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Just a Fan writes...

Hi Greg! I apologize for how long this is!

I love young justice, but I kinda wish you kept Dick as a single guy who just liked women and had a will they won’t they thing with Zatanna and just kept it to that. Because ever since you put Dick and Babs together. It has caused quite the shipping war between the two fandoms.

While I do prefer Dick/Zatanna, I personally never really had opinions
with Dick/Babs. My only problem I had about them, was really your comments about why they weren’t together until xyz and explaining their relationship. One was the notion that Dick only loves Babs and would marry her in an instant regardless. I feel that’s a really bad portrayal of love, if you’re in love with someone else you shouldn’t be dating other people! It’s really not fair and kinda undermines the development he had with Zatanna. For me, it takes me out if investing much time in how Dick reacts with other characters if it’s just gonna be thrown to the side for another relationship. It’s just not really fair to the characters involved and instead they should have been given other life interests that will actually mean something and not be used as a temporary thing or stepping stone.

The second was that Babs was waiting for Dick to mature to be with him. Babs shouldn’t imply that needs Dick to change himself to be with her. He doesn’t need to grow up for her, he needs to for up for himself and hopefully he will realize that he is who he is and the person who will marry him will have to accept that. I get it that she wants Dick to mature, but personally, I don’t think Dick is all that immature and in fact, acts very much like a normal young man haha if he isn’t ready to settle that’s fine, but implying that he needed to grow up and Babs will wait for him to marry him, it’s not a good set up.

I could be misinterpreting you, and perhaps you never intended for it actually be portrayed that way, but that’s how it came off to me personally. I really hope I didn’t come off mean or ranty, I just felt your comments on the couple maybe could have used more context.,

I kinda just miss Dick with no strings attached. Still kinda trying to figure out who he is. A little flirty with everyone because he loves women clearly. No past loves or pining for anyone. Just one man on a journey you know? Looking forward to the future and leaving the past where it belongs. Hanging out with his friends and fighting crime. I think it’d be great to see Dick move on from both Zatanna and Babs and just eventually down the line find his true love that he never thought in a million years he would meet! I just wanna see Dick grow and evolve for himself inspired by himself.

I hope you get more seasons and love your work so far!

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Michael Broder writes...

What do you think Shade did to Stagg?

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Hari writes...

I've gotta say Garfield sure misses his deceased loved ones that he's lost (Including Superboy/Conner Kent) just as much as Makoto Naegi (Danganronpa series) misses his friends who became victims in the Killing School Life that happened in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (video game) and it's anime adaptation (Danganronpa: The Animation).
He (Makoto) even suffers from "Survivor's Guilt" as shown in the brainwashing scene of Danganronpa 3 - Future Arc Episode 11 underscores just how much Makoto regrets being unable to save those who died in that Killing Game including his former love interest Sayaka Maizono.
But still what's happening to Garfield has never happened to Makoto not even after he escaped the Killing School Life along with 5 of his other friends.

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Morri writes...

Hi there!

First things first, I wanted to say how pleased and surprised I was to see Zatara's faith not only not avoided but leaned into in the episode "Teg Ydear!"

As a Christian, it's become quite rare to see Christianity portrayed even neutrally in popular media. That scene literally brought tears.

My question are these:

1) Why was the Lord's Prayer shortened to omit "For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever"?

2) I've heard it said that a Muslim cultural expert was consulted to ensure Khalid's faith was accurately and sensitively portrayed. Was a similar expert consulted for the representations of Catholocism in this episode and the next?

I want to stress that that scene was beautiful and was and is greatly appreciated. Thank you for not shying away from it.

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Marvelman writes...

Do the Leaguer's children, like Jon, understand their parents are superheroes? I'm asking because if Jon, for example, sees Daddy flying, there is no way a young child is going to not talk about his dad flying. Kids have no filters.

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Jason Todd Fanboy writes...

Hi Greg! Long time forum lurker first time question asker. I won’t ask about any thing about what you have or don’t have planned for Jason. Instead I would like to ask your opinion on dc comics canon about Jason being trained by the all-caste. Since the introduction of Jason’s training under ancient mystical warrior monks I’ve always thought it was an amazing way to make him stand out on his own from the other robins.
1)As a professional in the industry what are your thoughts on that part of his backstory?
2)Do you believe it was a good way to add more layers to his character or wasn’t and the robins should all be street level characters?
Thank you for your time and thank you for creating one of my favorite shows of all time!

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Secret writes...

When day and month did Joan Garrick pass away and who exactly attended her funeral?

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Michael Broder writes...

What month in 2006 did the Joker invade the cave?
Was it before or after Bruce took in Dick?

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Anonymous writes...

Are Dick and Barbara living together (at the time of YJO)?

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Suzie writes...

1. When Miss Martian was acting affectionate with Lagoon Boy in front of Superboy in season 2 did she did do that on purpose to make Superboy jealous?
2. How long exactly was Miss Martian abusing powers? Did she start abusing them in 2015 or longer?
3. When Conner died, did anyone like Artemis, Dick or Kaldur try and contact M'gann after learning the news or has no one spoken to her and are waiting for her return to Earth?
4. Do you regret that Zatanna's feelings over the loss of Conner got no focus during her arc? A lot of fans were hoping for some insight into their friendship since they've had very little on-screen time together.
5. Is Black Canary dealing with her own grief in regards to Conner's death? Did she ever consider him like a protege or maybe family due to their closeness in season 1?

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Mark writes...

1) In the Musicology 101 Crossover Radio Play, Sandra Stanyon's character from Hello Megan is identified as Sandra Wheeler. Can we take that as confirmation of the character's first name in YJ?
2) If Sandra Stanyon played Sandra Wheeler and Rita Farr played Rita Lee, was Mr Wheeler's first name Jonathan after Jonathan Lord?
3) Was the Kobra seen in the flashback in "Volatile" Jeffrey Burr or Jason Burr?
4) Where were Savage and the Stranger when they spoke with the Lords of Order and Chaos in "Kaerb Ym Traeh!"?

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AlphaRomeo writes...

1 Did the first Black Canary work with any other superheroes? (was she part of any team?)

2 When you were considering Donna Troy as part of original team, did you have any idea of what her personality and would be like and what kind of an arc she would have in the first season (I'm only asking about the ideas that don't apply to the stories you might still write one day)

3 Can you tell us why Sha'lain'a and Black Manta fell in love/ had a son but stayed apart afterwards?

4 How did Orm attack Atlantis as Ocean Master without anyone finding out who he was?

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Hafiz writes...

I think it's funny when you misrepresent Muslims you say we're overreacting but if it is any other group you're usually ready for a retraction. Why is that?

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West writes...

After young justice invasion but before before Steve Dayton return were did Garfield logan live?

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Michael Broder writes...

What month in 2017 did Blue Devil and Magog join the Justice League?

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Hayden Philyaw writes...

I noticed that you based the Ma’arphin beast on a dolphin but what animals did you base Ma’arzuu Beast and Ma’alefa’ak off of?

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Family writes...

This might be a question for Greg Vietti, but was Rita's character named after her?

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Secret writes...

1. Following Superboy's heroic sacrifice, are the martian species planning to honor him somehow like building a statue of him?
2. What was the aftermath of Superboy's death like on Mars in the following weeks before M'gann left the planet?
3. Since Superboy died on Mars did they hold a martian funeral for him?
5. Is Prince J'emm and the royal family planning to honour Superboy somehow?
5. Whatever happened to R'ess E'dda after Superboy's death? Was he dismissed, demoted or suspended from his duties?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Is Dick Barbara’s first love ?
2. Is Barbara Dick’s first love or was it Zatanna ?
3. Is Dick Zatanna’s first love ?
4. How does Jim Gordon feel about Dick being his daughter’s boyfriend ?

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey there Greg I have some questions about the light this time.

We do know being a member gives you a lot of status in the villain/under world side of things, but what happened to members that get replaced?

Say OceanMaster and Blackmanta were once respected but now they killed the former, and the light is indifferent With Blackmanta being under Amanda Waller’s control.

1.-Does that mean that once members get expelled they lose all worth the light? And I don’t mean “worth” as in how they also use the heroes as tool , but how say a retired Justice or president still gates benefits and respect.

2.- Why was Rhas Al gul not “disgraced” after abandoning the light
3.- We know Rhas Al gul retired from the light, and as head of the “league of shadows”. But are the shadows still loyal to him as the even if i’s unofficially?

Thank you, Greg.

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

When were Casey and Dale married?

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Paul writes...

In the comics, Troia is a name that Donna Troy takes after she learns of her connection to the Titans of Myth. Since Brandon Vietti and yourself have gone with the "Troia" version of the character for Earth-16, this implies that Earth-16 Troia has an origin that involves the Titans of Myth. Troia's look in Young Justice certainly evokes the "Titans of Myth" origin for her character (with some differences in YJ, of course), and in that version of her origin, the Titans of Myth provided her with an array of mystical gifts. Does she possess these gifts in Young Justice (or did she have them during the five-year gap between seasons 1 and 2, at least)?

I'm not sure how guarded you are about Troia's origin and details surrounding it... I'll take the risk that this question might be deleted by the mods. Perhaps you can give at least a hint in answer, please, if you feel that that's appropriate.

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Suzie writes...

1. How much does the public know about Superboy's death? Do they know he was on Mars and about his engagement?
2. How did the public learn about Superboy's death? Did someone hold a press conference, social media or announce it at the United Nations?
3. If it was a press conference who revealed the news. Was it Wonder Girl because she is the Outsiders acting leader or Catherine Cobert since she is the public liason?
4. How are the rest of the Outsiders coping with Conner's death? Members like Wonder Girl, Kid Flash, Blue Beetle and Robin since they knew him longer?
5. How did the Outsiders find out about Conner's death. Did Garfield contact them or did they find out some other way?

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Suzie writes...

After seeing that Superboy was a fan of G Gordan Godfrey's talk show it makes me wonder what are the original members favourite TV shows? Also favourite genres too? Also aside from the talk show what else did Superboy like tv wise?

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Bugsy writes...

Would Garfield still have breakup with Perdita if Garfield had not gone to mars with M'gann and Conner and if so, why?

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