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Marvelman writes...

1) I'm really amazed that Artemis has a genuine interest in literature! She always struck me as the kind of person who would rather kick ass than engage in solitary intellectual pursuits. In season one, she shows little interest in reading. She was enrolled in comparative literature in season 2, but that is a major young people often choose when they have no idea what they want to do with their lives.

1) Was Artemis being a reader something that you had imagined pre-season one or is it something that developed over time?

2) Who are Artemis' five favourite living writers? Of any genre?

3) Who are Artemis' five favourite dead/historical writers? Of any genre?

4) Does Artemis dislike Milton? (I ask because I see him as being too elitist for Artemis' personality.)

5) Does Artemis have a specific field or era of interest? The field of comparative literature is rather large.

Greg responds...

1. I find it more telling about you that you are "really amazed Artemis has a genuine interest in literature!" You saw nothing in S1 that justifies the statement "she shows little interest," which implies somehow that we showed other characters showing much interests, which of course, we didn't. There just wasn't the screen time for it. So really what you should be saying is that we showed nothing at all about Artemis' academic interests, which is a fair statement. And again, I find your statement that Comparative Literature is a major chosen by people who have no idea what to do with their lives very judgmental. I majored in English, myself. I'm sure some English majors weren't sure what they were going to do with their lives, but others like myself, did. (I wanted to be a writer, in case that wasn't obvious. I also briefly flirted with the idea of being a professor but decided against it.)

2. I think we always thought she was a reader. But we always thought ALL of our characters were readers. In terms of her specific long-term secret identity career interests, pre-S1 we didn't have that planned out for anyone except Kaldur. But Brandon and I both believed that the Comp Lit track felt right and matched up what we knew about Artemis' character.

3. I'm not playing this game.

4. I like Milton. Not sure why she wouldn't. But I haven't put too much thought into her thoughts on this one specific writer.

5. Her dissertation, which she's still working on as of S4, is on Vietnamese literature and its resonance (or lack thereof) with archetypes in Western Culture. But her interests are wider.

Response recorded on March 16, 2022

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Anon writes...

Will Beast Boys bio suit eventually want to leave like the bio ship? Will his clothes just decide to leave in the middle of a fight?

Greg responds...

No. The bio-suits are more like plants than animals. They have less of what we would call sentience or sapience. Fair question, though.

Response recorded on March 16, 2022

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ReadyMason writes...

Hi Greg, I love YJ and have been watching since it first aired on CN, my question is, why did The Reach only abduct teens and no adults? Wouldn’t people be less likely to notice or look for missing adults than teens? Thanks even if you can’t answer!

Greg responds...

Teen runaways tend to have fewer connections to the world. They are traditionally more vulnerable. This is true with human-trafficking, which meta-human-trafficking was designed to be a metaphor for.

In addition, within the world of the show, an activated meta-human is of more use (and likely to have a longer shelf-life) if it starts out on the younger side.

Response recorded on March 16, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

How old is the monkey who bit Gar?
Are Floyd and Leroy Bell brothers?
Are they pre-existing comic characters?

Greg responds...

1. Depends on what you believe about him...

2. Yes, in this continuity.

3. Kinda/sorta... they're homages.

Response recorded on March 16, 2022

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Rob writes...

why has kaldur always been a pretty emotionless character in YJ was this always apart of his arc?

Greg responds...

I don't think of him as emotionless at all. I do think of him as stoic. He doesn't reveal as much as some others do. At least not on the surface. He does keep a tighter rein then his fellow heroes.

I don't know that I'd say it's part of his "arc," but it is part of his character. Stay tuned for more in the second half of Season Four, which premieres on March 31st, 2022.

Response recorded on March 15, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

One of my favorite things about YJ is the way Batman was portrayed in S1. I loved how he was a father figure and a mentor - we rarely get to see that side of him in DC media. We didn't see him much in S2, but I felt like he was emotionally closed off when saying bye to his kids before leaving for Rimbor. And by S3, he feels very cold and distant - especially in the way he talked to Tim in Triptych. I'm wondering if this was a deliberate character choice or if this is just the result of the show changing focus after S1?

Greg responds...

Mostly, the latter. He just isn't as important to the plotline after S1, and many, many characters are battling it out for screen time.

But I also don't really agree with your assessment (though of course you're entitled to your interpretation). I think Batman is a great father figure and mentor. We've tried to show that consistently in every season, to the extent we've had room for the character (which, again, differs from season to season). He's always used a version of tough love, both with his own proteges and with the Team. And I think that's how we portrayed him in both Invasion and Outsiders.

Response recorded on March 15, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Do the members of the light have specific roles in the organization? Or do they just pick any villain that has enough influence?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what you're asking. Who is the "they" in your second question?

Each member of the Light has their specialty and purview. Is that what you meant?

Response recorded on March 15, 2022

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

Why won't Unnamed-Meta-Teen-A-Four-one reveal her name?
Where was Big Barda during the fight between the Furies and the Team?
Why did Terra panic after learning that Gabrielle allowed Jaculi to kill the king and queen?

Greg responds...

1. She doesn't want her history traced.

2. Elsewhere.

3. It rocked her world.

Response recorded on March 15, 2022

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Himiko writes...

After the doom patrol was form did the doom patrol ever work with the justice league or the team on a mission in young justice timeline if not why not ?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on March 15, 2022

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Cass writes...

1. How does Ollie afford to maintain so many equipment stashes in Star City (and possibly abroad as well) if he’s broke? He mentioned that if the vault was compromised it would be “no huge loss”

2. Are Dinah and Roy close?

3. How close are Tigress and Arsenal?

4. Does Jim live in Geranium City or Star City?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know why you think he has "so many equipment stashes." We've seen one. If the Vault is compromised (which it was), it's no huge loss, as there's nothing to connect it to Oliver Queen. And the equipment could be replaced. As to how he pays for it, he may have set some stuff up before he went broke. Or he may get a stipend from the League.

2. Pretty close.

3. Artemis is obviously closer to Will than Roy. But they're friendly. (Arrow-Family sticks together.) And she's the one who brought him back to the Team.

4. He has places in both cities.

Response recorded on March 15, 2022

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