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Kyle writes...

I know you've discussed this a lot, so no offense will be taken if you skip this question, but in terms of the character that is gay but tptb won't allow to be, how did you come to that conclusion?

Did you know before you even started writing the character? Or was it something that clicked after the character was on the page? Was there a specific scene or moment? Or was it just a desire for representation?

Also, getting LGBT representation right is hard. And there's a lot of traps people can fall into, even among those in the community. Just wanted to say I think you've gotten a lot right and appreciate that you've always tried to do right by the community, despite the limitations that have been placed on you in the past and the one that still is.

Fingers crossed that last one is lifted soon though! Know you're trying your best and that's all we can ask for!

Greg responds...

I don't know that we started out thinking that particular character was gay OR straight. It wasn't an issue. But, yes, after putting the character on paper, it felt right for that character. We're always looking for an opportunity to increase our representation in all sorts of categories, and we were very much caught off guard when told this one character could not be objectively labeled as gay. Especially since we'd been writing him that way and setting up his relationship for some time, so it couldn't have come as a great shock.

And thanks for your kind words, Kyle. I don't think we always get things quite right, but we are trying and strive to do better all the time.

Response recorded on May 02, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

In Phantoms, you have thus far been more conservative with depictions of sex, language, and violence & gore. This is not a criticism - just an observation. Is this a deliberate decision on your part, or has the shift from DC Universe to HBO Max imposed more limitations upon your subject matter? Or, is it a combination of the two?

Greg responds...

I don't think we have. But in any case, we've had no additional limitations "imposed" on us by HBO Max.

Response recorded on May 02, 2022

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King_Joey writes...

1. Are the prosthetics that Cyborg has made of materials from the Reach device that exploded next to him? I ask because he told Beast Boy that Blue Beatle helped him discover a weapon in his are and Blue Beatles armor is all nanotech.

2. Does this mean that the Fatherbox that made those prosthetics repurposed the material from the Reach device to make those prosthetics?

3. So Cyborg is Apokoliptian tech, possible made of Reach material depending on how you answered the first two questions, with Mobius tech software? I am asking is his Operating System Mobius tech since the Fatherbox soul is gone or did the Chair change the hardware somehow?

Greg responds...

1. I don't think so. But it'd be a good question to discuss with Brandon Vietti. But I think for the most part that Cyborg's prosthetics are New God tech.

2. Again, I don't think so.

3. Apokoliptan tech with Mobius software sounds about right to me.

Response recorded on May 02, 2022

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insert generic username here writes...

Hi! I’ve been watching Young Justice since 2014 and have been a big fan for years I have a couple of questions, which I hope aren’t spoilers bc I don’t want to ask for any.
1. How did Will choose his name?
2. Why is it that in season 1 when Kid Flash, Robin and Kalder were captured by Cadmus that they were going to clone them and delete or kill the source but after they cloned Roy they kept him alive. They said that the reason they amputated his (Roy) arm was to have an endless supply so why did they want to keep him but not the other three?
3. Do you have a favorite or rather one you are most proud of out of all the character arch’s through out the seasons?
3a. If so who’s is it?
3b. And from what season?
(My favorite character arc’s are probably Artemis in season one, M’gann in S2 and Nightwing in S3 and idk yet for s4 but they are really good from the episodes I’ve seen so far)

Greg responds...

1. The original Roy's full name is Roy William Harper. So the clone Roy thought that was his full name, as well. After the original Roy came back, the clone started going by his middle name, William - or Will for short.

2. By that time, the technology had advanced enough that Dr. Desmond no longer felt the need to keep the source bodies.

3. My brain doesn't work that way. I love 'em all.

3a. See above.

3b. See above.

Response recorded on April 29, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Why does Barry Allen have green eyes but when he's the Flash in season 3 his eyes are blue?

Greg responds...

Maybe asking the green-red color deficient guy isn't your best bet. Assuming you're correct, then there's clearly an error of some kind in play. But we do have our color stylists pay attention to eye color and we make every attempt to be consistent.

Response recorded on April 28, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

What is Jim’s day job and does he have a girlfriend?

Greg responds...

I assume you mean Jim Harper.

1. Nowadays, he works for and is a partner in Bowhunter Security.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on April 28, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1 Why did klarion call his operation project Rutabaga?
2 I am still confused by what exactly project rutabaga was. Was it just that huge flesh monster klarion created out of kids or was it simply activating children’s meta gene with klarion magic?

Greg responds...

1. You'd have to ask him. And he wouldn't know.

2. The latter, ostensibly. Though the former became a big fun part of the chaos for the Witch Boy.

Response recorded on April 28, 2022

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King_Joey writes...

Some Questions about Aliens

1. If Goode World Studios has been around since the 40s does that mean that Gretchen Goode has been running it since then; or did she just take over a studio that was already there? I would imagine it would get difficult to explain why she does not seem to age over a 70 year period of time.

2. The Collector of Worlds mentioned that the Super Cycle was New God Life-Tech, or New Genesian Life-Tech, or something like that. Does Life-Tech imitate living things so well that it actually GROWS? Or is the Super Cycle just getting bigger some other way, like through mechanical upgrades?

3. If Martians can live for centuries, murder is incredibly rare on Mars, and they breed large families, then should overpopulation not become a problem quickly? Especially on a planet so small.

4. While they were on Mars was the high pressure under the ground simulating Earth gravity?

5. If not how was Super Boy able to walk normally under Mars' much lighter gravity?

Greg responds...

1. Goode World Studios has not been around since the 40s. I understand where that confusion came about, but Jonathan Lord's early movies were NOT produced by Goode World. They were produced by a now defunct studio. Goode World sponsored the restoration of these films.

2. It's constantly evolving - in stages.

3. Yes. It's a problem. Which may explain there "need" for caste systems that scapegoat.

4. Something like that.

5. See above.

Response recorded on April 28, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

So regarding the Meta-Gene from my understanding it is essentially a genetic marker that can unlock natural abilities due to experiencing extreme stress and duress. The meta gene also happens to be opportunistic in nature and now here is my big question What about the Flash Family they gained their powers through a specific experiment and have no blood relations to each other so why manifest powers so similar to each other.
2. Would Flash Family be considered meta humans or should we consider all humans with powers meta-human.
3. Should Superman be classified as a meta since he didn't seem to suffer by side effects of Granny's Anti Life Equation machine Device in Terminus or should we just attribute this to kryptonian endurance and yellow sun radiation.

Greg responds...

1. Something about Jay's accident, which Barry recreated under laboratory conditions and Wally recreated under garage lab conditions, leads to speed. (Bart inherited his speed from his grandfather.)

2. If tested, you'd discover that all four have the meta-gene.

3. The latter.

Response recorded on April 20, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1. Can you explain the differences between Control Chip used by Light and it's operative in season 3, the Starro tech from season 1 and Mad Hatter Nanobots, do all 3 of them have the same results or are their differences in how they work. 2. Does Starro Tech mind control require a magic user necessarily to mind control someone.
3. How exactly does the Mad Hatter's nano-tech work, Is his mind control like total mindless control or is it similar to the technology used in Light's mind control starro. I ask because Livewire, Mist and Shade who were being controlled by Nano-tech still have a personality and had quirks which seem in line with their actual personality for example the innuendo based jokes made by Livewire and how she is often seen smiling or how Mist is afraid of being hit. Does this mean during mind control they retain their personality and essentially are reprogrammed which changes their objective like they have to follow the command but on the inside feel reluctant about doing it because it seemed to me Livewire was enjoying this a little too much.

Greg responds...

Starro-Tech does require somebody to monitor and - in essence - remote control the individuals under the tech's influence. Doesn't have to be a magic user. Joker's not a magic user. A control chip is way more primitive, but it does allow someone to give some basic orders that the chipped person must follow. But they'll be fighting it, and the chip doesn't change who the person is - nor does it render them blanks. Hatter's nanobots are a slightly more sophisticated version of a control chip.

Response recorded on April 19, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

So I had a question with regards to Face Your Fears-
1. Wally is the first one to break out of the effects of Medusa Mask which he cites is probably due to his fast metabolism. Was this assessment of Wally wrong or right.
2. Does this mean Wally has more resistance or will the effects of emotion manipulation will have a shorter impact, basically does his fast metabolism give him any advantages.
3. Also Why has the Light not been able to create a speedster as fast as Barry, Wally or Jay, as you have revealed earlier Jaculi and Trajectory are both slower is it because of Barry's notes which the Light doesn't have, so does that mean Barry's note are under lock and key meanwhile Light has weaker speedsters than even Barry.

Greg responds...

1. I think it's wise to leave that to your interpretation.

2. It doesn't hoit!

3. Barry is considerably faster than Jay or Wally ever were. Bart is more or less at Barry's level, though not quite. Still, he's younger, so he may some day wind up even faster than Barry. Trajectory is not as fast as Jay. Jaculi was not as fast as Trajectory is. After Wally stole Barry's notes, Barry made sure no one else could ever steal those notes again.

Response recorded on April 19, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1 Do the light have other special positions for their agents like the enforcer for the light?
2 Does the enforcer of the light have any special authority over other light agents?
3 All the enforcers for the light were skilled fighters with no powers. Was this intentional or a coincidence?

Greg responds...

1. Riddler was a master strategist for them. So... yes.

2. Yes.

3. I guess I'd say it's a coincidence by default. Each was chosen for his or her skillset and experience.

Response recorded on April 18, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1 Did every purist turn on ocean master after he was exposed(like wynde and Ronal) or were there some that refused to believe ocean master betrayed them and still served him?
2 Why did the purist think ocean master had the same goal as them? He attacked Aquaman in the past who the purist had no problem with.
3 Did ocean master consider the consequence of destroying the heroes family, but he was at a point where he did just not really care anymore?
4 Atlanteans have super durable skin in the comics so how was lady Shiva able to cut off ocean master’s head like it was nothing? Did she use a special blade or are atlanteans far less durable in the young justice universe?
5 Were there some citizens of Atlantis that supporter orm as king?(obviously before he was revealed to be ocean master)

Greg responds...

1. By now, you know that Danuuth continued to serve Orm.

2. He claimed to be attacking the King for his anti-purist stance.

3. Mostly, the latter.

4. Atlanteans are plenty durable. But sharp is sharp.

5. I don't know if that was much of an issue. Orm (on the surface - no pun intended) didn't attempt to compete with Orin.

Response recorded on April 18, 2022

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Justin writes...

Why was Garfield's last name no change from logan to farr after rita farr adoped garfield after queen bee killed marie logan ?

Greg responds...

She didn't adopt him, technically. She fostered him. But names don't have to change with an adoption. It's a practice. It's not a rule.

Response recorded on April 18, 2022

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bonk writes...

How tall is Icicle Junior in Young Justice S1? Did he have a height bump in the following appearances in Outsiders? DEFINITELY A GLOW UP!

Greg responds...

I don't know. I've got enough things to keep track of without adding heights for all the characters to the list. I didn't notice any particularly significant height change. But, hey, he was still a teen in S1, so it's not all that surprising that he might be a bit taller by S3.

Response recorded on April 14, 2022

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Drue writes...

After Superboy talk at the UN in last episode of young justice outsiders why people who own bikes that Conner fixes not realize Conner is superboy ?

Greg responds...

What makes you think that they don't realize it?

Response recorded on April 14, 2022

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Verdragon writes...

On Deathstroke:
1. Why did you change Deathstroke's voice and design between Invasion and Outsiders (The latter moreso than the former considering actors are less static over the course of a half decade than character designs)?
2. Why, in-universe, did Deathstroke ditch his claymore between Invasion and Phantoms?

Greg responds...

1. The voice actor changed DURING Invasion. Not between seasons. The reason for that was simple: the original actor was no longer available to us. The second actor: Fred Tatisciore, did his best to double the original actor. And he's maintained that voice throughout Outsiders. If you're noticing a change between seasons, I gotta tell you, none of us (i.e., myself, Brandon, voice director Jamie Thomason, or Fred) would agree with you.

1a. I was never a fan of the ponytail, to be honest. Brandon and Phil outvoted me on it. But by the time we got to Outsiders, Phil had come around to my way of thinking. So we changed it. If we ever depicted a flashback to the Invasion era, we would, of course, use the ponytail again. But at some point, in our continuity, Slade decided to cut it off.

2. Did he?

Response recorded on April 14, 2022

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Walker writes...

Has Beast Boy met Superman's Jonathan before conner died on mars?

Greg responds...

I assume you mean Superman's son Jonny Kent, correct? If so, yes. He's likely also met Superman's father, Jonathan Kent, in case that's whom you meant.

Response recorded on April 13, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1)Is Artemis Terra's mentor?

2)How would you characterize their relationship? I ask because I get the impression after Outsiders that they're really tight.

3) A lot of these mentor-protege relationships seem to blur the lines between teacher, friend, and family member, don't they?

Greg responds...

1. One of them, yes. Emotionally, perhaps the most important one.

2. They are. I'd say Artemis is like a big sister to Terra.

3. For better or for worse, yep.

Response recorded on April 13, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. Did Night wing forgive Orphan for what she Unintentionally did to Bat girl when they first met or does he have some resentment of her but is still mature about it? 2.How did Dubbilex, Jim, and everyone else in geranium city react when they herd about what happened to Superboy on mars? 3 . Does Brooklyn maine seem like an odd town to you as well? because apart From the Mayor Sheriff Maguire and the newsgirls the town seemed empty. most places in Brooklyn where closed Miss Rodriguez seemed to be the only patren in the library in the season 3 episode Brooklyn Maine was featured and (yes i know it can count as both a Newsboy legion and i. q. reforince as well) Gaby Gabrielli sead she had a study date with ''Big words'' before she corrected herself somthing about all of it seems odd to me

Greg responds...

1. He forgave her. Whether he doesn't have dark moments EVER, is another story. But he has forgiven her.

2. To the extent that we've shown you their mourning in tidbits, there you are. Beyond that, I'm fine leaving it to your imagination.

3. It was a cold winter night during the off-season, when businesses close early. The battle took place in a specific area, that was not residential. It wasn't meant to be odd, in any case.

Response recorded on April 12, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Why does Halo wear a hijab but then wear a skintight bodysuit?

Greg responds...

Halo/Violet is a work in progress. They were easily influenced as they moved forward from their unique creation.

So the memory of the hijab being important to Gabrielle lingered and made Halo more comfortable in one. But all their new super-hero buddies wear skintight bodysuits - and that's literally what Dick tossed over to them, so Halo took that as a given, as well. What they choose going forward as Violet begins to assert their own individuality is going to be more telling, ultimately, than what they wore at the beginning of the journey, when they were still finding their way.

It's the same with pronouns, in essence. They were fine being addressed as she, at first. But when they stopped to think and decide for themselves, they landed on preferring they/them pronouns.

Again, a work in progress.

Aren't we all?

Once upon a time, I thought I looked cool wearing a bowler hat. No joke. (I mean I looked like a joke, but I really liked it!)

Response recorded on April 12, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg - YJ is a great show that obviously resonates with a lot of people. But sometimes I feel like the writers don't realize why people love the show so much.

I think most people got hooked on the character development and world-building of Season 1. Seeing our favorite comic characters reimagined in this unique universe you've created. The rest of the seasons have been more focused on driving the plot forward, at the expense of character. The time skip disappointed a lot of people because years of character development and interactions happened off screen. And as the cast got bigger, it became clear that only some characters were going to get screentime while others were basically scenery. This was also disappointing for the fans of characters that were introduced in later seasons; especially for characters that have never been properly portrayed in DC media like Cassie, Tim, Cissie, Cassandra, Stephanie, etc. I wanted to see all of them get the same type of treatment the Season 1 cast got, but there are so many characters that we barely know anything about. And with the time skips, we may never get to know them because the writers have decided they're not important for the plot.

I remember lots of fans gave you this type of feedback during Season 2, and you tbh you were kind of dismissive about it and then doubled down on the approach in Season 3. I know this is ultimately your show, but I wish you would take the feedback from the fans who fell in love with it.

Greg responds...

Hi, Anonymous. I don't mean to be dismissive. But at the end of the day, I don't see HOW we could possibly satisfy your criteria.

I mean think about it. If this were a quote-unquote "normal show," we'd have stuck with our original six characters with no time skips. You'd never have even SEEN Cassie, Tim, Cissie, Cassandra and Stephanie, let alone gotten any character development for them. By season four, we'd still be in the middle of the first time skip. You'd have Raquel. Zatanna. Maybe Troia and Garth. Maybe Jason. But we wouldn't have even touched on the names on your list.

And I don't agree that we sacrificed character development in Seasons Two and Three for plot. Those seasons were indeed plot driven, in the sense that who we focused on was driven by plot. Hence, S2 gave Jaime a lot of focus that he hasn't had since. And S3 gave Garfield a lot of focus. Etc. But each season was, I think, objectively rich in character development. But just not for the characters that you personally were most interested in seeing developed. And I am 100% sure that there are many, many fans who would chose the exact same characters as you for their development preferences. But there are also many, many fans who would only pick some of the characters you listed and substitute other choices for the ones they don't care so much about. And many, many fans who would have an entirely different list from yours. There's literally no way to satisfy everyone. And so when you say we should listen to fan feedback, whose should we listen to? Yours? Some other fan who has a different set of priorities?

In the end, we can't listen to anyone except ourselves. We have to be passionate about the show, or else we can't expect anyone else to be passionate about it. We just have to cross our fingers and hope that our preferences resonate with as many fans as possible. So far, that's worked out pretty well for us. Though there have been plenty of fans who haven't been thrilled, and many who are downright disgruntled with us. Such is life. Again, that's not me being dismissive. It's me being realistic.

And, in any case, with the obvious exception of Wally, if your primary interest was in the original group (i.e. Dick, Kaldur, Conner, M'gann and Artemis), then I think the time skips have aided us in developing these five characters to a greater degree than we could have done without them. Again, without them, you'd have never seen Kaldur go from Aqualad to Aquaman. You'd have never seen him go undercover with Black Manta. You'd have never seen him with Wynnde, etc. We'd still be stuck in a perennial Season One mode. There'd be some character development of course, but nothing near the level we've been able to bring to you across our four seasons.

And in any case, season four is extremely character focused and on the seven characters shown in the season's main title: Dick, Kaldur, Conner, M'gann, Artemis, Raquel and Zatanna. Those seven might not be your first choice for development, and I can understand that. But five of those seven have been our leads since the beginning, so per your own argument, that's who we SHOULD be focused on.

Response recorded on April 11, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Was there any protest in the UN on Batman inc rejoining the justice league? Seems weird that superheroes can just quit the justice league, become vigilantes who don’t follow the UN’s rules and later rejoin with no problem

Greg responds...

What was there to protest?

Batman resigned, seemingly to return to his regular gig in Gotham. Then he rejoined the League later, under a more sympathetic U.N. Secretary General.

You shouldn't assume that the U.N. knew about his extracurricular activities.

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

Jade always acts "pissy" when she talks to Artemis. My reading of Jade's attitude is that it's a cover for her feelings of guilt over having not been a better sister or mother. Is this a good reading?

Greg responds...

I don't think "pissy" is a good reading. I don't think that describes even half of their interactions over four seasons and a video game.

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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Zozin writes...

Regarding the Team's spytech lenses. They all have a dedicated logo. I noticed that the heroes who have chest logos, usually have matching interface logos. But those who don't (like Spoiler and Arsenal) usually have a customized logo.

I love them.

Who came up with them and what are the criteria for them?

Greg responds...

Brandon came up with nearly everything about the AR lenses. As for the logos, as you noted, most match up with chest logos. Where those don't exist, we have short discussions about what might be used and then somebody - sometimes Brandon, but sometimes one of our designers or one of our VFX artists - comes up with something, as needed.

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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