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Mr Fan and Mr Disappointed - Sequel writes...

Hi Greg ! REALLY hope you'll see this post or somebody will bring it to your attention, because it wouldn't make much sense that you read it in one year. Maybe Marvelman (which discussed about it with me at the time) can signal it to you on twitter, since I don't have it. (Thank you if you do it).

First, I want to apologize about being so vindictive in my criticism, I reacted directly after seeing the episode, and I was really mad. Not mad at you, just sooo frustrated that Zatanna (one of my favs characters ever) got less screentime and focus than prayers and religious talking.
I guess I wasn't expecting that. Hard to believe, though, that Artemis got complains about her little screentime, since you developed her family story and character, with her sister, father, flash-backs and so on... Artemis'arc was really about Artemis, but I guess you'll always have complains anyway.
And to be very clear, even if I could, I will still not try to prevent you from saying this or talking about that or that. That's YOUR show, and I understand very well that a writer's first duty is to follow his own mind without listening to other people around him. Or else, you're doing marketing.
So, even if, say, you've chosen to talk about religion all season 5 long (providing there will be one), I'll be sad and mad and disappointed and so on, but I prefer this than deciding for you.
Just to be clear. I'll never tell you you've done wrong. You do what you wanna do, and I like it or not. Period.

As for using the ''Jehovah's Witnesses as some kind of ultimate example of cultish religious extremism '' I would answer you that when you refuse (and I have witnessed that) a blood transfusion for your kid when he/her is about to die, and in case the doctors still want to save him and do the transfusion you ABANDON your own child... I mean, just an example, all right, and I could find many more, What do you call extremism then ? But I didn't say they were the worst out there, that was just an example of atrocious religious brain-washing. And again, I don't target religious people, only religion. Religious people are mainly victims. Objectively, that's the number one source of atrocities in the world today.

If you wanna talk about faith, you can do that outside of religion. It's not only religious faith out there ! I'm an agnostic, and I have some kind of faith about the universe. Don't know how to describe it, but I'm feeling something. Everybody has faith, in his own way. Being agnostic or even atheist doesn't mean you don't think there's an afterlife or a higher power. There are other possibilities than the VERY silly ones proposed by religion. Because, yes, religion is silly. I'm not saying they're wrong, but they're silly. Because, if they're not silly, nothing is. The word ''silly'' exists to designate something. And what could be more silly than saying God has a kid, or judaism (you must be aware of that) spreads through the blood of the mother ?

In fact, when you say it would be difficult to include atheists in the show, I think nothing is more wrong than that. All an atheist must do to be right is to prove the religions are wrong. And you, have definitely proved religious claims to be wrong in earth16.
Huh ?
Yes, because let's take Vandal Savage, for instance. He's 50000 years old, and religions are saying the world is 6000 years old. So Vandal is a living proof that contradicts religions (the main ones at least). And it's not because the soul exists in your world that this proves religions to be right. Anyway, that would be too long to discuss, I've already made a more detailed post about it under my other name ''Paladin''.
Religions are inconsistent anyway, given that every religious textbook is contradicting itself at some point. Which religious people will never admit, but anyway...
An atheist is perfectly ready to accept anything that comes his way, as long as there is proof. He doesn't make unfounded claims like religious people do. So he can very well accept demons and new gods and stuff. And an agnostic is even more tolerant, because he's just saying he doesn't know. So that the humblest position you could have.

As for Khalid, I don't think you can compare his presence to Zatara's because he's been introduced especially for this episode, and Zatara is a long time season 1 character. But anyway, not important.

I would have much more to say, and I'm sure you would too, but I guess this is already taking too long.
SO, at last, I'm sorry if I sounded obnoxious or anything else, I didn't mean to, I acted on impulse because I DO LOVE that show so much, and I thank you and Brandon for bringing those wonderful stories to us. Hope you'll do great, and good luck for everything !

PS : sorry if there are unreadable characters, I've noticed that before in my text, but can't quite correct it. Hope this will still be readable.

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