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Steve Nunez writes...

I loved your episode of Video wars for the jem series, I was wondering how you and cary bates came up with the storyline, and why you only seem to have written 1 episode for the show? You and Cary also seem to have done a lot together. Will you two be working on future shows? and personally, I think you both rock! :-) Stnp@yahoo.com

Greg responds...

Thanks. Cary & I were writing partners for years, mostly at DC Comics. Nowadays, we still like working together, so I made him a story editor on Gargoyles. And I've had him write scripts for me on that show, plus Starship Troopers & Max Steel.

Basically, if I ever get another show, we'll wind up working together again, most likely.

I'm glad you liked the Jem episode. We only did one, because we were only offered one. I'd have been happy to do more. I'm not too clear (as it's been over 15 years) how we came up with that particular storyline, but I think it was suggested by the bible. Not the premise per se, but it felt like a natural.

Response recorded on March 23, 2004

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Anonymous writes...

I know that it's impossible, but in your opinion, what would happen if there was a cross-over between your two creations Gargoyles and Max Steel? How would the characters react towards each other?

Greg responds...

For starters, credit going where it is due, Max wasn't my creation. I developed the show, but did not create it.

After that, I guess they'd fit together all right. Max is assigned to investigate Gargoyle sightings or something. He's got nano-tech powers. It could be fun.

But it doesn't particularly jazz me.

Response recorded on January 22, 2004

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Kathy writes...

What happened to Max Steel? My sons miss him terribly.

Greg responds...

I don't have an answer for you. I only worked on the first season (the first 13 episodes). They did two more seasons after I left. I thought it was still airing in reruns on cable somewhere, but I'm not sure.

Response recorded on December 15, 2003

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George writes...

So, Greg , what type of series are you currently working on your own besides Gargoyles and Redemption Squad, a.k.a. BAD GUYS, Max Steel, Timedancer and all of those other Gargoyles Spin-offs?

Greg responds...

For starters, of course, Max Steel is not a Gargoyle Spin-Off. It was a show on Kids WB, produced by Sony and based on a toy from Mattel. I developed it and worked on the first season in 1999. Since then, I've had no involvement.

I have never stopped trying to bring back Gargoyles or one of its Spin-Offs in some way, shape or form, but in the meantime I still have to earn a living.

I've worked on a number of shows as a freelancer since Max. A non-comprehensive list would include: 3x3 Eyes (English dub), Atlantis: Milo's Return (direct-to-DVD/Video), The Mummy, Kim Possible, Bionicle: Mask Of Light, etc.

I've also been working more recently for a number of companies in development, including Platinum Studios, Warner Brothers, DAG and Hasbro. (All in addition to various spec projects on my own and with partners that I/we hope to sell some day.) I'd love nothing more than to talk about this stuff, but it's both bad luck and bad business to talk about a project before it's sold.

Finally, most recently, I've been writing for a new Warner Brothers animated series for Story Editor/Producer Duane Capizzi (of "Men in Black" and "Jackie Chan" fame). Again, I'd love to talk about it, but I don't know if Warners has announced the series yet, and I definitely do NOT want to be the guy who let the cat out of the bag.


Response recorded on October 22, 2003

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Cathy writes...

MAX Steel
I am a parent of a 7 yr old boy. My son loves Max Steel and all of sudden the show has been cancelled? I cannot seem to find any infomation on why or what. I was wondering if you could bring me up to speed on what happened? I have done numerous searches and cannot find current information on Max Steel. I do really appreciate the response!


Greg responds...

Well, Cathy, I somehow doubt you're still checking this site for an answer after 19 months. And even if you are, I can't be of much help. I worked on ONLY the first season of Max Steel. I know they did at least two more seasons, but I had no idea that it was still on the air at all. I last saw it this past spring -- what I assume was a rerun on cable.

Anybody else know Max's status?

You might check with the Mattel toy company, who has a vested interest in maintaining fan interest in the property.

Response recorded on August 25, 2003

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Sunny writes...

I was wondering what you could tell me about the Max Steel character?

Greg responds...

Lots, probably. What do you want to know?

Response recorded on August 06, 2003

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Sandrine M writes...

Did you see the second season of Max Steel? Did they respect your ideas? What do you think about Kat, Jo, the two robots dog, the robot cat, the absence of Laura, Berto who goes out of his screen's life, the discovery of Max steel's secret by Pete, the new ennemies... Or did you see nothing and you will never see it?
Personnaly, I found the second season too previsible (we had to see an episode on him (Psyco), on him (the other human robot), on her(Dragonnelle)...Dread went in prison in the first one.It was too fast, he can't stay in prison...and I win again, in the last one, he went out)
A third season is in project?
I noticed too the clothes' mistake in the third episode, before Ricky wrote it on your website.

Greg responds...

I have never seen the second season. They didn't ask me my plans, so any resemblance to what I had in mind is purely coincidental and/or a natural result of things I set up in Season One. It's not likely I'll see that stuff. It would probably just make me nuts.

There was a third season, and I (very) recently saw part of one episode of the third season. It seemed like a very different show. Not bad. Just different.

Response recorded on April 15, 2003

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Ricky writes...

Hi Greg, ever thought about getting Max Steel and Rachel together. Despite you're not with the Max Steel project anymore. Have any thought about what you could've done with the characters?

Greg responds...

Well, in the one season (out of three) that I did work on Max Steel, we did (briefly) get Max and Rachel together. In an episode called Sharks, set in a submarine (or two). They succumbed to emotion, the depths and a lot of sexual attraction and kissed. Then they immediately backed off. Max (or rather Josh) was still in love with Laura. Rachel was conflicted, since she's Max's boss.

I'm not sure where we would have gone long term -- since I left the show before season two.

Just last week, I finally saw one of the episodes I didn't work on. (Up to this point, I'd seen none except my thirteen.) It seemed to be from the third season, and had a very different feel in many ways. Max and 'Berto were still there, though 'Berto was now a field agent. Psycho was still the villain, but he seemed to be operating independently. There was a new girl with Max and 'Berto, and no sign of Rachel, Laura or any of the rest of my supporting cast, unless you count the occasional reference to Jeff -- who didn't appear. I watched a couple acts of it, but then my kids lost interest and changed the channel, and I didn't care enough to change rooms and see the end.

Response recorded on April 04, 2003

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Ricky writes...


Greg responds...

In a word, no.

But who knows? Max Steel is owned (largely if not entirely) by Mattel. Would you count "Barbie in Rapunzel" as a full-length feature? If so, then I suppose it is possible.

Response recorded on February 11, 2003

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Tom Wilson (the voice of Matt Bluestone) is currently recurring on the NBC series Ed, playing a widowered fireman and a potential love-interet for the Molly Hudson character, played by actress Leslie Boone, whom I've also worked with on 3x3 EYES. (Leslie is a very good friend of Thom "Lexington" Adcox.)

I've worked with Tom on most of the series where I had some control over casting, like MAX STEEL and TEAM ATLANTIS. He's one of my absolute favorite performers, and he and Leslie make a very cute couple. He's already been on two episodes. I don't know how long a run he'll get. But I hope he sticks around.

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Ricky writes...

I know the titles from other sites (Max Steel)

Greg responds...

Oh. How did they know?

Response recorded on February 14, 2002

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Ricky writes...

Hi again...

Sorry to hear that the Atlantis project was scrapped, that's terrible news...actually a series like that would've been great to see. Too bad!

Why are all the first episodes of Max Steel titled with "S" names? Was it your idea, any humourous reason?

Greg responds...

My idea. No humorous reason.

The reason in my head was always a bit obscure. I was trying to do something that I never quite achieved. Years later, it's even less clear to me now.

But here's a question... since the titles don't appear on the episodes, how do you know them? From this site?

Response recorded on September 09, 2001

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Blaise writes...

Hi again!

This question actually deals with the credits listing of the series (yeah, I know it seems I have too much time on my hands, but that's beside the point).
Two things about GARGOYLES' credits stood out. The first you already talked about--the writers recieving credit at the beginning of episodes during the first season. The second however I also found to be quite interesting--GARGOYLES actually gave a true cast list. Usually in these Disney shows, when the credits say, "With the Voice Talents of..." they just lump the actors' names together without telling who they played. GARGOYLES was the first Disney animated series I know of (BUZZ LIGHTYEAR did it later) that actually listed both the actors and the characters they played. This enabled me to (when I started taping the episodes and could hit pause) more fully discover just how diverse and talented this cast was. I could recognize names and see if a person played multiple roles, and I was quite pleased.

1) Is there any story behind this, like there was for giving the writers' credit up front?
2) Whatever the case, I'm glad I could know who played who.


Greg responds...

I don't know if this would qualify as a story, but I liked how Batman the animated series listed who played who. It seemed to show more respect for the actors (and as I was a fan of Batman) more respect for the fans who might be VCRing the thing and want to know.

So we followed their lead. And I'm glad we did. I tried to talk SONY into doing that for Starship and/or Max Steel, but they weren't interested.

Response recorded on July 18, 2001

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Ricky writes...

I wonder if you noticed this, in episode 2 of Max Steel, when Rachal and Max were in the dark alley and they encounter 3 dread minnions and Psycho, one scene Max is wearing a dark shirt and blue jeans, he's having fainting spells in this episode remembering how he got his powers, after he regains consciousness he suddenly is wearing his fighting uniform, he didn't power up or anything, then after defeating dread's minnions and Psycho escaping, he's back to wearing the dark shirt and blue jeans again...Can you explain this? Do you know what I'm talking about?

Greg responds...

Well, first off, it's episode THREE: Shadows. Not episode TWO: Sacrifices.

Second off, however, I don't recall there being a mistake here. Are you sure he didn't power up off screen.

At any rate, I can't confirm or deny anything. It's just been too long since I've seen the eps.

Response recorded on July 09, 2001

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Ricky writes...

Thanks for responding to my questions. I've written about four novels, but none of them have been accepted. Maybe it's my style of writting I don't know...but perhaps we can help each other in this matter. Would it be all right if I sent you a story on this web page despite it being against your guidelines...I'd like someone to read it, and since it's about Max Steel I thought you would be the more appropiate person to send it to. Just take a look and if you like it then perhaps we can colabrate on something.

Greg responds...


I appreciate the sincerity of the offer. But I'm afraid I'm not interested for a score of reasons. Here are the main ones:

1. Max Steel generally is a painful topic for me. I'm quite less than anxious to see anyone else's version of that character.

2. I don't know you. You may be a great guy. Or you may be law suit happy. Even if you are the former, if I break my rule for you, than someone else who is law suit happy can claim that sometimes I break my rules and that I must have broken it for him or her.

3. I'm sorry, but I'm not looking for a new collaborator. My brother and I are collaborating on a screenplay. But working with him is like working with my second self. Otherwise, generally, I prefer to gut it out on my own.

Having said all that, I wish you all the best with your work. If writing is your passion, then stick with it.

Response recorded on June 29, 2001

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Andrea L. Marbry writes...

Dear Greg,

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings, but remember when you said that when Max Steel went off the air, you'd reveal YOUR plans for the show? You might want to start to get your notes together. Even though WB has announced that they've committed to a third season, the fact that Max Steel IS NOT on the WB Fall 2001 schedule, coupled with the fact that they ran the last episode of the second season, "Breakout", BEFORE the May 2001 Sweeps, signifies bad news. If the fat lady isn't singing airas, she's definitely warming up....

Greg responds...

The third season will be on Cartoon Network, or so I'm told.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Yttrium writes...

Can you tell us of any particularly amusing/interesting garg reference in either MAX STEEL or 3X3 EYES?


Greg responds...

I can't think of any in max.

There are quite a few in 3x3, including the use of a lot of garg voice talent. For example, Keith David plays a cop and uses his Morgan voice. He also plays a much more startling character. It's a hoot.

There's a homeless guy who hums the gargoyle theme song. I did that voice.

Someone says, "What could be strong enough to leave claw marks in solid stone?"

And so on...

Nothing that didn't TOTALLY fit the context. We didn't want to abuse 3x3 for the sake of Gargoyles. But where it fit, it fit.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Nathan writes...

I can't find info on psycho anywhere! what made him the way he is (I.E. Cyborg)? I really want to know.

Greg responds...

Never revealed that in my 13. Ask Mattel.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Idle Swimmer writes...

I know Mas Steel is still a sensitive subject for you. (Trust me, I can hear it from your tone when you answer some of the questions.) I swear this will be the last question from me. Did they pull you off the show because of the direction you're taking with the Max/Josh-Laura-Rachel relationship triangle?

Greg responds...

Well, though it was always in the development, they clearly came to feel that they didn't like it. So that was one of the reasons. But not the only one. As we had moved past that triangle by the end of my 13th and final episode.

The new triangle I was planning was a Max-Laura-Josh triangle. Which I was mostly going to play for comedy.

And I don't know whether they would have liked it or not. They booted me without ever discussing what they wanted for the second season. Caught me QUITE off guard.

They've claimed I'm a lousy writer. Maybe I am. Max certainly wasn't my best work. But I blame them and they blame me... Etc. It's all very subjective.

Not fun, huh?

(Can't believe I said all that. No wonder I can't get a job.)

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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General writes...

How did Josh McGrath turn into Max Steel exsactly?

Greg responds...

He activated the Max-Probes in his body and clothes.

Response recorded on May 09, 2001

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Ricky Stewart writes...

Ricky here again,
Max Steel is an **AWESOME** character! I'm almost finished my Max Steel story. Do I have your permission to post it on the internet, or would you like to read it first since you are the creator? Pointers? rickystewart2001@yahoo.ca

Greg responds...

A) I wasn't the creator.

B) I don't read fanfiction EVER.

C) I have nothing to do with Max Steel anymore.

D) I can't give you permission to do anything regarding the character.

E) But I'm glad you like him.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Ricky Stewart writes...

Hi Ricky here,
This is not a request for employment, but a plea for a chance to break into the business. I'm a writer and I'd like to write a novel. Can you help me?
P.S. How did you come up with Max Steel. Awesome character. Sorry you're no longer involved.

Greg responds...

I'd like to write a novel too. Can YOU help ME?

And I didn't come up with Max. Mattel did. I just developed the character.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Maxy Steel writes...

I just keep rollin' them out, don't I?

1. From the episode "Scions," who played the voices of Jim and Molly McGrath, and Marco Nathanson?

Thanks for putting up with me, and catch ya later! Luv ya all!
-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

Honestly, I don't remember. They're names would be listed in the credits. If you gave me a list of the actors names, I could tell you who played who.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Bruno writes...

Hi, Greg,

I was thinking: Im Max Steel and Starship Troopers, you worked with old garg fellows: Michael Reaves, Lygia Marano, Cary Bates... You invited them or was it a case of great professionals hired to work togheter?

Greg responds...

On those shows specifically, I invited them. If you find good writers, you try to work with them over and over.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Maureen writes...

As you may know, Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot is currently being re-aired (heh, mostly aired for the first time, 'cause they only showed 6 eps in Fall '99) by Fox. You wrote the second ep, "Out of Whack", with the rather scary subplot of Rusty being afraid he'd get turned to scrap in
"the grinder". You also introduced the Legion Ex Machina, their mole Dr. Gilder/Number Six, and picked a pretty darn cool (and gutsy!) way for Rusty to save the day. Any thoughts on this episode?

Also, are you related to Marlowe Weisman, who also wrote for Big Guy and Rusty?

Nosily yours....

Greg responds...

I know Marlowe, but no, we are not related. I am related to Jon Weisman, my brother, who has also written scripts for Men In Black, Starship Troopers, Max Steel, Hercules and So Weird.

As for "Out of Whack", most of the credit for that episode, and that series, should go to Producer/Story Editor Duane Capizi. The Legion Ex Machina was his idea. And my version of it was very different. Duane rewrote me quite a bit, actually.

But the basic telling of the story is mine. And I thought it was kind of fun. Originally, I was supposed to write a number of Rusty episodes. But then I wound up doing Max Steel instead. Oh, well.

Response recorded on March 29, 2001

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