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Lucas Schimmel writes...

Hello Mr. Weismann, I'm a big Superman fan and love your work on this show. Time is short, so I'll keep it brief.

1. Did Pa and Ma Kent adopt Conner? Was it a formal, legal adoption?
2. Was it public to Smallville? How did they react to Clark finding his little brother, who is 16 or 17 years younger than him?
3. Does Conner have a dual identity, like Clark does, or when he publicly announced himself at the UN summit it was also as Conner?

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K writes...

I really liked your post about Brandon Vietti and Olympia. And she absolutely made the episode for me. Her own voice-over explaining that Vandal Savage prefers not to kill anyone who might still be of use to him rivals Secret emerging from her grave and Soranik Natu's explanation of the Kaizer-Thrall for "most blood-curdling moment in YJ," in my humble opinion.

So I wanted to ask, what are some other cool moments or aspects or reads that other collaborators have brought to the (aired/published) series that made you think, "Wow, this part of YJ would never have been this good without them?" Artists, voice actors, sound people? I get that there's probably not a lot of room for improvisations, though. It's just fun reading about people complimenting the people they work with!

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. Is Vandal Savage (the earth 16 version of course) ever content with anything in his life? or does his hunger for more kingdoms to rule (as seen in the 3 long yarns that He and the Phantom Stranger and Nabu all told) Never end? 2. How did Soranik Natu react when she heard the news about Tomar Re and does she get along well with P.F.? ( my nickname for female Forager to avoid confusion) 3. I have skipped Aqualad's arc for personal reasons but have herd of Mera's new role as high Queen of Atlantis however with her other duties to both the Conservatory of Sorcery and helping to care both her and Aquaman's son Artur does she feel overburdened at times ? 4. Did Nika Fluttermen have much trouble with the bug noises for her role as P.F. (aka Purple Forager) ?

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Mry writes...

Hi there
How did miss martian grew 4 arms in order to help her in combat? As you already mentioned they cannot alter their mass so her muscle mass couldn't have change so how did she grew 4 more arms?
Is it safe to assume her arms were getting weaker as her muscles had to be separated between all of the arms?

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Anonymous writes...

I don't have a question I just wanted to say thank you for giving us paraplegic Barbara Gordon in your show even though she's not one of the main characters, Oracle's addtion and her value to the team means a lot. I love her bond with Cassandra as a sister and also her relationship with Dick how it evolved over time even after her accident it's refreshing and nice to see :)

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Anonymous writes...

Before Arion did the lords of order choose any other agent to fufill their will on earth?

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Anonymous writes...

Why did the chaos lords choose child to replace klarion?

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Alex (aka Aldrius) writes...

So I've fairly recently watched all of Hill Street Blues. Loved it. And it did really get me thinking a lot about the show, police justice and how Gargoyles was influenced by it.

Firstly, while searching for interviews and info on the series on YouTube, I found an old commercial for HSB which described Frank as "the Man in Charge". It made me laugh because it was so blatantly antithetical to who Frank is.

Frank is not in charge of anything. He's got a boss who is constantly on his case pushes him to keep up appearances all the while torpedoing him at basically every opportunity if it makes his job easier. Two lieutenants, one who wants to revolutionize the police force and change the way the whole city is run (i.e. "the bleeding heart liberal") -- the other a neo-fascist who wants to buy tanks and start wars on the street. (Incidentally I LOVE Howard Hunter, he is *hilarious* and super sympathetic despite this.) He has a girlfriend who is a public defender, so not only are her attitudes and sympathies just deeply anti-cop in pretty much every possible way, it's literally her *job* to oppose him to the best of her ability.

So in my mind, Frank is less the man in charge, and more so the great appeaser or compromiser. He has to balance all these forces in his life, while maintaining his authority and making sure it all doesn't implode in on itself. And he does it very well, largely because he is so extremely compassionate and *not* the "Man in Charge".

Which is largely, especially in the first season, how I think of Goliath. I rewatched the first season not *too* long ago, and one thing that struck me is how much I enjoyed one of Goliath and Elisa's first meetings where they discuss human justice. Something to the effect of Goliath questioning who decides what's just and Elisa tells him "[The people]" and Goliath says "the humans decide" and the conversation is never REALLY followed up on. Goliath's decision to become a modern-day superhero of sorts ends up being more based on just his search for a purpose, and just doing what *feels* right. But I suppose in my head I can pretend that Elisa and Goliath continued to have conversations about modern judicial practices off screen and Goliath liked what he was hearing (or I imagine he WOULD like it).

What interests me, though, is that this is *largely* what HSB is about. Both explicitly and implicitly. There are stories that discuss these issues and sometimes the characters just blatantly talk about them. And what's cool about HSB to me is how *highly* critical it is of the police, primarily as an institution. And how critical it is of the justice system.

This isn't *really* present in Gargoyles as much. The cops in the show are generally extremely fair people, and though there are the occasional token mention of the system being "flawed" this isn't really demonstrated. Which is totally fine, but it is sort of interesting to me.

Incidentally I think that element was somewhat lost after Steven Bochco left the show, and Dennis Franz became a lead. The show was still a great show, but man did it get silly.

Anyway, I don't know if I really came to a cohesive point there but I did wanna share my thoughts on the show and wanted to thank you again for (indirectly) recommending it.

Just a few questions:

1) I know Goliath is based on Frank Furillo but I got the vibe that there was a bit of Howard Hunter in Matt Bluestone? Particularly in the episode Legion, I think the RECAP robot might almost be straight out of that episode where Hunter brought a bomb disposal robot into the precinct.
I think Hudson might have a bit of Robert Prosky's physicality, Morgan a bit of Neal Washington's Zen mentality, Elisa has a bit of Lucy's street smart attitude but that's really about it.
2) Young Justice has those briefing scenes once in a while in it's first season, where Batman will sort of outline what the episode is going to be about. It reminds me a lot of the briefings in HSB. Honestly? I think it's SUPER smart. It's just a great way to outline the A, B and sometimes C plots of an episode without having to have awkward "Here we are at Brad Goodman's self-help seminar" dialogue. Was that perhaps an influence there?

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Alex (aka Aldrius) writes...

1. Are Dick and Barbara in an open relationship (if they're still in a relationship -- I guess, given Dick's track record)? Or was his and Zatanna's flirting just a bit of fun? Or am I mistaken entirely?

2. Were there any particular comics or books that inspired your take on Dick in Young Justice? I've always loved this version of the character it's probably my favourite. My favourite comic Dick Grayson has been Marv Wolfman's take on him, from what I've read.

3. I'm still pretty disappointed that one of the few gay male characters in the show (let's call him the fourth of his line) isn't allowed to be so explicitly. Am I over-reading into the pat that other circus performer gave Dick on the back or Dick perhaps a bit bicurious?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

My Previous Question: In the aftermath of "Dark Nights: Death Metal ," has the Young Justice animated universe been officially designated as Earth-16 again in the DC Multiverse, or is Earth-16 still that version that was seen in "The Multiversity: The Just?"

Your Response to My Question: No idea. I just know we're Earth-16 in the Earth-16 Universe.

My Response to Your Response: I find that very odd that you and DC Comics apparently do NOT communicate with each other when it comes to multiverse-related stuff and the changes that occur to the multiverse as a result of the aftermaths of major DC Comics events (like Flashpoint and Dark Nights: Death Metal, for example). I mean, communication between both sides IS important after all; otherwise, won't things end up becoming very confusing...? This was the reason why I had previously asked you before if DC Comics has officially re-designated the Young Justice animated universe as Earth-16; because I know you've put a lot of hard work into creating this version of the DC Universe, and it is far better than the version of Earth-16 seen in "The Multiversity: The Just," which only acknowledges Young Justice as a mere video game series.

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Alex (Aka Aldrius) writes...

So I had a couple of questions, did my best to skim the archives to make sure they weren't repeats, but there are 1460+ questions at this moment in time so this probably won't get through until 2025 or so. (As such, I will manifest it by saying: "congratulations on a fantastic season 5 of Young Justice!" and hopefully not jinx it)

I've TRIED to word these vaguely enough that I'm not just flat out asking you for spoilers, but... best laid plans and all that.

1) So we know Green Lantern: The Animated Series is "Canon adjacent". I assume what that means is that anything that doesn't directly contradict stuff that's happened in the Young Justice television series or any of the official tie-in media (Legacy, the Comic) happened. Or very, very similar things happen.

I'm sure you've mostly just left things ambiguous enough that you can really change your mind as the situation arises
and not trap yourself into say... the Star Sapphire-Carol lore that GL:TAS used if you want to take that in another direction.

But as it is, anything to do with Razer, Hal, Aya and Kilowog on the ship (i.e. largely the battle with the Red Lantern Corps, and then the Manhunters that followed happened) is all we know for sure happened and the only thing that definitively *did not* happen, is the stuff involving Guy Gardner and John Stewart since we know their origins already in YJ. It helps that Hal Jordan has basically only had a few cameos in Young Justice, so our imaginations can really put him wherever.

Am I on the right track there?

I'm gonna be a little bold, and these questions could be answered by the 4 remaining episodes in season 4 (asking this after the first "Nightwing episode" aired) but eh.

2) Was Sinestro a Green Lantern in team year 5?
3) When would the Red Lantern Corps invasion and Manhunter battles have taken place in relation to the events of Team Year 5? Roughly.
4) Were the Justice League and the Team aware of these events or were they so far removed from Earth that they only found out about them after the fact (if at all)?
5) Has the YJ version of Carol had a run-in with the Star Sapphires?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the comics, Alfred's full name is Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth. As such, is this also true in the Earth-16 universe?

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Matt Itelson writes...

How well known was Guardian before joining Cadmus?

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Michael Broder writes...

Why did Guardian bow to Dr. Desmond?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the current continuity of DC Comics (Prime Earth), the family members of Lucius fox are as follows:

Tanya Fox (wife)
Tamara "Tam" Fox (oldest daughter and 2nd child)
Tiffany "Tiff" Fox (youngest daughter and 4th child)
Lucas "Luke" Fox (youngest son and 3rd child)
Timothy "Jace" Fox (oldest son and 1st child)
Darcy Fox (niece)

As such, do these family members also exist in the Earth-16 universe and, if so, what are their current ages?

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Family writes...

Who attended Lois and Clark's wedding?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If the Earth-16 version of Jonathan Samuel Kent had a Kryptonian name, would he be identified as Jon-El?

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TKM writes...

Hello Mr Greg,

I just wanted to say I really like Young Justice and think it is very cool. However, I do have one question/request. Whenever someone asks a question that is a spoiler you say "No Spoilers". However, I feel that this doesn't really roll off the tongue and it's acronym, NS, leaves something to be desired. Hence, I suggest using "Watch And Find Out" instead. It is a very cool phrase and its acronym, WAFO, sounds even cooler. Therefore it must be superior to "No Spoilers". Thank you


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Dean writes...

Why did Garfield want to rejoin the outsiders but not want to restart his relationship with Perdita by the time Garfield went to get council season within black canary in young justice season 4?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Is it true that Supergirl and the Wonder Twins (Zan and Jayna) were considered to appear in Young Justice: Outsiders (a.k.a. Young Justice Season 3) before being scrapped due to a lack of relevancy within the plot?

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Anonymous writes...

I wanna thank you for offering us the best version of Nightwing ! It's a true pleasure for the DC fans because he's always getting nerfed in new DC animated movies, but he's actually the only Robin who is better than Batman at one skill.
Because Dick is an acrobat, Jason a fighter, and Tim a detective, but only Dick is a better acrobat than Batman.
And he can fight Batman too, btw, and even defeat him. And you just showed he's an impressive detective.
He's just the most incredible Robin ever.

Just a question : you've made him like in the comics, smart and strong and so many other character development qualities (and thank you so much for that), but if he is so smart, why is he trying to kick adversaries like Lobo or Klarion with mere sticks ? That's a bit ridiculous.

One scene I really liked is when he fought against Tommy Terror and used his skills to counter super-strength.
Genius idea !
So thank you so much for that Nightwing version !
And sorry, english is not my language.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Syfy TV series, "Krypton," Dru-Zod was depicted as the son of Seg-El and Lyta-Zod; thus making him the younger half-brother of Jor-El. As such, was the change to the Earth-16 version of Dru-Zod made to reflect this as well? If not, what was the real reason?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If the Earth-16 version of Krypto the Superdog ever makes an appearance, would he look like Labrador retriever or a wolf?



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Morgan writes...

I don't really understand why you and Brandon decided to alter the naming customs for Krypton. You have stated that Kal-El's mother is Lara El (rather than the comics-appropriate Lara Lor-Van) and Ursa has been fully named Ursa Zod. In the comics, the last name for Kryptonian females is the father's full name and did not change even when married, and while it's not the most progressive or anything, it was still a neat way to differentiate Krypton customs from Earth's. And I know that you've thought about things like this because I distinctly remember you answering in an Ask about why you guys changed Hawkwoman's name to Shayera Thal and not Shayera Hol since she was married to Katar Hol, with you answering that Earth customs are not the same as Thanagarian customs. Given that, it just makes it all the more perplexing why you guys chose to backpedal the progress that was already comics-canon and make it less so.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Have you ever watched the cartoon series, "Justice League Action"? In episode 48 of that series titled "Barehanded," it seems that an amnesiac Aya exists in that universe as Space Cabbie's GPS. At the end of that episode she realizes that universe's Green Lantern is somehow familiar to her and leaves to search for "someone" (presumably Razer). Would this episode somehow potentially affect Earth-16's Razer's continuing storyline in a future season of Young Justice?

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L writes...

hey this isn't really a question just like,,,,, man EVERYTHING in season 4 has been pretty top-tier in every way (i keep changing my mind abt which arc is my favorite so far...it used to be Artemis's but now maybe rocket's????) but i feel like the fight scenes ESPECIALLY are remarkable this season--I'm thinking about that in-the-dark fight in artemis's arc, the final battle in raquel's arc, and the fight in the tower in the first ep of dick's arc which came out today. they were all so dynamic and exciting. huge props to you guys (especially the storyboarders, i guess? don't know a ton about animation). y'all just keep topping yourselves, it's the best. can't wait for the rest of the season! (and hopefully many more!!!)

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Before Superboy revealed that Krypton was destroyed by its red sun, General Dru-Zod had assumed that Krypton's destruction was a result of an invasion by either New Genesis, the Daxamites, or the Green Lantern Corps. For each of those three, why did Zod thought they would invade Krypton?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If you eventually reveal the Earth-16 version of Mon-El, would he be depicted as...

A. A present-day Daxamite named Lar Gand? This is assuming he is based on the Pre-Zero Hour version.


B. A 31st century descendant of the House of El named Mon-El; a human/Kryptonian hybrid born on New Krypton (also known as Jekuul; a planet residing in Sector 2811)? This is assuming he is based on the post-Rebirth version.

If it is the latter, refer to this link for the list of his relatives; which shows he is a descendant of the House of El AND the House of Zod.


I hope this was helpful.

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Mal writes...

Two quick questions:

1. You've mentioned in the past that Zatara is aging quicker because wearing the Helmet of Fate took a toll on him. Yet on the flip side, Kent Nelson seemed remarkably well preserved at 106 years old. I know he only wore the helmet for ~5 years (versus 10 for Zatara), but is there an in-story reason? Or just lucky genetics for Kent?

2. Jay Garrick's powers seem to slow his aging. Chronologically he celebrates his 102nd birthday in Season 4, but about how old is he biologically?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In "Rescue and Search," Ursa made an indirect mentioning of Zor-El's daughter, Kara Zor-El. Now, I am hoping above all hope that this mentioning is not some mere coincidence, and that that this means that Supergirl will eventually make her Earth-16 debut.

If this ends up being true, I will like to admit to you that the one of the things that I personally hope you will explore with your version of Supergirl is her relationship with her "cousin" Superboy. When the Kara Zor-El version of Supergirl first appeared in the comics, one of my FAVORITE moments was when she had her first encounter with Superboy in Smallville. At the time when this encounter took place, Superboy was in a pretty bad place and wanted Supergirl to leave him alone. It resulted in a short fight in which Supergirl was forced to punch Superboy in the face and temporarily broke his jaw on accident. Supergirl then fixed it shortly afterwards; allowing Superboy to calm down and resolving the misunderstanding between them. However, before the two have a chance to start over, some of the Teen Titans attack Supergirl due to misinterpreting the situation. When Supergirl tries to leave, Superboy immediately came to her defense; stating that his fellow Titans should leave and that his "cousin" didn't have to leave. The jaw-breaking incident was later referenced during the crossover event, "Superman: Last Stand on New Krypton," during which there was a moment in which Supergirl misinterpreted a situation when she sees what appears to be Superboy holding her mother (Alura In-Ze) by the throat and preparing to punch her, and Kara punches him away despite him trying to tell Kara that the situation was NOT what it seem to look like. Fortunately, Superboy managed to save Kara and her mother from being killed by Brainiac's robots not long after, and soon after, Superboy remarked that Kara still had a mean right hook; even though Kara mentioned that she pulled her punch a little; making it nice callback to their first encounter.

I'm hoping that the Earth-16 version of the "cousin" relationship between Superboy and Supergirl will be similar to that seen in the pre-Flashpoint DC Comics continuity (New Earth). I do NOT like the post-Flashpoint DC Comics continuity (Prime Earth) interpretation of the first encounter between Superboy and Supergirl because the latter was hostile to the former upon learning he was a clone and, because there was a bad history on Krypton involving clones, she called him "Kon-El" because in The New 52, the name meant "abomination of the House of El."

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Anonymous writes...

I have 5 questions to ask.

1) During the events of the episode "Rescue and Search" why didn't Nightwing and Zatanna tell Megan Morse/Miss Martian that Conner is still alive, but is trapped in a Dimension called the Phantom Zone and about how they plan on rescuing him?

2) How come Nightwing, Zatanna, and the others didn't try calling any of the available members of the Team and/or Outsiders for help in their quest to save Conner?

3) Who is currently Nabu's host during the events of "Rescue and Search"?

4) How come Nightwing and Tigress never thought of asking Hawkman and Hawkwoman for some kind of Nth Metal weapons? You know since it's capable of harming magical beings.

5) If La’gaan knew that Conner is still alive would he be happy and use his chance to make amends with him?

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Anonymous writes...

I have 5 questions to ask.

1) During the events of the episode "Rescue and Search" why didn't Nightwing and Zatanna tell Megan Morse/Miss Martian that Conner is still alive, but is trapped in a Dimension called the Phantom Zone and about how they plan on rescuing him?

2) How come Nightwing, Zatanna, and the others didn't try calling any of the available members of the Team and/or Outsiders for help in their quest to save Conner?

3) Who is currently Nabu's host during the events of "Rescue and Search"?

4) How come Nightwing and Tigress never thought of asking Hawkman and Hawkwoman for some kind of Nth Metal? You know since it's capable of harming magical beings.

5) If La’gaan knew that Conner is still alive would he be happy and use his chance to make amends with him?

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Anonymous writes...

Does Nightwing have some kind of Winged Jetpack (Example: Something similar to the EXO-7 Falcon) and uses it only on occasion not repeatedly? Because it would be pretty cool if he did have his own Winged Jetpack.

I thought of asking this after remembering and rewatching an episode of The Batman (2004-08) called "The Big Heat" in which Batman used some kind of Batwinged Jetpack to fight against Firefly.

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Mohammad Reza writes...

Hello Mr.Weisman
1-could Martians density shift without changing their volume?
And if altering density is not possible without changing volume then how Martians turn intangible without increasing volume?
2-about the creature both Chameleon Boy and m'comm used, how does Shape shifting into that creature help them? They can't change masss so shape shifting into a bigger creature only causes density decrease which is not useful in a fight that super strength is required.

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Hayden Philyaw writes...

Hello, Me again! I am back with a few questions about the newest episode "Rescue and Search!"

1) The Creature that both Chameleon Boy and Ma'alefa'ak turned into, I'm going to take a wild guess that it's a type of Alien Animal, right?
2) If so what would this Animals name be?
3) Is it indigenous to Mars?
4) Would Beast Boy Shapeshift into that creature?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. How old is Soranik Natu and how long has she been a Green lantern? 2. Is Zatanna a Gotham Knights (baseball team) fan and has she ever worn a baseball cap to any of there games? 3. Are there any baseball teams Artemis is a fan of ?

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Anonymous writes...

Does every chaos lord wear a suit when they take on a mortal form?

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Matt Itelson writes...

Did Cyborg move out of the Premiere Building? If so, does he now live on the Watchtower, since he joined the Justice League? (I'm only asking cause in your reply to who's living at the Premiere Building by season 4, he wasn't mentioned)

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Number 4 writes...

Hi Greg!!
Do you have any plan to make Nightwing's escrima stick electrified? In the comic and game, it looks cool and great when he use it to battle. Hope we can see the YJ version of it :)

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Verdragon writes...

Alright, just got done watching Catwoman: Hunted, fun movie, I was really excited when Cheshire showed up and had so much in common with her Young Justice version.
Anyway, my question is, when does the series of events depicted in this movie (Or the version of this series of events) take place on Earth-16?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

My Previous Question: In "Odnu!" we see the Earth-16 debut of the Phantom Stranger. Now, despite the ethnicity change (from Caucasian to African-American), is his real name identified as Judas Iscariot; like his New 52 counterpart (as indicated in "Trinity of Sin: The Phantom Stranger: Futures End #1")?

Your Response to My Question: I haven't read that - or any Pre-Rebirth New 52 comics. (That's not a comment on their quality. I just wasn't reading comics during that era and didn't hop back on again until Rebirth.) So if PS is JI, it's news to me. Not saying no. Just haven't thought about it at all to see if it fits with what I do know about the Earth-16 version of PS.

My Response to Your Response: The reason I had suspected that the Earth-16 version of the Phantom Stranger was likely based on the post-Flashpoint (Prime Earth) version of the character from the comics is because he is clearly branded with the 30 silver pieces on his attire; the pre-Flashpoint (New Earth) version of the character does NOT have them. In post-Flashpoint DC Comics continuity, his origin was revealed in "Trinity of Sin: The Phantom Stranger" Issue #0, but at the time, his identity as Judas Iscariot was implied, but NOT confirmed. His true identity as Judas Iscariot was officially confirmed during his narration in "Trinity of Sin: The Phantom Stranger: Futures End" Issue #1. At some point in his long life, he went by the name of Phillip Stark and had a wife (Elena Stark), a daughter (Allie Stark), and a son (Tim Stark); but unfortunately they are all deceased. It is also implied in "Trinity of Sin: The Phantom Stranger: Futures End" Issue #1 by Elena Stark that she and the Phantom Stranger have known each other for countless lifetimes LONG BEFORE she was Elena, although what that means is unclear and was never answered in the comics.

Was this helpful to you, or do you think that you might have to do some research on the pre-Flashpoint (New Earth) and post-Flashpoint versions of the Phantom Stranger in order to create a new history for the Earth-16 version of the character?

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Suzie writes...

I just want to confirm something. After Conner "died" at the start of season 4, everyone assumes he went to live on the Kent farm. I just figured he was visiting cause it's seems tradition that all the Kents and pets included go to visit. In short did Wolf really move in with Jonathan and Martha Kent after Conner died or was he just visiting?

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NoOneSpecial writes...

This may surprise you, but I have question about how time travel works

First let me preface this by saying that I agree with your preferred method of doing time travel as closed loops. Nothing changes the past because it was part of the past. Avalon Part 2 has always been a favorite episode of mine because I always loved how cleanly you explained the two Archmages working in a loop together. But I also understand that DC comics as a whole doesn't work the same way. Some of DC's most iconic stories revolve around time travel, so we have to get messy and roll with it.

1. When Mantis (who is now the MVP of S4) set the Time Sphere back one day to get the Phantom Projector, he created a closed loop of time travel. He didn't alter the past in anyway that prevents his future self from doing the same thing when he arrives later. Basically, Zod's team can't find the PZ projector because it's already been taken into the past by Mantis. So closed loops are possible on Earth-16, but they aren't necessarily guaranteed and require some skill to pull off?

2. Now we get messy. In 2020, Child kills Teekl and de-corporealizes Klarion. Klarion then travels back to 2010 and hijacks the school bus. He then bounces around time for a while until he arrives back in 2020. After Child's defeat, the bus is sent back. So, this would also be a closed loop? The problem here though is that the timeline was altered several times after Team Year Zero. E.g Bart arrives in 2015 and alters history by preventing the Reach Apocalypse and so does Lor-Zod. But this means events would play out differently than the original timelines. Which means Child may not have killed Klarion in Bart's timeline. Not to mention someone else could alter history again and maybe prevent Klarion's death from ever happening in 2020. Yet from what we see, the school bus thing was always Klarion. I guess I want to understand how this could a closed loop of time travel like in Gargoyles, when history is also subject to change in Young Justice?

3. I like the Chronotron radiation rule. Basically, if someone is dosed in this radiation, they are immune, or in future Neutron’s case, semi-immune to changes in the timeline. So this may be a spoiler question since it involves a hypothetical scenario, but it is based off what we’ve seen already. Let's say someone time travels back to Team Year Zero and mucks up history, resulting in a new timeline. What would happen to Bart, Lod-Zod, the Legionnaires and I guess Mantis and M'comm, who have all been exposed to Chronotron radiation? If it makes them immune to changes in timelines, then it stands to reason they would be unaffected if someone else alters history even further back. We know that Bart's timeline is gone, but so far, he has stuck around, and the Legionnaires survived Lor-Zod's changes because of the radiation. So, does the radiation make you time-proof forever or do you just need to be in proximity to this radiation and have a strong enough dosage when the timeline is about to be alerted?

4. When speaking to the Legionaries, Superman asked why they don't use their time sphere to go back and try to save Superboy. I get that Superman may not know the rules of how it works, but this brings me to another hypothetical scenario. Let's say, after Lor-Zod's first failed attempt to kill Superboy at the UN, he decides to just go back in time earlier and try again rather than wait for another chance. So, if he went back, like say a week, knowing where Superboy was and killing him, that would change history. So, what would happen to the Lor-Zod who would show up the UN a week later? Since Past-Lor-Zod has Chronotron radiation, he is immune to changes in history. Would that include ones made by his own future self, going further back into the past? Similarly, let's say the Legionnaires did go back to save Superboy on Mars, they would run into their past selves, who like them are immune to changes in history due to Chronotron radiation. So, would the duplicates stick around or be erased from the timeline?

5. I'm a bit confused by Chameleon Boy expecting there to be changes after talking to Superman. He initially thinks they failed to reset the timeline, but then Saturn Girl brings up their exposure to Chronotron radiation making them immune to changes. I mean Bart resetting the timeline didn't make him disappear or send him back to his future so why was Chameleon Boy expecting something to happen? Am I missing something in this exchange or was it just a case of Chameleon Boy being optimistic?

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Mal writes...

When Wally appeared to Conner in the Phantom Zone, he looked like a phantom as well. Was this an animation error?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Just so I can understand, Vandar Adg is Vandal Savage's real name in the comics, but this is NOT true in the Earth-16 universe, correct? As such, what is his real name in the Earth-16 universe?

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

Has Flash met Guy before? Is that why he was so supportive of him in Agendas? (That double "no" was hilarious, by the way)

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Anonymous writes...

I know you don't like to reveal designations here, but since we know the time some members (Batwoman, Hardware, Fire, Ice, Katana, Elongated Man, Blue Devil, & Magog) joined the League and we can assume they belong to Designations 28-35, would you mind saying who has which? If not, I understand. Thanks.

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Anonymous writes...

Don't you think it's the silliest idea ever to call Captain Marvel "Shazam" ? The guy can't even introduce himself ! He can't say his own name without transforming ! There was one name in the entire universe that he couldn't have and precisely he got it !
Illogical and stupid, right ?

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Paul writes...

Sorry, Mr. Weisman -- I should correct myself know and say that the more recent response from you that I just alluded to was on May 9th, 2022! So EIGHT years passed between you answering those two questions! Still, I hope you may remember.

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Paul writes...

In a response dated Sept 16th, 2014, you said that you had an in-universe explanation for Troia and Mary being absent from the bridal shower in "Satisfaction".

Your response was: "Yes. (Both excuses are a bit feeble, to be honest.) But I can't reveal why each didn't attend without revealing SPOILERS about their stories, so..."

When I asked you just recently if you could reveal the in-universe explanation for Mary's absence, you responded on May 9th, 2021, with "Maybe. If I had one."

I'm sure you've just forgotten the reason for absence, since it's been 7 years since these two questions were read by you! A lot of time has passed. Nevertheless, since you once knew the answer to the question of why she was absent in-universe, is this something you could find out or remind yourself of? Maybe you have notes somewhere, or it's on the timeline, or it's a discussion that you have had with Brandon Vietti? I just thought I'd bring up that you did know the answer to this once, and I'm trying to jog your memory.

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