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REVELATIONS 2012-12 (Dec)

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13LuckyWishes writes...

Is the bioship originally Megan's or did J'onn give it to her after they got to earth? If the former is true, did she sneak it onto his own ship when she stowed away?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Anon writes...

Does it ever bother you that Young Justice is compared to Teen Titans a lot?

I mean, I loved Teen Titans as a kid, but I personally don't see much resemblance between the two shows other than the fact that they're DC heroes, and I think Young Justice is just brilliant.

Greg responds...

It doesn't seem like it is anymore. At least not here on this site.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Robin John Blake writes...

Who was Thomas Wayne father and was Thomas Wayne killed in 80's?

Greg responds...

1. I haven't done research on that.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Katie writes...

I live with roommates directly across the street from a church and directly above a funeral home. We have a gargoyle in the window facing the church. Is this bad? We've been experiencing weird happenings in the house and get uneasy in a particular area of the house and I'd like to know if removing the gargoyle might help. I know that they're meant to keep evil out of a church and that's why they face away from them, but I wonder if having a gargoyle facing the church is bringing bad vibes to my apartment.

Greg responds...

I doubt it. Probably the reverse. It's protecting you from something even worse.

(We're kidding around here, correct?)

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Luke writes...

Who were the two characters you wanted to include in the bridal shower scene in Satisfaction?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Diana writes...

What happened to the disc Robyn stole from Demona? Did the police find it in the wreckage of the airship?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Lorisa214 writes...

When Kid Flash, or Flash are running places, how do they know if they are going in the right direction? When Impulse was running across states, how would he know what state he's in? Like right now if someone told me to run to New York, New York, and I know it's South, & 6 hours by car, Maybe I could find it, cuz it's so iconic, and…a straight line from where I am. But if I had to find the Yukon, (In Canada…It's hard enough to find on a map) or North Carolina, I wouldn't. So how do they know where they are going without directions/GPS. Have they memorized the layout of the whole country? Stop & read signs? Do they have to take main roads to find where they want to go?
-Can Wally run across water?
- Could he do it carrying someone, or would their ears explode?
- Can Superman run across water?

Greg responds...

1. Yes to all of the above, probably.

2. If he's built up a big enough head of steam.

3. I would think so.

4. Run? No. But he can fly across it.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Lorisa214 writes...

Hello Greg.
I've noticed from both your work in Gargoyles, & Young justice that it seems very hard to affect the future by changing the past. It would seem that time travel can affect events, but not people? Like When Goliath went back in time and tried to talk with Demona, but when she woke up in their own timeline, was unchanged. Same with Impulse, he tried/continues to try to change his future, but somehow Nate still remembers what it was like before?
- Would everyone remember the difference in Barts timeline?
- How does Nate remember Bart, if they both said he would never be back to his time line, & so it stuck in the past?...So would then have never met ?

Greg responds...

1. No.


Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Lorisa214 writes...

Logically Artemis would have had to begin training, or step it up before her death in March.
- How long did she have to decide, & then begin training again?
- When she did decide to go undercover, how/why did she decide on her new weapons? She couldn't just stick to archery, that's a given. So what make her pick her equipment?
-Did she train with Wally, or Dick before their façade took place?
-How many days (weeks?) did Artemis wait before she told Wally?
- What if she said no?
-What month is Artemis's Birthday?

Greg responds...

1. You're assuming she EVER stopped training.

2. She's proficient in all the weapons that Tigress uses.

3. To a certain extent, although their regimens are very different.

4. I assume she's trained with Dick on and off for years, but again, see the answer to question one.

5. Tell him what?

6. I'm lost. No to what?

7. I haven't decided. Maybe she should be a Sagittarius.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. How long has Ray Palmer been active as the Atom?
2. How long has Plasticman been actives as a crime fighter?
3. How long has Blue Devil been active as a crime fighter?
4. How long was Zatara active as a crimefighter before he became Doctor Fate?
5. How long has Martian Manhunter been active as a crime fighter?

Greg responds...

1. Seven years before Team Year Zero.

2. Ditto.

3. Since June of Team Year Zero.

4. Twelve years before Team Year Zero.

5. Eight years before Team Year Zero.

NOTE: These dates relate to when they started fighting crime, not to when the public became aware of them fighting crime.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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