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RESPONSES 2001-4 (April)

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Sean writes...

Third try and already leaning towards answers that dont seem to make as much sense...wooo!

74 - obedience

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Sean writes...

sorry about the slashdot name, it's 5:37am and I haven't slept yet =)

74 - deference

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Anonymous Coward writes...

74 - constancy

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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matt writes...

517- devoured

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

What's the purpose of the 2198 contest? (In other words, what does one win if they get the correct answers?) Where can I find it to attempt any guesses considering that I've been wondering what it is that so many people have been posting about?

Greg responds...

1. If there is a purpose, I'd be horrified.

2. I have no idea yet. But I assure you it will be virtually worthless.

3. Where? Well, you could look at the Gargoyles 2198 Contest archive. Or am I misunderstanding your question.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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matt writes...

bless Renaud if this one is right...

74- integrity

Greg responds...



Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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matt writes...

wait, wait! this could very well be the answer!

74- honorable

Greg responds...


Here's a clue. The word we're looking for is a NOUN!

Otherwise, I'd be a pretty lousy writer.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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matt writes...

ok, now i'm to the point where i'm searching the dictionary for nine letter words that make sense in the sentence...

74- effulgent

Greg responds...

And you thought effulgent made sense?


Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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matt writes...

please, please, please...

74- beautiful

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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matt writes...

please be right!!!!!!

74- offspring
517- enslaved

i really want this contest over, and i'm sure you can relate...

Greg responds...

Yes, I can relate, but no those answers are wrong.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Bruno writes...

Hi, Greg,

The G2198 contest:
517 - expanded

Why is everybody giving up SO near the end?

Greg responds...

I hope no one's giving up.

But that was wrong too. Sorry. (You don't know how sorry.)

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Melissa writes...


74. willpower

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Melissa writes...


74. assertion

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Melissa writes...


74. certainty

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Melissa writes...


74. enthusiasm

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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SEM writes...

GARGOYLES 2198 contest

74: ingenuity

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Ray Kremer writes...


517 adjusted

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Ray Kremer writes...


517 modified

Greg responds...


You guys are going to kick yourselves once you get this. Especially the Canadians. (And, yes, that is a clue.)

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Luis Reyes writes...

Dear Greg,

I am a journalist who will also be attending Fanime and, without any other recourse to get a message to you, I've found this route to try to relay a request for an interview. I will also go through the Fanime staff. I write for several publications including the LA Weekly and the LA Times, but my main job at the moment is editing a news magazine dedicated to covering anime. However, I am trying to push the boundries of this subject and include the American animation industry. So, basically, what I'd like to chat with you about is the developments in both the Japanese and American animation industries that will eventually bring the two together or solidify the borders that keep them apart. My email address is lr@emanga.com. Please let me know if I can speak with you at Fanime.


Luis Reyes
Editor, Akadot.com

Greg responds...


I'm glad Patrick told me about this message, because obviously, ASK GREG isn't a timely way to communicate with me.

For the record, Luis did interview me at Fanime Con -- twice.

Hope the material was useful.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Here's my "High Noon" Ramble

First of all, I like how the "Previously on Gargoyles…" recap was done. I liked Coldstone in his first two appearances and was glad to be seeing him again. Also it didn't give away the involvement of Demona, Macbeth and the Weird Sisters, which shocked the Hell out of me, but I'll get to that later.

First things first. The animation in this episode is breathtaking. I don't think it'd be a stretch to say that this is episode is animated more beautifully than any other… though that is saying a lot.

I like the opening scene with Othello and Desdemona. Also nice touch with the animators drawing real Scottish Heather, I read in a magazine article that the episode's writer (I forget who it is), had to actually fax a picture of Scottish Heather to an artist during production. It shows that more care was put into this show than any other.

Iago comes off quite menacing, even though his actions are out of spite. He can't have Desdemona, so he won't let Othello have any peace with her. When I first saw this I though Iago was dead after "Legion", so it was nice to him back.

Nice continuity with Hudson and Broadway reading, I was glad this was touched on again, most cartoons would just forget about it after one episode, but not this one. Also Elisa is great in this scene, really humble, but yes, she is more of a hero than she wants to be. Also, I liked Hudson's "hit a sack" line, maybe it was late for it, but I liked it and still like it.

Hmm, nice little touches on Lex's computer monitor. "Othello Program", "Desdemona Program", "Iago Program". You have to really look to catch these, and I'm sure I missed some. Were these your idea?

So Macbeth and Demona walk past Elisa in disguise. I have to say that I did not recognize either of them. For on thing the look we got of Demona as a human was so brief, and I wasn't expecting to see them again so soon. I liked the chase scene through the station, and as soon as they got to the Clock Tower I knew something dangerous was up. When it was revealed that that was indeed Macbeth, I thought the woman was Fleance or another mercenary that Macbeth hired. Of course I kicked myself for mistaking Demona for Fleance, considering how much I adore Demona. I guess I just wasn't paying attention to her, and focusing on Macbeth.

I figured that they stole Coldstone of course, since he was going to play a major part in this episode. Also I did like the costume change on Mac & D. I also really like Demona's green eyes as a human… once again, expect a lot of gushing towards her ;)

When Elisa asked how they got Coldstone out of there without being seen, I just assumed that Demona used some kind of cloaking spell on Macbeth's plane. Turned out I was right, though I didn't factor the Grimorum in. I was too busy trying to figure out why they were working together and how they found the Clock Tower.

The animation when Demona changes from her lovely human form into her lovely Gargoyle form is beautiful (though it looks extremely painful), and I was glad to finally find out the truth behind Puck's gift. It confused me for a while, I was expecting to be human in "Vows".

Even when under a spell, Demona and Macbeth still hate each other.

Michael Dorn does a great job with Iago/Coldstone's first two lines. He's a great actor.

Goliath and Elisa share a nice moment here, I like it, can't think of more to say about it.

I like the way the scene changes on the Moon, another really nice touch.

I really like the scene when they enter the mansion, the animation on their reflections in the camera is nice, as is Goliath tapping the camera with his wing. Nice to see that Goliath has learned a lot of the modern world by saying that Macbeth is probably watching them from a control room. I also like how they kick the door open in battle stance and quickly come out of it when they see the room is empty. Also like them using the room to their own advantage.

The Demona-Brooklyn fight is very well done, it moves really fast with Brooklyn not even having time to breathe. Nice show of her warrior skills.

Once again I like the continuity from "Lighthouse" especially with Macbeth and Broadway's lines and staging the fight in a library.

The villains are really smart in this episode. I was really impressed with Iago's cunning here… a shame we never got to see "Dark Ages". The trap was really clever as well.

Demona's "Sex Pot" scene. Well, you probably already know that I love it. I don't think it's out of character at all, someone earlier posted here a good reason for her to do that saying to Elisa "I'm prettier than you". If we get the show back, I hope to see her do more of these ;) I also like seeing her hail a taxi.

Now what I want to know is how did Demona manage to walk through an entire police station in her halter-top and loincloth and not be arrested for indecent exposure? Though there is nothing indecent about it ;) Okay, on to the next scene…

Very nice scene between Elisa and Morgan. I liked how you took a minor background character and turned him into a "real" person. Elisa looks good here also, very nice animation. She looks exhausted.

I still have to say I was not confused by nobody being able to see our villains at Belvedere Castle. I just figured that Demona was using an invisibility spell. Also I have to confess that until I got on the Internet, I never thought that Coldstone was re-animated stone. But now it makes perfect sense to me.

I love that line of the Sisters' "Even shadows must be true to their shade." Also, they have their correct hair colors when they say that line on my copy of the episode.

I love the way Elisa just walks past Demona, Macbeth and Coldstone without even glancing at them. Elisa took a big gamble here. Sure Macbeth has a code of honor, but not Demona. Demona could have just ignored Macbeth and shot her. But now on to one of my favorite scenes…

THE CAT FIGHT- Demona may fight like a rookie at first, but she quickly manages to grab her. I love Iago/Coldstone's line and Macbeth's. On behalf of all male "Gargoyles" fans every where, I thank you for this scene ;) Hmm, I had less to say about this scene than I thought.

Now here, the Sisters' hair is wrong, all blonde. But I still knew it was them, and then when they phase together, Desdemona has black hair. Oh well, this episode is so well animated that I can forgive a few mistakes.

I like the fight between Othello, Desdemona and Iago. Very nicely done. Also nice to see Othello realize that he can't let evil triumph just by his doing nothing.

The fight ended well, ooh, considering where Elisa kicked Demona before slamming her head into a statue… that's gotta hurt. Still was confused to see Macbeth rescue Demona here.

I also like the scene between Coldstone and Elisa. He has a great line before leaving. And nice use of the jogger to.

I actually thought it was out of character to here Demona call Elisa by her first name rather than "Maza" or "the Detective." I also raised an eyebrow when Macbeth mentioned the "primary objective."

When I saw the Grimorum, the Eye, and the Gate all laid out, things began to make sense. Also nice to see I was right that Demona used a cloaking spell earlier, but didn't suspect that she was using the Grimorum. Also liked seeing them asking the same questions I was asking… especially. "WHY ARE WE WORKING TOGETHER!"

The Weird Sister's finally explain everything and it all makes perfect sense. Nice scheme they had. Of course I had to wait about two months to learn what the "coming battle" was. Nice way to keep us in suspense.

Overall, I like this episode. Not one of the best, but still very good. A lot of nice character moments, and a nice epilogue to "City Of Stone", and foreshadowing of things to come. Though the wait was unbearable.

Greg responds...

Interesting responses...

Actually, I think the Japanese Animators put those little touches into Lex's computer on their own. I vaguely recall there's also a Weisman Program.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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THe bAbBleR writes...

Hey, I know how much you like viewer insight, so here goes:
GARGOYLES ROCKS. period. I didn't get it when I was seven. I missed all those subtleties and nuances that you put in there, but I see so clearly now! I wish that Toon Disney would air Deadly Force, but there all so stupid . "It's too violent" they say. They'll let Goofy fall of a cliff without a scratch and air it, but if they show someone getting shot and (realistically) having to go to the hospital they won't air it. What a bunch of crack heads.
Anyway, about what Titania whispered to Fox. I know what she said. She said, "All good Garg supporters go to The Gathering."
What a motherly message. Too bad Fox is a bad daughter.
* * So until Goliath plays for the Harlem Globe Trotters, I'll luv ya, Greg.

Greg responds...

Hey, right back at ya, man.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Whats the difference between Shangri-La and Xanadu?

Greg responds...

Look it up.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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matt writes...

ok, if you won't answer what other World Tour episodes you had "planned" besides the Himalayas and Korea, what were some ideas you had for other possible locations?

Greg responds...

I'm sorry. What's the difference between these two questions?

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Basilisk writes...

A quick thing about OUTFOXED:

When I saw Vogel, a near-twin of Owen, I chuckled to myself and thought "Oh, there's gonna be something interesting behind that!"

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Aaron writes...

My favorite smart ass responses.

<<Demona Taina writes...

1. Where did Demona get those gargoyles from in "City Of Stone"?

Greg responds...

1. Wall-mart.>>

Which was funny enough when I read it as Walmart, but then I realized just what a terrible pun it is...


<<Aaron writes...

Y'know, it's amazing how many of my questions seem to end up in the Smart Ass Responses category.

Greg responds...

It's also amazing how many of my responses end up in that category. I wonder why that is? >>


I haven't asked you about the Magus' given name lately, have I?

Greg responds...

I have nothing funny to say.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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matt writes...

517- enlisted

if this is wrong, i'll do something tragic... kidding! i've just been trying to figure out 517 and 74 all day!!! i have no life!!

Greg responds...

Don't get tragic. But don't get a life either 'til you've solved this. Cause you haven't yet. :P

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Pyro X writes...

Are you really colorblind?

I am as well! I didn't know this. we have something in common, although not a great thing.

Greg responds...

Technically, I'm red-green color deficient.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Where do you answer our questions? At home? Work? In your car? In your sleep?

Greg responds...

I have three offices. One in Beverly Hills, my freelance office. One in Burbank, my Disney office. And one in my home.

I almost NEVER answer questions at home, because I almost never log on from there. I'd rather spend time with my wife and kids.

I answer at one of the other two offices whenever I have a free hour or so.

Occasionally, on vacation, if I have web access, I'll stay up late and answer after everyone else has gone to bed. Like now.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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demona writes...

hi greg could u go to my chat room the addy is http://www.masquerade.com/main.htl my group sog would be very excited to see u there out meetings are every sunday at 8:00 pm eastern or standerd time i am there as demona there is also a macbeth etc and we all would love 2 see u there !

Greg responds...

Generally, I don't have internet access on the week-ends. And at any rate, 8pm Eastern is 5pm Pacific, and that's time I spend with my kids. But thanks for the offer.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Duncan Devlin writes...

In the Guatemala episode, Jackal carved his face into Goliath's in his dream. If a person were to do this to a Gargoyle and he woke up at dusk, what would happen?

Greg responds...

Nothing nice.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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matt writes...

so garg beasts reach adulthood by age 2, and live about as long as regular gargoyles? so, can they mate more often than regular gargoyles? i hope so cuz that could really save them from extinction given there are so few garg beasts left...

Greg responds...

Yes. Probably.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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matt writes...

Coldstone is reanimated gargoyle in stone form, right? thats why he is gray and not blue as Othello is. if this is so, why is Coldstone's hair white and not gray stone?

Greg responds...

Good question. Artistic license. Or it's a VERY LIGHT GRAY. Or the science blasted it white Or...

Well, you get the idea. Take your pick.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

One amusing little historical note about Canmore, which I must confess spooks me a little. In actual history, two of his sons, both of whom became Kings of Scotland after him, were named Alexander and David. In the context of "Gargoyles", I must confess that I find that a bit on the creepy side.

Greg responds...

You and me both, buster.

One of the many freaky little things leaking into our reality from the Gargoyles Universe.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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The ONe writes...

1) Why didn't Anansi use his magical arts against Angela, Goliath, and the others? Why did he choose to only use melee attacks instead of such powerful and simple attacks such as the weird sister's magickal bolts or Oberon's sleep spell to ensure victory?

2) Why did Anansi even need hunters? And especially mortal hunters for that matter. Couldn't he have magically created a source of his own food and why make his form a giant spider that couldn't support itself?

Greg responds...

Perhaps what you're getting at is that Anansi isn't that bright. But I think we were true to the Trickster tradition. Anansi is a bit lazy. A bit interested in using people for his amusement. It defines who he is and how he acts.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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durax writes...

Who gave Oberon and Titania their twin mirrors? They were a wedding gift correct?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Duncan Devlin writes...

Who is Nought?

Greg responds...

Who isn't?

(Something kinda familiar about this one, eh?)

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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DrFaust writes...

Hi, Greg. In the latest batch of answers, Matt asked how Titania will feel when Renard dies, and you answered, "very sad." What I'd like to know is would it be considered unusual among the fay for one of them to feel so at the death of a mortal?

Thanks a bunch, Greg. I think we've all a great thing going with this open forum.

Greg responds...

You're welcome, Doc.

As to your question, I wouldn't say it's unusual. But it's not common either.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Did the Weird Sisters give immortality to any other mortals?

Greg responds...

Other than who?

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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The One writes...

1) Does Titania truly love Oberon or is he more of a pawn that she uses while she rules through him? What initially attracted the two together?

2) What are Titania's feelings toward's Halcyon Renard's illness? Obviously, it would have been in her power to cure the disease or indirectly use it to create some scientific cure. Why hasn't she tried to heal Renard?

3) What are Halcyon Renard's feelings towards Titania/Anastasia? Is he bitter, angry? How does he feel about the fact that Titania shall stay young, beautiful, and alive forever while he is condemned to rot before his death?

Greg responds...

1) She loves him. And he is very attractive to her. He has power and unpredictability. A certain nobility. Intense loyalty. Command. He's probably great in bed too, frankly.

We've tended to see him from a certain point of view. Not hers.

2. It's neither that simple or that easy. I reject your premise. But she still cares for him, if that's what you want to know.

3. I think he misses her terribly. I don't think he quite has his head around the entire Titania thing. But I also think to him, even before he knew about Titania, Anastasia always seemed young and beautiful. And on some level, that was a comfort. He's not looking to bring the whole world down with him. Let alone those he cares for.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

1) Can the any of the fae or the fae collectively create a world as in a planet? In the myths and legends the fae were often the creators of all life and the earth.

Greg responds...

Seems beyond their range, frankly.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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The One writes...

1) Why did Odin's eye contain his magick and power? How did he come to lose the eye? Other fae have lost great parts of their perceived bodily mass seemingly without any loss of their magickal abilities (Anansi and Bean Sidhe).

2) Why didn't Odin call upon the Aesir or his magical servants to help him retrieve the eye? You said that since Goliath possessed the eye that Odin did not feel that he was breaking Oberon's law; so then, why not call upon Thor or the Valkryies (spelling)?

3) Are there any other fae body parts out there that function as potent magickal talismans? If so, what are they?

Greg responds...

1) The eye didn't contain his power. It linked to it. He traded the eye for a drink from Mimir's pool of wisdom.

2) The Children of Oberon tend not to travel in packs these days. Besides, him retrieving his eye isn't interfering. Asking Thor, assuming Thor survived Ragnarok, is a whole other kettle of Aesir.

3) Yeah, like I was going to answer that.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

You indicated in one of your recent responses that Shangri-La came to mind as the site of a possible, but unmade, Avalon World Tour adventure. What I'm curious about is whether it'd be possible to include Shangri-La in "Gargoyles". I believe that it was invented by James Hilton in his novel "Lost Horizon", written and published in the 1930's, which could make it a little too recent to be quite in the public domain as yet, though I'm not certain on that.

Greg responds...

Yeah, I'm not certain either. Shangri-La was mentioned in passing in the comic book story that I wrote for Marvel, which was never published. That was allowed, because it was a "diminimous" reference.

Before I actually set an adventure there, I'd need to make sure I was legally allowed to. If in fact, Shangri-La was created by Hilton and wasn't in the public domain, I'd probably shift to something like Kun-Lun. Tell the same kind of story there.

You know, on a related note, we did check Brigadoon (which was mentioned in a similar diminimous fashion in the Gargoyles/Captain Atom/Justice League Europe parody story I wrote, which WAS published by DC Comics) way back when, as a kind of proto-Avalon. We found out that wasn't legendary, but a creation of the modern non-public domain musical. So I went with my initial plan and used Avalon.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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matt writes...

are the English gargoyles the only gargoyles that resemble mammals? all the other clans we saw resembled medieval demons, not that they are demons or anything...
hmmm, i don't think your going to respond to the question in the way i intended, but i'm not sure i know how to rephrase it.

Greg responds...

Your premise is faulty.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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matt writes...

you said that Katherine, Tom and the Magus imitated gargoyle customs, which the Magus had knowledge of, when raising the eggs. what did they do to raise a hatchling in gargoyle fashion?

Greg responds...

As much as they could and knew how to.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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matt writes...

i just want to make sure i'm correct on this:

among the Guatemalan clan, only the pendant wearing gargoyles have names, correct? if so, those names are always the ones that the four gargs have now, right? so when Jade passes his pendant down that garg will become Jade and Jade will become unnamed again, right?

Greg responds...

Yeah, pretty much.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Justin writes...


I am sorry that you misunderstood me. Here was my first question...

Justin writes...
Quick question,

You have mentioned that not all of the currently existing clans have names. So by the time of The Journey, how many of the clans have names? ( Not including London, Manhattan, Labyrinth, Ishimura, Avalon and Guatemala.) And which ones?

To which you replied,

Greg responds...

Huh? I'm not sure what you mean by names?

1. The London Clan. London, England.

2. The Ishimura Clan. Ishimura, Japan.

3. The Mayan Clan. ChacIxChel, Guatemala.

4. The Korea Clan. Pukhan, Korea.

5. The Xanadu Clan. Xanadu, China.

6. The Loch Ness Clan. Loch Ness, Scotland.

7. The New Olympian Clan. Mount Thanatos, New Olympus.

8. The Avalon Clan. Oberon's Palace, Avalon.

9. The Manhattan Clan. New York, U.S.A.

10. The Labyrinth Clan. New York, U.S.A.

recorded on 03-02-01

When I asked about the names what I meant to ask was how many of use names other than the clans I have mentioned above.

Off the record I really enjoyed the information you gave though :)

Thanks again man!

Greg responds...

Uh, you mean how many of the Gargoyles in those clans use names? I'm not answering that now.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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matt writes...

i was really surprised how easily Hyena forgives Jackal, i mean he is always calling her sick for falling in lust with Coyote, then in "Grief" Jackal destroys Coyote and makes Hyena a baby, but by "The Green" Hyena happily makes jokes with her brother. it just didn't seem right and it didn't seem like it fit in with the theme of consequences in "Gargoyles"... your thoughts...

Greg responds...

Hyena's a freak. Coyote can always be rebuilt. And Jackal and Hyena have always both counted on and sniped at each other.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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matt writes...

is Proteus the only shapeshifter on New Olympus when Goliath and co. visited? or, at least, is he the only shapeshifter with his range of abilities?

Greg responds...

I'm not saying at this time.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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matt writes...

in "Sanctuary" when Macbeth and Demona are fighting, Demona gets a hold of a gun and so does Elisa, Macbeth pulls back his jacket to let Demona shoot him and in the last second starts saying "NO!". is this because he realizes he doesn't want Demona to kill him and or is it because he sees that Elisa is about to shoot Demona and thus he won't die?

Greg responds...

He sees Elisa and realizes that her intervention will spoil his suicide attempt.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Shavri writes...

Ohp, here I go again... Why does Iago/Coldsteel hate Goliath so much. Jealousy, and or something else?

Greg responds...

He doesn't actually. I mean, he doesn't like particularly, but most of his ire is reserved for Othello/Coldstone. Goliath was never anything more than a convenient pawn.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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