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RESPONSES 2001-3 (March)

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warrioress writes...

My favorite smart-ass response:

Someone wrote...

What do you you think would be the reaction of the Canmore siblings (especially Jon) if they found out that Demona literally killed their father with one hand tied behind her back? (She was holding onto the Praying Gargoyle at the time he attacked her.)

Greg answered:

Gee. I think they'd dance a jig.

Whaddaya think their reactions would be?

Then there was the one person asking how Goliath was able to shave on the Avalon Tour, and Greg said something about Superman volunteering his heat vision.....

Greg responds...

Yeah. Those are okay. Nothing's grabbing me though. I guess they're only witty with a sense of spontanaity attached. Reviewing them may have been a bad idea.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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VF writes...

My favorite responses (to most things, actually) are the ones that reveal a witty-but-slightly-quirky sense of humor without being malicious. So I'd have to pick these:

1) "... I realize that isn't the kind of answer you were looking for. ... And that amuses me."

2) "It's not that I didn't understand the question. It just struck me, no offense, as too silly to answer in any straight way. ... And the funny thing is, it still strikes me that way."

Greg responds...

Yeah, those are pretty good.

I just feel rusty, you know?

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Emmlei writes...

fav smart-ass response: in reply to aris's follow-up about one my latest whisper question
Oh, well if that's what you want, then the answer is...

Hey, was that you're plan all along? To appeal to my sense of perversion?

yeah, that questions been asked way too much. so you gonna tell us? j/k

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Here's one of my favorite smart-ass responses:

Anonymous writes...
do you know where i can find a picture of some neat looking gargoyles? like the ones out of a comic book.

Greg responds...
Nope. Have you tried comic books?

Greg responds...

Yeah, that one's okay. I just wish I was wittier.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Revel writes...

Okay, after going through the smart ass archive I know I definitly want to meet you in LA
My favorite was the guy swooning over Angela and your drawn out response.
-Sure, more power to you........Poor slob
My thoughts exactly. There's a world outside them for walls!

Greg responds...

YES! Walls do deserve their own world.

Oh, wait. You meant "four walls" not "for walls". Sorry.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

Here's one of my favorites from the "Smart-ass Responses" section, as per your request:

<<What Would Happen to a gargoyle in space?

Greg responds...

They'd explode in the void, just like a human.>>

Greg responds...

I don't know. That just doesn't seem smart-ass enough to me. Almost to direct an answer. But thanks.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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matt writes...

Greg, i love those smart-ass responses and it would be hard to choose one favirote, but i always thought that this one was pretty good:

-How do gargoyles view homosexuality?
-On cable, like the rest of us.

i also liked:

-After clones, superviruses, and mutates what could Sevarius possibly cook up next?

you sound like Xanatos in "The Edge" when he thinks he's lost his. i think you still have the edge in smart-ass responses, you are hilarious!

Greg responds...

Thanks. I think the cable line is pretty good. "Breakfast?" seems a bit feeble though.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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matt writes...

a stupid question, really:
i was reading your ramble on "Awakening 4" and you mentioned that the dog Elisa puts the transmitter on (Rover) is seen in the next scene as a puppy on a dog food commercial that Hudson is watching. this dog was on tv and now is scrounging for trash... was this your intent or were you just making a joke in your ramble? if the puppy in the commercial did grow up to be "Rover" would that dog show up again, seeing as how there is alot of foreshadowing in gargs? by the way, what did the commandos do with "Rover" when they found the transmitter on him?
you should put this post into a category called, "You know you are obsessed with Gargoyles when..." :)

Greg responds...

Mostly, I was kidding.

As for the Commandos, I'm sure they let the dog go. They're goons, not monsters.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Adam writes...

Okay, I won't ask you what Titania whispered to Fox at the end of The Gathering. But the last time I watched the episode, I thought I heard a kiss at the end of whatever it was she said. So did Titania kiss Fox after she said whatever it was she said? Of am I just hearing things?

Greg responds...

It's been awhile since I've seen it. I honestly don't remember.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Bruno writes...

Hi, Greg,

I have some biological questions. Nothing too hard, I hope.

1-There are blood vessels in the gargoyle's wings membranes?

2-I know that Gargoyles are warm-blooded. Then, does they sweat? Or the wings are a natural radiator? (A lot of animals have them). And how about the beasts? (The dogs sweat by the tongue, you know?)

3-Some Gargs are furry, as Leo, Una & Griff. And about the non-furry Gargs, does them have any body hair? (And yes, I mean the Manhattan clan :-)

4-No, I will not ask if gargs go to the bathroom.

5-I don't know _why_ I'm asking this, but: does Gargs has nipples? They don't appear to have, but in "Leader of the Pack", Wolf rip his T-shirt and (I believe) he doesn't has also. S&P things?

6-At what age does the beasts become adults? In 1996 Bronx is biological 9 and Boudicca 20, and both look adults to me (they even mated).

7-A comment about the eggs; They hatch in ten years. Yes, It's a long time, but not too long: Some insects late 13 years to become adults. The eggs are slow, but they're not irreal.

Greg responds...

1. I don't know.
2. Uh, I'm not sure.
3. Some, sure.
4. O.K.
5. Not S&P. More like stylistic and design choices.
6. At age two.
7. Interesting.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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