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REVELATIONS 2012-08 (Aug)

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Jasser writes...

Is all magic the same?-That was horribly worded, what I mean to ask is,like... is Zatanna's backwards spells technically and different from Atlantian Tattoo magic or Lord of Chaos fire? I can see they are visually different and have different levels of strength, but could,say Doctor Fate preform all of them? Is one inherently more potent then another? How can all these sub-sects exist of the exact same thing-or are they not all the same thing? I'm not certain what i'm asking here,and I really am sorry for that-but it's bothering my brain.

and since that was a paragraph and not a list..

1.How do the seperate branches of magic relate to each other?
1a. are they all on the same ''magic scale''? (if you can preform a really powerful magic like doctor fate, would you just as easily be able to preform lesser magic like the Atlanteans).
1b. Is one inherently stronger/difficult then another?
1c. Did they develop independent of each other but are virtually the same? (that wasn't meant to be a yes/no question...I don't know how to word it differently).

I'm keeping the paragraph because I think it illustrates my thoughts better, but I think you'd prefer just to outline the questions I listed.Wish I could previous this, I'm afraid it's going to look like an annoying wall of text! grr..

(Also, I just discovered I asked a question alittle while ago that was already asked, sorry! For these I just ctrl + F'd the words "magic", "spell(s)" and "sorcery")

Greg responds...

A. All everything ultimately is energy. But no, all magic is not the same.

B. There are different rules.

C. Doctor Fate could probably accomplish by his own means most everything Zatanna could do, but he would go about it differently.

D. A Lord of Order or Chaos is way more powerful than Zatara or Zatanna.

E. Think of it this way: all life on earth is carbon-based. But that doesn't mean you have much in common with a fern.

1. See above.

1a. See above.

1b. See above.

1c. Yes, they developed independently, but ultimately it's all a redistribution of energy.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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Sethmo writes...

Hi. First off, most awesoe show I've seen, surpassed only by (or even to, can't decide) by Alan Wake. Second, my question. How did Huntress (Artemis' Mom)get in a wheel chair (e.g. what were the events that made her unable to walk?)

Greg responds...

During the commission of a crime.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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Ed writes...

1. How do Artemis and Paula support themselves financially?

2. Where was Paula born?

Greg responds...

1. Paula has a job, and Crusher provides some support. For example, he still pays the rent on their apartment.

2. Vietnam.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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Anonymous Andy writes...

Is there a chance that the YJ tie-in comics will eventually be combined into a single graphic novel, like with Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Do you mean into trade paperbacks? If so, then yes.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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Orio, again writes...

[I am re-submitting my questions in a suitable format; my old post was under the same name and asked the same questions. It would be helpful if it could possibly be deleted. I'd like to apologize for blurting out all my questions, it's just that I was all excited about posting because I never had before and I felt like I wouldn't be able to get everything I wanted to get asked put in before the queue closed. I have no idea how things work around here as far as that.]
6. Who is Aqualad closer to? Garth or Roy?
7. Are Aqualad's water-bearers some type of machine, or are they of magical origin?
8. How close is Aqualad to Robin?
10. Do Atlanteans eat fish, or are they opposed to the idea?

Greg responds...

6. Garth, probably. But he's close to Roy too.

7. They're Atlantean tech designed to work in concert with and augment Atlantean sorcery.

8. About a foot and a half.

9. There is no #9.

10. Most eat fish. Some are vegetarians.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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Orio writes...

[I am re-submitting my questions in a suitable format; my old post was under the same name and asked the same questions. It would be helpful if it could possibly be deleted. I'd like to apologize for blurting out all my questions, it's just that I was all excited about posting because I never had before and I felt like I wouldn't be able to get everything I wanted to get asked put in before the queue closed. I have no idea how things work around here as far as that.]
Hello, Mr. Weisman!
I'd like to start out by saying that I'm a huge fan of Young Justice, and think it's amazing how you can deal with such dark-ish concepts and still maintain a soft tone--and deal with a ginormous cast in one show! I'm actually very excited, typing this, because I've never actually had the chance to ask questions, so… Here goes!

2. Since it's probably trivial enough (and kind of impossible, since pretty much all of them are dead) not to be mentioned in any future show episodes, how old were each of the Flying Graysons (excluding Robin, of course) when they died? How old was the uncle, Richard, when he went into a coma (I think that's what happened... Am I wrong?)
3. Likewise, what were their personalities?
4. Did Robin's older cousin take on the role of an 'older brother' when he lived due to the age difference between the two of them, as well as how close they were as a family?

Greg responds...

1. There's no number 1.

2. I haven't figured out their ages.

3. I'm not going into that outside the confines of telling a story.

4. Yes.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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Derek writes...

1) So Martian Manhunter knows that Miss Martian was a white martian right? So is she really "legally" his niece via adoption or was that just a cover story?
2) Where did the idea of Miss Martian basing her personality on a sitcom come from? I thought it was very clever.

Greg responds...

1. Right.

1a. Neither. He's her niece. Her mother - a Green Martian - is J'onn's sister. M'gann's father is a White Martian.

2. Uh, I think that was my idea originally, but it was thoroughly worked on by the entire brain trust, i.e. me, Brandon Vietti and Kevin Hopps. In addition, writer and former child sitcom star Nicole Dubuc, also contributed a lot at the script stages.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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Andre writes...

Hey man, been a big fan of Gargoyles since my early childhood days, and have been following your work from Spectacular Spider-Man to Young Justice.

My question refers to the primary antagonist of the Gargoyle universe, David Xanatos. What was the inspiration for you to create such a complex gray villain? Also, where'd the name come from for Xanatos too?

Greg responds...

1. The most immediate inspirations were Captain Hook/Duke Igthorn mixed with a healthy dose of General Wade Eiling, plus some Bruce Wayne and Captain Kirk.

2. The name is a variation on Thanatos, the greek god of death. It also is a real name you can find in most phone books. Assuming you can find a phone book.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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Jason R. Carter writes...

1. Any particular reason why Luthor is pronounced like Luther as opposed to "Lu-thor"?

2. Is Earth-16 Atom stuck at that size or can he grow to human size?

Greg responds...

1. Guess it's what I grew up with.

2. He can be normal sized.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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Paul writes...

1) Is Lex Luthor immune to Queen Bee's control?

2) When Cheshire retreated at the end of "Usual Suspects", was she feeling some respect for Artemis at bringing down Sportsmaster?

3) Is Zatanna a cougar?

Greg responds...

1. Does he need to be?

2. Respect...? I suppose. Some. More like complicity.

3. Huh? She's just a few months older than Robin.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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The spider writes...

Not that i have a problem with it but why is batman so much younger than everyone else(including flash)?
Love the young justice show!

Greg responds...

He's not.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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Thomas Allen Dreyfuss writes...

Hi Greg. I've been a long time reader of your responses and I figured after reading through 100's of responses (for my own purposes), I'd find the courage in me to ask you a question. When it comes to planning for a show like "Young Justice" that's episodic in nature (like many of your other works) yet geared for all ages (see previous statement in parenthesis), how do you and your collaborators approach something as daunting like weaving together multiple plot threads, showing character growth, and create story arcs? What are some of the advantages and constraints to writing in the way that you do? I'm currently studying television production as my major in college (a career path I've been told that is faced with rejection, hard work, and passion) and I'm asking this question (well, now it's questions) because I've been fascinated with well organized/structured series. Being the well accomplished writer that you are, I thought I'd ask you on the subject since you have a lot of experience writing/creating/producing shows like "Gargoyles", "The Spectacular Spider-Man", and "Young Justice". If you don't feel like answering this question, I understand that you're a very busy person (you don't need to tell me how busy, I've read the rambles) who takes the time from work to answer the many questions people send to you and I for one certainly appreciate all the hard work you (and of course, the many people you've worked with) put into your each of your projects. Anyways, thanks so much for giving me the opportunity to ramble and I look forward to whatever stories you have planned next (INVASION! WOOT!).

Greg responds...

I've written quite a bit on this subject already - even recently (like today). So take a look at the archives, and if you have specific questions after reading what I wrote, feel free to post again.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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LupusLover writes...

Was Paula Crock put in a wheel chair before she went to prison or during?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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Adam writes...


As I'm writing this, "Usual Suspects" aired yesterday. Before I get to my question, I'd just like to thank you for a few things. First, that for "Young Justice," which has more or less replaced "Justice League Unlimited" for me as my favorite DC adaptation of all time, and I didn't think that was going to happen. Second, thanks for "Spectacular Spider-Man", which is tied with YJ as my favorite comic adaptation ever. And finally, thank you SO much for including Icon and Rocket in "Usual Suspects". I'm not sure Rocket will stay with the Team, but as a Milestone fan from way back, it meant a lot to me to see these characters get some screen time.

Now for my question, since I don't recall having seen it asked before: in "Misplaced," did Zatanna understand, before she put it on, that she might never be able to take off the helmet of Fate? It was a powerful moment (I loved the reversal my expectations given Zatara's fate in the comics), but I'm not clear on whether Zatanna had a sense of the potential jeopardy she was in.

"Usual Suspects" was immensely satisfying for me, and I'm looking forward to next week's season finale. I hope you and your fellow creators are proud; I think the work you've done on YJ has been a high watermark for cartoons based on comics.

Greg responds...

I think she understood the risk intellectually, but deep down didn't fully believe it would end up biting her on the ass.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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The black guy writes...

As a kid, I grew up watching superhero cartoons. I watched Spider-man(loved him), Superman(hated him), Batman, and etc. I thought to myself, "There is not a fly in the milk." It wasn't until Justice League Unlimited(Jon Stewart was awesome) and Static Shock where I could see Superheroes who looked liked me. The same culture as me. Green Lantern was raised in the projects and regularly got his haircut in Barbershop just like mine. Static had that same parent who acted just like mine did. What I am trying to say is thank you. Thank you for being so open minded with established characters and having the foresight to think that not all kids in America or the world have to have that "Great White Hero." Adding Icon and Rocket to the Young Justice was a great homage to Dwayne McDuffie, the man who made those characters or pushed for the inclusion of those characters in the mainstream. I'm glad that my little girl can have that same cathartic feeling about Rocket as I did for Static and Jon Stewart.

Greg responds...

Just to be clear, I was a huge fan of Dwayne's work - and specifically of Icon and Rocket. Denys Cowan and I developed an Icon & Rocket series for DreamWorks back in the late nineties, but we weren't able to sell it.

But from a timing standpoint, the decision to include Icon and Rocket in YJ came LONG BEFORE Dwayne's sudden passing. In hindsight, it was a tribute. But at the time, we just loved the characters, which is another kind of tribute in and of itself.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why is Superboy in every episode so far? Is he supposed to be the character with more focused, or no real reason?

Greg responds...

These decisions are made as organically as possible... based on what we need to cover and how various characters do or don't fit into the action.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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Foxwolf writes...

Hi Greg

As someone who is interested in writing episodic stories, I was wondering if you could tell me your approach on how you write a season for a series like YJ? I remember seeing an image on Brandon Vietti's blog where he had post-it's on a board mapping out all of season 1. Do you start with the season's overall story first, eg. The Light wants to take control of the Justice League and Red Arrow is the mole who will help them?

Then do you just come up with events that move the story forward and scatter them across episodes? Do you come up with plot points and character development separately or in tandum, eg. Superboy's growth would work well with this event? I ask because in my own writing I have season arc's and checkpoints on where I want some character's to grow but have struggled with "filling in the blanks".

Just off the top of your head, would you be able to share a few of the post-it's from a particular YJ episode?

And what are your thoughts on "filler story episodes". My interpretation was "Secrets" and "Performance" were filler in that they didn't drive the overall season story forward, but did have character development. Do you think it's important in writing for a series to give the audience a break from the story arc at regular intervals?

Thanks for your time Greg on sharing your writing process.

I was also wondering if you could please identify which voice actors voiced the following uncredited characters? Thanks.

120 - Coldhearted
Boston Police Officer
Chicago Police Officer #1
Chicago Police Officer #2
South Dakota State Trooper

121 - Image
Biaylan General

124 - Performance
Dragon's Breath
Carlo's Brother

Greg responds...

1. Yes, we start with the overall story first and then break it down in smaller and smaller bites (using index cards - not post it notes - on a bulletin board).

2. We didn't have any filler episodes in this series. Everything played to one degree or another toward the end game. But some episodes are more intense than others and some are more directly involved in the arc than others. For example, after the triptych of mole episodes (121-123), we wanted to use 124 as a bit of a breather before launching into our resolution in 125 & 126. Having said that, 124 still kept our focus on on-going issues from the arc, like who Red Arrow suspected as possible moles, and how Superboy was abusing his shields.

3. I'm afraid my season one record draft scripts are boxed up. So I don't have access to who played minor bit parts handy.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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jjj writes...

Hi Greg,

Thanks for a great show! I have a question about "The Mole". I believe that in Targets, Sportsmaster implied that the mission in Bialya was one of the things his inside source told him about. If that's the case, how did Roy know about Bialya?


Greg responds...

Well, Sportsmaster had many sources for info on Bialya. But Red Arrow had access to the info through League computers and/or Green Arrow and/or his buddies on the Team, who trusted him implicitly.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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Evan writes...

Hi, Greg!
I just wanted to know: is there a death penalty in Atlantis? No real reason, I'm just curious.


Greg responds...

Haven't thought about it.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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Colleen writes...

Did you consider making Lois Lane a TV reporter or presenter, and having her do all the journalistic narration, instead of Cat Grant?

Greg responds...

No. Lois' identity seems entwined with being a print reporter for the Daily Planet. She didn't feel right as a GBS reporter and anchor.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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The Greenman writes...

Excellent, excellent show, ref: YJ.

Just watched "Usual Suspects" and this one was great.

I most especially loved the aspect of mixing science and sorcery to use the Starro chips. I kept thinking to myself, how is it possible to influence the will of Starro if it's incapcitated? You solved it.

For this episode specifically:

What are the names of the t.v. stations 7, 11, and 5?

Greg responds...

I don't know.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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Effie writes...

Wow, "Usual Suspects" was incredible. My favorite episode to date! Can't wait for the finale!

Just one question: how did you and Brandon (and whoever else) decide who the mole would be? Was it a long process, or did the idea just come naturally?

Greg responds...

Both. We pretty much figured that out early, early on. I suggested Speedy/Red Arrow for the series, and Brandon suggested Artemis - who also seemed like a great choice to me. So together (with Kevin Hopps), we came up with a way for both to have very significant roles.

Response recorded on August 30, 2012

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IBGame writes...

I just watched Usual Suspects today- great episode, I might add- and I have one major question.

Artemis is reveals the identity of her mother as "Huntress". Was she not the Tigress in this universe or is she an amalgamation of both (kind of how Earth 16 Robin has many Tim Drake traits)?

Greg responds...

1. She was just Huntress, which was the character's original name in the comics anyway.

2. And for the record, Earth-16 [Season One] Robin has only ONE real Tim Drake trait - i.e. his hacking ability, which seems like a natural for ANY modern day reinterpretation of Robin. The only other Tim Drake 'trait' I can see is LONG PANTS. All of which, should, I hope, be even clearer now that we've introduced Tim Drake. I would think the contrasts are obvious. Our Grayson was never Drake. And hopefully our Drake is not Grayson either.

Response recorded on August 29, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Watched Usual Suspects today, and I gotta say Thank you for an awesome episode! I've been arguing with a friend over the mole, and I'm happy to see I was right; I knew Artemis wouldn't betray the team. But as for the reveal of the mole-WHAAAA??!! I did not see that coming! Very nicely done! Also, I like the expansion of the League, nice additions. Keep it up, I can't wait for next week's episode!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 29, 2012

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Jonathon Sparks writes...

Before I begin, I want to say thanks for taking the time to read all of our crazy questions, I know it can sometimes be taxing dealing with the hive mind that is the internet.

1- Since Episode 25's "Usual Suspects" just aired, I was wondering... Since Red Arrow is now a member of the Justice League, has his designation number changed from B-06 to a JL designation number (I'd guess 21 based on his position in line)? If so... do the designation numbers after him (Artemis for instance) get reduced, is the designation number permanently voided, or does the newest member (Rocket) take over that slot? Or something else entirely that I haven't thought of?

... Yeah, I know that one's probably asking for a Spoiler, but I just saw the episode and my inner "OCD comic nerd" is going nuts over it.

2- Hopefully this one is a bit less crazy. I've been a big fan of the Young Justice tie-in comic as well as the show, and I've been more then happy to recommend it to other YJ fans. In particular, several story arcs from the comic tie into the show's continuity, and I was just curious how the whole process of writing those stories works... are the gaps in the show added intentionally to allow for the comics, or are they stories that you just didn't have the space for in the show?

Greg responds...

1. Yes. He's 21.

1a. No, it doesn't work like that. Numbers are, in essence, retired. The exception is Vandal Savage, because he was never supposed to be 'honored' with a number.

2. More the latter.

Response recorded on August 29, 2012

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