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RESPONSES 2001-8 (August)

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JEB writes...

How common will genetic engineering and cybernetics be by 2198? The same as the 1990s, commonplace, obsolete, or something else entirely?

Greg responds...

Not quite commonplace. But not as rare as in the twentieth century.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Will any gargs attempt to participate in the government or general politics?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

OK, in the near future when humans finally take action to consider gargs as equal, sentient beings, would gargs (mainly Goliath's clan) be liable to pay taxes considering they are now citizens living in the U.S.?

Greg responds...

Near future? Dream on.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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JEB writes...

Ever read anything by T.S. Eliot? If so, what do you think of his work?

Greg responds...

I've read many of his poems. I think his work is brilliant, and some of it touches me deeply. And yet, he's not a favorite of mine. Not sure why.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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JEB writes...

Regarding Team Atlantis: I don't quite understand how that universe and the Gargoyles universe can overlap in Paris 1920 and be separate otherwise. Could you explain that a bit more precisely? (I know you probably won't, but I wanted to try.)

Greg responds...

The two universes have some things in common. Some not. (Though this is all largely moot since Team Atlantis will never truly see the light of day.)

For example, they have their own Puck. (Though I suppose one might argue it's our Puck wearing a different body and using a different voice (Neil "Griff" Dickson's to be precise)).

They also have a different explanation for the Loch Ness Monster.

But they have certain things in common. And without a doubt the events that took place in Paris in 1920 took place in both universes.

Does that make it at all clearer?

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

Gathering Journal

Day 3

I got up and showered and quickly rushed down to your Mug-A-Guest. It was interesting hearing how you got your start at DC Comics (feels the urge to track down old Captain Atom issues), and finally learning how you ended up writing a JEM episode of all things. I seem to recall also answering a few questions for you when someone there asked about 2198, but I forget if I did.

After that, I went to the Series Production panel, and had fun there, it was great to see all the character models out and after it was over, I asked Frank "I don't suppose any of this is for sale", he said no of course, but he later let me make a photocopy of this erotic picture of Demona that he drew, and I never stopped thanking him the rest of the time he was there.

I went to lunch then and came back just before the Voice Actors panel. My key to my room wasn't working and I was having it replaced, and when that was done, in came Elisa Gabrielli, who was looking for the panel. I escorted her down and made some small talk with her on the way.

The Panel was fun and I was the one who asked you to do the "nice mask" line. Sorry, just seemed funny at the time.

After it was over I ran back upstairs and got my Gathering calendar to be autographed, and ran back down and got at the back of the line as Cree Summer was leaving, she was nice enough to sign my calendar for me, and have a brief conversation. As we got in, Keith David left. I was a little disappointed, but I got the chance to meet him last summer when he performed "A Winter's Tale", and I wanted to see if their was a chance that he remembered me. But I understood his reasons for leaving early and respected them.

Next came the auction. I had set my eyes on the Art Bible that had everyone's autograph, but couldn't afford it. I ended up buying a copy of the "Hunter's Moon" Radio Play script, the script for "The Journey" (like the scene between Matt and Chavez in it btw), and the print of the Eyrie Building, which I then had signed by Frank, and attempted to bribe him to send me a copy of the Art Bible. Frank's a cool guy and Siryn and I had a nice conversation with him.

Next came the Awards Banquet, which I quickly went to after deposoting my Auction Bounty in my room, and ended up sitting at a table with Noel, Todd, Patrick and of course you and Beth, and a couple of other people who's names unfortunatly escape me right now. The food was good, and the desert was better, but you know this part, you were at the table. And yes, the antics of Thom and Crispin were hilarious.

The Masquerade was great, and I wish I entered. I was dressed as David Xanatos, and everyone told me I looked great, and that if I dropped some weight, I'd be the spitting image. The other costumes were great, Jen was a very sexy Fox, Alex and Batya's Cosplay was hilarious, Aaron and Mara's Fox and David were also great. The whole thing was great. I wish I entered though.

After that was over, I went back to my room and crashed.

Greg responds...

Home stretch....

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

Hmm, here's my Gathering Journal

Day 1

Well, having graduated the previous day, I thought the Gathering was the perfect way to celebrate. I loved the timing of the con. The night before I left (after the graduation ceremony) I had a big Chinese dinner and felt quite sick the next morning, but I got up and came anyway, and thankfully had recovered before I got on the plane.

I landed safely and quickly found a good cheap shuttle to take me to the hotel. When I arrived, I saw you and Thom going into the hotel, and I was at first quite shy but then I just told myself to go up to you and reintroduce myself, and I'm glad I did.

I went down to the audition for the Radio Play, and read for Xanatos, and quickly learned to project my voice during it. I personally thought I sucked, but in hindsight I should have read for some of the other characters, and I later realized I could do a good Scottish accent. Oh well, there's always next year.

I attended a few panels and met and made some new friends and sat down for the Opening Ceremonies, which were quite fun. And don't worry about being clumsy with Ed Asner's letter, I've made even sillier mistakes than that in my time. It was fun to see the pitches and promo again, as well as the Leica... how much would I have to bribe you for copies of those??? Just kidding ;)

I went up to City Walk to eat dinner, or as I liked to call it... "the world's biggest tourist trap". And got charged $10 for two slices of pizza and a soda. The food was good though.

I came back and caught the end of "Awakening" and sat down for the MSTing of "The Gathering" and you were standing next to me through the whole thing, and it was funny being one of only a couple of people who knew you were in there.

I finally found my roomates; Chris, Laura and Rebecca (who played Bronx in the Radio Play)... all extremely cool people btw, and went to sleep.

Greg responds...

So far so good...

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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Blaise writes...

My own Gathering Diary? Well, I already bubbled about a couple things in my first post on the subject back on June 27. But re-reading it, I noticed something I forgot: The Radio Play.

When I went up to audition for that on Friday, I felt about ready to jump out of my skin. I was that nervous and I don't even know why--maybe just the fact that I was seeing you and Thom for the first time right there. Anyway, I read for Xanatos--I felt I did all right, but that I could have done better. Then we all forgot I had to do a Scottish accent and dog bark, so I had to come back in again after someone else (what's surprising about this was that after my first audition I didn't want to leave the hallway for some reason...just weird [or perhaps Wyrd?]).
The only thing I really remember about the second time around, was asking, "Big dog or little dog?" And I almost felt like singing when I found I had been cast.

The next day I pretty much followed you around, since you were at every panel I wanted to attend. The Voice Acting one was great fun--Morgan Shepperd (hope I spelled that right) was a great guy (and a real hoot!). Doing the readings were fun, and I enjoyed "auditioning" as Brooklyn. I just wish I could have deepened my voice more when I was Goliath in the MIA scene. And on the subject of wishes, I would have liked to have tried my hand at anime dubbing. But I digress.

Radio Play Rehearsals: Yeah, they went quicker than I expected, too. I was surprised (and a bit delighted) that we were doing HUNTER'S MOON PART 3, and even more astounded that I had landed Matt Bluestone. I mean it's just like, "Wow, I'm a major supporting character!" Looking over everything I've written so far I feel like I'm giving myself an ego trip. Ah well, the Gathering comes but once a year.

Anyway, it was after this point that I (finally) formally introduced myself to you. I was actually surprised that you recognized my 'Net name, and glad for the chance to speak with you outside of a panel/rehearsal setting.

The Radio Play itself was a wonderful experience. I swear, rarely have I gotten such satisfaction from a line reading as when I gave some of Bluestone's lines, a particular favorit being "Hold your fire! That's an order."
I thought the rest of the cast did a great job too. Standouts being of course Zehra's Elisa, Jen's Demona, and Crispan's Faggerbakke, but also Lanny's Goliath, Jordan's Jason, Mr. Sheppherd's Hudson, and...who played Lexington again? ;) But everyone in the cast--they were all a GREAT cast.

I just want to thank you for the opportunity to have been in this little production--one of the highlights of the con (but not the only one!).

Greg responds...

Thank you, Blaise. And welcome to the Gathering Players. A storied ensemble with years of history behind it. Hope to see you again at future cons. But remember. Once a player, always a player.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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JEB writes...

Ever read anything by H.P. Lovecraft? If so, what do you think of his work?

Greg responds...

I have not. Though his influence is so wide spread I can't be sure I haven't been influenced by writers, etc. that were influenced by him. I more or less do know for example what 'Lovecraftian' means.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

My Gathering Journal

Day 2

I woke up, took a shower and went down stairs to sign up for the Mug-A-Guest, and was the first person to sign up to mug you. I noticed a lot of people got there early and Jeff Bennet filled up right away. I had this Apple Muffin for breakfast and went to the first panel, which was the Series Development panel. Unfortunatly I didn't have my schedual with me, and missed the Brynne Chandler Mug-A-Guest I signed up for, and I regret that.

That was a fun panel, and it was great to meet Tad Stones, someone who's work I admired for a long time. A lot of great stories were told, and after the panel I had to ask him the origin of the second Negaduck... it was interesting to discover that they're both the same character. I had an Evil Emperor Zurg question for him also, but forgot about it at the time.

Next came the Writing for TV Animation panel, which was great cause I got to meet Michael Reaves, who has been one of my favorite writers for ages. Learned a lot about the business, and I really hope we can get him to another Gathering.

Next I went to the Writing for Gargoyles panel, which I enjoyed immensly. it was great getting to meet the rest of the Writing Staff, and hearing about their experiences on the show, and they were all a pleasure. I hope we can get all of them back also.

I wondered around for a while and ended up in the Art Room chatting with friends like Aaron and Mara, Josh, and a lot of other people. I met your wife and kids for the first time in front of Erin's art. I encouraged her to keep drawing, cause I think she has some real talent. Her art was very cute as well. You have a wonderful family there Greg.

I went up to dinner later and had Chinese food, then we realized the time and hurried back just in time for the Radio Play. I really enjoyed it, and "Hunter's Moon" was always one of my favorites. I really regreted not trying a Scottish accent at the audition, cause now I think I could have been a great Canmore.

After the Radio Play, I went and watched some 3x3 Eyes for the first time, and now I am actively searching for the set. I'm having trouble finding it though.

I went up to my room and I forget what I did then, I think I watched a "Fraiser" re-run before my roommates came back, and we stayed up later just talking before we hit the sack

Greg responds...

I do have a great family. Thanks for noticing.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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