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Fraternal Cross-Promotion!

I am pleased to announce the release of "The Best of Dodger Thoughts," a
325-page book featuring the top selections from my brother's Dodger Thoughts website (www.dodgerthoughts.com). Since 2002, Dodger Thoughts has been the leading independent source online for information and insights on the Los Angeles
Dodgers. Now, the best pieces have been compiled in print, with sections on:

--The 2002-2005 seasons
--Dodger history
--Key Dodger players
--Dodger atmosphere: the stadium, the fans, the broadcasters
--Coaching and managing
--The GM's Office
--Baseball and writing
--Plus, a foreword by longtime Dodger broadcaster Ross Porter

Besides providing immediate enjoyment this offseason, "The Best of
Dodger Thoughts" will have long-term worth as a historical resource: a
you-are-there record of an important chapter in Dodger history, as well as
the first printed compendium of blog coverage of the Dodgers. For longtime
readers of the website as well as those who have never seen it, "The Best of
Dodger Thoughts" will be well worth owning. 

"The Best of Dodger Thoughts" can be ordered though this link at Lulu.com -
http://www.lulu.com/content/164688 - or by visiting the Dodger Thoughts

Thanks ...

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matt writes...

ok, i really had to research the archives to figure all this out, but that (and the long wait) will be worth it to satisfy my curiosity.

ok, heres some things you've said in the archives (correct any of these if i've gotten them wrong or they have changed):
-1 year in Avalon is 24 years in the real world, so 10 years on Avalon is 240 years in the real world.
-Gargoyle Beasts are mature by age 2 and can mate and lay an egg 10 years after they were hatched.
-besides Boudicca, there is another female and a male beast among the Avalon Clan and they are mates.
-the Avalon Clan hatched in 1078.

1. so, ten years after the Avalon Clan hatched (this would be the year 1318 in the real world) the gargoyle beast pair would have been old enough and in sync with the natural gargoyle cycle to mate and lay an egg, is that correct?

2. if an egg was laid in Avalon in 1318, then ten years later on Avalon in the year 1558 the egg would be in sync with the natural cycle and again and would hatch, is that correct?

3. then ten years later on Avalon, which would be 1798 the gargoyle pair would be in sync again to mate and lay an egg, is that correct?

4 so, just to be clear, when Goliath, Elisa and Bronx arrive on Avalon, not only should there be Boudicca, and the other two beasts, but there should also be the first now mature pup of the beast pair and their second egg, waiting to hatch in 2038. is that correct?

i know the math is kinda crazy, but the way i figured all this out was by saying 10 years on Avalon is 240 years in the real world and just adding from there so:

1078 real world- eggs hatch
+240 (10 years on Avalon)
1318 real world- gargoyle beasts mate and lay egg
+240 (10 years on Avalon)
1558 real world- egg hatches
+240 (10 years on Avalon)
1798 real world- beasts mate again
+240 (10 years on Avalon)
2038 real world- second egg hatches

is all this right? its entirely possible, despite my checking, that i could've goofed up somewhere, so please correct me if i'm wrong on anything.

thanks Greg!

Greg responds...

Ugh. God, you're really going to make me do the math, aren't you? Let's start by saying that I'm not confirming that any of this happened. I'm just striving to address your calculations.

1. The natural gargoyle cycle would dictate that an egg would not be layed until 1328. Eggs are layed on even decades. They hatch on odd decades.

2. An egg layed on Avalon in 1328 would hatch in 1578.

3. Moving forward, the next egg would be lain in in 1828.

4. That egg would be waiting to hatch in 2078. Nevertheless, by your calculations, when Goliath and Elisa first arrived on Avalon, there should indeed be a pup that hatched in 1578 and an egg that was laid in 1828.

Response recorded on November 28, 2005

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Z writes...

You have said that you thought of the Timedancer spinoff too late in the game to consider producing it, which brought this to my mind.
I'm trying to get a feel for how much of the Gargoyles storyline you already had thought out when you began producing the show vs. how much was you came up with as the series progressed.
When you producing the first episodes, did you have a lot of the specific details of the storyline, villains, or episodes already prepared in your mind (i.e. the World Tour, the existence of the Third Race, Angela choosing Broadway, Elisa and Goliath becoming romantically close, Demona's 1000 year history, etc.)?
Or was it more like you had some vague ideas for villains, and some general episode premises, but left the door open for creativity down the road?
Or did you just have a general idea of a groups of protagonist gargoyles who wake up 1000 years later in Manhattan, fight bad guys, and alter to the new world?
I'm just trying to get a feel for how much was thought out from the beginning and how much was created as the story developed. Thanks for your time.


Greg responds...

Really, I'm not trying to dodge the question, but the answer is "ALL OF THE ABOVE."

There were certain things I had a clear vision of in my head from day one. Other things came to us as we went, but we still had planned out way in advance of when we sat down to write the specific episodes. And still, we left ourselves open to new ideas and serendipity, etc.

Response recorded on November 28, 2005

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kadee writes...

why did u decide to put elisa maza and golith together?

Greg responds...

I might suggest that THEY decided. But beyond that, it was always the plan, from the moment that Goliath entered the development. We never considered any other alternative.

Response recorded on November 21, 2005

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eric age13 writes...

Will there be new toys and episodes of Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Not in the forseeable future. But the series is coming out on DVD and new comic book adventures are set to come out in 2006.

Response recorded on November 21, 2005

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Vinnie writes...

In what epsiode did Coldstone first learn Hudson had taken a name? I ask this because at the beginning of the episode "Possessions" he called Hudson by name, and I don't remember any of the other episodes that Coldstone was in where he learned the other Gargoyles had a names, except of course Lexington.

Greg responds...

You know I'd have to go back through EVERY Coldstone ep to answer this question. But I'd lay odds that no mistake was made.

Either Coldstone heard Hudson's name, or perhaps the Coldstone your referring to was actually someone else (like Puck) posing as Coldstone. Or Coldstone got the info in his memory banks form Demona and/or Macbeth in "High Noon".

I can't remember. And certainly it's possible a mistake was made. But I doubt it.

Response recorded on November 21, 2005

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Anonymous writes...

Some more questions.

According to imdb.com "on October 28, 2002, Toon Disney aired the episode "Deadly Force," They zoomed in on Elisa's face instead of showing the blood by her body." I've yet to see this episode on Toon Disney so I can't say if it's true or not. If it is, were you aware of this change? If so, what brought it about? Will the DVD release of the series include the original unaltered version?

Not a point that would make me not buy the series on DVD but would be unfortunate just the same.

Greg responds...

The DVD includes the uncut version that I approved. This was not the same as the version that first aired, which had an unrealistic quantity of blood on the ground.

And again, I JUST answered this, which means that the same question was only a few questions ahead of yours in the queue. In the future, before posting, please check to confirm that your question hasn't already been asked.

Response recorded on November 21, 2005

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Tabitha Ann McFarland writes...

Dear Mr.weisman,

please allow me to introduce myself to you. My name is Tabitha McFarland 18 of Oklahoma and I ould realy like to ask you a couple of questions if that is fine by you.
My first question is why did you stop making the movies and the television show?what happened that made you stop?Was this the fault of Disney? Or the fault of someone else?
My second question is if you had the chance to make Gargoyles come to life again on television,would you do it?
I hope these questions are OK with you, I donot mean to pester you with all of these things,but they have been on my mind since I discovered that Gargoyles had been canceld.But if you do find the time to answer these questions, could you possibly email me at:dragonhunter2005@yahoo.com I would appreciate it if you would.if you do not wish to answer them that is fine with me as well. I thank you for your time in allowing me to ask these questions. If you do get the chance to put the show back on the air, I wish you good luck and good fortune. If disney or anyone else will allow it to be retelevised. Thank you very much.

Greg responds...

All of these questions have been answered in detail before. And it is against this site's policy to e-mail answers directly. If I did it for you, I'd have to do it for everyone. I feel vaguely churlish, since your post is so sweet, but if you're still around, I'm going to direct you to the archives.

Response recorded on November 21, 2005

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RocShemp writes...

I looked into the FAQ as much as possible so as to avoid asking questions you've clearly asnwered before. That said, I have a few questions regarding the future release of season sets of Gargoyles on DVD:

1) Will Greg have any direct participation with the DVD release (perhaps record an audio commentary and/or participate in documentaries)?

2) The FAQ helped answer my questions about the sound mix and program length differences between the Heroes Awaken "movie" and 5-part story arc. But I would like to know the following:

a. Will both versions of Heroes Awaken be appear on the DVD (perhaps via seamless branching or on separate discs) or will the "movie" version not be included on the DVD set?

b. Which sound mix ("movie" or series) would be used if only the series version Heroes Awaken will be available on the set? Or would sound mix be created to mix and match the best elements of either sound mix?

3) Will the series be presented in its original 2.0 mix or a brand new 5.1 mix? If a 5.1 mix, will it simply be a remastered version of the old 2.0 mix upconverted to 5.1 or will brand new sound elements (gunfire, explosions, ambient sound, etc.) be used with the original dialog and music to create a 5.1 mix relatively from scratch?

Greg responds...

1. By now, I'm sure you know I was involved, both with the first season release and the quickly approaching Second season release.

2a. The movie version was not included.
2b. We of course used the episodic series sound mix with the episodes from the series on the DVD. The other version wouldn't have matched up.

3. I don't know what any of that stuff means.

Response recorded on November 21, 2005

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'Guardian' writes...

Since this question concerns a project Greg worked on that was not Gargoyles, I apologize if I should not be asking it here.

Question time:
It was to my great delight that I saw Weiseman's name as one of the story-editors for the recent direct-to-video release of Bionicle: Mask of Light. I'm rather curious as to how you managed to find yourself in such a place. Since Disney indirectly supported the project, did 'they' point you in that direction? Or is there another reason?

Greg responds...

It had nothing to do with Disney.

I interviewed for the job -- an interview set up by my representation -- and I got it. I hit it off quite well with Bob Thompson, who is the Greg Weisman of the Bionicle Universe. I had a great time working with Bob and with writer Henry Gilroy.

Response recorded on November 18, 2005

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Harlem writes...

1.)did desdemona ever have romantic feelings for Iago the way he does for her?
2.)Did Desdemona ever have romantic feelings for Goliath?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. No.

Response recorded on November 18, 2005

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Archmage Redux writes...

This is a question about Mab that I didn't see anywhere. Where was she first presented in the Gargoyles universe? Was it as fanfic or was there an episode that Toon Disney is failing to air? I got the basic gist of her existence, I just wanna know the details of her "birth" as it were.

Greg responds...

Mab never appeared in an episode. Though given enough issues she will eventually appear in the GARGOYLES comic, which premieres in 2006.

I first mentioned her right here at ASK GREG.

Whether or not others have used her in fanfic is none of my business.

Response recorded on November 18, 2005

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Vinnie writes...

1. Are the Spacespawn a single race or an alliance of different species? (Like the Galatic Alliance in Lilo and Stitch)

2. When Nokar uses the term Spacespawn it sounds more like a curse word then the actual name of the species. My question is: Are the Spacespawn actually named Spacespawn? (Just curious, so I thought that I would ask)

Greg responds...

1. The Space-Spawn are a single race, which is not to say that they haven't made "alliances".

2. To him it is a curse word, but that's their name for now.

Response recorded on November 18, 2005

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Aron writes...

what are the gargoyls names

Greg responds...

Aron, there HAD to be a faster way to get this question answered than coming here, but...


Response recorded on November 17, 2005

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Hey Greg, I wanted to say that I have always been a lover of the Gargoyles series, and I've seen some of the other stuff you've worked on....you know how to organize and put together scripts for a wide variety of genres....sci-fi, fantasy, action, etc. So, I was wondering, I can't recall whether you've worked on a live-action movie before, and was wondering if you could try to become a script writer/editor for the supposed upcoming Deus Ex movie, based on the PC game Deus Ex. This movie is supposed to be in the works soon and I was hoping you could get on the project and use your expertise, that shouldn't go to waste.

Greg responds...

It's very kind of you to think that way. But aside from the fact that here we are in late 2005 and I've still never heard of that project, I'm afraid the movie business doesn't work that way. I can't just become a writer on someone else's movie. It's not nearly that easy. Though I wish it was. Most people in live action are not interested in my skills BECAUSE of my animation credits. They assume that I'm not good enough for live action.

Response recorded on November 17, 2005

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Chris "Vertigo1" Coleman writes...

Hi Greg. I'm glad to hear that Gargoyles is *FINALLY* getting its well deserved release to DVD. I've enjoyed every episode ever since they first aired, and ever since I saw the 'final' episode, have desperately been wanting more. (kinda shocking to hear this from a 22 year old isn't it? ;)) I do have a couple of questions though.

1. Will the 'banned' episode "Deadly Force" be released in the season 1 boxset?
2. Will we get to see the entire episodes? (The series has been repeating on Toon Disney for some time now, but the horrible edit jobs are blatantly obvious. Its obvious that the episodes in their entirety aren't being shown.)
3. Will we get to see the episodes in widescreen? (I'm a big pusher for 16x9 only formats.)

I apologize if any of these have already been answered as I haven't had time to search the archives.

Greg responds...

Guys, guys, you have to look ahead at the questions already asked. I have RECENTLY answered this question multiple times. RECENTLY. Even a quick perusal would have revealed that you needn't have bothered typing this up.

And seriously, what's the point of apologizing for not taking the time to check ahead or check the archives. Instead, why not TAKE the time? Or if you don't have the time, then hold off asking your question until you can take the time -- saving everyone time. All you've really succeeded in doing is delayed new questions from getting answered, adding to the nearly two year delay that will likely prevent you from even seeing this response to your question. And, Chris, I don't mean to pick on you personally. But your post, nice as it was, is emblematic of why ASK GREG is so far behind and why the question-asking function is shut down now. I'm not absolving myself, but I'm also not getting much cooperation.

1. And so again, YES, it was.

2. Again, yes.

3. Again, the episodes were NEVER made for widescreen. So what would be the point in putting them in widescreen now? They were ALWAYS formatted for a standard television screen.

Response recorded on November 17, 2005

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Tami writes...

About the episode, "Deadly Force"...if I remember correctly, there was actually two verisons to it. The first time I saw the episode, it was a lot more intense with surprising amount of blood. But the next time I saw it again I was startled to see the subtle but noticeable changes in it....the blood are mostly removed, some animation (like Goliath's eyes...he blinked once in the first verison, but not the second verison) and even the positions Goliath and Brooklyn took up guarding outside Elisa's hospital room were changed (in the first verison, they took on more menacing poses as they turned into stone, but in second verison they merely crouched looking dull and unexciting.)

Sooooo....I'm really curious, what prompted the sudden changes, and why? I've been wondering about it ever since. (Personally, I thought the first verison was the best I ever seen.)

Thanks for your taking time to read this...

Greg responds...

The blood was not "mostly removed"... but the puddle of blood was changed after the first airing so that it didn't look (incorrectly) as if Elisa had bled out in the first few seconds after being shot.

There were, as you noted, other retakes (corrections) which were not ready in time for the first airing, but which were inserted before the second airing. Note: THIS is not the stuff of censorship AT ALL. This was the producers (Frank and myself) correcting errors. And stuff like this happened in nearly every episode, not just "Deadly Force".

Response recorded on November 17, 2005

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Telmah writes...

Why not make a movie based on the gargoyles?

Greg responds...

See the archives.

Response recorded on November 16, 2005

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Telmah writes...

Why not make an attempt to purchase the rights of "gargoyles" back from Buena Vista?

Greg responds...

With whose millions? And by the way, it's not for sale.

Response recorded on November 16, 2005

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Jen writes...

Deadly Force doesn't seem to be airing on Toon Disney (either that or I just happen to miss it EVERY time it SHOULD be on) Is that because its a darker episode? Or am I just not getting it?

Greg responds...

For a long time, Toon Disney did not air Deadly Force because of it's "adult" subject matter and violence. But now, I'm told, they do.

Response recorded on November 16, 2005

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kazz writes...

hey i was wondering why you made elisa kiss galith. does she love him? i havn't seen that episode yet but i want to.

Greg responds...

Yes, she loves him. Though she's barely admitted that to herself, let alone him.

Response recorded on November 16, 2005

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C.Kent writes...

Are they any animation projects you're working on now along the gargoyles or goth feel?

Greg responds...

I just finished working on WITCH. I'm not sure how "goth" it is, though there's an entire medieval world that they visit on a regular basis. What it does have in common is great dense stories, a pretty exciting arc, great writing and great voice performances... if I do say so myself. The storyboards and designs I've seen to this point also look terrific. So we have very high hopes for a kick-ass second season.

Response recorded on November 16, 2005

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Anonymous writes...

B.Gargoyles 2198
Will Samson search for his allies (Demona, Macbeth, Noka, etc.) or will they come to him?
a)Will his biological siblings join the fight?
b)Or gargoyles from Avalon?
You wrote that there are actually many races fighting against the Space Spawn, are they losing(or simply have problems), because the Space Spawn.
a)is the physically superior race in the war compared with the other races like most gargoyles are to humans?
b)has the better technology? (like the Vorlons and Shadows in B5 to the other races)
c)increases faster in number and thus a bigger population overall? (Like the Invid in Robotech)
d)are masters of war? (Like the Klingons in TNG who are just good at it)
e)are simple crueller and without mercy? (Like theYuuzhan Vong in the Expanded Star Wars Universe)
What are the goals of the Space Spawn? I mean okay the want to win the war, but what want they do if they win?
a)Kill all other races?(Like the Yuuzhan Vong)
b)Making them to slaves like the Centauri from B5 to the Narn and the Cardassians from Ds9 to the Bajorans?
c)Making them to dependent colonies(under direct or indirect controle) like the Dominion from DS9?
a)Are there still governments on earth?
If yes are they:
a)Relative indipendent if they don't oppose the Space Spawn's rule.
b)Directly controled by the Space Spawn(by a representative perhaps)?

Greg responds...

1. Some of each.

2a. One way or another.

2b. One way or another.

3. They're winning. That's all I'm in the mood to reveal.

4. Mostly to expand territory.

5a. Yes.
5abc. Think Vichy.

Response recorded on November 16, 2005

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Anonymous writes...

a)Would there be any other clan known to the public soon?
b)Or will it be a common step of the most clans?
c)Maybe after a worldwide recognition of gargoyles as sentient species?
d)Would it be freewill by all or will some be *discovered* by the humans?

Greg responds...

a. Not soon.

b. No.

c. Not soon.

d. Not saying.

Response recorded on November 15, 2005

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Anonymous writes...

1.If they are adversaries then which one of the space-spawn gods are stronger or are both equal in strength?
2.Are both gods worshipped by the space-spawn?
Is one more popular than another or are they equally popular?
3.What are they gods of? Do they represent some concept?

Greg responds...

With the comic coming out, I'm choosing not to answer these at this time. I'd rather not scoop myself down the line.

Response recorded on November 15, 2005

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