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13LuckyWishes writes...

Is the bioship originally Megan's or did J'onn give it to her after they got to earth? If the former is true, did she sneak it onto his own ship when she stowed away?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Anon writes...

Does it ever bother you that Young Justice is compared to Teen Titans a lot?

I mean, I loved Teen Titans as a kid, but I personally don't see much resemblance between the two shows other than the fact that they're DC heroes, and I think Young Justice is just brilliant.

Greg responds...

It doesn't seem like it is anymore. At least not here on this site.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Robin John Blake writes...

Who was Thomas Wayne father and was Thomas Wayne killed in 80's?

Greg responds...

1. I haven't done research on that.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. How long has Ray Palmer been active as the Atom?
2. How long has Plasticman been actives as a crime fighter?
3. How long has Blue Devil been active as a crime fighter?
4. How long was Zatara active as a crimefighter before he became Doctor Fate?
5. How long has Martian Manhunter been active as a crime fighter?

Greg responds...

1. Seven years before Team Year Zero.

2. Ditto.

3. Since June of Team Year Zero.

4. Twelve years before Team Year Zero.

5. Eight years before Team Year Zero.

NOTE: These dates relate to when they started fighting crime, not to when the public became aware of them fighting crime.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. How long has John Stewart been active as a Green Lantern?
2. How long has Guy Gardner been active as a Green Lantern?
3. How long has Black Canary been active as a crime fighter?
4. When did Wonder Woman return to being a crime fighter during the modern age?
5. How long has Hawkman and Hawkwoman been active as crime fighters?

Greg responds...

1. Three years before Team Year Zero.

2. Well, this is more complicated. Guy first became a Green Lantern seven years before Team Year Zero. Then came the coma. Guy then emerged from his coma in March of Team Year Zero.

3. Three years before Team Year Zero.

4. Nine years before Team Year Zero.

5. Six years before Team Year Zero.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

You mentioned Roy lost his parents, was he stilled raised on a reservation before being taken in by Ollie on Earth-16?

Greg responds...

There are a couple of different Speedy origins from the old, old comics. We'd probably combine them both - and maybe add something newer - but I haven't worked it all out yet, honestly.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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pupz writes...

Hi Greg!
If Superboy was made to be a replacement for Superman, why
would the scientists make him while knowing that he's only going to be half as powerful and therefore a poor replacement.
The fact Conner is half human means that his creators must of (logically) known that he'd
be a "inferior" version of Superman - So why bother?

The whole point of the cloning in the first place was to create a "Match" for Superman as Luthor put it, hence that psycho character called Match. When that failed, didn't settling for a downsized version defeat the purpose of the experiments in the first place?

In the comics, if was all justified by stating that the main goal of the scientists was just to unlock a dormant kryptonian ability (telekinesis) in Conner, but in your show that's not the case.

So what was their justification?

Thanks for answering our questions. :)

Greg responds...

This has been answered by the show itself. Clearly you saw the episode with Match, so I don't understand your confusion. They tried making a clone as powerful as Superman, but they couldn't control it. So they tried again. (The phrase "poor replacement" is your term, by the way, not one that I - or I think the Light - would subscribe to.) How does settling on a combined Superman/Luthor clone defeat any purpose, even knowing Project Kr wouldn't be as powerful as Project Match? I just don't follow your logic. You're assuming we live in a world of absolutes, and we don't. It's like saying, hey, I want a car that gets 100 miles to the gallon. And the engineers say, sorry, the best we can do is 85, and you say - well, then forget it, I don't want a car at all.

My response: enjoy your walk.

[Oh, and if the point of this post was really to get me to admit that we made a mistake by not including Conner's tactile telekinesis from the original comics, than (a) you're breaking one of our guidelines (specifically #13) and (b) you've failed, as WE LIKE OUR SHOW. (And personally, I don't much care for tactile telekinesis.)]

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. Is Aqualad stronger then the average atlantean because he is an atlantean/human hybrid?
2. Do other atlanteans have telepathy with marine animals like Aquaman has?
3. Why can't Aquaman communicate with other sea animals telepathically?
4. Is there a difference biologically in an atlantean/human hybrid if the father was an atlantean and mother was a human as opposed to a human father and atlantean mother?
5. How many city states and other form of governments are there in Atlantis?

Greg responds...

1. Why does that follow?

2. Aquaman has telepathy with marine MAMMALS.

3. Reverse the question: Why should he be able to?

4. I'd think every individual would be unique. But I'm not a trained biologist.

5. I haven't counted.

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

how old is selena gonzalez?

Greg responds...

You'd have to ask Art & Franco.

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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lLight writes...

After season one, I figured Roy's serious personality might have been influenced by his programming. After seeing the original Roy, it is clear Roy has always been like that. Since Jim Harper is also a clone of the original Roy, my first question is this:

1) What is the reason for the personality difference between The two Roys and Jim Harper?

2) Was Jim Harper programmed to be a different hero?

3) In Season one, Jim explained to Superboy that he was Roy's uncle. It seems that this was programmed into him. Was this programmed into Red Arrow? In other words, did Roy know about his "relation" to Jim?

4) If Jim Harper were to pick up a bow and arrow, would he be a good archer?

5) Was Aqualad the only person on the Team who would know where Roy was hiding in the final episode of Season one?

Greg responds...

1. You see Roy after waking up from an eight year deep-freeze to find his arm amputated and a clone has taken over his life, and you think that gives you some indication of what he was like personality-wise back in the day? Seriously?

2. Well... yeah... (Is this a trick question?)

3. Yes.

4. Not without any training at all.

5. Do you mean before Aqualad found him there or after?

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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Black Manta Fan writes...

1) What is Black Manta's civilian name?

2) What is the reason for his animosity towards Aquaman?

3) Is there a reason why you gave Black Manta a sophisticated persona? He strikes me as a high class villain, like Luthor. In the comics, he just seems like an angry guy.

4) I gotta admit, Black Manta has a handsome face. Who takes credit for this design?

5) How close were Black Manta and Calvin Durham before Durham's defection?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know.


3. We played him the way he made sense to us to play him.

4. Phil Bourassa.

5. Close.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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ArrowFamilyLove writes...

Hi, Greg,
Young Justice is the greatest show I've ever seen!
I'm so loving it and especially the arrow family. Though they are not the main characters, oh, sorry Artemis is. But I can see you put a great effort and many important plot on Speedy/Red Arrow (the clone Roy), and also Green Arrow and the Original Roy. Thank you very much.
I have to tell you I love Roy so so so much, and I started an archery lesson recently.
And then I found some interesting question about Roy's guise of Red Arrow.

When I learned to shoot an arrow, I have to wear an arm protector on my left arm, which is holding the bow. Because when I release the string, it would scrape over the left arm sometimes. it hurts a lot so as I need a protector. I'm not sure if the master archer also need the protector or not, but it seems even professional archer also use that kind of protector.

And then I found Roy's gloves, one is short and one is long. The long glove looks like an arm protector or have that kind of function, you know, protect the inside skin of the arm not to be scraped by the string. But then I found it's on the right arm. And Roy is using his left hand to hold the bow, I checked almost every episode in season1, Artemis sometimes using right hand, but Roy always using left hand.
So if he really want to protect his arm, he should wear that long glove on his left hand. Wearing on right hand is meaningless except good looking.

Here is the question:
Is it some design mistake? Because if I didn't go to archery, I also didn't know we need an arm protector on the hand we use to hold the bow.
Or is it because Roy always has a rush morning and wearing the wrong gloves on wrong hand? ( like we sometimes wearing wrong sock on different feet)
Or he's so good at shooting and won't let the string scraping his arm or he don't care, so he just wearing the unsymmetrical gloves for stylish looking? (I can understand and that's really cool and good looking! )

And one more things, for the method to draw a string.
the standard method I learned is using 3 fingers. Index finger upon the arrow, middle finger and ring finger under the arrow.
Most of the time I found Roy or Ollie only use 2 finger, index finger up and middle finger down.
That looks natural and it's a variation of the method above, but it's harder to draw a string and give more strain to the finger and less people using this. I just hope Roy's finger won't hurt too much after a battle when he keep using 2 finger.
There are some other draw you could refer to if you want to, here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bow_draw
That's interesting and explained why people using this kind of method.

Okay, I think that's all I want to ask, another question about Roy is already in the queue so I won't ask again.
Thank you for giving us such a great show. I'm waiting for the return of DC Nation next January. And also waiting for the 3rd season.
(If could, I wish it could has a net platform, like nickelodeon. There would get much more fans who would love this show, because as far as I know YJ have a world wide fandom and I think most would like to see a live on the net. not waiting for the itunes. But, I don't know CN or agreements between WB and CN, so... who am I to say? Just wish YJ have a good broadcast way and please do not always put on hiatus... That's really a torture.)

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I don't know the answers to these questions.

And I assume you know that the hiatuses are not up to me.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1) Are Dick, Wally, and Artemis fans of the show Celebrity Hockey, or were they just watching it because there was nothing good on TV?

2) What is that show about, exactly? Is it like Dancing with the Stars, but with hockey?

3) Has Bruce Wayne ever been asked to appear in an episode of Celebrity Hockey? If so, did he accept?

(PS: no show makes me screech in emotional agony quite like Young Justice, so thank you and everyone else for doing a great job!!)

Greg responds...

1. What's not to like?

2. It's like hockey. But with celebrities.


(P.S. You're welcome.)

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Mark B. writes...

I loved the Gorilla City story in the YJ comics. Regarding those enhanced gorillas:

1) Did all the enhanced gorillas become telepaths, or just some?
2) While it appears they haven't been subjected to Kobra-Venom (and who would want super-strong hostages?), were the gorilla children given brain enhancements?

Thanks for taking the time for these questions.

Greg responds...

1. All.

2. It's more complicated than you're implying, but SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Mark B. writes...

I'd like to ask a few YJ questions that I really hope don't come across the wrong way. They're just a few things I've noticed that may be errors/unclear (or just me being oblivious). Obviously I love the show and the comics, and think you and your team do a great job.

1) In "Bereft", Robin says the soldiers are of the Bialyan Republican Army, but Bialya is a monarchy. Is that an error or was Bialya formerly a republic (or something even more complicated)?

2) In "Common Denominators", after the Cultists abducted Dr. Burr, hitting Robin in the process, Batman asks Robin if he's okay. Robin responds "Feeling the aster. But fine." Shouldn't that be "Not feeling the aster. But fine." or am I misinterpreting 'aster'?

In "Depths", in the scene in the Cave at the end, we hear crying-in particular it sounds to me like male and female crying. Though it looks to me as though Raquel, and perhaps Karen, were crying none of the male characters appeared to be.
3a) Who was crying?
3b) In general, how do you write scenes like this, where you have a number of characters but only a few are seen up close and/or have lines? Does the script detail the reactions for each or is there just a general description of the group's reaction and the details are left to storyboarding/animation?

Can't wait for #23 and the return of the show. Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

1. Bialya is - in theory - a constitutional monarchy, with a democratically elected REPRESENTATIVE government. (Though in practice, it's a dictatorship.) Because of this, propaganda is used throughout Bialyan society, and names don't necessarily reflect truth.

2. No, you're right. That's an error. Robin must have been more addled than he realized.

3a. I think only M'gann is crying out loud. At least that's how it is in the script (and in my memory). But I don't have the finished episode handy to check.

3b. There's no set rule.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Jordan Wade writes...

Was earth 16 version of Lex Luthor based off of the golden age version of Lex Luthor?

Greg responds...

I'm sure he was the cumulative combination of all the Lexs that came before. But specifically? No.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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gaiachild writes...

It isn't really much of a question, but all in all, I just wanted to say "Thank you". Thank you for all the high quality shows you produced that enriched my childhood and still give me intelligent and gripping entertainment in my favorite media, animated shows, as an adult.
Most off all, I also wanted to express my admiration for your resolve. While privately I may often joke bitterly about the "Weisman curse" whenever one of your shows gets unfairly canceled way too soon despite (arguably) having the best quality in the entire program. You will always have my gratitude for continuing to produce great shows despite all the stones placed in your way.

As for questions:
1. If you had the means to, would you do a Young Justice/Gargoyles Crossover?
2. Sorry to bring up this unfairly missed opportunity gain, but if you had remained on the staff for "The Roswell Conspiracies", do you think that show would at some point crossed over with Gargoyles?
3. In the spirit of question one, do you think Demona would make a good Red Lantern?

In any case, once again, thank you. Thank you for raising the quality and complexity of the already great W.I.T.C.H. cartoon, thank you for producing the best animated Spider-Man series to date, thank you for bringing Starshiptroopers to the screen in the way it should have been in the first place, thank you for doing such a great job with Max Steel, thank you for doing a huge part in keeping animated DC material extremely high quality, especially at the moment, and of course, thank you for Gargoyles, probably my favorite franchise ever, and I am rooting for you to one day get it back and do more wonders with it.

Greg responds...

1. I don't think so. Maybe as a radio play. But I don't see the two universes as being particularly compatible.

2. No. Two different companies.

3. See, this kinda thing doesn't interest me much. If you think so, great.

Thanks for all your kind words.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Guy writes...

Are the light is kind of secret society

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Guy writes...

What made the asteroid of the justice league wtachtower

Greg responds...

What made the asteroid? I dunno. God? Physics?

If you want to know more about the Watchtower, look here: http://brandonvietti.blogspot.com/

Brandon did a substantial post about it.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Just A Nightwing/Oracle Fan writes...

Sorry, I forgot to ask you.

In the episode Coldhearted, when Batman was assigning them on the mission, is my ears deceiving me, or did the BATMAN just sigh? It's just shocking if he did. From what I know, Batman never sighs.

Greg responds...

If we're talking about the same moment, we called it an "<annoyed exhale>" in the script. But I'm not sure where you got the idea that Batman NEVER sighs.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Just A Nightwing/Oracle Fan writes...

I've got a few questions... hope you don't mind.
1. In the episode Before The Dawn, you know the scene where Batgirl passes Bumblebee to Nightwing and said that he needed to make a fast exit? Yeah, is that really happening in the comics? Cause if it did, I'd like to read the issue.

2. When did Miss Martian started making people into catatonic states? I'm curious.

3. In the episode Homefront in season 1, was Barbara jealous? At least a little spark of Dick/Babs.

Oh, and representing some other authors and myself from FanFiction.Net who likes Nightwing and Batgirl, we are very thrilled that you made Batgirl hold Nightwing's hand. Just that scene, and we're jumping.

Greg responds...

1. I don't know what you mean. It happened on screen. Obviously, you saw it. So...

2. On screen, during Season One.

3. Yes.

4. I honestly don't know what scene you're referring to.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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btgr writes...

In YJ, who was created first? Superheroes or the unarmed Metropolitan Police Service

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Sowmya writes...

I was wondering how old Dick Grayson was when Bruce became his ward?

Greg responds...

That never happened. Bruce is too old to be Dick's ward.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If Klarion is a Lord of Chaos how does he maintain long term goals or relationships? Such things would seem to fly in the face of the concept that he the lord of(or a physical representation of)

Greg responds...

Teekl helps keep him on track, more or less. There's a little order in all chaos, and a little chaos in all order.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Mark B. writes...

Hi, I'd like to ask a few Wolf related questions, if I may.

In the wild gray wolves live for around 8-13 years (a bit more in captivity). Since Wolf appeared to be the leader of his pack in "Alpha Male" (the title being a hint!), that would suggest he was a fully grown adult (3+ years) at the time. That would mean Wolf would be physically quite old by Season Two, but he doesn't appear to have aged.

1) How old is Wolf?
2a) Does Wolf not show his age and/or have an extended lifespan as a result of the Brain's experiments on him?
2b) If yes, is the same true of humans or other animals enhanced with Kobra-Venom?

In this interview (http://www.aquamanshrine.com/2012/09/aquaman-shrine-interview-with-greg.html) you mentioned that Wolf was Earth-16's version of Krypto, and that you considered naming him Krypto. That would seem to imply there is no "real" Kryptonian Krypto. But in "Alpha Male", when KF suggested that name, M'gann said it was taken.

3) Is there a Krypto on Earth-16? If not, what was M'gann referring to?

4) Was Wolf linked into the telepathic simulation in "Failsafe", or was he just in the room?

Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

1. Well, by your own calculations, he's at least eight or nine - assuming we buy into your calculations.

2a. We'll have to wait and see.

2b. We'll have to wait and see.


3a. She didn't SAY it was taken, she ASKED if it was taken.

4. He was not linked.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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IF writes...

I have two questions about the T.O. Morrow:
1.How old was he when you created your android?
2.In 2016 he alive?
I have two questions about the hawks:
3. How old is Hawkman?
4. Why the name of Shayera is Shayera Thal, not Shayera Hol, since she is married with Kater Hol?
They have children, or protege?
Thanks for your time. I love YJ hopefully have a third and fourth season, and why not a fifth?

Greg responds...

1. All this can be inferred by comparing his age to the ages of his androids. If you don't feel like looking up the ages here and doing the math, I recommend checking out the Young Justice wiki, where they have, in essence, done the work for you: http://youngjustice.wikia.com/wiki/Young_Justice_Wiki


3. By the end of Season One, Hawkman was 39.

4. You're assuming the customs on Thanagar are the same as on Earth?

4a. They have no children, which I'm only answering because it's dead obvious.


5. Why not?

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

This may seem like a strange question, but does Aqualad dye his hair? I was looking at a picture I was referencing for something I'm making, and I noticed his hair and eyebrows are two different colors. And everyone says that's a sign that people dye their hair.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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Nicole writes...

Troll means to purposely do something mean for your own enjoyment. When people on this site call you a troll, they pretty much mean that they love the emotional roller coster you put them in when they watch Young Justice. I noticed on some responses that you became frustrated wen people called you a troll. Just wanted you to know that you're amazing and thank you for bringing us Young Justice. Congrats to you and your team! :)

Greg responds...

Hmmm. I thought to troll meant to try to create strife - which I do NOT think that I do. I also don't think I'm ever trying to be mean, certainly not with the show and not even on this site. I can get mischievous. I can be a smartass. And, God knows, I can get annoyed as hell. But I still don't see how any of that rises to the level of trolling. So thanks for the kind words, but I still object to the term being applied to me.

Response recorded on December 13, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Surely this would not be a spoiler question, but if it is, I apologize. When Garth and Tula joined the Team, did they wear their outfits from Downtime/ comic appearances, or something different?

Greg responds...

They wore the outfits you've seen.

Response recorded on December 13, 2012

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GH writes...

Is Wally a Harry Potter fan?

Greg responds...

I'd think so.

Response recorded on December 13, 2012

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Argy writes...

I was watching an episode of Justice League a while ago; in it, Martians look vastly more humanoid in their natural forms than YJ's do.
If you haven't answered this already, would you mind telling what the design process was for the Martians' natural forms?
Thanks! And thanks for bring us this show; it's what got me back into superheroes.

Greg responds...

The designs were Phil Bourassa and Brandon Vietti's take on the White Martian source material. We just then applied it to ALL Martians. In short, we needed Miss M to look monstrous enough that we would understand her reluctance to reveal her true form.

Response recorded on December 13, 2012

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IF writes...

1.How old is Mister Freeze?
2.How old is Amanda Spence?
3.How old is Red Tornado?

Greg responds...

1. By the end of Season One, Mister Freeze is 50.

2. By the end of Season One, Amanda is 23.

3. By the end of Season One, Red Tornado is 62.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Claire writes...

Do you have a twitter account? Do you know Brandon Vietti does?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

how do you describe yjwiki as a resource and fan site? what would you change/improve there?

Greg responds...

If you're talking about this site:


...then it seems pretty great to me.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

From all the VAs, Jesse McCartney is arguably the most famous/popular. How is it to work with him?

Greg responds...

A pleasure.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Connor writes...

Hi Greg! I wanted to ask about your methods of storytelling. For adapted shows like The Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice, you seem to have planned out certain events and arcs in advance and seem to include nothing if you aren't going to follow up on it later. Do you have a personal set of rules or guidelines for when you work on projects like these?

Greg responds...

It's no different on any project. We try to plan as much in advance as possible, while still leaving ourselves open to discoveries along the way.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Esteban writes...

Hey Greg, I have a question regarding Young Justice.

We all know that Superman and Batman are allies and such but there are some works that treat their relationship differently. In your take with Young Justice are they best friends or just respected teammates? I know they have some type of kind relationship sense they talked to each other at a restaurant.

Greg responds...

They're good friends.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Jonathan writes...

1.Does superboys invulnerability apply to his hair and fingernails and if so how does he trim them? I was curious because you mentioned that they gave him a haircut to disquise him as tommy terror and i was curious as to how that happened. In the Golden Age it was established that superman used his heat vision to do these tasks but seeing as how Conner doesn't have heat vision it makes me even more curious.
2.Are there any chemicals that are harmless to humans but could mess with the body functions of the four flavors of aliens? Is this to broad of a question cause I feel like both of these are a bit supeerfluous.

Greg responds...

1. They're not as invulnerable as the rest of him, but they're stronger than human hair.

1a. Heat vision isn't the be-all end-all in cutting implements.

2. I don't know. Maybe.

2a. You feel like both these questions are a bit superfluous but you posted them anyway? Why?

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Hila writes...

You hinted before that Klarion has memory problams by saying that he know something (I'm don't remember what it was) but if he remembers or not is a different question.
1. Does he have memory problams?
2. If he does than is that because he is a lord of chaos?
3. Does his memory works in a different way than ours (like Starfire's in the new 52)? If so how is it different and how does it work?
4. If he doesn't have memory problams (and by this I mean that his memory works in a different way than us, humans) what did you mean by your comment?

Greg responds...



3. I have no knowledge of Starfire's memory in the New 52, but as for Klarion - ASKED AND ANSWERED.



Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Colton writes...

You recently stated that only robin aqualad kid flash red arrow and rocket were the only public figures on the original team,so my question is,do batman and the justice league necessarily want to keep the others a secret?or is it just that the young heroes don't really advertise their existence?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I got into an argument with my boyfriend the other day that I'd like your opinion on: is the Joker really crazy? I say no, because he always says he's crazy and acknowledges that what he is doing is crazy. So if he knows that he is insane then he can't be, because people who are truly insane don't know they're insane; they think they're sane and everybody else is nuts. Like Two-Face, I think he's seriously off his rocker because he honestly believes he's administering justice by flipping a coin. The Young Justice version was a little different since he tried to kill all of them because their mission failed...but what's your personal take on the character?

Greg responds...

I think he's insane, and I think you're statement that as long as someone admits he or she is crazy, then he or she can't be, is, frankly, a bit silly if you take it to its absolute extreme. So... I guess I agree with your boyfriend.

But I will say, the two of you argue about fun stuff.

Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

Today's posting is in regards to Batman's and Alfred's past prior to the events of Young Justice. Here are my questions below:

#1 - Obviously we know that Bruce Wayne uses the bat as an inspiration in his war against crime, but the way he discovers this inspiration is done differently in various media. In one example, the Christopher Nolan films, Bruce gained his inspiration from the time he fell in the well as a child and ended up in a cave filled with bats. In another example, the graphic novel "Batman: Earth One," Bruce discovers this inspiration when he sees a statue of a Japanese samurai wearing a bat-like mask. In comparison with other media, how did Bruce Wayne discover his inspiration (the bat) to become Batman on Earth-16?

#2 - I'm under the impression that shortly after Bruce Wayne started his career as Batman, he was probably initially regarded as vigilante, an urban myth, and other things by the people of Gotham City before he was accepted as a hero. Can you please confirm whether this is true or not on Earth-16? If it turns out to be true, then how many years did it take before he was acknowledged for his good deeds by the people of Gotham City?

#3 - Batman has a large rouges gallery on his list; and that's true in ANY parallel DC universe. On Earth-16, which particular villains from Batman's rouges gallery has always given him a considerable amount of trouble (in terms of challenging him to the peak of both his physical and mental limits at the same time) and why? I'm asking this particular question because if you think about, every villain in Batman's rouges gallery challenges his limits very differently (sometimes it's his physical limits being tested, other times it's his mental limits, and sometimes it's BOTH of them).

#4 - Before his parents were murdered, what did the young Bruce Wayne wanted to be when he became an adult? In other words, what kind of career did Bruce wanted to pursue before his life was tragically changed forever as a result of Joe Chill's actions?

#5 - Before being employed by the Wayne family and working for them as a butler, did Alfred had a previous job occupation? If so, can you please tell us what it was and what exactly did he do in his previous job?

Thanks for taking the time to read my questions,

Greg responds...



3. That's way too subjective a question for me to answer.

4. He was eight-years-old. He might have wanted to be a pirate for all I know.


Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I'm confused here. If the years on the timestamps as indicated on Young Justice issue #20 are correct, then it seems that the entirety of Season One took place during Year Zero. The present day events of the issue indicate that 2015 is Year Five. If that is true, would Season Two technically be Year Six in 2016? Also, If Young Justice: Legacy takes place one year before Season Two, would that be Year Five or Year Four?

Greg responds...

As I've said before, all attempts to LOCK in a real world year are fruitless. If it pleases you or other fans to regard Team Year Zero as 2010, I can't stop you, and it should fit most (though not necessarily all) calculations.

But, yes, all of Season One of Young Justice takes place during Team Year Zero - except for the occasional flashback and the last couple minutes of "Auld Acquaintance, which take place during the early hours of Team Year One.

Season Two, i.e. Young Justice: Invasion (with the exception of the occasional flashback and the occasional flashforward to Bart's home era), all takes place during Team Year Six.

The action - though not all of the backstory - of Young Justice Legacy, all takes place during Team Year Five.

Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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fan21 writes...

Why couldn't Miss Martain or Psimon sense each other in Beneath like they did in image

Greg responds...

Ultimately, they did. But keep in mind in "Image" she was looking for him, and the very act of that registered. In "Beneath", neither were expecting - let alone searching - for each other.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Demi writes...

Hi Greg, thank you for taking time from your free time to answer questions for the fans. As a kid I was a big fan of Gargoyles and I still think it's amazing. I also watched W.I.T.C.H. but my questions are for your show Young Justice which I am currently obsessed with.
1.How did Artemis know so much about the League of shadows since she obviously didn't know that her sister was working with them and that she was the assassin Cheshire.(mentioned in Infiltrator).
2. Were Sportsmaster or Paula ever involved with the shadows before Paula was sent to prison?
2a.Did Sportsmaster get Artemis involved with the shadows in any way?
2b. Was Sportsmaster involved with the shadows before Artemis joined the team?
I'm really sorry if these are spoiler requests

Greg responds...

1. She was educated on the basics by her father.

2. Yes.

2a. Are you counting the company picnic?

2b. Yes.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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anonymous writes...

dear greg, i have a few questions about YJ (which is an amazing show) concerning Artemis.
I read in another question that you answered, that before the official decision for who the mole was, you initially suggested Artemis.
1. How do you think the story would have changed if Artemis was the mole instead of Roy?
2.Would Artemis be a mole from free will or would she have been forced to, or would she think she had to because she believed that she belonged with her family even though she didn't want to? OR would she have been a clone?(By the way, I know that all this would have needed planning with you and Brandon but these questions are to what you would want to have happened if Artemis was the mole)
2a. Would Artemis become a villain at the end of season 1 or help the team and regret her mistakes?
sorry for the long questions and I hope I'm not wasting your time. Thank you!

Greg responds...

Where did you read that? Not here. And it's not true.

1. I'm not interested in those kind of hypotheticals. (How many times can I say that.)

2. Again, the premise of your question is based on a fallacy.

2a. Ditto.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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andrews luiz writes...

what are the powers of the hawkwoman? she can talk to birds and give sonic screams?

Greg responds...

Neither. She can fly and fight and has access to some advanced Thanagarian tech.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Riyan writes...

Hi Greg,
I love Young Justice very much, thank you for this great show.
Here is my question, in YJ comic book #5 and #6, the team have a camp and told the story of why they become young heroes. I appreciate these plot. But I found there is no story of how Roy became Speedy and when did he met GA and why did he became his partner. I'm really curious about it.
Hope this is not a spoiler question, somehow I don't think it would be.

Greg responds...

Well, of course it is.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Bob writes...

In Performance, did you know that in one of the what was supposed to be Dick Grayson in the flashbacks was actually Bruce in The Batman?

In fact, all the flashbacks of Robin were from The Batman.

Is Young Justice and The Batman in the same continuity.

Greg responds...

1. What flashbacks are you talking about? The only one I can think of is the one in the Cave where Robin is giving a mission briefing, and that certainly was NOT Bruce, nor was it from The Batman.

2. I really don't think so.

3. No.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Do you feel like each episode more or less features one character more than the others?

Greg responds...

No. Some do this. But most have a mix.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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