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Jay writes...

Will Damian Wayne be drawn with Arabic features? He's always drawn and colored as if he's white in other mediums, but has such an important heritage. Wayne Family Adventures is the only one I can think of that shows this accurately.

Greg responds...

Damian al Ghul is biracial. And we've designed him with that in mind.

Response recorded on February 18, 2022

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Playdate Questions! writes...

Hello, Greg! I have some questions regarding the super-playdate we saw in the Home Fires episode of YJ: Outsiders.

1. How did Mera, Artur, Lois, Jonny, and co. arrive at the West-Allen home? I believe you answered in a previous question that they used zeta tubes, but how did they get from said-zeta tube to the house? Does Mera know how to drive? Did they Uber? Establishing shots didn't show any parked cars around the house, so I'm curious how everyone arrived.
2. How did Ocean-Master know the playdate would be happening on that day? It's clear from his set-up in the adjacent house that he's been keeping an eye on the West-Allen house for a while, but can the same be said for all the attendees? How did he know the playdate would be at that house instead of, say, Will's?
3. I loved seeing how much resemblance the kids have to their parents (Artur to Orin, Don to Barry, Dawn to Iris and Barry, Jonny to Clark), and it reminded me of a question asked long ago (I believe to Jerome K. Moore, but it might've been Phil Bourassa) about the decision to have Lian have red hair instead of the black despite being a fourth-Vietnamese. Did the character artists decide how much resemblance each youngster would have to their parent, or did you and Brandon have that worked out beforehand? For example, did you plan on Don being an adorable mini-Barry or was that the artist's decision? Moving forward to Phantoms, was the same line of thinking applied to Damian as shown in Episode 5's Tale of Two Sisters?
4. In the episode, Will shows relief when John arrives with Traya as he's another father in a sea of mothers. Is this to imply that Barry, Jeff, Orin, and Clark are often too busy with League business to attend the playdates? Or was that mainly in reference to THAT specific playdate?
5. Was there a reason Mal didn't join Karen at the playdate? This one could very well be a spoiler request, but it did strike me as odd considering Karen's eagerness to join the playdate club.

Anyways, thank you in advance! This was one of my favorite episodes of the season and I'm thoroughly loving Phantoms! I hope you're enjoying your day!

Greg responds...

1. I'm thinking cabs or Uber or Lyft. I'm thinking that now, cuz I never bothered thinking about it before now.

2. If you're eavesdropping, you get intel.

3. It's usually a discussion between Brandon, myself and the character designers.

4a. It might imply that, yes.

4b. At minimum, yes.

5. Let's assume he was otherwise occupied.

Response recorded on February 17, 2022

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Verdragon writes...

Do Bio-Ships have actual names and they're just not able to really be expressed to non-Bio-Ships in any way that makes sense, or are they all nameless like Gargoyles as a result of being a sort of hivemind?

Greg responds...

I don't think they have a hive mind in the traditional science fiction sense. Memories are passed down, but that's not quite the same thing, is it? My guess is that there "names" are a series of vocalizations that a human would have a hard time pronouncing at all, let alone distinguishing. But I haven't thought about it, honestly. I'd have to discuss it with Brandon before reaching a final conclusion.

Response recorded on February 16, 2022

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Was the first arc of "Phantoms" on Mars at all inspired by Alfred Bester's novel, "THE DEMOLISHED MAN". The entire premise of that book is a society where everyone is a telepath and how one gets away with murder. It was also the first Hugo Award winner way back in 1953.

Greg responds...

I haven't read it and wasn't familiar with the premise, even. And Brandon never mentioned it. So, I'm thinking the answer is no.

Response recorded on February 16, 2022

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Nick writes...

Hi, Greg! Hope the final stretch of PHANTOMS production is going as well as can be. I'm absolutely loving the episodes so far!

I had a quick question after watching "Tale of Two Sisters" for the fifth time though, as I realized that this is the second episode in S3/S4 where we've seen Paula Crock visiting Will and Artemis's house in Star City. Last we saw, she lived in Gotham.

If it's not too spoilery, I was wondering if:

A. Paula lives in Star City now?
B. Paula has an A-designation? (Not asking for what it is, just if she has one.)
C. Paula simply takes the occasional cross-country flight to visit her daughter?

Greg responds...

A. Yep.

B. That feels like a spoiler question.

C. No, she moved to Star City.

Response recorded on February 16, 2022

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Lucy writes...

In young justice season 4 episode Volatile superboy and beast boy hug and superboy calls beast boy brother. Why and when did Superboy start viewing Beast Boy as a brother ?

Greg responds...

I don't know that there was a specific date I could pin down. But basically, once it became clear that Conner was marrying M'gann, thus making Garfield his soon-to-be-brother-in-law, and once Conner got familiar and comfortable with everyone in Geranium City loosely calling each other brother and sister, it evolved naturally over time.

Response recorded on February 15, 2022

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Grey writes...

Does Artemis work in Royal University, Star City?

Greg responds...

She works AT or FOR Royal University IN Star City, yes.

Response recorded on February 14, 2022

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Todd writes...

1. How rich is Oliver Queen after losing his fortune on Earth 16? He’s got to have a lot of money to maintain a number of equipment stashes in Star City (and abroad), as well as to pay for his and presumably Arsenals and Arrowettes arrows and other weapons.

2. Does Ollie still drive that hybrid car from the Green Arrow short?
2a. Is it the same car that we saw Artemis driving in Tale of Two Sisters?

3. What is Ollie and Dinahs relationship like right now?

Greg responds...

1. He's not at all rich. I'd put him in the lower middle class, if such a thing exists anymore. He makes a decent living, and has some legacy property from when he was rich. He doesn't have to pay for Arsenal's weaponry. Arsenal's trust fund does that. I'm not even sure he pays for Arrowette's arrows. But maybe. Haven't thought about it.

2. Not confirming or denying that the hybrid car is in YJ continuity.

2a. No.

3. Strong, overall. They have bumps. But they generally get past them.

Response recorded on February 14, 2022

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Mark writes...


In the Gargoyles meets Spectacular Spider-Man meets Young Justice Radio Play, Artemis refers to leaving Roy to watch Lian and JW. You once remarked about accidentally including a spoiler in the play, and I assumed the existence of JW was that spoiler, but now we're past season three and into season four with no sign of a JW.

1) Was JW the spoiler you had mentioned?
2) Did your plans regarding JW change by the time the show was back in production?
3) If your plans did change, could you tell us about JW and the original plan?

Thank you.

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. Just the timing a bit.

3. Nothing's changed.

Response recorded on February 14, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Is Traci Zatanna`s first protégé?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 11, 2022

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