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Lexiana writes...

Hi Greg!! Ok I am dying to know what is Artemis's eye colour?? Because in comics its blue but in the series its dark grey (almost black) so which one??

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 30, 2014

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A fan from far away writes...

Hi Greg!
I'm a huge fan girl of YJ from Singapore. I really love your show and hope to see more seasons if possible.
My favorite character in the show is Artemis, she really struck me in season 1 and her tenure as Tigress in Season 2 was really impressive. So I would like to ask a few questions about her.
1) What served as your inspiration for creating her?
2) Are any of her character traits inspired by strong female characters from other sources? Cos I noticed that she was rather similar to some of my other favorite ladies, such as Katniss Everdeen from Hunger Games, Eponine from Les Miserables, Mulan, Ravager (Deathstroke's daughter), to name a few.
3) How abusive was Sportsmaster? Cos I figured he had to be pretty bad to his girls for Jade to pack up and abandon her younger sister.
4) Unrelated but... Will YJ be translated into Chinese? I'm ethnic Chinese and I would love to know their Chinese names.
Thanks for looking through my queries, though they may have been answered. Thank you for giving us fans a really wonderful show while it lasted!

Greg responds...

1. The DC Comics character.

2. Well, I'm not familiar with Katniss. I mean, obviously, I've heard of her, but I haven't read the books or seen the movies. I'm only passingly familiar with Ravager, though we had plans for her in YJ, given enough seasons. I would have done more research on her before bringing her in, of course. I don't really see much Mulan in Artemis, other than the fairly generic notion of a woman in combat. So that just leaves Eponine. And I can indeed see a bit of Eponine in Artemis. But if so, I wasn't conscious of the influence at the time.

3. He was emotionally and verbally abusive. He was not sexually abusive. It's debatable whether or not you'd consider him physically abusive. He didn't beat them. But he did endless combat drills with them, and they took punishment from him. Given that he was a full-grown man and they were young girls, it's absolutely fair to say he was physically abusive.

4. No idea.

Response recorded on January 30, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

1) While Troia was on the Team, was her personality at all similar to season 1 Miss Martian or season 1 Artemis?

2) While Sergeant Marvel was on the Team, was her personality at all similar to season 1 Miss Martian?

Greg responds...



Response recorded on January 30, 2014

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Paul writes...

1) Why wasn't Troia included in the last scene of "Alienated", when Wonder Woman and the others were bidding farewell to the Earth?

2) Since Rocket appears to be a mother in Team Year Six (as Amistad was mentioned in the companion comic), did she take a leave of absence from the Team when she was pregnant? (I'm guessing she did…) If so, how long was her 'maternity leave'?

3) While Troia was on the Team, was she mentored by Wonder Woman?

4) Did Mary Bromfield or Freddy Freeman have A designations, since Billy Batson had one?

5) Is there any chance that Phil Bourassa might do Young Justice designs for Troia and Sergeant Marvel sometime in the future? I've tried asking him on deviantart but I don't know if he's allowed to do that kind of thing. If he were to design them, would you weigh in to give your verdict before he posts them online? Can't speak for other YJ fans, but I would love to see YJ designs for Donna and Mary.

Greg responds...

1. Well, the obvious reason is that she wasn't designed. One assumes, in universe, that she and Diana had already had their goodbyes.


3. Yes.

4. Yes.

5. I'd love to see them too. But it's really up to him.

Response recorded on January 30, 2014

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Paul writes...

1) Out of curiosity, if you could have included Troia and Sergeant Marvel in the crowd shot in "Endgame", who would you have paired each of them with in the subsequent scramble for the MFDs? I know that this would likely necessitate a 'reshuffle' of the pairings you came up with for the final episode, since say pairing Troia with Superboy would leave Wolf wanting a partner, but ignoring that, who would you have ideally paired with Donna and who would you have ideally paired with Mary for the team-ups?

2) When you and Brandon Vietti were developing Young Justice, were you 'for' the possibility of having an even number of male and female leads in season 1 or did you set out to have slightly more male leads than female leads? Basically, what I'm asking is whether you were at all interested in the prospect of having 3 male leads and 3 female leads instead of 4 male leads and 2 female leads.

3) Why did Nightwing and company allow Mal to join the Team as Guardian? I guess one could argue that it was because he proved his worth by helping against Despero, but since his sole contribution in that fight was to stall for time, I'm wondering why Nightwing and company felt he was Team material?

4) What was the in-universe reason for Donna not being available/ready to join the Team at the end of "Fireworks"? We know why Garth and Roy couldn't (since Kaldur took Garth's place as Aqualad and Roy was replaced by a certain angsty clone), but what about Donna?

5) I noticed Tempest in the crowd shot in "Endgame". What has he been up to since leaving the Team i.e. what's his occupation now?

Greg responds...

1. I'm sorry, but I have no idea. As you noted, it would have meant a complete reshuffling. And I'm just not inclined to do that now.

2. We knew by the end of the season we'd have four and four. But we weren't really thinking in terms of male vs. female. We wanted balance overall, but we had other priorities as well.

3. Don't you think he was Team material?

4. Donna hadn't yet debuted as a hero.

5. Um... He's teaching combat sorcery in Atlantis.

Response recorded on January 30, 2014

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Paul writes...

Hi Greg! A few YJ questions:

1) If Little Orbit make another Young Justice game and start discussing potential DLC characters, do you think you might entertain the idea of including Troia and Sergeant Marvel as DLC characters? If the show and the comic don't come back, the games made by Little Orbit might be the fans' only chance of seeing them, even if they're just thrown in there for non-canon fun like Bumblebee, Lagoon Boy, Blue Beetle and Wonder Girl were for Legacy. I realise it's probably not your call as you're not an employee of Little Orbit, but maybe this is something you could suggest to them if they get in touch again please?

2)Just out of curiousity, why did you opt to put Troia in the 'Junior' class, when the other original Titans from the comic (i.e. Dick, Wally, Garth) made it to the 'Senior' class'? Having Jason Todd, the Marvels, Batgirl etc. as 'Juniors' makes sense to me, but Donna's a bit more iconic due to her comic book counterpart's affiliation with the founding Titans, so I was just wondering what the rationale was for not having her make it past 'Junior' level.

3a) Why wasn't Donna Troy used in the companion comic book, once it became clear that you wouldn't be using her in season 2?
3b) Did you consider including her in any issues?

4) With Troia and Sergeant Marvel originally planned to be included in the bridal shower scene, I wondered if we would have heard Mary say, "Shazam!", to shatter the ice that Captain Cold had formed around them? Was it planned for her to say that, either before or after Zatanna's 'garb us for battle' spell, had she been in the scene?

5) I read online that the reason for Lieutenant Marvel and Sergeant Marvel not being on the Team in season 2, from what you said at Wondercon, is that there wasn't enough room for their story arc. My question is, since Batgirl, Beast Boy, Robin and Wonder Girl didn't have arcs in season 2 but were included nonetheless, why didn't you keep the Marvels around in minor roles too?

Greg responds...

1. It all depends on content, I would think. But I'm not opposed to the idea, especially as fun DLC extras. The problem is that those characters were never designed. And we'd all want Phil Bourassa to design them in collaboration with Brandon Vietti. Or maybe Chris Jones or Jerome Moore in collaboration with Phil and Brandon. In any case, I'm happy to make the suggestion, if and when.

2. The fact is, as I've said many times before, both Wonder Girls (Donna and Cassie) were off-limits to us when production began. By the time they got ON-limits, it was too late to include Donna in Season One. So she became a "Junior", so to speak, by default.

3a. Well, keep in mind, that didn't become clear until partway through production. We had planned to use her in two episodes (208 and 220) of Season Two until it just became a production impossibility. Anyway, had the comic continued - or the series for that matter - we would have definitely have introduced her. But both ended before we had the chance.

3b. None that came out. But we have plenty of stories.

4. She would have said "Shazam!"

5. Weren't we already crowded enough?

Response recorded on January 30, 2014

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NoOneSpecial writes...

1.After the events of Identity Crisis, did the general public become aware that it was venom who was behind the crimes as the black suited spider man?
2.How could Gwen remain so obilvous to the growing hostility between peter and eddie? I mean she saw immediataley that something was wrong with harry, so why couldn't she see what was happening to eddie? How does she feel about eddie's mental breakdown?
3.Is anyone aside from peter and eddie aware of what happened to the symbiote since it disappeared from conners lab?

Greg responds...

1. Basically.

2. She's concerned for Eddie. I think it's fairly clear that she knew something was wrong, but I don't think it ever occurred to her that he was Venom, until maybe after Identity Crisis.

3. It's been a while. I'd have to think about it.

Response recorded on January 28, 2014

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NoOneSpecial writes...

1. In Bereft, was it phsimons intention to erase the teams memorays or was it purely by accident?
2.At what point did the light become aware of miss martians introduction into the team? They knew it already consisted of robin, speedy, conner and aqaulad after the events of Fireworks, so when did they learn about miss martian?
3.During the Reach/Light summit, why ra's give an excuse for klarion's absence?
4.How was wally meant to act during the whole artemis death story? I know he would pretend to be in mourning but would he really have been convincing for everyone else? In Darkest he seemed pretty angry at the idea that aretmis or the others could have been really killed. Would that have been a more geninue reaction for him to have? Did any one from the team talk to wally when aretmis died or did he intentionally avoid everyone?
5. Is devastation a clone of someone else?

Greg responds...

1. It was his intention.

2. At some point after Aqualad, Robin and Kid Flash told Roy about it and/or after Santa Prisca, whichever came first.

3. I don't think he did.

4. Others expressed sympathy, of course. He did steer clear to some degree. As for whether it was convincing, we thought so. Some did not, obviously.

5. Nope.

Response recorded on January 28, 2014

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Mags writes...


I forgot to include one other question in my previous ask about why Dick felt that Wally needed to stay home to prevent people from thinking Artemis was alive, and that was the Bad Guys--if he wasn't actually worried about the Team, wouldn't the Bad Guys also understand the need for "revenge" or at least "vengeance"? Sportsmaster and Cheshire went after the people who "killed" Artemis first thing. :)

So given his response in FAILSAFE, I don't know ... it just seems like it would make more sense he'd want to actively help defeat the Light rather than stay home.

Greg responds...

I can only repeat my response to your previous post. Sorry it didn't work for you. It worked for us.

Response recorded on January 28, 2014

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K-lashley91 writes...

Um...if you don't mind me asking, (1)where was Green Beetle during the episode "Summit"?(2) What was his life BEFORE the Reach; was he really an archaeologist? Did he have any family?

Greg responds...

1. Sunny Hawaii. (I don't know. He was recovering, I guess. Or on stand-by, or something.)

2. Yes, he was an archaeologist.


Response recorded on January 27, 2014

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