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REVELATIONS 2012-08 (Aug)

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Anonymous Andy writes...

Is there a chance that the YJ tie-in comics will eventually be combined into a single graphic novel, like with Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Do you mean into trade paperbacks? If so, then yes.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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Orio, again writes...

[I am re-submitting my questions in a suitable format; my old post was under the same name and asked the same questions. It would be helpful if it could possibly be deleted. I'd like to apologize for blurting out all my questions, it's just that I was all excited about posting because I never had before and I felt like I wouldn't be able to get everything I wanted to get asked put in before the queue closed. I have no idea how things work around here as far as that.]
6. Who is Aqualad closer to? Garth or Roy?
7. Are Aqualad's water-bearers some type of machine, or are they of magical origin?
8. How close is Aqualad to Robin?
10. Do Atlanteans eat fish, or are they opposed to the idea?

Greg responds...

6. Garth, probably. But he's close to Roy too.

7. They're Atlantean tech designed to work in concert with and augment Atlantean sorcery.

8. About a foot and a half.

9. There is no #9.

10. Most eat fish. Some are vegetarians.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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Orio writes...

[I am re-submitting my questions in a suitable format; my old post was under the same name and asked the same questions. It would be helpful if it could possibly be deleted. I'd like to apologize for blurting out all my questions, it's just that I was all excited about posting because I never had before and I felt like I wouldn't be able to get everything I wanted to get asked put in before the queue closed. I have no idea how things work around here as far as that.]
Hello, Mr. Weisman!
I'd like to start out by saying that I'm a huge fan of Young Justice, and think it's amazing how you can deal with such dark-ish concepts and still maintain a soft tone--and deal with a ginormous cast in one show! I'm actually very excited, typing this, because I've never actually had the chance to ask questions, so… Here goes!

2. Since it's probably trivial enough (and kind of impossible, since pretty much all of them are dead) not to be mentioned in any future show episodes, how old were each of the Flying Graysons (excluding Robin, of course) when they died? How old was the uncle, Richard, when he went into a coma (I think that's what happened... Am I wrong?)
3. Likewise, what were their personalities?
4. Did Robin's older cousin take on the role of an 'older brother' when he lived due to the age difference between the two of them, as well as how close they were as a family?

Greg responds...

1. There's no number 1.

2. I haven't figured out their ages.

3. I'm not going into that outside the confines of telling a story.

4. Yes.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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Derek writes...

1) So Martian Manhunter knows that Miss Martian was a white martian right? So is she really "legally" his niece via adoption or was that just a cover story?
2) Where did the idea of Miss Martian basing her personality on a sitcom come from? I thought it was very clever.

Greg responds...

1. Right.

1a. Neither. He's her niece. Her mother - a Green Martian - is J'onn's sister. M'gann's father is a White Martian.

2. Uh, I think that was my idea originally, but it was thoroughly worked on by the entire brain trust, i.e. me, Brandon Vietti and Kevin Hopps. In addition, writer and former child sitcom star Nicole Dubuc, also contributed a lot at the script stages.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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Andre writes...

Hey man, been a big fan of Gargoyles since my early childhood days, and have been following your work from Spectacular Spider-Man to Young Justice.

My question refers to the primary antagonist of the Gargoyle universe, David Xanatos. What was the inspiration for you to create such a complex gray villain? Also, where'd the name come from for Xanatos too?

Greg responds...

1. The most immediate inspirations were Captain Hook/Duke Igthorn mixed with a healthy dose of General Wade Eiling, plus some Bruce Wayne and Captain Kirk.

2. The name is a variation on Thanatos, the greek god of death. It also is a real name you can find in most phone books. Assuming you can find a phone book.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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Jason R. Carter writes...

1. Any particular reason why Luthor is pronounced like Luther as opposed to "Lu-thor"?

2. Is Earth-16 Atom stuck at that size or can he grow to human size?

Greg responds...

1. Guess it's what I grew up with.

2. He can be normal sized.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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Paul writes...

1) Is Lex Luthor immune to Queen Bee's control?

2) When Cheshire retreated at the end of "Usual Suspects", was she feeling some respect for Artemis at bringing down Sportsmaster?

3) Is Zatanna a cougar?

Greg responds...

1. Does he need to be?

2. Respect...? I suppose. Some. More like complicity.

3. Huh? She's just a few months older than Robin.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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The spider writes...

Not that i have a problem with it but why is batman so much younger than everyone else(including flash)?
Love the young justice show!

Greg responds...

He's not.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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Thomas Allen Dreyfuss writes...

Hi Greg. I've been a long time reader of your responses and I figured after reading through 100's of responses (for my own purposes), I'd find the courage in me to ask you a question. When it comes to planning for a show like "Young Justice" that's episodic in nature (like many of your other works) yet geared for all ages (see previous statement in parenthesis), how do you and your collaborators approach something as daunting like weaving together multiple plot threads, showing character growth, and create story arcs? What are some of the advantages and constraints to writing in the way that you do? I'm currently studying television production as my major in college (a career path I've been told that is faced with rejection, hard work, and passion) and I'm asking this question (well, now it's questions) because I've been fascinated with well organized/structured series. Being the well accomplished writer that you are, I thought I'd ask you on the subject since you have a lot of experience writing/creating/producing shows like "Gargoyles", "The Spectacular Spider-Man", and "Young Justice". If you don't feel like answering this question, I understand that you're a very busy person (you don't need to tell me how busy, I've read the rambles) who takes the time from work to answer the many questions people send to you and I for one certainly appreciate all the hard work you (and of course, the many people you've worked with) put into your each of your projects. Anyways, thanks so much for giving me the opportunity to ramble and I look forward to whatever stories you have planned next (INVASION! WOOT!).

Greg responds...

I've written quite a bit on this subject already - even recently (like today). So take a look at the archives, and if you have specific questions after reading what I wrote, feel free to post again.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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LupusLover writes...

Was Paula Crock put in a wheel chair before she went to prison or during?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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