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Mark writes...


In the Gargoyles meets Spectacular Spider-Man meets Young Justice Radio Play, Artemis refers to leaving Roy to watch Lian and JW. You once remarked about accidentally including a spoiler in the play, and I assumed the existence of JW was that spoiler, but now we're past season three and into season four with no sign of a JW.

1) Was JW the spoiler you had mentioned?
2) Did your plans regarding JW change by the time the show was back in production?
3) If your plans did change, could you tell us about JW and the original plan?

Thank you.

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. Just the timing a bit.

3. Nothing's changed.

Response recorded on February 14, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Is Traci Zatanna`s first protégé?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 11, 2022

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Masterdramon writes...

Hiya Greg! Hope all is continuing to keep well.

I've been having a discussion about Coyote (the robot) with a handful of other fans, specifically regarding his relative level of sentience.

While I know you've addressed the subject in the past (here for example: https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=2219), the specific question I have is sort of tied up in the distinction between sapience and sentience, which often get conflated in pop culture thanks to sources like STAR TREK.

Basically (and apologies if I'm explaining something you're already aware of) sapience is what we might popularly think of as "human-like intelligence" - the ability to think, reason, and philosophize. Based on everything you've said on the subject in the past, I think it's fair to conclude that none of the first 5 iterations of the Coyote robot rise to the level of genuine sapience (at least, not yet).

Whereas sentience is simply the quality of an entity being self-aware of itself as a discrete being. A good rule of thumb is the "mirror test" - a sentient being is able to look at itself in the mirror and recognize "yes, that is me." To have a concept of "me" in general. Gorillas, octopuses, and (I would presume) gargoyle beasts are sentient but not sapient.

Going by the definition above, which would be the first Coyote robot between 1.0 and 5.0 (if any of them) that would be able to pass the "mirror test"?

Apologies if this question is somewhat nitpicky, just feels like the easiest way to settle the discussion since the queue happens to be open now, LOL.

Mahalo nui loa, Greg!

Greg responds...

By that definition, all of them, I guess.

Response recorded on February 11, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

On 2016, a fan commented on Twitter “I also wanted to see more of Nightwing and Zatanna " and you replied “who doesn’t ? !” .
1. Were you foreshadowing that we’ll see more of dick and Zee in the show ?
2. What is your opinion today about dick and Zee together as a couple ?

Greg responds...

1. No, I wasn't. But of course, Zatanna got her own arc, and it isn't too big of a stretch to assume you'll see more of Nightwing, too. So NOW I am.

2. As first loves go, I thought they were really great together.

Response recorded on February 11, 2022

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Ash writes...

Hi Greg, I'm not anticipating a lot of Wonder focus this season given the arc structure, so thought this would be the best batch to try for now in a way that shouldn't spoil anything upcoming by the time things get answered.

1) You’ve said that Amazons don’t age while they’re on Themyscira before, https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=17241 would this apply to non-Amazon women who live there as well?

2) You have given a chronological and biological age for Troia, but only an unspecified (but presumably chronological) age for Diana as of S1 and for Devastation. I was curious if you would give biological ages for Diana and Devastation for the two.

3) You have stated that a part of the reason for the Amazons enhanced abilities (in general, not for the Special Ones), is partly due to the Purple Healing Ray. I was curious if it was technological or mystical in nature?

4) Themyscira is represented as an entity by the UN - but we also see that Atlantis which we know to be composed of several kingdoms/city states and described as a continent is represented as an (apparently) single seat. I was wondering if Themyscira; as represented by the UN, composed of additional islands or settles, and if so if the protection from aging extends to these islands.

Two of those sort of push the limit of being one question, so I'll refrain from asking a fifth. I find the differences that exist within Earth-16s portrayal of its entities (even those not in focus) to be fascinating and was just hoping for a few additional details that I don't think would constitute a spoiler so much as logistics. Thankyou very much for a beautiful world beyond the show.

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. At the start of Team Year Ten, Diana is biologically 39 (more or less).

2a. At the start of Team Year, Devastation is biologically 28 (more or less).

3. Have I? Well, in any case, No spoilers.

4. No spoilers.

So, just because we're not likely to get to something this season, doesn't mean the questions aren't still spoiler requests.

Response recorded on February 11, 2022

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GTM writes...

As a long time fan of the original WITCH comic, I will admit that it took me a while to deal with the animated series, because so much was changed in Season 1. Then Season 2 happened and it not only became more like the comics, it got me to enjoy the animation’s take on the girls a whole lot better than the first season. Thank you for bringing a whole new kind of WITCH to life :)

And, of course, as being on this site implies, I have questions, but I don’t want to ask them all in one sitting, as that would be too much and some have already been asked by others, so I’ll pace myself.

So, for the first question, I’ll start with something small: you mentioned that a new member would join the team during the Season 3 that never was, like in the comics. Just to clarify, are you talking about Orube?

Greg responds...

Probably. I'm forced to admit that W.I.T.C.H. was SO long ago, by memory of my previous plans is rather dim. But Orube makes some sense, so...

Response recorded on February 10, 2022

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Nick writes...

1. When did Barbara Gordon debut as Batgirl?
2. When did Karen Beecher debut as Bumblebee?
3. When did La'gaan debut as Lagoon Boy?
4. When did Garfield Logan debut as Beast Boy?

Greg responds...

I really feel like I've answered at least some of these before, but...

1. Team Year Three.

2. Team Year Four.

3. Team Year Four.

4. Team Year Two.

Response recorded on February 10, 2022

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Paul writes...

When (in terms of which Team Year) did Cissie King-Jones debut as Arrowette?

Greg responds...

Team Year Seven.

Response recorded on February 10, 2022

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Nick writes...

1. When did Batgirl join the Team?
2. When did Bumblebee join the Team?
3. When did Lagoon Boy join the Team?
4. When did Beast Boy join the Team?

Greg responds...

1. Team Year Four.

2. Team Year Four.

3. Team Year Four.

4. Team Year Five.

Response recorded on February 10, 2022

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Chip writes...

Can Proteus shapeshift into anything he wants, or is he limited to creatures he has seen?

Greg responds...

In theory, anything. In practice, it helps to have a model.

Response recorded on February 10, 2022

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