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Luke writes...

Who were the two characters you wanted to include in the bridal shower scene in Satisfaction?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Lorisa214 writes...

When Kid Flash, or Flash are running places, how do they know if they are going in the right direction? When Impulse was running across states, how would he know what state he's in? Like right now if someone told me to run to New York, New York, and I know it's South, & 6 hours by car, Maybe I could find it, cuz it's so iconic, and…a straight line from where I am. But if I had to find the Yukon, (In Canada…It's hard enough to find on a map) or North Carolina, I wouldn't. So how do they know where they are going without directions/GPS. Have they memorized the layout of the whole country? Stop & read signs? Do they have to take main roads to find where they want to go?
-Can Wally run across water?
- Could he do it carrying someone, or would their ears explode?
- Can Superman run across water?

Greg responds...

1. Yes to all of the above, probably.

2. If he's built up a big enough head of steam.

3. I would think so.

4. Run? No. But he can fly across it.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Lorisa214 writes...

Hello Greg.
I've noticed from both your work in Gargoyles, & Young justice that it seems very hard to affect the future by changing the past. It would seem that time travel can affect events, but not people? Like When Goliath went back in time and tried to talk with Demona, but when she woke up in their own timeline, was unchanged. Same with Impulse, he tried/continues to try to change his future, but somehow Nate still remembers what it was like before?
- Would everyone remember the difference in Barts timeline?
- How does Nate remember Bart, if they both said he would never be back to his time line, & so it stuck in the past?...So would then have never met ?

Greg responds...

1. No.


Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Lorisa214 writes...

Logically Artemis would have had to begin training, or step it up before her death in March.
- How long did she have to decide, & then begin training again?
- When she did decide to go undercover, how/why did she decide on her new weapons? She couldn't just stick to archery, that's a given. So what make her pick her equipment?
-Did she train with Wally, or Dick before their façade took place?
-How many days (weeks?) did Artemis wait before she told Wally?
- What if she said no?
-What month is Artemis's Birthday?

Greg responds...

1. You're assuming she EVER stopped training.

2. She's proficient in all the weapons that Tigress uses.

3. To a certain extent, although their regimens are very different.

4. I assume she's trained with Dick on and off for years, but again, see the answer to question one.

5. Tell him what?

6. I'm lost. No to what?

7. I haven't decided. Maybe she should be a Sagittarius.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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kagome writes...

has robin ever kissed Zatanna well i mean he leaned in first? because we have scene zatanna kiss robin 3 times, but not vice versa.

Greg responds...

Over the years? Yes.

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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Ann writes...

Is Happy Harbor's harbor(or haven) an artificicial one or a natural one? I also ask the same question about Bludhaven's harbor as well.
P.s If you don't know. Then I don't mind.
P.p.s Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to answer my "lucky stiff" question.

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

1a. I assume so, but I don't know.

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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Guest writes...

Stanford is one of the most expensive universities in the country. How are Wally and Artemis paying for it plus their apartment?

Greg responds...

Stanford also offers needs-blind admission. If you can get in, they'll figure out financial aid for you after the fact.

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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Melbie writes...

Assuming Sportsmaster knew about about Wally and Artemis's relationship judging from the scene at the cemetery in "Satisfaction," would you mind telling us how he heard about it and how he feels about it?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, I mind. Sorry.

2. I think you can guess.

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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lLight writes...

After season one, I figured Roy's serious personality might have been influenced by his programming. After seeing the original Roy, it is clear Roy has always been like that. Since Jim Harper is also a clone of the original Roy, my first question is this:

1) What is the reason for the personality difference between The two Roys and Jim Harper?

2) Was Jim Harper programmed to be a different hero?

3) In Season one, Jim explained to Superboy that he was Roy's uncle. It seems that this was programmed into him. Was this programmed into Red Arrow? In other words, did Roy know about his "relation" to Jim?

4) If Jim Harper were to pick up a bow and arrow, would he be a good archer?

5) Was Aqualad the only person on the Team who would know where Roy was hiding in the final episode of Season one?

Greg responds...

1. You see Roy after waking up from an eight year deep-freeze to find his arm amputated and a clone has taken over his life, and you think that gives you some indication of what he was like personality-wise back in the day? Seriously?

2. Well... yeah... (Is this a trick question?)

3. Yes.

4. Not without any training at all.

5. Do you mean before Aqualad found him there or after?

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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Black Manta Fan writes...

1) How did Aquaman find out about Kaldur's parentage?

2) How old was Kaldur when Calvin Durham assumed the role of his father? Assuming, of course, Aqualad was born.

3) When did Black Manta assume his villainous role? (This is like asking when did Clark Kent become Superman)

4) Do Black Manta's henchmen know his secret identity?

5) Does the Light know his secret identity?

Greg responds...



3. IS it like asking that? I'm not sure I agree.

4. What secret identity?

5. See above.

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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Black Manta Fan writes...

1) What is Black Manta's civilian name?

2) What is the reason for his animosity towards Aquaman?

3) Is there a reason why you gave Black Manta a sophisticated persona? He strikes me as a high class villain, like Luthor. In the comics, he just seems like an angry guy.

4) I gotta admit, Black Manta has a handsome face. Who takes credit for this design?

5) How close were Black Manta and Calvin Durham before Durham's defection?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know.


3. We played him the way he made sense to us to play him.

4. Phil Bourassa.

5. Close.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Col641 writes...

How old is the kid that resembles Stephanie Brown and the kid that looks like Virgil Hawkins in Before the Dawn?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure who you're referring to. Someone who 'resembles Stephanie Brown'? Do you mean Stephanie Brown? If so, Stephanie Brown is twelve at the START of Season Two. I don't know how old she is by the time we introduced her: twelve or thirteen.

As for 'the kid that looks like Virgil Hawkins in Before the Dawn', I'm not sure why you think I'd have calculated an age for an incidental character just because he happens to look like someone from a previous cartoon show.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Someone Not Really Important writes...

sorry about my earlier confusing question, if you remember it.

i checked the unanwered questions and the answered questions, and i can't believe no one has asked this yet.

1)Does anyone besides Roy, Jade, and Lian to an extent know of Roy and Jade's marriage? (I'm ask about if they know about Lian, but that seems too spoil alert - ish

2) Does Sportsmaster know that Roy is Lian's father?

3) When Roy Harper's parents died, why did he live with his uncle?

I'm really sorry if you already seen these questions, but i looked at the unanswered questions and the answered question, using any keywords that could lead up to them, and found that no questions were close to mine

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

3. Uncle?

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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robin john blake writes...

How old was Jason Todd when he died?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Rowen writes...

Dear Greg,

First, let me start off by saying that I think Young Justice is one of the best cartoons currently out there. It's so mature and epic and the animation and character design are amazing. I really wish CN would realize what a gem they've got and would start promoting the hell out of it (hm…maybe I should put that on my Christmas list).

For research purposes, I have two questions:
1.Did Young Justice team members who have homes outside of Mount Justice, like Dick, Wally and Artemis, have personal living quarters at Mount Justice as well?

2.Has Nightwing surpassed Black Canary in terms of fighting skills?

Thanks in advance!

Greg responds...

1. They had places they could crash, and they kept changes of clothes there.

2. See, now, the Hulk is more powerful because the madder he gets, the stronger he gets. But the Thing can still beat him if he keeps his wits about him.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Haley writes...

Dear Greg,

While I lament the fact that we're not going to see more of the delightful young Robin you created in YJ season 1 (because in my humble opinion, he's the best cartoon rendition of Dick Grayson's Robin ever: such an amazing character design, awesome personality and skills and perfect voice actor), I love seeing your version of Nightwing in Young Justice: Invasion. Again, awesome character design there and Jesse McCartney does a great job voicing him. Dick Grayson's obviously grown and matured, but there are still shades of season one's Dick Grayson that I really enjoy seeing. Though he certainly does seem to be becoming more like Batman in terms of the decisions and sacrifices he makes, I like that his leadership style seems more gentle and is geared towards positive reinforcement. He cares about his team and shows it.

Anyway, my question:

As team leader, why doesn't Nightwing go on so many missions anymore? I'm asking because Aqualad, when he was team leader in the first season, accompanied the Team on most missions, but Nightwing doesn't seem to based on what he said in Depths: "After a year of leading this team, I'm peckish for a little action". Is it because the Team's grown so big that most of the time he has to stay behind to coordinate? Because Mal seemed to be doing a good job of that in ep 201 Happy New Year... I'm just wondering because Dick Grayson's my favorite character and I'd love to see more of him. I hope we'll get to see more of Nightwing in action in the second half of the season.

Thanks for putting so much time and effort into interacting with fans!

Can't wait till January! ;)

Greg responds...

There's a lot going on. As you've seen he goes on missions fairly often, but sometimes he needs to stay behind. And he rarely goes on 'routine' missions. But you should also keep in mind, that he obviously had ulterior motives for wanting to go on the Cape Canaveral mission - motives that he couldn't reveal, and so had to use misdirection to explain why he was going.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Mark B. writes...

I'd like to ask a few YJ questions that I really hope don't come across the wrong way. They're just a few things I've noticed that may be errors/unclear (or just me being oblivious). Obviously I love the show and the comics, and think you and your team do a great job.

1) In "Bereft", Robin says the soldiers are of the Bialyan Republican Army, but Bialya is a monarchy. Is that an error or was Bialya formerly a republic (or something even more complicated)?

2) In "Common Denominators", after the Cultists abducted Dr. Burr, hitting Robin in the process, Batman asks Robin if he's okay. Robin responds "Feeling the aster. But fine." Shouldn't that be "Not feeling the aster. But fine." or am I misinterpreting 'aster'?

In "Depths", in the scene in the Cave at the end, we hear crying-in particular it sounds to me like male and female crying. Though it looks to me as though Raquel, and perhaps Karen, were crying none of the male characters appeared to be.
3a) Who was crying?
3b) In general, how do you write scenes like this, where you have a number of characters but only a few are seen up close and/or have lines? Does the script detail the reactions for each or is there just a general description of the group's reaction and the details are left to storyboarding/animation?

Can't wait for #23 and the return of the show. Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

1. Bialya is - in theory - a constitutional monarchy, with a democratically elected REPRESENTATIVE government. (Though in practice, it's a dictatorship.) Because of this, propaganda is used throughout Bialyan society, and names don't necessarily reflect truth.

2. No, you're right. That's an error. Robin must have been more addled than he realized.

3a. I think only M'gann is crying out loud. At least that's how it is in the script (and in my memory). But I don't have the finished episode handy to check.

3b. There's no set rule.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Anonymous Writes writes...

Why it took 5 years to find what happen in the missing 16 hours?

Greg responds...

Why did it take 116 years to fight the Hundred Years' War?

Because that's how long it took.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Was there a time when Karen was keeping her Bumblebee alter-ego a secret from Mal? After all, their Cave designations seem to suggest that there was a bit of a gap between her joining and him getting involved with the Team.

Greg responds...


But since their designations are in different categories, I don't think they "suggest" anything one way or another.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Paul writes...

Does Beast Boy get on all right with Lagoon Boy? Gar seemed to want Conner and M'gann to get back together in "Earthlings", so I'm thinking that he doesn't like L'gaan...

Greg responds...

They get along all right, but Gar is in need of consistency in his life. When he met M'gann and Conner they were a couple, so he's still rooting for them.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why was Rocket omitted from issues #21 and #22 of the companion comic when she had been shown with Zatanna in issue #20, who appeared alongside her in that issue?

Greg responds...

I have no comment at this time. Mostly because I honestly don't know why.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1) Did Batgirl know Jason Todd before he died?

2) Did Batgirl know any of the other three mystery Team members from the time skip?

Greg responds...


2. I'm not sure who you're defining as "mystery" and who you're not.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Is Superboy's birthday really the 21st of March or does he just pretend it is?

Greg responds...

It is.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

In season 1, M'gann was 48 years old but her age in human biology was 16. What is her age in human biology in season 2?

Greg responds...

About 18, give or take.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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alternate writes...

Hi Greg,

I'm a big fan of the show and I had a brief question that hopefully does not delve into spoilers.

In the Mount Justice memorial grotto, is there any pattern to the size and location of the holograms relative to each other?

More specifically, are the holograms placed in the order they died? I'm not asking when anyone actually died, if that helps.

Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

No and no.

The sizes are all the same relatively, although perspective (and maybe some flawed animation) may occasionally make it look otherwise.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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