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Anonymous writes...

1 Does Lex Luthor genuinely see superboy as his son?
2 If the answer to question 1 is yes. How does lex view match simply as a failed experiment or also as his son?
3 Did the infinity inc members work for lex before he came up with the idea of creating his own outsiders or did he recruit them immediately after coming up with the idea.
4 Does Lex Luthor hate the outsiders or does he merely consider them very annoying to his interests
5 Was lex luthor aware of superboy and miss martian’s engagement? And if he was aware. Did have any thoughts about it or did he not care at all?

Greg responds...

1. Though I have my own opinions, I think I'll leave that to your interpretation.

2. Lex shares no DNA with Match. But I don't think he views any experiment as a failure. Some are simply learning experiences.

3. No spoilers.

4. I think once he calmed down, the answer is closer to option b.

5. I'm sure he and all the Light keep track of the young heroes at this point, and at some point he must have seen a surveillance photo of Megan wearing her ring.

5a. Again, I'm inclined to leave this to your interpretation.

Response recorded on February 03, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Are Mist and Livewire a couple in Young Justice Outsiders? Or are they friends?

Greg responds...

Well, they're definitely good friends. Beyond that, I'll leave the extent of their relationship to your interpretation for now. Or I could just say, NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on February 03, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

How old is Damien.
Is his last name Wayne or al Ghul?
How old if Onyx?

Greg responds...

Damian al Ghul was born in Team Year Eight.

Onyx Adams was born in 2004.

Response recorded on February 01, 2022

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Jason R Carter writes...

What's the status of Ollie and Dinah's relationship as of the end of Team Year Eight?

Greg responds...

They have rocky moments, but they love each other.

Response recorded on February 01, 2022

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Rob writes...

Hey man been a big fan of Young Justice since high school and spent a nice chunk of those teenager years helping build the wiki and I just want to say thanks for helping me find a passion in storytelling and I’m curious to see where you take the story and I’m happy it’s back.

My question is: Do Roy and Jim consider Lian as a niece (considering they’ve meet her at all) since the Harper trio essentially have a brotherly relationship with each other?

Greg responds...

They absolutely do. And she sees them as her uncles.

Response recorded on January 31, 2022

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L writes...

1: Was Barbara Gordan named after her mother or did her mom have a different name?
2: Was Mist's father a villain named mist too?
3: Is Luis Garcia a character from the comics?
4: Did the other Babylon/Mesopotamian gods exist as Vandal's children?
5: Does Vandal all ways kill his elderly children?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

3. Yes. Although he may be something of a composite.

4. No spoilers.

5. Not necessarily.

Response recorded on January 31, 2022

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L writes...

1: What were the names of Orin's parents?
2: Who was Cassandra Savage's mother?
3: Is everyman Hannibal bates?
4: What is Fury's real name?
5: Was artemis a fan of Green arrow? It would seem so based on her orginal costume?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

4. No spoilers.

5. She admired him.

Response recorded on January 31, 2022

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L writes...

1: What year was Orm sent to prison in Atlantis?
2: Does the atlantean family have a surename or house name?
3: Do atlanteans not usually have last names?
4:What city is Tula from?
5: What year did FIre debut as a hero? Was she a teenager like Ice?

Greg responds...

1. Well, we know he wasn't in prison in September of Team Year Zero. We know he served six years. We know he was out of prison by September of Team Year Eight. So that puts the start of his prison stay between September of Team Year Zero and September of Team Year Two.

2. If you mean Orin and Orm, no. Orin sometimes uses Curry.

3. Some do, some don't.

4. Poseidonis.

5. Beatriz da Costa debuted as a hero in Team Year Six. She may have just barely been a teen when she debuted, as I haven't set a specific date of birth for her. But she was twenty years old by the end of that year.

Response recorded on January 31, 2022

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shalkaofwar writes...

Few questions after The Tale of Two Sisters-
1. So this not really me asking for a spoiler just trying to understand what Cassandra claimed to be her timeline to the team, So she said that after Olympia's death she tried to defect but as punishment was forced to serve as a member of the shadows but then she also said that she had to return to Santa Prisca. Does that mean according to her story she was initially on Santa Prisca with the Shadows training but wasn't exactly a shadow herself and then tried to defect but was caught by Vandal and thus lost one arm. I am a bit confused by this wording especially the use of the word 'return'.
2. Who is the girl with Artemis and Halo in the beginning of the episode when we see Artemis's daily life before she finds about Conner's death.
3. The whole Tale of Two cities end credit scene is an interesting choice especially when those words are about death and resurrection (I am pretty sure it also signifies resurrection) whose idea was it to add this as an end credit thing.
4. Is it valid to say this season is spelling out some sentence too especially since so far we have the words INVIT and the future episode titles contain A,T,I as the opening letter of the episodes.
I really liked this episode and the whole literature theme in this story is pretty cool all in all. Can't wait to see what comes next.

Greg responds...

1. I think you're trying to compress events too much, and that's what's causing your confusion. Cassandra trained with the Shadows, which is where she met Tara Markov. Then she went to intern with her dad and older sister on Warworld. Then after Olympia's funeral, she returned to the Shadows, where I would think you saw her confer with both Lady Shiva and Deathstroke (Batman certainly saw her.) She also worked briefly with Lex Luthor on his little Bwandan thing.

Then, according to her story, the death of Olympia at her father's hands and the revelation about her mother and her mother's family made her think more and more about getting out. So she attempted to escape. Was caught. Was punished. Was returned to Santa Prisca to continue her training with the Shadows. Then, she escaped again and managed to find her way to Tigress and the Team.
2. Mist. (I mean, look at her. She's all misty!)

3. I don't think it is about resurrection, personally. I think it's about living on in the memories of those that survive you. But I'm not here to debate interpretations of Charles Dickens, and your interpretation may be just as valid as mine.

3a. It was Brandon's idea to use literature quotations for the second arc's end credits. I chose that specific quotation for this episode.

4. It is valid to say that.

Response recorded on January 28, 2022

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Amaldo writes...

Dear Greg, Did you ever consider focusing more on the S2 team more in Outsiders. Not trying to sound disrespectful or say this is what you should do, but it feels like these characters have kind of been put on the back burner and had very little development. Seeing as these characters had some interesting things being set up in S2 like Tim and Casie getting together, Bart becoming kid flash, and static joining the team and his relationship with black lightning. If this breaks any of the guidelines I do apologize because I’m not trying to tell you how to run your show, just wanted to know your thoughts on these characters.

Greg responds...

I love all those characters, but the story took us where the story took us, and I love the characters we did focus on, too. I think Wonder Girl, Kid Flash and Static got a little focus. And even Robin got a bit. But, to be clear, none of them are our leads. Our leads are the season one Team, many of whom are no longer on the Team - which means that the Team itself is no longer the focus of the series - plus whatever characters the storyline drives us to focus on.

With enough episodes or issues or whatever, we'd eventually shine the spotlight on everyone. But we only have so many episodes, so some characters are bound to get short-shrift. Nature of the Beast.

Response recorded on January 28, 2022

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