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Unanswered Questions


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Anonymous writes...

1. In YJ, how do figure out WHEN you’re going to introduce a character to the show (not asking for an exact science). For example, since Arrowette, Wonder Girl, and Robin are all roughly the same age, how did you decide that Arrowette would be introduced in Season 3 while Robin and Wonder Girl would be introduced in season 2?
2. Did you ever consider not doing a time travel story in season 2 and simply having the heroes defeat the Reach the first time around without help from Bart?
3. If DC ever gives you the chance to write more comics, would you consider telling more stories that happened in between the seasons, or would you prefer to progress the storyline further?

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Anonymous writes...

Did beast boy ever serve as miss martian's sidekick when ritia farr was alive or when GarfieldLIVE AT THE CAVE?

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Dug writes...

Why did you have Garfield lOGAN fall in love with peridia if you did not intend for them stay together in relationship for rest of the young justice story line?

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Wolfman writes...

What is the place that Garfield stays at when Garfield stays Miss Martian when Rita Farr does not let Garfield to go on doom patrol missions?

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MASON writes...

Are the White martians the ancestors of CHAMELEON BOY'S
race in young justice universe?

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Luc writes...

Why did you Mr Greg decide to end Garfield and Perdita relationship?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Earth-16 universe, is Seyg-El the father of Jor-El and Zor-El, and the paternal grandfather of Kal-El and Kara Zor-El?

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Anonymous writes...

Does any martian animal species have longer lifespans than humans?

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Anita Stoltenberg writes...

This after Garfield learn to shapeshift into animals. During the times when Gaffield was visiting M'gann why didn't M'gann not let Garfield go on missions with her on the team when Rita did not let Garfield logan go on missions with the doom patrol?

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Owen writes...

Why didn't M'gann offer Garfield to join the team after Garfield learning to control his power to change into animals and if she did offer why didn't Rita not allow it, or not trust miss martian with Garfield's safety?

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Paul writes...

Hi, Greg!

Since Wonder Woman and Troia are both princesses of Themiscyra, and Wonder Woman does not appear to have aged (at least not very much) over time in Young Justice (across the four seasons of the show), I have to wonder if the Amazons age very slowly physically (or do not physically age at all), even when they are away from Themiscyra. This leads me to my first question.

1) Given that Troia may be ageing slowly (or not at all), and that she is biologically 20 years old in season 3 in Team Year Nine, was she ALSO biologically 20 years old when she joined the Team in Team Year Two?

2) Another quick question. We have not seen Troia and Cassie interact in Young Justice, but would you please be able to confirm what kind of relationship they have -- do they get along? (I'm not looking for a detailed answer here as I know that that would be too spoilery.)

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Anonymous writes...

Why does queen peridia have a scare on her neck in young justice season 4 and in young justice comic book targets?

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Yojimbo writes...

Regarding Young Justice: Targets #5

1. How old is Juan Cordero?

2. When did Juan Cordero find out he was a metahuman?

3. When did Lex Luthor find Juan Cordero's mother a job at Lexcorp and put his sisters in the best schools?

4. When did Lex Luthor show Juan Cordero Match?

5. When did Juan Cordero volunteer himself to Lex Luthor, right after the events of the UN press conference on February 17 Team Year Nine or later in Team Year Nine?

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Anonymous writes...

PREDICTION: The Earth-16 version of Terrence "Terry" McGinnis will likely exist as a result of the Light's attempt to create a clone of Bruce Wayne; however, an exact clone will NOT work because it will have Bruce's psychological trauma that stems from witnessing the death of his parents. As such, the Earth-16 version of Terry will likely be a partial clone/half-clone of Bruce Wayne.

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Joice writes...

What do you MR GREG say about the fans viewing Garfield losing his girlfriend peridia do to depression believing he (Garfield) cause Superboy to die on mars and not letting Garfield get back with his girlfriend Perdita in the issue 6 comic series targets is not fair to Garfield?

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BatFan2099 writes...

How old is Razer in Young Justice: Phantoms?

I heard somewhere he was (his species equivalent of) 19-years-old in GL:TAS, but it that true with Young Justice?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

With the Gargoyles comics coming back, are the new comics considered to be your Season 4?

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AJ writes...

Hey Greg, i have few questions about tula, rocket, and bumblebee.

1. Is she black? i know she would be technically consider an atlantean but Aqualad is too but he is clearly black.She is also voice by a black woman, i know that doesn't mean much but most times in young justice you have black va voicing black characters.

2. Did she did her hero name from aqualad or was he the inspiration?

3. Have you ever thought about giving rocket additions powers besides flight and creating force bubbles?

4. How did bumblebee meet atom?

5. If rocket belt breaks or malfunctions is there another one on Icons spaceship or does he know how to fix it?

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Lieutinant Whoareyou writes...

In the Kaldur arc of Young Justice: Phantoms, do you consider the fake Arion to be a clone of the real one with Ocean Master's memories, or the consciousness of the real Ocean Master in a clone of Arion's body?

I ask because their are different interpretations on different sites: Young Justice Wiki says the former, TV Tropes says the latter. I would just like to set the record straight.

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Lieutinant Whoareyou writes...

I have always loved your view of "canon adjacent" material to Young Justice: things like Catwoman: Hunted and, especially, Green Lantern: TAS.

Are their any other canon adjacent stuff to Young Justice that you could tell us about, or is that either spoilers or just something that happens depending on the current plot?

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Tom writes...

Are their hundreds or thousands or millions of active meta gene metahumans on earth by the time of young justice season 4?

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Heather Kadin writes...

Greg did you plan for Garfield would be single like his dc comic version instead of Garfield's relationship with Perdita not in a breakup or Garfield and Perdita getting back together in comic story targets?

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Russel Mirasty writes...

Before queen peridia came to see Garfield at the hub to see Garfield why Tara didn't tell black canary about Garfield's behavior at the hub since return to earth because Tara should have known what was wrong with Garfield because Tara lost loved ones too?
Sometime after Superboy and Miss Martian's wedding why didn't Tara not try to convince Perdita to give Garfield another change to be with Perdita because Tara knew Garfield still love Perdita and didn't mean to say those things to Perdita that broke Perdita heart and might know what happen to Garfield on mars by the time of the wedding on earth?

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Daniel writes...

Why does Garfield choose to lead the outsiders again after the outsiders's actions of not getting black canary to help him with his mental health issues witch lead to Garfield to lose his relationship with Perdita?

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Kenichi Yoshizumi writes...

Greg why did you decide that Garfield would still have Perdita's messages on his phone by the time he is about to go with the other outsiders to rescue in comic book story if you Greg did not intend for Garfield and peridia in a dating relationship by end of issue 6 of young justice comic book story targets?

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CLARK JONES writes...


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Madason writes...

In justice comic story targets does beast boy choose keep queen Perdita's video messages to Garfield logan on Garfield's phone by the time of the beginning of outsiders' mission at hub to begin the rescue of Perdita because he hopes to get back together with peridia some day in a dating relationship in the future and if not, then why does beast boy still have her video messages on his phone as the outsiders are about to leave the outsiders base call the Hub to recue Perdita in young justice come story targets?

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@Garfield and Perdita Fan: Please Stop writes...

Please stop asking so many questions about Garfield and Perdita. Everyone can tell it’s just one person asking about them constantly (yes, even though you keep changing your name). They’re not getting back together no matter how many questions you ask. Clinging onto dead relationships is unhealthy, especially when they’re not yours. Their FICTIONAL relationship is over, move on. You’re one of the reasons why Greg has taken a break from answering questions. Do you think he wants to answer NINE questions about them in a row? Move on.

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bird boy writes...

Why was decide as part of the plot of young justice story that Garfield logan would remain single and not let Garfield get back together with peridia at the end of young justice comic targets story?

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tom writes...

why did m'gann's green martian sister go back to mars after the end of season 4 of young justice?

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lacus troy writes...

Why does Garfield Logan not blame at conner for his loss of his relationship with peridia because if conner had got recharge with yellow sone light like Garfield told he should on mars conner may not ended up in phamotom zone and Garfield would not become depressed believing Garfield cause conner to die?

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Bob writes...

By the end of young justice phantoms why did Garfield still viewed the outsiders as his friends after they did not get black canary to help Garfield with his depression problems before Perdita arrived at the hub to see Garfield?

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Sears writes...

Why was it part of the plan of young justice story that Garfield to lose his relationship with queen peridia over his depression believing he cause conner's death even though conner was not death was reunited with m'gann at the end young justice season 4?

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Gizbert writes...

Greg how do you fell about the fans of young justice not liking that you and staff had as part of the young justice story to have Garfield and Perdida breakup in young justice phantoms and not get back together in young justice come story targets?

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g i joe fan writes...

If any of the outsiders or blue devil told black canary about Garfield behavior at the hub after return to earth from mars and got black Canary council Garfield before peridia came to see Garfield at the hub their break may not have happen, but the outsiders and blue devil did not try to get black canary to council before Perdita arrive at the hub so why does Garfield still view outsiders his friends by the end of young justice phantoms?

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Anonymous writes...

Why did superboy and m'gann think they should not try to convince Perdita to give Garfield another chance be with perditia after the breakup sometime after m'gann and conner's wedding?

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Jodey writes...

Why did beast boy still messages from Perdita on his phone at the beginning of young justice comic book story targets if beast boy did not believe he would get back together in a dating relationship with Perdita at some point in the future?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman before i ask my questions i want to apologize for a selling error in my previous post i meant to say newsgirl but forgot the s by mistake now for the questions 1. Who was Mary Bromfield's best friend during her time with the team ? 2. Did you ever consider Zehra Fazal for the role of Soranik Natu before giving the role to Vanessa Marshall instead? 3. IS the Song that Forager and P.f. (female Forager) sing to Jay Garrick on his Birthday traditional among Bug ''Hatchday'' songs or did they make it up on the spot?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. How long has Trajectory served as second in command of the Infinitors and does she occasinally wear a baseball cap or new girl cap when not in costume or on duty? 2. Does Lizard John (i know his real name but John sounds more mature to me) have toxic bacteria in his mouth like a Komodo dragon or venom like a Gila Monster ?

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Clark Cradic writes...

What episode script was the most fun writing?

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Sudeikis writes...

Why did Garfield still view outsiders as his at the end of young justice season 4 after the outsiders didn't black canary to help Garfield with his problems before Perdita came to see Garfield at the hub early on in the fourth season?

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Fitton writes...

Greg why is part of the plan for the story of young justice Garfield to fall in love with peridia if you had not plan for Garfield to married Perdita but instead have them breakup and not get back together late on in the story of young justice?

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GT writes...

Hey Greg,

I was wondering if you and the rest of the Young Justice crew were open to ideas for new characters for the next season.
If you are, I actually have some ideas if you are interested.

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Saul writes...

Why did m'gann and conner not try convince queen Perdita to give Garfield a second chance to be with Perdita after conner learn of the breakup of Garfield and Perdita or sometime after conner and m'gann's wedding on earth?

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Anonymous writes...

Did Superboy feel responsible for Garfield and Perdita breakup after he hear of it and if not why not?

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Hawke writes...

Hello Mr Weisman,
I hope you have been having a good week.

First off I would like to thank you and your whole team for bringing Young Justice to life. YJ has been a huge bright spot in my life, especially in a time where there were not many bright spots to go around. I look forward to any more stories from Earth 16 we may get, in whatever form that may be.

As for my question, I was wondering if you have ever tossed around the idea of doing an Earth 16 guide book or art book? I find the behind the scenes of show making and design very fascinating, and it would be very cool for there to be a printed book where the fandom could get a look at the process that you and your team put in to create the show visually and story wise.

Thanks for taking the time to answer questions on here!

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg! Your stories/TV shows are super awesome :) They've inspired me to start writing in my own way again, even if it puts others off. It's a style that I feel comfortable with and, if people don't like, they don't have to read.

Thank you for inspiring me with your work! You're amazing ;)

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Mr. Greg,

Thank you for your work/contribution to the whole that is YJ! Have some questions as well as this is Ask Greg site-
1. Can you reveal what Impulse and Flash were saying speedtalking or at least what about funnel cakes (if Kid Flash was correct)?
1a. Does this hint to Kid Flash (Wally West) being about 1/5 Flash/Impulse's speed at the time of their conversation since he got about every fifth word?

2. Did the clone body of Arion have water breathing added by the Light since the original Arion's metagene was longevity? Or was he using his magic to survive?

3. Could Vandal Savage survive in the vacuum of space? Or would he pass out and then as soon as his body was exposed to oxygen he would awaken? Would it be the same if he was trapped submerged in water or would his body adapt and grow gills?

Thanks again!

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aj erjavec writes...

Hey Greg quick question about spectacular Spider-Man is spider Gwen had come out before your show would you have incorporated that into your version of Gwen Stacy because I think that has become the main inspiration for all future versions of the character

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Jessica writes...

Disregard my last question. Thank you

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Goodrow writes...

Question 1 Why Greg was it decided as part of the young justice story that Garfield would lose his relationship with Perdita over his depression believing Garfield caused conner to die when conner was not dead? Question 2 Why was it decided to have as part of young justice comic story targets story to have Garfield one of the heroes to rescue Perdita if you and your staff did not intend for Garfield to get back together in relationship with Queen Perdita at the end of issue 6 of young justice comic targets story target?

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Anonymous writes...

Is there an out-of-universe reason why a lot of Team members go inactive while many Justice Leaguers don’t? Off the top of my head characters former Team members like Troia, Garth, Karen, Mal, Freddy, Mary, etc have left the hero life, while only two Leaguers, Will and Orin, have left (and Orin later returned), even though the League was founded years earlier.

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Jessica writes...

If I give you my right arm will you give Puck his powers back???
So he doesn’t die locked in Owen in the 2198 timeline or whatever that was ? I will literally do anything for Puck to get his powers back. You don’t know what this means to me.

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Suzie writes...

After the season 4 finale of Young Justice...
1. Does Dru-Zod now see Superboy as his archenemy?
2. Does Ursa now see Miss Martian as her archenemy?

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16 universe, did Kate Kane attended the United States Military Academy (also known metonymically as West Point or simply as Army) in West Point, New York? Also, during that time, was she in a secret romantic relationship with her roommate, Sophie Moore? Finally, was Kate expelled from the academy after she was anonymously outed as a lesbian?

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Anonymous writes...

Supermartian on the topic of kids/being parents

1. What would happen if M'gann and Conner had a child together? How would that work?
2. Would M'gann be able to give birth the typical way of human or a martian?
3. Can they even have kids since martian produce differently than humans?
4. Have they ever discussed having kids, wanting them or being parents themselves?
5. How would you see Conner and M'gann as parents?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman After Forager gave his high school graduation speech did Halio and Harper Row both through off there graduation hats while cheering and before congradulating him on his speech ?

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Anonymous writes...

I've got some questions about martian shapeshifiting, mostly how do their bodies adapt and can they function as normal humans and gain their qualities.

For example whenever, M'gann, J'onn or Em'ree are in their human forms, can they hear like a human? can they go to the toilet like a human? and more importantly for the females, can they get pregnant whilst in their human forms or not?

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Anonymous writes...

In YJ: Targets issue 4, Oliver’s hospital tag shows his date of birth, and from what I could pick up, it’s May 16th. Is that correct?

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P.A.G. writes...

Hi Mr. Wiseman, I hope you’re having a good day and wouldn’t mind answering some questions?

1. How many Earth days was a year on Krypton before its destruction?
2. How many hours was a day on Krypton before its destruction?
3. How old was Rao when it exploded?
4. How many light-years was Krypton to Earth?
5. What was the population of Krypton before its destruction?
6. Are devourers originally from the Phantom Zone, or were they put in there?
7. Is the name of the Kryptonian language (the one spoken by Lor-Zod) called Kryptonese?
8. What type of god was Rao revered as?
9. Was the name of said religion Raoism?
10. When did Lois Lane and Clark Kent/Kal-El/Superman marry?
11. When did Lois find out Clark’s secret about him being Superman?

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Anonymous writes...

Considering that Kyle Rayner is the fourth human to become a Green Lantern in the comics, does that mean he is the fourth Green Lantern in the Earth-16 universe mentioned by Orin to have joined the Justice League in Season 4 of Young Justice; even though Kyle Rayner hasn't actually been mentioned by name yet?

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lillybug2253 writes...

Just want to start off by saying that I LOVE Young Justice. There was a time in my life where it helped me out of a dark place.

1.) So, according to a couple of articles online, HBO Max has NOT renewed for any more seasons... Does that mean that YJ has been cancelled again or will it be making it's way to a different platform?

2.) Are Eduardo and Bart canonically gay or is that just fan theory? I have read things where they are and other where people say they're not... I figured asking you directly would be best so there is no confusion.

3.) Have you ever read any of the YJ fanfiction?

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Anonymous writes...

#1. In the Earth-16 universe, does the Soultaker katana does exactly what it is named for; taking the souls of those that have been killed by it?

#2. How and when exactly did Lady Shiva learned about the Soultaker katana? Her conversation during her fight against Katana (Tatsu Yamashiro) implies that she wanted the weapon in her possession for a very long time.

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Connor Marlow writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman, long time fan of your work I just wanted to say first off.

My actual question is that since Gargoyles existed in all the other parts of the British isles, with Scotland seeming to have a particularly large number of clans, would the just as mountainous Wales have had a large Gargoyle population once with multiple clans living there? I just remember you saying Gargoyles preferred high cliffs and mountains and Wales sounded like it would have been a perfect place for a large Gargoyle population before humans got them.

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Tomi writes...

What do you think of Edgar Allan Poe?

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Ricardo writes...

Hey Greg, i know this doesn’t necessarily only apply to the YJ show as it also applies to the comics and to Marvel, but what is the Earth-16 in-universe explanation for how the Justice League/superheroes seem to have the technological capability of travelling interstellar distances across the Milky Way Galaxy but regular humans/Earth governments/space agencies seem to be in the same place technologically as we are in real life when it comes to space travel and exploration? i noticed that in the first episode of Season 4 we saw a glimpse of the Curiosity rover on Mars, which is actually what led me to ask this question. why aren’t there already human colonies on Mars or on other celestial bodies in the solar system or even outside the solar system when humanity on Earth-16 clearly seem to have the technology that would allow them to do so?

of course this is assuming that Earth’s governments and space agencies on Earth-16 are in the same position technologically as us in real life but if that’s genuinely the case, then why is that compared to the Justice League/superhero community?

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Anonymous writes...

To clarify, I’m not asking about specific dates.

1. Was Kaldur ever in the closet, or are sexualities other than heterosexuality considered so natural/accepted in Atlantean society that he was never in the closet at all when he was younger?
2a. Was Ed ever in the closet?
2b. Was Harper Rowe ever in the closet
3. For the character you can’t specify as gay, were they in the closet when they joined the team?
4. As you probably already know, Tim came out as bisexual in the comics, but I’m guessing that wasn’t part of your initial plan for him when you created the show. Do you consider Tim bi now on Earth-16 (since it also doesn’t affect his relationships with Cassie and Steph)?
5. Thank you for including diversity (LGBTQ and otherwise) into the show! Many of us really appreciate it!

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Anonymous writes...

1. Why did Garfield and Superman leave Mars and not stay to help investigate Superboy's death or at the least confront M'comm since at the time, everyone believed he was to blame for Superboy's death?

2. Was there any reasons for their departure?
3. How long did they stay on Mars before returning home to Earth?
4. Why did they not stay to further comfort M'gann in light of the fact she just lost her fiance?

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Paul writes...

1) Is Black Mary able to transform back into her normal human form (assuming that she has a choice and is not being prevented from doing so by others like Granny Goodness), or is she now stuck in this form?

2) Hypothetical question now so I imagine you might not answer, but I'll try anyway. If Black Mary were to transform back into Mary Bromfield and then say "Shazam!" *after* that, would Mary have a choice (or any control whatsoever) regarding whether she would end up in her Black Mary form or her white Sergeant Marvel form? Basically I'm asking whether Mary could choose (*by herself*) to take the white costume form over the black costume form, or vice versa.

(If the answer to question 2 is yes and Mary *could* make this decision somehow inherently, I imagine that there would possibly be criteria such as her state of mind (i.e. whether she intends to do good or do evil), but I don't want to get into her state of mind as I don't want to overcomplicate the above questions.)

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Anonymous writes...

#1. Is it more accurate to say that Kal-El and Kara Zor-El are identified as paternal cousins OR paternal first cousins?

#2. Would Lois Lane be identified as Kara's paternal cousin-in-law?

#3. Would Jonny Kent be identified as Kara's paternal first cousin once removed?

#4. Would Kon-El be identified as Kara's paternal genetic cousin; given that Kon-El is the half-clone of Kal-El?

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Anonymous writes...

If Jor-El and Zor-El are truly Kru-El's paternal cousins in the Earth-16 universe, then would that mean that Kal-El and Kara Zor-El are Kru-El's paternal second cousins?

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Anonymous writes...


#1. Lara El's father, Lor-Van, is the maternal grandfather of Kal-El and the paternal great-uncle of Kara Zor-El.

#2. Alura El's father, In-Ze, is the maternal grandfather of Kara Zor-El and the paternal great-uncle of Kal-El.

#3. Alura El is the mother of Kara Zor-El and the paternal aunt of Kal-El.

#4. Prior to her marriage to Jor-El, Lara El's unmarried name was Lara Lor-Van. Likewise, prior to her marriage to Zor-El, Alura El's unmarried name was Alura In-Ze.

#5. Because Kal-El's father (Jor-El) and Kara Zor-El's father (Zor-El) are brothers, Kal-El and Kara are considered paternal cousins in each other's point-of view.

#6. All relationships that Kal-El and Kara Zor-El would have with other family members of the House of El outside of their respective immediate families are considered to be the paternal side of the family.

#7. Kru-El is the paternal cousin of Jor-El and Zor-El in the Earth-16 universe because Kru-El's father and Jor-El's and Zor-El's father are brothers.

#8. The name of Kru-El's father is Zim-El.

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Anonymous writes...

Based on what happened in the post-credits scene in the Season 4 mid-season finale of "Young Justice: Phantoms," it appears that Granny Goodness has likely somehow been keeping watch on Mary Bromfield for quite some time; presumably from the moment she stopped becoming Sergeant Marvel up to the conclusion of the Zatanna story arc in Season 4. She likely somehow observed that Mary had a power addiction problem and likely determined that Mary was a potential candidate to become a member of the Female Furies if she took advantage of Mary's problem. Once a heartbroken Mary left Zatanna's team due to being excluded from the Doctor Fate rotation, Granny Goodness spoke to her telepathically and filled her head with lies; thus causing Mary to succumb to her temptation and turning her into Black Mary. Is my interpretation of Granny Goodness' involvement in Mary's turn into a supervillain correct?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the comics, I believe that Barbara Gordon is able to walk again thanks to some kind of neural implant surgery. As such, why hasn't that option been explored yet for her in the Earth-16 universe?

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Anonymous writes...

#1. When exactly did the Earth-16 version of Stephanie Brown became aware of her father's criminal activities, and what was her reaction to this revelation?

#2. Where had Stephanie Brown been living after she ran away from her father? This question refers to both BEFORE she was captured by the Reach and AFTER she was rescued by the Team (but presumably BEFORE becoming Spoiler).

#3. Where has Stephanie Brown been living AFTER becoming Spoiler? Was it any better than where was previously living?

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Frank writes...

Hello, Greg!
I have a few questions about Atlantis and the characters from Kaldur’s arc.
1. How old is Rodunn?
2. Is there a reason why La’gaan wears a pouch on his ankle or is it just a style choice?
3. Did the purists (Wyynde, Chian, M’Chiste) have to serve prison time for their crimes in season 1?
4. Were Wyynde, Chian, and M’Chiste the ones who attacked Topo?
5. Do the Atlanteans worship Greek/Roman gods or have they evolved a different pantheon altogether?

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16 universe, is Alfred Pennyworth the legal guardian of Bruce Wayne?

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Anonymous writes...

In the comics, the names of Stephanie Brown's parents are Arthur Brown (father) and Crystal Brown (mother); their marital status is identified as divorced. Is this also true in the Earth-16 universe?

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Anonymous writes...

After the events of Season 1 of "Young Justice," did Bane eventually find out Batman's secret identity and broke his back; like in the comics? If true, when exactly did that happen in the Earth-16 timeline?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Since the Earth-16 version of Batwoman did not become a hero until 2016, I have tried to guess as to when the Earth-16 version of the events of "Catwoman: Hunted" most likely happened in the timeline and I have three possibilities in mind:

#1. It could have happened at any point during the two-year period in-between Seasons 2 and 3; aside from the January 2018 flashback from Season 4 that took place at the United Nations.

#2. It could only have happened during the one-year period in-between Seasons 3 and 4; since she temporarily resigned from the Justice League and was working as a member of Batman's team during the events of Season 3.

#3. It could have happened at almost any point off-screen during the events of Season 4; since Batwoman only appeared in the flashback that is set in early 2018, and she was also NOT present at Superboy's and Miss Martian's wedding. This also account for Child's attack all around the world; meaning the events of the film could only have happened at some point before or after the incident occurred. Additionally, Talia al Ghul had only appeared in two episodes of Artemis's story arc, and she didn't appear for the rest of Season 4.

As such, my question for you is this: Which one of these three points in the Earth-16 timeline that I presented above is correct for which the Earth-16 version of "Catwoman: Hunted" likely takes place? Please also explain as to why whichever point you choose is the one that makes the most sense to you.

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Paul writes...

Hi Greg!

1) What are your thoughts on Lilith Clay (Omen)?
2) Was she on your list of 70+ young heroes that you originally considered for inclusion in Young Justice?
3) If you were to introduce her, would you perhaps change some elements of her story? (For example, she's close friends with Donna Troy in the early comics, but Donna is Troia in YJ and might never have had a civilian life in man's world, so the two might not have met in YJ.)
4) Do you have plans to use Lilith Clay in any possible future seasons of YJ?

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Anonymous writes...

If Wonder Woman and Troia are both princesses of the Amazons of Themyscira, then which one becomes the queen in the event that their mother (Hippolyta) dies?

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Anonymous writes...

TRUE or FALSE?: The Earth-16 version of Themyscira

#1. Themyscira is a unitary sovereign city-state and archipelagic island nation.

#2. Themyscira is a segregated nation of women governed by "Aphrodite's Law," which declared that the Amazons would be immortal as long as no man sets foot on their island.

#3. Themyscira's location is undisclosed; as a security measure, the island can shift its location over both land and time, remains undetectable from the perspective of any outside observer, and as soon as anyone leaves the island, they forget its location.

#4. Themyscira is the theocracy and capital city that serves as the Amazonians' government.

#5. All Amazons in Themyscira are adept at a discipline called "bullets and bracelets" in which they can deflect bullets fired at them using the chain bands on their wrists.

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Anonymous writes...

1. Does Batman ever call James Gordon "Jim" in the Earth-16 universe?

2. Since James Gordon learned that his daughter was Batgirl in 2014, what was his initial reaction once he realized the truth? I also assume that he and Barbara had some kind of heart-to-heart discussion about the reasons for her decision to become Batgirl before he (presumably reluctantly) gave her his permission/blessing to allow her to continue her heroic career as Batgirl?

3. After Barbara Gordon was paralyzed by Cassandra Wu-San, did James Gordon ever (wrongfully) blamed Batman and the other members of the Bat-Family for the incident? Did he ever blamed Cassandra Wu-San for hurting his daughter?

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P.A.G. writes...

You said there were thousands of Chaos and Order Lords and that the Chaos Lords are spread all over the universe. Since the Lords of Order don't like sending one of their own, are there other people like Doctor Fate out in the universe, or is sending an emissary instead of a Lord of Order an Earth thing only?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Was the Earth-16 version of Troia sculpted out of clay as an infant on Themyscira; just like her sister, Wonder Woman (Diana)?

2. In the Earth-16 universe, where exactly is Themyscira located on Earth?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What was Wendy Harris' initial reaction after she figured out at some point between 2016 and 2020 that many of her friends were actually superheroes? In fact, HOW exactly was she able to figure it out in the first place?

2. As of 2020, what is the current status of the relationship between Marvin White and Wendy Harris?

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Anonymous writes...

How old is the Earth-16 version of Lightning Lad (Garth Ranzz)?

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Anonymous writes...

Since Bart Allen's father (Don Allen) and mother (Meloni Thawne; presumably) were not seen in the Reach timeline in 2056, does that mean they likely died at some point between 2043 and 2056?

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Anonymous writes...

When Damian Wayne was first introduced in the comics, it was eventually revealed that he was genetically perfected and grown in an artificial womb, and was intended to become formidable warrior. In the current continuity of DC Comics, Damien was conceived during a brief fling between Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul (when they were both young adults), and then after Damian was born, Talia used the extensive scientific resources of the League of Assassins to inorganically speed up Damian's aging giving him the physiology of a ten year old in less than five years.

However, in the Earth-16 universe, it APPEARS as though Damian's birth is a natural one; without any kind of genetic manipulation whatsoever. As such, was Damian's conception a direct result of Bruce and Talia truly (and briefly) getting back together, or was it a result of Talia's manipulations against Bruce in order to get herself an heir to Ra's al Ghul's legacy? Finally, is the Earth-16 version of Damian also identified by his other name, Ibn al Xu'ffasch (which means "Son of the Bat" in Arabic)?

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Anonymous writes...

1. When did Lois Lane first started working at the Daily Planet?

2. When did Clark Kent and Lois Lane first met, and what was their initial impressions of each other?

3. Does Lois Lane ever (occasionally) call Clark Kent by the nickname "Smallville" like in the comics?

4. When did Clark Kent finally told Lois Lane the truth that he was Superman?

5. When and where did Clark Kent proposed to Lois Lane?

6. On Clark and Lois' wedding day, who was their best man and maid of honor, respectively?

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Anonymous writes...

1. In regards to the Collector of Worlds and Brainiac-5, why are their species identified as Coludroids instead of Coluans in the Earth-16 universe; even though their homeworld is Colu?

2. Is there some kind of connection/relationship between the Collector of Worlds (Vril Dox) and Brainiac-5 (Querl Dox) in the Earth-16 universe? If so, does Brainiac-5 acknowledges the Collector of Worlds as Brainiac-1?

3. How old is the Earth-16 version of Brainiac-5?

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A writes...

Hi Greg! I had a question about Garfield Logan and Jason Todd. Garfield mentioned how he mourned Jason, were the two close before Jason's death?

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Paul writes...

Hi Greg, this is Paulo again, I wanted to apologize for not asking these two questions before, but I hope you can answer these last questions of mine about the series:

3 - Why doesn't Martian Manhunter use his Telekinesis as often as his niece?

4 - Can the Martian Manhunter (and Martians in general) transform into big monsters? Could Martian Manhunter transform into a 30 meter dragon for example? Or a 5 meter tall alien/martian beast?

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Alex (aka Aldrius) writes...

Arc 5 "Rocket" Ramble

Another really great arc for me. Loved Rocket, loved the family angle, loved the way the New Gods were handled, I liked seeing Lor-Zod and his team as sort of an "anti-team", the Metron stuff was great, I LOVED the Green Lantern stuff, it pretty much single-handedly got me to watch the entirety of the Green Lantern Animated Series, and that was good too so. All around great arc.

I love the take on some of the New Genesis stuff here. This is sort of a difficult subject to incorporate because it's been done quite a few times before, and I think very successfully in terms of the Superman: The Animated Series. The New Gods mythology also requires a *plethora* of lore and exposition. I watched this with my cousin, who knows very little about the New Gods. And he was a little confused, we watched the Superman: The Animated Series episodes featuring Orion & Apokalips & Darkseid, and they opened up their New Gods storytelling with the Mother Box showing Superman a little short infotainment video about the history of Apokalips & New Genesis and I think that helped a bit.

Not a big issue for me, though, all things considered. I've honestly always liked that Young Justice doesn't hold hands about arcane comic lore, a lot of it is pretty easy to just infer from visuals and personalities. White-haired man dressed like a shepherd is good, man with fiery eyes who looks like he hangs out in hell is bad. It all works.

M'Comm continues to kind of be an issue for me. I feel like he hits a weird spot. He's not sympathetic or humanistic enough for me to sympathize with him, and he's also not really outright vicious enough for it to be much fun when he gets taken down. He just leaves me feeling kind of ambivalent unfortunately. And I really *want* to like him. Having said that, I thought his dynamic with Lor-Zod and Mantis was great. Lor-Zod makes a good impression, I think the character was a *little* young for Phil Morris's baritone, but he does a great job with the character.

I can't quite remember which arc had the Superboy stuff where, so I'll just talk about it now. I really liked this for Superboy. This was a cool way to introduce the Phantom Zone prisoners, who have been a bit hokey as far as villains go over the years. They're kind of weirdly archaic in theory. Mostly because they're so associated with Terrence Stamp's portrayal from the second Superman film I think. Beyond that, what do you really do with a team of all-powerful supervillains who want to conquer the world. Well... this. I love the use of cult imagery here, the song is great. I love how Superboy is seduced by Zod, Zod is genuinely persuasive and compelling.

Superboy's mindset is also really clear here and it works really well.

Rocket is another character here who's just kind of like a catalyst or sort of centrepiece for this wacky outer space story about near immortal gods and aliens and space ships. I'm kind of, of two minds on her arc really. To an extent. On the one hand I like how sort of normal her arc is. She's just struggling with life. She's a single mom, trying to co-parent with her ex for a kid who has particular needs that she doesn't necessarily understand. And the opening scene really just sets up that she's not good at it. The closest thing she has to a moment of crisis is that a subway station is closed and it upsets her son.

I LOVE it, because it's so normal. There is no dramatic impetus, there is no light switch that Raquel needs to flip to become a good mom, she's going to go back and keep living her life, but maybe now she'll have a better attitude, some perspective, a bit more understanding of her situation because of her experiences. It's simple, it's nice. But because it's not very dramatic, there's no real engine to drive her story here. There's no clear arc necessarily. It's just kind of a bunch of stuff that happened. Which, as I've mentioned before, I'm really fine with. There's enough other things going on to make up for it.

Orion I liked a lot. I'm sort of unfortunately comparing it in my mind with other versions of the character (in this case, the Superman:TAS/JL/JLU version played by Ron Perlman), which isn't fair, but there's a lot to like about this version honestly, so it's not like he compares badly anyway. I think there was a tone to the New Genesis characters in the DCAU where they felt sort of grand and elegant and truly super-heroic. The boom tube effect in that show was pure white, and it always felt like rays from heaven or something. And the characters themselves felt like characters out of a bible cartoon or something. And they have a lot more grit in Young Justice (and to be fair *everything* has a lot more grit in Young Justice). It's not worse by any means, just different. In regards to Orion, from my limited understanding of Autism I don't think interpreting Orion as an autistic character is even a stretch frankly. He's a lot more brusque in Young Justice than he's been in other shows I've seen him in, but the sort of core of the character is still very much there. Also I'm a sucker for a story where a character overcomes their mental health struggles. Maybe that's not the right terminology or framing exactly, but when a character who has mental health struggles succeeds. It's nice to see.

The Green Lantern episode we got was so cool, as I said it got me to watch the entire series that was based on. This is one of the episodes which felt refreshing because it was such a stand-alone story. I watched it, it was satisfying, it didn't leave me feeling ambivalent. And I sort of missed those strong self-contained stories a bit with this season. Even if it was setting up Metron and some other elements for other stories. Also Razer was a total smoke-show. That's not really substantial, or important, but it made watching the episode more fun.

I was a *bit* surprised Dee Bradley Baker was playing Tomar-Re when he was played by Jeff Bennett in GL:TAS and Jeff Bennett has been a major cast member in YJ as well, but Dee Bradley Baker was cool and I suppose Bennett may have just been unavailable or there was some good ol' cost-cutting double-casting going on with Baker.

Oh, and the Foragers... I'm indifferent. It was cute. Reciting Shakespeare with third person pronouns was cute. I really liked that femme Forager became a Green Lantern. That was a cool surprising twist.

I think that's everything. It was great. Thoroughly enjoyed watching all four episodes.

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Anonymous writes...

In regards to the Earth-16 version of The Shade, is his real name Richard Swift; like in the comics? Also, if his physical appearance is the biological equivalent of a 48-year old human male, then what is his actual age?

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Anonymous writes...

Will Season 5 of "Young Justice" introduce us to the Earth-16 version of the Outlaws; a group that is led by Red Hood (Jason Todd) in the comics?

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Allon writes...

Hi Greg, I was wondering if Icicle Jr is a meta-human.

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zareth jones writes...

Will Scott Menville & Hynden Walch voice another Animated Superhero Couple & Mento & Elasti-Woman again in The 5th Season of Young Justice?

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg, when did the red hooded ninja join Ra’s group on Infinity Island?

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