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The Phoenix Gate

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ZAS writes...


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Javi writes...

Was Garfield going to date Tara in season 5 after Garfield breakup with Peridia in season 4 if season 5 ever gets made?

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Taste like fruit when ya hit it writes...

I have one question about Hawkwoman...

I don't know if the version of her that you're using is the post-crisis Hawkwoman or the pre-crisis Hawkwoman but if she is the pre crisis version...

1. Has she always been Hawkwoman or was she Hawkgirl and then changed it to Hawkwoman like in the comics?

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Anonymous writes...

where Sindella Zatara worked

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Avril writes...

Is vandal savage still alive in the future year where the young justice season 4-time travels come from?
Is there a beast boy statue in the future year were both the superboy statue is and were the season 4-time travelers come from?

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Jan Rott writes...

I have a question about the Avalon World Tour. Goliath and the others arrived in Tibet on June 18, 1996, but their last visit to Avalon was on July 4th. That is a difference of 16 days. Was Tibet really your last destination or are there other destinations that haven't been shown yet?

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Anonymous writes...

what is the name of Tye Longshadow's father,
when he was born, when he died

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marc writes...

Bonjour,je voudrais savoir pourquoi on ne vois pas de clan de loup garou ou de vampire interagir avec les gargouilles

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Anonymous writes...

where does Floyd Lawton live, does he have a wife named Susan,
brother Edward, daughter Zoe and son Edward

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Anonymous writes...

Flash has a bachelor's, master's or doctorate in forensic science

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Gene writes...

Why didn't Miss Martian not go looking for garfield to find garfield soon after miss martian learned that marie logan had die?

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Anonymous writes...

What is the name of Roy Harper's father?

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Ash Leon writes...

Why did HBOMAX order only one season of young justice to be produce after young justice was move to HBOMAX from DC UNIVERSE?

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Anonymous writes...

Hey, Greg!
I hope you are well and everything is going great with your current projects! I have a Spectacular Spider-man question that I’ve been wondering about for a while: was “Final Curtain” meant to be Spectacular’s version of “The Night Gwen Stacy Died”? The reason I ask is because, first of all, I know you didn’t plan to kill off your version of Gwen Stacy, like in the comics, so a straight forward adaptation would have been off the table from the beginning, and second, I noticed a lot of similarities between how “Final Curtain” ends and the way the comic story ends. Both end with Norman Osborn’s apparent “death,” Harry vowing revenge against Spider-man, and Peter not with Gwen (albeit for VERY different reasons). I know you don’t like to give out spoilers, so this next part is more me sharing what I think: I have a theory that Peter and Gwen were never meant to be, no matter what, and would have gone through the rest of high school as two people who like each other, but just waited too long to admit their feelings and become an official couple. But that’s just my own personal speculation. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question, and read my fan theories. I wish you well in your other projects. Thank you!

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Nicolas Turnberrez writes...

Hi Greg,

Not a question, just wanted to say thanks for my childhood. I watched Gargoyles as a kid as I was growing up and I loved it. It gave me an appreciation for Shakespeare and Mythology before I every knew what they were. I remember watching Gargoyles reruns in my parents room as the clock ring midnight from 1999 to 2000, and did the same when it switched over from 2019 to 2020 (though the following year didn't go as planned lol). With Star Trek Picard wrapping up, I wanted to get a TNG enterprise tattoo and am incorporating the Phoenix gate into it because I first heard Frakes and Sirtis in their Gargoyles roles. Essentially, thanks for creating an amazing program and amazing childhood memories. Fingers crossed for a revival show!

Nick T.

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Kara writes...

After queen bee kill marie logan how did Rita learn both that Marie logan was dead and Garfield was still alive? It would take some time for rita to get ready to go get garfield after rita learns that marie was dead so where did garfield stay at after marie died before rita came to garfield to take garfield to live with her?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. Does Madame Xanadu live in her parlor or does she have a residence elsewhere? 2. How long did it take Madame Xanadu to unlock and master her magic and does she own and wear a baseball cap or a newsgirl cap from time to time ?

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman!
I hope you and your family are doing well. I have recently begun re-watching The Spectacular Spider-man, and I think it’s still one of the best adaptations of the character we’ve ever gotten. I realize that, as you’ve said before, it’s extremely unlikely we’ll ever see a third season on TV (hope springs eternal, but it’s clear Marvel and Sony have their own plans for the character going forward), but how likely is it that we could ever see a continuation in comics, or some other media format, similar to what was done with Gargoyles? I know you may not be able to give a concrete answer to this question, but could it ever be a possibility? Thank you for your time, and good luck with all your current projects!

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Jake butler writes...

I hope this doesn't trigger a spoiler alert but will we see Freddy freeman in a potential season 5 of young justice

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Brittany writes...

I know HBOMAX made season 4 of young justice but my question is why didn't DC Universe not want to make season 4 after DC UNIVERSE made season 3 of young justice?

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Jonathan writes...

Hello. I have a question regarding Young Justice.

Do characters such as Steve Trevor, Mr. Terrific, Vigilante/Greg Saunders, Sir Justin/Shining Knight, Scott Free/Mister Miracle, Catwoman and STEEL/Pat Dugan exist in Earth-16?

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Caleb writes...

Hello again!

In the YJ count back, you listed 645: Correctional Officer Hart and 691: Ripley. Both are guards at Belle Reve, so why was Ripley not given a title in the count back? I know Hart has a bigger role in the episode than Ripley, but they wear identical uniforms and neither are given a rank in dialogue. Not trying to use this as a 'gotcha,' I'm just curious.

Thank you!

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Blazefire writes...

Hi, Greg! I love my favorite character from Gargoyles, Brooklyn. Is a possible Timedancer series in order for the comics since the last couple felt unfinished and a lot of unanswered questions about him meeting his girl?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What were the reactions of Lex Luthor and Icicle Jr when they learned about Superboy's death?
2. How did Lex Luthor handle the news? Did he react to Conner's death like how Sportsmaster reacted with Artemis in season 2? concerned about his reputation?
3. How did Icicle Jr. handle the news? Did he truly grieve his death since they are frenemies?
4. Did the Light ever conduct their own investigation into Superboy's death like the Justice League did?

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Jeri writes...

Did miss martian's sister go back to mars with her parents after miss martian and superboy's wedding on earth or is miss Martian's sister still on earth by the time of the events of young justice comic story targets takes place?

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Anonymous writes...

where Mary West works

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Tenet writes...

Does Perdita have a scar on her neck in young justice season 4 because it is a clue that she will become a meta human in the future?

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Alatau writes...

Is the Perdita that is seen in young justice season 4 phantoms a clone and if that is correct than is the real Perdita dead by the time of young justice season 4 or is the real Perdita kept alive in a chamber during the time period when season 4 take place like the real Roy was found in by the clone Roy in young justice season 2 invasion of young justice?

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GorillaWolf2099 writes...

Is Cassandra Cain considered a sibling to the Robins in YJ, was she being raised as Cassandra Wayne after being a runaway from the Shadows? Also, is Steph her BFF in this universe?

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Darian Lueken writes...

Hello Sir, do you have any pointers on when it comes to writing a story that would inspire the reader.

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Woods writes...

In the young justice universe is one of the male members of The Light the biological father of Garfield Logan?

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Yar writes...

In the young justice timeline did every part of Garfield's body turn green in one day in 2012 or did Garfield slowly turn green over time across his boy threw out the year 2012 in young justice timeline?

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Zelda writes...

When Garfield was living with Rita in 2012 did Miss Martian learn that garfield's skin was going become green or get super power before garfield turn green in 2012?

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Gia writes...

Hi. Just so glad Gargoyles continues again with Dynamite. Rewatched the series again and stumbled over one question:
In the episode "Golem", Preston Vogel was capable of awaking the Golem/alter the spell to send Renards soul into the Golem. Is Preston Vogel a secret sorcerer? Or how else was this possible? (Hope this doesn't count as spoiler request...)
best wishes. Gia

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J writes...

I would argue that YJ (especially season 4) has some of the most diverse, representative, and necessary storylines/characters I've seen in animation. Unfortunately, as you are familiar with it, there is a lot go ignorant people who don't see why it should be included. What do you think is the importance in this being present in animation? (I know what I think, but would love your take!)

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Jon writes...

Hi Greg. I have been a huge fan of YJ since it aired all those years ago. I hear other shows you have worked on have a similar level of longevity and notoriety amoungst watchers. My questions are as follows:

1. What do you think is the reason projects you work on strike such emotional chords and fans attach themselves to the work so passionately?

2. In regards to YJ, is there a certain character's evolution from S1-S4 (and other works) that has a special place in your heart? (My personal favorite is anything Artemis) If so, why?

3. Have you ever regretted the inclusion of a certain character, story decision, etc in YJ but had to keep it around?

4. From a fan perspective, it is clear that the bureaucratic reasons have continuously stifled the show from using certain characters, storylines, being renewed, etc. What was this experience like behind the scenes? Did you often find yourself battling for certain decisions/being told no on ideas or did you have ample creative freedom?

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Moro writes...

Why did you decide to have a permeant breakup end to Garfield's happy life with Peridia as a couple after you had his happy life with his mother Marie logan and his happy life with his godmother Rita with both Marie's and Rita's deaths?

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Tom writes...

Is the young justice universe Wally West really dead or is wally west (kid flash) some were alive in some place that his hero friends can rescue wally from if the heroes ever find out that wally is alive something like what happen to superboy in season 4?

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Caleb writes...

Hi, Greg.

Still loving the Young Justice Character Countback. I was wondering if you could tell me who "660. Dirty Old Man" is, or at least point me in the right direction. I've found everyone else (except for Wild-Wagon, but someone else asked about them ahead of me.)

Hope you're having a good day. Thank you for your time!

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Golda writes...

Would Garfield and Perdita still breakup if the Outsiders or blue devil got black canary to council Garfield before Perdita came to visit Garfield at the hub and if that is the so then s why?

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Anonymous writes...

where Rudy West works

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Anonymous writes...

How did Nightwing and Mal feel about the love triangle they witnessed between Miss Martian, Superboy and Lagoon Boy in Depths?
1. Were they disgusted by the "couple's" actions in front of Superboy?
2. Were they on Conner's side?
3. Did they know Lagoon Boy was only Miss Maritan's rebound guy?
4. Were they rooting for Supermartian to get back together?

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Anonymous writes...

This here is a bit of an interesting question. Do the characters of Young Justice in general (the Team, Outsiders, Justice League, their friends, allies and even enemies) see Miss Martian and Superboy as the best and perfect couple out of every romance on the show especially after what happened in season 4 even compared to some of their own relationships; examples like Dick and Barbara and Kaldur and Wyynde?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1 How long have the A'dare sisters and Cairo de Frey worked for intergang and do all 3 ladies wear baseball caps or newsgirl caps from time to time both on and off work ? 2. Doring Artemis arc in season 4 when Jade was telling Artemis and the others Orphin's backstory i saw Onyx Adams inch away in horror like Artemis did when Jade explaned why Orphin is mute was that ment as a a hint that Onyx had bean telling the truth about Cassandra savage ? (witch she was in the end)

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Anonymous writes...

What is the name of Eduardo Jr.'s mother?

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Lara Frakes writes...

Why you just allow Tara or one of the other outsiders to ask beast boy what was wrong with him when the outsiders realize there was something wrong with beast boy so the outsiders could get him help from black canary before Perdita comes to the Hub to see Garfield? After all that is what most fans wanted to happen.

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Anonymous writes...

what did Eduardo Dorado Sr. study and whether a bachelor's, master's or doctorate

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Harold writes...

Would Garfield still breakup with Perdita if the trip to mars for miss martian and superboy wedding on mars when on as plan and no evil time traveler from the future came to kill conner and if so why?

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Yeoh Philippa writes...

Why did you not let Garfield and Perdita get back together as a couple after she rescue in issues 6 of young justice bock story targets because that most fans wanted to happen because the fans did believe it was wrong have Garfield lose Perdita in season 4 over depression made by Garfield blaming himself for conner's death on mars to only to show after Garfield breakup with Perdita that conner is still alive in the phantoms zone and get back together with miss martian and get married in the last episode of season 4?

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Anonymous00 writes...

Hello, Greg! Here to say, excellent work on Young Justice, Gargoyles, and other franchises you've worked on. A curious question regarding your continued work on Gargoyles (i.e. the Dynamite Comics continuation) does Demona remained unchanged(pre seasons 1-3, Puck's spell, Hunter's Moon, etc) before her upcoming return in issue 7?

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Anonymous writes...

what is the earthly name of M'comm M'orzz

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Chip writes...

Were there any video recordings or security feeds from the events of The Mirror showing humans as gargoyles, or did Puck transform those too?

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Bezos writes...

Greg why would you just let Garfield listen to Peridia and let Garfield do what she wanted him to do to get help in young justice phantoms episode 13 so they could stay together as couple and not breakup? Because that is what so many young justice fans wanted to happen.

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Sauron writes...

Why did miss martian choose to date superboy and in the end marry superboy when she knows she ages slower than her earth friends and because of that she could live for a long time after superboy dies?

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Haitham writes...

Did superman interduce superboy to superman's adopted human parents the Kents before or after queen bee kill marie logan?

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Polly Sturgeon writes...

Did Garfield ever visit the kent farm with conner and m'gann after beast boy learn superman was clark kent?

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Anonymous writes...

Just curious but did M'gann ever go with Conner to visit the Kents in Smallville or was it simply Kents only until she married into the family? I didn't see her in Conner's flashback, but it did include Wolf and Sphere.

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Gideon writes...

Why do you believe it is a good story to end Garfield and Perdita's time as a couple over depression over garfield thinking he made conner die on mars when you knew conner and miss martian were going to get married at the last episode of season 4?

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Foley writes...

During the years when Rita was a member of the doom patrol Garfield was living with Rita how was Garfield able to go visit Miss Martian after Garfield's skin turn green if Garfield could not use the zeta tubes during the years Rita was a member of the doom patrol?

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Zirbcin writes...

Many young justice fans view the outsiders did betray Garfield after Garfield return to earth from mars by the outsiders didn't ask Garfield why Garfield was not going on outsiders missions when the outsiders realize there was something wrong with Garfield. What is your answer to this?

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Luka Kendall writes...

Why did you end Garfield and Perdita as a couple because you believe it is unrealistic for them to stay as a couple as she is royalty, and he is not despite the that if Garfield married Perdita Garfield would become royalty by marriage and Garfield could still lead the outsiders and support peridia being as queen and Peridia could support Garfield leading the outsiders after all Orin support Mera become queen and Mera would support Orin become a member of the justice league again so why did you MR Greg not believe Garfield and Perdita could do the same as Orin and Mera?

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Sam writes...

Hello!  Out of curiosity,

1.) Which book genre(s) would the Team members generally read / are their favorite book genre(s)?

2.) Which music genre(s) would the Team members generally listen to / are their favorite music genre(s)?

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Anonymous writes...

when Maurice Bodaway moved in with Shelly Longshadow

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Anonymous writes...

In season 1 Desmond tells his staff to “prepare the NEW Project Sidekick.” Does that mean the Roy/Will project was also called Project Sidekick (just like the Superboy project was called Project Krypton)?

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Rod writes...

Will you consider continuing young justice in comic book form if you can't get more animated seasons of young justice to be produced?

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Brian Ash writes...

Why did you not let garfield and peridia get back together as couple at the end of the last issue of young justice comic story targets after perditia is rescue because that many young justice fans wanted to happen because many young justice fans did not believe it was fair or right for garfield to lose perditia over garfield's drug use and depression cause by garfield thinking he cause superboy to be kill on mars to only you have as part of young justice story only to have superboy and miss martian get back together to marry at the end of season 4 of young justice?

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John N. writes...

Hi again. I decided to ask the last 2 question, that anre connected to the witch boy.
1) Recently, I rewatched the whole YJ series (ps we need 5th season so baaaad ahaha) and noticed one interesting thing. In the 3d season we saw that Klarion (even if he’s immortal and just a concept) feels pain. As I understood, the reason why the witch boy wasn’t focused on the mission RuTaBaGa was Beast Boy who turned into a bee and started stinging him. And now in season 4 we see Child maked a huge hole in Klarions body and he was like “I don’t care”. So here is my question: does the witch boy feel pain or he was just pretending in 3d season?

2) if we clearly see in 4th season that the lord of chaos cant be “killed”, only his anchor, and Klarions physical body amazingly functioned after such a serious damage, can we say the same about the lord of order? I mean, I see they use different ways but if the hosts body would take such fatal wounds, will Dr. Fate still able to do anything? Because if no and with the death of the body Dr. Fate will must find another alive man/woman, why the witch boy does not actually try to kill Nabu. (If Klarion does not want to kill Nabu at all just because it would destroy the balance, (what looks weird and non-chaotic a bit to me), I understand it)

Thanks for ur replies in advance!

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necro mage writes...

does the light still have the means to create more ocean master clones if they wanted to?

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John N. writes...

If Klarion puts Teekl on his shoulders very often, then why he doesn't slouch? I ask because cats are kinda heavy when they grow up so I’m just curious if he can get tired of it or he’s just much stronger physically than it seems due to his skinny appearance

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Anonymous writes...

What is Barbara Gordon's mother's name?

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Anonymous writes...

I'm really confused about this here...

Since Superboy revealed himself to the world in the season 3 finale, does that mean that everyone in Happy Harbour knows the truth about Conner Kent and if so then why was Marvin still clueless until a year later by the time of the wedding?

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Anonymous writes...

Does everyone regret or feel badly for discovering too late that Superboy was still alive? It took them months to find out the truth and yet they could've found out sooner had everyone just been a little honest.

Superman had his meeting with the Legion and Zatanna saw her vision of Superboy calling for help. Haven't they realized yet all their secrets have done is only hurt everyone and this was the worst of all since Conner suffered the greatest being trapped in the PZ and suffered mentally, physically and emotionally.

Also Does Zatanna regret waiting MONTHS before she finally told the truth about her vision?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Do you regret not getting the original team together sooner in the final season for example everyone coming together to greet and comfort M'gann upon her return to Earth since she was still grieving Conner's death?
2. Since their grief wasn't shown as much compared to the others, how badly were Dick and Zatanna affected by Conner's death?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Did Miss Martian and Superboy ever go back to Mars to finish their martian wedding ceremony between the events of the finale to the Targets comics?
2. Do you regret not doing a scene where M'gann and/or Garfield went to visit Conner's memorial on the Watchtower?
3. Is Em'ree still living with M'gann now that Conner's back?
4. What's the one thing you wish you could've done or included in the final season (character or story wise?)

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Allon writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman, I was wondering if Icicle Jr. a metahuman?

Major fan of the show btw.

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Marvelman writes...

1) When was the last time you attended a Canadian con or expo?

2) Have you ever been invited a Canadian con?

3) Would you go if you were invited?

4) I hope all is well.

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. what does Shelly Long shadow do for a living and does she own and wear a baseball cap from time to time? 2. how old is Clue master and how long has he been active as a criminal on earth 16?

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Nicole writes...

Where is young justice going to lead in the future?

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Anonymous writes...

is Rita Farr a certified actress

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Anonymous writes...

when Viktor Markov became king

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Anonymous writes...

what Lex Luthor studied

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Anonymous writes...

Why do believe you get the amount of fan support you need to make a season 5 of young justice after you made season 4 so woke?

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Letizia writes...

Why did you just let beast boy listen to Perdita so they could stay together as a couple and not breakup because that was what most fans wanted to happen and not loose Perdita over drug use over depression over Garfield believing (he Garfield) cause conner to die on mars? After all you Greg knew conner was alive.

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Troy writes...

When Wendy Harris first time sees Garfield with green skin what was she told to explained why Garfield had green skin? Both of them have been to Conner's birthdays between season 1 and 2 of young justice so they must have meet at some point between season 1 and season 2 of young justice.

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Tasha writes...

Which of conner's birthday parties made by megan morse between 2011 to 2015 did Garfield go to?

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Jones writes...

Young Justice marie logan is a lesbian so why did she want a son and not a daughter?

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Chad writes...

In young justice universe did Marie Logan have sex with a man, or did she go to a sperm bank to get sperm to get pregnant which lead to her having Garfield?

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Anonymous writes...

How did Marie Logan give birth to Garfield if she did not have sex with a man because the young justice version of Marie Logan is (lesbian gay)?

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Anonymous writes...

does Kate Kane have a mother named Gabi

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Anonymous writes...

when Jacob Kane was born

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Krill writes...

Why did the time Traver Bart Allen not know Superboy was still alive in phantom zone before miss martian learn of superboy being alive from the martian prince and the female time traveler on the watchtower but if Bart Allen did know Superboy was still alive before martian prince and phantom girl told miss martian on the watchtower then why did Bart Allen not tell beast boy and the other superheroes was still alive before Perdita came to the Hub to see beast boy?

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Marc writes...

Did Rita learn of Garfield logan's eyes turning green before or after Marie logan die?

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Alexandre Brzoski writes...

Hello , Mr. Weisman

Love your show very much and have some questions on the timeline of Earth-16.

1 - What year did Luthor founded Project Cadmus?
2 - What year Jeffrey Burr created the Cult of the Kobra?
3 - Lastly, what year did Black Manta began his villainous career?

Thanks in advance, love from Brazil!

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Amos writes...

Why did you have Garfield have permeant a breakup with Perdita as a couple if you believe Garfield and Perdita were the right one for each other just as you believe superboy and miss martian were the right one for each other?

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Boba Fett writes...

Why do believe you get the numbers of fans you need to support season 5 of young justice to be made after you made so many fans anger at you for having both as parts of the story of the young justice story to have beast boy loss Perdita over mental health drug use depression problems cause by beast boy believing he cause conner to die on mars only to show after that conner was alive in phantoms zone and not get Garfield and Perdita back together as a couple at end of the issue 6 of young justice comic story targets after having Miss Martian and Superboy get married in last episode of season 4 of young justice?

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Anonymous writes...

what she studied Marie Logan

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Saumyria Bougere writes...

I was thinking I could share with you some of ideas I have come up with for season 5 of “young justice” if you are interested in hearing them. Because I’m an huge fan of the series. Sincerely, saumyria bougere

some of my ideas

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Steffey writes...

Do you still believe you Greg will get a season 5 of young justice made if you have no season 5 of young justice made by the time you answer this question, I just ask you? yes or no please

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Kass writes...

How did Queen Bee know that Garfield was going there to see Marie Logan die?

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Aisha writes...

Did garfield walk from he and marie's house to the place where queen bee makes marie kill herself or did marie drive garfield to a location and after that marie drives to the place were queen bee finds marie logan and after that queen bee takes control of marie logan's mind kill marie logan?

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Gargoyles Comic from Dynamite

The story of Gargoyles continues in the comic book series Gargoyles and Gargoyles: Dark Ages published by Dynamite. Available online or at your local comic book shop.

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Gargoyles Figures by NECA

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Gargoyles Season 1 DVD Cover

Includes episode commentaries by co-creator Greg Weisman, interviews with the cast, and a documentary on the fan convention.

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