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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Abra Kadabra born?
2. What year did Brainiac 5 join the Legion of Superheroes?
3. What year did Chameleon Boy join the Legion of Superheroes?
4. What year was Lightning Lad born?
5. What year did Lightning Lad join the Legion of Superheroes?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Moonrider born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
2. What year was Orion born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
3. What year was Overlord created?
4. What year was Serifan born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
5. What year was Sphere created?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Kalibak born?
2. What year was Kreetin born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
3. What year was Lashina born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?
4. What year was Lightray born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
5. What year was Metron born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Granny Goodness born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?
2. What year was Grayven born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
3. What year was Highfather born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
4. What year was Highmother born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?
6. What year was Jovita born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Desaad born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
2. What year was Dreamer born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?
3. What year was Gilotina born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?
4. What year was G. Gordon Godfrey born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
5. What year was Granny Goodness’s Gretchen Goode doppelganger created? Did she begin operation as the head of Goode World Studios around the same time?

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Anonymous writes...

Have a good day Mr. Weisman.
Firstly I would like to say that I love your work and fingers crossed for continuing with Young Justice, Gargoyles or any project you wish to work on. The second thing is that English is not my native language and I am sorry for mistakes.

I gather so many questions over the years and I hope I am not asking for spoilers because the "No spoilers" was one of many things what sell your shows to me.

1. Are there any male New Genesphers or bioships?

2. In episode "Failsafe" we can see Alfred, Barbara and Betty together. Was it something (teoreticly) Dick ask him to do?
(I overthought this one too many times)

3. What do you think, is Violet trixic, toric or bisexual (umbrela term)?
(Well, I do not think they were thinking about this)

Thank you for your time, representation, amazing shows, my hobby (drawing but that is credit for Phil Bourassa) and my favorite number (16!).
Please, exuse me for mistakes or if any of these questions was asked before, I did not find it.

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Anonymous writes...

1. You have made it clear that your answers on this site are not officially canon and sometimes used the term "canon-in-training" to describe them. You have also recently revealed that some non-YJ projects are "canon-adjacent" to Earth-16. In cases where canon-adjacent lore and canon-in-training lore do not match up, what is the hierarchy here? I understand these situations will likely be decided on a case-by-case basis, but generally which should we defer to?

2. More specifically, some Green Lantern lore from the now canon-adjacent GL:TAS contradicts answers you've given here over the years. For example, you've said that on Earth-16 two GLs are appointed to each Space Sector and you've talked about Guy Gardner being in a coma when John Stewart debuted as a hero. I presume these answers (from 2012 and 2013) were given long before it was decided to import some continuity from GL:TAS. Therefore I would like to ask if these notions (or any others you'd like to share) about Earth-16's Green Lantern history and lore have at all changed, now that you've crossed over with that other series?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. Does the Earth-16 universe has its own version of the Antimatter Universe (aka. Sector -1; which is the only known space sector with a negative number designation)? Also, does Qward (the home planet of the Sinestro Corps) exist in the Earth-16 version of Antimatter Universe?

#2. Was Hal Jordan's Green Lantern predecessor Abin Sur; an alien from the planet Ungara (which is located in Sector 2814)? Also, in comparison to the comics, how much of the Earth-16 version of their encounter is the same/different?

#3. Was Hal Jordan's Green Lantern mentor Thaal Sinestro; an alien from the planet Korugar (which is located in Sector 1417)? Also, in comparison to the comics, how much of the Earth-16 version of the history between Hal Jordan and Sinestro is the same/different?

#4. Who was John Stewart's Green Lantern predecessor before he obtained the Green Lantern power ring?

#5. Who was Guy Gardner's Green Lantern predecessor before he obtained the Green Lantern power ring?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Antinoõs born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
2. What year was Big Barda born?
3. What year was Bear born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
4. What year was Celestia born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?
5. What year was Darkseid born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was All-Widow born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?
2. What year was Larva (blue) born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?
3. What year was Larva (red) born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
4. What year was Mountain Forager (red) born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
5. What year was Mountain Forager (purple) born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Sardath born?
2. What year was Scientist born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?
3. What year did K'rii St'ferr become a Y'ellonn Martian Priest?
4. What year was Sykara born?
5. What year did Sykara become Queen of M'arzz?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Mongul take over the Warworld?
2. What year was Orb-One created?
3. What year did Razer become a member of the Red Lantern Corps?
4. What year was the Starro creature Klarion teleported to Babylon born?
5. What year did Tomar-Re become a Green Lantern?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Kylstar born?
2. What year was L-Ron created?
3. What year was Lobo born?
4. What year was Lok-Ron created?
5. What year was Mongul born?

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PhnStr writes...

Hi Greg! How are you doing? I hope you're well.

By the time that you read this, Phantoms will have concluded, and hopefully we (the viewers) will all know what has really happened to Conner (i.e. how precisely he got into the Phantom Zone), as well as how he will get out (if he gets out... I mean, I imagine that he will, but as his circumstances are still somewhat mysterious, I do not want to assume anything).

At the time of my writing/typing, 420 has been released, so there are six episodes left. People are assuming that Phantom Girl managed to transport herself and Conner into the Phantom Zone, which certainly SEEMS like a safe assumption.

However, there remains the matter of the ash in the shape of Conner's body on the cave wall. I have brought this up online and have observed that the ash being in that shape would seem to suggest that Conner's BODY was indeed destroyed in the explosion. However, I have faced ridicule from some corners of the fanbase (only a handful of people, it seems, at least) who have insisted that the ash proves that Conner's body was NOT destroyed. I am not sure how they reached that conclusion. (I am also not sure why they insulted me when they typed this -- it is a sad sign of the toxicity of some fans they they feel the need to sprinkle their retort with rudeness and insults.)

This leads to wonder if you could clarify, please, whether the ash in the shape of Conner's body was intended to suggest that he was dead. This is certainly what I took from how M'gann and Garfield reacted at the end of "Involuntary" (M'gann facial expression and Gar's words), so I would like to think that the YJ crew did indeed want the viewers to see the ash as an indicator of Conner's likely demise. Could you clarify, please? I have a feeling that you will confirm that the ash was meant to suggest this (whether or not it was a red herring at the time) and so I look forward to your answer.

It really feels like my understanding of what happened with the ash on the cave wall is SO different to what others have perceived, so by asking you, I hope to bridge the gap in my understanding if possible... or at least highlighted what was intended to be conveyed in this scene.

Many thanks!

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Anonymous writes...

In episode 4x12 Zatara flashes back to the day Superman defeated Mechanical Monsters, a clear reference to the Fleischer Superman films. Is that series, or at least The Mechanical Monsters instalment, canon-adjacent to Earth-16?

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Family writes...

Do Karen and Mal live in Happy Harbor or Ivy Town?
Did they tell their friends about their daughter?

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

If Joker's bomb threat on the UN took place in 2018, which was when Spoiler joined the Team, does that mean she joined in January? And was she new as Spoiler during that mission?

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Sam writes...

Hey Greg!

My question is about M'gann's eye color. The whites of M'gann's eyes turned black when she went to M'arzz, though there are some scenes on M'arzz where the whites of her eyes are, well, white. It initially seemed like her eyes turned white whenever she casted a mental projection or was aboard Bio-ship / Baby, but there are some scenes that do not align with this pattern. Young Justice has always dealt with themes of identity and perception (especially with M'gann), and her eyes are always white when she is on Earth, so I was curious if her decision to switch between her eye colors was motivated by her desire to appear "more human" or "more Martian" based on who she is around? Or am I trying to find a pattern where there isn't one?

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Anonymous writes...

It is very rare for vandal savage to be angry, but as shown with kaldur after he ruined the reach summit and after the lords of order killed orm it is possible to piss him off. So what I want to ask is vandal savage capable of holding a grudge?

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Anonymous writes...

Did anyone in Atlantis try to contact Dr. Fate to have Nabu verify the identity of Arion? I had originally believed that Savage would have taken specific steps to counter that exact scenario, but seeing that with the Crown of Arion it seems the Lords of Order could instantly tell he was a fraud, and Nabu would know better than anyone that that wasn't his Nephew.

Even if they didn't know about his specific familial relation to Nabu, he could identify the golden magics that are even more ancient than those Atlantis knows of.

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Anonymous writes...

1 Is darkseid’s view of grayven better or worse than his view of kalibak?
2 is grayven younger or older than kalibak and orion
3 does grayven view his brother kalibak as a rival?
4 what was grayven’s opinion on when his father formed an Alliance with genghis Kahn(vandal savage)?
5 Considering grayven is one of darkseid’s lesser known Sons what made you decide to use him in your show?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In light of GL:TAS being canon-adjacent, I would like to ask you a question in regards to the planet Ysmault; home planet of the Red Lantern Corps. In the comics, there are two space sectors that have been identified as to where Ysmault is located; one being Sector 2814 and the other being Sector 666. As such, which Sector is canon for Ysmault's location in the Earth-16 universe; the former, or the latter?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Earth-16 universe, is the name of the Reach's home planet called Reachworld; like in the comics?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Are the Appellaxians capable of combining their host bodies together into a golem WITHOUT the help of Apokoliptian technology? If true, did they do this during their battle against the seven founding members of the Justice League as a last-ditch attempt to defeat them once and for all?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In season 1, Dick Grayson told Black Canary during a therapy session that he did NOT want to become Batman. However, even though Batman will NEVER die, Bruce Wayne eventually WILL die at some point, and when that time finally comes, I suspect an Earth-16 version of "Batman: Battle for the Cowl" will likely happen. If true, do you think Dick would have to step up and become Batman, so that the no one else will misuse the cowl and disgrace the name of Batman?

PS. If Dick DOES end up becoming Batman in the Earth-16 universe, I would like to make an important suggestion to you: Dick's version of the Batsuit should be based on the version that is briefly seen in Detective Comics issue #966 (in the panel in which a future version of Tim Drake mentioned that Dick took on the mantle of Batman for a time before eventually moving on); the reason for my suggestion is because its appearance seems good enough to be a Batman/Nightwing hybrid costume.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the comics, there are two versions of Mongul; the first one is Mongul MDCCXCI (aka. Mongul the 1791st) and the other is his son, Mongul MDCCXCII (aka. Mongul the 1792nd). As such, in the Earth-16 universe, is your version of Mongul the former or the latter?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Earth-16 universe, is Appellaxia (home planet of the Appellaxians) located in Sector 2814?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. In the Earth-16 universe, is the universe divided into 3600 space sectors?

#2. Does the Reach originate from Sector 2?

#3. Is Krolotea (the homeworld of the Kroloteans) located in Sector 2812?

#4. Is Oa located in Sector 0?

#5. Does the Red Lantern Corps live in Ysmault; located in Sector 2814?

#6. Are Xudar (home of Tomar-Re), Zamaron (home of the Star Sapphires), and Krypton located in Sector 2813?

#7. Does the Blue Lantern Corps live in Odym; located in Sector 2628?

#8. Is Daxam located in Sector 1760?

#9. Are Thanagar and Rann located in Sector 2682?

#10. Is Bolovax Vik located in Sector 674?

#11. Which Sector is Rimbor located?

#12. Which Sectors are New Genesis and Apokolips located?

#13. Which Sector does Mongul come from?

#14. Which Sector does Razer come from?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Just so I can understand this correctly, Wyynde's shame stems from the fact that Ocean-Master was revealed to be Prince Orm in 2012. As such, Wyynde had been dealing with the guilt of being fooled/manipulated by Ocean-Master for 8 years. Am I correct in this interpretation? If not, then what was the actual reason why Wyynde felt so ashamed?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Alanna born?
2. Have you pinned down a more exact year for Collector of Worlds' birth than 16,000 BCE? If so, what is it?
3. What year was Despero born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
4. What year was Draaga born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
5. What year did Kilowog become a Green Lantern?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Non born?
2. What year was Faora Hu-Ul born?
3. What year was Jax-Ur born?
4. What year was Vor-Kil born?
5. What year was Kru-El born?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Dru-Zod born?
2. What year did Dru-Zod begin his coup on Krypton?
3. When did Jor-El become Chief Scientist?
4. What year was Ursa Zod born?
5. What year did Zor-El become Chief Examiner?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did J'arlia J'axx become queen regent of M'arzz?
2. What year did S'turnn J'axx become king of M'arzz?
3. What year was Ma'arrun born?
4. What year did Ma'arrun become king on Mars?
5. What year did S'yraa S'mitt become a Y'ellonn Martian Priestess?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was the Reach Ambassador born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
2. What year was Black Beetle born?
3. What year was Green Beetle’s Bio-Ship born?
4. What year was Scarab created?
5. What year did Scarab come to Earth?

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Anonymous writes...

1. So now that GLTAS is canon adjacent, did you by any chance before doing the episode with Razer do a re-watch of Green Lantern The Animated Series to see what you would add to your timeline of Earth-16 like what events fit and what you can ignore.
2. Like are you aware of the lore building events referred but not show in GLTAS like Atrocious vs orange lantern corps conflict or are you going with the more let's see what the timeline and story needs and if so I will consult GLTAS lore and story accordingly.
3. I just realised this but Hal Jordan doesn't have a VA (aside from his uncredited one line in Agendas) in young justice so can we expect Josh Keaton to reprise his role.
4. Would it be safe to assume that Razer was a one time thing and won't return or can I be hopeful that one day he will.
5. Any chance of seeing Green Loontern on earth-16 or can you not use Looney Tunes characters.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I am of the honest opinion that if the Earth-16 version of Amanda Waller ever shows up again in a future season of Young Justice, she should aim higher/go bigger and she should create her own version of the Justice League that answers directly to the United States government. In terms of what I personally think the team's name should be, it should be called either the Justice League of America (The New 52) OR the Justice Squad (Future State). I do have some ideas as to who should be the members of this group, and I wish to share them with you below:

"Batman" - The logical choice would have to be Bane; considering he has impersonated Batman in The New 52; specifically, during the "Forever Evil" event. I personally liked his version of the Batman costume that he wore during that event. I had also considered Lincoln March to be a secondary choice, but the problem is that there is no indication that the Batman Family has encountered the Court of Owls in the Earth-16 universe.

"Wonder Woman" - The logical choice would have to be Berchta; a very dangerous Amazon who was introduced in issue #6 of "Wonder Woman: Black and Gold." Granted, she has not made any other appearances outside of this issue, but considering her origin story (part of which involves a very personal vendetta against Wonder Woman's mother, Hippolyta), she would be a mighty force to be reckoned with.

"Superman" - This is a somewhat tricky one, but I think this should be the Earth-16 version of Gotham (Henry Clover, Jr.); a character who was introduced in the Batman comics during the DC Rebirth era. It is never revealed as to how he (and his sister) acquired metahuman powers in the comics, but they appear to be akin to Superman's own powers; even though the weakness is that the use of such powers shaves time off his own lifespan, and elevating the potency of his powers causes him to expend a greater amount of his life; thus hastening his death.

"Aquaman" - The logical choice would have to be the Orm clone; with my personal assumption that he would only become a member if he feels lost and he needs some kind of purpose in his life.

"Green Lantern" - The logical choice would have to be the Earth-16 version of Simon Baz. If his origin story is similar to that in the comics, perhaps Waller would blackmail Simon into joining the team.

"The Flash" - The first logical choice would have to be the Earth-16 version of Godspeed (August Heart). Since the Earth-16 version of Barry Allen apparently has no tragic origin story, and therefore likely has no personal nemesis (Reverse-Flash), the logical thing that should happen is to make the Earth-16 version of August Heart be the antithesis of Earth-16's Barry Allen; using a similar history from the comics, but making Earth-16's August Heart become miserable (which should stem from not being able to get justice for the death of his brother, Jorge Heart); whereas Earth-16's Barry Allen has been shown to be happy. If you are not happy with this choice, then the second logical choice should be Meena Dhawan; who has been both a hero speedster (as Fast Track) and a villain speedster (as Negative Flash) in the comics.

"Martian Manhunter" - This is a very considerably tricky one, but I honestly think that this should be an original Earth-16 character who should be described as a White Martian who should also be a direct descendant of the White Martian named Z'kran Z'rann; a character seen in the "Green Lanterns" comics. I also feel that this character should dress and deal with criminals in a near-similar manner to Z'kran Z'rann (from during the time before acquiring a Green Lantern Power Ring); although the character's own attire should be a more "modernized" appearance in comparison to Z'kran Z'rann's own attire.

I need you to please keep in mind that I put a considerable amount of thought into this, and because I honestly feel that this is something that the Earth-16 version of Amanda Waller would likely be able to try to do in a future season of Young Justice. I would not have dared to present this big suggestion to you otherwise if I didn't think it has great potential (and I REALLY think it COULD if you give it a chance). I hope that you will read this thoroughly and take what I have presented to you into some consideration.

Thank you very much for reading, for your patience, and your understanding.

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Anonymous writes...

I was browsing through the archives and found this interesting question and response from 2014:

I’m A Fan writes…
How is creating Star Wars Rebels' story and characters compared to YJ's and Spectacular's, considering those were in alternate continuities rather than part of official canon?

Greg responds…
It was very different. But it's impossible to discuss without spoiling. Ask again after the first season airs.


As far as I can tell, nobody ever asked again after the season aired, so I might as well. Do you by any chance remember what you wanted to discuss? Not only have you contributed to the Star Wars canon, but you’ve also written stories for the Prime DC Universe and 616 Marvel Universe, even gaming worlds like WoW and MTG. Care to share any particular thoughts, anecdotes, insight, etc, on playing with IP in a large shared universe vs reinventing it for a new continuity?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If Green Lantern: The Animated Series is "canon adjacent," that means that Hal Jordan's love interest, Carol Ferris, would likely have already become a member of the Star Sapphires and have reconnected with Hal Jordan in the Earth-16 universe by now. As such, what has she been doing as a Star Sapphire since 2016/2017?

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Marvelman writes...

In the comics, a Blue Lantern ring can't normally fire unless there is a green ring in the vicinity, yet we see Razer punch Metron with a blue construct without a Green Lantern close by.
Were Kilowog & Tomar-re close enough to empower Razer even if they weren't on-screen at the time? Or, do blue-hope rings not have that specific limitation on Earth-16?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to the Earth-16 version of Razer:

#1. When was he born?

#2. Is the name of his homeworld Volkreg, and is it located in a sector of space known as the Forgotten Zone (also known as Frontier Space, or Guardian Frontier)?

#3. Was his wife's name Ilana, and was she killed by Atrocitus, the leader of the Red Lantern Corps?

#4. Prior to his introduction in the Earth-16 universe, how long had he been a member of the Red Lantern Corps before he began using the Blue Lantern Ring?

#5. Would you be willing to continue his storyline of his quest to find Aya in future seasons of Young Justice, or will the outcome of his quest remain open for interpretation?

#6. If, by some miracle, his quest to find Aya becomes successful, do you believe they will possibly decide to live together in peace away from any and all conflict in the universe, or do you think they could possibly go on some adventures together?

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Anonymous writes...

You're making it worse for those of us who want diversity in superhero media Now the rapid fanboys are blaming the diverse characters for lowering the show's quality when it's really just bad writing Who do you think ends up getting affected by that in real life while you collect your check and Twitter points

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Anonymous writes...

You know why you and Brandon ended up misgendering Halo - because making them declare that they're "nonbinary" was such a stupid half baked afterthought that even you guys forgot about it LMAOOOOO this is what happens when you cram as much shallow representation into a show as humanly possible

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Anonymous writes...

you took the time to change halos host body's name from gabrielle doe to gabrielle daou but did it not occur to anyone who worked on the show that its incredibly strange for an arab muslim character to have an english christian first name might not seem like a big deal but i think it perfectly displays how small your worldview is because it immediately jumped out as weird to me and all of my friends when we watched and most of my friends who watch are white if you missed something that obvious no wonder the character was so bad

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Andrina Horny writes...

Hey, Bestieeeeeeee.

OMG, Gregy you dodged a bullet with that apology, homieeee!! All both of my Tumblr friends were like "oh our gods!! That boomer did NOT just misgender our they/them-bitch Halo!!! Hoe, we gotta cancel his ass into unemployment!!" And I was like "they/them-giiiiirl, Gregy is my bestie since I met him at SDCC. We are all bffs and shit. He hooked me up with them screeners and but doesn't and all the good stuff... though he doesn't follow me on twitter and never retweets my amaaaahzing Cheshire shit posts. Yeah let's all three of us cancel that mf!! I'm the Campaign Queen after all!! I'm sure it will as well as all my other ones!!!"

But you got to your senses on time and bent over like a good pliable boomer for us to butt fuck you with our dildos...

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Would you ever consider introducing Earth-16 versions of characters from "The Zeta Project" into the Young Justice animated universe?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Antiope born?
2. Have you pinned down a more exact year for Black Adam's birth than 1,300 BCE? If so, what is it?
3. What year was Mercury born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
4. What year was Isis (the deity) born? If not tracked, what is her age equivalent at last appearance?
5. What year was Shazam (the wizard) born?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Solomon born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
2. What year was Hercules born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
3. What year was Atlas born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
4. What year was Zeus born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?
5. What year was Achilles born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?

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Anonymous writes...


In the link above you said season two had 20 episodes ordered from the get-go, but back in 2011 you said you only had 10 episodes ordered and were hopeful to get more 10.


Could you clarify please?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Ocean-Master begin his costumed career?
2. What year did Ronal become Lord of Crastinus?
3. What year did Nanaue Sha’ark become King of Nanauve?
4. What year did Topo become Prime Minister of Lemuria?
5. What year was Wyynde I (the “old hero”) born?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Crab Monster born?
2. What year did Calvin Durham become First Citizen of Shayeris?
3. What year was Krush born?
4. What year was the undersea Leviathan born?
5. What year did Lori Lemaris become a General of Tritonis?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Arion born? 10,286 BCE?
2. What year did Beluga become a Bishop?
3. What year was the original Garn Daanuth born?
4. What year did Black Manta begin his costumed career?
5. What year did Coral become the Emissary for Neptunos?

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Anonymous writes...

1 Is project rutabaga still active?
2 did the light only use klarion to active children’s metagene for project rutabaga or did they also use other wizards at their disposal for this project like wotan

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Earth-16 universe, is the name of Clark's and Lois' apartment called "1938 Sullivan Place"? Is the building located in the uptown section of New Troy; one of the six boroughs of Metropolis, located in the heart of the city? Finally, is the building owned by Bruce Wayne, and did he gave the tenancy to Clark and Lois as a wedding gift to both of them?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Is Black Canary a public hero i.e. is her identity as Dinah Lance publically known.
2. Has she ever tried having a secret identify in that case or did she give up on that idea.
3. Was her mother a hero without a secret identify.
4. So since both the JSA and the All Star Squadron had disbanded by the time Dinah Drake became a hero in 1964 so does that mean she was never a member of the JSA and was always a Solo Hero.
5. Are Jade and Obsidian children of Alan Scott on Earth-16 as well.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Given that Tomar-Re mentioned that he was good friends with Jor-El and Zor-El, I truly hope that we will see him having some conversations with Kal-El and Kara Zor-El in a future season, and that they will both be able to forgive Tomar-Re on their respective fathers' behalf for him not being able to save Krypton; which probably weighed on his conscience for a very long time. However, my personal expectations for such conversations greatly depends on Tomar-Re hopefully surviving the events of Season 4 and beyond.

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to the Earth-16 version of Kru-El:

#1. Is his father's name Zim-El? Also, what was his mother's name; before and after marriage?

#2. In comparison to the comics, is he the cousin of Jor-El and Zor-El, and therefore, he is also considered to be the paternal uncle of Kal-El and Kara Zor-El; via their respective fathers?

#3. At an early age, was he considered to be a technologically adept, but cruel child? If so, why was that the case in the Earth-16 universe?

#4. In comparison to the comics, did he tormented/vexed only Jor-El, or did he do the same to Zor-El as well?

#5. In comparison to the comics, was he sentenced to the Phantom Zone for 35 years for developing forbidden/diabolical weapons and selling them to the criminal element?

#6. Because of his criminal actions, was he considered by his family as "the first stain on the name of El"? Or were there other disgraced members in the House of El prior to Kru-El?

#7. Since the House of El crest on his chest has a long cut on it, was it self-inflicted to symbolize that he has severed his ties to his family? If not, then what was the actual reason?

#8. Because of his association with General Dru-Zod in the Phantom Zone, does that make him a member of the "Hounds of Zod," like in the comics?

#9. In comparison to the other Kryptonians in the Phantom Zone, exactly how deep is his loyalty to General Dru-Zod?

#10. When was he born, and what year was he sent into the Phantom Zone?

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Anonymous writes...

did Garfield logan learn kid flash name was wally west before Rita died?

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Anonymous writes...

I'm seeing a lot of praise for Garfield's depression storyline and I just.....don't agree that it's well-done. I thought that moment in season 2 when he briefly drops his happy go-lucky persona and reverts to his human shape when he's triggered into remembering his mom's death was a much better portrayal of depression than whatever you guys are doing now. This is 2022, simply acknowledging mental health issues isn't unheard of anymore (I would actually argue that there's too much romanticization of depression in media at the moment with things like 13 reasons why and euphoria but that's another issue). It doesn't feel earned because everything bad that happened to Gar happened off-screen during the time-skips and we know that Conner's not really dead, so he'll probably be fine. We didn't even know the Doom Patrol in this universe, so how can I really feel the impact it's had on him? How can I relate to him? Why should I care? It seems like a classic case of telling not showing.

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Anonymous writes...

I was stoked when I first heard about the arc format because I thought we would get to see a small set of characters in each one and see more of the main characters' supporting casts. It seemed like it was going that way until we got to Zee's arc, or should I say Vandal and Klarion's arc because that's what it really was, she was in the background and we barely got to know her proteges. Even in Artemis' arc, we saw more of the Batfam than the Arrowfam, which would've made more sense in Nightwing's arc. Why didn't you guys commit to the format of focusing on each main character for each arc? Did you get worried people would lose interest or is this your own internal bias towards the characters you prefer being reflected? Like no offense but we've seen more than enough of Miss Martian and Beast Boy, there are other interesting characters to look at.

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Anonymous writes...

do you even care that many loyal fans were disappointed with the young justice revival? cuz it kinda feels like you're dismissing anyone who isn't kissing the ground you and brandon walk on as "not a true fan."

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg. Recently, I watched a newer episode of Young Justice which revealed Lagoon boy is Bi/Pan and polyamorous. As a Bi person myself, I really like your inclusion of Bi/Pan characters in YJ. After watching the episode, I had a few questions about how LGBTQ people are viewed in the world of Young Justice.

1. How are LGBTQ people generally viewed in Atlantean culture? Are Atlanteans generally tolerant of LGBTQ people or generally intolerant? Are they tolerant of some parts of the LGBTQ community and not others? Does this tolerance depend on the region/city?

2. How do Amazons generally view LGBTQ people? I would assume they lean tolerant towards same-sex relationships given that their island is generally portrayed as Greek inspired and all woman but I wanted to double check.

3. How do Martians generally view LGBTQ people?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

At the time of this posting, I was surprised that Beast Boy admitted to Black Canary that he needed help to deal with his grief. Was this your plan all along for his storyline?

I have to admit to you here, I have read on the internet months ago that seem to imply that his depression was going to ultimately lead him to commit suicide. In fact, when I saw his therapy session with Black Canary, I was honestly worried that he was going to have a full mental breakdown and then admit to her that he actually didn't want to deal with pain and grief that came with the culmination of losses that he suffered over the years, and that he would then admit to her that he actually wanted to die so that his pain and grief would end. But don't get the wrong idea though; I'm actually glad that it did NOT ultimately come down to that when his confession scene happened.

However, even with Beast Boy admitting to Black Canary that he needs help, and the damage that he caused to his own life (harshly pushing everyone away, leaving Space Trek 3016, and breaking up with Perdita), the next important question is this: At this point, is it too late for him to reconcile with Perdita and his friends, and has the damage been done to the point that he can't go back to the way things were even if his mental health improves?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. Why is Ursa addressed in the credits as "Ursa Zod" and not "Ursa-Zod"? I mean, why are female Kryptonian names different on Earth-16 that a dash is not added between their given names and the Kryptonian houses in which they are married into? The reason I am asking this is because I personally remember there was at least one case in the "Smallville" TV series in which Kara addressed Kal-El's mother as Lara-El during a Season 7 episode; as opposed to Lara Lor-Van. I hope you can understand my confusion here.

#2. I have never heard of a Kryptonian before who goes by the name Kru-El. What is his exact familial connection to all the other members of the House of El, and what exactly did he do to end up becoming a disgraced member of that house and being banished to the Phantom Zone?

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Loi writes...

In "Forbidden Secrets of Civilisations Past", Raquel used "her " when talking about Violet. Did Raquel not know about Violet indicating a preference for gender-neutral pronouns? As far as we've seen, Violet hasn't told anyone but Harper, but you guys like to have stuff happen offscreen...

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G writes...

How the hell did Metron get his hands on a baby sun-eater?
When did New Genesis learn of Conner’s death?
What was that eyeball Lor-Zod found in Metron’s vault?

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BlueFan4799 writes...

Do you plan to include all these time jumps? Friends of mine have said that the first two seasons of YJ had a very different feel compared to Outsiders and Phantoms, mainly because there seems to be too many subplots in recent seasons.

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Tilly writes...

During the meeting in “Forbidden Secrets of Civilizations Past,” both Orion and Vykin misgender Violet and use she/her pronouns. While this was annoying in of itself, I figured you (who wrote the episode) and Brandon were going to use this as an opportunity for Raquel to correct both Orion and Vykin (and thus putting an even bigger strain on the dynamic between Raquel and Orion) on Violet’s pronouns as they/them. What I did not expect was for Raquel to continue misgendering Violet throughout the whole conversation. I was actually shocked and more than a little hurt.

Violet came out as nonbinary right before her graduation in early June, so we’ll peg it as late May. This episode takes place in late August. That’s almostâ€"if not exactlyâ€"three months. Now, you might respond that maybe Raquel didn’t learn Violet was nonbinary in that amount of time. (I would hope you wouldn’t, because that’s a flimsy excuse as it is.) But you know who definitely WOULD know? Forager. Who was sitting right there and still didn’t say a word on the matter of everyone misgendering his friend and teammate. You’d think Forager (with Forager’s own Forager-pronoun shtick) would value one’s preferred pronouns, but no.

I know you guys have been getting a lot of flack for the inclusion of shallow brownie-point representation and I have been defending the show tooth and nail, trusting that your team has learned from your mistakes back in Season Three. But after today, after this episode, this scene? I was proven wrong. I was genuinely heartbroken. You and Brandon clearly did not care enough to remember that Violet uses they/them pronouns, so why should the people watching who also, continuously, misgender them?

If this an actual creative choice to purposefully misgender Violet (much like how it was you and Brandon’s creative choices to showcase over and over again that Violet/Halo could regenerate by routinely depicting them horrifically maimed and bloody back in S3), then I sincerely hope you learn that your so-called creative choices hurt the people who saw a part of themselves in Violet. I know that this isn’t the end of the world (or the worst thing this show has done to Violet), but I felt like this needed to be said. If Young Justice gets a Season Five, I truly hope you and Brandon do better.

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Anonymous writes...

Is Kru-El the cousin of Jor-El? Making him the first cousin once removed of Superman and Superboy?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Wizard born?
2. What year did Wizard begin his criminal career?
3. What year was Wonder Woman molded from clay/born? 1925?
4. Have you pinned down a more exact year for Wotan’s birth/latest reincarnation than 1100? If so, what is it?
5. What year did Madame Xanadu begin her current magical career?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Khalid Nassour begin his training with Zatanna?
2. What year did Phantom Stranger begin his costumed career?
3. What year did Sabbac begin his criminal career?
4. What year was Teekl born?
5. What year was Teekl II born?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Felix Faust born?
2. What year did Ibac begin his criminal career?
3. What year did Isis (hero) begin her costumed career?
4. What year was Leroy (the animal) born?
5. What year was Merlin born?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Blackbriar Thorn born?
2. What year did Blackbriar Thorn begin his magical career?
3. What year was Detective Chimp born?
4. What year did Detective Chimp begin his career?
5. What year was Etrigan the Demon born?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Sanchez born?
2. What year did Sanchez become principal of Rio Grande High School?
3. What year was Valiant’s actor born?
4. What year was Wilcox born?
5. What year was Phillip Wilcox born?

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Jack writes...

1. Did Dinah Lance (the current Black Canary) inherit her powers from her mother, or is something that originated with this Black Canary?

1a. If she inherited it from her mother, then how did her mother get the Cry?

2. How old is Lor-Zod? Am I correct in thinking that he's the same age as the Legion, i.e. a teenager?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Wiesman 1. How long had Tomar re known the El brothers? 2. How old is the female Kryptonian who sang the "Zod work chant'' and what is her name? 3 . I liked the Sherwood florist pun in Black canary's flower shop when did she settle on a Robin hood pun for the name? 4. Did Forager (the outsiders member not the female version) Learn to Quote the Bard of Avon from any of his drama Teachers at Happy Harbor high or Did Artemis teach him as she works as a comp lit professor ?

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Zman writes...

Hi Greg, I've really been enjoying S4 so far. One thing that I've been curious about as I've gotten older was about representation. When it comes to hiring voice actors for roles, I've noticed some POC characters aren't voiced by POC voice actors/actresses. But I also know that you've mentioned that because of budget, you can't bring in every VA that you'd like to. And to be clear, I love how much representation is already in the show. So many of the VA cast members are POC and that's terrific. My question is mainly if budget causes that happen at times?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

What are the chances that we'll see the Earth-16 versions of Deathstroke's kids in a future season of Young Justice; especially his newest son, Respawn?

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Feller writes...

Are any characters on the show, whether they're on the Team, Justice League, Outsiders, etc., Jewish? If so, who?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Considering they were never seen, did Bart's parents die in the Reach timeline in Season Two of Young Justice?

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Anonymous writes...

Is it possible for Klarion to use his magic to perform Necromancy?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Is the following information below correct in regards to the known members of the Earth-16 version of the Legion of Super-Heroes? If not, please explain why.

Brainiac 5
Real Name: Querl Dox
Homeworld: Colu
Race: Coluan
Family: Collector of Worlds/Vril Dox (ancestor), Kajz Dox (father), Virln Dox (mother)

Chameleon Boy
Real Name: Reep Daggle
Homeworld: Durla
Race: Durlan
Family: R.J. Brande/Ren Daggle (father), Zhay Daggle (mother), Liggt Daggle (brother), Ji (aunt)

Lightning Lad
Real Name: Garth Ranzz
Homeworld: Winath
Race: Winathian
Family: Luc Ranzz (father), Perla Ranzz (mother), Mekt Ranzz (brother), Ayla Ranzz (twin sister)

Phantom Girl
Real Name: Tinya Wazzo
Homeworld: Bgztl
Race: Bgtzlian
Family: Linnya Wazzo (21st century ancestor), Byzjn Wazzo (father), Winema Wazzo (mother), Gmya Wazzo (brother)

Saturn Girl
Real Name: Irma Ardeen
Homeworld: Titan (Saturn’s moon)
Race: Titanian
Family: Preya Ardeen (sister)

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Anonymous writes...

Why do the titles in Rocket's arc end with exclamation marks?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Which one of these three is the correct team name on Earth-16?

#1. Legion of Super-Heroes
#2. Legion of Superheroes
#3. Legion of Super Heroes

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If I may be so bold as to ask a question in regards to the unspecified event that will occur in Happy Harbor on May 14, 2030, is it somehow possible that specific day is supposed to mark the formation of the United Planets in Earth-16's 21st century, and, as such, this day will likely become the Earth-16 equivalent of "Unity Day" (which is a name that was proposed by Jonathan Samuel Kent in the comics)?

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Anonymous writes...

Was the Anti-Monitor ordeal from GLTAS also happen in YJ?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

When Granny Goodness activated the Anti-Life Equation in "Terminus," exactly how many light-years did it spread throughout the universe before it was stopped in "Into the Breach"?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Oryx born?
2. What year was Paco born?
3. What year was Pete, Iris's boss at GBS, born?
4. What year was Riker born?
5. What year was Ripley born?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Banks born?
2. What year was Brenda born?
3. What year was Casey Brinke born?
4. What year was Dragon’s Breath born?
5. What year was Marvin Fargo born?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Amanda Waller become Warden of Belle Reve?
2. What year did Amanda Waller become the leader of Task Force X?
3. What year was Weather Wizard born?
4. What year did Weather Wizard begin his costumed career?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Psycho-Pirate begin his costumed career?
2. What year did Rako begin his costumed/armored career?
3. What year did Tommy Terror begin his criminal career?
4. What year did Tuppence Terror begin her criminal career?
5. What year was Vykin born? If not tracked, what is his age equivalent at last appearance?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Mister Bliss begin his criminal career?
2. What year was the T.O. Morrow android created/implemented?
3. What year did the real T.O. Morrow begin his criminal career?
4. What year did Professor Ivo begin his criminal career?
5. What year did Psimon begin his criminal career?

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Jordan writes...

Did Jay Garrick and Alan Scott teamed up before the Justice Society was created?

Who's idea was it to create the JSA?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

As of the time of this posting, you are probably aware that "Justice League" issue #75 come out this week, and that the titular team will apparently be killed off. My question to you is this: What are the chances that something similar might end up happening to the Earth-16 version of the Justice League in a future season of Young Justice?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Icicle Jr. begin his criminal career?
2. What year did Icicle Sr. begin his criminal career?
3. What year did Kobra begin his criminal career?
4. What year was Merlyn born?
5. What year did Merlyn begin his criminal career?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Blister become meta-active?
2. What year did Brick begin his criminal career?
3. What year did Count Vertigo begin his criminal career?
4. What year did Giant become meta-active?
5. What year did Headmaster begin his criminal career?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year (and month, if applicable) did Ra's al Ghul join the Light?
2. What year (and month, if applicable) did Klarion join the Light?
3. What year did Queen Bee become Queen of Bialyia?
4. What year (and month, if applicable) did Queen Bee join the Light?
5. What year (and month, if applicable) did Ultra-Humanite join the Light?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Zviad Baazovi become Markovia's U.N. ambassador?
2. What year did the Brain begin his criminal career?
3. What year (and month, if applicable) did the Brain join the Light?
4. What year did Deathstroke begin his criminal career?
5. What year (and month, if applicable) did Deathstroke join the Light?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Jochi born?
2. What year was Vandal Savage born?
3. What year (and month, if applicable) did Vandal Savage and Ishtar found the Light?
4. What year was Tiamat born/created?
5. What year was Tolui born?

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Anonymous writes...

Greg can you clarify why Tim was wearing stealth-tech in True colors when Dick never wore it and according to your previous responses Jason probably didn't either is it because of Jason's "death" that Tim is being more careful or that he didn't want to take any risks.

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Anonymous writes...

So Greg this is a confusion that I have regarding time travel on Earth-16. So when
asked Neutron status post Bart's time travel you previously said "Because of his close-proximity exposure to Chronoton radiation, he will have to teach himself what happened. He will never truly experience the revised timeline as memories. In theory."
And on twitter you said No when asked about whether Neutron from season 2 and 3 will in 2056 have his new memory supplanted by Neutron of the old timeline.
So my question is that in 2056 will there be two neutrons, If the Neutron from the old timeline gets added to this new timeline and exists alongside this timelines native Neutron then why did the old timeline Neutron's appearance change. It's just I having a tough time understanding rules of Earth-16 time travel can you please help explain this.

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