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Elizabeth M. writes...

Hi Greg, Congratulations on the Young Justice Season Three renewal!!!!! YJ got me through the worst years of my undergrad and reading the happy news made my week. I apologize if you have answered this question before; I haven't rewatched YJ in a few years and I tried combing through the archives to see if you previously answered a similar question.

My question is: do the other members of the team and the Justice League know that M'gann has become so brutal in using her powers and gaining information? Is it a case that because there has been so much going on with the Rimbor trial, the Light's machinations and the invasion that the team and JL haven't noticed? Or is it that M'gann's "ends justifies the means" mentality is the white elephant in the room that the teams (or at the very least certain members) are ignoring because M'gann is getting results? From what I can tell Conner is the only one who really understands much and often M'gann has been crossing the line, but I don't buy that people like Dick, Bruce, Red Tornado, Black Canary wouldn't have noticed or have suspicions. I can understand Dick or Bruce having suspicions and deciding to put them on the back burner in a time of crisis to deal with later, but not so much with team members like Wally, Artemis, Zatanna etc.

I can't wait to watch Season 3!!!!

Greg responds...

All this is moot, at this point, since she stopped doing that midway through Season Two. But Conner was the only one who objectively knew what was going on. I think J'onn may have suspected. But I doubt Dick or even Bruce suspected. And how in the world Wally, Artemis, Zatanna, Black Canary or Red Tornado would have had a clue is beyond me.

All that changed of course after what she did to Kaldur.

Response recorded on February 15, 2017

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Paul writes...

1) Hi Greg, now that season 3 is a go, can I just ask: is Troia off-limits again (like she was when you started work on Young Justice), or is she still a character that you can use (should you choose to)?

2) In theory, would DC's insistence on calling Captain Marvel Shazam impact on your use of him or the Marvel Family in future episodes? To put it another way, would the Marvel Family still be called the Marvel Family?

Greg responds...

1. I'll reiterate what I've already revealed. Troia was off limits only at the very beginning of Season One. So we never considered using her in that season. Partway through the season, we were told she was now available, but by that time all our plans for Season One had solidified and it was too late to include her. We had planned on including her in Season Two, at both Raquel's wedding shower and in the final mission against the Reach MFDs. But production concerns - not enough hours in the day - made that impossible. I won't address whether we plan to use her in Season Three, but I will say that as far as I know, there are no off limits characters. At any rate, no one we've asked to use has been vetoed.

2. Have we EVER called them the Marvel Family?

Response recorded on February 14, 2017

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Paul writes...

First, I'm very excited that Young Justice is getting a third season!
Second, I've been wondering about this for a while, but the third season prompted me to ask. As Tigress, Artemis uses different weapons (like a sword) and more close quarters combat than she did before-she's more like Cheshire in that sense. Was Artemis trained the same way as Cheshire, or did they have different specialties from the beginning

And this might be a spoiler, but is it safe to say that Artemis is on Cheshire's level now? She wasn't in Season 1, but with age and more experience, are they pretty comparable?


Greg responds...

1. So are we.

2. Artemis and Jade were both trained similarly by their father, at least initially, but they had different specialties. Artemis (relative) lack of physical strength as a pre-teen and teenager, made archery a good choice for her.

3. We'll have to see if they ever have reason to test your theory...

Response recorded on February 13, 2017

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Anonymous writes writes...

Hi Greg. I have been dying to know exactly what happened with Miss Martian and Superboy's relationship at the end of the season second. It was completely obvious that they are still in love with each other and since Miss Martian broke up with Lagoon Boy and tried to find Conner in "Intervention" and especially in the last episode of the season the moments they shared. Overall my question is did Miss Martian and Superboy officially get back together at the end of the second season of Young Justice?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on February 13, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

What m'gann felt when Conner broke up with her?

Greg responds...

I think you can figure that out for yourself.

Response recorded on February 06, 2017

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Christopher England writes...

First off, I have to say congratualtions for getting Young Justice back for a third season, looking forward to what you have planned for us (The Team, The League, The Light, Apokolips... EVERYTHING)

One question that's been in the back of my mind for a while; how long has G. Gordon Godfrey been on Earth and when did his show start airing?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on February 06, 2017

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Steven writes...

1. Hey Greg, I've heard you ask what makes the Speed Force a special case, and why is there a speed force but not a strength force, etc. This is because the Speed Force isn't the force behind all speed and momentum in the universe. It is an extra-dimensional energy field that grants some people a connection to it's energy, giving them speed based powers. This is why people like superman are not connected to the speed force even though they have super speed. The Speed Force selects certain individuals. Not sure if this will help you understand the concept of the Speed Force any more than you already do, but I hope it did.

2. Does Deathstroke have any form of enhanced strength, speed, durability, agility, etc, like he does in the comics?

Greg responds...

1. It STILL seems arbitrary. Why not a STRENGTH FORCE that chooses specific folks to have strength? An ACCURACY FORCE that chooses specific people to be great archers? It doesn't change any of my arguments against. But, hell, what do I know? When the concept of the meta-gene was first introduced to DC Comics, I had a similar negative reaction to the creation of something that explained something that required no explanation. And now the meta-gene is ALL OVER YJ. Does that make me a hyprocrite or someone who's opinion is constantly evolving... if slowly?

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on January 30, 2017

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RobinFan writes...

Hi, Mr. Weisman. I've got some questions about YJ.

1) How can Commissioner Gordon afford to have Barbara in a private academy?
2) Does Barbara have any siblings?
3) Are any of the 2 Roy Harpers the chick magnet he is in the comics?
4) Does Conner Kent have a second name?
5) Did Wally and Artemis stay together during the 5 year time jump, or did they ever "take a break"?

Greg responds...

1. Scholarship.

2. Nope.

3. Well, clone Roy seemed pretty magnetic to Cheshire.

4. You mean, like, Superboy?

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on January 23, 2017

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R.I.P. Miguel Ferrer

Just a few words about Miguel Ferrer, who passed away yesterday. I won't pretend I knew him very well, but he was always a pleasure to have in the booth. He was the voice of Silvio "Silvermane" Manfredi on The Spectacular Spider-Man, and Bo "Bibbo" Bibbowski and Tribune #1 on Young Justice.

Did I forget anything? Oh, yes. His brilliant portrayal of Vandal Savage in Young Justice, making him one of the most interesting and complex hero/villains I've ever had the pleasure of working on.

His talent - both in material I was involved in and in the many, many things I simply watched as a fan - was immense.

He will be missed.

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Matt writes...

What happened to red arrow after he found arsenal. He stopped showing up.

Greg responds...

Well, he showed up in 208 and 220. But he was busy trying to make a life for his daughter, and seeing if he and Cheshire could make another go at it.

Response recorded on January 18, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

How would you describe Barbara Gordon/Batgirl?

Greg responds...

In what context?

Look, I did an entire season and six issues of a comic with her. How I "describe" her is on the screen and the page.

Response recorded on January 18, 2017

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Jarrod writes...

Hello Greg!

As Always, thank you for all the work you do, I find your writing fantastic.

My Question relates to Tye Longshadow's mother in YJ.

I wonder why she stays with Maurice. She was previously with Tye's father, who we know no personal details about, and somehow is no with Maurice who by her own admission has "a lot of bad days." I think it is important to have that bit of reality in your works, there are people who stay in emotionally, verbally, or even physically abusive relationships for a variety of reasons. I certainly appreciate that you put the effort into showcasing real world problems, even in a superhero show. But why Maurice? She has a future (possibly) Tribal Chief for a son, why stay with such a repulsive man?

Since we never see her again, I hope she left him when Jaime turned him in for the bootlegging...

Many Thanks!

Greg responds...

Well, we don't know EXACTLY when she gave Maurice his walking papers, but it clearly happened before Tye and Asami came back to live with her at the end of episode 220.

The answer to "Why Maurice?" is pretty much what you listed above. It was an unhealthy relationship, but for a period of time, she thought it was all she deserved, and that many of the problems were her fault.

(And I wouldn't read too much into things like "future tribal chief". That's really got nothing to do with anything, even if it is true.)

Response recorded on January 18, 2017

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Dane writes...

Hey, got some more questions for this awesome show.
1. What is Icicle Jr.'s ethnicity?
2. Did it annoy Tommy when Junior hit on Tuppence?
3. Every time he hit on Tuppence (in Darkest) or Miss Martian (in Terrors) did he not realize that they weren't interested in him at all or did he just pretend not to notice? Sometimes it seemed like he was absolutely oblivious, even when Miss Martian clearly pulled a face at him in the prison bus or when Tuppence crushed his hand he didn't seem to be discouraged by that.
4. Does the Manta Flyer require at least five people to operate it, or could Kaldur and Tigress have controlled it even with fewer crew members?
5. Cameron seemed to know his way around technology. Did Senior teach him a thing or two growing up, because in the video game Cam was able to operate the machine to retrieve the artifact from the ice?

Greg responds...

1. Um... he's a white dude.

2. Not as much as it annoyed Tuppence.

3. Oblivious sounds about right.

4. It only requires one.

5. He's learned what he needs to know. I doubt Icicle Sr. taught him much about tech. My son teaches me, not the other way around.

Response recorded on January 16, 2017

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Brandon writes...

Dear Greg,
I greatly admire your work on Young Justice for which I am eagerly waiting a third season (should it ever come to fruition). It gave me new appreciation for characters from the DC pantheon, such as Blue Beetle and Impulse. I also enjoyed Spectacular Spider-Man but I was already a Spider-Man fan before the series, so in a way, Young Justice is more impressive to me because of how much it made me care for characters I knew nothing about beforehand. With that out of the way, a few questions:

1. Do the Justice League/Team have a "No Kill Rule", or some kind of policy on killing? M'gann's "mind crush" seems to be as far as they'll go.

2. When the Reach were experimenting on Jaime Reyes, they mentioned that the only way to reboot the scarab would be to kill him. We later learn that Green Beetle, an agent of the Reach, can reboot the scarab without killing him. What is the purpose of this deception?

3. When Luthor sent the Runaways onto the Warworld, was he expecting them to succeed in their mission, or was he thinking they would be captured? Obviously it benefits the Light to have the heroes freed and working against the Reach, but I'm thinking Luthor was more concerned with stealing the crystal key.

Thank you for reading my questions and I sincerely hope Young Justice comes back.


Greg responds...

1. I don't know if they need to bother making that a RULE. Killing is illegal in most every culture. But... sure.

2. Green Beetle's Martian physiology allowed for a number of unusual possibilities. There was no deception in the Scientist's earlier statement. She was talking about normal procedures. And Green Beetle wasn't on Earth yet.

3. The key was the priority. But I think he thought they had a chance.

Response recorded on January 16, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

hi Greg i love young justice and i love what you did with certain characters and i wanted to ask you about beast boy

1) did he get his powers from miss martian? if so who does he only have the power of transforming into animals and not anything else and why doesn't he have any other powers?
2) if he did get his powers from miss martian why is he green? since she is actually a white martian?

3) and basically overall where does he get his powers from?

Greg responds...

1. What you saw is what you saw. Anything beyond that would be a spoiler.

1a. No spoilers.

1b. No spoilers.

2. She was posing as green at the time, and her shape-shifting takes place at the cellular level.

3. You saw what you saw. Beyond that, no spoilers.

Response recorded on January 10, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

What was the policy regarding drugs, guns and alcohol when making Young Justice? I remember Luthor and Ra's al Ghul making a toast with some liquor, but could you show an adult hero drinking beer? Could you show one of the kids in the Team using a gun?

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

I don't know. Neither of those examples (or anything remotely like them) were things we asked to do or tried to do. Basically, however, we just did what we wanted and were offered no resistance. The glaring exception was that we were told we couldn't depict an openly homosexual relationship back then, which was extremely frustrating. This was a question I asked in a vacuum, by the way. We didn't attach the question to any two specific characters.

Response recorded on January 04, 2017

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Elliot Valente writes...

Huge Fan of YJ.
1. Now that Red Arrow has his issues (Speedy) resolved, will he and Cheshire patch thing up?
2. Does Sportsmaster know that Red Arrow is his son-in-law and if so what's his opinion on their relationship?
3. What does Sportsmaster think about his granddaughter Lian? Would his relationship with her be similar or different than how he treats his daughters?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. I think you can assume he knows Red Arrow fathered his granddaughter. As for his reaction/opinion, unless or until we address it, I'll leave that to your imagination.

3. See the answer to #2.

Response recorded on December 23, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

What is the limit of constructs that a scarab's armor can generate? Is is as far as imagination can go, vis-à-vis a GL Power ring?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 23, 2016

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Lemon writes...

In Young Justice how long has Megan Morse been Garfield Logon's guardian?

Greg responds...

No Spoilers.

Response recorded on December 23, 2016

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RobinFan writes...

Hi, Mr. Weisman. Fan of YJ. Hope we get a 3th season one day.

1. Has Batman ever hit any of his protégés?
2. Who trained Sportsmaster?
3. Was Jason Todd a natural redhead?

Greg responds...

1. He's trained with them. So if you're counting them sparring together, than I guess so. But he's never hit one in anger or been abusive.

2. RecreationMaster!*

3. I'm not giving out any info on Jason or anyone that isn't obvious from what's already aired or been in the comics.

*I don't know who trained Sportsmaster. But if I knew, I wouldn't tell you. Cuz that would be a spoiler.

Response recorded on December 22, 2016

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Andres Escobar writes...

Simple question what are you currently working on as it is hard to follow sometimes and if you can talk or more specifically write about it what will you be working on that you know? Ohh and where can we watch it , or if read it when is it coming out or where can we find it I know you were writing a comic for Marvel I could never find it in several comic book stores.

Greg responds...

Right now, I am working on two things. The third season of YOUNG JUSTICE and the second novel in the WORLD OF WARCRAFT: TRAVELER series.

We don't yet know where Season Three of YJ will air, but you can view Seasons One and Two on Netflix, on iTunes or on DVD or BluRay.

The second WARCRAFT book should come out in bookstores (including online bookstores) next November.

Prior to that, I was working on the second and third seasons of SHIMMER AND SHINE. Season Two is currently airing on Nick Jr.

I also wrote the first book in the WORLD OF WARCRAFT: TRAVELER series, which is currently available at bookstores (and online bookstores).

There's also my two novels RAIN OF THE GHOSTS and SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM, both of which are currently available at bookstores and online bookstores.

Then there's the AudioPlay version of RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, which is currently available for download at Gumroad.com/RainoftheGhosts.

I recently co-plotted a CAPTAIN ATOM miniseries with Cary Bates, illustrated by Will Conrad. It will be available this January, 2017 from anyplace that sells comic books, including the DC Comics App, Comixology and iTunes.

Last year, I wrote the twelve issue STAR WARS KANAN series for Lucasfilm and Marvel. Those are available either as single issues, as two trades (STAR WARS KANAN: THE LAST PADAWAN and STAR WARS KANAN: FIRST BLOOD) or as an omnibus, again at Bookstores, online Bookstores, comic book stores and from the Marvel Comics App, Comixology or iTunes.

Finally, I also wrote the six issue STARBRAND AND NIGHTMASK for Marvel Comics, available as single issues or as one trade (STARBRAND AND NIGHTMASK: ETERNITY'S CHILDREN [Attend University]), which AGAIN is available at bookstores, online bookstores, comic book stores, the Marvel Comics App, Comixology or iTunes.

Whew! I think that's it! Thanks for asking!

Response recorded on December 21, 2016

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Letey writes...

Why was Jaime's cellphone volume all maxed out in Runaways?

Greg responds...

I remember there was a reason, but I forget what it was. I'd have to watch the episode again.

Response recorded on December 20, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

How does Nepture's beard translate into Atlantian? I understand Lagoon Boy says Poseidon something...

Greg responds...

Poseidonos Pogon!

Response recorded on December 20, 2016

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SuperMartian89 writes...

I've noticed that there seemed to be an underlying theme of issues with fathers/paternal figures: Superboy with Superman, Artemis with Sportscaster in S1. Aqualad with Black Manta and Artemis again. Is that deliberate?

Greg responds...

It comes out of character, but we don't avoid it.

Response recorded on December 19, 2016

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Fiddled writes...

1. Billy Batson's Zeta-Tube override code is H-O-J. What does it stand for?
2. Can Queen Be enthral Devastation?
3. How far can the batrope extend?
4. Can you tell us what would be Icon's role in the YJ Invasion comic arc if he hadn't been pulled?

Greg responds...

1. Hall Of Justice.

2. No spoilers.

3. Not all the way to Mars.

4. He was one of Kylstar's abductees.

Response recorded on December 16, 2016

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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg. I asked this question before but you never really answered it. In "Alienated", M'gann tears information from a krolotean prisoner's brain and leaves him in a catatonic state. She does this in front of Martian Manhunter and Batman. I am just wondering why there wasn't some kind of a response from them. Didn't they realize what happened? And, if not, why not? Or, if they did, why didn't they confront M'gann about it? Batman and Martian Manhunter's acting like nothing unusual had happened seems odd to me. What am I missing?

The reason I am bringing this up again is that someone I was talking to pointed this scene as an instance of the "idiot ball" trope. So, I thought I would try to get to the bottom of this. Thanks.

Greg responds...

I don't know what the "idiot ball" trope means, so I have no idea if it's an instance of it or not. Nor do I recall what I did or did not answer before. It would seem to me that I'm hardly likely to give more information now than I was then.

But the short answer is that they did not fully understand what she had done to the Krolotean, keeping in mind that the Krolotean's mind was SO alien, that J'onn was having trouble reading it at all.

Response recorded on December 16, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Despero?
2. How old is Draaga?
3. How old is Kylstar?
4. How old is Maxima?
5. How old is Mongul?

Greg responds...

1. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

2. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

3. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

4. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

5. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

Response recorded on December 15, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old was Henry Yarrow when he died?
2. How old is Major Force?
3. How old is Henchy, Vertigo's henchman?
4. How old is Sharon Vance?
5. How old is Sackett?

Greg responds...

1. Henry Yarrow was born in in 1941.

2. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

3. Henchy was born in 1974.

4. Sharon Vance was born in 1978.

5. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

Response recorded on December 15, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Clement Lemar?
2. How old is Burton Thompson, the guard at Taos's STAR Labs?
3. How old is Bernell Jones?
4. How old is Carlo, the Haly's Circus performer?
5. How old is Maurice Bodaway?

Greg responds...

1. Clemant Lemar is dead. But he was born in 1911.

2. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

3. Bernell Jones was born in 1962.

4. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

5. Maurice Bodaway was born in 1966.

Response recorded on December 14, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Dragon's Breath?
2. How old is the Scientist?
3. How old is Black Beetle?
4. How old is Richard Dragon?
5. How old is Starro?

Greg responds...

1. I seem not to have made that calculation.

2. I seem not to have made that calculation.

3. During Season Two, he's about the human biological equivalent of 40. But I haven't worked out the relative length of a Reach Warrior's life, so I don't know how old he is.

4. I seem not to have made that calculation.

5. I seem not to have made that calculation.

Response recorded on December 14, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Jack Haly?
2. How old is Jason Bard?
3. How old is Norman?
4. How old is Rako?
5. How old is Toyman?

Greg responds...

1. Jack Haly was born in 1944.

2. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

3. Norman was born in 1982.

4. Rako was born in 1958.

5. Winslow Schott was born in 1993.

Response recorded on December 13, 2016

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Marvelwoman writes...

1. How old is Jonathan Kent?
2. How old is Lobo?
3. How old is Wotan?
4. How old is Psycho-Pirate?
5. How old is Helena Sandsmark?

Greg responds...

1. Jonathan was born in 1938.

2. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

3. Wotan was born sometime around 1100 C.E., give or take a century.

4. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

5. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

Response recorded on December 08, 2016

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Marvelwoman writes...

1. How old is Dr. David Wilcox?
2. How old is M'Chiste?
3. How old is Ida Berkowitz?
4. How old is Duk Trang?
5. How old is Gorilla Grodd?

Greg responds...

1. David Wilcox was born in 1967.

2. M'chiste was born in 1991.

3. Ida was born in 1953.

4. Trang was born in 1940.

5. Grodd was born in 1998.

Response recorded on December 08, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is G. Gordon Godfrey?
2. How old is Wyynde?
3. How old is Two-Face?
4. How old is Blackbriar Thorn?
5. How old is Wizard?

Greg responds...

1. I seem not to have made that calculation.

2. Wyynde was born in 1994.

3. What makes you think Two-Face exists?

4. . I seem not to have made that calculation.

5. I seem not to have made that calculation.

Response recorded on December 08, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Icon?
2. How old is Felix Faust?
3. How old is Parasite?
4. How old is Perry White?
5. How old is Stephanie Brown?

Greg responds...

1. Arnus emerged on Earth as an infant in 1810. How old he was before arrival, I won't comment on at this time.

2. It seems I haven't calculated that.

3. Ray Jensen was born in 1977.

4. Perry White was born in 1967.

5. Stephanie Brown was born in 2003.

Response recorded on December 05, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Ali?
2. How old is the Ambassador?
3. How old is Black Adam?
4. How old is Deadshot?
5. How old is Otis?

Greg responds...

1. I haven't calculated that, it seems.

2. I haven't set chronological ages for any of the Reach.

3. Well, Teth-Adam was born @1,300 BCE. I'll leave you to do the math, give or take a century.

4. I haven't calculated that, it seems.

5. He was born in 1980.

Response recorded on December 05, 2016

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BebeH writes...

Hi Greg,HUGE fan of your work,especially of shows like Young Justice and Gargoyles
My question is how painful are Karen's (bumblebee) stings? I ask this because many people seem to underestimate Karen's powers.
2.) Also how strong is she? from what I remember she was pretty strong on the Teen Titans show even in shrunken form, did she posses the same strength in Young Justice?

Greg responds...

I don't know how to measure these things for you. Observe what's on the show and make your own decisions.

Response recorded on November 30, 2016

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fallenlegend writes...

Hey Greg I have two questions rearguing sportscaster.

1.- During the show it was ambiguous if he actually cared about Artemis and used the reputation thing as an excuse or he just cared about himself . If it's the later he might be a psychopath.

So my question is: Will we get a definite answer about whether or nor Sportscasters loves Artemis and Chesire or was it meant to be ambiguous?

2.- Before your show I along many people consider him to be very ... lame. How did you manage to make him so badass?

3.- Now that he isn't working with the light and is on the sights of the villains, does he still have any way to keep being a "top dog"?

Congrats on your great work. Hopefully you will get a new season on netflix.

Greg responds...

By "rearguing sportscaster," I assume you mean "regarding Sportsmaster."

PEOPLE, PLEASE PROOFREAD BEFORE YOU HIT SUBMIT!!! I'm guessing the villain in this piece is your spellcheck automatically "correcting" what you wrote. And I know I'm not perfect either. But it would really help me out if you did NOT trust your spellcheck and CHECKED YOURSELF before submitting a question.

1. What you see is what you get. If you want to define all that as love (twisted or not) that's up to you. If you don't, that's fine too.

2. Mostly, I'd credit Phil Bourassa's design. But we also treated the character with respect.

3. No spoilers.

Response recorded on November 21, 2016

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brucethegirl writes...

I notice its been a while since an answer on ask greg, but I recently started rewatching Young Justice after begging my boyfriend to start watching (he loves it by the way... even though he says season 1 wally is one second from calling people toots)
One thing that really struck me in this THIRD full rewatch is that there is a lot of.... I don't want to say unnecessary dialogue. But just strangely placed lines that are usually longer than general throw aways. They tend to be more in season 2, and are usually abruptly interrupted. One example is when M'gann rescues Beast Boy and Impulse. Beast Boy says how she's short, and she starts to go into a full explanation about the water pressure. These lines tend to actually seem more like clues or red herrings than quick exposition.
I was wondering if I'm missing something? And these actually are clues to something bigger or future plots for future seasons (fingers crossed)

Greg responds...

The one you named isn't. I'm guessing you're probably reading into things. Or maybe you just don't like our dialogue. It all seems pretty much of a piece to me.

Response recorded on November 21, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

In light of there respective majors in college, have Wally, and Artemis ever both worn glasses (not shades like Robin or Night wing) when studying or in class?

Greg responds...

If you're asking if either are or were near- or far-sighted, then no.

Response recorded on November 21, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

In Endgame, were Eduardo Dorado Jr, Tye Longshadow, Virgil Hawkins, Asami Koizumi, B'arzz O'oomm, and Blue Devil given Zeta designations to transport them to the MFD locations?

(I know that Virgil got a B-class designation when he joined the Team, but did he have an A-class before that?)


Greg responds...

Yes. Good catch.

Blue Devil was A-15.
B'arzz O'oomm was A-16.
Eduardo Dorado, Jr. was A-17.
Virgil Hawkins was A-18.
Asami Koizumi was A-19.
Tye Longshadow was A-20.

Response recorded on November 21, 2016

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Green Lantern's Nightlight writes...

1). You say to fans a good way of showing they want Young Justice to return, is to buy the comics, DVDs, and the game (and the toys still?), but how much would fans have to buy for this to happen? Is there a goal to reach maybe or perhaps just enough to get noticed by DC/WB that it's still something that people want more of?

I would think they'd be more interested in what was selling when the show was still on the air, because that's obviously what Mattel was looking at for it to pull its funding.

2). If by miracle, YJ does get brought back by Netflix, where would the funding come from? Having Mattel as a backer makes it look like it couldn't be made without it. Not every Warner Bros. Animation show has a backer (unless there's a silent contributer), and most of the Netflix shows have a backer (helped by broadcasters who air it around the world), so what would happen with YJ? Would it just be supported by Warner (and DC), itself? And I guess, Netflix.

Greg responds...

Well, this is all largely moot now, but...

1. I never had a NUMBER or AMOUNT. It takes more to get a company's attention after a show is off the air, then it takes to keep a show on the air. The other thing to keep in mind is that buying toys (or whatever) second-hand does nothing to get a company's attention. So, for example, I was not advocating buying YJ toys this year, because those toys were off the market. Any purchases were second sales and does nothing for Mattel or WB or DC's bottom line.

2. So YJ's coming back, but I don't know where it will air. The term "backer" doesn't really fit, either. It's about MONEY. Money to produce the first two seasons of YJ came from Mattel and Cartoon Network. (Mostly from Mattel.) When Mattel pulled out, the money from CN wasn't enough to produce the series. Period. For season three, Warner Bros itself is paying for it, for now. They have confidence, I guess, that wherever it winds up and whatever merchandise they may or may not eventually release or license, they'll still make a profit. That's based on what the fans proved over the last few years.

Response recorded on November 17, 2016

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Just a Nerd writes...

So I should have waited a bit longer to post that last question.

Also in Happy New Year, Mal tells Robin that all Team squads and Justice League units are in position.

1. We know the three Team squads that Nightwing assigned, but do you have an idea how the JL units might have been organized?

Thanks again.

Greg responds...

If I did, I no longer remember.

Response recorded on November 17, 2016

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Just a Nerd writes...

Hey Greg.

I'm #StillBingingYJ. At the beginning of Happy New Year, Wonder Girl and Batgirl were within a few blocks of the UN building when Lobo attacked Secretary General Tseng.

1. Were they the only two members of Beta Squad at that time? Or did other Team members head back to the Cave? (Don't know why they would, but hey. No assumptions.)
2. Okay, one assumption: I assume they were on mission, not just hanging out in costume in New York. Is this assumption accurate?
3. If you don't mind giving out a slight spoiler... what was that mission?

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

1. Just them.

2. Yep.

3. I ALWAYS mind giving out a spoiler. ALWAYS.

Response recorded on November 17, 2016

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FallenLegend writes...

I got a question.

Show: Young Justice
Episode: Endgame

During the final episodes Black Bettle mentioned that the light distracted him to abandon his post at war world's key chamber.

Question: Given how easily Savage and Klarion defeated Captain Marvel+ Black Canary+ black lighting, was Black Bettle really a concern for the light?

Link to clip:

Thank you Greg.

Greg responds...

Short answer: Yes.

Minus the unique capabilities of Jaime and Scarab's unique "teamwork," Black Beetle had proven to be otherwise unstoppable. The one time he seemed to be defeated, in "True Colors," was a fake-out to embed Green Beetle with the Team.

Response recorded on November 09, 2016

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JSA Fan writes...

I've always wondered, in Young Justice is Plastic Man able to speak, or do his powers leave him mute like Beast Boy's? I love that you don't have Mr. Tawney, Grodd, Wolf, or the Ultra-Humanite speak, by the way!

Greg responds...

Plastic Man can speak. If you've read our companion (in-continuity) comics, you've seen him speak. Ultra-Humanite speaks too, through an electronic box, much like the Brain. Grodd speaks telepathically in the comics. (And hasn't yet appeared in the series.) Tawney and Wolf cannot speak.

Response recorded on November 02, 2016

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Emily writes...

In young justice- When Flash and impulse are talking Kid flash says he can understand maybe every fourth word. Does this mean his brain functions quicker?

Greg responds...

Quicker (just barely) than normal human. Not as quick as Flash and Impulse.

Response recorded on October 31, 2016

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Aniston writes...

Why did Garfield Logan start living with Miss Martian at the cave?

Greg responds...

She became his legal guardian.

Response recorded on October 28, 2016

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Stiller writes...

Did Garfield Logan get the poster of the Young Justice Team before or after he started living at Mount Justice?

Greg responds...

What poster is this? What episode did you see it in?

Response recorded on October 27, 2016

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Jon writes...

So currently rewatching YJ Season One on Netflix. I'm up to "Secrets," and I can't help but wonder... do Martians consider "War of the Worlds" and similar alien-invasion movies and literature to be derogatory and/or racist? If the Martian population hasn't been sufficiently exposed to human culture at the point where the story left off to have an opinion, *would* they eventually take offense to said works? (I have to wonder if they'd wind up seeing Marvin the Martian -- the form Megan takes in this episode, presumably showing that Looney Tunes exist on Earth-16 -- as a sort of Chief Wahoo sort of figure...)

Greg responds...

I think that when J'onn sent broadcasts to Mars, he would have definitely sent anything that depicted "Martians," (including what must have been a perplexing "Life on Mars"). Because, after all, wouldn't Martians be very curious about "Martians"?

Way back when he started, I'm sure he would have prefaced his transmissions by reminding his Martian audience that Earthlings have no idea that Martians actually exist. That this was fantasy, much like the way Martians tell stories of evil sentient ma'alefa'aks, knowing that they're really just animals (like the way we talk about the Great Apes in Tarzan).

Given that, I think the Martians would be able to regard the "Martians" of Earth as kitsch.

Of course, as time passes on Earth-16 and Mars-16 (and Martians become aware that Earthlings are aware of the truth and nature of Martian existence), if the depiction of "Martians" didn't change, then the Martians would begin to have issues with those depictions.

But specifically, "War of the Worlds" - having been written over a hundred years before Earthlings knew that Martians did in fact exist - would still fall into the category of quaint.

Also, keep in mind, given the fact that at least three alien races - the Appellaxians, the Kroloteans and the Reach -DID, in fact, attempt invasion, the Martians wouldn't be upset about fictional depictions of OTHER races being demonized. Only if the "demons" were labeled as "Martians".

Fun question, by the way.

Response recorded on October 25, 2016

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B writes...

I think that when Lorisa214 asked, "1) What Roy Harper had to get a new SIN? - (Social Insurance Number. I'm not sure what it's called in the States. But everyone gets one and it identifies you & only you)" and you replied, "1. Which Roy are we talking about?" that that was her question: which Roy was it that had to get a new SIN? Or Social Security Number, here in the States.

Greg responds...

Oh. Hm. Not sure. I'm sure clone Roy would have wanted to give his up. But he's the one with the adult life history that would make changing it difficult. So maybe Original Roy?

Response recorded on October 24, 2016

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Young Justice Fan writes...

Who came up with Wally's death?

Greg responds...

We did.

Response recorded on October 17, 2016

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Jenneration writes...

In Young Justice: Invasion, why does the Team use the Greek alphabet (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, etc.) instead of the NATO alphabet (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc.) for squad distribution?

Greg responds...

Think about who the leader of the Team might have been when the system was installed.

Response recorded on October 17, 2016

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YJ fan forevahhhh writes...

Hi! I've finsihed YJ and it was so awesome! (Without that Wally died)
But how can I help to make a third season when Netflix don't have the episodes in my country?
Thanks again for the awesome series and #KeepBingingYJ !

Greg responds...

I don't know for sure. You can always ask Netflix customer service in your country if they would start carrying it.

If the BluRays are available, purchase those. Or you could purchase the episodes individually on iTunes.

You can also purchase our companion Young Justice comic on iTunes or Comixology.

Response recorded on October 17, 2016

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Christopher Chance writes...

Earlier you had said the reason Batman told Nightwing and Robin (Tim Drake) to keep their identities a secret from the Team is so that a plausible deduction of his identity would not be made.

If that's the case, would the original members of the Team (plus Kid Flash/Bart Allen and Beast Boy) outside of the "Bat-Family"-16 be able to make a guess at Batman's identity if they haven't already since they know who Nightwing and Robin (Tim Drake) are?

--Christopher Chance

Greg responds...

Certain individuals have been let in on the identities of Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne. No deductions necessary.

Response recorded on October 17, 2016

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Kshitij writes...

Hey Greg big fan of young justice. in season 1 wally cannot vibrate his molecules did he learn to do so by season 2.

Greg responds...

No. It's not a question of learning. He's just not that fast.

Response recorded on October 12, 2016

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cabes writes...

hi greg!! first i just wanna say, i love young justice and i really hope it can come back one day! i kind of cried when i heard about the netflix thing.
soo, a few questions?!

1. does dick still have romani heritage in earth sixteen canon? I apologize if that's already been asked.
2. how did arsenal stay fifteen (i believe) for eight years? was there some
kind of anti-aging technology in play when he was on ice?
3. i don't actually have a third question. wait, yes i do. is there a chance the yj original trio will make some sort of appearence, since they're all on the team now? that's a spoiler, though isn't it..

Greg responds...

1. No Spoilers.

2. He was frozen.

3. I honestly don't know what you're asking here. But in any case, it would clearly be a spoiler.

Response recorded on October 12, 2016

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Victor writes...

Hello Mr Weissman,

So first of all I would like to congratulate you and thank you for Young Justice. Whilst I am saddened you weren't able to do more with the series, I think what you produced was a great run and a rich, fascinating world which I am sure we would all have loved to see more of. I'll try to avoid ranting against the Powers That Be here, and just say thanks for giving it to us.

Now I have some extremely dorky questions about the background;

1: How much do Kryptonians weigh? You've said their strength and toughness comes from their density, but the fact Superboy can be shot by a tank with no result but to make him angrier seems to suggest he ought to weigh several tons, which would have caused him a few problems. It's possible he's made of some supertough material, but he also pins down an enormous monster in season 2 just by lying on top of its arm, so it looks like it's just his weight that's holding it down, which again would indicate he's REALLY heavy and Flash is presumably tailing him and putting reinforced chairs down whenever he has to sit somewhere :)

2: What kind of working relationship does the League have with mortal law enforcement/intelligence agencies? Have they told Interpol, Europol, the CIA and so forth about the Light (even if they don't want to start accusing Lex Luthor because it might get them sued if they don't have enough proof)?

3: Atlantis isn't part of the UN as per 'Usual Suspects' and even in season 2 little enough is known about it by air-breathers that Godfrey can ask if they're actually aliens. What kind of contact DOES Atlantis have with the surface world besides Aquaman and his sidekicks?

4: Does the Justice League own the rights to its logos and does it get royalties from all the superhero logos people presumably put on t-shirts, lunchboxes and so on on Earth 16?

5: Batman describes Bialya as a 'rogue state', but it seems to have some pretty high end military hardware (predator drones which are far more manouvrable than the real ones) and, frankly, I'd question the decision to let Queen Bee on the Light's board of directors if she ran a pariah state. So what is Bialya's standing in the international community, and specifically its relationship with the USA?

Greg responds...

1. I'd ask them, but it seems indelicate.

2. I'm sure they've got reciprocal intelligence sharing.

3. Little, at this point.

4. There's a lot of pirating, but yes.

5. It's standing varies from state to state. It's standing with the U.S. is not good.

Response recorded on October 10, 2016

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Just a Nerd writes...

Hi, Greg.

Rewatching YJ on Netflix. In The Fix, Kaldur responds to Black Manta's presence after six hours of psychic therapy by M'gaan and Artemis. In Complications, it is revealed that Kaldur is fully healed and is only feigning his catatonia to maintain their cover. This is roughly fifty days (from April 9 to May 27). My question is this: at what point in that period is Kaldur actually healed fully? To put it another way, how long did the three have to keep up the pretense?

Greg responds...

On one level or another, the whole time. If you're asking when his healing was "perfected," within that span, I don't know how to answer that. It's not like a switch was flipped. It's a process. He may not be 100% over it even now.

Response recorded on October 07, 2016

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GoliathFan223 writes...

Hello, Greg. Hope you're doing well.

Dropping in with another question. I hope it doesn't go into spoiler territory, but I apologize in advance if it does. I searched the archive and did not see it (then again, the archive is so massive, I may have overlooked it and for that I also apologize in advance).

The question has been bugging me for a while and it's regarding Young Justice: Invasion, particularly the episode "Endgame":

Is Black Beetle (in his original form after his scarab is destroyed via Blue Beetle), that is, is his species from the planet Rimbor or Raan or somewhere else? (I mainly ask because I thought his design was awesome. Phil did a wonderful job!)

Wish you well and I appreciate you taking the time to acknowledge my question (:

Greg responds...

He's from the Reach homeworld.

Response recorded on October 06, 2016

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anonymous writes...

OK, first of all: love YJ and I really hope to see a season 3.
Second: who is your favorite character out of all the villains, heroes and civilians in YJ, like Cat Grant or Green Beetle?
Mine is Blue Beetle and Impulse, they just make the best friends (Kinda ship BluePulse. Definitley see something there other than friendship, but it just might be the fact that Impulse just cares for him in the way that's like 'oh, I don't want you to conquer the Earth, so I'm gonna take care of you' way).
I really like Blue for the fact that he tries so hard not to succumb to the scarab and become super freaking evil. Also, he helps with me get a teensy bit ahead in Spanish. I like Impulse for the fact that he's like me, impulsive (Pun intended), eats a lot of food, is funny, and just tries to keep his friends safe. Thank you so much for the show, it was basically my late childhood and early teenage antidote from school and stuff.
Really hoping for a season 3!

Greg responds...

1. Thanks.

2. I don't have a single favorite.

Response recorded on October 06, 2016

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Paul writes...

Regarding Justice League designations 27 and 28, were these designations taken by 4th July Team Year Six, or were they only assigned after the end of season 2?

Greg responds...

After. The only new designation assigned by July 4th was B-26 for Static.

Response recorded on October 03, 2016

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SuperMartian89 writes...

I've seen a running theme of father issues: Superboy & Superman (although they resolved that as brothers instead), Artemis & Sportscaster, Aqualad & Black Manta, a little bit of Zatanna & Zatara.
Was it accidental or intentional?

Greg responds...

I dunno, honestly.

Many of these issues were built into the comics we were adapting.

Or some of it may come from my own fears as a father.

But there are mother issues too. Artemis & Paula. M'gann & Marie. Etc.

Response recorded on October 03, 2016

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Victor writes...

Why did u and brandon choose Wally's death as one of the best choices as a hole for the show....not to mention his relationship with Artemis was my favorite and Wally was also my favorite character. I know that you are not going to change it because it already is as it is...Wally and i connected...i just did not agree with seeing Wally's friends and especially Artemis go through all that pain...i suffered too, he ment a lot to me,.. I would just like to know why please..i feel like Wally was trying to do wright with his buetiful beloved Artemis.I liked the relationship by the way...you r amazing too...really great at what you do....but why did u and ur partner decide to do that.Not asking for your future plans..or Spoilers of course but WHY??...thank u for you time...#ilovewallyandartemis best ever.cant wait for SEASON 3

Greg responds...

There are a lot of complicated reasons. But fundamentally, it comes down to this:

Because we knew it would hurt.

Response recorded on October 03, 2016

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NoOneSpecial writes...

1) Who originally designed the inhibitors collars? Star labs? Wayne Industry? Lex corp?
2)Are the collars used in other prisons aside from Belle Reve, like say Arkham?
3 What year were they first invented?
4) Is there a limit to how many powers the collars can inhibit? With Megan we see her collar took her three main powers. Shapeshifting, telepathy and telekinesis. For someone like Superman, who, as far as I'm aware, has at least four non related abilities( Strength, speed, flight and heat visions) can the collar inhibit all abilities or can someone just have too many powers for it to be able to cover?
5) The collars are set to negate the wearers specific power. How does this work? Is there a list of say standard powers like strength, speed, heat vision etc, and the collars are merely configured to whatever one is needed? I have to imagine that there must be at least some cases where an individual has a power unique enough that it hasn't been commonly seen or categorized. For the ice villains, they're mostly vague enough that you can just say "negate cryokinesis" but for someone with a more obscure ability, like say "can turn there body into smoke", do they have to look for some kind of common classification in order for it to work, e.g. "negate molecule manipulation"?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

4. No spoilers.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on September 30, 2016

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Paul writes...

Have you locked down in your own mind the reason for Troia's departure from the Team? And Tempest's and Sergeant Marvel's?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 29, 2016

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Paul writes...

1) I remember reading ages ago that you had a Zatanna arc, a Marvel Family arc and a Red Tornado arc planned for season 2, all of which had to be shelved because there wasn't enough room for them. Am I right in thinking that you wanted to include these stories - and would have included them - had season 2 been 26 episodes rather than 20?

2) Why didn't you have the Team meet Sgt. Marvel and Lt. Marvel in season 1? They weren't off-limits to you like Troia was (unless they were and you haven't said) and it strikes me that having the Team meet Mary and Freddy might have been a fitting climax to Captain Marvel's season 1 arc. Obviously you had a story in mind since you were going to do a Marvel Family adventure in the comic before you were asked to bring the comic into the season 2 era. So yeah, just wondering why you opted to leave Mary and Freddy out of season 1?

Greg responds...

1. Most likely, yes. Either there or in our companion comic series.

2. We opted to leave a TON of characters out of Season One. What would you have taken out of that season to make room for them? (Don't answer that. I don't actually want to know.) We made the season (in both seasons) that we wanted to make, taking our best shot, given the number of episodes in the order. As I've said before, we wanted to put both Troia and Sgt. Marvel in Season Two, but there wasn't time to get them designed.

Response recorded on September 29, 2016

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Miss Mack writes...

Hello there Greg!
1. I just wanted to know if the young justice team in the show ever came up with a team name for themselves? The show itself Is called young Justice but Dick, kaldur etc refer to it only as the team. So did they just call it a team or give themselves the NAME young justice?
2. It has come to my knowledge that the YJ comic and tv show are drastically different. Is there any kind of reason you didn't want to follow the comics specifically or just had a better story?
3. Not sure if this counts as a spoiler but did Bart KNOW and had met anyone if his timeline that was apaprt of the old yj team or the justice league itself or did he just hear stories from civilians? How did he come to know his family heritage and who his grandfather was?

Greg responds...

1. They're the Team. Honestly, I'm surprised people keep asking this question. (Not just you. I get this all the time. Especially on Twitter.) There are 46 episodes and 26 comic book issues out there and in NONE of them do the characters ever refer to the Team by any other name. Why would one think there's any other name? And why would you need any other name for a COVERT unit?

2. It depends WHICH YJ comic you're referring to. The 90s YJ comic was part of the continuity of that day. We weren't adapting any one comic or any one continuity. We were doing an adaptation of the ENTIRE DC Universe's 75 years of continuity through the prism of its young heroes. On the other hand, if you're referring to the Young Justice companion comic that we did while the show was on the air, then ALL the stories in that book are in continuity and canon to the series.

3. No spoilers. Though clearly, he knew Nathaniel Tryon, at minimum.

Response recorded on September 29, 2016

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NoOneSpecial writes...

1) When did G Gordon first arrive on Earth, assuming of course he is indeed from Apokolips?
2) What year did he begin his talk show?
3) Does Gordon have any actual super powers in any shape or form? Is his ability to sway the public just simply showmanship tactics, or does he posses some limited hypnosis or mind control abilities similar to Queen Bee

Greg responds...

1. I'm not going to confirm or deny or explain or spoil anything.

2. I haven't broken that down.

3. No spoilers.

Response recorded on September 29, 2016

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Just a Nerd writes...

Rewatching Salvage in season 2 of Young Justice. Question came to me.

How did the League figure out the crystal Appellaxian could redirect sonic attacks? Among the original seven (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Hal Jordan, Flash, Aquaman, and Manhunter) there is no one with sound-based powers. If Black Canary had been part of the original team, maybe, but how else?

Not trying to be confrontational, just curious. Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

Batman tried to shatter it with his bat-horn (which is like a bullhorn, but bat-themed). Boy, was he sorry he tried that. Could be why we haven't seen him use it since!

Response recorded on September 28, 2016

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Becca writes...

1. Is Nguyen Lian's middle name or is it a part of her last name? (Nguyen-Harper).
2. Does Jade ever go by Jade Harper?

As always, thank you for doing this!

Greg responds...

1. It's part of her hyphenated last name.

2. No. Long ago, she went by Jade Crock. But not in years.

Response recorded on September 27, 2016

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Allie writes...

1. Can Jaime's scarab translate non-verbal languages, like American Sign Language, Japanese Sign Language, etc?
2. And what about village sign languages, like Inuit and Hausa sign language?
3. Can the scarab translate ancient and dead languages too?
Thanks for answering!

Greg responds...

1. Once the scarab's learned them.

2. Again, not without learning them, but once he has, then translation's fairly instantaneous.

3. See above.

Response recorded on September 27, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

In Young Justice, when are Don and Dawn Allen born?

Greg responds...

Team Year Six.

Response recorded on September 22, 2016

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Julie writes...

Hi Greg! This isn't so much a question as it is a statement (I don't have any questions that don't fall into "spoiler" territory and I live in eternal hope that there will be more Young Justice to come, so I wouldn't dream of bothering you with spoilery-questions).

I just wanted to say -- I watched Young Justice devotedly from it's premiere through second season finale, and -- although almost three years have passed since "Endgame" premiered, YJ is still one of my utmost favorite shows. Your characterization and inclusion of some of my most-loved DC characters excited me then, and still excites me now. YJ-canon is, actually, my favorite (and IMO the most logical) canon for the DC Universe.

No matter how many times I rewatch it (repeatedly and often, as I own the bluray), it still captivates and draws in new viewers. Just this previous month I got my boss and his daughter hooked! I'm hoping Cartoon Network (or, well, any network or streaming service with the ability to produce new seasons) notices that after nearly three years without new episodes, the fandom is still devoted and growing. Here's to hoping they get their act together and let you make a third season (sooner, rather than later).

Anywhos, that became a bit long-winded, but I wanted to thank you for gifting us with this wonderful series and wish you well. I hope you had a fantastic holiday! :)

Greg responds...

Thanks, Julie. I do think there's a decent chance of it coming back.

Response recorded on September 21, 2016

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Spitfire2016 writes...

1) Why did Artemis and Wally adopted Brucely/why did they wanted a dog? (I love that they have a dog together, specially a pit bull, even more if it is based on Stephanie's pup!)
2) Who's idea was in the first place to have a dog?

Greg responds...

1. Why does anyone want a dog?

2. Brandon Vietti.

Response recorded on September 16, 2016

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YJistheBEST. writes...

Hello Greg!
It's such an honor to be able to write to you through this site. Thank you so much for replying to your fans questions. Not many cartoon creators do that and I think is a big shame... Then again, I understand it can be hard to deal with unwanted questions too. Anyways; I'm a huge fan of Young Justice and its second season. I can't say enough how much I love everything about this show. From the characters, to the action, to the plots, to the drama, to the voice cast, to the comedy, to the animation and effects, etc. Everything about YJ says awesomeness. Needless to say I am one more of those fans who would die to have a third season :'( I really miss this series and in just the past four days I have rewatched the whole show again. I love this show and I really miss it on the air D:
Ok, to the questions (hope you'll be helpful, please) Regarding the so devastating Endgame episode and my #1 couple on the show, Artemis and Wally. When everything was over and Barry and Bart stopped running, Artemis was obviously sad and worried searching and asking for Wally. She doesn't start crying until Barry let her know that Wally loved her:
1) Were Wally's words a surprise to Artemis?
2) In all those years together. Did Wally ever told Artemis to her face that he loved her?
3) The same for Artemis. Did she ever told Wally to his face that she loved him?
I think is pretty obvious these two really loved each other, is just that Artemis' loss of Wally felt so deep... Wally's death was a huge sacrifice to save the world, and it really showed what a great hero and man he was. And Artemis breaking down in tears and when her and the Wests are comforting each other are scene that break my heart whenever I see them. I am sad for everyone who lost Wally. And I am sad that Wally can't be with his family, friends, and love of his life anymore. But that doesn't take away what a well done and dramatic finale Endgame is. Thank you for creating this show, which is one of the best shows I have ever watched (I grew up watching Gargoyles and Justice League, just so you can imagine how old I am) and though it might sound crazy, I don't lose hope it might get a new season some day.
Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

1. I think she knew that Wally loved her. I also think she knew that if Barry was leading with that, it meant Wally was dead.

2. Yes.

3. Yes.

Thanks for the kind words, and I wouldn't lose hope. I think there's a better than decent chance that YJ might come back.

Response recorded on September 16, 2016

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safminako writes...

Do you think Keith David could voice any other of your characters? If so, which ones?

I am still a fan of the show and totally used jump off of an ironing board trying to fly when I watched Gargoyles as a kid.

Greg responds...

I don't understand what you mean. Keith is amazing, and has done a voice for me on nearly every series I've produced. The list includes Goliath (Gargoyles), Officer Morgan (Gargoyles), Thailog (Gargoyles), Mama (3x3 Eyes), Hades (Kidd/Hero), The Big Man (The Spectacular Spider-Man) and Mongul (Young Justice: Invasion).

Response recorded on September 16, 2016

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Prosky writes...

Is Happy Harbor in ruins in 2056 at the end of Young Justice Invasion episode Bloodlines?

Greg responds...

At the VERY end? No. But Mount Justice is.

Response recorded on September 15, 2016

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Alexis writes...

Why did Martian Manhunter not stop Miss Martian from abusing her powers in season two of Young Justice?

Greg responds...

He wasn't fully aware of it. Keep in mind, she's way more powerful, telepathically, than he is.

Response recorded on September 14, 2016

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Kiri B-G writes...

Hello Greg! First of all, thank you for making my childhood awesome.

I have about billion question I'd like to ask, but the one I keep coming back to over and is this. What was life after the Reach Apocalypse like for the average human civilian? Was all of humanity made into slave laborers and the entire Earth rendered barren, or is that just the bits we got to see? All of what have been shown of that time is from Impulse's point of view, so I wasn't sure if those scenes were to be taken as a world wide example or specific to metahumans in the vicinity of Mount Justice.

Greg responds...

Basically, what you see is what you get. Or what the human race got.

And thanks for the kind words.

Response recorded on September 14, 2016

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Dragomir writes...

Greetings Greg, what are the true names of the Reach Scientist, Ambassador, & Black Beetle? I really liked how you provided all three alien invasion leaders with distinct personalities, which made them feel like actual people rather than stock villains, but was curious as to whether or not they had actual personal given names beyond their ranks & titles within the Reach hierarchy, or in Black Beetle's case his codename as a scarab bearer. Thanks for your time & for Young Justice & its entertaining baddies :D

P.S. poor Reach Scientist, Beetle & Ambassador TOTALLY should have listened to her, no respect I tell ya, no respect XD

Greg responds...

We never named them, and to be honest, I'm not sure they have names. They have functions.

Response recorded on September 13, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

As of Season 2

1. Why does Mal live in the Cave instead of an apartment or house?

2. Why doesn't Lagoon Boy live in the Polis' he's from?

3. Does he split his time between the Team and the Polis he's from?

Greg responds...

1. Free rent?

2. He does, when he's home. But he was a student at the Conservatory in Poseidonis. So he also feels at home there.

3. Probably splits time between all three locations.

Response recorded on August 31, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. What is Mal majoring in?

2. What is he minoring in?

3. As of Young Justice Legacy was Raquel in college?

Greg responds...

No Spoilers to all questions.

Response recorded on August 31, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

What is Deadshot's ethnicity?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 30, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. On Earth 16 is Guy Gardner Irish?

2. Were his parents Irish immigrants?

Greg responds...

I haven't studied this.

Response recorded on August 30, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Who is the head scientist at the Taos Branch of S.T.A.R. Labs?

Greg responds...

No Spoilers.

Response recorded on August 30, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. Besides Virgil, Tye, Asami, Ed, and Stephanie was a backstory created for each of the remaining abductees in Before the Dawn?

2. Besides Virgil, Tye, Asami, Ed, and Stephanie, was any consideration given to from how far a way, in relation to Bludhaven, the abductees in Before the Dawn were abducted from?

3. Were any of the abductees in Beneath or Before the Dawn given names?

4. Were any of the abductees in Beneath or Before the Dawn modeled after existing DC characters?

Greg responds...

1. Nope.

2. Not really.

3. You mean besides Stephanie Brown?

4. You mean besides Stephanie Brown?

Response recorded on August 29, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. In Before the Dawn who voiced the dark haired boy in the red and white shirt standing to Tigress' left?

2. What is his ethnicity?

As shown here


Greg responds...

I'm sorry. I don't remember. And I don't have my recording script here at my Nickelodeon office to even attempt a guess.

Response recorded on August 24, 2016

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Nehuen writes...

Mister Weisman , I am a boy of 15 years of Argentina,from now excuse me if my English is very low expectation,I wanted to tell you about your tv series called "Young Justice",You and your team did a wonderful job, i love dc universe and everything that includes superheroes but you changed my life, I was a rebellious boy to my task not spend much time in the streets, when I saw the TV series left shocked after I saw his first season change radically thanks to you now consider myself a better person. Thank you so much for doing that, but now I am really sad because the third season of Young Justice will not occur and the truth that can make a lot of money had a very open-ended and all your fans, fans of the series want to Somehow or another they finish making the third season and more seasons if you can, if not enough money to do the show through the internet that much encerio love that series, cried with the death of Wally, cry with death sagebrush and I blame you for that because there was dead lol, I appreciate you have made this series and brother want puedieras continue to produce more this season, and if not well at least answer me. I admire command you health and peace for you and the whole team of "Young Justice"

Greg responds...

Hi Nehuen,

I'm very gratified that the series meant so much to you. And, if it helps, I think there is a decent chance of getting the series back. We're asking all the fans to binge-watch YOUNG JUSTICE on Netflix. I don't know if you have Netflix in Argentina or if YJ is on it, if you do. But if so, please watch the show over and over. It will really help us get it back.

Response recorded on August 24, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. Out of universe was anyone else considered for the position of the enforcer for the Light besides Deathstroke?

2. If so, who?

3. At what point did you know that you wanted to use Deathstroke as the enforcer for the Light in Season 2?

Greg responds...

1. You mean besides Sportsmaster? No.

2. See above.

3. 2010, I think.

Response recorded on August 24, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Is Eduardo's grandfather his grandfather on his father's side or his mother's?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 23, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. Is Virgil's sister older or younger then he is?

2. Is her name Sharon?

Greg responds...

Technically, these are both spoiler requests... but older and yes.

Response recorded on August 23, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Who is the second in command of the Runaways?

Greg responds...

Is there a first in command?

Response recorded on August 23, 2016

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rudlak07 writes...

Hello, Mr Weisman.
I was playing Lego Batman 3, and one of the story lines was based on the Blue Lantern planet Odym. During this story, the Blue Lanterns were being attacked by The Reach.
I made a connection to Young Justice Invasion, and wondered, did you get the idea of The Reach from the game? An enemy that you were interested in? Or a different reason all together? (if that is the case, could you specify?)
Thank you for your time :)

Greg responds...

We got the idea for the Reach from Blue Beetle comic books, after DC's Mike Carlin suggested them.

Response recorded on August 08, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

On Jan. 6th, 2014 you stated that originally you had planned to show a scene where we see a "BLANK" body-suit adapt to match the person it was replacing. But there just wasn't the page space when it came down to scripting the issue.

What episode did you intend this scene to be in?

Greg responds...

I don't even know what property you're referring to. It's been two and a half years since that "statement," and it was already one and a half years when you posted your question. Context would have helped.

Oh, wait. I'm guessing you're talking about the Krolotean body-suits. In which case, I would have put it in the companion comic, I think (if I recall correctly) in issue #25. We would have seen Noor Harjavti and Bibbo Bibbowsky duplicated by blank body-suits operated by Kroloteans.

Response recorded on August 05, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. As of Endgame who is aware that Megan fried Kaldur's brain?

2. Is the Krolotean Megan interrogates in Alienated in a catatonic state when she finishes?

3. If so, did Martian Manhunter realize this?

Greg responds...

1. At minimum, Miss Martian, Aqualad, Superboy, Tigress, Nightwing, Vandal Savage, Psimon, Black Manta, Deathstroke, Cheshire, Sportsmaster, Queen Bee, Ra's al Ghul, Brain, Lex Luthor, the Ambassador and various Manta Troopers.

2. Pretty much.

3. Not immediately.

Response recorded on August 05, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. Who is Black Lighting closest to in the Justice League?

2. Who initially nominated Black Lightning for League membership?

Greg responds...

1. No Spoilers.

2. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on August 05, 2016

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Eric Assenmacher writes...

Hey Greg,

I was a huge fan of Young Justice when it was on air, and would even manage to wake up for it on Saturdays (Specifically for season 2) despite being a college student who loved to sleep in.

I especially loved Wally's character, and felt that he was the best character (With Robin/Nightwing being not too far behind with his constant prefix questioning)

My question is, which do you think caused the most people to react to Wally's sacrifice at the end of Season 2? The attachment to this specific Wally that you guys built up over two seasons, the fact that your Wally was the only remaining Wally in media at the time (As it would be a while before he was added back into comics), or the end of the show meaning that we might not know if he could ever return.

And heck, I'll add in another question. What was the inspiration for Dick's obsession with prefixes, and why he chose to use the non-prefixed words? Specifically Whelmed because that was always my favorite.

Greg responds...

1. I can't speak for the fans. It sounds like all three of your suggestions played a role.

2. As I've stated many times before, Robin's "unwords" were inspired by actual conversations I had with my kids.

Response recorded on August 05, 2016

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Jane writes...

This might be a totally silly thing to ask, but it occurred to me today and has been bothering me...

If Nabu refuses to let Zatara remove the helmet of fate because he's afraid that neither Zatara nor anyone else would put it back on again, then how in the world does Zatara eat? There's no way to access his mouth with that helmet on 24/7. Does the host of Nabu no longer need to eat? And I'm not trying to be facetious, I'm 100% serious with this question. Like, in season two, Zatara has been Doctor Fate for over five years. Surely he's eaten something in that time? Or is his body sustained through magical means? Thanks for taking the time to answer all these questions!

Greg responds...

Is Zatara still Doctor Fate in Season Two? What's your evidence for this?

In any case, I'm sure magic is useful for eating, bathing, etc.

Response recorded on August 05, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Who gets clothes and other things for Garfield when he was living at the cave? Who pays for Garfield's schooling at the cave?

Greg responds...

His guardian is Megan Morse. But I imagine the League pays for his schooling.

Response recorded on August 04, 2016

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