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Owen Puck

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wonderfulakari writes...

This is probably a pointless question, but I've spent all day thinking it. Who would win in a fight, Puck or Klarion the witch boy?

p.s. Thanks for creating awesome.

Greg responds...

Any regular reader of this forum will know that I'm uninterested in these kind of hypotheticals. Play the fight out in your imagination and you can decide who would win.

Response recorded on July 23, 2012

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Zandie-Pants writes...

Was the Idea to make Owen Puck decided AFTER season one was scripted? We see a lot of wry smiles and references in season 2 but none is season 3. Was this because he wasn't originally going to be Puck, or was it to make the story simpler?

Greg responds...

We didn't even know there was a Puck in Season One. But we did know that Owen had a secret. And I had nothing to do with Season Three.

Response recorded on January 31, 2012

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Maki P writes...

Dear Greg, I have a couple of questions about Owen and Alexander that have been bother me for years.
1. Who is Alexander's godfather?
2. I know that in the event of Alexander's accidental death Puck becomes stuck as Owen for the rest of his life. But what happens to Puck if Alexander dies of natural causes, old age included (assuming he's mortal of course)?

Greg responds...

1. What makes you think he has one?

2. I don't deal much in hypotheticals.

Response recorded on January 16, 2012

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Caitlin writes...

Ok, since my real question keeps being thrown out for some reason...

What is Owen's (and/or Puck's) favorite kind of music?

Greg responds...

I don't know off the top of my head. Sorry.

Response recorded on December 12, 2011

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Xera writes...

Does Vogel find Owen annoying at all? I would imagine someone would find their own clone rather irritating after a while.

Greg responds...

Annoying and somewhat disturbing. Couldn't you tell?

(Of course, you're using the term "clone" metaphorically, right?)

Response recorded on May 04, 2011

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Amanda writes...

In regards to Owen's stone hand, do people ever ask Owen or Xanatos what happened to it? If so, what response(s) do they commonly give? Or do they just ignore questions?

Greg responds...

Who would be so rude?

Response recorded on April 15, 2011

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

You say that Titania as Anastasia, like Puck as Owen, is completely human. Does that mean Fox being half Fae was planned choice? Does conceiving a half Fae child requiring choosing to only appear human rather than be human for a change?

Greg responds...

Fair question. It's worth discussing. But I don't have a hard, fast answer now.

Response recorded on December 22, 2010

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SLG writes...

Hey Greg,

Really liked the Young Justice pilot, very solid stuff. I especially like the line Robin had about how Batman would "have his head" for taking so long to get out of those shackles. Robin seemed pretty capable, and I'm sure he'll get closer to Batman's level as time goes on, but I do hope we'll get to see the master at work every once in a while.

I also really have to say that I loved the action sequences (and the writing, of course). They had a great flow to them and a great sense of pace. I was also a bit surprised at how hard hitting some of the fights were, by which I mean they seemed to be fairly violent, even compared to something as recent as SpecSpidey, though that's just my take on it.

So anyway, you say that your brother, Jon Weisman, is writing for Young Justice, which got me thinking about how that was also the case during your time on WITCH. Since someone was nice enough to upload the entire series onto YouTube it has been easy enough to go back to. One of my favorites of that show was "S for Self", mainly because of the songs "Demon in Me" and "Will to Love" that played during it, for which you and Jon wrote the lyrics.

So this is a bit out there, but do you suppose that original songs, like those produced for WITCH, are something that would ever have a place in Young Justice?

How about an entire episode in the form of a musical? Buffy style, you know you want to.

Greg responds...

I do want to. But I'm not sure I'm smart enough to come up with an original reason for it to happen -- that WORKS with the tone of this show. Way back when, I wanted to do a musical episode of Gargoyles, but could never come up with a justification. Then Joss Whedon did "Once More With Feeling". And of course, the answer was obvious. I could have used Puck to force everyone to sing. Trouble is... I wasn't smart enough to figure that out first. Yes, that's right. Joss Whedon is smarter than I am. Now, taking that approach would REALLY look like I was ripping off his idea. I'm not 100% sure I'm above that. But I'm about 87% sure, so...

Even on Spidey, which was a show with a way less realistic and grounded tone than YJ is, I struggled to find an original reason to do a musical episode. And I couldn't figure one out. So the odds of me figuring one out on Young Justice seem slim, I'm afraid.

Response recorded on December 17, 2010

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

The question in the last queue about whether Fox and David can vote after getting out of prison, and my own thoughts about the Third Race and Oberon's Law against interfering with mortals, has led me to this question: What does the Law of Oberon prevent and what does it allow, in terms of Oberon's Children participating in human politics? Do Anastasia Renard and Owen Burnett have U.S. citizenship, or if not could they get it if they wanted it? Can they vote? Can they get any more politically active than voting? (Leaving aside whether they actually want to do any of these things.)


Greg responds...

My I-won't-be-held-to-this answer for the moment is that as long as they are living AS humans, they can PARTICIPATE in human affairs. They can eat lunch with other humans. They can see movies made by humans. They can conduct business with humans, and so, it follows, they can vote as humans vote... as long as they're not using magic to alter things.

Response recorded on September 01, 2010

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

A while back I remember you commenting how it annoys you that when folks praise Batman the Animated Series they mention Timm and Dini (rightfully) but not Burnett. Actually, I just did a search and see you mentioned it several time, and that it mystifies you. Since I had wondered something similar, (his name was so prominent in the Dark Deco look episodes, and don't really remember it after), I was going to ask if you have a theory why. Instead I'll ask if it, in some small way, factored into the Naming of Owen Burnett?

Greg responds...

The "Owen" part of the name was in the original development. The last name Burnett came from writer Michael Reaves, so you'd have to ask him if Owen Burnett was a tribute to Alan Burnett.

And I don't have a clue why Alan doesn't get all the credit he deserves -- other than the fact that Alan doesn't seem to seek it at all. He's a modest guy. Not an attention whore like me, for example.

Response recorded on May 24, 2010

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Me writes...

I'm almost positive this hasn't been asked. Atleast, not like this.

How old is Owen? Biologically, not chronologically.

Greg responds...

I've never seen much point in pinning it down precisely, but he appears to be in his mid-thirties to me.

Response recorded on May 17, 2010

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Todd Jensen writes...

I've enjoyed your use of discarded elements for the "behind-the-scenes" parts of "Gargoyles" in the comic book (such as Constance and Staghart's nicknames, or the Canmores' pursuit of Demona to the Parisian catacombs after Charles Canmore's death). But they give me one misgiving. Now I wonder - if we get more "Gargoyles" graphic novels, what horrible fate you might have in store for Owen?

(That's a rhetorical question, I hasten to add.)

Greg responds...

Oh, the aardvark thing? (I had to think about it to remember what you were referring to.)

But given Sevarius' recent experiments... No promises.

Response recorded on February 24, 2010

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Lyana writes...

Does Owen need sleep

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 10, 2010

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Anna McNarin writes...

Unfortunately, I no longer remember what my first reaction to Gargoyles was as I was eleven when the show aired, I just know what I saw stuck with me. In the back of my mind the memory of being enthralled by the characters and stories always hovered with one thought, "that was an amazing show." I do, however, recall my reactions to watching the volume one DVD oh so many quick years later. Needless to say, a spell had been cast and my love for the tale was born anew.

Having been blessed with a decent memory, there weren't any new big surprises for me as an adult, and so I felt drawn towards watching character relationships more than the action. Two characters in particular caught my interest: David Xanatos and Owen Burnett. Being a lover of duality in life, these two business men stirred my imagination and had me laughing in what was probably a very Puck-like manner.

To the average Joe on their streets, Xanatos is a charismatic -I swear I can hear Jonathan Frakes smiling-, eccentric man with just enough brains to know what to do with his money. His assistant, Owen, is the opposite, so stoic in nature some might see it as borderline masochistic, despite no doubt equaling his employer in brains, and perhaps money. There were times Xanatos treated Owen with such disregard, it was a wonder the blond man stayed on with a man, who for all appearances, viewed the worth of his life as being only as valuable as he was useful. It's that last line that never fails to put a smile on my face, because with the knowledge that Owen is the Puck the meaning twists.

Puck is an actor, arguably the best ever born, so I went through and watched Owen not just being Owen, but as Puck playing Owen. Once I did that I realized that even if the pact between them didn't exist, and given Xanatos knew Owen was born fey, Puck would probably stay on for the simple reason he and David are part of one of the biggest pranks in history. Their interactions, comments, even the extent to which Puck stays in character, it reads as one gigantic private joke on the world. After reading through some of the archives, I also had the startling notion that any person Owen were to become involved with more than likely would not know of the true nature of his soul since trapped as human he would be breaking character if he told. The "prank" continues, and Puck goes down in unwritten history as the greatest actor to live. His magic and form were suppressed, his personality wasn't, yet he keeps to his character. And to all those who would think he would go mad spending the rest of his life locked behind a mask, I don't believe so, not one bit, not when breaking character is more maddening a thought than living with it. The proof is in the scene Oberon proclaimed his sentence upon his servant, Puck swallowed his tongue the second Owen appeared. If begging for his magic were more important than his reputation as an actor he wouldn't have let transforming into Owen stop his lament. Besides, he still has his dreams, in sleep he can be as he wishes.

I have to agree, too, that the idea of Puck being Oberon's boy is absurd. Perhaps the reason so many see a resemblance is similar to how some cannot tell different people of the same nationality apart. I will grant that Oberon appears to view Puck as a child who doesn't know what is best for him and that can be seen as paternal nature, but there was never a doubt that theirs is that of master and servant. My sympathies lie with Oberon, though, for as a personal servant Puck was privy to the intimate on goings of Oberon's life as Owen is to David. To personally go and fetch your own servant, then to hear him choose another over you; I would surmise Oberon came as close to feeling like he'd lost his best friend as he ever could. Sad as I am to say it, I see Puck dying as Owen. If the great ones burn brightly to die young, Oberon's Children will never forget their Lord's pale trickster, and I venture the wisdom Hudson shares in "The Price" struck not David, but Owen.

Pardoning the lengthy analysis, I did have a few questions floating through my brain. They're lovely, potentially silly little ones those of us who love to read into everything ask. If any of it is a repeat, I'm truly sorry, I haven't made it much beyond the Owen Puck archives, the FAQ, and a few random links.

1. In your mind, do Puck and Owen share the same eyes, or at the very least eye color? Animation and comics have their faults and reasons, I'm curious to how you see it.

2. Throwing out a rough guess that there is about six inches height difference between Owen and Puck, would he have even noticed the difference it makes when standing, or being prone to floating at all heights, not have noticed at all?

3. You've previously stated that if Owen dies as the result of external forces, i.e. car crash, he gets shot, then he's dead, no coming back, good-bye. Makes perfect sense. Then there is his pact to serve Xanatos, which if I understand, counts for the whole of Xanatos' life. Also makes sense. I cannot seem to correlate the two, as Owen dying first would breach the terms. Is this a loophole in their contract?

4. Common sense, and how into character Puck gets says they wouldn't be, despite Fox and Alex proving otherwise, but any children he were to sire as Owen would be fully human wouldn't they? Or because his magic has been locked away as opposed to removed, would it be passed on like a recessive gene?

5. Speaking of suppression, as a fey caught in a mortal shell, if someone or something were to remove the inherent magic within him, would Owen die? I would think so, but you may see it differently.

Anyway, thank you -and whoever else happens upon this- for taking the time to read it. May the plot bunnies bless you. :)

Greg responds...

1. I haven't thought about it, but I doubt they share the same eyes. Eye color? Maybe.

2. I'm sure he noticed.

3. Death negates most contracts.

4. Depends. But Fox might serve as a cautionary example.

5. I'd think not.

Liked your analysis, btw.

Response recorded on February 01, 2010

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M. writes...

Related to "Future Tense":
When/How did Puck find out about Goliath having the Phoenix Gate. I don't recall Puck ever knowing this before.

Greg responds...

Puck would have found out from Owen, who would have found out from David.

Response recorded on January 25, 2010

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Grey Wolf writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,

This is Grey Wolf, I was that shy 14 year-old at the 11th Gathering. Unlike a lot of people, I’m not a whole lot LESS shy online. Sorry. But I do tend to express myself a bit better in writing than actual speech.
I got the news that this very well might be the last Gathering of the Gargoyles, and while I’m bummed, this did give me the push I needed to write this comment/question/appeal. Here goes…

Gargoyles really struck a cord with me. I realize you get that quite often, but that’s because it’s true. I was (okay, maybe still am) a bit of an outsider-looking-in with a feverish love for stories. Having Aspergers Syndrome (a mild Autism Spectrum Disorder), watching cartoons gave me a better understanding of body language and facial expressions which are generally exaggerated for TV. I got into Gargoyles long after its original run, but between DVDs and bouts of insomnia, I grew to love it.
Plot is an important part of storytelling, ‘cause without plot, there’s no story. But more important than a good plot, are good characters. Thanks for not making me settle for one or the other : ) Obviously, the Manhattan Clan holds a special place in my heart. Hudson’s slow adjustment to 20th century life mirrored my own reluctance for change. Broadway’s optimism had to have touched even the hardest cynic. Brooklyn’s lust for adventure and ambition hit the romantic explorer within me. Goliath’s somewhat solemn demeanor and true desire for what’s best for the clan made him somewhat of an idealistic leader to me. Bronx, a character in his own right, was a reminder that our ‘primitive’ selves, full of loyalty and courage, should not be buried too deep. Lexington’s cautious curiosity was so like my own desire to interact with a world that, at the same time, was so intimidating to me. Elisa’s idealism for as a police officer and acceptance of the gargoyles made for a great hero figure for a young girl to follow. Angela’s inability to understand just WHY everyone can’t (won’t?) get along was something I shared (share).
I could go ahead and list every character from the show, but that would more or less be stalling, because I have two specific characters in mind for this post: Puck and Oberon. Yeah, I know, they’re not actual gargoyles AND they’re also Shakespearian characters--- yet, I wouldn’t love them so much (maybe not have learned of them at all) if it weren’t for Gargoyles and your characterization of them.
Puck had a sense of humor, something I had to LEARN. He was childish, antagonistic, playful, and FUN. I can only wish I had the same wit and carefree state of mind. Granted, I’m a bit more mature than he is (thank God), but still; Puck’s pretty darn awesome.
Oberon scared the frig out of me at first. Something with THAT much power and THAT much ego went against everything I ever learned about the balance between power and responsibility. But deep down, he’s not such a bad guy; just… sort of a baby (oooh, don’t tell him I said that!). His hissy fits would have been comical if they weren’t so dangerous, and didn’t have such dire consequences. In my meekness, maybe I envied his self-confidence.
I can forgive them their moral lapses on the basis that they seem…. adolescent, almost? (Like I should talk…) It seems the not-so-nice things they do are more out of impulse than malice. Intent means SOMETHING, right?
Okay, now to my point. Obie and Puck seemed pretty tight in a Midsummer Night’s Dream, and even after the DEBACLE The Gathering Parts I and II, you’ve hinted to the idea that they still care for each other.
Alright, I’m a softie. Puck’s banishment at the hands of someone he loved (you have to feel some affection for the person you serve to be a good servant, right?) was absolutely heart wrenching! Okay, I felt a little bad for Oberon, too. He felt betrayed, and frankly, banishing his servant is gonna come back to bite him in the rear sooner or later. I cried, and MAN was I ticked it wasn’t resolved (even addressed!) before the series was canceled. If ever I wanted a particular story finished, that would be it. It’s literally been nagging me for over three years now, at LEAST. (Yay OCD...)

I asked you at the Gathering in Pigeon Forge whether Oberon would ever forgive Puck or not. I remember you smiled and said that “Ever is a really long time”, but that he hadn’t by 2198, and I’d have to wait and see.
I’m willing to wait and see, but the comic being canceled, and the idea that this could be the last Gathering of the Gargoyles has kinda disheartened me. Not that I’m going to give up on hoping; nobody can get rid of me THAT easily.
The question I’m going to ask you is: Will Puck and Oberon EVER be friends again?
I can wait ‘till the Gathering in August, if you like. I can even wait longer than that for an answer, say 2015, but I really am hoping for an answer. In fact, I’d like to hear/read/watch the story; but I realize I’ll have SERIOUS wait for THAT.
So, is it okay if I ask you at the Gathering?

Greg responds...

Grey Wolf,

By now, of course, the Gathering has come and gone, and we discussed this. And the answer hasn't changed much: Puck is still banished in 2198. But that doesn't mean that he and Oberon are at odds, per se. Beyond that...

Response recorded on October 01, 2009

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Todd Jensen writes...

I've been hesitant about asking this question for a while, in case it turned out to be an idea in disguise, but:

In "A Lighthouse in the Sea of Time", when Goliath shouts to Owen "Take us to them [Xanatos, Broadway, and Hudson]!", Owen replies, with a sly smile on his face, "You should know that I can't do that."

Now, Owen/Puck's contract with Xanatos prevents him from using his abilities as Puck in his Owen-role, only permitting him to use his mundane skills. Was his line a subtle foreshadowing-reference to that? He'd certainly be debarred from transporting Goliath, Brooklyn, and Lexington to wherever Xanatos, Broadway, and Hudson were in the magical sense (even though Goliath obviously didn't have that in mind when he made the demand), by the deal he'd made. And it would certainly fit that smile of his, the kind of smile that suggests he knew something that Goliath didn't, and that he knew Goliath didn't know.

Greg responds...

I'd love to say yes, and let you think I'm brilliant, but it wasn't really the idea in my head. Owen is saying "You should know that I can't do that..." meaning "You should know that Xanatos isn't behind this particular nefarious plot."

Response recorded on September 15, 2009

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G2008 Radio Play

G2008 Radio Play (Chapter VII)


NOVEMBER 2, 6:46AM EST. Scarab Corp. Coldsteel looks on, as David Xanatos installs a diamond inside Coyote 5.0.

And what would that be?

It’s called the Coyote Diamond…

Chapter Seven: The Rock.

The stone’s flawless surfaces and clarity increase the speed of--

I’m sorry I asked.

My apologies. I’m sure you’re much more interested in your own situation.

I was under the impression I had free will.

And you do. I promise summoning you was a one-time event. On the other hand, your unit does include a built-in tracking device… which I’m happy to deactivate…


Permanently. All I ask in return is help on one small errand. Are we agreed?

We are agreed.



3:52PM EST. The Labyrinth. Talon cradles Maggie the Cat, as Dr. Jay Sato examines her. Elisa Maza looks on.

How is she, Doc?

28. SATO
Well, her pulse is fine, and her injuries seem to be healing nicely…

See, Derek, I said you were worried over nothing.

30. SATO
But I’m a surgeon. Treating someone in Maggie’s… “condition” is really not my area.

Not anyone’s, Dr. Sato. Anyone we dare trust anyway.

32. SATO
It’s as if you’ve revealed a new world to me…

Yep, you’re a medical pioneer.

34. SATO
Pioneer or not, she needs an O.B.


4:50PM EST. Eyrie Building. As the sun sets, Owen Burnett and Macbeth wait for Goliath to wake. NOVEMBER 2, 5:12PM EST. Inside the Great Hall, Macbeth addresses Goliath, Brooklyn, Hudson, Angela, Broadway, Bronx and Lexington.

It’s called the Stone of Destiny. For centuries the kings of Scotland were crowned upon it at Scone…

Magic talking stone. We’ve heard of it.

Yes, well, the English stole it. Now, after eight hundred years, it’s finally being returned. I’m asking for your help to ensure it gets to Scotland safely.

Don’t you have… minions… for this?

We’ve parted ways. Please, Goliath. Many â€" including your landlord â€" would stop at nothing to get the Stone.

I have been wounded twice in one week. I am healed â€" but not whole. But my second, Brooklyn, can lead Broadway, Lexington and Angela to join your quest.

Yeah, we’re goin’ to Scotland!!

Well, England to start with--

I don’t know, Goliath, if you’re recovering, maybe this is the wrong time to send me overseas.

Ah… Yes. You are needed here. Hudson may lead this expedition.

Owen, watching the exchange by closed circuit, talks on the phone to Xanatos, who’s about to board a private plane.

47. OWEN
Yes, Macbeth, Hudson, Broadway, Angela and Lexington… Shall I attempt to stop them?

That won’t be necessary. I believe I’ve planned for this contingency.

Back in the Great Hall, Angela whispers in Broadway’s ear.

Uh… yeah… Manhattan’s dangerous right now. Me and Angela’ll stay too. To help Brooklyn.

That’s great. Thanks.

Macbeth, Brooklyn, Goliath, Broadway, Owen & Xanatos sit. SHARI STANDS.

NOVEMBER 3, 5:29AM EST. Nightstone Unlimited. Shari and Thailog are in Dominique Destine’s office.

The story is told â€" though who can say if it be true â€" of two brothers who both loved the same female. And though all strife comes to an end one way or another, some conflicts refuse to stay dead. Xanatos and Demona used science and sorcery to create a monster from fragments of all three gargoyles, their bodies and souls. But in the end, the souls were segregated into Coldstone, Coldfire and Coldsteel. It’s really a timeless love story.


3:00PM GMT. London. A private jet lands. Customs Officials greet Macbeth, as workers wheel two large crates from the plane’s hold.

Lennox Macduff?


Welcome to England, sir. Anything to declare?

Works of art for my home in Berkeley Square.

Have to have a look in, sir.

Of course.

The crates are opened, revealing Lexington and Hudson, frozen in stone. 4:30PM GMT. Macbeth waits on the roof of his Berkeley Square Townhouse for Hudson and Lexington to wake. The sun sets. 5:07PM. It’s past sunset. Hudson and Lex are STILL frozen in stone. 6:15PM. Night. No change. 7:01PM. Macbeth grows concerned. 7:45PM. Hudson and Lex finally wake.

<awakening roars>

Whoa, I don’t feel so hot… and look how dark it is? How long have we been asleep?

Welcome, lad, to the wonderful world of jetlag. Don’t worry. You’ve got ten days to adjust before they move the Stone.


NOVEMBER 4, 5:30AM EST. Nightstone. Thailog soaks in a jacuzzi. Shari sits nearby.

The story is told -- though who can say if it be true-- of Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham… who fled the wrath of his brother Esau to a place he would call Bethel, where he laid his head upon a stone and had a wondrous vision!

5:35AM EST. J.F.K.

Flight 994, now boarding all rows…

Can you believe it? I’m goin’ to Japan!

Shari, Intercom & Vinnie sit. Goliath & Elisa STAND.

9:48PM EST. Goliath’s Tower.

About Halloween… I will not hold you to words spoken when you believed my life hung in the balance.

Even if I want to be held?

I know you care for me. That is not at issue. But what of the things I cannot give you… picnics… normalcy…?

We can have a picnic anytime… and normalcy’s so over-rated.

She runs her fingers through his hair. He takes her into his arms and kisses her.

Goliath & Elisa sit. Shari STANDS.

NOVEMBER 5, 5:31AM EST. Nightstone. Thailog and Shari look out over the city.

The story is told â€" though who can say if it be true â€" that Gathelus, a son of the king of Athens, won many victories for the Pharaoh of Egypt, who rewarded the prince with the hand of his beloved: Pharaoh’s own daughter, Scota. But Gathelus had also befriended Moses, the Hebrew, who warned his young friends of the plagues to befall the Kingdom of the Nile. Gathelus and Scota determined to leave Egypt, and Moses entrusted them with Jacob’s Pillow, the Hebrews’ sacred stone…

NOVEMBER 6, 5:32AM EST. ST. DAMIEN’S CATHEDRAL. Thailog, Shari and Brentwood search for something.

The story is told â€" though who can say if it be true â€" that Gathelus fled Egypt with his wife and the Stone of the Hebrews. He sought landfall on the rocky shores of Samothrace, for Scota was heavy with child and could go no farther. Still destiny blessed them with fine twin sons…

6:00AM EST. Thailog flies Shari across the city. Brentwood follows.

Gathelus and his family would wander the globe for two years before finding a home on the Iberian Peninsula in a place they named the Port of Gathelus, or Portugal. By this time the family had grown: the Athenian prince and Egyptian princess now had four healthy boys in their care not to mention one large Stone.

NOVEMBER 7, 5:33AM EST. Thailog and Shari begin a game of chess.

The story is told â€" though who can say if it be true â€" that after the death of her beloved Gathelus, Scota departed Portugal with her eight sons… only to lose five of the boys at sea… while Scota herself and another son died warrior’s deaths upon landing in Ireland. But her eldest boy, Eremon, and her youngest, Eber Finn, survived, and Eremon was crowned king upon the Stone at Tara.

Shari sits. Xanatos & FOX stand.

2:18PM GMT. Mayfair. Xanatos takes Alexander from Fox.

Darling, if you like the shoes, buy them…

86. FOX
The black manolos in the window… do you have them in a size nine? Lovely. Wrap them up, please.

2:45PM GMT. Fox exits the store.

88. FOX
Mission accomplished.

7:19PM GMT. Fox admires her new shoes in the full-length mirror of her hotel room. Xanatos admires the shoebox.

Darling? Do you still need this shoebox… or might I dispose of it?

Xanatos & Fox sit. Shari & THAILOG STAND.

NOVEMBER 8, 5:34AM EST. Nightstone. Thailog and Shari continue their chess game.

The story is told â€" though who can say if it be true â€" of Moses, who led the Hebrews out of Egypt and into the desert… bringing forth water from Jacob’s Pillow to quench their--

You said Moses gave the Stone to Gathelus and Scota before leading the Hebrews out of Egypt!

The story is told…

<pause> Though who can say if it be true? Right. Continue.

The Hebrews passed the Stone down the centuries, until the prophet Jeremiah offered it in dowry to King Eochaid of Ireland when he wed Tamar Tea Tephi, Princess of Judah. Eochaid ensconced the Stone at Tara and dubbed it Lia Fáil.


The story is told â€" though who can say if it be true â€" of Cu Chullain, the Hero of Ulster, who championed Lugaid Red-Stripe for king. But when the Lia Fáil would not cry to confirm Lugaid, Cu Chullain was enraged, striking with Gae Bolga, the Spear of Light, and splitting the Stone of Destiny forever!

NOVEMBER 10, 5:37AM EST. Shari captures Thailog’s white knight with her black bishop.

100. SHARI
The story is told â€" though who can say if it be true â€" of young Prince Fergus of Ireland, who carried half Cu Chullain’s handiwork to Argyll in what men now call Scotland to found a kingdom called Dalriada. Though a castle called Carbonek found him instead, bringing the Priest-King Pelles and the Archmage Merlin and their request to borrow the Stone of Destiny for a purpose of their own. A purpose fulfilled in Londontown by a sword clep’d Excalibur in a stone clep’d Lia Fáil drawn forth by a boy clep’d Arthur.

NOVEMBER 11, 5:38AM EST. Thailog tips over one of Shari’s black rooks with his white bishop.

102. SHARI
The story is told â€" though who can say if it be true â€" of Saint Columba, he who tamed the monster of Loch Ness, before returning to the island of Iona, where Merlin and Pelles had brought the Stone once it had served their purposes. And where Columba laid down his head upon Jacob’s Pillow and breathed his last.

NOVEMBER 12, 5:39AM EST. Shari’s Black Queen is lined up to capture Thailog’s White King.

104. SHARI


106. SHARI
Would you prefer I lost on purpose?

I’d fire you if you did. Don’t you have a story to tell?

108. SHARI
The story is told â€" though who can say if it be true â€" of Kenneth MacAlpin, scion of Fergus, who united the Kingdoms of Scotland and was crowned High King upon the Stone at Scone. As would all the Heirs of Scota â€" for the next four hundred years.


NOVEMBER 12, 10:00PM GMT. David Xanatos presses a button on a remote control. NOVEMBER 13, 6:01AM GMT+8. TIBET. Inside the old cave, Coldstone and Coldfire stand over Master Dawa and Sangpo. All react to a noise.

I believe… I believe I can find him…

Coldfire sits.


112. SHARI
The story is told â€" though who can say if it be true â€" of Edward the First of England, the Hammer of the Scots, who sicced his mighty Warwolf on his neighbors to the north and took as prize the Stone of Scone, which he installed in the Coronation Chair at Westminster Abbey, where it has crowned the kings and queens of England down to this very day…

Shari & Thailog sit. Lexington, Macbeth, Hudson, Arthur, GRIFF, AMP & COCO STAND.

NOVEMBER 13, 5:32PM GMT. Hudson and Lex are atop Victoria Tower. Macbeth is below, in front of Westminster Abbey.

All clear. No sign of trouble.

Not expecting trouble tonight. They’re only moving the Stone from the Coronation Chair to the Lantern. It won’t leave the Abbey until tomorrow.

Aye, and the human security is tight as a drum. I’m nae convinced you could break in there with a battering ram.

You’d be surprised.

11:46PM GMT.

<yawn> Still nothing to report. Who exactly are we expecting?

Anyone. Everyone. Just stay alert…

Macbeth spots a shadowy figure and pursues it down into a London Underground Station…

I’m probably on a wild goose chase, lads. But in case I’m not, you’d better head this… way…

That could be a problem…

Arthur Pendragon puts Excalibur to Macbeth’s throat. Meanwhile, on Victoria Tower, Hudson and Lex are surrounded by gargoyles.

By the blade of Excalibur, what are you up to now, Macbeth?

King Arthur?! I’m here to protect the Stone of Destiny!

Then our two quests are one and the same!


The gargoyles!!

They’ll be at each other’s throats!!

131. GRIFF
Hudson! Lexington! Bloody lovely to see you again!

You too, Griff!

Aye, lad. The badduns’ll have no chance at that Stone now!

NOVEMBER 14, 5:28AM. Macbeth radios Lex.

It’ll soon be dawn. You and Hudson go with Griff. Arthur and I will stand vigil through the day.

Arthur & Macbeth sit.

5:33AM GMT. Griff, Hudson, Lex and the other two gargoyles glide over London.

Are we headed to Soho? Goliath said you have a store there…

138. GRIFF
We do. But I thought I’d take you home instead. To our clan--

139. AMP
To Knight’s Spur!

140. COCO
You know, Griff, I don’t believe we’ve been properly introduced to your Yank friends…

<Hmph> Watch who you’re callin’ a Yank, lass…

142. GRIFF
Where are my manners? Hudson, Lexington, this is Constance.

143. COCO
My friends call me Coco.

144. GRIFF
And this is Staghart.

145. AMP
My friends call me Amp!

146. COCO
Nobody calls you Amp, luv.

I’ll call you Amp.


149. GRIFF
Welcome to Knight’s Spur…

7:20AM. Atop Knight’s Spur, Old Pog, Hudson, Griff, Lex, Amp, Coco and Lunette sleep as stone.

Hudson, Lexington, Griff, Amp & Coco sit. Arthur & Macbeth STAND.

7:48AM. Macbeth and Arthur sip coffee outside a Nightstone’s café.

…Mortally wounded in 542. So they shipped me off to some magic hill and put me to sleep for a thousand four hundred fifty-three years.

Sounds lovely.

And you?

Deal with a demon in 1040. Officially died in 1057. Been sleepwalking for nine hundred thirty-nine years.

<pause> Guess I got the better bargain.

Ach, I try not to dwell these days. So here’s to the immortals. There aren’t many like us…

Arthur & Macbeth sit. Shari STANDS.

NOVEMBER 14, 5:42AM EST. NIGHTSTONE. Shari places her black knight in front of Thailog’s white knight.

159. SHARI
The story is told â€" though who can say if it be true â€" of Robert the Bruce of Scotland, who defeated the English at Bannockburn with the help of an Irish ally, Cormac MacCarthy. With the victory, came a prize: a fragment of the Fatal Stone that England had taken from Scone. This fragment, the Bruce gave to MacCarthy, whose descendents had it installed at Blarney Castle, where it is said to grant the gift of gab. I’ve kissed it myself a time or two…

Shari sits. Hudson, Macbeth & Arthur STAND.

NOVEMBER 14, 6:32PM GMT. Knight’s Spur. Hudson, Macbeth and Arthur confer in a book-lined study.

Lex, Griff, Constance and Staghart sent you home to rest then…

Aye, Hudson. We’ll catch a few hours sleep then head back out. But you…?

I had some questions for the Pendragon. Weren’t you on a quest to find your wizard?

Indeed. And Sir Griff and I searched for Merlin in all the obvious places. But to no gain. So I’ve been “doing research” on Merlin… and on myself.

Hudson examines a copy of Le Morte D’Arthur by Thomas Malory.

So many books… are any of them true?

All things are true… few things are accurate.

Aye. No bloody kidding.

Hudson contemplates this.

Hudson, Macbeth & Arthur sit.

Tomorrow, Chapter VIII...

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Thorgrimur writes...

I would like to ask a few questions about Preston Vogel. For some reason, I actually like him more than Owen.
1. Does Puck have any liking for Vogel?. Did he create the Owen persona more to honour or mock Vogel?
2. How did Vogel and Owen get along when they were both working at Cyberbiotics?
3. Did Vogel get to keep the fee he was paid by Fox for sabotaging the Cybots in "Outfoxed"?
4. (This has been asked before, but not properly answered). In the Silver Falcon story memo, there is a line refering to "Vogel's murder" (the exact line was: "Vogel's murder in the other premise, was never gonna fly". What was that about?

Greg responds...

1. I think Puck was amused by Vogel and wanted to do him one better.

2. Owen got along fine with Vogel. Vogel was somewhat disconcerted by Owen, for reasons he could not quite put his finger on.

3. Good question.

4. I don't recall. But clearly an earlier draft of the writer or story editor's premise had Vogel being murdered, and I was saying that would never get past S&P.

Response recorded on July 03, 2009

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James writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I just bought Season Two: Volume One on DVD, and while I was watching "City of Stone," I thought about something regarding Owen and Puck. If Owen were to be destroyed while he was in his stone state, what would happen to Puck? It seems that the only magic Puck can do in his Owen state is the ability to switch back to his Puck state. If so, then would Puck be destroyed too if Owen was destroyed since he would have no way to protect himself, or would Puck just reform somehow like the Banshee and Anansi do later in the show?

Thanks in advance for any response. I love the show, and I am awaiting Clan-Building: Volume Two.

Greg responds...

Puck would be dead.

Response recorded on June 29, 2009

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Bazell writes...

For that matter, what was Owen/Puck doing when Demona summoned him? Doing a task for Xanatos? Making a sandwich?

Greg responds...

A smoothie, I think. Tropical blend. Non-alcoholic, of course. But with a little umbrella.

Response recorded on June 26, 2009

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Matt writes...

What was Owen/Puck doing when Demona summoned him in "The Mirror"? Did he just up and dissapear or something? Did anyone witness this?

Greg responds...

Nothing significant.

Pretty much.

Probably not.

Response recorded on June 26, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

In your opinion who do you think is more powerful: the Weird Sisters or Puck? I ask because I've noticed that they're the only ones of Oberon's Children who consistantly fight or aid the Gargoyles and I was curious what would happen if they ever came into conflict.
Also Oberon forbid his Children from harming or interfering with humans, did he forbid his Children from fighting amongst themselves? Again I ask cause I wonder why Grandmother didn't fight Raven herself.
Finally, why does Oberon even care what he or his race do to mankind? It's a little suprising that a being so powerful could have compasion for such 'mere mortals'.

Greg responds...

I guess I'd guess that the Sisters are more powerful, since at the very least there are three of them. But of course Puck's a trickster, and really the question seems a bit pointless.

Oberon did not forbid the Children from fighting among themselves. But Grandmother wasn't fighting for herself, but for the island. Plus, there's some question as to whether she could have beaten Raven in a straight-up head to head fight. Especially since fighting is clearly NOT her way.

I'm way more powerful than my dogs and cat, but I have a lot of compassion for them, and certainly wouldn't want anyone to harm them.

Response recorded on June 19, 2009

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OTHELLO writes...

In the "City of Stone" Part 1. How does Demona restrain Owen into a chair when shes speaking the "Stone By Night" spell?

Greg responds...

This has been answered before. I'll refer you to the ASK GREG archives and to my ramble on that episode.

Response recorded on April 06, 2009

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Matthew writes...

I hope this question hasn't been asked before. I looked over the archives, but there are a lot archives and I may have missed it. Is Owen vulnerable to iron? I know in his Puck form he is, but as Owen he's basically human.

Greg responds...

He's no more vulnerable than you or I, though he might... shy away from it, unconsciously.

Response recorded on March 31, 2009

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Kevin Shane writes...

Did Xanatos share Owen's identity as Puck with Fox? I assume he did, but would there be a reason not to?

Greg responds...

Yes, eventually.

Response recorded on September 16, 2008

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Wesley Nichols writes...

I once heard/ read that when the Midsummer Nights Dream was performed during William Shakespears time, Puck was usually portrayed by a child (can't remember where I heard this, but I believe it was an english teacher in high school). Did you ever consider giving puck the appearance of a child?

Greg responds...

I've never heard that, and it doesn't sound too likely to me. So... no.

Response recorded on August 11, 2008

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Matt writes...

1. In what spinoffs would we see Banshee and Rory Dugan?

2. Why is the Banshee's voice more painful and even lethal to humans while gargoyles seem to be less affected by it (though still painful)?

3. In your timeline you've indicated that Banshee informed Puck of the coming Gathering. How did Banshee discover that the Gathering was soon at hand?

4. What is the Banshee's relationship with Puck? Why did she inform him of the Gathering?

5. While the Banshee has Oberon's metal plate over her mouth, can she still transform into Molly or Cromm-Cruach? If so, does the plate remain in place or is that strictly a feature of her Banshee form?

Thanks Greg!

Greg responds...

1. I'm not saying. Though I ALSO have an idea for them to get their OWN spin-off.

2. That sounds like a good question for our Gargoyle Biology and Culture panel. Although the easy answer is that gargoyles are just tougher monkeys.

3. From Goliath, Elisa and Angela. Of course, she's actually misinterpreted their appearance in her midst. So she's only accidentally correct when she tells Puck.

4. They are sympatico on one point. They didn't want to return to Avalon at that time.

5. The plate adapts to her form. Oberon knows she can change shape, so I can't imagine he wouldn't have taken something that fundamental for granted. Of course, instead of transforming into Molly, she could glamour into Molly and make the gag invisible. But she still wouldn't be able to talk.

Response recorded on August 05, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

I'm new to all this just reading through Ask Greg, While I was wandering around something caught my attend whih was in VII. Family Xanatos & Owen/Puck question 8. Does Owen have a love life? If so, do we know his romantic interest? And Your respond, Yes he does, but we do not know who she is, but however she is human. Now here is my question, is it only owen who loves her, or does puck also care for this woman?

Thank you for your time

Greg responds...

I'm not answering this at this time.

Response recorded on June 10, 2008

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Gipdac writes...

Seeing "Reckoning" when Demona was explaining to Angela how she survived over a thousand years made me think, how much does anyone really know about her immortality; for example during "City of Stone" she lied to Xanatos about it, so…
1. How much of Demona's true story (about MacBeth, her immortality, the Weird Sisters, her clan after Wyvern, the Hunter(s), etc.) does Angela really know?
2. How much does Thailog know about Demona's true story?
3. How much does Xanatos know about Demona's true story?
4. How much does Puck/Owen know about Demona's true story?
5. How much do Goliath and the rest of the Manhattan clan know about Demona's true story?

Greg responds...

1. Very little.

2. Very little.

3. Very little.

4. Quite a bit.

5. Very little.

Response recorded on May 21, 2008

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Beatrice writes...

I've heard you hate what if questions, but I have a question that's been rattling in my head...

Puck's spell has her turn human in day and gargoyle at night. So my question is if she were to have another child, would it be affected by the spell? And if not is it because Puck's spell directed at her?

Greg responds...

This has been answered before. Check the ASK GREG archives.

Response recorded on April 15, 2008

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Zabrian writes...

Now i noticed and a may be wrong but Titania seemed less effected by iron as did puck then Oberon himself. I was wondering if maybe this was because they are less Allergic to it being his children, and is Titania just less effected in general?

Greg responds...

They're not LITERALLY his children. And I'm not sure why you say they were less effected?

Response recorded on April 14, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

How can Owen/Puck have a relationship when he can't age?

Greg responds...

How does one thing preclude the other?

Response recorded on April 08, 2008

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Mera writes...

Hi, Greg.

I’m compelled to tell you that I have never been interested in comics much less read them until Gargoyles and BUFFY/ANGEL (they are the only ones I read and I have every issue). I had a dream once about you and Joss Whedon collaborating in something but I woke up before I saw what it was. Therefore, please keep up the amazing work in bringing out the comics (or show if the stars align) and maybe, who knows, one day I can see both your names on something I’m reading/watching. My selfish fantasies have come true before.

Here’s the question. Even though I adore all the characters Gargoyles had brought to life for me, I, as everyone have a soft one for one or two particular characters. Depending on how you look at it. Will Owen (or Puck) ever get his own storyline or particular focus? Not asking about romance, unless there is one! Won’t say no about it. But he is a very interesting character and I hope for us to see more of him and his sharp witty one-liners.


Greg responds...

Given enough issues, the answer is yes, of course.

Response recorded on March 17, 2008

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Queen of Night writes...

Wow, I had no idea Bad Guys was already out. It's been a busy month. But I got a lot of thinking time since I've been on medical leave and I came up with these little gems.

1. OK, in the case of Owen/Puck you've said that Owen is fully human and can't do magic unless he's Puck (as far as I know anyway) and that rule applies to all Faeries. However, Fox is the offspring of Titania as a human and Reynard but she and her son are able to cast spells. I've read a few things about the differences between human and faerie magic but the only times we've seen magic in humans is through an object of some sort i.e. the Grimoire, the Eye of Odin, the Pheonix Gate ect. So what kind of magic do Fox and Alex (and presumely Merlin) use? If human why don't they need an object; if Fairy how?

2. I'm a HUGE fan of Midsummer's Night Dream but there is one thing that has irritaed me even when I was 10 years old. You switched the roles of Titania and Oberon. In the play Oberon was the consort though he was King of the Elves, Titania was the Queen of Fairies. What made you switch their roles?

3. I know you'll hate this question but is Mab plotting the destruction of Titania and Oberon or is she just gonna destroy us all outright?

Thanks for the answers!

Greg responds...

1. Mortal sorcery doesn't enter into it. Owen is a mortal construct, able to do no magic except transform into Puck. Fox is half-human/half Child of Oberon. Alex is 3/4 human, 1/4 Child. Merlin is half and half. What isn't clear about this?

2. I've read and seen Midsummer easily 100 times. In what way did I switch their roles? Are you sure you're not allowing your interpretation of the play to influence your interpretation of what we did on the show?

3. I don't hate the question, but I have no intention of answering it at this time.

Response recorded on January 15, 2008

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

January 12th...

Owen Burnett defeats David Xanatos in a judo match, causing Xanatos to fear he is losing his edge. Xanatos first meets with the Emir is that afternoon. That evening on Elisa Maza's first night back on the job, she is assigned a new partner: Matt Bluestone. She brings a television set up to the gargoyles, who are now ensconced in their new home in the Clock Tower above the 23rd Precinct House. Meanwhile, Xanatos donates the Eye of Odin to the Museum of Modern Art and is interviewed on television by Travis Marshall. Later that night, Xanatos - dressed in Gargoyle Battle Armor - steals the Eye back for his private collection. Simultaneously, two Steel Clan Robots are seen at other locations in the city, leading people to believe that gargoyles are on the loose.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

January 5th...

Convinced that David Xanatos is responsible for Elisa Maza's disappearance, Talon leads the Trio in an attack on the Eyrie Building. Xanatos and Owen Burnett test out their new (Thailog motivated) security system and Owen's new stone fist. Ultimately, however, they allow the foursome to fruitlessly search the place once Xanatos discovers that Goliath and the others are missing. Meanwhile, Fang has staged a coup down in the Labyrinth. He takes Talon prisoner upon his return. Maggie the Cat, however, escapes with Claw's aid and seeks help at the Clock Tower. After sundown, Brooklyn leads the gargoyles and Maggie against Fang and his minions. Talon is freed and Fang is captured.

Dingo, Matrix, Hunter, Yama and Fang are approaching an island when their battle-copter Redemption is blown out of the sky.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

January 4th...

Edward the Confessor dies of natural causes. His brother-in-law, Harold Godwinson, succeeds him.

Goliath, Lexington, Bronx and Brooklyn return to Castle Wyvern atop the Eyrie Building but are intercepted by Elisa Maza, Hudson and Broadway, who finally manage to convince Goliath to follow Elisa to their new home at the Clock Tower above the 23rd Precinct -- but not before Goliath warns Owen Burnett that the clan will some day return. David Xanatos is finally released from jail that morning and returns to the castle. He starts serving his probation. Later that day, Xanatos goes to Gen-U-Tech Systems to observe Anton Sevarius' progress. Sevarius has successfully cloned Goliath and begins to accelerate the growth of "Thailog".

Hudson and the Trio have been searching for Goliath and Bronx to no avail. Broadway, realizing that Elisa Maza is missing too, brings her cat Cagney back to the Clock Tower. Brooklyn resists taking the reins of leadership, but he does go to visit Talon and Maggie the Cat in the Labyrinth, where homeless humans like Al, Chaz and Lou have joined the Mutates in what is supposed to be a free society of outcasts. Broadway visits Matt Bluestone next, but Matt is equally in the dark over his partner's disappearance. Lex eavesdrops on Elisa's parents and learns they are also worried. Meanwhile on Queen Florence Island, Elisa and the gargoyles find each other again, and then find Grandmother as she transforms into the Thunderbird. Grandmother later admits that she was undergoing these transformations to convince Natsilane to take up arms against Raven to save the island. When Natsilane meets the gargoyles, he is convinced. The gargoyles and Natsilane battle Raven and drive him away. With Raven gone, Grandmother is able to heal the island. The travelers again return to Avalon, where it is six in the morning, causing Goliath, Angela and Bronx to turn to stone.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

January 3rd...

Macbeth attacks the gargoyles at the Eyrie Building, capturing Lexington, Brooklyn and Bronx. Elisa Maza, who is largely recovered but still on crutches from being shot, again tries to convince Goliath to leave the castle. He won't listen, but after Goliath departs to find the others, she manages to convince Hudson and Broadway that the castle is no longer their home. They take the Grimorum Arcanorum from Owen Burnett and leave the castle. Meanwhile, Bronx escapes and leads Goliath back to Macbeth's mansion. Macbeth and Goliath battle, Macbeth revealing that his true target is Demona. Macbeth's mansion is damaged by fire, and the gargoyles escape.

The travelers depart Avalon again, arriving on Queen Florence Island off the west coast of Canada, where they immediately encounter Grandmother in the form of a Sea Monster. Elisa is separated from the others and washes ashore, where she is found by Grandmother and Natsilane, the chief of the local Haida band. Elisa is alive, but gravely ill. Grandmother helps heal her. That night, Goliath, Angela and Bronx encounter Raven posing as a gargoyle.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

December 23rd...

Broadway and Brooklyn manage to lead "Macbeth" away from "Hudson", but Broadway is caught mid-air when sunrise causes him to turn to stone. Elisa Maza barely manages to save him. After the sun sets again, "Macbeth" destroys "Hudson", and a grief-stricken Goliath destroys what is revealed to be a Macbeth robot. Back at the castle, the real Hudson escapes David Xanatos on his own and is reunited with his clan. Owen Burnett tests the Cauldron of Life, which turns one of his hands permanently to stone.

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TiniTinyTony writes...

In "Double Jeopardy", Owen has been quoted in saying that Thailog is smarter than Xanatos. In your opinion,
a) does this statement remain to be a true from your point of view?
b) Is a character's intelligence something you consciously think about when writing his/her dialogue? For example, have you ever written dialogue for a character and said to yourself, "This doesn't sound like something this character would say!"?
c) Who is THE smartest character in the Gargoyle Universe, right now in 1996? Does any one particular character stand out in your mind?

Greg responds...

a. "remain to be a true" ?? I'm guessing that's a typo of some kind, but I'm not entirely sure what you meant. Is it true? Well, it was certainly true in that one instance -- in the sense that Xanatos was clearly outsmarted. But only time will tell if over the long haul a smarts champion can be declared.

b. Yes.

c. Smart in what sense?

Response recorded on December 21, 2007

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The Barracuda writes...

Just to clear something up, are David Xanatos and Owen Burnett's private offices actually in the castle, or below in the Eyrie building? Both offices have a very modern construction motif, and the massive window that frames the wall behind Xanatos' desk doesn't appear anywhere on the castle's exterior (unless I missed it). Plus, the hallway that appears behind the double doors of his office also appears very modern. Thanks.

Greg responds...

Both are in the castle.

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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Lucy_Lopez writes...

How old is Owen? Also as he ages does Puck age?

Greg responds...

1. A few years...

2. He doesn't age much... see the archives for a more detailed response.

Response recorded on December 18, 2007

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Anonymous writes...

Hiya Greg. Just curious - what are your thoughts, if any, on Puck's sexual orientation? Not that I expect a straight answer...so to speak! ;) Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

Not answering this at this time.

Response recorded on December 12, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

November 28th...

Elisa Maza, Broadway and Lexington are lured to Long Island after midnight by a false tip. They are assaulted by a creature that appears to be Goliath. That morning, mercenaries hired by Anton Sevarius steal a stone Thailog from David Xanatos. After sunset, they deliver their prize to Sevarius on an oil rig just off the coast of Long Island. Not long after, Elisa, Goliath, Broadway and Lex return to Long Island to investigate Goliath's mysterious look-alike. They find a Gen-U-Tech Systems tracking device. Meanwhile, Xanatos receives a ransom call demanding twenty million dollars in exchange for the creature. He and Owen Burnett quickly deduce that Sevarius is behind the gargoyle-napping. At Gen-U-Tech, Lexington and Broadway discover the truth about Goliath's clone Thailog. Meanwhile, in Scotland, Xanatos' security team begins searching for the Loch Ness Monster.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

November 17th...

Tony Dracon steals hi-tech weapon prototypes from Xanatos Enterprises. Elisa is put on the case and confronts Dracon, who later orders Glasses to sell a few of the weapons on the street. Broadway rushes off to see the movie Showdown again and then goes to Elisa's loft for a bite to eat. He accidentally shoots her with her own gun and rushes her to Manhattan General Hospital. He does not return to the castle.

At the behest of Fox, the cybots are reprogrammed by Preston Vogel to sabotage Fortress-2. Goliath and Renard join forces to defeat them and save the ship. In the end, Vogel has a change of heart and assists. Early that morning, Fox confronts Renard, informing her father of her pregnancy. Owen learns from Xanatos that Fox is pregnant and begins making preparations for a possible attack from the Children of Oberon.

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Linda Rose writes...

Q1.) Since Owen was absent during Cloud Fathers. Have you any thoughts on how you think Puck/Owen would have reacted to Xanatos's intent on capturing Coyote? (Considering how the Puck initially seemed to take been captured himself by Demona. Is that why he was left out of the episode?)

Q2a.) Why did not the Puck include Owen the illusion in Future Tense?
Q2b.) Have you any thoughts on how Puck would he have explained Owen's absence if Goliath had asked what became of him?

Q3.) I noticed the Egyptian slave manacles on the Pucks arms.
Was this meant to represent the fact that Oberon treats Puck more like a slave than a servant or did they just look cool in the drawings?

Q4.) It's been mentioned that Puck resets Owens age to the point of His and Xanatos's original 'Lifetime of loyal Owen service deal' agreement every time he transforms back and forth, from Puck to return to Owen.
But if Alex where to die and consequently Owen could never again become the Puck, would this result in Owen growing old and the Puck/Owen dying?
(Baring any intervention that is.)

Q5.) Did Puck/Owen's 'Lifetime of loyal Owen service, with no interference from the Puck Deal' come before or after Xanatos's and Demona's introduction meeting and resulting alliance?

Q6.) If 'before' was the answer to the question above… You have stated and it is hinted in the show that Demona knew Owen was Puck and when asked how, you stated that Puck/Owen introduced her and Xanatos.
But for Demona to know this wouldn't it have meant that Puck had revealed his true identity to Demona?
Wouldn't this be breaking the 'no interference from the Puck' in the terms of the 'Lifetime of loyal Owen service deal' he made with Xanatos?
Or the no meddling rules of lord Oberon?

Thank You in Advance. :)

Greg responds...

1. Owen was in New York, running things for David. I'll leave his potential (Puckish) reaction to your imagination, but I doubt in his "role" as Owen that he would have reacted at all.

2a. What purpose would it have served? (Owen's voice is in there, though.)

2b. Haven't given it any thought.

3. You'd have to ask the designer.

4. Hypothetically, yes.

5. Before.

6. Demona knows his identity. I won't go into the circumstances of that knowledge at this time.

Response recorded on November 16, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

November 15th...

While Elisa again tries to convince Goliath to abandon the castle, they are attacked by a Steel Clan Robot. Goliath destroys it, but Owen uses the opportunity to acquire some of Goliath's genetic material.

The Pack attempts to rob a bank. The gargoyles try to stop them. Goliath is badly injured - allowing the Pack to escape. Hudson informs Goliath that he needs to choose one of the Trio to be his Second-in-Command.

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11:04am EST - [withheld]

3:13pm EST - [withheld]

3:15pm EST - [withheld]

8:06pm EST - [withheld]

8:07pm EST - [withheld]

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

November 11th...

Lex finishes fixing the motorcycle, and Brooklyn takes it for a ride. He is attacked by a motorcycle gang that destroys the bike. Demona comes to his aid and convinces him that humans are a danger to the clan. He agrees to help her make Goliath see the truth through magic. Xanatos' jail sentence is officially recorded. It immediately becomes clear to Elisa that he will only have to serve half of his sentence, after time off for good behavior. Elisa finds a good home for the gargoyles in the Clock Tower above her precinct house.

Everyone converges at PackMedia Studios. Xanatos puts an end to the broadcast, but the spell is still in force. Macbeth attacks Demona, but she escapes. Goliath and Xanatos agree to team up to defeat Demona and end the spell. At dawn, the gargoyles all turn to stone. At the same time, the transformed humans become flesh again, without any memory of what had happened to them. Owen informs Xanatos that they need to set the sky on fire to break the spell. They begin preparations to do just that. When Elisa learns that the broadcast originated at the Xanatos-owned PackMedia Studios, she confronts Owen at the Eyrie Building. Both turn to stone at sundown. Shortly thereafter, the gargoyles arrive.

5:38am EST - [withheld]

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

November 10th...

Macbeth sees enough of the broadcast to realize what Demona is up to. Elisa goes to the Clock Tower to wait for the gargoyles to awaken. At sundown, Owen, Fox and Elisa (as well as most of the humans in Manhattan) turn to stone. The gargoyles awaken at sundown and discover Elisa and the other stone humans. (Thailog also awakens at sundown. With no one at the castle to warn him, he watches Demona's spell on television and immediately turns to stone. He will remain stone in the television room, 24 hours a day until the spell is broken. But he has had his first exposure to Demona.) The gargoyles stop at Robbins' house. Being blind, he was unaffected by Demona's spell. They begin to search the city for Demona, who's on a killing spree, destroying stone humans in the streets. Separately, Macbeth and Xanatos also seek Demona.

5:37am EST - [withheld]

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

November 9th...

The city honors Peter Choy and Rosaria Sanchez. Terrorists take hostages (including Brendan & Margot) at a bank. The gargoyles intervene and have their first encounter with the Weird Sisters. Wolf sees television coverage of the bank robbery and decides that he and the Pack are going to turn to a life of crime. Meanwhile, Demona and Xanatos initiate their plan to secure immortality by stealing a minute of life from everyone who watches their hijacked broadcast. However, Demona was fooling Xanatos, and actually succeeds in using the broadcast to turn everyone who watches into stone at night. Owen, Fox, Elisa and most of the humans in Manhattan see the broadcast. Xanatos does not watch.

5:36am EST - [withheld]

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

November 5th...

Owen tells Xanatos the results of his Gargoyles vs. The Pack experiment. With Fox and Wolf under arrest, The Pack television series is quickly cancelled. Dingo flees to Europe.

Fox arrives at the Eyrie with Xanatos' father, Petros. That night, Goliath decides to attend the wedding. He brings his half of the Phoenix Gate along. Fox and David are married. Demona tricks Goliath into giving her his half of the Gate. She then uses it to travel back in time to the year 975. Goliath, David, Fox and Petros Xanatos go too. Seconds later, they return, having fulfilled their roles in the time-stream. That same night, Thailog, who had intentionally been kept hidden from Goliath, initiates his plan to steal $20 million from Xanatos.

5:32am EST - [withheld]

6:00am EST - [withheld]

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dph writes...

I have a few questions about the Puck/Owen duality or rather who knows about it.

1. Outside of Goliath's clan living in Manhattan, David Xanatos, Fox, and Alex, how many others know about that duality?

2. Does Thailog know about that duality?

Greg responds...

1. Well, Oberon and Titania know. That's all we know for sure.

2. Why would he?

Response recorded on October 31, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

October 16th...

When the real Hudson and Goliath return to the Clock Tower, they find Coldstone and are soon convinced that Othello controls his body. They follow Coldstone back to the Eyrie. Minutes later, Iago, Othello and Desdemona return to the Tower in their appropriated bodies. They free Lex, who surmises that Iago must now be in control of Coldstone and has tricked Goliath and Hudson into declaring war on Xanatos. The real Iago, still posing as Brooklyn, suggests that they destroy the Coldstone body once and for all. Othello agrees, despite (or perhaps because of) the fact that this action would strand the various souls in their new bodies. At the Eyrie, Puck uses the Coldsteel and Coldfire robots to capture Goliath and Hudson. The others arrive soon after. Iago knocks Lex unconscious to take him out of the action, but when Lex recovers, the spirit of Alexander enters his body. Puck, meanwhile, uses Coldstone's body to take down Angela/Desdemona and Broadway/Othello. Brooklyn/Iago tries to make off with Desdemona, but Puck uses Coldsteel and Coldfire to stop him. After some further conflict, Lex/Alex transfers Iago, Othello and Desdemona into Coldsteel, Coldstone and Coldfire, respectively. Coldsteel flees, and Coldstone and Coldfire take off in pursuit. Puck returns Alexander to the nursery and transforms back into Owen just before Xanatos and Fox return.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

October 16th...

Xanatos and Owen make a third attempt to transfer the souls of Iago and Desdemona into independent robot bodies. It too fails. Later, David and Fox go out for the evening, leaving Alexander in Owen's care. Owen decides to teach Alexander his first lesson in magic. Owen transforms into Puck, then glamours himself and Alexander into dead-ringers for Goliath and Hudson. They "liberate" Coldstone from the Eyrie and take him to the Clock Tower. There, "Goliath" convinces Angela and Broadway to allow the souls of Desdemona and Othello to take up temporary residence inside their bodies. Coldstone is emptied of all three souls, and the Iago soul secretly enters Brooklyn. "Goliath" and "Hudson" then depart, leaving "Brooklyn" in charge. Iago convinces Othello and Desdemona to try out their new bodies. He then follows them to the Statue of Liberty, where he hints that they might keep Broadway and Angela's bodies for themselves. Meanwhile, Puck and Alexander enter Coldstone's body; they grab Lex, tie him up in a corner and gag him.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

October 5th...

Elisa investigates, encountering first Owen, then Xanatos, then Bronx and finally Goliath. Frightened at seeing a live gargoyle for the first time, she backs away and falls off the building. Goliath saves her life, introduces her to the rest of the clan and agrees to meet her the next night. Early that morning, Xanatos asks Goliath's help to get his disks back. Goliath is reluctant to help. And unbeknownst to him, Xanatos and Demona are planning something. That night, the Trio leaves the castle to explore the city and accidentally trashes the motorcycle of a man named Vinnie. Goliath and Hudson keep the rendezvous with Elisa, who more or less gives Hudson his name. Hudson retreats to the castle with Bronx - where they discover television and lounge chairs. Meanwhile, Goliath and Elisa rescue an ungrateful Margot Yale and Brendan Quarters from muggers, before being attacked in Central Park by the Commandos from the night before.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

September 28th...

Tom, Mary and other refugees are given shelter from rampaging Vikings at Castle Wyvern.

Michaelmas Eve. Tom and the Magus get the eggs out of Edinburgh Castle. Finella drugs Constantine so that Katharine can escape, and flees with the Princess, Tom, Mary, the Magus and the eggs. The Magus brings them all to the mystic island of Avalon. He is forced to battle the Weird Sisters to achieve the island. He turns them into owls but is unable to take the Grimorum with him. Finella and Mary agree to take the book and keep it safe from Constantine. They depart. Katharine, Tom and the Magus land on Avalon with the eggs. The two time-traveling Archmages witness all this and rescue the Weird Sisters from their owl-state. The Archmages and the Sisters form an alliance. They agree to meet again in the year 1020.

Vinnie Grigori is born in New York.

In Paris, Demona steals the Praying Gargoyle statue from Notre Dame Cathedral. Confronted by Charles Canmore, the Hunter, she kills him and escapes. Canmore's children, Jason, Robyn and Jon swear vengeance.

At midnight, Demona uses Titania's Mirror to summon Puck. They turn Elisa and all the humans in Manhattan into gargoyles and vice versa. The situation is soon reversed, but Puck arranges it so that Demona is human during the day and a gargoyle at night. Fox contacts Preston Vogel, inducing him to betray her father Halcyon Renard.

Xanatos and his robots track Coldstone down in the Himalayas and disable him.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

September 7th...

Lydia Duane and Arthur Morwood-Smyth discover The Scrolls of Merlin in Wales. Elisa confronts Derek about missing the previous Sunday's family dinner. He promises to contact her if he has any trouble with Xanatos. That night, Maggie the Cat is allowed to "escape" from Gen-U-Tech Systems. Brooklyn & Broadway find her and try to help, but she is more frightened of the gargoyles than her pursuers. She is recaptured and taken back to Gen-U-Tech. Owen later informs Xanatos and Derek of unusual expense reports coming out of Gen-U-Tech.

The Illuminati make contact with the Canmore family of Hunters, seeking an alliance. Jason turns them down.

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DarkFaye writes...

Is it just me or are there eire simularities between charecters of Gargoyles and charecters of different shows?
Oberon/Inu no Taisho(Inu Yasha's father)
Owen/Cedric(W.I.T.C.H)(Owen just has shorter hair though)
And Puck/Yue(Card Captor Sakura)
It's really quite freaky.

Greg responds...

If you say so.

I'm unfamilar with Inu Yasha's father and Card Captor Sakura. And although I worked on both Owen and Cedric, I helped create the former and didn't have anything to do with the creation of the latter. I suppose I can see some passing similarities, but they don't seem much alike to me.

Response recorded on September 04, 2007

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Bazell writes...

Did Fox know about Owen/Puck before The Gathering. Though she is suprised by the revelation of her mother's identity? She just doesn't appear startled by the existence of purly magical beings (though, she was preoccupied by worry for her child).

Greg responds...

I'm not sure she did.

Response recorded on August 30, 2007

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patrick writes...

a follow up on my other question, are there plans for puck in the comic? if so are there plans for oberon and titania as well (besides the queen mab thing).

Greg responds...

I'm sure I've answered -- or NOT answered this -- already. Yes, there are plans for EVERYONE eventually.

Response recorded on August 17, 2007

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patrick writes...

were their plans to use the character puck in more episodes, and if there were proposed plans can you explain them?

Greg responds...

Yes. Yes, I could.

Response recorded on August 08, 2007

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Cookingace writes...

Who is/are responsible for the meals of Family Xanatos?
do they have an exclusive family chef or
Xanatos and Owen are already is since both of them know how to cook?
i wonder whether Fox can cook or not..can she??

Greg responds...

Don't have the specifics worked out. I'm sure David, Owen and Fox are all capable enough of preparing a meal, but I doubt that's how they spend most of their time.

Response recorded on July 11, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

July 9th...

The Gathering is nearly complete, bringing Odin, Raven, Anubis, the Lady of the Lake, Anansi, Grandmother, Coyote and Nought (among others) back to Avalon. The Weird Sisters drag the Banshee before Oberon, who punishes her for her pride by silencing her voice. Only Titania and Puck remain absent. Oberon decides to seek out Puck himself, and takes Boudicca along to help with the hunt. In Manhattan, Fox gives birth to Alexander Fox Xanatos. The baby is introduced to his grandparents, Petros Xanatos, Halcyon Renard and Anastasia Renard (and also to Halcyon's assistant Preston Vogel). Owen reacts strangely to the news that Anastasia has remarried her first husband. Not long after, Oberon arrives, searching for Puck. But instead he finds Anastasia and reveals that she is in fact Queen Titania. Titania convinces Oberon that Alexander must be taken away to Avalon in order to nurture his magical potential. Xanatos protests - violently - but to no avail. Oberon gives Fox and David an hour to say goodbye to their son. Xanatos confers with Owen, who reveals security measures against Oberon that he has already put into place. Owen then abandons Xanatos without explanation. At the Clock Tower, Hudson, the Trio and Cagney learn about Alexander's birth, and then happily welcome home Bronx, Elisa and Goliath before being introduced to Angela. All three of the Trio are immediately smitten with her. Goliath brings Cagney and Elisa to their loft. When he returns to the Clock Tower, Anastasia is there. She reveals herself as Titania and asks him to help with the peaceful removal of Alexander. Goliath refuses to cooperate with the abduction of Xanatos' son. The hour having expired, Oberon returns to the Eyrie Building to claim Alexander. With amusement, he watches the evacuation of the building's employees. But he's furious when he realizes that Xanatos has activated Owen's force field to keep him out. He puts every mortal in Manhattan (including Elisa, Cagney, Morgan, Travis, Brendan and Margot) into a deep magical sleep. But the energy field protects the Xanatos family inside the Eyrie, and Goliath's clan is immune, thanks to Oberon's promise back on Avalon. Oberon then uses his magic to increase his size until he is literally as tall as the Eyrie itself. David and Petros Xanatos, the Gargoyles, Owen's Iron Clan Robots, Preston Vogel, Halcyon Renard and his cybots all attempt to prevent Oberon from getting to the child. They wound and weaken the giant, reducing him back to normal size, but are unable to stop him. And Renard's Fortress-2 crashes into Central Park.

[Woof! Big day, huh?]

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

July 8th...

Goliath, Angela, Elisa and Bronx depart Avalon. While aboard the skiff and en route to their next destination, Goliath collapses. In what seems to him like hours, but actually lasts mere seconds, Goliath sees a nightmarish vision of the year 2036 generated by Puck in order to trick Goliath into turning over the Phoenix Gate. Goliath tosses the Gate into the time-stream to prevent Puck - or anyone else - from getting it.

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Anonymous writes...

I know that when Puck takes on a role he tries to completely become that character, but when he's Owen does he also think to himself in his Owen persona at all times? Once he stops being able to change back, it seems like he would at least want to think like he normally would (since he so loves to have fun and play tricks on people, while Owen does not). Just something that I started wondering after a while.

Greg responds...

Wonder away... don't let me stop you.

Response recorded on June 08, 2007

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Titanium Dragon writes...

I have a question about the episode "The Mirror". In it, Demona has Puck in chains (presumaly iron ones, given the nature of the fey). The thing about that episode was that it always felt to me like Puck wasn't really her captive at all, and was really just playing with her and using her as an excuse to do mischief. Was this intentional, or am I reading it wrong?

Greg responds...

All of the above.

Or, if you prefer, "All things are true."

Response recorded on May 04, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

April 30th...

Philibert Aspairt's body is found in the Paris catacombs, very close to an exit.

Per Owen's instructions, Iron Clan Robots are stored at strategic locations near the Eyrie Building.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

April 29th...

Per Owen's instructions, a working force field is installed at the Eyrie Building.

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Grey Wolf writes...

Will there eventually be a happy ending for Puck? I won't ask for details. Where season two left off, he seemed to be in a bit of a 'tough time'. (Although, not as much as some characters) But you know what they say, it has to hurt if it is to heal.

Greg responds...

I don't necessarily believe in endings, happy or otherwise.

Response recorded on April 17, 2007

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Anonymous writes...

I've got to say, Puck is one of my favorite characters (which is funny, because most of my favorite characters aren't the favorites of other people). Maybe it's because he reminds me of my cat, but it's probebly because he has something I've never been very good at getting: a decent sense of humor. Oberon on the other hand..... It took me a while to warm up to him. I like him now though. Because I'm a person who has been taught humility since the age of seven, I think he's waaaaaay too proud. My mom thinks he's a bit of a baby, but she's amused by it. Maybe as a phycologist, she sees something I don't. The following observations and questions are about the two afore mentioned members of the Third Race. I guess they count as one topic....

I was suprised by Oberon's harsh punishment for Puck in 'The Gathering' (expecialy since HE was the one at fault), but I guess his banishment from Avalon could have been a 'So There' kind of thing. In my mom's oppinion (She's a fan too, by the way) Oberon was like 'Oh, it's BORING, is it? I guess you won't mind never coming back then....' and Puck was like 'Well, actually, I was just sort of..... whining.' Later, I thought I hit the moral of the story and told my mom (who was surprised I hadn't gotten it earlier). Our conversation went something like this:
Me: Mom! I think I got the moral of the story!
Mom: Hm?
Me: Your pride doesn't just hurt you; it hurts the people around you!
Mom: ..... Duh.
Yeah... now for some real questions.

1. You said Oberon probebly still cares for Puck. What about Puck still caring for Oberon? After a punishment like that, (which I figure was done more for Oberon's pride than anything else) I might be a little bitter.
2. If this wasn't fair, why didn't Titania say something? Is she still upset about the donkey thing? I can't say I blame her, but we're talking about a way extream punishment here!
3. Will this state of tension be adressed in future stories?

Greg responds...

1. Bitterness and feeling aren't mutually exclusive.

2. If you say so. Titania got her way, largely though.

3. Eventually.

Response recorded on March 13, 2007

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Battle Beast writes...


We wanted that giant pocket watch (or whatever) that Puck pulls out at the end to be a MICKEY MOUSE WATCH... but Disney would just not allow it. They were afraid it would come off as product placement in a kid's show or something.>>

...Because Puck is a mickey Mouse kinda guy???

Greg responds...

Because it was more specific, and thus funnier. Not to mention the in-jokiness of it.

Response recorded on February 08, 2007

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Zeki writes...

When Owen is assissting Xanatos in his less-than-nice plots, does Owen's 'inner Puck' ever feel remorse for it? Does he have any ... I suppose I would call it 'moral disagreements' with what Xanatos does? Trickster or not, Puck doesn't strike me as the type that would get off on ruining people's lives. Can he feel guilt? Or are Oberon's Children above that sort of weakness?

Greg responds...

I don't generalize about Oberon's Children, but I do think you may be giving Puck too much credit. He enjoyed (most) of the events of "The Mirror". He played his very cruel "Future Tense" trick on Goliath. He's a Trickster. I don't see him as being particularly benevolent. I just believe he's developed specific feelings of loyalty toward Xanatos, Alexander and (to a lesser extent) Fox.

Response recorded on January 30, 2007

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Raci writes...

How does Oberon maintain his rule over his Children? So far we've seen that many of them have abilities that could probably kill Oberon like Anubis's ability to manipulate life and death and Puck's ability to rewrite reality or is Oberon just much more powerful than the combined might of his children?

Greg responds...

Than the COMBINED might... no, I doubt it. But do you really think that THAT group could agree on a replacement?

And to address your specific examples, Oberon is clearly more potent than Puck. Puck can't rewrite reality. He can simply send a false vision. SO not the same thing.

And we've seen how rigid Anubis is with his powers.

Response recorded on January 12, 2007

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Idril writes...

hi! I have a question about puck. is he consusly controling owen? like he made himself be owen but deep inside owen is puck actuly thinking puck thoughts but acting like owen. like xanatose has his exosceletin and he wears it, he looks like a robot but he controls it, the exoskeleten dosn't control himself. I mean puck and owen aren't two peaple it's just pucks secret identety sort of. is that right?

Greg responds...

Secret Identity, yeah. But more accurately it's a part that Puck plays and he's determined to be true to character.

Response recorded on January 09, 2007

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The Masked Retriever writes...

My Puck/Owen Ramble:

I didn't see it coming, okay? Maybe I'm thick or something but I did not have the -slightest- clue that Owen was really the Puck. Did. Not. See it. I was blown away, to put it mildly. I fell out of my chair and frothed for a bit. Having managed to see these episodes in order, I'd seen all of Owen's episodes and Puck's and still didn't see it coming. Later, when I re-watched City of Stone, I fell over again: YOU KNEW ALL ALONG!! HINTS!!! EVERYWHERE!!! AGhthth!

As to the stone fist, I'd read it like this: Owen didn't know -what- the cauldron would do, but figured if it was something really bad, he could always get a new hand, given some time. His faith in Xanatos' technology was quite high, and there was ample evidence that Xanatos was developing loyalty-like emotions of his own. (I say loyalty-like because frankly Xanatos is one scary bugger, even post-Gathering.) As for Xanatos, I (wrongly, it turned out) read him as really feeling something there, some shock, some dismay and even sympathy, BUT knowing that the worst thing he could express was sympathy. It's not the Xanatos way to cry over spilled milk, or even a few gallons of spilled blood. You arch an eyebrow, make a mental note, and go on. To me at least, he did Owen a great service by reacting in the most Xanatos way possible, and in fact anything else would have been an insult to what I thought at the time was a huge (but on some level, justified as it IS freaking immortality) sacrifice.

(That last bit works really well even if you know about Puck, but it's far less dramatically heavy and more of a sublimely funny moment the two friends share. To translate the lines into Dude-where's-my-car-ese: "Hey, check it. Human form, human effects." "Huh huh. Awesome." The pair are actually -both- parodying themselves here, Owen being subserviant to the point of near-insanity, and Xanatos blowing it off. I like to think that here Xanatos is kind of thinking to himself "boy, I'm kind of a jerk, aren't I" but having more fun playing the part than any sort of remorse-like emotions.

If I somehow haven't said it enough, holy crap Gargoyles is the awesomeness, I've bought two copies each of the two DVD sets out, and I am obsessed with Xanatos' scary hotness. I have a LiveJournal icon of him from "The Edge" with the words "OMG XANATOS!" blinking underneath it. A toast to the prettiest, scariest, yummiest villain of all time.

Greg responds...

I appreciate your compliments, but I also really LOVE your analysis of the characters. The fact that Owen turned out to be Puck doesn't change most of what you wrote.

As for that revelation, our goal was to shock the audience (or most of it) but still leave them saying, "Of course! Why didn't I see it before?!"

Response recorded on January 08, 2007

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Rhea writes...

'The Mirror' is one of my favorites eps. But one thing bothered me about it when I first found out about Owen being Puck.
Did Puck transform Xanatos into a gargoyle with the rest of the city? Or did his terms/agreement with Xanatos prevent him from doing so?

Greg responds...

If X was in town, he got transformed.

Response recorded on November 13, 2006

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PJ writes...

I've always noticed that Puck has somewhat of an effeminate 'vibe' about him. So I was wondering; is Puck in fact gay/bisexual, or just a bit camp?


Greg responds...

I reject the "camp" notion entirely in this context. Puck is of course a LOT camp. But that has nothing to do with his sexuality.

And I'm not too fond of proscribing gender roles so rigidly that I'd apply the term "effeminate vibe". I know there's nothing negative in your question, even by implication, but I just don't buy into the way you've posed it.

Given all of the above, I'm not inclined to discuss his sexuality one way or another at this time.

Response recorded on November 13, 2006

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Rhea writes...

I have many questions about Owen/Puck.
1) What exactly were the terms Owen/Puck made with Xanatos?
2) Why did Xanatos chose Owen over a chance for immorlity?
3) What does the Xanatos family (even a future Alex) see Owen as? Buisness partner? Friend?
I mean Xanatos saves Owen from braking in 'City of Stone' so he must like him some what. It's not in Xanatos character to just save someone, they must mean something to him, right?
4) How do the gargoyles, Elisa, and Matt see Owen? Do they think he's like Xanatos, or just a man who helps Xanatos out on the sidelines?
5) Does Oberon care for Puck? He seemed upset about punishing Puck in 'The Gathering'.
6) And am I right in thinking that Owen and Fox's mother knew who each other were before 'The Gathering'? If so why didn't Titinia tell Oberon about Puck/Owen?

Greg responds...

1. A lifetime of service as Owen. No magic from Puck.

2. Confidence (or one might say over-confidence). Xanatos found Owen invaluable. He figured he could get immortality some other way.

3. Why wouldn't Xanatos just save someone? Death is wasteful in his opinion. Certainly losing Owen as a resource is EXTREMELY wasteful. But I think coming out of the "Gathering" two-parter, Xanatos may have learned to appreciate Owen a little more as a friend. Owen/Puck made a huge sacrifice for him. I think Fox would see that too. And Alex will grow up thinking of Owen as part of the family.

4. Well at this point, they know he's Puck. I think they trust Owen not to lie -- and or smash them while they sleep. But they also don't trust Owen to tell the truth. He's Xanatos' man for all that. And they don't quite trust Xanatos either.

5. I think he probably does. I'm not sure he'd admit to it.

6. Owen/Puck knew that Anastasia was Titania. Titania (as far as we know) didn't know that Owen was Puck. As far as we know.

Response recorded on November 10, 2006

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DPH writes...

How exactly did you come to realize that Puck and Owen were the same person?

Was it because you looking at who Puck had served and needed somebody?

Greg responds...

I can't believe I haven't answered this before here. But since Todd didn't field this one, I guess I haven't... or at least not here at ASK GREG.

Anyway... No.

We always knew there was something special about Owen, but didn't know what it was at first. Then when we first started working on "The Mirror" and created Puck, it suddenly occured to me that Puck was Owen. An epiphany. I immediately called Brynne Chandler Reaves and Lydia Marano. The conversation went something like this...

Greg: "I just realized: Owen is Puck!"

Brynne & Lydia: "We know!"

It was just so right. The references in "The Mirror" to Puck "serving the human" and in "City of Stone, Part One" to Owen being "the tricky one" were put in post-epiphany.

Response recorded on August 21, 2006

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Ceres writes...

Ok, so I've been checking this place on and off for the last 7 years and only now have I bothered to ask a question. I figured that somebody would've asked it a lot earlier (I searched the archive plenty of times), so I guess it'll fall on my humble shoulders.

Are you ready? *drumroll*

What did Titania whisper to Fox in the end of the Garthering?

*rimshot!* Okay, okay, lame joke! For real this time!

1) When Puck decided to create Owen after seeing Vogel, how fast did that happen? I mean, did he met Vogel a Monday and by Friday Owen was already sending in his resume? Or did he wait a bit, do some type of research to sound more convincing? Did he even NEED to do research? Which brings me to another question...

2) Did Owen... or Puck, for that matter... ever went to college or its 16th century equivalent? I mean, 1000 years is a lot of time to horse around. Did he ever sign up in a comminuty college in a fit of boredom or something? I'm asking because it seems to me the Renard position required a lot of schooling. Puck is great con artist, but can you really bluff you way through a lab/a corporation for years and years? Seems you can't keep it up forever.

Yes, this is what has been nagging me for years until I finally cracked. Yay me, I guess.

Greg responds...

Oh, so you DON'T want to know what Titania whispered. Cuz I was just about ready to tell...

1. I think there must have been a period of observation.

2. I doubt he went to community college. Magic allows for all sorts of short-cuts.

Response recorded on March 07, 2006

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Gipdac writes...

1. Before “The Gathering” did Fox know Puck and Owen were one in the same?
2. When did Vogel start working for Renard?
3a. When did Owen start working for the Renards? 3b. When did Owen start working for Xanatos?
4a. Before “The Gathering” did Titania know Puck and Owen were one in the same? 4b. If the answer is yes, then when did she find out? 4c. How did she find out?
5. Had Vogel and Owen met before Alexander’s birth during “The Gathering”?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Prior to 1989.

3a. 1989.

3b. 1991.

4a. In theory, no. But...

4b & c. See 4a.

5. Yes.

Response recorded on February 17, 2006

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Fluffy writes...

Refering to the choice Xanatose made with Owen.
Just how did Owen show himself as puck to Xanatose with out brakeing Oberon's law?

Greg responds...

that's a whole story...

Response recorded on February 03, 2006

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Puckluver writes...

Hey Greg! Can you tell me if the new Gargoyles season actually comes up, will Owen/Puck find his love match then, or will it be later?

Greg responds...

I'm not saying when or what is happening. Blame the comic book.

Response recorded on January 26, 2006

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Vinnie writes...

What are the limits on the binding spell that Oberon put on Puck? From a certain perspective Puck would be protecting Alex by using his magic on Xanatos' enemies. A premptive attack by Puck would spare Alex much trauma, so protecting Alex's emotional state in this way would be as important as protecting his phyiscal state in the result of a direct attack on his person.

Greg responds...

One bends the rules just enough so that they won't break. Besides, Puck has his own ethos... he promised Xanatos a lifetime of service as Owen -- without help from Puck. So he personally doesn't want to just go puckalicious for no reason -- or even for a trumped up reason.

Besides, who says Xanatos has enemies? ;)

Response recorded on November 10, 2005

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Lawrence Matheson writes...

How could Puck reveal himself to Xanitos? Woldn't that be INterviening in Human affairs?P.S any fans of the show who thinks they can answer this question can write to me at opinionsrgood@hotmail.com

Greg responds...

That doesn't seem hard to justify in a bending the rules without breaking them sense.

Response recorded on September 07, 2005

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Question writes...

Is the Puck of Team Atlantis the same Puck of the gargoyles world just in a different shape or is this a totally different character with a different backstory? Would he be a member of the third race? If he is not then what is his backstory?

On the premeise of Team Atlantis are all the phenomenon(Loch Ness Monster, Puck, Terracotta Soldiers) the team encounters caused by the crystals?

Greg responds...

There are things in the Team Atlantis Universe that mesh nicely with the Gargoyles Universe and things that flat out don't. A perfect example is the Loch Ness Monster. Too totally different interpretations of the legend.

In the unfinished and unaired episode of Team Atlantis called "The Last," we would have seen that Gargoyles and Hunters were EXACTLY the same in both universes.

As for Puck... I'll leave that to interpretation. The Puck episode of Team Atlantis was much further along than "The Last" but it was also (to my knowledge) never completed or aired. Because Puck can change forms and because the adventure took place years before Owen hooked up with Xanatos, one could see this as compatible. Certainly the Team Atlantis Puck was less mature than our Owen/Puck, which fits rather nicely with our continuity.

As to whether literally every Team Atlantis episode was crystal driven? I'm not sure. It's been a while, so there may have been one or two that weren't directly Atlantis crystal oriented. But most were.

BUT my big question for the Question is: how do you even know about all these specific unaired Team Atlantis episodes? About Puck or Loch Ness or the Terracotta Warriors?

Response recorded on May 25, 2005

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Akia writes...


I´m a big Owen/Puck fan!
And I asked myself (and now you;))what would be the charakter of his girlfriend? He has two(maybe thousand?)personalitys. But what is it he likes at other peoples personalitys?

Greg responds...

I'm not going into Owen's love life at this time.

Response recorded on April 13, 2005

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Valaine Fea writes...

I´m from Austria and a big Gargoyles fan!:)
Thanks for the show!
Now my question:
Will Owen look like the Owen we know? Or older?
You said he has a love life. In 1996 or in 2198(between?)?

Please excuse me if I said something grammatically wrong. I`m not very good in english;)

Greetings from Vienna,

Greg responds...

Owen will look like Owen, allowing for differences in fashion. I'm not going to go into details of his love life at this time.

Response recorded on April 07, 2005

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Annie Onimous writes...

Was up!
At the end of the episode "the mirror", before Puck got all ticked and did the whole human by day thing, did he seem to sort of loosen up to Demona a bit to you? I thought he started to kinda like her near the end. What do you think greg?

Greg responds...

I think that he had had a good time, and so was genuinely feeling a bit more charitable toward her. And one might argue that his "gift" -- as much as she initially was horrified by it -- was still helpful.

Response recorded on March 29, 2005

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Todd Jensen writes...

In "City of Stone Part Three", Owen suggests to Xanatos that they look through the Grimorum Arcanorum for a way of reversing Demona's spell upon the city. This didn't seem too odd to me at the time, but after I found out that Owen was really Puck in "The Gathering", I started puzzling over it a little. After all, it seems more than likely that Puck, an inherently magical being, would already be aware of the fact that the spells in the Grimorum could only be used by experienced sorcerers, which Xanatos didn't have on hand, without Xanatos needing to tell him that. So I find that a bit puzzling - unless Puck didn't know as much about the "rules" governing human magic as he did about Oberati magic.

Greg responds...

That's all possible. But the situation also clearly called for desperate measures. If there was a solution in the Grimorum, is it really beyond Xanatos' ability to find someone who could put that solution into practice? Well, clearly Xanatos thought there was a better way, so Owen dropped it. But Puck, in his role as Owen, would have been remiss if he hadn't at least listed X's options.

Response recorded on March 14, 2005

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Rob writes...

The Mirror is one of my favorite episodes... what would Puck have said to the audience if the lines were left in the script?? thanks a lot

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I don't remember anymore. And i only have the final draft script.

Response recorded on March 07, 2005

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Roberta Bonaime writes...

I noticed in one of your answers to the question "Is Puck the biological son of Oberon" you stated that not only is that incorrect, but you also did not understand why we could think that. I think I have an answer to that. One they look incrediably simaliar, hair color, and facial features wise. Two, in several legands (I really do my homework.) Puck was the biological son of Oberon, and a mortal woman. three, when oberon banished Puck, there was a fleeting moment of sadness present on Oberons face. (Though, that might suggest that Obie was on Titania's plot. Mabye not though.)
Just thought you like to know.

Greg responds...

I think you're reading in the "moment of sadness".

You may have a point on the resemblance, though I think it's pretty superficial. I mean if Puck had blue skin...

I'm unfamiliar with the legends you speak of. What are your sources?

But, in any case, I'll grant that the audience had reasons to believe they might be biologically related. But they're not. Or in any case, not closely.

Response recorded on January 07, 2005

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Puck Robyne Lover!! writes...

Can you give me a family tree of oberon and titiania's children across the centuries? I can't figure out if Puck is Alexnder Xanatos is pucks nephew or not. I would really like to know about Puck's/owen's secret love that you mentioned earlier too.

Greg responds...

I'm not going to reveal anything new at this time, but I will summarize what I've already revealed:

Lord Oberon is the son of Queen Mab.

Lord Oberon married Titania (who became Queen Titania after Mab was overthrown). (Note: Oberon intentionally did not take the title of King. Retaining his "Lord" title is his semi-skewed attempt at being more... egalitarian.)

Oberon and Titania have two children together: one male and one female. I know exactly who they are, but I'm keeping their identities and personas secret for the time being.

Oberon also has at least two sons by mortal women: Merlin and the changeling boy from Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream".

Titania has one child with the mortal Halcyon Renard. This is Janine Renard, a.k.a. Fox.

Fox married David Xanatos. They have one child: Alexander Fox Xanatos.

Puck, a.k.a. Owen Burnett, is not directly related to ANY of these individuals.

Response recorded on November 18, 2004

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Not Telling writes...

In the epasode "The Edge" owen's eyes are brown,but thay are blue in the other epasodes,was it an error?

Greg responds...

Assuming your information is accurate, then some error did occur. But it might have been Puck's error.

Response recorded on October 22, 2004

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Katie Bidwell writes...

Okay, enough! :) I've just got to know...Who are Puck's parents then?

Greg responds...

Haven't given it any thought at this point.

Response recorded on October 18, 2004

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Katie Bidwell writes...

Puck looks too much like Oberon to not be his child, is it possible Puck is related to Oberon if not his biological son?

Greg responds...

I don't see much resemblance, frankly. Which is not to say that they may not be distantly related. But they're definitely NOT father and son, nor do I see a familial relationship playing any role in their dynamic.

Response recorded on October 18, 2004

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Ricardo from Portugal writes...

Can Puck predict the future?:

In "Future Tense" there were many facts that Owen couldn't possibly know by himself, like Demona's future affection towards Angela; the making of more clones (The Reckoning) in the reference of the Clone Wars; the destruction of the Clock Tower (The Hunter's Moon, part II); and Xanatos' son being named Alexander (although Xanatos and Fox could have chosen that name before "Future Tense"...

Greg responds...

Everything you mentioned can be explained....

1. Demona's affection toward Angela is hardly difficult to predict. Mom for child. I mean seriously...

2. The Clone Wars reference (from STAR WARS, btw) was a quick cover for Owen/Puck NOT knowing that Demona & Thailog were an item.

3. The destruction of the Clock Tower was an obvious choice, given the desire to keep Goliath off guard and horrified. The death of Hudson was a similar choice. And I'll assure you that some day, Hudson will in fact die. After all, he's not immortal. But one doesn't have to be psychic to predict that. Puck also partnered Brooklyn with Demona to freak Goliath out, and I can assure you THAT is never gonna happen.

4. X's son being named Alexander is, as you said, something he might already know. It might even be a name HE suggested to the couple.

So as I said, everything can be explained... if you choose to want an explanation....


Response recorded on September 10, 2004

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Ricardo from Portugal writes...

Hey! I was wondering why did Puck had black eyes in "The Mirror" and latter in "Future Tense" and the other two episodes where he appears he has blue eyes?

A) It was because in "The Mirror" you hadn't decided yet that all Oberon's Childrens would have blue eyes(including Oberon and Titania themselves)?

B)And why do they all have blue eyes? Does it have any kind of meaning?

I would realy like to get an answer to my question, besause this is the forth time that I post one and all the others got lost with no answer...

Greg responds...

I haven't noticed that they all have blue eyes. I'm not at all sure that they do.

I didn't notice that Puck's eyes changed color either. We certainly never redesigned his color model. It may be a mistake, or it may be that from a distance blue eyes appeared black.

There are certain human limitations to the painting process.

Response recorded on September 08, 2004

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Scott M. writes...

Is Puck unable to undo the spell that turned Owen's arm to stone, or does Puck choose not to reverse it because it would be "breaking the character" of Owen?

Greg responds...

The latter.

Response recorded on June 23, 2004

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