2017

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RobinFan writes...

Hi, Mr. Weisman. I've got some questions about YJ.

1) How can Commissioner Gordon afford to have Barbara in a private academy?
2) Does Barbara have any siblings?
3) Are any of the 2 Roy Harpers the chick magnet he is in the comics?
4) Does Conner Kent have a second name?
5) Did Wally and Artemis stay together during the 5 year time jump, or did they ever "take a break"?

Greg responds...

1. Scholarship.

2. Nope.

3. Well, clone Roy seemed pretty magnetic to Cheshire.

4. You mean, like, Superboy?

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on January 23, 2017

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probably overthinking writes...

1. In "The Mirror" was the decision to make Demona human during the day intended as symbolic, because she embodies all the qualities that she claims to despise in humans (bigotry, treachery, etc.). Or am I reading too much into it and it was just a way to make her a more powerful villain by freeing her of the limitations that hamper other gargoyles?

2. On that same note, was Demona's smashing of Titania's mirror upon seeing her new human form symbolic of her inability to face herself and admit that she possesses all of the above mentioned qualities? Or am I overthinking again and she just smashed the mirror because you didn't want to do any more stories involving that mirror and it was the only way to explain why Demona never again attempted to use it.

Greg responds...

1. Does it have to be either/or?

2. Does it have to be either/or?

Response recorded on January 23, 2017

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Fallenlegend writes...

Hey Greg in one of your questions you answered that you thought that in part of what made Superman great was truth, justice and "the American way" so my questions are:

What is the American way for you?
Do you think superman stands up for those that aren't American.

For example I'm Mexican.

Greg responds...

I do think Superman stands up for those who aren't American. I think standing up for others - in theory - SHOULD be part of the American Way. At our best, which is rarely evident these days, the United States should SET AN EXAMPLE as a bastion of freedom, liberty and democracy. It should respect diversity. It should govern by majority rule with respect - actual RESPECT, not mere tolerance - for minority rights. It should be better than the enemy, not just in might but in right - in a very Arthurian sense. For example, I don't care if the enemy tortures people, the United States government and its representatives NEVER should. NEVER. We need to be better than that.

I believe in the ideals of the United States of America. I trust those ideals. If sometimes they bite us on the ass, then I accept that too. Because the alternative, that we fall into the gutter, is much, much worse.

That, to me, in a nutshell, is the American Way.

Response recorded on January 23, 2017

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W. Jend writes...

Hello Greg,

I am a Film and Video Production student writing a paper about Star Wars Animation and I wanted to know...

1.What is it about computer animated television that fits Star Wars so well?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know. What?

Seriously, I think a great Star Wars show could be done with cell animation. But there's a certain synergy to doing Star Wars in CGI, given that so much of the live action movies is done/enhanced with CGI, including characters, effects, ships, monsters, etc.

Response recorded on January 23, 2017

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Daniel writes...

Hi Greg. This might be a dated question, but if I remember correctly, you had a CV site many years back on what I think was called "mindspring.com", and there was a link on there to a script for a dark Captain Planet remake. Is that still available anywhere?

Greg responds...

I have no memory of mindspring.com. None. I'm not saying you're wrong, because I'm old and my memory is a sieve. But it rings no bells, so are you sure?

As for Captain Planet, I have twice developed a take for a reboot of that series for Cartoon Network. I wouldn't say that either take was dark, at all. Both were ultimately rejected, and I doubt I would EVER have made either available. And I'm not going to make them available now.


Response recorded on January 23, 2017

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R.I.P. Miguel Ferrer

Just a few words about Miguel Ferrer, who passed away yesterday. I won't pretend I knew him very well, but he was always a pleasure to have in the booth. He was the voice of Silvio "Silvermane" Manfredi on The Spectacular Spider-Man, and Bo "Bibbo" Bibbowski and Tribune #1 on Young Justice.

Did I forget anything? Oh, yes. His brilliant portrayal of Vandal Savage in Young Justice, making him one of the most interesting and complex hero/villains I've ever had the pleasure of working on.

His talent - both in material I was involved in and in the many, many things I simply watched as a fan - was immense.

He will be missed.

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James writes...

Hey Greg,

I have some more questions about S2 Ep1 of Spectacular Spider-Man.

1) Did you voice anyone else other than Menken?

2) How did Xander Berkeley land the role of Mysterio?

3) What inspired your version of Mysterio?

4) Where did the idea of the little purple bat things come from? Who voiced them?

I liked the Star Wars reference when Spidey said "May the Spidey Sense be with me."

Greg responds...

1. The truck driver, maybe. I'd have to look at it again.

2. I suggested him. He and voice director Jamie Thomason and I had worked together on GARGOYLES, in which he played Coldsteel, so we knew he'd be great.

3. The comics and the core idea of the character.

4. The Homunculi seemed to fit Mysterio's M.O.

4a. Thom Adcox, Dee Bradley Baker, Steve Blum, Phil Lamarr, Cree Summer and James Arnold Taylor. I loved those little guys and wanted to do a spinoff series with them.

Response recorded on January 20, 2017

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James writes...

Hey Greg,

Spectacular Spider-Man is the best Spidey adaptation ever in my opinion. I have a few questions about S2 Ep1 "Blueprints".

1) Who was Eddie's roommate?

2) Where did Eddie live? Was it a dorm on campus?

3) How was it having Stan Lee making a cameo?

4) What all does Liz Allan's father own? Liz says he owns some hotels and in a previous episode they gang ate at his restaurant.

5) Where was Miles Warren before he returned to NYC?

I have more questions so I am going to submit another discussion because of the 5 question rule.

Greg responds...

1. Oh, I used to know this. I really did. But its been so long, I can't remember. It was a character from the canon. I want to say... Josh something. But honestly, I can't remember now.

2. Dorm on campus.

3. F---ing AWESOME!

4. The restaurant was IN one of his hotels. He owns hotels.

5. Elsewhere. (Never bothered to figure that out.)

Response recorded on January 20, 2017

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James writes...

Hey Greg,

I love Rebels, and I think you guys did a great job setting it all up in Season 1. I also really enjoyed the Kanan comic. I have a few questions about that.

1) What was your inspiration for Caleb's backstory?

2) What was the interaction with the story group like?

3) How big of a leash did they give you creation wise?

Keep up the great work!

Greg responds...

1. We all worked out that backstory together when we were figuring out the first season of Rebels. Inspiration? I'm not sure what that means in this context.

2. It was great. This was all stuff we had discussed for the most part, so I'd write up a short proposal for each arc, and that was pretty much it. Occasionally, I'd have a question for Pablo or Leland. They'd answer. Boom.

3. It wasn't really an issue of "leashes". We all agreed on the story. I'm just the one who wrote it up. I created some of the characters, and obviously did NOT create others. But it was pretty much drama-free.

Response recorded on January 20, 2017

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