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Triela D writes...

Hey Greg!

Since you're caught up with the questions, I thought I would ask a quick one. Or five anyway.

1. Is Klarion capable of love? As in a relationship of some kind (spouse, friend, etc).

2. Does Klarion enjoy being the Lord of Chaos? Or is it just a title to him?

3. In terms of, the Light, do any of the other members consider Klarion a nuisance due to his obvious immaturity?

4. How does Klarion feel about Doctor Fate? (as an enemy or person in general)

5. How does Doctor Fate feel about Klarion? (as an enemy or person in general)

Thank you for answering all of my former questions!! Take Care!

Greg responds...

1. Um, sure. As long as you're not looking for a long-term commitment.

2. He's A Lord of Chaos, not THE Lord of Chaos. And clearly, he does enjoy it.

3. I'm sure they've all had their moments of frustration, but overall he brings a lot to the table.

4. I'll leave that to your interpretation. If it's not already clear from the series itself, I don't know how I can make it any clearer here.

5. Ditto.

Response recorded on March 12, 2013

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ALI writes...

When is Barbara Gordon/Batgirl's birthday?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Some of the birthdays of the Team are SPOILER REQUESTS. Others I just haven't needed to figure out yet."

[Response recorded on February 23, 2012.]

"I generally don't give characters birthdates unless it matters in a specific story."

[Response recorded on December 21, 2012.]

Response recorded on March 12, 2013

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Erica writes...

Do you think that cartoon network would allow you to show a blatantly gay couple in Young Justice? Probably not have them full-on make out like Super Boy and Miss Martian did, but like, show them on dates and flirting and direct statements that they are in a relationship and such.

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"We show LGBT characters on the show all the time. We just can't acknowledge it. There's a difference. And I never said the LGBT characters on the show were closeted. I never said anything one way or the other about whether or not they were closeted - or at least, I don't remember saying anything about it. A character like Marie Logan can be out as far as she's concerned, without mentioning it out loud on the series.

And, there. I think I've just answered your question. (See also: Lexington.)"

[Response recorded on March 5, 2013.]

"Okay, I'm pretty sure I NEVER said we were going to acknowledge an lgbt relationship on the show. I'm quite certain that we would not be allowed to on television. NOT ALLOWED. I don't know where you got any other idea. I've been pretty consistent about how I FEEL about this. I think it's cowardly. But I've also admitted that I'm complicit in that cowardice, as I know that if I insisted on bravery - and remained adamant - I would at best be overruled and at worst FIRED. And I need my job. I'm not proud of this, and I'm not happy about it. But that's the current situation. I imagine it does hurt, and I wish I could ameliorate that pain. But at this point in time, I cannot. I'm sorry.

Instead, what I've tried to do is write the characters consistently in the hope that someday things change and that some subtleties put in place now will help in their own small way to inch us forward. I also hope to have more freedom in the YJ companion comic, as comics have a history of being more progressive in this area. But we'll have to see. I'm afraid that for now, that's the best I can do."

[Response recorded on September 18, 2012.]

"Things have progressed... some. But almost not at all in anything perceived as children's programming."

[Response recorded on August 14, 2012.]

Response recorded on March 12, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

In a prior posting I had mentioned stuff about the New Gods in the New 52; I'm hoping you were able to read that one first.

In this link below,…


…there was a piece of information that explains how Darkseid's invasion in the mainstream DC universe potentially affects the entire post-Flahspoint DC multiverse in general. I know that it may appear that it is not much information to go on, but I though that I should share this with you. It may potentially have some effect on Earth-16 (based on what is implied) or it may not… Regardless, I hope this information proves helpful in some way to whatever happens in the world of Young Justice.

Thanks again,

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"You know, I appreciate the thought, but I DON'T need to know any of this. Earth-16 is NOT in continuity with the New 52. That's NOT a value judgement. It's just a hard fact of when we began and completed production."

[Response recorded on February 26, 2013.]

Response recorded on March 12, 2013

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Geekette writes...

Hi Greg,

Big fan of your show(s)! Young Justice is absolutely BRILLIANT! I'm a fan from South Asia, where episodes are delivered very delayed, so some of my YJ may be outdated. Anyhow, two questions:

1. What's with all the random hiatuses? I understand they may be necessary, but it truly irks some fans (like myself).

2. Was there always supposed to be a jump from 2010 to 2016? Or was it brought up out of the blue? If the latter: what caused it? And what would've happened if there WASN'T a time jump? Would the current events be the same?

Big fan! Cannot wait for more episodes (and less hiatuses).

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I don't know. I'm not consulted on scheduling."

[Response recorded on February 23, 2012.]

Greg Weisman says:

"While developing Season One, we had a solid idea of what we had in mind for Season Two - including the time skip. And we had/have solid ideas for Season Three, including another time skip."

[Response recorded on July 17, 2012.]

"We planned on this time jump from day one. Because we knew, again, that if our show's about growing up, then you can't show a character grow up in 6 months' time. So the idea is that our first season told 6 months from July 4th to January 1st. Our second season tells another 6 months from January 1st to July 4th, but there's a 5-year gap in-between that we planned."

[From "Young Justice: Legacy" interview, recorded on June 15, 2012.]

Response recorded on March 12, 2013

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MJ writes...

Hi Greg, thank you for the wonderful show.

I have a question regarding the episode "Misplaced." As it was such a dire situation, why didn't Batman and Zatara simply contact Superman, Captain Atom, Wonder Woman, or any of the other heavy hitters for back up?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

BATMAN: "I informed the Watchtower you located the focal point at Roanoke. But the rest of the League is deployed to avert the chaos. Tornado, you, and I are on our own."

[From "Young Justice" episode 119, "Misplaced." Originally aired March 3, 2012.]

Response recorded on March 12, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Have you seen or read any YJ fanart, fanfiction & fancomics (from non-canon parings, Birdflash has the most fanart and that's how I've actually found this wonderful cartoon :) )? How does it make you feel when fans do fanart and other fandom things for the show?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I'm very ambivalent toward fanfiction. On the one hand, it's very gratifying. I've created something that has taken on a life of it's own. That people like enough to invest their time into and create anew. On the other hand, I have a territorial instinct that exhibits a kind of knee-jerk negative reaction to seeing other people controlling the destiny of my characters. (That's the main reason why Goliath Chronicles was so painful for me to watch.)

For example, I know that TGS is doing their own TimeDancer spin off. That's very cool, but somebody mentioned (though I don't know if this was the final word) that they're not naming Brooklyn's son Nashville, because they think the name is silly or because they hate country music or whatever. I can't help resenting that. (I know it's not rational, but I'm trying to be honest about my emotions here.) I haven't explained the Nashville name. I don't intend to explain it yet. Obviously, I have no intention of making Brooklyn into the next Garth Brooks, but I'm not in the mood to go into my reasons yet. But when someone else decides that GREG THE GARGOYLE MASTER made a misstep regarding the name of a character, I bristle.

But going back to the first hand, I have to acknowledge that once a thing is created and sent out into the world, it no longer belongs to the creator, but to the interpretations of those who received it. If a fan believes that Gargoyles were created by fey sorcery, then to that fan they were, no matter what I might say to the contrary in a comment room. Fanfiction is the ultimate example of fans interpretating (and extrapolating upon) what they've seen."

[Response recorded in the Station 8 "Gargoyles" FAQ, Section XXXIV.]

Greg Weisman says:

"Generally, I'm a fan of fanart."

[Response recorded on February 10, 2012.]

Response recorded on March 12, 2013

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The Coming Deluge - Yet More Ask Greg Guidelines

The Coming Deluge - Yet More Ask Greg Guidelines

So, I truly hope I'm wrong, but I have to admit I'm anticipating a deluge of questions asking for SPOILERS after the airing of this Saturday's YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION finale. I understand the impulse: "The television and comic book series are over, so there's no reason for him to hold back anymore! It means anything and everything are now fair game! He can never say 'SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.' again"

But, see, that's not how I feel about it. So here's why, and here's how that should guide your future questions at ASK GREG:

1. Let's start here: OBJECTIVELY we're not over. YOUNG JUSTICE: LEGACY is due out in the fall, and it will contain new content - a SUBSTANTIAL amount of new CANON story content, based on ideas suggested to Little Orbit by Brandon Vietti and myself, and all vetted after the fact by us, as well, to make sure everything from dialogue to timestamps is consistent with the property as a whole. Now, LEGACY is set during the five-year-gap. So I'm not going to be inclined to answer questions that require me to reveal things that happened during our time skip. And not just Legacy related stuff either, because if I answer some questions about the gap but refuse to answer others, I'll be de facto spoiling. That I will not do, so please refrain from asking questions about the missing five years.

2. If I've learned anything from the long haul on GARGOYLES, it's that things sometimes DO come back. So SUBJECTIVELY I don't feel like we're over either. I still have hopes - however slim - of returning to Earth-16 one day. So there are secrets that I still may want to keep. Particularly about "Season Three". I'm not saying I'll never reveal anything. Sometimes a tidbit here or there helps keep fan interest alive. But I'm not going to wholesale give away the plans that Brandon and I came up with for what happens next. In general, I'm much more inclined to clarify what's already been shown then reveal what hasn't been shown. So try focusing your questions on what's aired or seen print and try to refrain from asking What Happens Next questions. When I feel like revealing something, I will.

3. ASK GREG is NOT a good format for me to tell creative stories. Any question, wherein the answer could fill an entire issue of a comic book or an entire episode of a television series or MORE will not be answered, because I will not short-change a story with a quick response, and I will not tell a story here at ASK GREG. So try to refrain from asking questions that would take an entire issue or episode to answer.

4. Brandon and I have many, many ideas for what happened before Season One, a few still left for what happened during Season One, many for what happened between seasons (including but not limited to Legacy), many ideas for stuff that happened off-camera during Season Two, tons of ideas for Season Three, and many, many, many ideas for beyond Season Three. BUT... ideas minus execution are subject to tremendous second-guessing. So I'm not inclined to give you new content. If I had told you before Season One that Red Arrow was the mole, minus how we executed that plot, it might have seemed quite weak. It's the execution that demonstrates whether or not an idea shines. And frankly, I don't need the second guessing and, well, nastiness that the internet encourages. So that's just another reason to refrain from asking what else we might have planned.

5. I will not lie to you here at ASK GREG, per this post: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=982 . But I also will not state things that I believe to be true if stating those things will pretty much guarantee that I won't ever work in this town again. I have a mortgage to pay and kids to feed and clothe, etc. So you will not see me bad-mouthing companies in this public space. So please refrain from asking questions that would force me to do that. The best you'll get is no response.

6. Keep in mind, I answer questions because I like to be in touch with the fans, and I think it's fun for us all. But that doesn't mean I somehow OWE you an answer. The more entitled you think you are to the answer, (I can all but guarantee) the less inclined I'll be to respond in any useful way. Maybe that's me being needlessly contrary, but I'm just going to admit up front that it rubs me the wrong way. So tonally, try to avoid a sense of entitlement in your questions.

All this is IN ADDITION to the FOURTEEN guidelines already posted here: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/ask.php I'll admit that these six new guidelines are perhaps even more subjective than the previous fourteen, but I guarantee you that we'll all be happier if you stick to them. And the happier I am, the more likely that I'll drop the occasional surprise here and there. Whereas, the more assaulted I feel, the more likely I am to get annoyed and clam up about everything. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Otherwise... thanks for stopping by. Seriously. The dark days at ASK GREG seem to have passed for the most part, and most days I enjoy doing it again. I just want to keep it that way. Thanks.

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Xum Yukinori writes...

Regarding "Humanity," was the T. O. Morrow android following directives from the real Morrow, or did it have an "imprint" of Morrow's mind and was acting independently?

Greg responds...

Is there really that big a difference?

(Aren't you glad you asked?)

Response recorded on March 07, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Does Zatanna find Bruce Wayne attractive?

Greg responds...

You're question seems to assume they know each other, which I'll neither confirm or deny.

If in fact, you're simply asking if Zatanna finds the Bruce Wayne she's seen in the media to be a physically attractive male specimen, the answer is probably something like, "He's kinda hot for an old guy."

(Aren't you glad you asked?)

Response recorded on March 07, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

What are Zatanna's and Bruce Wayne's relationship?

Greg responds...

You're assuming they know each other. I won't confirm or deny that assumption.

(Aren't you glad you asked?)

Response recorded on March 07, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Why did Zatanna choose to live at the cave instead of Wayne Manor?

Greg responds...

She chose to live at the Cave instead of moving into what she would perceive as a new home with a new family. Doing that, she felt, would be akin to giving up on her father.

Response recorded on March 07, 2013

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Anon writes...

You said that Raquel and Kaldur dated for a little while, but it didn't stick. Was it because Tula was possibly involved in their relationship? It seemed he was still in love with her (according to Wally during his confrontation with Nightwing at the Hall of Justice) Or was it just because their relationship lost spark?

Greg responds...

It depends what you mean by "involved," I guess. Tula was with Garth during that period. Beyond that, it's a SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on March 06, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

This is really random... But I think I noticed a goof in Independence Day.

When J'onn and M'gann enter the Cave at the end, we don't hear a designation for either of them. Were they already inside, hiding in the shadows? Or was it just an oversight?
Also, did M'gann ever have an A designation, or was she automatically made B-05?

Greg responds...

There's no error there. They weren't entering Mount Justice. They were down the hall, not hiding. They just were walking up to join the others.

She first entered Mount Justice as a charter member of the Team with her B-designation. She was never an A-designation.

Response recorded on March 06, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Hey, Greg. Thank you for answering our crazy questions.

1. Is 52 the lowest level of Project Cadmus?
2. Why was there a men's room in Project Cadmus? We only saw Desmond, Guardian, and Spence working at Cadmus. Unless the genomorphs gotta go too.
3. Was sub level 52 a reference to the New 52, or just an random number?

Greg responds...

1. Well, Genomorph City is lower.

2. There were also guards. But that's beside the point. Why wouldn't there be a Men's Room? And a Woman's Room? I mean, you, yourself listed two men above. I seriously don't understand this question. Who builds a facility without facilities?

3. It wasn't a reference to "New 52", which didn't exist yet... so, neither.

Response recorded on March 06, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

How did Green Arrow react when Artemis and Wally started dating?
How did Flash react when Artemis and Wally started dating?

Greg responds...

I'm sure both of them were fine with it. Two nice kids start dating? Who'd complain? (Or am I missing something?)

Response recorded on March 06, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Was Kaldur's conception consenual?

Greg responds...

His conception? Or the intercourse that led to it?

Response recorded on March 06, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1- Why didn't Sphere attack Aqualad when he infiltrated Mount Justice?
2 - How old is Ripley, the female guard with glasses from "Terrors"?
3 - How old is Banks, the guard from "Terrors"?
4 - How old is Riker, the guard from "Terrors"?
5 - How old is Cooper, the guard from "Terrors"?

Greg responds...

1. She didn't recognize him as hostile.

2. No clue.

3. No clue.

4. No clue.

5. Your guess is as good as mine.

Response recorded on March 05, 2013

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btgr writes...

In YJ, are "out of order" phone booths indestructible?

Greg responds...

No. Are they where you live?

Response recorded on March 05, 2013

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Jon writes...

Followup question from a few months ago -- I asked: "Okay, so the League definitely knows that Lex Luthor is a member of the Light at this point. So how's he getting away with openly running a major corporation?" You answered: "How do they stop him?"

To which I suggest: Violence (a la Arsenal)? Sabotage? Leveraged takeovers? Filing with the SEC? Large-scale theft of office supplies?

Right, yes, being a bit silly here, obviously. (just a bit.) And superheroes don't go beyond the law, of course (well, err, past the whole being-vigilantes thing). Still - just curious as to how Luthor has managed to pull off his whole villain-with-good-publicity schtick. And why hasn't Batman and/or the team tried hitting Luthor's bottom line at some point? Wouldn't it make sense strategically, given that they're the League's dirty-business department?

Greg responds...

Again, I ask "How"?

Look, you're assuming they're doing nothing, which is not a safe assumption. We aren't depicting the "ALL-ENCOMPASSING ADVENTURES OF THE JUSTICE LEAGUE" on our series. We're showing you the "SELECTED ADVENTURES OF THE TEAM". We're telling a specific story. Not even pretending to cover every facet of Earth-16, although believe me, given enough episodes or issues or WHATEVER, I'd love to try.

Response recorded on March 05, 2013

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Sam writes...

Can anyone on the team twerk?

Greg responds...

I don't know what "twerk" means.

Response recorded on March 05, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Hey man first off love young justice the comics and show are just astounding. Anyway I read your spin off of black mantas celeb hot tub and since cn's mad is being difficult have you tried submitting it to robot chicken on the adult swim block? One more thing read your side trip ramble, an yes I have to be the guy to asks was that real?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know anyone at Robot Chicken.

2. Can you prove otherwise? (But thanks for commenting on it. Seemed like nobody else read it.)

Response recorded on March 05, 2013

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Jen writes...

Considering Artemis's hair is blonde, but her eyebrows are black, what color would you suppose her eyelashes are?

Greg responds...

I don't know. Ask a biologist, I guess.

Response recorded on March 05, 2013

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GhostDog401 writes...

Before I asked why Superboy didn't have any mirrors, to which you said he doesn't want any. So...

Why doesn't Superboy want any mirrors?

Greg responds...

Doesn't care to look into them.

Response recorded on March 05, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Did Tula ever have feelings for Aqualad before dating Garth?

Greg responds...

Not the kind of feelings that Kaldur might have preferred. Of course, if he had expressed some of his feelings to her BEFORE it was too late, who knows?

Response recorded on March 05, 2013

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Not Wallace writes...

I know you've said you can't actually show LGBT characters on the show, but I think I saw you said that there was one who was just closeted. Would you ever "out" this character outside the show itself? Or would you not be allowed to? I think it's pretty horrible that you aren't allowed to have LGBT characters, it's the 21st Century and considering how isolating being young and gay can be, with no role models it can be incredibly difficult! But I understand this is not your fault.

Greg responds...

We show LGBT characters on the show all the time. We just can't acknowledge it. There's a difference. And I never said the LGBT characters on the show were closeted. I never said anything one way or the other about whether or not they were closeted - or at least, I don't remember saying anything about it. A character like Marie Logan can be out as far as she's concerned, without mentioning it out loud on the series.

And, there. I think I've just answered your question. (See also: Lexington.)

Response recorded on March 05, 2013

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J writes...

I was just reading through the recently answered questions, and something struck me as a little odd. You seem to be interested in the specifics of things that are activly shown on-screen (eg. a charactors background in gymnastics as opposed to acrobatics, and how that difference is portrayed), yet there is an "Ask Greg helper" who answers questions for you with your quote "I'm not personally intetested in those type of specifics" which was your answer to a comoletley different kind of question (probably something like "what is Superboy's favorite type of pie")....my question is:
How much discression do you give your helpers to answer questions with responses that a) conveys your personal opinion AND b) you have not already answered and was never revealed in the show?
Specifically, I am refering to a question about how much water Aqualad's pack holds...how does your helper know your not intetested in that? Was there a meeting in which this topic was discussed?
The reason your stories are so good is because you pay so much attention to the details of things on-screen (in my opinion, anyway), and that seemed like a perfectly legitimate question to something regularly appearing on-screen, and given that, would most likley intetest you, at least a little (ie. I would think that you would write Aqualad keeping in mind there cold only possibly be a finite amount of water in his pack).

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

[A NOTE FROM AN ASK GREG HELPER: You are operating under a false assumption. We will only answer a question if Greg has answered that same question in the past. This was the case with the question about Aqualad's Water-Bearers. Here is the full context.]

DC Hero writes...

"How much liter's can Aqualad's water bearers hold."

Greg responds...

"I'm personally not interested in being that specific."

[Response recorded on March 29, 2011.]



Response recorded on March 03, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Well I was wondering something about Superman and Superboy. Most versions Superman can run at about the Speed of Light. 1. Can Earth 16 Superman run at Super Speed?
2. If so can Superboy as well?
3. If Superboy does have super speed is he faster than Wally or is that power weaker like his strength is compared to Superman.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. BTW Your show is by far the best show on Cartoon Network.

Greg responds...

1. It depends how you define super-speed. He can run faster than a human, certainly. But nowhere near as fast as Kid Flash. Speed of light? No chance.

2. Same answer, though he's not quite as fast as Superman.

3. See above.


Response recorded on February 28, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

So we know that Miss Martian came to Earth by stowing away on Martian Manhunter's ship. But there's one thing that I am unsure about.

1. Did she have her parents' permission to leave them to stay with her uncle or did she run away from them for that purpose?

Greg responds...

1. She ran away without telling anyone. After J'onn discovered her, he contacted her parents, and they agreed that M'gann could stay on Earth.

Response recorded on February 28, 2013

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John writes...

How old is detective Jim Daniels?

Greg responds...

By the end of Season One, Detective Daniels was 34.

Response recorded on February 28, 2013

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Amanda writes...

Queen Bee claimed that after the team steals the cycle, that more tech would appear that would put it, and possibly Superboy, to shame.
Has this tech been shown yet?

Greg responds...

Some of it.

Response recorded on February 28, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

There are certain characters that were created specifically for Teen Titans. If you wanted to, could you bring those characters into YJ, or are they not up for grabs? Just curious, because I'd love to see your take on characters like Kyd Wykydd and the like. I thought you might be able to, since you sort of adapted TT's Cheshire mask, but I know that's a pretty different situation, as Cheshire's been around much longer than the Teen Titans show. Anyway, let me say that I really appreciate how you read your fans' questions, and I hope you're able to answer mine.

Greg responds...

I assume we have access to everything, unless I'm told otherwise.

Response recorded on February 27, 2013

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Finister2 writes...

You say that while making the Gargoyles comics you like to pretent to cast a voice actor in your head. (or something like that.) With that in mind, did you "cast" anyone as the voice of...
1) Hawkman
2) Selena Gonzalez
3) Psycho-Pirate
4) Henry Yarrow
5) The Collector of Worlds (AKA Brainiac)
...in the Young Justice comic book series.

Greg responds...

1. I haven't written any issue where Hawkman speaks.

2. I didn't write that issue.

3. I didn't write that issue.

4. Charles Hallahan. (I realize that's not a practical choice, but that's who I heard.)

5. Patrick Stewart.

Response recorded on February 27, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1. In Insecurities (one of my faves of S1), Artemis was upset because she thought Batman & Green Arrow took her as a pity case, was she also thinking the whole team was in on it? Or just the Leaguers?
2. This is weird haha but I really liked the lighting at the end of that episode when she and her dad were talking, those shadows and that score, one of the best composed scenes for sure.

Greg responds...

1. I don't think she really thought it out at all.

2. Thanks.

Response recorded on February 27, 2013

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FnGs writes...

Hi Greg.
Big fan here, and I am from China mainland. Where people can't get to watch Young Justice at first hand legally because we don't have Cartoon Network here.
Most of us watch it online or download from foreign websites.
and I am translating Young justice into Chinese subtitles and provide it online so more people could enjoy the show.
so I want to know how you feel about this.
Does it bother you because I know all these action are not legal nor the right thing to do.
But it is the fact that this is the only way we can catch the show as all of the fans do.
If you read this, I'd really hope you could reply with your thoughts and feelings. Many thanks!

Greg responds...

Hey FnGs... I don't know how to answer this. You're telling me about illegal activity and, what, looking for me to condone it?

Obviously, I'd love for as many people as possible to see (and understand) the series. But I can't go on record supporting an illegal act. You see that, right?

Response recorded on February 26, 2013

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VanDee writes...

Oh I forgot to add, I just bought the YJ tee-shirt! I love it with a passion. I'm too happy to finally have some merchandise!

Greg responds...

I bought it too!

Plus I also have my YJ crew t-shirt, and my "Hello, Megan!" crew t-shirt. (The latter was made for us by Nicole Dubuc.)

Response recorded on February 26, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

With the introduction of the Forever People and Desaad in "Disordered," the introduction of Gordon Godfrey in Young Justice: Invasion, and the use of Apokoliptian technology in several episodes of the series thus far, the hints of a coming presence of the New Gods seems to be making itself clear.

I know that, as I have read in the AskGreg Archives, you have stated multiple times that Young Justice is not affected by the New 52. However, I thought you should need to know about what the New Gods are doing in the New 52. Please read below.

The New Gods that have appeared thus far in the New 52 & what they have been doing:

Darkseid - In the New 52, Darkseid was re-introduced as the main antagonist in issues #1-6 of "Justice League." He led his forces to attack the mainstream DC universe in an effort to search for his daughter, who is apparently a new character in the comics. Thanks to the efforts of the Justice League, Darkseid was sent away via Boomtube, but not before he swore to return. It also seems that Darkseid has been acting behind-the scenes during the flashback events that happened in issue #1 of "Earth 2," given that he made no actual appearance in the issue. Darkseid has not yet made any future appearances since then... though it is easy to suspect that the search for his daughter still continues throughout the multiverse…

Desaad - His only appearance in the New 52 thus far was in issue #6 of "Justice League," in which he was involved in the brutal torture of Superman. I don't think he's been seen or heard of since then…

Steppenwolf - He also made an appearance in issue #6 of "Justice League," in which he was also involved in Superman's torture. With the failure of the Apokoliptian invasion of the mainstream DC universe, he makes his next appearance in issue #1 of "Earth 2." Aside from personally leading an Apokoliptian invasion on this parallel Earth, he had a notable role in personally killing Earth-2's version of Wonder Woman. When the invasion was stopped by Earth-2's version of the Trinity (at the cost of their lives), Steppenwolf was not seen or heard from again. I've heard that issue #8 of "Earth 2" is going to show off Steppenwolf again and that the issue was going to explain what he has been doing on Earth-2 for five years after the failed invasion.

Orion - Orion was re-introduced at the end of issue #12 of "Wonder Woman." Oddly enough, as he rises from the snow, picks up his helmet, and leaves somewhere via Boomtube, the dialogue in the last couple of pages in that issue implies that the fall of the Olympian Gods (at least, the ones exiting in the mainstream DC universe) gives rise to the New Gods. Honestly, I have no idea what it could mean. Anyway, Orion seems to play a role in some issues of "Wonder Woman." From what I think I understand, it seems that Orion has been given a mission by the Highfather to prevent the end of The Source itself… Pretty strange if you ask me…

Darkseid's daughter - Quite honestly, there's not much that is known about Darkseid's daughter. She has made no appearance thus far, and her name has not yet been given… Finding her is apparently Darkseid's top priority, as evidenced in issue #6 of "Justice League." The Apokoliptian invasion of Earth-2, as shown in issue #1 of "Earth 2" seems to suggest that Darkseid has launched an assault on ANY and ALL parallel Earths in the DC multiverse; all for the sake of finding his daughter. To further support this evidence, in issue #6 of "Justice League," Superman, upon being rescued from torture, stated that he saw images of a multiverse faced with death and torture at Darkseid's hands. This means that the mainstream DC universe and Earth-2 were not the only victims of assaults from the forces of Apokolips.

Thanks for taking the time to reading this posting. I'm not sure if this may be relevant to you or the Earth-16 universe, but I hope you didn't mind me sharing this with you.

Again, thank you,

Greg responds...

You know, I appreciate the thought, but I DON'T need to know any of this. Earth-16 is NOT in continuity with the New 52. That's NOT a value judgement. It's just a hard fact of when we began and completed production.

Response recorded on February 26, 2013

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btgr writes...

What did Wade Eiling and Alec Rois do during the Cambodian-Vietnamese War and the Soviet-Afghan War?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 26, 2013

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Steph writes...

Hi Mr.Weisman

Two questions:

1. Did you give Slade a ponytail because you wanted to increase his sass level?

2. In another question someone asked where Artemis was in Image and you said "Does it matter? Anyway, hopefully I'll get to tell that story some day." and now I'm curious as to what that story is but I'm guessing that's a SPOILER request. So instead I'll ask was it a story that was meant to be told on the actual show or in the tie-in comics?

Greg responds...

1. <chuckle> Actually, I don't usually talk out of school here, but I was AGAINST the ponytail from the start. But I was over-ruled by Brandon and Phil. Later, when Phil was designing Deathstroke again for one of WB's DVDs, he told me I was right. Fat lot of good THAT did, huh? ;)

2. Comics.

Response recorded on February 26, 2013

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New Zealand police officer writes...

How often does the Justice League visit New Zealand?

I asked you this question for a number of reasons:

1. The most obvious one is that most superheroes do not use guns and unlike America, most of our police force do not carry guns and we will continue not to carry them. Our general policing is not and will never be the culture of the gun.

2. Crime still happens in New Zealand even though we are a very safe nation.

3. We handle terrorism, gun crime, police brutality and corruption very seriously.

4. We frequently show wanted faces and serious crimes in a popular and successful TV show called "Police Ten Seven". &

5. We are one of the least corrupt police forces in the world.

Cheers bro.

Greg responds...

Sounds great.

But it also makes it sound like New Zealand is a place that doesn't need the Justice League all that much.

But I'd sure like to go!!

Response recorded on February 21, 2013

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Erica writes...

How much research did you have to do before starting on Young Justice? How did you go about doing research (ie wikis, movies, comics, etc)?

Greg responds...

I feel like I've answered this before, but...

I read a ton of comics, starting with the big black and white Showcase Teen Titans reprint volumes and all the Young Justice comics that I could get my hands on, plus a few other random things, including most of my own collection of New Teen Titans, Flash, Green Lantern, DC Comics Presents, Captain Atom, etc. I also watched a bunch of episodes of Justice League, Justice League Unlimited and Teen Titans. (Although this was mostly done to avoid copying what they had done.) I also read through (or at least skimmed) pretty much the entire DC Encyclopedia. Occasionally, I'd do a quick check of something on Wikipedia and/or ComicVine or my own old issues of Who's Who. And when I needed to go deep - John Wells was there to help out.

Plus, keep in mind that I'm a huge geek that's been in this game professionally since 1983 and reading comics since, 1969ish... So I knew a lot of stuff already. Plus there's Brandon and Phil and a ton of other geeks that worked on the show.

Response recorded on February 21, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1. Is Artemis strong in science?
2. With all of her trick arrows, is she good in physics or engineering?
3. Where does she get her arrows?

Thanks for Young Justice :D It is my favorite show right now.

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Probably.

3. She makes a lot of them. Green Arrow makes some of them for her.

Response recorded on February 21, 2013

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Young Justice: Volume 3: Creature Feature

Christopher Jones said it so well, I'm just cutting and pasting his pimping:

In Stores NOW: Young Justice - Volume 3

Young Justice: Volume 3 - Creature Features is in comic book shops and book stores TODAY! Volume 3 collects issues #14-19, featuring our Atlantis, Kobra Cult and Gorilla City storylines. Carrying a cover price of $12.99, this volume joins Volume 1 (issues #0-6) and Volume 2 - Training Day (issues #7-13).

Young Justice: Volume 3 is written by Greg Weisman, drawn by Christopher Jones, colors by Zac Atkinson, and a story drawn by guest artist Lucciano Vecchio.

If you can't find a copy at your local comic shop or bookstore, you can ask them to order one, or order it on line from a source like Amazon.com!

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Pimping John Wells

John Wells, as many of you may have noticed on the credit lists I've posted for Young Justice, has provided invaluable research on the DC Universe for those of us working on the YOUNG JUSTICE comic and television series.

He's written a book: American Comic Book Chronicles: 1960-1964, and he's recently been interviewed by KC Carlson about the book, his secret origins and the work he's done in and for the industry. (Coincidentally, KC was - once upon a time - my associate editor on CAPTAIN ATOM.)

Anyway, here are links to the three-part interview:


Check 'em out! And congratulations, John!

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Anon writes...

Did Wally ever attend Dick's birthday parties? Also if he did, did he ever run into Artemis?

Greg responds...

Dick probably had multiple parties since he has multiple identities.

Response recorded on February 13, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

How old was Jason Todd during Season 1/Team Year Zero?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 13, 2013

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Brianna writes...

Before I ask my question, I just wanted to offer an explanation about something. I see a lot of confusion from people who aren't shall we say denizens of the internet regarding "trolling". Trolling is doing or saying something to rile someone up for humorous purposes, and everyone seems to be familiar with the cruel, schadenfreude usage of this. It can also be used affectionately- your friend could troll you by calling you that embarrassing nickname in front of your new girlfriend. When people say you are trolling the fandom, they're not calling you mean- it's saying you're kind of messing with us, playing with our heads. In a sense, it kind of means you're doing your job really well as a creator.

My actual question is that I was wondering about Green Arrow and Black Canary in earth-16. I actually also really love Black Canary, and ship them together really hard, and I was wondering
1) what their first impressions of each other were like. 2)Do they live together, currently, or do they have their own places?
3)What is your favorite relationship dynamic for them?
4) How long had they been together at the start of season one?
5) Who are they probably closest to, within the league?

Thank you for looking at this!

Greg responds...

1. This question requires an entire story in response. And this just isn't the format for me to be telling stories.


3. Um... together?

4. See above.

5. Each other.

Response recorded on February 13, 2013

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GhostDog401 writes...

Are Flash and Atom (the shrinking guy) friends? Cuz you always see him (atom) riding on Flash's shoulder or is this just the best place for Atom to ride?

Greg responds...

Yes. They are very good/old friends. Though you will see Atom on other shoulders as well.

Response recorded on February 13, 2013

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Kenneth writes...

1. Do you keep and update your timeline in a notebook, or are they files on your computer.

2. If the second option is true, do you design the appearance of your timeline? (special font, for example)

Greg responds...

1. The latter.

2. Um... I'm not sure what you mean by designed. It's all Times font, although I use different sizes and bold and italics for various things. It's nothing fancy, but it's functional.

Response recorded on February 13, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Vulko?
2. How old is Whisper A'Daire?
3. How old is Wilcox?
4. How old is Daddy Lidz?
5. How old is David Reid?

Greg responds...

1. Vulko was 69 at the end of Season One.


3. If you mean the prison guard, I'm not tracking him. If you mean Dr. David Wilcox, the STAR Labs scientist, I haven't added him into the timeline yet.

4. Who?


Response recorded on February 13, 2013

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