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Anonymous writes...

Hello, Can you tell me who is the interpreter of ''Ella Mi Fu Rapita'' in Gangland? I loved much that voice

Greg responds...

I don't know. I'm sorry.

Response recorded on December 06, 2013

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Voice Acting Fan writes...

Dear Greg:

Thank you for answering my previous questions!

You have made reference to SAG before, so presumably Young Justice has to abide by SAG rules or get boycotted. I have a few questions related to this and the voice acting part of the production process:

1. How do the voice talent get paid? A flat rate? Are they paid by the hour? By the line? By the episode? Or some variable rate?

2. When you voiced Lucas Carr, did you have to join the SAG union? Or is production allowed to hire non-SAG personnel as long as they pay them differently?

3. You have stated that getting a second character out of an actor entails no added costs. Since it is free, I am wondering why a few actors (Jesse McCartney comes to mind) doesn't get to voice a character other than Dick Grayson. Was it a matter of actor preference, producer preference, or a mix of the two?

4. How long does a typical recording session last? Do you sit in throughout the whole session, or leave it up to the voice director? How many episode(s) are typically recorded in a sitting?

5. When one of the voice actors sing a song (Reach for a Reach, Hello Megan), they get separately credited. Is this subject to a different rate, or is the singing part simply added as a "character" in determining pay?

Thank you, and I hope by the time you are reading this, you've already got several gigs lined up!

Greg responds...

0. I'm not sure "boycot" is the correct word. The major studios sign contracts with SAG, that prohibits them from contracting non-SAG labor for their acting needs. They can get around this by SUB-contracting, but most don't on major projects.

1. I don't want to speak for EVERY show. In my experience, a voice actor gets paid a flat fee for four hours of work and up to two character voices. For a tiny additional fee, you can get a third voice. But this holds per episode. So for example, even if you could record one guy playing four roles over two episodes in a single four hour session, you'd still owe him two payments. The fee is negotiable, as long as it's above union minimum. But most series pay the union minimum plus 10% and have favored nation clauses in their contracts, which prohibits them from giving any individual actor a raise without simultaneously giving raises to EVERY actor on the series.

2. I first joined SAG to play Donald Menken on Spectacular Spider-Man, and am still a member in good-standing. No union shop can hire non-union actors.

3. Well, Jesse often DID voice additional characters, like Thug #2 or whatever. But generally, there are some actors who have the ability to change their voice enough that they can convincingly play multiple characters without the audience balking. Others really - as talented as they are as performers - only have their own voice.

4. Sessions typically go three to four hours. But often we'll be there all day. We can only keep each individual actor for four hours without incurring overtime, but we could start one actor at 10am and have him until 2pm. And we could start another actor at noon, and have her until 4pm. And a third at 1pm and keep him until 5pm. That way, we have overlap to record their scenes together, but we also have more time to get everything done.

5. Singing is a separate rate. And it's also an additional character, unless they are singing IN CHARACTER. That is, if Nightwing suddenly burst into song, we'd have to pay an additional fee to Jesse for his singing. But we wouldn't have to count that as a second character (or third, since he's also doing Thug #2).

Response recorded on December 06, 2013

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Everything Geek Podcast INTERVIEW

I was interviewed on the Everything Geek Podcast here:


I discuss my "secret origins", The Spectacular Spider-Man, Gargoyles, Star Wars Rebels, Young Justice and more.

Check it out!

(But of course I totally forgot to mention Rain of the Ghosts at all, darnit!)

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FallenLegend writes...

Hello greg

You previously said that you don't like gran finales and you don't intend to really give closure to any of your shows/stories. Not even gargoyles that as you described it is your "baby" even if you don't own it.

Does that mean that we will always get cliffhanger endings from your tv show when they get canceled?

What about your new book series, will it end in a cliffhanger too?

As much as I am a fan of your stories Greg, It feels empty not to have any closure at all.

No offense but basic story telling has beginning-conflict-resolution and as fans we never get to see a resolution of the overall plot.

I mean having an ending that gives the illusion that "the story never truly ends" is great (that's not what I am critical of).

But I think that not having an ending that acknowledges that the story has to end for real life reasons(maybe becuase you simply can't write stories forever, becuase you aren't getting more episodes, becuase you have to move on etc)... is disrespectuful to your fans that expect to have a complete story.

Take JLU unlimited ending. It even ended with wonderwoman saying "...and the adventure continues" and even left two unresolved plot points, But at the same time it ended the main plots and acted as a send off/good bye to it's fans and it didn't feel empty.

Sorry for being so critical, you are a big inspiration and even if I don't agree with you always I think you are a fantastic story teller (an inspiration for me in fct) and I am planing on buying our new book.

Greg responds...

I NEVER leave a season with a cliffhanger.

I ALWAYS leave a season with open-ended closure.

I don't mean to sound disrespectful to you or any of my fans, but that's how my mind works. If you don't like it, I can't really help you, because you'd be asking me to change the way I tell stories.

But perhaps we're not so far apart. You cite the JLU ending, which I haven't seen. But you state that, in essence, it has open-ended closure, even noting it had unresolved plot points. That's EXACTLY what I do at the end of EVERY season. Not everything is going to be tied up into a neat knot, but every major plot point of that season will be, as happened at the end of Gargoyles, WITCH, Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice.

So what exactly are you looking for from me that's any different?

And thank you for buying RAIN OF THE GHOSTS. It's much appreciated! Sincerely!!

Response recorded on November 26, 2013

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ANIME VEGAS 2013 - Corrected Schedule

Let's try this again with the correct dates:

As I've mentioned before, I'm a guest at ANIME VEGAS this weekend, November 1-3rd, 2013, at the Renaissance Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada:


Here's my schedule:

01:00pm - 02:00pm - OPENING CEREMONIES
Cosplay Ballroom.

02:00pm - 03:30pm - GARGOYLES/THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN Panel and Signing
Cosplay Ballroom.

05:00pm - 06:30pm - YOUNG JUSTICE Panel and Signing
Paramount Room with Yuri Lowenthal, the voice of Lagoon Boy, Tempest, Icicle Jr. and Tommy Terror.

06:30pm - 08:00pm - IKKI TOUSEN Panel and Signing
Paramount Room with New Generation Pictures Voice Director and Producer Jonathan Klein.

10:00am - 11:30am - "WRITER'S ROOM" Panel and Signing
Summit Room.

06:30pm - 07:30pm - SIGNING
Summit Room with Jonathan Klein.

09:00am - 10:30am - 3X3 EYES SCREENING, Panel and Signing
Paramount Room with Jonathan Klein.

10:30am - 11:30am - VOICE DIRECTING Panel
Paramount Room with Jonathan Klein.

12:30pm - 01:00pm - SIGNING
Paramount Room with Jonathan Klein.

As you can see, I'm doing a LOT of signing. I'll sign anything you bring along for free. But I'm also bringing a single copy of EVERY one of my Young Justice teleplays (i.e. the ones that I personally wrote), which I'll be selling for $20 per script (cash only) - autographed and personalized to the buyer's taste - on a first-come, first-serve basis, starting with the Young Justice signing at 6pm Friday evening.
So if you're in the vicinity, plan to be there. As you all know, I'm not big on SPOILERS, but I'm WAY, WAY more likely to tease a few things in person than I am on either Twitter or here. So come and be (slightly) better informed!!!

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Anime Vegas - Schedule!

As I've mentioned before, I'll be a guest at ANIME VEGAS this weekend, November 1-3rd, 2013, at the Renaissance Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada:


Here's my schedule:

01:00pm - 02:00pm - OPENING CEREMONIES
Cosplay Ballroom

Cosplay Ballroom

05:00pm - 06:30pm - YOUNG JUSTICE PANEL and SIGNING
Paramount Room with Yuri Lowenthal, the voice of Lagoon Boy, Tempest, Icicle Jr. and Tommy Terror.

06:30pm - 08:00pm - IKKI TOUSEN PANEL and SIGNING
Paramount Room with New Generation Pictures Voice Director and Producer Jonathan Klein

10:00am - 11:30am - "WRITER'S ROOM" PANEL and SIGNING
Summit Room

06:30pm - 07:30pm - SIGNING
Summit Room with Jonathan Klein

09:00am - 10:30am - 3X3 EYES SCREENING, PANEL and SIGNING
Paramount Room with Jonathan Klein

10:30am - 11:30am - VOICE DIRECTING
Paramount Room with Jonathan Klein

12:30pm - 01:00pm - SIGNING
Paramount Room with Jonathan Klein

As you can see, I'm doing a LOT of signing. I'll sign anything you bring along for free. But I'm also bringing a single copy of EVERY one of my Young Justice teleplays (i.e. the ones that I personally wrote), which I'll be selling for $20 per script (cash only) - autographed and personalized to the buyer's taste - on a first-come, first-serve basis, starting with the Young Justice signing at 6pm Friday evening.

So if you're in the vicinity, plan to be there. As you all know, I'm not big on SPOILERS, but I'm WAY, WAY more likely to tease a few things in person than I am on either Twitter or here. So come and be (slightly) better informed!!!

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Nicky Wan writes...

With the 5th anniversary of "The Spectacular Spider-Man" series I thought I'd ask another question especially since it's been about 4 years since I last asked one. Even now it's not possible to buy a disc copy of season 2 in the UK.

1. Is there anyone or group that fans could lobby in regard to having the series released properly e.g. a complete boxset or even better an HD release?

2. Similarly is there anyone or group fans could lobby in regard to releasing some of the behind-the-scenes footage that was recorded? I noted while reading some of your responses that they had asked you guys to record things but it was never used and it would be a shame for this to never see the light of day.

I hope you're keeping well. I loved the Young Justice series and was sorry to see that one stop too!

Greg responds...

1. I don't know.

2. Ditto.

Sorry. The folks I worked for at Sony aren't even there anymore. I wouldn't know who to contact.

Response recorded on September 19, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

This isn't a question, but I felt I had to write about this. I just saw your post about the site 'kickstarters' and I just want to assure you that I, at least, would DEFINATELY throw money at any of the three shows you mentioned (Gargoyles, Spectacular and Young Justice). Initiatives like that, where audience and creator 'cuts out the middleman' have always been my vision for the future of entertainment. Your shows in particular would have top priority for me.

Greg responds...


Unfortunately, I think Veronica Mars is proving the exception to the rule. Studios don't seem too anxious to go this route with properties they own and control.

Response recorded on September 18, 2013

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Anayeti writes...

Hello greg,

Two words to say about young justice episode summit:Intense & Incredible!! However, words cannot do justice on how good that episode really is!! Summit was full of surprises!!

Although, i have a few questions as well:

How did the light know about the reach and the scarab?

When did the light became aware of the meta-gene? Cause that's what their goal is about; evolving.

Why did the reach abduct young people?

Plus, i loved how you brought diversity to spectacular spiderman! :).

Also, i hope you, brandon and team can comeback to young justice!! I fully support the 5 year gap, its about growing up, its so realistic. Dc comics should do a comic based on the earth-16 you created!! You successfully reinvented the superheroes by combing old elements from the comics along with new elements and original ideas!! I salute you for that!!

Greg responds...

In the future, please number your questions.

1. They have various alliances.

2. Some time ago.

3. To experiment on them. (This was STATED in the series.)

4. Um, thanks.

5. And thanks again!

Response recorded on September 09, 2013

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blacksuitspider43 writes...

Hi Greg,
What do you think of the Ultimate Spider-Man TV series?Honestly I am not to impressed even though I tried to give it a chance. I hate how the creators say it is for kids but that isn't an excuse for a poor qaulity tv series. I loved what you did with Spectacular Spider-Man bceuase you made the characters seem real and have devlopment. I fell in love with all the characters in way I never thought I would with a cartoon. Your series also didn't shy away with having some mature themes and plotlines but without making it to intense for kids. That is why I don't like USM because there is zero countiation o episodes and the characters are boring and have no development. The series is also doesn't seem like Spider-Man because the humor is forced unlike SSM where the humor comes natural and was funny. His humor in USM is more like deadpool than Spider-Man because he always breaks the fourth wall. So I really don't get why the creators think it is all right to dumb done a tv series because kids are not stupid they are smart and can enjoy good stories and characters. So what are your thougts?

Greg responds...

I haven't seen it. On purpose. If it's great, I'd just be very jealous. If not, it would just make me crazy. So, you see, there's no upside for me in watching.

I do know that there are a LOT of great creators working on it. So I'm guessing that if I did watch it, I'd be jealous not crazy.

Response recorded on August 09, 2013

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webslinger4ever writes...

What your favorite incarnation of Spider-Man besides the comic version? So that would be cartoon or movie.

Greg responds...

Is it horrible if I admit that it's The Spectacular Spider-Man?

Response recorded on July 11, 2013

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GARGOYLES NEWS - DVDS and CONvergence/Gathering

Well, I've been out of the country and OUT OF THE LOOP, but we have some REALLY BIG news on the GARGOYLES front.

Season Two, Volume Two of Gargoyles has been released on DVD as a Disney Movie Club exclusive. I haven't seen it yet, but I'm planning on getting at least a couple copies, as I'm told by reliable fan sources who have already received their disks that these are the uncut and correct versions of the last twenty-six episodes of Season Two, including such fan favorites as "M.I.A.", Future Tense" and all three parts of "Hunter's Moon".

Wish I knew more. I've e-mailed a Disney contact for more info but haven't received a response yet. But you can probably find all the information you need by asking the fans in the comment room:


Anyway, as always, I'm not asking you to spend money you don't have. But if you can afford it, please help us prove to Disney that Gargoyles is a viable property with a strong fanbase. You can do that in two important ways. (1) Buy the DVDs, of course. And (2) SPREAD THE WORD! Use Tumbler, Twitter, Pony Express, whatever. Just help us let people know that these DVDs exist and are out there for sale.


I was waiting until CONvergence was over on Sunday to announce this, but it seems they've already made the announcement here:


Next summer, one of my favorite conventions, CONVERGENCE in Minneapolis, will be dedicating their annual convention to the theme of "A Midsummer Night's Dream". And a major part of that theme will be the celebration of the TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF GARGOYLES!!! I'm going to be a guest of the convention, and we've already begun discussions to create a Gargoyles convention within the convention. That's right, folks, the GATHERING OF THE GARGOYLES is back!! There will be a RADIO PLAY! There will be a BLUE MUG!! There will be the ROCKY HORROR GARGOYLES SHOW-ING OF THE TRADITIONAL VIDEOS!! There will be ASK GREG LIVE!! And there will be other Gargoyles related guests to be announced!!!

If you came to any one of the thirteen Gatherings that we held between 1997 and 2009, you know how much fun this can be. You'll want to be there again! If you missed the Gatherings and always wished you had had the opportunity, now is your chance! If you've never heard of the Gathering, but like Gargoyles (or any of the other shows I've done or am doing - including W.I.T.C.H., Spectacular Spider-Man, Young Justice, Rain of the Ghosts and/or Star Wars Rebels, etc.) then this is an opportunity to talk with me and other like-minded fans about them. (We'll probably have panels on them all!)

And if you're interested in just attending a great comic book and science fiction and fantasy and genre convention, then Gargoyles aside, you just can't beat CONvergence:


The camaraderie of the Gatherings was truly something wonderful, and the closest I've ever come to that outside the Gatherings is CONvergence. I honestly can't think of a better con to merge with, even if it's just for one year. (For starters, the ENTIRE hotel is rented to the convention, and the parties go on all night. No more being told by management that we have to stop talking and/or move to some other location. We can and will continue until we drop!)

Now, let's think. Let's strategize. CONvergence is going on NOW. As I type this. And it will last through the end of this July 4th weekend. Next year's convention is exactly one year away. That's plenty of time to plan, to save up money, make travel and hotel arrangements etc. But mostly, what we've got to do in that year is SPREAD THE WORD!!! I want to see a HUGE GARGOYLE FAN TURNOUT at CONvergence 2014. Let's stun CONvergence, the world and DISNEY by showing them how immensely popular Gargoyles still is. And for sure, I don't want any Gargoyles fan saying, "Gee, I didn't hear about it."

So help me, please. I'm sure there are a lot of old fans out there that long ago stopped reading ASK GREG. Contact them. Contact EVERY Gargoyles fan you know, young and/or old. (Don't assume they must already know.) I want to see all my old friends. And a lot of new ones. So, please. Help me. SPREAD. THE. WORD!!!!!!

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Whedonite writes...

I loved your Spectacular Spider-Man TV series. It was far by the BEST interpretation I've seen of Spdier-Man in any of the movies/Televison

1. have you seen The Amazing Spider-Man? Did you notice the little elements they used from SpecSpidey? Like the satchel and the blue shirt? What are your thoughts on that?

2. Would you work on a Spider-Man or a MARVEL show in general again?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know if it's fair to cite the blue shirt. I mean, it's a blue shirt. You might as well say "shirt". Even the satchel is pushing it. I did notice little things that seemed to come from our series, but the operative word is SEEMED. Everyone is working off the same source material, so the notion that two groups of creators might independently come up with similar approaches makes a lot of sense.

2. I'd love to. I love those characters. All Marvel has to do is ask.

Response recorded on May 16, 2013

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TheSuperiorSpiderMan writes...

Were there other superheroes that existed in the Spectacular Spider-Man universe? Like, Avengers, Fantastic Four, X-Men etc.

Greg responds...

In theory, yes.

Not the Avengers, not yet. (If you mean as a team. Some of the individual members existed.)

The Fantastic Four were in business.

The X-Men had also not yet been formalized as a team. Though Professor X had recently opened his school.

I've answered this in more detail previously. Check the archives.

Response recorded on May 14, 2013

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Beck writes...

Hi Greg,
I was wondering in the final episode of SSM (final curtain) was that really Norman Osborn at the airport? I am so sad that the series never got it's third season it was such a good show, but because it was cancelled that cliffhanger will never be resolved.

Greg responds...

Yes. (Were you REALLY in doubt?)

Response recorded on May 06, 2013

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EXALT writes...

Some questions about SpecSpidey...
Did you have any plan to reveal the origins of A)Hammerhead's... well, hammer-head
B)Tombstone's durable skin
c)the Venom symbiote?

Greg responds...

A. Nothing specific, but I know exactly how it happened, and it was in fact hinted at in "Accomplices".

B. Not confirming or denying that he has that.

C. It came from outer space.

Response recorded on May 06, 2013

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MasterGhandalf writes...

I've recently been reflecting on your shows, and one thing that's really jumped out at me is that every one of them I've seen is extremely arc and continuity based, but also has, rather than a single "Big Bad", at least two core villains who contrast with and play off each other- Xanatos and Demona, Nerissa and Phobos, Tombstone and Norman Osborn, the Light and the Reach. Even the unproduced Stargate spin-off you posted about a while back had Osyros and Anubis. I was wondering if this was a conscious decision on your part to deliberately include this element in your shows, or if it's just something that flows naturally while designing a series?

Greg responds...

Huh. You know, it's clearly not conscious, since I never noticed it before now.

Maybe it's about trying to world-build something convincing, something that logically plays out the consequences of the world created, which therefore sets up multiple responses from different antagonists to a set of circumstances. And perhaps it also comes out of my belief that nothing is truly monolithic. Even the bad guys aren't just a unified mass of evil. They have agendas of their own.

But honestly, you're guess is as good as mine at this moment.


Because I think I've done the same thing in RAIN OF THE GHOSTS without trying.


Response recorded on April 30, 2013

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Tom McC writes...

Hello Greg!

I have watched both seasons of the Spectacular Spider-man last year and I honestly loved every minute of it, I thought it was both written and animated very well andbecause of this its a real shame the series never continued from where it was left off (imagine the possibilities!). Now its officially my favourite Spidey continuity, hats off to you and the team.

But there has been something thats been bugging me, just one small thing that I wouldn't mind your feedback on. Throughout the series Norman Osborn has been portrayed as a no-nonsense character who never apoligizes for any faults from his company, his son or even himself, a trait which becomes very important on the last episode. However in the episode "Market Forces" Norman apologized to Hammerhead for being interrupted by Harry which seems to be breaking character given the hype about it. What I want to know is was there a reason for it? Are Tombstones lackeys special in some way that they need special treatment or was this simply a continuity oversight?

Hope you can answer my question and good luck in your future endevours!

Greg responds...

It's been a while. I don't remember Norman - the REAL Norman - ever apologizing. But if he does, it may have slipped past us. Or maybe back then we had some reason for it. I just can't remember.

Response recorded on April 26, 2013

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Jaden writes...

You're probably tired of these types of questions by now but I was wondering how old Tye, Eduardo Jr, Virgil and Asama are?

Also, I heard from an insider that Ultimate Spider-man might be replaced after this season. I hope Marvel is smart enough to bring you back for a new series

Greg responds...

At the very end of Team Year Five, i.e. right before the start of Season Two:


I have not yet had a reason to calculate their exact birth dates, so I have no idea whether each of them had one during the six months of Season Two or whether one or more of their birthdays came after the end of the season. So, for example, in the episodes you saw, Tye might have been 15 still, or he might have been 16. Or he might have been 15 in his first appearance, but 16 by his next. Or whatever. You get the idea.

As for Spider-Man, I haven't heard what you've heard. Quite the reverse. And certainly, no one at Marvel has said anything to me about it. Nor would I expect them to. My understanding is that Ultimate is doing quite well.

Response recorded on April 25, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

What are your thoughts about:

1- The Gargoyles fandom?
2- The W.I.T.C.H. fandom?
3- The Spectacular Spider-man fandom?
4- The Young Justice fandom?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what exactly you're looking for here. Generally speaking, I love all four fandoms (and there's a lot of overlap). My life has - without a doubt - been enriched by my associations with the fandoms of the series' I've worked on. Some of the Gargoyles' fans are some of my best friends.

In person, the fandoms are almost without exception fantastic.

Sometimes on line, less so. I think that the anonymity of the internet does at times encourage bad behavior. And I think that's gotten progressively worse with each passing year. But that has more to do with the internet than with any individual fandom. And, yet, even with that caveat, I love interacting with fans on line. At least most of the time.

Response recorded on April 23, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Which fandom do you honestly appreciate the most:
1- Gargoyles fans
2- Spectacular Spider-Man fans
3- Young Justice fans
4- Greg Weisman fans

Greg responds...

See, now, the Hulk is more powerful because the madder he gets, the stronger he gets. But the Thing can still beat him if he keeps his wits about him.

Response recorded on April 16, 2013

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Clark Cradic writes...

Was Norman's attitude and quirks as the Green Goblin all an act to intimidate and mislead people or was it a bit of his own true nature leaking out while in costume?

Greg responds...

Does it have to be either/or?

Response recorded on April 12, 2013

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SSM Fan writes...

A few SSM questions:
1. The titles: I think it was incredibly clever of you to come up with "theme" titles for each arc. How did you come up with it? And more importantly, how did you make each title's double meaning perfectly suit the plot of its respective episode?
2. Why did the Vulture dip his fingers in what looked to be smashed potatoes and smeared it on the wall in "Group Therapy"?
3. You said the Scorpion was slated to appear in season 3. Could you give us a taste of his involvement in the plot? Would he already be a super villain, or would he become on à la Sandman and Rhino?

You are a genius and it makes me sad you are not as appreciated as you should. Networks should fight over you and lock you to a 10 years contract per show. And it makes me sick how some crappy shows get renewed and milked forever and your shows get cancelled in their peak.

I really hope on day you can get to do movies or at least TV series.

A Big Fan.

Greg responds...

1. The theme of the entire series was "The Education of Peter Parker". And originally, the plan was to release a DVD movie version, every three or four episodes, that would include deleted scenes and that would play as one film. So every mini-arc had it's own title, such as "Biology 101". Then for the episodes, we'd look for a title that fit the "course work" but also the episode. Titles came from myself and/or the writers. It wasn't all that difficult. The English language is wonderfully flexible, with nearly every word containing multiple meanings or connotations.

2. Wasn't potatoes. It was a glow-in-the-dark solution to mark the escape route.

3. He'd have become one.

Response recorded on April 02, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1. Alot of the times in the comics when conners becomes the lizard, he always changes back because there are still trances of the formula in his system. Did the gene clenser completely remove all the lizard dna from his body, so that this isnt the case?
2.If peter had taken the gene clenser when he still worn the symbiote, would it remove both it and his powers?
3. Why was marco selected for ocks experiment first?

Greg responds...

1. The gene cleanser did remove all the lizard DNA, but unfortunately, the sample was contaminated with N'Kai DNA, so expect to see Conners transform into a Moai shortly. (How's that for obscure?!)

2. No, he'd need to go to a dry cleaner for that.

3. He wasn't. The first person selected was the Archmage. It turned him into a beach, until he used the Phoenix Gate to travel to Endor.

Of course, I would have thought all this was obvious from watching the show. I mean, dude, note the timestamp.

Response recorded on April 01, 2013

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey Greg I just wanted to ask you if you have ever thought on finishing writing all your stories in case you never got to finish them in your life time?.

I don't want to be pessimistic. But just like Moses wasn't able to be on the promised land...

I recall Tolkien had the same issue with his unfinished tales. It would be cool if you at least considered finishing gargoyles. Many of your fans would be grateful if we got to know the full story :)

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what you mean by "finishing"...? I mean, just for starters, what medium are you referring to? It's not like I can just magically whip up some cartoons for ya.

But (1) let's start with this notion: it can't be done. Because my mind doesn't work that way. No matter how much I wrote on Gargoyles or Young Justice or SpecSpidey or WITCH or whatever, those stories and those characters would simply inspire new stories and yet more characters. To me, the universe (any universe) doesn't come to an end, so how could I ever bring any of theses sagas to an end?

(2) I gotta earn a living, pal. I don't own Gargoyles. For me to spend unpaid time writing stories that I can never publish, is, I hate to say it, even dopier than a doing post-production on a series for free. And there are limits to even my dopiness.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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EXALT writes...

Is your writing of Snapper Carr in any way influenced by the fact that you know that it's gonna be you playing him (the question may also be applied to Donald Menken in SpecSpidey)?

Greg responds...

Probably a little. But that's probably true of every character that's already cast. We learn to play to our actors' strengths. (Of course, I have very few strengths as an actor, so maybe that doesn't apply to Carr or Menken.)

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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masterbow writes...

One of my favourite thing you have a tendency to do is have recurring background characters. I really liked the one in spectacular Spider-Man, where Spidey webs up a nerdy guy and a pretty girl to keep them out of the way of a runaway car. A season later, we see them again when she accepts his proposal on Valentine's Day. I was wondering do you have little stories in your head about these types of characters and if you'd be willing to share them with us?

Greg responds...

I do occasionally have stories about these characters, but this isn't the forum for me to tell them.

Response recorded on March 14, 2013

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VERONICA MARS on Kickstarter

VERONICA MARS on Kickstarter

So I've always been fairly dubious about Kickstarter. I found the websites overwhelming and off-putting.

But my brother Jon just sent me the link below, and I actually found myself pledging $50, which is WAY out of character for me.


In part, it's because my daughter Erin and I are both massive Veronica Mars fans. And in part, it's because if this works, it opens up a whole new realm of possibilities.

Gargoyles on Kickstarter? Spectacular Spider-Man on Kickstarter? Young Justice on Kickstarter? Today it seems just a little less nutty than it did yesterday.

So check out the link. If you love Veronica Mars like I do, pledge what you can - because, damn, I want to see that movie - but even if V is of no interest to you, check out the link anyway. It's definitely giving me... thoughts...

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Abigail writes...

Is the character Sha Shan Nguyen based on any pre-existing character in the Spiderman comics?

Greg responds...

Yes. She's based on the character Sha Shan, who was Flash's girlfriend for awhile - and then wanted to kill him - and then didn't, and then dumped him cold when he cheated on her - and then pretty much disappeared until I brought her back in an issue of Amazing Spider-Man as his physical therapist. And then... um, I don't think she's appeared since.

Anyway, she was always a favorite of mine. And I always thought that she was THE ONE for Flash.

Response recorded on February 28, 2013

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Arthur Lias writes...

This will be risking DELETION huh?S
Spectacular spider-man ended...but it was an awesome show that adapted the great elements about spider-man.I don't have a problem with Ultimate spider-man but your show was amazing,SPECTACULAR even. Also love Young Justice!The five year time skip was surprising but the writing is great.Hope superboy doesn't punch reality;)That would be really surprising.Anyway, in a vain attempt to not get DELETED I will ask a question:
1)How do you feel about 52 joker
2)How about him,um,uh,losing face
Yours questioningly,

Greg responds...

1. Haven't seen it.

2. I don't know what you're referring to.

Response recorded on February 21, 2013

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Huge GW Fan writes...

One of my favorite episodes of SSM is "Gangland" because of the awesome fights mixed with that beautiful opera score. Ever since I've been obsessed with finding out the name of each piece, and after a thorough research, I think I got it. It would mean a lot if you could confirm this:

- "Pari siamo": The meeting turns sour; Hammerhead turns coat.
- "Ella mi fu rapita, Parmi veder le lagrime": Silvermane suits up. The fight moves downstairs.
- "Scorrendo uniti remota via": Ock and Silermane fight Tombstone. Ock turns on Silvermane.
- "Pari siamo": Spidey catches chandelier. Fight ensues.
- "La Donna é Mobile" (duh) Fight continues outside.
- "Ella mi fu rapita, Parmi veder le lagrime": Ock closes in on Spidey, Fat Lady sings, Tombstone saves Spidey. Spidey disassembles Silvermane. Sable threats Hammerhead. Ock tries to vivisect Spidey.
- "Cortigiani, vil razza dannata": Fight moves to the sewers.

I hope YJ gets a third season and we get to see something similar like this!

Greg responds...

I'm sorry. I tried to find some document on my computer that might confirm or correct your assumptions, but I couldn't find anything. There might be something in my hard copy files, but those are currently boxed up, and I can't get to them right now.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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gaiachild writes...

It isn't really much of a question, but all in all, I just wanted to say "Thank you". Thank you for all the high quality shows you produced that enriched my childhood and still give me intelligent and gripping entertainment in my favorite media, animated shows, as an adult.
Most off all, I also wanted to express my admiration for your resolve. While privately I may often joke bitterly about the "Weisman curse" whenever one of your shows gets unfairly canceled way too soon despite (arguably) having the best quality in the entire program. You will always have my gratitude for continuing to produce great shows despite all the stones placed in your way.

As for questions:
1. If you had the means to, would you do a Young Justice/Gargoyles Crossover?
2. Sorry to bring up this unfairly missed opportunity gain, but if you had remained on the staff for "The Roswell Conspiracies", do you think that show would at some point crossed over with Gargoyles?
3. In the spirit of question one, do you think Demona would make a good Red Lantern?

In any case, once again, thank you. Thank you for raising the quality and complexity of the already great W.I.T.C.H. cartoon, thank you for producing the best animated Spider-Man series to date, thank you for bringing Starshiptroopers to the screen in the way it should have been in the first place, thank you for doing such a great job with Max Steel, thank you for doing a huge part in keeping animated DC material extremely high quality, especially at the moment, and of course, thank you for Gargoyles, probably my favorite franchise ever, and I am rooting for you to one day get it back and do more wonders with it.

Greg responds...

1. I don't think so. Maybe as a radio play. But I don't see the two universes as being particularly compatible.

2. No. Two different companies.

3. See, this kinda thing doesn't interest me much. If you think so, great.

Thanks for all your kind words.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Connor writes...

Hi Greg! I wanted to ask about your methods of storytelling. For adapted shows like The Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice, you seem to have planned out certain events and arcs in advance and seem to include nothing if you aren't going to follow up on it later. Do you have a personal set of rules or guidelines for when you work on projects like these?

Greg responds...

It's no different on any project. We try to plan as much in advance as possible, while still leaving ourselves open to discoveries along the way.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Kyle writes...

Hi Greg,

Can i say you're quite unlucky because first you're show Spectacular Spiderman was awesome and critically acclaimed then it gets cancelled and left on a cliffhanger (which people got so upset and frustrated) and then young justice is on hiatus when it gets better and better. Why does bad things happen to things that are going good?

Greg responds...

Dude, if I only knew...

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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C. David Cole writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman,

First I like to tell you that I'm a big fan of your work, especially Gargoyles, I sad that the series ended and that you didn't get chance to create the season 3 you envisioned; I hope that you get the opportunity to work with the series again someday and tell the rest of the stories you had in mind. Secondly, I like to thank you and the moderators in advance for taking the time out of your schedules to read my questions.

I read that when you worked on Spectacular Spider-Man you had a central theme for the series "The Education of Peter Parker." So I was wondering:

1. Did Gargoyles have a central theme? If so what was it?
2. Do you think that a series has to have a central theme?
3. Do you think that each episode within a series has to have its own theme? Can some episodes be non-theme oriented? (Ex: Can the heroes try to stop the villains from committing some terrible act without there being a deeper meaning to it.)

Greg responds...

I hope you've picked up our three Gargoyles Trade Paperbacks, which contains at least a portion of our Season Three.

1. I'm not sure I had it boiled down quite as clearly, but it was probably something along the lines of: "Don't judge a book by it's cover."

2. No. Not every series.

3. No. Not every episode. But most benefit from one, even episodes that are mostly one big fight.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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W.C.Reaf writes...

I've been rewatching Spectacular Spider-Man over the summer, as well as introducing it to some friends who loved it, and I noticed some interesting subtle things that I hadn't picked up on before.

Such as Adrian Toomes and Otto Octavius worked together as scientists and they each have tech that relies on some form of mental control interface. Otto's is obviously more advanced because it needs to be since it controls extra limbs, but they have the same basic control principle. So I assume they worked together on a project that required such an interface with the brain.

And Dr Curt Connors was doing the spider experiments, combining different traits from many spiders into one super spider, as possibly a stepping stone for his research into combining lizard traits with humans.

Were these intentional or am I seeing connections where none were intended?

Greg responds...

That was all intentional. Among the villains, we didn't want them to all be generic bad guys, who would work together or feud, simply as the need arose. We wanted to show that there were complex histories, alliances, friendships, rivalries, etc. between them all.

In short, we had backstories in mind.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Peter writes...

hello grieg i would like to ask you just a few questions
1.why did you chose "Spectacular Spider-Man" instead of "Amazing Spider-Man"?
2.it seems like you you building up to the Peter & Mary jane relationship if you don't mind may i please get your thoughts on that?
3.and the origanal con.jupiter suit was built by Tony Stark dose Stark and Earth's mightiest heroes have a place here and is this inline with Chris Yosts Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes? oh and by the way you and chris yost are big time geniuses thank you the both of you.

Greg responds...

1. Actually, that was Marvel's decision. Our original plan was to call it Amazing, but Marvel told us to change it to Spectacular. The reasons for the change were above my paygrade. But I'm not sorry about it. I like the alliteration, and it gave us our great theme song.

2. No, you may not. At least not at this time.

3. We weren't in continuity with any other series, period. We had our own plans for how the rest of the Marvel Universe fit into our Spectacular corner, but since we weren't allowed to use any non-Spidey related characters, those ideas were largely moot. But if you check the archives you can get a taste of them.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Tim S writes...

First off, I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for Spectacular Spider-Man, which is, IMHO, the finest superhro show ever created. Now, for a few questions!

1. Did you have any influence over choosing the art style for the series? Because I absolutely loved it.

2. Do you have a favorite Spidey villan that DIDN'T appear in the show?

That's really all I have to say, other than thanks for working so hard to make such great shows. Looking forward to more Young Justice!

Greg responds...

1. Vic Cook and I both agreed that Sean "Cheeks" Galloway was the guy for us. So did everyone else on the series.

2. I have many.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Motti writes...

When I was young i watched Gargoyles. My reaction? Meh. Fast forward, year 2009. TvTropes recomended The Spectacular Spider-Man as best animated Spidey show. I hate Spider-Man, but hey, let's give a try. My reaction? AWESOME!!! Hm, lets check other stuff this Weisman guy did. And i rewatched Gargoyles and W.I.T.C.H. My reaction? THIS WEISMAN GUY IS AWESOME!!! He's funny, creative and his villains are amazing. Hm, he's gonna produce Young Justice. Let's check it when it comes out. My reaction? GREG WEISMAN IS OFFICIALLY DEITY IN MY EYES!!! So thank you, Mr. Weisman for giving human kind such awesome cartoons! And now some questions:
1) If you have a billion dollar budget what movie or show would you create? (Shakespeare excluded. We know you would do Kennet Branagh style, 4 hours long, Hamlet)
2) Did you ever met Alan Moore or Neil Gaiman or Grant Morrison?
3) Did you ever considered writing again comics? P.S. Loved Captain Atom both in YJ and comics
4) Whom do you preffer: DC or Marvel? As world, not as a employer
5) Ever been in Europe?
Also, I'm kinda worried for YJ. It seems TV network can't endure your awesomeness, so they ruin 3rd seasons for your shows. That, and Teen Titans are back and new Batman show is in production. Of course, i could be paranoid. No matter what, your work will be always epic! Once again, thank you Mr. Weisman for your awesome work!
P.S. Steve Blum as Green Goblin and Josh Keaton as Spider-Man? BEST. CHOICES. EVER.

Greg responds...

1. I don't know. Too many options. Too hypothetical.

2. I met Alan Moore once VERY briefly, in 1985 in San Diego. I've never met Gaiman or Morrison.

3. I'd love to write more comics. No one's asked.

4. ASKED AND ANSWERED. I have no preference. I grew up on both, love both and initially - when I was a kid - didn't even realize there were two different companies.

5. Yes.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Bridge writes...

hi greg its me again, i made an error on the comment about spectacular spiderman, what i meant to say was conceal dr conners's identity as the lizard instead of using disclosed.


Greg responds...

Um... okay. Thanks for the correction.

Response recorded on December 01, 2012

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Bridge writes...

hi greg,

I would love to say thank you for providing us with shows like young justice and spectacular spiderman with all the twists and turns in the story line.

For spectacular spiderman, i was fooled that harry was the green goblin when it actually norman. Just when i thought i had the Green Goblin so played out (making the harry seem so obvious) and yet so deviated (making it Harry instead of the traditional Norman), I was wrong.

I loved how the show kept with the original story of the Green Goblin AND found a surprising and original way to tell it. That's what i call killing 2 birds with stone.

Same goes for young justice, how Red Arrow accuses Miss martian, Artemis and Superboy of being the mole when it was Roy. I admit myself i thought it would be artemis which roy was suspicious and when i found out he was the mole, i thought to myself hypocrite but when i found out he was a clone and a sleeper agent?! Oh my....

I love surprises like these keep it up!

Greg responds...

We'll try!

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Andy G writes...

Hello Greg and welcome back,

i would like to say in my opinion that spectacular spiderman is the best adaption since the 90's with great storylines and character development such as flash thompson's sense of honour in sports (Probably Cause) which really surprised as he is portrayed as an arrogant jerk.

I liked the themes of character development such as "defrosting the ice queen" e.g. Liz Allen warms up to Peter and becomes open minded (Interactions) and Sally Avril because concerned with peter's safety (Probably Cause) and showing a bit of compassion. Not to mention about Harry's transition from friend to a jerk when he becomes popular which i like to call "Acquired social narcissism".

The characters hated towards spiderman are well understandable e.g. J jonah jameson's anger towards spiderman after rival papers sold well with front covers of spiderman than the bugle's front cover of his son miraculously and heroically piloted the shuttle to safety against impossible odds of survival. I would be annoyed if that happened to me.

I liked how the series show a more human peter parker and how he can be portrayed as a sleaze and quite an opportunist as would be willing to take any opportunity which would benefit him and other people he knows in the long run if how could avoid the consequences e.g. Taking photos of the lizard but disclosing Dr conners as the lizard from the public to win the prize money for his aunty, however that minor consequence can build up major consequence e.g. miles warren managed to get a that pic of the lizard to uses to blackmail Dr conners into giving up control of his lab to miles after dr. conners said his research was a "dead end".

I would like to say thank you for producing a spectacular series of spiderman and even though it's cancelled i continue to use my imagination.

P.s. Ignore the haters and continue doing what you do best.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Rex Dawson writes...

Hello greg,

I would like to say thank you for producing animated series like young justice and spectacular spiderman especially. I'm sorry to hear about your loss and i hope things will get better.

There are a few questions if you don't mind me ask but:

1) In spectacular spiderman, why did peter chose liz instead of gwen first and did he even like liz at all? is it because peter is seen as a nerd and liz is popular and attractive and he chose to be with Liz because it would boost his credibility and change peoples perceptions of him?

2)Why did mary-jane decide to give gwen stacy a makeover? is it because to help her self-confidence or to make peter notice gwen more and make him realise that gwen is the girl for him? or is it because even though peter was with liz, she never gave up on helping gwen to get with peter because she believes there's a connection between them? Because this love triangle between peter, liz and Gwen caught my interest.

Thank you

Greg responds...

1. I think Peter was immature. Liz was there and kissing him. She declared she was his girlfriend, and he wanted a girlfriend, and he got... distracted by her. I don't think it had anything to do with popularity. And I do think he liked Liz. I think he still does. He just LOVED Gwen.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Todd Jensen writes...

I've seen a few more episodes of Season Two of "The Spectacular Spider-Man", up to "Growing Pains", and continue to enjoy them. "Growing Pains" was my favorite because of all the Shakespeare quotes in it, which I had a lot of fun identifying, and which fitted the story so well. (Not to mention that Flash and Sally's attempts to do "Hamlet" were hilarious.)

And talk about a cliffhanger ending! I'm looking forward to the next episode after Venom's big revelation.

Greg responds...

Thanks. Keep me posted on your thoughts!

Response recorded on November 06, 2012

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MLP FAN writes...

Hey greg I just watched your work on spectacular spiderman and needless to say I think you did a great job, as an old fan of the 90's seires I think you surpassed it in many ways.I still I can't believe I liked tombstone as a villain

On to my question.

1.- I saw some character worrying for the steriotypical "social hyerarchy" stuff like football players and cheer leaders being "popular" (example Flash). Personally I never experienced such a thing as everyone just hanged out with whom ever they liked it.

My question is Do you believe that social hierarchy of populars, not populars does exist? or you portrayed it due to tradition (many shows portray that)

Thank you for your time

Greg responds...

1. Yes, I believe it exists. It certainly existed (back in the dark ages) when I went to high school, and at least to some extent I observe it in the environment of my children.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Todd Jensen writes...

I recently got to watch the first two episodes of Season Two of "The Spectacular Spider-Man" on YouTube (I hadn't seen them before now, since I don't have cable) and enjoyed them.

I noticed at the end the MasterPlanner's line to Kraven about "hunting in packs". While it works in its own right as a hint of things to come (presumably super-villain team-ups), I thought "pack" was appropriate. Kraven was hunting Spidey for the same reason that the Pack initially hunted the gargoyles - the "Most Dangerous Game" motive - and, like Wolf, had himself upgraded into a mutate (though feline rather than canine). He even got photographs of Spidey at the start of the episode from the MasterPlanner, just as the Pack got the photographs of Goliath at the start of "The Thrill of the Hunt". I don't know if the "hunting in packs" line was intended as a "Gargoyles" hommage or in-joke or not, but I liked it and thought it appropriate.

Greg responds...

I can't remember for sure. But it probably was.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Akeem M. writes...

Hey Greg,
At the end of Spectacular Spider-Man, Norman going into costumed crime is public knowledge. The question is, how many people know about his strength enhancing formula, Globulin Green and how it affects people? Norman showed his family (Emily and Harry) and Donald Menkin; and by extension Peter and Gwen know about since Harry told them about the formula and what it does to people. Is the Gobulin Green formula public knowlege in New York City? Or is it one of the only secrets the Osborn family has about Norman goblining it up?

Greg responds...

Good question. It might go a long way toward creating a more sympathetic public image...

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Zach writes...

Greg Do you think The Spectacular Spider-Man would ever be continued in a comic?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I did propose a Spectacular Spider-Man comic book, but Marvel didn't bite."

[Response recorded on August 28, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 29, 2012

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Bad Lyre writes...

If (somehow) you were given one final 13-episode season in which to wrap up the Spectacular Spider-Man, how would you do it?
How, if at all, would you try and resolve hanging plot threads, like Gwen and Peter's relationship and Norman's Houdini act?
Would you take advantage of being owned by Disney by introducing other Marvel characters that you didn't have the rights to use before? If so, would you bring more Spidey-related characters in, like Kingpin or Daredevil, or better-known heroes, such as Iron Man?

Thanks for taking the time to answer.

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I had many specific ideas, some of which would undoubtedly have changed over the course of production. But I'm just not too inclined to reveal them. It's not that I'm trying to torture you, it's just that there's no way I can do them justice in this format. I write 'X' would have happened, and that one statement will get dissected across the internet. And any idea is only as good as its execution - which you'll now never get to see. It may sound stupid here, but I might have been able (with the help of Vic Cook and all my other many collaborators) to pull it off on the series and have everyone think I'm a genius. Or not. But at least it would have had a shot. I just don't feel like opening myself up to potential second-guessing based on raw notions as opposed to executed episodes."

[Response recorded on August 5, 2010.]

Response recorded on September 29, 2012

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Phillip writes...

Do you know of any plans for a complete second season release of Spectacular Spider-Man?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I have no control or influence over this. Believe me, no one's more frustrated than myself."

[Response recorded on March 11, 2011.]

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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Xanatos writes...

I was just recently watching "Destructive Testing" from Season 2 of the Spectacular Spider-Man, and I was wondering, what was the creative decision to make Kraven a genetically altered human rather than just him being a "normal" guy?

Also, did you have any plans on MIles Warren creating clones or becoming the Jackel later down the line had a season 3 been made?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"The mutated Kraven idea was borrowed/adapted from Ultimate Spider-Man. The short answer is that we thought it was a pretty cool idea and visual. Plus we have long term plans for Kraven that I won't get into now."

[Response recorded on August 4, 2009.]

"I had many specific ideas, some of which would undoubtedly have changed over the course of production. But I'm just not too inclined to reveal them. It's not that I'm trying to torture you, it's just that there's no way I can do them justice in this format. I write 'X' would have happened, and that one statement will get dissected across the internet. And any idea is only as good as its execution - which you'll now never get to see. It may sound stupid here, but I might have been able (with the help of Vic Cook and all my other many collaborators) to pull it off on the series and have everyone think I'm a genius. Or not. But at least it would have had a shot. I just don't feel like opening myself up to potential second-guessing based on raw notions as opposed to executed episodes."

[Response recorded on August 5, 2010.]

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

A couple of years ago, I heard that some deleted scenes from The Spectacular Spider-Man had been shown at Comic Con. The details surrounding those deleted scenes have been kept under wraps for so long now - is there any chance you could give a breakdown of the sequences that didn't make it into the episodes, please?

I know that one deleted sequence was Shocker being rescued by Fancy Dan and Ox in Group Therapy, and that another was a line by Norman in Final Curtain that he hated how vulnerable Vulture had made him, but could you elaborate on the other stuff that was cut for time please?

Greg responds...

I no longer remember, I'm afraid.

Response recorded on September 25, 2012

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Jonathan writes...

Do you have any plans to further the plot of Spectacular through means outside of television? Like, something written, perhaps in the way of a script or in a more novel-like style of writing?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

"It's just not up to me. I can't create a 'fan film' with someone else's property.

For starters, who would pay for it? Even if I and everyone else involved were willing to donate services for free - which honestly I'm not - who would pay for the materials? None of us have the hundreds of thousands of dollars that it would take to do even one episode at the quality level you'd expect. And why would we want to produce something at a lower quality level? Why would you want to watch it at a lower quality level?

And that's aside from the fact, that I'd never be allowed to work for Marvel, Disney, Sony or probably any other studio again ever. I'm a pro. They know that. I can't make a fan film, stealing someone else's characters, and just get away with it.

For this to happen, Sony would have to make a deal with Marvel/Disney to do this - and then they'd have to reassemble the key players from the original cast and crew. I'd LOVE for this to happen, but I don't see that as realistic.

I mean, don't get me wrong. I'd love to do more SpecSpideys. But it's less likely than me doing more Gargoyles, even."

[Response recorded on August 16, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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The Question writes...

Since it appears that it is unlikely that your version of spider-man won't finish it's storyline, did you already know how it would have ended if given the chance? If so, was there any major storylines you wanted to address during you're intended run? This is in case father time catches up with you and you don't take your vision to the grave. :)

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I had many specific ideas, some of which would undoubtedly have changed over the course of production. But I'm just not too inclined to reveal them. It's not that I'm trying to torture you, it's just that there's no way I can do them justice in this format. I write 'X' would have happened, and that one statement will get dissected across the internet. And any idea is only as good as its execution - which you'll now never get to see. It may sound stupid here, but I might have been able (with the help of Vic Cook and all my other many collaborators) to pull it off on the series and have everyone think I'm a genius. Or not. But at least it would have had a shot. I just don't feel like opening myself up to potential second-guessing based on raw notions as opposed to executed episodes."

[Response recorded on August 5, 2010.]

Greg Weisman says:

"All I can say - or rather all I FEEL like saying - is that we had (pipe-dream) plans to do five 13-episode seasons that would have taken us through Peter's graduation from High School. After that, our hope was to do a series of Direct to DVD movies that would continue the story into Peter's college years and beyond."

[Response recorded on August 23, 2012.]

Response recorded on September 17, 2012

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Todd Jensen writes...

The first season of "Young Justice" takes place over the course of half a year, starting on the Fourth of July and continuing to New Year's Eve in the Season One finale (with episodes set on Halloween and Thanksgiving along the way). I remember that the first season of "The Spectacular Spider-Man" similarly stretched from the start of the school year in September to Thanksgiving (with a Halloween episode along the way), and that the second season got up at least to Valentine's Day. The time progression in "Gargoyles" was more vague, but we had two Halloween stories ("Eye of the Beholder" and the Double Date story) and three wintry episodes in New York ("Her Brother's Keeper", which ends with a snowfall, "Re-Awakening", and "The Price"), as well as a clear timeline for the Stone of Destiny story.

I like this sense of the year's progress through the seasons and landmark days (like the Fourth of July and Halloween), but it doesn't seem that common in animated series outside your own work. I've seen two speculations on why that element is so rare in animated series. One is that a lot of the people who engage in such creative work aren't big on continuity and change, far less than you are. Another is that most people involved in creating animated television series live in or near Los Angeles and other parts of California, where the climate is pretty much the same year around and there's less a sense of four seasons than in other parts of the United States. I was wondering what your thoughts were on these theories.

Greg responds...

Both these theories seem valid to me, but they probably pale from the economic explanation: if you progress through the seasons then you have to redress backgrounds and characters, and that's expensive. Me, I believe it's WORTH the expense. But that's only true if you're really going to DO something with it. If you're not, then there's not much point. (We also did it on W.I.T.C.H. by the way.)

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

You said before that there isn't any recorded, on camera footage of the voice actors for Young Justice. Why did you record behind the scenes stuff for The Spectacular Spider-Man but not for Young Justice?

Greg responds...

The Sony folks recorded stuff and encouraged us to record stuff on Spidey. Then they didn't use any of it.

No one at Warners ever claimed they were going to use that kind of footage, and none was recorded or requested.

I'll leave it to you to decide which scenario is most frustrating.

Response recorded on September 04, 2012

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Michael writes...

Hi Greg!

Like many fans, I was deeply saddened to see Spectacular Spider-Man get cancelled after only two seasons. The show had so many good stories left to tell and really left a lot of open plot threads (Peter and Gwen's relationship, Norman Osborn's future plans, the Venom symboiote's whereabouts etc.) that were just begging to be explored.

With that in mind, have you given any thought to proposing a Spectacular Spider-Man comic book that would continue the storylines you and your creative team had planned? I know that you've gone this route with Gargoyles, and I think a Spectacular Spider-Man comic would really excite and satisfy fans who wanted to see where the series would have gone without incurring the expense of continuing the show (since I realize a lot of your talent has moved on to other projects -- incidentally love Lacey Chabert as Zatanna in Young Justice!). Marvel is already producing an Ultimate Spider-Man comic based on the new animated show -- would it really be out of the realm of possibility for them to produce a Spectacular Spider-Man comic and/or miniseries? After all, DC produced new issues of the Batman The Animated Series comic book, The Batman comic, and Batman the Brave and the Bold long after the cartoons were cancelled.

Best wishes


Greg responds...

I did propose a Spectacular Spider-Man comic book, but Marvel didn't bite.

Response recorded on August 28, 2012

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6f6ea3 writes...

Hey again, Greg. Hopefully this question will catch you while you're at your office or Beverly Hills office, but I'm just dropping by a follow up inquiry about posting the SpecSpidey bible.

Sorry if I'm being a pest, I know by the time you read this you'll have slogged through a couple hundred questions about Red Tornado's shoe-size or the like since you answered my last question. Keep the faith, you're made of sterner stuff then I.

Greg responds...

Sorry, I'm at Warner Bros. today. And I'm still not sure if I WANT to post the SpecSpidey bible.

Response recorded on August 28, 2012

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Miten writes...

Hey Greg it's me again and I was wondering
how did you get the role of spectacular spiderman.

Greg responds...

You mean the job producing it?

I interviewed for it - like five times - and they chose me, I assume, based on the ideas I pitched them for it, all of which wound up in the show.

Or did you mean how did I get the role of Menken in SpecSpidey?

I cast myself.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

YJ questions:

1) Clancy Brown as Agent Faraday, and Faraday looks A LOT like George Stacy. Spectacular Spider-Man reference?

2) Parasite was working for Intergang. Does this say anything about the current whereabouts of Bruno Mannheim or Whisper A'Daire?

Greg responds...

1. Not particularly. Again, keep in mind that the designs are done by Phil Bourassa under Brandon Vietti's art direction, and neither worked on SpecSpidey.

2. Not particularly.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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Codeman1992 writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman, I just wanted to give you props on developing one of the most interesting and creative superhero series on television. Young Justice is one of the greatest superhero series I've watched. I put it up there with the great Batman The Animated Series and all the Timmverse Shows. So, like I said before, I give you props and you are a extremely well versed writer and it's proof in your work. With the new Spider Man movie coming out soon, I've noticed it's very reminiscent of The Spectacular Spider man. At least in the case of turning Gwen into a potential love interest in High School, who both her and Pete intern somewhere. That's my first question, have you noticed that? My second question is regarding The Spectacular Spider Man. I'm in my Spidey Obsession phase and always turn to your show whenever I'm in that phase. Since there's not gonna be a Season 3 of the show, can you drop any potential storylines or where the show was gonna go after the finale of Season 2? I know this is really long, but I'm a huge fan and hope I can be as great of a writer as you are one day. Thank You Mr. Weisman for your time.

Greg responds...

1. I did notice similarities, but we're all working off the same source material, so there are bound to be similarities.


Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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ILikeSpiderMan writes...

Hi Greg!

Obviously I'm a huge fan of your work, since I'm, y'know, posting on your site. I've just been sitting and listening to your Spectacular Spider-Man podcast interviews, which are offering some "spectacular" insight (haha, ha).

You talk about Gwen Stacy being the first (one?) true love of Peter's life, and her incredible importance to him. You've also discussed your desire to adapt the feel and general story of the original comics as faithfully as possible. Given that Gwen is most famous for being killed by the Green Goblin, what does that mean for Gwen's future in the series? I'm not asking what your plans for the show were (I don't want spoilers, as some small part of me still hopes that somehow this show will have a future), but I'm wondering if you and the other writers were even considering including Gwen's death in the series. Would it warp the show's tone irreparably? Would it still be possible to write a fun-loving, wise-cracking Spider-Man after this? Would the CW/Disney allow this on a children's program?

Or did you and the other writers/producers decide upfront to veto the idea?

I understand how this could easily be seen as a spoiler request. I'm less curious about the potential plotline of future SSM episodes, and more wondering about the considerations you and your writing team take when adapting material from the comics, especially grittier, less-child-friendly stuff.

Thanks profusely!

Greg responds...

All I can say - or rather all I FEEL like saying - is that we had (pipe-dream) plans to do five 13-episode seasons that would have taken us through Peter's graduation from High School. After that, our hope was to do a series of Direct to DVD movies that would continue the story into Peter's college years and beyond.

Response recorded on August 23, 2012

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Justin F. writes...

Hey Greg. I wanted to let you know that I, and a large portion of the internet community, absolutely loved Spectacular Spider-Man. The show accurately portrayed who Peter Parker was, his troubles, his difficult choices, and his life as Spider-Man. Me, being a teen in high school, thought Peter was someone I could relate to, even though he had these extraordinary powers. Being able to relate to Peter Parker is something that should be constant (and for the most part, has been constant) in every Spider-Man story. I know I'm not the only one who thinks that the series should have went on for much longer. However, I know that the series' ending had to do with Disney/Marvel purchasing the animated series rights from Sony. Since this was pretty much out of your hands, I'm here to propose an idea.
Since the rights to the theme song, character designs, etc. for The Spectacular Spider-Man are locked by Sony, and you couldn't possibly resume the show even if you wanted to at Disney/Marvel, I suggest making, if you'd be fine with doing so, an INDEPENDENT episode (about 45 min. or an hour long)of The Spectacular Spider-Man and release it online. Sean Galloway could come back to do the designs, and you could get the voice actors who would agree to it back if the scheduling works in the favor of both parties. This is more than a scheduling thing than anything, when you're not busy with Young Justice and they're not busy with anything, but it may be able to work. And since it wouldn't be
released under the Sony or Marvel banner, and if you make it perfectly clear that it's a "fan film", no breach-in-contract would occur at all.
I'm sorry if I'm sounding selfish, but the show had a HUGE, HUGE fan base, and most of this HUGE fan base, when tuned in to watch Ultimate Spider-Man on Sunday, all cringed in unison (no offense to Marvel or anyone who likes the show). It just doesn't match the charm that your interpretation of Spider-Man had. So I would definitely like for you to take this into consideration. Would you be able to make an independent "final" episode of Spectacular Spider-Man exclusively for online, one that is a "fan film" of sorts? Thank you for your time.


Greg responds...

Justin, it's just not up to me. I can't create a "fan film" with someone else's property.

For starters, who would pay for it? Even if I and everyone else involved were willing to donate services for free - which honestly I'm not - who would pay for the materials? None of us have the hundreds of thousands of dollars that it would take to do even one episode at the quality level you'd expect. And why would we want to produce something at a lower quality level? Why would you want to watch it at a lower quality level?

And that's aside from the fact, that I'd never be allowed to work for Marvel, Disney, Sony or probably any other studio again ever. I'm a pro. They know that. I can't make a fan film, stealing someone else's characters, and just get away with it.

For this to happen, Sony would have to make a deal with Marvel/Disney to do this - and then they'd have to reassemble the key players from the original cast and crew. I'd LOVE for this to happen, but I don't see that as realistic.

I mean, don't get me wrong. I'd love to do more SpecSpideys. But it's less likely than me doing more Gargoyles, even.

Response recorded on August 16, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Wow! Is it hard to keep up with even the questions to post new ones. Thanks for reopening the queue!

Condolences on the lose of your Grandmother. I remember the months before my grandmother died how she had retreated into herself and was all but unrecognizable, than all of a sudden came back to herself for a week or two at the end. I still treasure it as a great gift that we were reminded who she was before the end. She was a good deal younger than 100 so we were not quite expecting the end, but I can understand what you mean by feeling that the person you love is already on the way somewhere else. I am glad you have so many years and so many wonderful memories to look back on.

1- I see someone already asked if you can explain some of the terms you used when you broke down the stages the of episodes in progress. He mentioned ‘online’ in particular. If you didn’t already do so, can you also define ‘slug’?

2- I know you prefer to record the voice actors together in conversation, unlike many other cartoons that record the voices in isolation. In live action tv and movies are recorded out of order, that’s the most efficient way to use the sets and actors. Since there aren’t sets for cartoons, and you prefer to have all the actors together anyway, are the scenes more or less recorded in order?

3- You mentioned in the past moments when stories just come together and surprise you- when the next event seems to announce herself, unplanned but seemingly totally organic to the story. Like when “Owen is Puck!” announced itself. Or when you kept hearing “Thailog” when the video was being rewound. Did you have any such moments for Spectacular Spiderman and the other shows you worked on? Have you had any with Young Justice yet? Can you share any if they’ve already happened?

4-One last question for this catch-all batch... what do you think of the new DC Nation shorts? I’m not crazy about loosing the opening credits, but I love shorts and think it is an easy trade. I love that they are all different and playful and yet often also a series. My favorite so far is the one with Batgirl and Supergirl trying to convince Wonder Girl to ‘borrow’ Wonder Woman’s invisible jet. (Oddly I have become used to (and approve) on Dianna being portrayed as someone from another country, with a light to strong intonation of something foreign, but it never occurred to me the same would apply to Donna.)

Begin pontification: I’ve never loved the Teen Titan cartoon, (plenty to like, but never loved), but I love the fact it is turning up in the shorts. Back when Disney XD was Toon Disney I wondered why they didn’t run shorts. (To be fair I didn’t have a TiVO at the time and it was possible they were already running the “Have a Laugh” abridged classic shorts as well as Shaun the Sheep. But they weren’t running any new material.) It seemed odd to me they were trying to compete with the Cartoon Network’s reach into the older demographic and didn’t, for instance, declare one night a week the 10 o’clock older folks movie night, (say a Miyazaki flik), and intersperse it with shorts- gorgeous, varied, counter expectation shorts like they gleefully did for Fantasia 2000. (I had the idea a long time ago.) If some of those shorts were back door pilots...great. It worked for the Simpsons They could have led to another late evening night of new programming of new shows. They couldn’t compete with cheap nostalgic cartoons or crude adult ones because that just isn’t Disney. Disney can never put out a Family Guy type show under the Disney label. Maybe they could do it on ABC, but not something with Disney in the name. (Even Miyazaki’s Princess Monenoke had to be released in the US under the Miramax label because a PG-13 cartoon would be problematic under the Disney label.) It a rather obvious route for a high end cartoon station to go and might have netted a few Oscars away from Pixar. Or perhaps more for Pixar. End pontification.

Of course it would have been an ideal place to run a little Gargoyle related short. :)

Greg responds...

1. A "slug" is the section of action BETWEEN lines of dialogue. A "slugged board" is a board that's been timed, i.e. the time for each action has been calculated - and since each line of dialogue has also been timed - you have an exact length, and you know whether or not your episode is going to be long, short or right on the money. If it's long or short, we need to cut or pad to get it to time.

2. Generally, yes. But for example, I poked my head in at a recording on Monday for "Beware the Batman". And there was one actress at the record who was only in one scene, and it happened to be the last scene. So after the rehearsal, they recorded that last scene first, so that the actress wouldn't have to sit through the entire record. It's a courtesy thing. Other times, it may be a scheduling thing. But, again, generally, we record the whole episode from start to finish.

3. It happens all the time. I wish I could remember a specific example from Spidey, but nothing immediately comes to mind. And it's too soon to discuss this stuff on YJ.

4. I love DC NATION. Sincerely. I think some of the shorts have been great, and some have fallen a little flat, but in general, I LOVE the FACT that they're doing the shorts. I just wish they'd expand DC Nation to two hours or something.

5. I'm game for ANYTHING that brings me back to Gargoyles.

Response recorded on August 16, 2012

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JayBe writes...

Hi Greg, first off I just wanted to say you're awesome. Spectacular Spider-man was THE best Spider-man cartoon/interpretation of all time and IMO the best superhero cartoon of all time (although YJ is now a close second for me). It still pains my heart that it didn't reach past a 2nd season. And despite not being interested when I originally heard about Young Justice, it's quickly become one of my favorites due to the awesome character development/continuity that seems to be your trademark. Having just seen the new Ultimate Spider-man (which I read you won't be watching), I can safely tell you that although it's not the complete crap-fest I thought it would be, it's nowhere near the level of greatness of Spectacular Spider-man.

So anyway, my question is actually about SpecSpider-man (and sorry if it was asked already, I went through as much of the 600+ search results as I could). Could you possibly go into the general idea of what we were going to get out of the next few seasons if it hadn't been cancelled? I know there's probably a thousand details you could give (which would be awesome), but was there any overall story concepts you had that were going to blow our minds? For instance, were we actually going to see Gwen Stacy die?

Thanks for reading even if you can't/don't want to answer.

Greg responds...

ASKED AND ANSWERED. But thanks for the kind words.

Response recorded on August 16, 2012

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SpideyFan writes...

I've just gotten a chance to sit down and watch Spectacular Spidey, and it was absolutely mind-blowing. Between it and YJ, I am totally sold on your work. I love the way you structure your stories (on an episode-by-episode basis, and the way you build up longer arcs), and how you manage to present only the most pertinent/interesting information, and trim the narrative fat. It makes your shows a total joy to watch; the stories have such a deliberate sense of movement, everything seems to have purpose. Watching your work inspires me!

Here's the "Ask" part:
In the series finale (S2E13 "The Final Curtain"), Spidey's big confrontation sees him fighting pumpkin-headed grunts in little flying goop-shooting ships. Was this something the creative team was gung-ho about putting in the series, or was it more related to pressures from the powers-that-be about opportunities to sell toys?
Also, how often is marketing, or promoting the DC/Marvel/what-have-you brand a consideration for you when you're creating a show?
Finally: how did you start writing? I don't mean on the level of occupation (i.e. what jobs got you started), but how did you establish for yourself the discipline and confidence in your skills necessary to write professionally?

And I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. It sounds like it was her time. My own great-grandmother just passed on, and I can tell you she was as ready for it as we were resistant to it. It certainly made the mourning process a lot harder to initiate, since there was this enormous sense of relief that she wasn't in any more pain, or so lonely anymore. I think a sort of hollow initial response is natural. Hope this is some condolences.

Thank you and adieu,


Greg responds...

1. These were our creations, and as far as I know Hasbro never made any toys based on them. Which is too bad, don't you think?

2. I don't know how to answer this. It doesn't go into the development of our series at all. But I'm hired to do these shows, and whether or not this was a factor in what shows the studios and networks and comic book companies choose to do, is not something I'm privy to.

3. In sixth grade, I started writing my first (of many) unfinished novels. Most of the time I need a real deadline to get work done. By nature, I'm both lazy and a procrastinator. But with a deadline, I get the job done.

Thank you for the condolences.

Response recorded on August 15, 2012

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akif writes...

the new spider man show isn't that good i wish that you can continue the show anf young justice at the same time

Greg responds...

I haven't seen "Ultimate Spider-Man", but it's got some real great people working on it, so I'd suggest giving it a chance.

Response recorded on August 15, 2012

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The Greenman writes...

Hi Mr. Greg Weisman,

I have been a fan of yours since Gargoyles. One of the things that interest me is the basic structure of the themes and world building in the series. One of the styles I see continue to pop up in your series is the relationship between science and sorcery. This is something I have been a fan of in comics like Iron Man and Fantastic Four (specifically Dr. Doom versus Reed Richards). I love the simple explanation that energy is energy.

1. Now I didn't see much of this argument come up in your Spectacular Spider-Man series, because Peter debunked Mysterio, but can you say that you ever planned to and who you would've used to explore that science versus mystic aspect?

2. I am upset that directors such as Jon Favreau and Shane Black have knocked down the very idea of Mandarin showing up as not to approach the so-called mystic aspect. Though, it could be be alien in origin or something, as they claim and prove that even super-science isn't allowed in the MCU. Have you read and understand the Iron Man comics specific to Mandarin and Tony's relationship to science versus sorcery? Was it influential at all in your writing?

Greg responds...

1. Well, we had Calypso. I'm not going to get into much beyond the fact that we would have explored her character more.

2. I'm not sure specifically to what you're referring. I've read comics from the 60s, 70s and 80s with Iron Man and Mandarin. Probably nothing more recent than that. In any case, I don't think it influenced me much if at all.

Response recorded on August 15, 2012

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Mike writes...

1. How did the Rhino overcome his hydration problem?
2. What are the names of Tombstone's bodyguards?
3. Is Tombstone the Big Man or is it someone else entirely?

Greg responds...

1. I don't recall, I'm afraid.

2. I don't think we ever gave them names.

3. Tombstone is the Big Man. (Wasn't that obvious?)

Response recorded on July 26, 2012

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FanMan writes...

Being that the Spectacular Spider-Man was cancelled almost two years ago now, are you yet able to reveal details of what you had planned for season 3? Or do you still intend to keep that information back in order to use it on a later show or if Spec-Spidey gets (against all odds) renewed at a later time?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I had many specific ideas, some of which would undoubtedly have changed over the course of production. But I'm just not too inclined to reveal them. It's not that I'm trying to torture you, it's just that there's no way I can do them justice in this format. I write 'X' would have happened, and that one statement will get dissected across the internet. And any idea is only as good as its execution - which you'll now never get to see. It may sound stupid here, but I might have been able (with the help of Vic Cook and all my other many collaborators) to pull it off on the series and have everyone think I'm a genius. Or not. But at least it would have had a shot. I just don't feel like opening myself up to potential second-guessing based on raw notions as opposed to executed episodes."

[Response recorded on August 5, 2010.]

Response recorded on July 03, 2012

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Derek writes...

I'm a big fan of continuity as I gather you are too based on your use of dates, your shows in general and an interview you did years ago critizing the X-Men for not evolving and moving forward. I think DC has some fantastic characters and concepts, which is one of the reasons I like Young Justice. However, I've found that without fail whenever I start reading their books and enjoying them, they erase characters and storylines I've become fond of from existence in a big reset or reboot in an effort to become “new reader friendly” e.g Linda Danvers, Helena Bertinelli, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Team Titans, Infinity Inc etc.

In the end, this practice alienated me as a reader and I no longer buy DC books because as a reader I find this extremely irritating. So first of all, I'm glad that your not doing that with Young Justice. The characters in show have already greatly progressed through season 1 and I'm very optimistic about the Season 2 based on the first episode.

I'm curious though as a comic book reader what do you make of DC comics and their practice of the "reset"?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"As you noted, I have NOT had the time to read the New 52, so I will not comment on that specifically. Whether or not it works creatively depends more than anything else on execution. Since I haven't seen the execution, I can't respond to how it works creatively. But I KNOW that commercially it's been a HUGE hit. I like to believe that it wouldn't have done quite so well, if it wasn't executed well too.

But generally, on the idea of reboots, I do have a handful of thoughts:

1. I don't want to be a hypocrite. When we started Spectacular Spider-Man and again on Young Justice, we were effectively doing a continuity reboot. I feel when adapting something to a new media, that's essential, but it doesn't change the fact that (a) we did it and (b) I was relieved to be able to do it. Relieved to be able to jettison elements that I felt didn't work or were redundant or confusing, etc. Our goal, particularly on Spider-Man, was to come up with something Classic, Cohesive, Coherent, Contemporary and Iconic. So how can I object if the comics themselves want to do this?

2. In the end, whether or not either SpecSpidey or YJ was/is successful depends on our execution of our ideas, additions and cullings. I like to think both shows are successful, but that's a judgement each individual viewer would have to make for him or herself.

3. I was working on staff at DC Comics during the publication of the original Crisis on Infinite Earths. In fact, during my very first editorial meeting, I raised the question as to why we weren't starting ALL our books over (with the numerical exceptions of Detective and Action Comics) with issue #1. I remember very clearly a collective groan rising up from the conference room table. (They had dealt with this question for months before my arrival.) On the one hand, they wanted Crisis to be a real sea-change, a true reboot (before we knew that term). On the other hand, if you truly reboot Batman, then Robin doesn't exist yet. No Robin, no other sidekicks either. So no Teen Titans. And at the time, the New Teen Titans was the company's best selling book.

4. So the end result was that some things got rebooted and some did not.

5. This was complicated by the fact that certain creators came late to the party, and certain characters got reboots too long AFTER Crisis.

6. And so, as a READER, I couldn't help feeling that - rather than simplifying the continuity - Crisis made it more complicated. This will happen in general, naturally, as time passes and more and more comics are produced by a variety of creators and editors, but Crisis seemed to exacerbate the problem for me personally.

7. In part this was because, I really liked the DC Multiverse. I agree that it was abused to the point of confusion. (And I think it was nuts that Earth TWO had the forties heroes and Earth ONE had the sixties heroes. Just the odd backwards numbering itself created additional unnecessary confusion.) But if limits had been placed on the number of parallel earth stories and crossovers, I think it could have been fine.

8. ESPECIALLY, if they had created a new Earth-THREE, starting over with heroes of the eighties, with Superman and Batman (being new to the hero thing but) remaining relatively constant. But with a new Green Lantern (for example) as different from Hal Jordan as Jordan was from Alan Scott.

9. But that didn't happen. And in fact, though I've read very few comics since 1996, my understanding is that reboots have hit over and over at both DC and Marvel. That negates reader trust in the worth and weight of the stories they're reading. It's more insidious than obvious. And you risk alienating old readers, even as you may or may not attract new ones. You'll always get a short term gain off of a reboot, because everyone wants to check it out. But long term...

10. And going back to my first point - which is that most everything depends on execution - I personally didn't love the execution of some of the post-Crisis rebooting. Some people may have loved it. And that's totally legit. But some of the rethinking on certain individual characters didn't work too well for me.

11. Though personally I think the Bates-Weisman-Broderick reboot on Captain Atom from his Charlton incarnation was brilliant. ;)

12. So, personally, my feeling on reboots in general is that you either do them or you don't. You've got to be thorough and ruthless about it, or don't bother, because otherwise - long term - you're creating more problems than you're solving.

13. And still and all, ultimately, it all depends on execution."

[Response recorded on February 15, 2012.]

Response recorded on July 03, 2012

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Miten Dama writes...

Hey Greg I'm a huge fan of your work and
I'm a huge fan of the spectacular spiderman
out of curiousity could you tell me what would have happens in season 3
if the show had continued I'd really appriciated
from your biggest fan Miten Dama

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"As I've stated MANY times before, I don't see any advantage TO ME in vomiting out what my plans would have been absent the execution of said plans. All that accomplishes is to hold the ideas out for all sorts of second guessing."

[Response recorded May 5, 2011.]

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If spectacular spider-man continued would you have mention any other Marvel heroes like the fantastic four?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I would like to do the occasional team-up. I think I've mentioned Spidey/Human Torch and Spidey/Hulk in the past, just to start with. But one or two per season is plenty for me. I've got more than enough to explore in Spidey's corner of the Marvel Universe."

[Response recorded on April 7, 2009.]

"All answered before, but now rendered moot."

[Response recorded on April 26, 2010.]

Response recorded on May 15, 2012

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Spen writes...

Hi Greg! First off, I'd like to thank you for posting all those old production memos from "Gargoyles". I love reading 'behind the scenes' stuff, and seeing the way the story develops over time. It kind of reminds me of Christopher Tolkien's "History of Middle-Earth" series, albeit on a smaller scale.

Now, I have a few questions that I hope can be considered to all fall under the general category of "series development". A couple of them might be stretching it a bit, but I think it'll be okay (and if not, you'll tell me).

1. You started posting production memos for your "Re-Awakening" ramble. Are there any surviving memos from "Thrill" to "Her Brother's Keeper"?

2. When you wrote "The Journey", did Scott Thomas send you a prod. memo?

3. Are there any memos from "Spectacular Spider-Man"?

4. One thing that really struck me when reading some of the notes from early '92 was just how early the Pack came along in the development. Which got me to thinking about another early villian. Was Tony Dracon's involvement planned all along, and he just happened to first appear in "Deadly Force", or was he created specifically because "Deadly Force" needed a new villian? (Awkward sentance, I know, but I can't seem to get this phrased quite right. Do you get what I'm saying?)

Thanks for taking the time to answer these. We will now return to our regularly scheduled "Young Justice" questions.

Greg responds...

1. I'm sure there are. But there are difficulties in posting them, including but not limited too: (a) not enough hours in the day (b) most of those memos were only preserved as documents - not electronically, so that it's not as simple as cutting and pasting (c) most of those documents are at my private office in Beverly Hills, and I'm almost never there, since producing YJ here in Burbank keeps me pretty busy.

2. No.

3. Very few. Those were mostly done via e-mail, and I didn't keep a record of that. Also, I was personally story editing SpecSpidey, so I wasn't writing memos to my story editors, as I was on Gargoyles.

4. I get what you're saying, but I honestly can't remember. My vague guess is that we always knew we'd need a "crime boss" of some kind, but that we probably didn't develop Tony until we got to his episodic premiere.

Response recorded on May 04, 2012

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DmarvelC writes...

If you could, would you have put your Spectacular Spider man on the team?

Greg responds...

I'm afraid that kind of hypothetical just has no meaning to me.

Response recorded on May 03, 2012

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Zach Baker writes...

Hey Greg!

I recently saw this line from an interview with Steven Bochco in the early 80's, talking about Hill Street Blues (which currently has its first two-and-a-half seasons on Hulu Plus, by the way):

"Maybe the biggest problem with Hill Street, in terms of popular success, is that it is a show that demands to be watched. And most people do not watch television. They simply are in its presence."

I love that quote. What an insightful way to encapsulate about what was essential and great about Hill Street Blues, without going into all the details of what made it so outstanding. Just leave at this: unlike nearly anything before it, in many ways it was a show that demanded to be watched. I think that characteristic also applies to Gargoyles as well, no doubt due to the major influence Hill Street Blues had on the show (as you've often mentioned).

Nowadays, that quality, of being a show that "demands to be watched," is characteristic of so many excellent shows that appear on HBO, Showtime or AMC (before hitting DVD boxsets and iTunes), places where popular success isn't the one and only yardstick. And again and again, we've seen how this kind of series can flourish in the atmosphere of creative freedom offered by these outlets.

Can viewers hope that someday soon, that kind of environment will produce an animated serial drama that has the same level of quality, complexity and acclaim as these channels' current headline series? If so, what might it take for that to happen?

Greg responds...

Hey, Zach. Long time no see. I'd heard that quotation about Hill Street before, and couldn't agree more.

I appreciate you think Gargoyles falls in the same category. It's flattering and certainly what we strived for. I don't pretend that we were as good as Hill Street Blues, but no one can accuse us of not going for it.

As to your question, I like to think that W.I.T.C.H., Spectacular Spider-Man, Young Justice and Young Justice: Invasion also qualify. At least at Gargoyles' level. So I think it's already possible. But that's just my - apparently not so - humble opinion.

Response recorded on May 03, 2012

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This Saturday, May 5th, 2012 is FREE COMIC BOOK DAY. (It's also the premiere of YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION's second episode, "Earthlings", on Cartoon Network.) Victor Cook and I will be signing copies of issue #1 of MECHA-NATION (and whatever else gets stuck in front of us) at MELTDOWN COMICS from 12 noon to 2 pm.

Meltdown Comics
7522 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA. 90046

So if you're in the neighborhood of Los Angeles, come on down. Check out the Mecha-Nation. We've completely finished the final issues of the mini-series, which will see print in time for ComicCon this summer in San Diego. (Mecha-Nation was created by Vic, developed by Vic, Greg Guler and myself, written by me, illustrated by Antonio Campo and published by Ape/Kizoic.) We're very excited to finally get this great project out to everyone. So stop by and take a peek. You can harass me about the time-skip (but please keep the language clean). Or you can just say hi. Plus, hey, Vic Cook!! The SpecSpidey partners together again!

Hope to see you there!

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Fluttershy writes...

Hey greg what's up I would love to ask you a questions regarding your story telling techniques

You have said in the past that you could go be telling stories forever if you wanted and in fact sometimes not even the tv show is enough for them hence the comics.

But have you ever considered in giving your characters and stories a Grand finale?.

I think something that has made me a bit sad is that in your past shows you have been cut short due to executive decitions out of your control and we have been unable to get anything resembling an ending that actually gives closure (w.i.t.c.h,Spectacular spiderman, gargoyles etc)

However it is always nice when a tv show character directly says goodbye to te audience(like batman the brave and the bold) or when every major plot point is solved at the end.

A big trait of western media in it's majority like tv shows and specially comics is that the characters "are frozen in time".

Spiderman for instance will always be a young man that fights crime and the story won't go beyond that,same for superman and batman. When the story gets after a certain point we as fans tend to get reboots reapeaing the smae story.

I would like to ask you if given the chance will you give us a finale to your works like gargoyles.

Will we ever see the closure of them?
Do you believe in "grand finales"?

Or do you want simply to never give them a real ending o your shows and simply give the idea that the story will be around forever?

Greg responds...

Yeah, I'm not so much into Grand Finales. Probably why I'm more of a television or comic book guy than a movie or graphic novel guy. I believe (whole-heartedly) in the on-going story. That's what LIFE feels like to me.

Gargoyles is a perfect example. Characters come; characters go and some even die, but the world goes on. I even know (but don't ask) how Goliath dies, but I don't see it as the end of that world. It's only A FINALE, because there is no THE FINALE.

I suppose if one was writing a story with a single lead, a la Spider-Man, and either (a) one killed him off or (b) one really ran out of stories to tell, then I could see staging that big Grand F before you waved goodbye forever. But that assumes there isn't a new Spider-Man waiting in the wings and/or that a guy like me would actually run out of stories. And that hasn't happened to me, at least not yet.

Response recorded on May 01, 2012

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Sam writes...

You've said before that you like to partake in mental casting for characters that you never got to animate in Gargoyles. Did you do this as well for Spectacular Spider-Man's unmade third season, and if so, any chance you could tell me what voice actors you had in mind for the new characters?

Greg responds...

Well, Marina Sirtis for Emily Osborn. I can't think of any others off the top of my head. And mostly, I don't do that 'mental casting' until after I've written (or edited) a script, so that I have a character's 'voice' in my head. Since we never wrote any scripts, I probably didn't pre-cast much.

Response recorded on May 01, 2012

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Lavariel writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,

Thank you for all the wonderful work you've done from Gargoyles, to Spiderman, to Young Justice. Been a fan for years.

1) From your experience, what was more enjoyable to work with? Working on a show that was completely yours to control - Gargoyles - from character development, plot, and storyline? Or Spiderman and Young Justice where the basics has already laid out?

2) Was there more pressure to succeed working on Gargoyles because it was original and the creativity was your to control? Or was there more pressure to work on an adaption on Spiderman and Young Justice because the bar has already been set?

Greg responds...

1. They're different. Gargoyles is my baby. But in terms of the actual work, I don't think I had any more or less fun working on SpecSpidey, W.I.T.C.H. or YJ.

2. I think the pressure rises with each series, but I blame the internet more than anything inherent in the series. (I blame the internet for a lot, which is not to say I could go back to living without it.)

Response recorded on April 24, 2012

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Peter Parker writes...

Is spiderman the mole ??

Greg responds...

Really? You thought this was funny enough to clog the queue?

Response recorded on April 13, 2012

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Greg Bishansky writes...

One of Tombstone's first lines of dialogue was "In my life I've been known by many names, my favorite is Tombstone." So... would his least favorite be "Lonnie?" ;)

In all seriousness, I have to agree that Lonnie is a pretty undignified first name for a character of the stature that you reinvented Tombstone into. But I did enjoy that his middle name was "Thompson" making one of Spidey's biggest enemies and Peter's nemesis at school both Thompsons.

Greg responds...

Well, it's my least favorite, anyway.

Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Akeem M. writes...

Hello Greg,
A couple questions about Emily Osborn's inclusion in the series (don't worry, nothing having to do with un executed plans)

Anyway, when asked about keeping Emily Osborn alive, aside from having plans for her later down the road, you also decided out of the three friends who had single parent households (Peter, Gwen, and Harry) Harry would be the one where it wasn't fundamental to his character compared to the others. One of Harry's biggest traits is his messed up relationship with his father. It was also said that Noman's disdain of Harry came from losing his wife in exchange for Harry. Would you say that in Spectacular Spider-Man that Harry's problems came from his messed up family life in general with Emily being alive? Basically Harry's issues aren't solely on Norman, but Emily as well (whether directly or indirectly).

Also, it's of course a given why Peter has a single parent household, however, when choosing out of the other two when it comes to who HAD to be in a single parent household, what stopped you from letting Gwen's mother still be alive? Does it mainly have to do with the fact that Capt. Stacy was going to live throughout the series run, but Norman was going to 'die'?

Also, would you say that Emily Osborn loves herself an extemely tough steak?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Gwen being her daddy's girl seemed fundamental to who she was.

3. I'm not getting this reference at the moment. Wasn't she cutting a carrot or something on screen?

Response recorded on April 12, 2012

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Roy writes...

What is the name of Hammerhead's chauffeur?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 11, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

You have said in the past that if you were ever allowed to use guest appearances in spec spidey(if it had continued) there was a particular Hulk story you wanted to adapt. Was it the story from Amazing spider-man annual 3? If not which story was it?

Greg responds...

Did I say that? A particular story?

I don't recall saying that. I definitely wanted to adapt that era when Hulk was practically a force of nature - and a bit of a Bigfoot-style legend, with very few people absolutely knowing for certain that he existed.

Response recorded on April 11, 2012

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Algernon writes...

Hey again, hopefully the queue hasn't become to full by now. Anyway, I remember asking you once if you'd ever be willing to post the TSSM series bible online. As I recall, you said you'd think about it.

Just wondering if you've given the idea any further thought?

Greg responds...

Well, Algernon, as I respond to this, there's over 800 questions in the queue. EIGHT HUNDRED!!!

And I haven't even gotten to the airing of YJ episode 119 yet.

Anyway, I'm open to posting the SpecSpidey Bible, but the problem is I don't have it here at Warner Bros (for obvious reasons). So I need to be reminded either when I'm home or at my office in Beverly Hills.

Response recorded on April 11, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

When Miss Martian defeats Psimon, we see his "pupil" crack into a web-shapped crack that resembles a black web. Was this an intentional nod to SSM?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 08, 2012

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Finister2 writes...

In the final shot of The Spectacular Spiderman, we see what appears to be Norman Osborn boarding a plane.

My question is: Was that really Norman Osborn or the Chameleon in disguise?

Greg responds...

It was Mr. Roman.

Response recorded on March 06, 2012

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

I was wondering your opinion on the New 52. Not the execution, I have a hunch you don't have the time to read much of any of it, but the idea of it.

Although I have found a few books I really like, in general I object to heaving aside continuity and trying to rejam the history back into a too short time frame while wiping out character development. The idea of accessibility is a red herring because if they were capable of sticking to self contain arc inviting to new readers they wouldn't need a reboot to do so. Then again, I came into comics after Crisis on Infinite Earths and am conditioned into thinking it was necessary.

Greg responds...

As you noted, I have NOT had the time to read the New 52, so I will not comment on that specifically. Whether or not it works creatively depends more than anything else on execution. Since I haven't seen the execution, I can't respond to how it works creatively. But I KNOW that commercially it's been a HUGE hit. I like to believe that it wouldn't have done quite so well, if it wasn't executed well too.

But generally, on the idea of reboots, I do have a handful of thoughts:

1. I don't want to be a hypocrite. When we started Spectacular Spider-Man and again on Young Justice, we were effectively doing a continuity reboot. I feel when adapting something to a new media, that's essential, but it doesn't change the fact that (a) we did it and (b) I was relieved to be able to do it. Relieved to be able to jettison elements that I felt didn't work or were redundant or confusing, etc. Our goal, particularly on Spider-Man, was to come up with something Classic, Cohesive, Coherent, Contemporary and Iconic. So how can I object if the comics themselves want to do this?

2. In the end, whether or not either SpecSpidey or YJ was/is successful depends on our execution of our ideas, additions and cullings. I like to think both shows are successful, but that's a judgement each individual viewer would have to make for him or herself.

3. I was working on staff at DC Comics during the publication of the original Crisis on Infinite Earths. In fact, during my very first editorial meeting, I raised the question as to why we weren't starting ALL our books over (with the numerical exceptions of Detective and Action Comics) with issue #1. I remember very clearly a collective groan rising up from the conference room table. (They had dealt with this question for months before my arrival.) On the one hand, they wanted Crisis to be a real sea-change, a true reboot (before we knew that term). On the other hand, if you truly reboot Batman, then Robin doesn't exist yet. No Robin, no other sidekicks either. So no Teen Titans. And at the time, the New Teen Titans was the company's best selling book.

4. So the end result was that some things got rebooted and some did not.

5. This was complicated by the fact that certain creators came late to the party, and certain characters got reboots too long AFTER Crisis.

6. And so, as a READER, I couldn't help feeling that - rather than simplifying the continuity - Crisis made it more complicated. This will happen in general, naturally, as time passes and more and more comics are produced by a variety of creators and editors, but Crisis seemed to exacerbate the problem for me personally.

7. In part this was because, I really liked the DC Multiverse. I agree that it was abused to the point of confusion. (And I think it was nuts that Earth TWO had the forties heroes and Earth ONE had the sixties heroes. Just the odd backwards numbering itself created additional unnecessary confusion.) But if limits had been placed on the number of parallel earth stories and crossovers, I think it could have been fine.

8. ESPECIALLY, if they had created a new Earth-THREE, starting over with heroes of the eighties, with Superman and Batman (being new to the hero thing but) remaining relatively constant. But with a new Green Lantern (for example) as different from Hal Jordan as Jordan was from Alan Scott.

9. But that didn't happen. And in fact, though I've read very few comics since 1996, my understanding is that reboots have hit over and over at both DC and Marvel. That negates reader trust in the worth and weight of the stories they're reading. It's more insidious than obvious. And you risk alienating old readers, even as you may or may not attract new ones. You'll always get a short term gain off of a reboot, because everyone wants to check it out. But long term...

10. And going back to my first point - which is that most everything depends on execution - I personally didn't love the execution of some of the post-Crisis rebooting. Some people may have loved it. And that's totally legit. But some of the rethinking on certain individual characters didn't work too well for me.

11. Though personally I think the Bates-Weisman-Broderick reboot on Captain Atom from his Charlton incarnation was brilliant. ;)

12. So, personally, my feeling on reboots in general is that you either do them or you don't. You've got to be thorough and ruthless about it, or don't bother, because otherwise - long term - you're creating more problems than you're solving.

13. And still and all, ultimately, it all depends on execution.

Response recorded on February 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Did mutants exist in the spider-man show?

Greg responds...

If you're talking Spectacular Spider-Man, then they might have if we had had more episodes and permission...

I definitely had plans for Cyclops, Beast and Professor X, at least. Iceman too. Heck, maybe Firestar, eventually.

Response recorded on February 14, 2012

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Ronnie L. writes...

Have you considered pitching Religious Studies 101 as a one-shot, now that Disney and Marvel are one and the same?

Greg responds...

No. It would be impossible, even if I liked the idea (which I'm not sure I do).

See my recent post on why SpecSpidey went away for an explanation why Marvel/Disney couldn't use SpecSpidey materials.

Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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PEJ writes...

Hey, Gregory,
I really REALLY want the Spectacular Spiderman series to continue. I want to see what happens next. Is there anything you can do to help it come back?

Greg responds...

Nope. Wish I could, but I can't. See my previous response.

Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Michael J. Eilen writes...

Hey greg, my name is Michael. I was a huge fan of your spectacular spiderman series. And I'm not sure if you're gonna know the answer to my question or not, but I'm just gonna shoot for it. Question: Do you have any idea why Marvel canceled it? I mean, both season 1 and 2 had decent reviews and many fans liked it. So, I gotta ask,Do you have any idea why Marvel made that decision.

Greg responds...

Marvel DIDN'T cancel it.

It's all very complicated, and we were certainly the recipients of bad corporate luck, but no single company cancelled the series. We just wound up with a situation where no single company could proceed with it.

I'll try to break it all down:

1. Sony had originally produced SpecSpidey as part of their overall entertainment license of the Spidey property (which of course included the extremely lucrative live action films).

2. But in order to win some concession on those live action feature films, Sony returned the animation rights to the character back to Marvel.

3. So now only Marvel could produce a Spider-Man cartoon. Sony no longer could, which meant SpecSpidey couldn't continue at Sony.

4. I have no idea whether Marvel was interested in continuing Spectacular Spider-Man or not. But let's assume for the sake of argument that they would have liked to.

5. They couldn't.

6. Why? Because Sony owned all the specific elements (designs, storyline, etc.) to the SpecSpidey VERSION of Spider-Man. So Marvel would have had to license all that BACK from Sony.

7. You can imagine how unlikely THAT scenario was. Marvel finally gets the rights back to do an animated version of their marquee character, and then they have to pay Sony to do it instead of just starting from scratch. That was never going to happen.

8. Of course, all this was complicated by the fact that Disney purchased Marvel, and Disney and Sony are direct competitors.

9. And I'm sure Marvel was excited to put their own stamp on an animated Spider-Man. Who could blame them?

10. So that was it. We were toast through no fault of our own. The folks at Marvel, Sony and even Disney all seemed to like our show, but the corporate mess made it impossible for us to continue.

11. And, yes, it is a bummer. (For me, at least.) But it's no single person or single company's fault. It's just how things shook out.

12. And finally, though I have no involvement with the upcoming Ultimate Spider-Man, you can't deny that a lot of great people have worked on it. There's no reason to think it won't be as good or better than SpecSpidey. To a certain generation, SpecSpidey will always be THEIR Spider-Man cartoon. But to a new batch o' viewers, I'm sure their Spidey of choice will be the Ultimate.

Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

Have you seen the trailer for Ultimate Spider-Man? I'm asking because it looks horrible. I mean seriously, a Spider-toaster?!? I miss Spectacular Spider-Man. You know better than to give us Spider-toasters.

Greg responds...

I haven't seen it. So I don't know what you're talking about.

But I'm not opposed to Spider-Toasters on principle.

I miss Spectacular Spider-Man too, but I wouldn't count Ultimate out. There are some great people working on it.

Response recorded on January 20, 2012

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Thank you for your informative reply on my Betty Brant post. Now, and this is a question I've been pondering for a while, how did you go about your approach to Aunt May?

I love Stan Lee's run on Spidey, but this is one of the few cases where I have to admit that I greatly preferred other writers' takes on the character. Stan's Aunt May was constantly in and out of the hospital... and constantly, dimwitted. I preferred Roger Stern, Tom DeFalco, J.M. DeMatteis, and J. Michael Straczynski's takes on the character.

I can forgive and understand her being overprotective. It's been mentioned later that she had lost a child, and Ben's death was just as traumatic for her as it was for Peter. But what always seemed unreasonable for me was how she thought Dr. Octopus was a good and nice man. She didn't realize that she was being held hostage, that he was a dangerous supervillain, or even that he had these giant metal arms attached to him. And then there was the story where she took him on as a border. I'm not even going to get into that weird story where she almost married him... but that wasn't Stan, that was Gerry Conway.

Your Aunt May, while being protective of Peter, wasn't overprotective to the point of absurdity. And one of my favorite Aunt May scenes was in "Group Therapy" where she stood up to the entire Sinister Six to prevent them from attacking Spidey. And Ock's almost gentlemanly approach insisting that she step aside was, I think, a nice nod to Ock liking her in the comics. I also loved that she never referred to Spidey as "that awful Spider-Man!"

So, what did you think was the core truth of Aunt May? How did you go about interpreting her in your show?

Greg responds...

Our May Parker was a single parent due to a couple of horrible tragedies. That informed how she behaved both in her own life and toward Peter.

We leaned toward making her a little more savvy... but also somewhat unprepared. Uncle Ben did not leave her in a great financial position. (Because if he did, why would Peter constantly need money?) We kept a bit of her naivete, but tossed in some inner strength and acuity, especially when it came to Peter's love life. She could take action (or give solid advice) - not just relative to the Sinister SIx, but more relevantly when it came to some of the ladies in Peter's life: Betty Brant, Mary Jane Watson, Liz Allen and Gwen Stacy.

She wasn't a young woman - certainly older than the parents of most of Pete's friends - but we didn't want to make her ancient. And we figured one trip to the hospital was plenty, i.e. once she had one heart attack, she would begin to take better care of herself.

And since she was always a great cook, we figured she'd build on that when she needed money, which gave us the cookbook that she authored.

Her life did revolve around Peter but wasn't exclusively his. So she had her friend and her theater and her cooking and her work, etc. We just tried to make her a fully realized character.

And... I should give a TON of credit to DEBORAH STRANG (as directed by Jamie Thomason), for truly bringing May to life. Couldn't have done it without her.

Response recorded on December 13, 2011

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Eagle-Owl writes...

I don't know if this would count as spoiler request (please tell me if it is), but had The Spectacular Spider-Man continued and had Pete looking at different colleges, what other colleges (aside from ESU) would he have looked at?

Greg responds...

I don't know. He'd have wound up at ESU though.

Response recorded on December 12, 2011

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Patrick writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman! I'd first like to say that I'm a big fan, and I'm thankful that you take the time to answer all of these questions despite how frustrating it must get at times.

Since I can't think of a non-spoilerific YJ question, here's a Spectacular Spider-man related one: In "Reactions," why did Green Goblin try to kill Otto? Did he know that he was creating another supervillain?

Greg responds...

No, he thought he was getting rid of a witness and weak link.

Response recorded on December 12, 2011

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Out of curiosity, how old was Silver Sable in season two of "Spectacular Spider-Man." She doesn't seem older than thirty... I'm just curious, because if Hammerhead worked for her dad before he went to prison, twelve years prior was she above the age of consent when they had a relationship?

Greg responds...

I don't think so. Which is part of the reason Hammerhead (1) now has a new skull and (2) why he no longer is working for Silvermane.

Response recorded on November 17, 2011

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MasterGandalf writes...

Quick Spec Spidey question- is Silver Sable an albino? I was just wondering because in addition to her white hair, her skin's notably paler than anybody else's (except for Tombstone, who of course *is* albino) and her eyes are an odd pale violet. Not a huge question, I know, but I was just curious.

Greg responds...

I don't think so. And is her hair truly white or platinum blonde?

Response recorded on November 17, 2011

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Antiyonder writes...

Rewatched The Spectacular Spider-Man Season 2 this year, and I have to say that Growing Pains after several more viewings has really grown on me, especially having read many "Spider-Man has been framed" stories.

Now of course whenever said frame up occurs, Peter tends to recall them. But New Yorkers (whether they are civilains or fellow heroes) barely seem to recall that someone like the Chameleon or Mysterio posed as Spider-Man before.

Growing Pains on the other hand takes the more plausible route of having someone question whether Spidey's gone bad. Captain Stacy's comment towards Jonah sums it up: "This isn't the first time that the Bugle got it wrong when a copycat dressed up as the webslinger. Now do you really want to embarrass yourself and your paper! Again?"

Greg responds...

Thanks. We tried as much as possible to play the world consistently and let the many points of view there be voiced.

Response recorded on November 15, 2011

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