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REVELATIONS 2012-10 (Oct)

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Susan N. writes...

Hi! First off, I would like to say that I am a HUGE fan of your work, especially with Young Justice, and now Young Justice: Invasion.My favorite episode of the new season so far has to be Salvage, because it had everything that I had been waiting to see. I also want to thank you for bring Lian into Earth-16. It really makes me happy to see her.

I checked the que and the archives, and i didn't see any of these questions, so herewe go:

1) What bree is Wally and Artemis's dog? What's his/her name?

2) How long have Jade and Roy been married?

3) How old is Lian when Jade brings her to meet Roy?

4) Are you aware of all the 'Shipping' names for the various couples on the show?

Thank you so much for making such a wonderful show, and for taking time to answer our questions.Oh, and have a nice day!

Greg responds...

1. Pit Bull.

1a. Well, Stephanie's dog is named Brucely, so maybe on Earth-16...


3. Under a year old.

4. ALL of them? Probably not.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. So the reason Guardian was in a trance-like state in the Season One finale was because he was a clone of the real Jim Harper all that time?

2. Catherine Cobert appears to have an accent. What is her nationality?

3. How does Paula Crock feel about her daughter's relationship with Wally West?

Greg responds...

1. Nope. It's because he was a clone of ROY Harper, and they had used his pre-programmed code word to shut him down.

2. She's French.

3. Happy, generally.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Starling writes...

Hi again greg, If I remember correctly, it's been established that Martians age 1 year for every 3 earth years, New gods from Apocolips and New genesis are ageless, Lords of chaos and order are ageless, Amazons are immortal and Superboy currently can't age visibly.
1. This made me wonder if there were any other aliens or metahumans that age at a different rate than humans or have a longer lifespan, such as maybe Rannians, Genomorphs and Clayface since he got his powers from overexposure to the Lazarous pits.
2. Back in infiltrator, Robin used an override code to get past the security at Wyne Tech. If I'm correct, the code RG4 consists of his initials (Richard Grayson)and 4 would either mean that he's the 4th person to have a similar override code or he has 3 more for other uses. If it's the first case, would the 3 other people be Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox and Alfred Pennyworth?
3. In the episode Salvage, when Superboy said he could relate to the Appellaxian Golem when it said through blue beetle that it wanted to end the pain and essentially destroy itself, does that imply Superboy has contemplated suicide at one point? I just want to be sure about whether or not that was the case.
Thank you for your time and I hope the long queue isn't too tough on you.

Greg responds...

Amazons are only immortal (i.e. unaging) on Themyscira. If they leave the island, they age normally.

1. I'm sure there are, but I'm not going to go down a list. Clayface though is kept alive by a morphic field. This may grant him a certain immortality as long as the field survives. No telling whether or not the field may break down over time.

2. Possibly...

3. The "noise" that came with "birth" was the part of the Golem's speech that Superboy identified with.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Harmony writes...

I know he's obsessed with finding the real Speedy, but underneath his obsession, is Roy suicidal? Has he contemplated taking his own life during the past 5 years?

Greg responds...

There's a self-destructive edge, certainly. But his obsession doesn't allow for actual thoughts of suicide.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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mage_cat writes...

First, I just want to say how much I enjoy Young Justice and have loved Invasion from the beginning. I give my thanks to the whole creative team for the work. My question:

Who is Garfield Logan's legal guardian?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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JavierB writes...

Hi Greg, First of all Im a huge fan of young justice, all production aspects of the show are mindblowing. How do you produce such a quality level product on a weekly basis is beyond me, congratulations to all of the staff for their hard work. Secondly Im a huge fan of spectacular spiderman, seeing it cancelled was so dissapointing , but even worse was the show you got replaced with , Ultimate spiderman. Now there is news of the Avengers series being cancelled , to be replaced with a show of similar tone than ultimate spiderman, with the reason that Marvel wants a show focused on stand alone episodes than storyarcs. My question is, why great shows, that respect their source material with great voice acting and stories get cancelled, while other shows that talk down to their audience and have weak story lines are still on the air? I really really hope Young Justice stays for many years to come, its an example of how good shows are made. Thank you and all your team for your efforts everyday, keep up the good work

Greg responds...

I don't have an answer... other than the BIG ALWAYS ANSWER: RATINGS.

If the Powers That Be believe that they can get better ratings in their target demographic by doing a different kind of show, that's the kind of show they'll order.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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jS-2814 writes...

1.-Does the pouch on Lagoon boy's ankle contain anything or is it just decorative, and can he grow hair? i've noticed something that looks like a ponytail in some shots.
2-Did you give any thought to the tool on Tigress' back in her holo-mug shot?, if so would you mind sharing?
3-Is the orange suit Aquaman wears armor? because manta's laser sure ut throught it easily.

Greg responds...

1. It's not just decorative, but what he carries in there depends on what he feels he needs at any given time.

1a. No hair. That's a fin pony-tail.

2. I'm sure Phil did.

3. It's mail. But that doesn't make it invulnerable.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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jar writes...

1-Whose idea are the classic literature references?(ex-jabberwock,cricket)
Asuuming invasion episodes make DVD-
1-do you get to add any input?
2-if the answear is no-if you could would you add translated subtitles to the non english(ex krolotean/rannian)words or you like to imagine viewers guessing?

Greg responds...

1. Generally, but not exclusively, mine.

1. It's not up to me whether or not I get input. So far, I haven't. But if they ask for input, I'll be happy to give it.

2. We put in subtitles where we wanted them. Left them out where we didn't. It was always up to Brandon and myself.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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j writes...

1-Based on his build was Bibbo ever a boxer?
2-Does the mask affect how Karen changes size-in 103 the put it on before changing but did'nt return to normal size after the blast knocked it off.
3-Regarding beast boy-would he revert back to normal(non-simian)form if rendered unconcious?,and if he can turn into ET animals, has he ever tried a dinosaur?(a yes/no will do)

Greg responds...

1. He's boxed. Also wrestled. But not professionally.

2. The blast didn't knock it off. She took it off because soot from the explosion had covered her goggles and she couldn't see. Beyond that, it feels like you answered your own question.

3a. No.

3b. He can only turn into real animals that he's had contact with.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

My questions are about the "kiss" of MM and SB in issue 15.
* Would she have done the same for Wally or Robin?
* How long were they liplocked until SB got a new breather?
* Did they feel awkward afterwords?
* Did they discuss it at all (afterwords)?

Greg responds...

1. Of course.

2. On and off.

3. Probably.

4. Definitely NOT. (I mean maybe MONTHS afterward, but not until after they were an actual couple.)

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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