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Charles writes...

I don’t believe this first question constitutes a spoiler, though the second might.
1) You’ve stated that the chairman/chairwoman of the Justice League is elected by a majority of the League. 1a)Does a chairman serve a term? 1b)if so, how long is the term? 1c)Or do they serve until such time as they resign/the League prefers new leadership?

2) Vandal Savage’s view of encouraging the evolution of the human race can be morally ambiguous, with him acting for the betterment of humanity often at the expense of individuals and smaller groups. This seems to have placed him as both a hero and as a villain at various points in history. Do you think his quest to advance the human race would have allied him with the Allies or the Axis powers in WWII?

To clarify, I’m not stating that Nazi Germany’s genocides would have improved the human race, however, from where I sit, I can see Savage either ignoring the plight of a minority race to strengthen the rest, or opposing the extermination of a race because of the potential that may be lost among their dead. With these two conflicting potentials in a morally horrible decision, I was hoping you might offer clarity into Savage’s character, but I understand if that clarity would cause a spoiler reveal.

Greg responds...

1. They normally serve for a year. Sometimes, as with Jeff this time out, they are reelected to a second term. Most choose not to serve more than one or two years in a row.

2. No spoilers.

3. See my answer to 2.

Response recorded on May 19, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Is Bonnie King related to Arthur King (Merlyn)? Or do they simply share the same last name?

Greg responds...

You don't even really have confirmation that either of these characters are in the show. And you certainly don't have conformation of Merlyn's real name in the show. That renders your question fairly moot if not spoilery. Sorry.

Response recorded on May 17, 2022

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Deon Nzembe writes...

Hello Greg! How are you doing? I'm Deon from Kenya and a big fan of your show Young Justice. I've been watching it since i was 8 during the Cartoon Network days and 11 years later I'm still watching it (grateful for season 4). During the lockdown last year (2020) I would rewatch the series,read the comics and browse through here and the wiki to a point where i can call myself an expert on this show (that and also the fact that i think that I'm the only African fan of YJ)
So here's my question(s):
1. Could you please share your notes on the Watchtower's layout, the league members who live there and who does the maintenance?
2. As of Phantoms, how hold is Tim, Wondergirl and Beast Boy?
3. What basis did you guys use when designing wondergirl's original suit as well as her new one in sn4?
4. Apart from the renewal of sn5, is there anything the fandom could do to get new companion-comics that fill in the blank spaces here and there?
5. How does the Justice League work as an independent organisation. Like where do they get finances and stuff like that?
6. Lastly, i would like to know why Tim left the Team and joined the Outsiders?
That's it for me. I would like to say thanks to you, Brandon and the rest of the team responsible for this beautiful show. Its been a really big part of this teenager's life, thanks a lot and have a nice day.

Greg responds...

Hey Deon! Hope you're not the ONLY African fan, but we're glad to have you. Now, you asked WAY more than 5 questions, which is our maximum per post. I mean, you've numbered six yourself. And frankly, each numbered question is really multiple questions. Normally, if someone takes this much advantage of the system, I reject the entire post. But I'll give you a break. THIS TIME. Fair warning, if you do it again.

1. I don't have any notes on the Watchtower layout.

1a. No one lives there. I'm sure there are a couple of suites that a person can crash in, if necessary. But it has no permanent residents.

1b. Uh...

2. Tim Drake was born in 2001.

2a. Cassie Sandsmark was born in 2001.

2b. Garfield Logan was born in 2002.

3. I'm not sure what you mean by "basis". Phil Bourassa designed her original outfit with input from Brandon Vietti and myself. I seem to recall that Phil wanted to give her a sporty look.

3a. We felt Wonder Girl (two words) was due for a costume update by Season Four, and her new suit was designed by Dou Hong and/or Jerome Moore and/or Austin Reinkens, with input from Brandon and I. This version felt a little more grown-up to us.

4. Our new companion comic book six-issue limited series, Young Justice: Targets, will premiere this summer (2022). If fans buy it, i.e. vote with their wallets, it seems likely that DC might want to make more.

5. They are a chartered United Nations organization. They therefore get some funding from the U.N. and some from private donations. I hear the Wayne Foundation is a major donor.

6. I've answered this before. Robin had been a public hero in Dick's days. Tim felt it was time that Robin be an inspirational public hero again.

Thank you for watching, Deon!

Response recorded on May 17, 2022

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Matt Itelson writes...

How many people have piloted the Bio-Ship?

Greg responds...

I haven't counted. And I don't feel like attempting a count. Sorry.

Response recorded on May 16, 2022

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Family writes...

When did Eric Needham become Black Spider?
When did Leonard Snart become Captain Cold?
When did George Harkness become Captain Boomerang?
When did Albert Michaels become Atomic Skull?
When did Teth-Adam become Black Adam?

Greg responds...

1. 2009.

2. 2001.

3. 1996.

4. 2006.

5. 1276 B.C.E.

Response recorded on May 16, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Since the word "Marvel" can no longer be used in Earth-16, and Captain Marvel is now identified as Shazam, does that mean...

A. The Marvel Family is now addressed as the Shazam Family like in the New 52?

B. Lieutenant Marvel (Freddy Freeman) is now addressed as Shazam, Jr. like in the New 52?

C. Sergeant Marvel (Mary Bromfield) is now addressed as Lady Shazam like in the New 52?

Greg responds...

A. I suppose. Haven't really thought about it. So far, we haven't been asked to retcon anything.

B. No.

C. No.

Response recorded on May 13, 2022

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Zachary Zatara writes...

Does Zatanna watch Lacey Chabert Hallmark movies?

Greg responds...

Doesn't everybody?

Response recorded on May 11, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. How long have Zatanna and Madame Xanadu known each outer? 2. Has Madame Xanadu seen the movie Xanadu and how does she feel about it ?( especially the title being the same name as her last name) 3. When did Blue devil take up the role of "'Den Dad'' to the outsiders ? 4. how long have Vandal Vavage and the Phantom stranger known each outer ?

Greg responds...

1. I haven't locked in a day or date when they met. But it's been some time.

2. For all we know, she was inspired to choose that name BECAUSE of the movie. I'm not saying it's true but...

2a. For the record, Madame Xanadu is her stage name/nom de guerre. Her real name is Nimue Inwudu.

3. Again, I haven't nailed down a precise date, but sometime after Helga Jace, um... disqualified herself from the gig.

4. A very long time.

Response recorded on May 10, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

1) Is season 4 Shazam as strong and as fast as season 1 Captain Marvel?

2) Is there a limit to the amount of kinetic energy Rocket's force-field can absorb? Is there a point beyond whic the force field will just break?

Greg responds...

1. Nope.

2. There's no limit for kinetic energy. Other energies aren't as compatible.

Response recorded on May 09, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,
I was wondering about Arsenal’s amputation. Is his arm amputated below the elbow?
How does Jason Bard come to lose his leg?

Greg responds...

1. Uh... just below the elbow. Barely.

2. In combat. He's an ex-Marine.

Response recorded on May 09, 2022

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traught4life writes...

hey Greg i just want to ask about something i've been wondering about for a while did dick reveal his identity to Artemis and show her the picture he took if so how did she react and will we ever see her reaction in a flashback or future episodes???

Greg responds...

At this stage, yes, Artemis knows Dick's identity. Beyond that, NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on May 09, 2022

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camila perez writes...

is supermartian your favorite couple? it feels like they're the mainstream couple and I'm absolutely in love with that

Greg responds...

I don't have one favorite. But I'm glad you like them.

Response recorded on May 06, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

You’ve mentioned a few times that the pandemic likely hit Earth-16 in 2021 instead of 2020. Can we infer from that that the virus in the Young Justice universe is called COVID-20 instead of COVID-19?

Greg responds...

Potentially. I have to think out all the ramifications, and I haven't yet.

Response recorded on May 06, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Not really a question, but I rewatched the entire show recently and season 1 is really just something special. It's so rare to see something in DC media that's character focused and optimistic. It still has its dark moments, but the characters are there to pick each other up. And I think it's the only show that accurately shows the relationships between the mentors and the proteges; most either focus on the older heroes or the younger ones with minimal interaction. I still love the show, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss the earlier vibe.

Greg responds...

That's fair. But kids grow up. It's inevitable, and we wanted to explore that.

Response recorded on May 06, 2022

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Michael Broder writes...

Is Henchy an original character, based on someone from the comics, or both?
Have you ever thought of doing a motion comic where the actors read the whole comic?

Greg responds...

1. He's more-or-less original. He's based on a model created for the Green Arrow Showcase short and a specific voice that I love, which actor Steve Blum has used for me in multiple series: Raythor (W.I.T.C.H.), Blackie Gaxton (The Spectacular Spider-Man), Zeb (Star Wars Rebels).

2. Yes. I'd love to do that. But there's no budget for it, generally. The YJ Wiki did a few using volunteer labor and volunteer voice actors. Here's one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42QKFkSy4DU

Oh, and what the heck, here's another: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N3Z2b-UlTE

Response recorded on May 05, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Why Superboy has the side effect of physically not age being a clone but Will and Jim both ages? I don't think that's because he is half kryptonian since Clark can age

Greg responds...

It was a weird side-effect of trying to combine human and Kryptonian DNA.

Response recorded on May 04, 2022

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Nimh writes...

What happen to Garfield's pet monkey after Marie logan was kill by Queen bee?

Greg responds...

That's a damn good question. But it assumes that Monkey was still around that long.

Response recorded on May 04, 2022

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Gustavo writes...

Artemis Arc ends and i feel thats the time to me do some questions

1- In Marzz Arc we see a flashback with Tim Drake with the outsiders, is that right, a Batfamily member being a public hero?
2- Also Tim's uniform changed a lot since Season3, the same season that introduced Barbara as Oracle and Spoiler and Orphan already on the team. The questions are:
2a- Tim is Robin or Red Robin currently?
2b- If the last Stephanie was a Robin before being Spoiler?
2c- She and Cassandra were Batgirl at some moment or they started already as Spoiler and Orphan?
2d- Which year these two joined the team?
3- I really love how different the show decided adapt The Killing Joke event. Barbara's accident and Jason's death are two events the audience already saw so many times that it started being previsible but the show was in a totally original route, thank you. That's bring the question, when (Team Year) The Killing Joke event happened in YJ?
4- Artemis Arc was full or photos portraits and two of them intrigued me. When and where Will and Jade took that photo with Lian and most importantly when Will took that photo with the Team 0? Rocket joined in the end of Season1 and is in the picture and after Season1 Will was desesperate looking years for Roy, also Megan is too young there then sure that is before Season2. When Will found time to take that picture?

Greg responds...

1. Yep. Keep in mind, back in Season One, Robin was a public hero. BATMAN & ROBIN, the DYNAMIC DUO! Most people don't really get that this is a different Robin, anyway.

2a. Robin.

2b. The last Stephanie? Anyway, no. Stephanie's first - and so far only - nom de guerre is Spoiler.

2c. Spoiler and Orphan. There's only been one Batgirl to date: Barbara.

2d. Feels like I answered this already, but Spoiler joined in Team Year Eight. She also resigned from the Team in Team Year Eight. She rejoined in Team Year Nine. Orphan joined the Team in Team Year Nine.

3. If you mean the event at the U.N. when Batgirl was injured, it occurred in Team Year Eight.

4. That photo of the Team was taken in the Hall of Justice Library on the day - but just before - Red Arrow was officially inaugurated into the League. I mean, I shouldn't even tell you that. But all the evidence is there, including the winter clothes and the BG, so I figure it's pretty obvious.

Response recorded on May 04, 2022

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

How old the Flying Graysons when they were murdered?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to do all that math for you, but...

Karla Grayson was born in 1968.

John Grayson was born in 1969.

Mary Lloyd Grayson was born in 1969.

Johnny Grayson was born 1990.

They died in 2006.

Response recorded on May 04, 2022

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Talos writes...

Would you say Vandal Savage has some respect for his old foes The Justice Society of America particularly Alan Scott The Green Lantern?

Greg responds...

A man like Vandal Savage would be wise to respect all his enemies, I suppose.

Response recorded on May 04, 2022

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Hermin writes...

1)How is Lady Shiva able to survive a full sword strike through her body, and even more, able to stand up with just a bandage around her chest ?
2)How is Orphan able to defeat Shiva ("the most dangerous woman alive") while she can't even beat Black Spider during the last episode ? That feels unrealistic (even for a show with superheros ^^).
3) I know that's a bit old, but you said that Zatanna and Zatara cannot compete with chaos lords, so how is Zatara able to take them all down in season one (children/adults episode) ?
4) Dick feels to be the YJ emblem (B-01), but strangely he also feels to be a side character many times, don't you think he's sadly underused in your show ? I want to see more of him please :)

Greg responds...

1. She's a badass.

2. Shiva trained Orphan to be a killer, an even better killer than Shiva herself. But generally speaking, Orphan holds back, because she doesn't want to be a killer. Against Black Spider, Orphan is holding back, and her killer training doesn't always translate to her winning without killing. When fighting Shiva - the second time - Orphan was no longer holding back, thus proving Shiva right. Orphan's training makes her the perfect killer. But she doesn't want to use that training - except when she does. So (even for a show with superheroes) I have ZERO problem with this one.

3. He doesn't. Rewatch it.

4. The fact that Dick's designation is B-01 doesn't mean he's the emblem for the show, whatever that means. Every character's screen time varies from episode to episode and from season to season. There are plenty of characters who have had way less screen time than Dick, who by my detailed account ranks number three for all characters behind only Conner & M'gann. Beyond that, every fan has a different list of characters that they'd like to see get more screen time. I sympathize. BUT I HAVE TO IGNORE ALL OF YOU!!!! I mean, there is literally no way to make everyone happy. So instead, Brandon and I make ourselves happy and hope that enough of you still jam on the show to stick around.

Response recorded on May 03, 2022

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Marriages? writes...

Hello! I hope you're having a good day, I just wanted to stop by and ask some questions about the relationships (specifically, the married couples) in Young Justice.

1. You've been asked this before, but at the time you said that you never got around to calculating the date. I figure there's a chance you've done the math since then, so: what year did Orin and Mere get married?
2. What year did Clark and Lois get married?
3. What year did Jonathan and Martha Kent get married?
4a. What year did Jefferson Pierce and Lynn Stewart get married?
4b. What year did the two of them get divorced?
5. Given that Raquel had a bridal shower, it can be assumed she indeed got married not long after. Not asking for spoilers or a specific date or anything, but did you guys have the actual wedding date in-mind or just a vague timeframe?

I figure these are generally safe questions to ask, given that you've previously answered a similar question about when Iris and Barry got married. If not, though, I do apologize for wasting your time. I hope all is well, and given the nature of these questions, I hope your wife is having a nice day too! Enjoy!

Greg responds...

1. Nope. Sorry.

2. This one's easier to narrow down, but I haven't put it in the timeline, as of this moment.

3. 1956.

4a. Team Year Zero.

4b. Not yet on the timeline.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on May 03, 2022

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Clary writes...

Do you ever regret making your universe so full of specifics and details? You certainly inspired fans who want to know literally everything about Earth-16 and its characters. I'm one of those people, mind you, but are you ever just like: Why on earth is this person asking me this question?

Be as chalant as you like.

Greg responds...

I often wonder that, frankly. But I guess it's a testament to how much detail we do give that it inspires the desire for even more. So I run with it as much as possible.

Regrets? I have a few. But then again, too few to mention.

Response recorded on May 02, 2022

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insert generic username here writes...

Hi! I’ve been watching Young Justice since 2014 and have been a big fan for years I have a couple of questions, which I hope aren’t spoilers bc I don’t want to ask for any.
1. How did Will choose his name?
2. Why is it that in season 1 when Kid Flash, Robin and Kalder were captured by Cadmus that they were going to clone them and delete or kill the source but after they cloned Roy they kept him alive. They said that the reason they amputated his (Roy) arm was to have an endless supply so why did they want to keep him but not the other three?
3. Do you have a favorite or rather one you are most proud of out of all the character arch’s through out the seasons?
3a. If so who’s is it?
3b. And from what season?
(My favorite character arc’s are probably Artemis in season one, M’gann in S2 and Nightwing in S3 and idk yet for s4 but they are really good from the episodes I’ve seen so far)

Greg responds...

1. The original Roy's full name is Roy William Harper. So the clone Roy thought that was his full name, as well. After the original Roy came back, the clone started going by his middle name, William - or Will for short.

2. By that time, the technology had advanced enough that Dr. Desmond no longer felt the need to keep the source bodies.

3. My brain doesn't work that way. I love 'em all.

3a. See above.

3b. See above.

Response recorded on April 29, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

Would someone who is accustomed to dealing with vertigo, such as an experience acrobat like Nightwing, be better at coping with Count Vertigo's power?

Greg responds...

Maybe. But It's hitting the inner ear and the central nervous system directly, so...

Response recorded on April 29, 2022

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BatFan2099 writes...

Not brownnosing, but I'm a big fan of Young Justice and a few of your other shows. I'm also an admirer of continuity, which is what drew me to this website. All of your comments about the show have been proven right and shown in the series itself at some point or another in ways that others have failed to do. How are you able to keep track of all this?

Greg responds...

Well, if we're being literal, not EVERYTHING has been correct, but I try.

In terms of method, it's fairly simple. I keep lists. I have timelines for almost every show I've ever done. I update all these documents constantly and consistently - and sometimes belatedly.

Response recorded on April 29, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

So regarding the Meta-Gene from my understanding it is essentially a genetic marker that can unlock natural abilities due to experiencing extreme stress and duress. The meta gene also happens to be opportunistic in nature and now here is my big question What about the Flash Family they gained their powers through a specific experiment and have no blood relations to each other so why manifest powers so similar to each other.
2. Would Flash Family be considered meta humans or should we consider all humans with powers meta-human.
3. Should Superman be classified as a meta since he didn't seem to suffer by side effects of Granny's Anti Life Equation machine Device in Terminus or should we just attribute this to kryptonian endurance and yellow sun radiation.

Greg responds...

1. Something about Jay's accident, which Barry recreated under laboratory conditions and Wally recreated under garage lab conditions, leads to speed. (Bart inherited his speed from his grandfather.)

2. If tested, you'd discover that all four have the meta-gene.

3. The latter.

Response recorded on April 20, 2022

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Clark Cradic writes...

Does Black Canary have a civilian life/job or is she more or less a hero full time?

Greg responds...

She has a civilian life and a civilian job (or two).

Response recorded on April 20, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1. Can you explain the differences between Control Chip used by Light and it's operative in season 3, the Starro tech from season 1 and Mad Hatter Nanobots, do all 3 of them have the same results or are their differences in how they work. 2. Does Starro Tech mind control require a magic user necessarily to mind control someone.
3. How exactly does the Mad Hatter's nano-tech work, Is his mind control like total mindless control or is it similar to the technology used in Light's mind control starro. I ask because Livewire, Mist and Shade who were being controlled by Nano-tech still have a personality and had quirks which seem in line with their actual personality for example the innuendo based jokes made by Livewire and how she is often seen smiling or how Mist is afraid of being hit. Does this mean during mind control they retain their personality and essentially are reprogrammed which changes their objective like they have to follow the command but on the inside feel reluctant about doing it because it seemed to me Livewire was enjoying this a little too much.

Greg responds...

Starro-Tech does require somebody to monitor and - in essence - remote control the individuals under the tech's influence. Doesn't have to be a magic user. Joker's not a magic user. A control chip is way more primitive, but it does allow someone to give some basic orders that the chipped person must follow. But they'll be fighting it, and the chip doesn't change who the person is - nor does it render them blanks. Hatter's nanobots are a slightly more sophisticated version of a control chip.

Response recorded on April 19, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

So I had a question with regards to Face Your Fears-
1. Wally is the first one to break out of the effects of Medusa Mask which he cites is probably due to his fast metabolism. Was this assessment of Wally wrong or right.
2. Does this mean Wally has more resistance or will the effects of emotion manipulation will have a shorter impact, basically does his fast metabolism give him any advantages.
3. Also Why has the Light not been able to create a speedster as fast as Barry, Wally or Jay, as you have revealed earlier Jaculi and Trajectory are both slower is it because of Barry's notes which the Light doesn't have, so does that mean Barry's note are under lock and key meanwhile Light has weaker speedsters than even Barry.

Greg responds...

1. I think it's wise to leave that to your interpretation.

2. It doesn't hoit!

3. Barry is considerably faster than Jay or Wally ever were. Bart is more or less at Barry's level, though not quite. Still, he's younger, so he may some day wind up even faster than Barry. Trajectory is not as fast as Jay. Jaculi was not as fast as Trajectory is. After Wally stole Barry's notes, Barry made sure no one else could ever steal those notes again.

Response recorded on April 19, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1 Do the light have other special positions for their agents like the enforcer for the light?
2 Does the enforcer of the light have any special authority over other light agents?
3 All the enforcers for the light were skilled fighters with no powers. Was this intentional or a coincidence?

Greg responds...

1. Riddler was a master strategist for them. So... yes.

2. Yes.

3. I guess I'd say it's a coincidence by default. Each was chosen for his or her skillset and experience.

Response recorded on April 18, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1 Did every purist turn on ocean master after he was exposed(like wynde and Ronal) or were there some that refused to believe ocean master betrayed them and still served him?
2 Why did the purist think ocean master had the same goal as them? He attacked Aquaman in the past who the purist had no problem with.
3 Did ocean master consider the consequence of destroying the heroes family, but he was at a point where he did just not really care anymore?
4 Atlanteans have super durable skin in the comics so how was lady Shiva able to cut off ocean master’s head like it was nothing? Did she use a special blade or are atlanteans far less durable in the young justice universe?
5 Were there some citizens of Atlantis that supporter orm as king?(obviously before he was revealed to be ocean master)

Greg responds...

1. By now, you know that Danuuth continued to serve Orm.

2. He claimed to be attacking the King for his anti-purist stance.

3. Mostly, the latter.

4. Atlanteans are plenty durable. But sharp is sharp.

5. I don't know if that was much of an issue. Orm (on the surface - no pun intended) didn't attempt to compete with Orin.

Response recorded on April 18, 2022

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bonk writes...

How tall is Icicle Junior in Young Justice S1? Did he have a height bump in the following appearances in Outsiders? DEFINITELY A GLOW UP!

Greg responds...

I don't know. I've got enough things to keep track of without adding heights for all the characters to the list. I didn't notice any particularly significant height change. But, hey, he was still a teen in S1, so it's not all that surprising that he might be a bit taller by S3.

Response recorded on April 14, 2022

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Murrie writes...

How and why and when did queen perdita learn kid flash's name was wally west ?

Greg responds...

He told her. As to the why and when, no spoilers.

Response recorded on April 12, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg - YJ is a great show that obviously resonates with a lot of people. But sometimes I feel like the writers don't realize why people love the show so much.

I think most people got hooked on the character development and world-building of Season 1. Seeing our favorite comic characters reimagined in this unique universe you've created. The rest of the seasons have been more focused on driving the plot forward, at the expense of character. The time skip disappointed a lot of people because years of character development and interactions happened off screen. And as the cast got bigger, it became clear that only some characters were going to get screentime while others were basically scenery. This was also disappointing for the fans of characters that were introduced in later seasons; especially for characters that have never been properly portrayed in DC media like Cassie, Tim, Cissie, Cassandra, Stephanie, etc. I wanted to see all of them get the same type of treatment the Season 1 cast got, but there are so many characters that we barely know anything about. And with the time skips, we may never get to know them because the writers have decided they're not important for the plot.

I remember lots of fans gave you this type of feedback during Season 2, and you tbh you were kind of dismissive about it and then doubled down on the approach in Season 3. I know this is ultimately your show, but I wish you would take the feedback from the fans who fell in love with it.

Greg responds...

Hi, Anonymous. I don't mean to be dismissive. But at the end of the day, I don't see HOW we could possibly satisfy your criteria.

I mean think about it. If this were a quote-unquote "normal show," we'd have stuck with our original six characters with no time skips. You'd never have even SEEN Cassie, Tim, Cissie, Cassandra and Stephanie, let alone gotten any character development for them. By season four, we'd still be in the middle of the first time skip. You'd have Raquel. Zatanna. Maybe Troia and Garth. Maybe Jason. But we wouldn't have even touched on the names on your list.

And I don't agree that we sacrificed character development in Seasons Two and Three for plot. Those seasons were indeed plot driven, in the sense that who we focused on was driven by plot. Hence, S2 gave Jaime a lot of focus that he hasn't had since. And S3 gave Garfield a lot of focus. Etc. But each season was, I think, objectively rich in character development. But just not for the characters that you personally were most interested in seeing developed. And I am 100% sure that there are many, many fans who would chose the exact same characters as you for their development preferences. But there are also many, many fans who would only pick some of the characters you listed and substitute other choices for the ones they don't care so much about. And many, many fans who would have an entirely different list from yours. There's literally no way to satisfy everyone. And so when you say we should listen to fan feedback, whose should we listen to? Yours? Some other fan who has a different set of priorities?

In the end, we can't listen to anyone except ourselves. We have to be passionate about the show, or else we can't expect anyone else to be passionate about it. We just have to cross our fingers and hope that our preferences resonate with as many fans as possible. So far, that's worked out pretty well for us. Though there have been plenty of fans who haven't been thrilled, and many who are downright disgruntled with us. Such is life. Again, that's not me being dismissive. It's me being realistic.

And, in any case, with the obvious exception of Wally, if your primary interest was in the original group (i.e. Dick, Kaldur, Conner, M'gann and Artemis), then I think the time skips have aided us in developing these five characters to a greater degree than we could have done without them. Again, without them, you'd have never seen Kaldur go from Aqualad to Aquaman. You'd have never seen him go undercover with Black Manta. You'd have never seen him with Wynnde, etc. We'd still be stuck in a perennial Season One mode. There'd be some character development of course, but nothing near the level we've been able to bring to you across our four seasons.

And in any case, season four is extremely character focused and on the seven characters shown in the season's main title: Dick, Kaldur, Conner, M'gann, Artemis, Raquel and Zatanna. Those seven might not be your first choice for development, and I can understand that. But five of those seven have been our leads since the beginning, so per your own argument, that's who we SHOULD be focused on.

Response recorded on April 11, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

Jade always acts "pissy" when she talks to Artemis. My reading of Jade's attitude is that it's a cover for her feelings of guilt over having not been a better sister or mother. Is this a good reading?

Greg responds...

I don't think "pissy" is a good reading. I don't think that describes even half of their interactions over four seasons and a video game.

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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Lara writes...

Why Beast Boy not happy Miss Martian's sister Em'ree Jonzz using his mom's form but Garfield Logan is ok with Miss Martian using his mom's form in young justice season 4 episode 1 Inhospitable ?

Greg responds...

He's always known her in that form. It helped them form a bond ten years ago. Context is everything.

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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Matute writes...

At what age did Robin become Nightwing on Earth 16 and how did his teammates react?

Greg responds...

Robin became Nightwing in Team Year Three. As to how everyone reacted... NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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Regis writes...

Hello Greg !
Love what you and Brandon did with young justice, a timeline going on its own, and the scenario is brilliant ! My question would be : will you continue the show after you've come to the end of your story ? Because I'm scared that it ends up like shows like Arrow and Flash who only make a next season as long as the studios command one more, and they have nothing more to say but they still go on... Please don't ^^
But anyway thank you very much for this show, it's a writing gem and a true pleasure to any fans of Dc !

Greg responds...

The story has no end. Characters age, but new younger characters are always joining. We'll keep going as long as they allow us to, in whatever medium they allow us to. Given that we've introduced the Legion, we could, in theory, keep going for a thousand years...

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1 Was the joker more pissed off by the fact that he was used like a pawn by the light or that he was the only one not in on it?
2 since the joker was aware savage was a part if the light. Was he also aware that lex luthor was a member? Is that a part of the reason Why he decided to bomb the UN
3 Does the joker also now desire revenge against the other injustice league members for not letting him in on their true goal?

Greg responds...

1. In the immortal words of Abe Simpson, "A little from Column A; a little from Column B."

2. I'm neither confirming or denying anything, but I think that's a safe bet.

3. I think it's cute that you expect the Joker to be consistent.

Response recorded on April 06, 2022

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Paul writes...

1) In "Elder Wisdom", Wonder Girl mentions that she's been on the Team for two years. But since she joined in Team Year Five and made this comment at the beginning of Team Year Nine, was this a mistake?

2) In "Home Fires", Ocean-Master mentions that he's been in an Atlantean prison for six years. Given that this episode takes place in Team Year Eight, can his dialogue here be taken as confirmation that he was brought to justice and locked up in Team Year Two?

Greg responds...

1. So, Wonder Girl said that on January 1st, Team Year Nine and joined the Team in October of Team Year Five. So she had (at that point) been on the Team for just over three years. So either I screwed up... or Cassie did. Let's go with Cassie.

2. That would track.

Response recorded on April 05, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman, really love watching Phantoms and the fruits of your labor! I had a bit of a different question for you.

You said in the past that you were impressed with Avatar: The Last Airbender and you were planning on watching The Legend of Korra after.

1) What did you think about the sequel series? Particularly in relation to its predecessor?

2) I know you try to keep your own work original and you try to avoid taking outside ideas, but were there certain elements (story or character) from either Avatar:TLA or TLOK that you felt were interesting to use in your stories?

3) If you had an opportunity to work within that universe, would you craft a story with gambits that you're so famously known for or would you take a different direction than usual?

Thank you again. Young Justice and Avatar/Korra were large elements of my childhood and what stands out to me are the very strong themes, characters, and over-arching narrative. I feel pretty blessed to be part of a generation that could have not only enjoyed it but grew up with them as well.

Greg responds...

1. I haven't watched it yet. I watched Avatar with my son. Now, he's all grow'd up and living 3,000 miles away, and we don't have the same kind of time to sit together and watch an entire series. Still would like to someday.

2. I actively try not to think that way.

3. That's such a massive hypothetical, I don't even know how to answer it.

Response recorded on April 05, 2022

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Jason R Carter writes...

Minor question: is there a particular reason you had Atlanteans speaking more formally (i.e. little to no use of contractions) after "Infiltrator"?

Greg responds...

We were really following the lead of Khary Payton, who created the voice of Aqualad.

Response recorded on April 05, 2022

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Bree writes...

What's the name of those lenses the Team use? Who invented them? When?

Greg responds...

1. They're called Intensa-Lenses.

2. They were invented by Professeur Oeil, the French cousin of Professor Ojo.

3. Before breakfast.


Actually, I don't think we ever bothered figuring that out. Sorry.

Response recorded on April 01, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Since when have Bruce and Giovanni known each other?

Greg responds...

Quite awhile. At least - obviously - since Zatara joined the Justice League. At least.

Response recorded on March 31, 2022

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Ram writes...

Hi Greg,
1. How broke is Green Arrow?
-Hes dressed rather smart for someone whos broke.
-He could afford a hospital room for Speedy.
-Hes able to afford to run several vaults fully equipped with weaponry and the electrical bill that comes with it. He also repaired the damage from the bomb Speedy planted in it.
-He can afford arrows for himself and his protege.
-He can support himself and Roy (and probably also the medical bills that come with sending him to therapy, etc.)

2. How successful is Bowhunter Security?
3. How was Roy a shareholder in Bowhunter despite being a minor? Was Ollie a caretaker for his share as his guardian?
4. Did Ollie help Will start his Private Security business? How did he find investors for it?

Greg responds...

1. He's not destitute. He's just not a millionaire any longer. You're assuming he paid for Speedy's healthcare, but that's not a safe assumption. The League has funds for that sort of thing. Also, Oliver set up a substantial trust for Roy before Oliver lost his fortune. That trust went to Will, but he's since given the bulk of that over to Roy.

2. Fairly.

3. Roy's no longer a minor. Technically, i.e. legally and chronologically, he's about 28 during Season Four.

4. No. (I mean he didn't hinder it, but he didn't help financially in any way either.)

4a. By "he" do you mean Will or Ollie?

Response recorded on March 31, 2022

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Jason R Carter writes...

Why would a master strategist like Vandal Savage risk pissing off a chaotic element like the Joker by not letting him in on the joke?

Greg responds...

Savage is not risk averse. He weighs options and makes a decision. You seem to think this was a bad decision. I think Vandal would argue that, even given hindsight, it was a good one.

Response recorded on March 30, 2022

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King_Joey writes...

Quick questions about the Bio-Ship species. I understand that they are like horses on Mars, and there bodies are made of materials that allow them travel through space and through planetary atmospheres without injury. Making them Way More resistant to heat than the sentient Martians.

1. I would like to know how the Bio-ship converts the Martian atmosphere inside the ship into Earth atmosphere and Vis Versa. Does the ship inhale the Higher CO2 of Mars and exhale an O2 rich environment like a plant?

2. Does the Bio-ship need to breath? Not every living thing does.

I can even buy that there bodies have the necessary materials in them for shapeshifting into the complex machinery and circuitry necessary for wireless network interface with Earth computers, drones, HUDs, and radios.
But in the first season M gann states that Bio-ship does not have any weapon system, then later she is firing laser blasts at an ice fortress.

3. I made the assumption at the time that the laser thing had been installed off screen similar to the way the disintegration tech was installed during the training exercise in the episode Failsafe. But now that I see Baby-Ship with lasers too; Is it safe to say that the laser-like cannons on these Bio-Ships are a naturally occurring biological mechanism and not mechanically installed or configured?

4. Is it a learned skill and not all Bio-Ships can do it like the density shifting thing for sapient Martians?

5. I still do not understand why the sapient Martians are more afraid of the Ma alefa ak than a species that can FIRE FREAKING LASER BEAMS!.... Sorry:) The laser beam thing from an Earth animal would freak me out. Still it seems like they can easily defend themselves from Ma alefa aks with brain blasts. But can they block LASER BLASTS with telekinesis. Just saying the Bio-Ships are also way more durable; that is the animal I would think they would learn to fear.

Greg responds...

1. Sounds good.

2. I'm thinking it does, but I'm not married to that answer.

2a. Bio-Ship developed a weapon system over time and from necessity.

3. Naturally contrived. And Baby, having Bio-Ship's memories, has them from the beginning. No learning curve.

4. I think Bio-Ship and Baby are two of the very, very few Bio-Ships that have weapons capabilities, which were developed by Bio-Ship on Earth (see above).

5. Most Bio-Ships don't have weapons' systems, and are, in any case, largely domesticated. Horses can be dangerous animals, but we tend not to fear them unless a specific horse gives us a reason too. A great white shark inspires fear, even though few of us have ever encountered one.

Response recorded on March 29, 2022

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King_Joey writes...

1. If the Monkey god chose Gar to be his Beast Boy would he have been able to give Gar those powers without the Martian blood transfusion? Or did the Martian blood act as a necessary catalyst for the power of a god?

I ask because, in the small amount of screen time we have gotten from the Monkey god I think we can conclude that he is impulsive or at least mischievous enough to see that there was a kid with Martian blood and say "let me take advantage of this." Rather than having seen Gar and "chose" him before the Martian blood thing.

Of course this does not mean that he would have just done nothing with Gar at all if Gar had never gotten Martian Blood. You never know :)

2. Would Gar s skin turn green after the Monkey gods tampering or before?

Greg responds...

1. That's been left intentionally vague by the Monkey God, assuming there is a Monkey God. But I'd say both were required.

2. Again, these things aren't mutually exclusive. Define "tampering". We don't know how many times Monkey bit Gar, either before or after his transfusion.

Response recorded on March 29, 2022

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King_Joey writes...

I have absolutely no problem with suspending my disbelief in a TV show. That is the reason I never thought about the Law of Conservation of Mass until Season 3 episode Nightmare Monkeys. But now that I know that is a thing in universe for Young Justice I have questions about it.

1. When the Beatle scarabs give there hosts armor, weapons, tools, wings, or produces anti-bodies, where does the extra mass come from? Especially for those GIANT plasma cannons Blue Beatle and Black Beatle product during there first fight?

2. When Bane uses Venom, I can see the liquid serum
converting into muscle mass. However when Baran Flinders transforms into Mammoth there is a small amount of liquid in the injector, yet he becomes... well, MAMMOTH. Where does that mass come from?

3. When Dr. Mark Desmond uses the Blockbuster formula to transform into Blockbuster where does that mass come from?

4. If Beast Boy's powers were given to him by a god, is he a metahuman or is he more like Captain Marvel? A human granted powers that magically break the laws of physics.

5. When The Atom or Bumblebee shrink are they losing mass, or are they shrinking the space between there subatomic particles? Because if that is the case that would explain why they can not reach the subatomic level.

Seriously, I am only asking because the show brought it up.

Greg responds...

1. E = M*C(squared). (Sorry. Ask Greg doesn't allow for a tiny number two super-scripted above the C, but hopefully you get the idea.) That means that M = E divided by the square of C.

2. That's a damn good question. I don't know.

3. Ditto.

4. These things aren't mutually exclusive.

5. I'd lean toward the latter.

Response recorded on March 29, 2022

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