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Sabina writes...

Good day,

Since yesterday I'm the proud owner of the first issue of the new Gargoyles comic (took some time to get it oversea).

I admit that the drawing style will take some getting used to, but after the tenth re-read it doesn't look as weird anymore.

Otherwise I adore the comic and the nicely thought out transitions, from the Quarrymen to Goliath and Elisa and back again, etc. The short recap was a very nice touch, I especially like the panel with Elisa, Angela and Goliath. Another favourite panel of mine is Cagney so sneakily waiting to pounce on his food.

And then the end of the comic Goliath shot and the laconic commentary by our favourite news anchor "Welcome Back". Welcome back indeed.

I'm eagerly awaiting the second issue, but the third even more. New things to read from the Gargoyles, I'm very happy and hope there'll be many more issues.


Greg responds...

I really can't wait for you guys to see issue #3. And I REALLY can't wait for you to see issue #7. I think it'll blow your collective mind.

Response recorded on February 06, 2007

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Craig writes...

Just a few quick observations on the comic...

Loved the idea of having the Hunter icon on Castaway's suit (I'm pretty sure this detail wasn't in "The Journey"). For me, this gave Castaway's scene with Vinnie a whole new level. He looks at Vinnie as a younger version of himself--unsure about the gargoyles, maybe even slightly sympathetic. But he's sure that Vinnie, like himself, will "see the necessity" for violence soon enough.

Hedgecock's art has room for improvement (some off-model shots of Elisa--although in some of the closeups she's beautiful), but it draws me into the story much more than the mediocre animation on "The Journey." He gives the characters real personality, very "animated." And hats off to the colorist...great, moody atmosphere.

You've said that no animated show could get away with your "into-the-camera punches" these days...so in some ways, it's nice to be a comic book, eh? And Elisa gets the honor of delivering the first one. Good for her!

And that wing wound! Ouch. I like that you're upping the violence and language slightly without going overboard. All in all, a great effort. I'll be buying a few copies for friends. Good to have you back!

Greg responds...

Good to be back. I think the clawmarks were on Castaway in the Journey, but they may have been too subtle. I'll have to watch it again.

Response recorded on February 06, 2007

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James writes...

Assuming the new Comic does well could time dancer or pendragon be made into comics also

Greg responds...

See my previous response.

Response recorded on January 24, 2007

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Varjo Kage writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,
First off I would like to say that I really appreciate the new comic book/graphic novel. No that's an understatement, I found the book to be Incredible! My Question is; is there going to be cross-overs or mentioning of the series that "could have been"? Timedance, Pendragon, Bad Guys or New Olympians is what I mean. Or could they be made into Miniseries/Maxiseries or even a series on their own? I would definately buy that.
Thank you for your Time.

Varjo Kage

Greg responds...

We're taking things one step at a time. But I wouldn't rule anything out.

Response recorded on January 24, 2007

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

I love it when Ask Greg reopens for questions! I know it'll be a few years before this gets read, but it adds to the vibrancy of the fandom.

Unfortunately I didn't get to the Gathering yet again- one of these days. Doesn't gall me as much as missing the last one in NYC, but at least I have my memories of the first two.

I looked through the new posts to see what others were saying about the comic. (There is less of a chance of saying something that has been said to death, but I don't want to lose the habit of checking first.) By in large the reviews are very good and I would have to agree. I couldn't get to my comic shop till Friday, but I read it and went through it with a fellow fan in great detail on the phone before sundown. (The rest of my weekly reading had to wait.) I won't say it was perfect, I had some serious concerns, but I was really happy.

First off, I must note this- The back says that the colorist is new to the field- what a fantastic start! There is nothing there that even hinted to anything novice like.

I have to be a little harder on the artist. It almost seems like the style switched halfway through. The first half struck me as more stylized, a little reminisent of craypas or those sidewalk chalk artists that wow you with what they can do. The second half was looser, even letting you see the pencil marks. My druthers would ask for the second style. The artist seemed far more comfortable with it. While the first page and sevel other panels throughout the begining were beautiful, other were rather awkward and boxy, especially in the none action scenes. (The artist drew some just plain fantastic fantastic action sceens.)

I did have a small quibble with the text...(though I feel like slime mentioning it here). Some of the lines that were lifted directly from the show didn't flow as well without Keith David's sonority. Goliath's formal speaking style sometimes needs that resonance. I have no fear of that being a problem in later books- all the sceens that started life in print read just fine while still conjuring that voice. I loved Goliath's 'discussion' with the shotgun wielding man. Though I have to ask- who has a shotgun in NYC?

Looking forward to issue 2- I do hope that independant Publisher doesn't mean Independate time frame :}

Greg responds...

I'm not sure I understand your comment about missing Keith. I mean we all miss Keith, but if I lifted the line directly from the show -- and it worked in the show -- how could it not work here? Oh, well.

As for a shotgun in Manhattan, anyone who occasionally heads upstate to go hunting might have one.

Response recorded on January 24, 2007

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Hey gang,

In an attempt to get back on a bi-monthly schedule, we've invited a few talented fill-in artists to take on a few issues of the comic.

Clan-Building #3 "Invitation Only" is being penciled by regular series penciler David Hedgecock, with colors by our new regular colorist Dustin Evans.

Clan-Building #4 "Masque" is being penciled by guest artist Nir Paniry. Colorist hasn't been decided yet.

Clan-Building #5 "Bash" is being penciled by fan favorite Karine Charlebois and colored by fan favorite Stephanie Lostimolo.

Clan-Building #6 "Reunion" is being penciled by Gordon Purcell. Colorist hasn't been decided yet.

Clan-Building #7 "The Rock" will be pencilled by David and colored by Dustin. I just finished scripting it, and I'm about to start work on #8.

ALL COVERS are by Greg Guler with colors by Steph.

Clan-Building is currently scheduled to last 12 issues total.

It's all very exciting. I've seen pencils and colors from #3 and pencils and inks of #4 and rough pages of #5. All looking very sweet.

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Slash Thrasher/ Dan W. writes...

Hey Greg!
First off just let me say that I'm very excited about the new comic and can't wait for the next issue. Hopefully you remember me from gatherings past, there arn't very many heavy metal gargoyles in the fandom. You may still have my album as well! I'm doing my best to spread the word about it as well. I only have one question, The story "night watch" is suppost to pick up where the show left off. At the risk of revealing how out of the loop I am, where exactly is that point? Perhaps I need to look back at season three or something.
please contact me at: Kineticguitarist2005@yahoo I'd love to show you my band sometime!
Thank you once again
Slash T.

Greg responds...

Nightwatch picks up where SEASON TWO left off, i.e. at the end of Hunter's Moon. We're not counting the Goliath Chronicles. Not even my episode "The Journey" as the first two issues of the comic readapt that story.

And of course, I remember you Slash. Haven't seen you in years though. We'll you be at G2007?

Response recorded on January 23, 2007

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Anonymous writes...

I thought the new Gargoyles comic was going to be original stories. Why does it read like an adaptation of the first episode of the Goliath Chronicles?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

It's not a rehashing, it's quite consciously an adaptation -- though an adaptation that restores scenes that were cut from the televised version, cuts narration that was added to the episode (and not by me), reorders scenes back to the way I originally wrote it and adds some flashback material to help bring new readers up to speed. The main reason to do this was because I felt STRONGLY that I needed to find a good entry point into the universe for new fans and/or old fans who haven't been obsessively watching and rewatching the episodes for ten years. Also, I felt that this was a good story that deserved better treatment, and ALSO I felt that since I would finally be doing MY third season of the series in comic book form, I wanted to start it with the story that began that season.

Response recorded on January 23, 2007

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Nick Piers writes...

Hey Greg,

I've been a longtime Gargoyles fan since it first aired when I was in High School. Being both a comic book geek and a literature geek, I've fondly remembered the show for as long as I can remember. I remember when the episode revealing Owen in Puck (I believe it occured after the World Tour), I was in shock for days and geeking out with my friends about it.

Sadly, as I live in far Eastern Canada (New Brunswick), I won't have a Gathering 2006 report. If I had the money for such a trip, I would absolutely love to attend one of the Gatherings. Maybe someday!

So, a couple of questions:

1) The first is regarding Volume 2 of Season 2. I picked up Vol.1 as soon as it was released and devoured the episodes within days. From your comment about Vol.2, I'm worried if we'll ever see its release. Would it be safe to assume that Volume 2 would be the final set for the series? I remember you listed how, ideally, you'd like to release the sets but I can't remember their set up.

2) An additional question regarding Vol.2. I loved the Gathering feature in the first season collection. Do you think that, should Vol.2 be released, that another Gathering feature (perhaps of 2004 or '06?) could be added?

3) Since "The Journey", the first and only episode you were directly involved with TGC, would it be safe to assume that it may be included in a future DVD collection? The rest of TGC, I understand, would not, but just the one leaves me curious.

Lastly, I'd like to say that I picked up the first issue of the Gargoyles comic and enjoyed it greatly. In many ways, it felt as if I was watching the show all over again. My only complaint, which I'm sure will disappear once the first 2-issue arc is completed, is that it feels a lot like a re-hashing of "The Journey". Did you want to alieviate concerns about whether that episode was canon or not by telling your own version of the story? I'd be curious to hear some comments on that if they haven't already been answered.

Thanks for all the fond memories, Greg. To me, Gargoyles was far too short but clearly has a power all on its own to last longer than any spell an executive could cast upon it.

(Also, if someone could maybe e-mail me either to answer some questions that Greg doesn't necissarily need to answer...or maybe inform me when these questions are answered, that'd be fantastic. My e-mail, done in long hand to avoid spam, is nick underscore piers at hotmail dot com.)

Greg responds...

1. I'm not sure I understand your question. I'm still hoping that BVHE will release Volume 2, but frankly I'm not holding my breath. Beyond that, THEY may want to release the Goliath Chronicles, but that's not something that I'm going to fight for.

2. No way to know. But there is a "been there, done that" feeling that even I get, extras-wise.

3. I have no idea. It wouldn't be included in Season Two, Volume Two, as it was part of Season Three. My feeling is that now that the Journey has been adapted into "Nightwatch" and "The Journey", i.e. the first two issues of the new GARGOYLES comic, I don't feel the need to have it out on DVD. But that may just be me.

4. It's not a rehashing, it's quite consciously an adaptation -- though an adaptation that restores scenes that were cut from the televised version, cuts narration that was added to the episode (and not by me), reorders scenes back to the way I originally wrote it and adds some flashback material to help bring new readers up to speed. The main reason to do this was because I felt STRONGLY that I needed to find a good entry point into the universe for new fans and/or old fans who haven't been obsessively watching and rewatching the episodes for ten years. Also, I felt that this was a good story that deserved better treatment, and ALSO I felt that since I would finally be doing MY third season of the series in comic book form, I wanted to start it with the story that began that season. And, finally, yes, I see "The Journey" as canon. Now, it's clear. Canon consists, in my mind at least, of the 65 episodes that make up the first two seasons of the series and the two published issues of the SLG comic book. Other stufff, like Goliath Chronicles (including now "The Journey" as televised), the Marvel comics, the Disney Adventure comics and whatever else might be out there is NOT canon. And any hints or flat out spoilers I've given or revealed in ASK GREG or at Gatherings or wherever is AT BEST, canon-in-training. It reveals my thought process more than final product. So it's not real til it's real.

Response recorded on January 21, 2007

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E J writes...

In a word, the comic is phenomenal.

I should point out that I was in the show's target demographic during its first run (not so much anymore, just graduated college). I was skeptical about how it would work as a comic book, but that all melted away when I bought Gargoyles #1. It was pure joy.

First off, I think that translating "The Journey" as the first several issues works extremely well. For the first time, I feel like we're finally seeing what's going on in your head, without the watchful eye of S&P censoring what we see. We all knew that something like the "monster-loving whore" commen was missing in "The Journey;" you can't really show racism unless you can show the bigotry that goes with it. And Elisa's response is very Elisa-esque.

Finally seeing the Matt/Chavez scene was a treat for fans who could only read it here up until now. And for that matter, I think we all knew that Elisa wore something sexier to bed than that old-woman nightgown.

What looks good in comic form: The Gargoyles escaping from the clock tower. Castaway blowing up his statue (which thankfully doesn't look like Goliath anymore). Sunsets. The recap spread on page 12-13 is gorgeous, and makes me wonder if we'll see something analagous to Keith David's narrative intro in each issue.

I might (and I stress MIGHT) go so far as to suggest after just one issue that the comic format serves Gargoyles better than animation. Of course, there are drawbacks. We lose the magnificent voice work of some of these actors. We lose the Keith David-narrated show opening. We lose the ability to show some of the character's aerial moves in action. But the advantages are huge. Storylines aren't constricted to 22 minute, and S&P isn't compromising the story you're trying to tell. In fact, because it's completely common for a comic franchise to have more than one title in print at once, I feel like series like Timedancer and 2198 were made for this kind of thing.

Anyway, that's just my two cents as a fan. The comic format seems very natural for Gargoyles, which is a relief. Clearly, I'm looking forward to new stories in #3 more than anything else. All in all, thumbs up on the comic.

Greg responds...

I'm personally LOVING doing Gargoyles as a comic. I miss the voice work too, but I do feel that our series' voice work was so strong and distinctive, that if I do my job right (writing the dialogue) that you can almost HEAR the voices (and the music) in your head. That's my goal anyway. That and doing radio plays at the Gathering, (hopefully with some of the cast present).

Response recorded on January 19, 2007

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mage_cat writes...

I was looking at the 6-page preview for the comic on SLG's web site (I would be looking at the comic itself but no place in my entire state sells SLG products), and I was wondering what happened to Hudson's coloring? Why is his skin green on what I'm seeing? It's not even a brownish-greenish color. He's almost the same color as Lex! Was this some mistake on the colorist's part or something? I hope it gets fixed.

Greg responds...

I'm color blind.

Response recorded on January 18, 2007

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Slan writes...

I picked up the comic today at my local shop. I couldn't find it for the life of me, but luckily my boyfriend was able to spot it. First comic book I've bought in the last 14 years! (I'm usually a manga woman)

My impressions:

The story was largely a word-for-word repeat of "The Journey". While it would have been nice to have some new material, I understand perfectly why it started there and didn't really mind the re-cap.

The cover art was really nice; it was odd but cute how Angela's outfit looked like Demona's. Nice thick cover too.

The inside art I had a lot of problems with. There were some decent panels, but it was really inconsistent and a lot of it looked just plain bad. In some spots it seemed as if the artist really hadn't taken the time to finish the art properly. I don't have a problem with the characters being restyled, this is a different meaning, but there's good restyling and bad restyling. I can't really say any character was restyled well.

Major issues with the art:
1. Many of the characters were stripped of what made them look dynamic. I would point out Castaway and Vinnie in particular. Xanatos looked like he had one too many in every frame he was in.

2. Goliath looked odd in many frames and the black outline of the shadows on his face and body looked terrible.

3. Elisa was very inconsistent and a few bad panels in particular are the one when Goliath first turns to stone. (It looks like the artist didn't even try in that one, I probably could have drawn it better and I'm not particularly high on the drawing talent scale) and the first panel of her in her dress (In which she disturbingly sports Pamela Anderson breasts and Lara Flynn Boyle arms *shudder*)

4. Matt, especially when he's with Capt. Chavez. What the heck happened to his face?! Matt is a favourite character for me too...

5. Lots of scruffy unneeded lines and hand and leg problems.

6. Brooklyn with wings in his armpits?! C'mon!

So, will I buy the next issue? Sure I will! (cross fingers art will improve) The problem is I'm not going to be able to convince anyone I know, previous knowledge of Gargoyles or not, to purchase something with such bad art. In fact, I was at the comic shop with friends, later at one friend's house we reviewed what we had purchased. Those who flipped through my Gargoyles comic (Most were at least moderate fans of the show) were interested in the story, but were pretty turned off by the artwork. No one in the group declared they wanted a copy of their own.

I really hope the comics continue, but unless the artwork improves, I think it will be hard to entice anyone beyond the diehards to buy.

Good luck to you, and thanks for the comic. I may gripe a lot about the art but I really would like to see you able to write more Gargoyles stories.

Greg responds...

I'll just comment on 6, pointing out that we did that in the series too on occasion . Future Tense comes to mind.

Response recorded on January 18, 2007

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Phoenician writes...

Wow, last time I posted I think it was the Season II: Volume I DVD!! Anyways, I'm afraid I couldn't make it to the Gathering in 2006 . . . but hopefully, by the time you read this, I will have made to to Gatherings 2007 & 2008!!

Anyways, I got Issue 1 of Gargoyles the Comic yesterday (which was also my brother's B-Day, actually!), and boy does it feel good to personally own some new Gargoyles merchandise!! I ran into my local comic book store and immediately saw it on the NEW RELEASES shelf. Boy, that made me feel good!! Spent my 3.50 within five minutes, and I was reading the thing on my way home . . .

Even though "Nightwatch" was merely Part I of "The Journey," I still enjoyed reading every part of it. It was definitely written for newcomers as well as old fans, particularly those two pages of Goliath's monologue to Elisa. Well written indeed!

I loved reading Vinnie's last name (Grigori) and I'm surprised I couldn't remember Castaway calling him that in "The Journey." Anywho, I can't wait till August and October (next release dates, right?) where I hope to see more of Castaway's transformation from Jon Canmore -- that always intrigued me (In the sense how the "Hunter" line continues to exist no matter what).

I've heard some people were disgruntled by the artwork, but I particularly enjoyed it. It wasn't just like Gargoyles of 94-97, but hey it wasn't animated either! It was great, I enjoyed it, and I hope to see more in the future!!

PS - If I had known you visited the AniZona 3 this year, I SO would have visited!!

Greg responds...

G2007 & G2008 haven't happened yet. Look how nearly caught up I am!!!!!

Well, we got issue #2 out in December. Look for #3 in February, and #4 in April.

Response recorded on January 17, 2007

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angel writes...

after hunters moon part 3 is there any more reviling eips on goliath's and Elisa's relationship

Greg responds...

Read the comic, and you'll see the answer is yep!

Response recorded on January 12, 2007

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Elana writes...

Dear Greg,

When people ask me why I proclaim that Gargoyles stands apart from other shows, I find it difficult to explain. The characters are great, the relationships are great, and overall it's just... great. But that hardly expresses its true charm.

In watching Gargoyles, I find that its appeal must come from its captivating and immersive mythos, the sense one gets of being transported to another, mystical world. Aside from that sense of awe and wonder, there's also that feeling one gets of really being a part of that world, and having an intimate understanding of it. It's like, even if a topic matter hasn't been thoroughly explored within the episodes, or blatantly described, one can derive how every little thing might be prone to work within the world of the Gargoyles.

Anyway (now that I'm done gushing), in light of all this, did you expect Gargoyles to affect and alter the lives of so many people in the way that it did? Objectively, it was only meant as a show for children, but somehow it's managed to capture and touch the lives of all kinds of people. Could you possibly have expected this? For many people, Gargoyles is more than just an interest or a "hobby." How does it make you feel to know that Gargoyles has nearly been a life-changing experience for so many people?


Greg responds...


Even at the time and even given that it was the first show I had ever produced, I knew we were doing something special. Once-in-a-lifetime special.

(I've done a lot of work I'm proud of in this business, but nothing has been like GARGOYLES.)

And I had hopes that others would recognize what myself and my team saw in the series.

But, no... I had no idea the life that the series would take on with and for so many people. That's been incredibly gratifying. Beyond words, really.

As anyone who has been to a GATHERING (www.gatheringofthegargoyles.com) can tell you, I am in ego-heaven the whole weekend!

And having the chance to write these comic books is really a dream. As I'm sure SLG would acknowledge, the money I'm making is really just a token amount. Just enough to allow me mentally to convince myself I'm WORKING and not perpetuating a stubborn refusal to let a long-cancelled series die. So, clearly, I must be in it for the love of the property and because the fans have done so much for me.

Response recorded on January 10, 2007

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P. Gate writes...

(given that you will probably read this in 2-3 years)

wow Greg, I an loving the comic series and the way the story has progressed since Hunter's Moon. My favorite is issue #18, and I cannot wait to see which direction you take the series in next!

Since the comic is going so well, if Disney decided to bring back the cartoon now, what would you do with the comic? where would you start the cartoon from?

thanks Greg and keep up the great work

Greg responds...

Hah! Took me less than a year!! Hah!!

Sigh... well, hopefully you have issues #1-2. #3 should be out next month.

Your hypothetical question has been asked many, many times over the years, but it's just become pointless to answer it. Decisions aren't made in a vacuum, so I'd have to wait and see what the situation is, if or when it actually happens.

Response recorded on January 09, 2007

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Technogeek writes...

Glad to have you back answering questions, Greg. Even more glad to have the DVDs available. And the comics that continue the story.

Which brings me to my question, actually. How different is the creative process between writing the stories as a television show, and writing them as a comic book? The differences between the mediums are obvious, granted, but how much do those differences impact what you're trying to do with the characters?

Greg responds...

I definitely feel I have a bit more freedom in the comics. (Though frankly I didn't feel all that restricted back in the day. I think I just feel more freedom than I've had on other more recent series.) Otherwise, nothing much has changed. As you noted, different mediums, and I'm going to try to experiment some more in my storytelling techniques. (Issue #7, which I'm scripting now, is non-linear for example.) But from a character standpoint... they are who they are. Not a heck of a lot of differences in my approach.

Response recorded on January 04, 2007

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

I should be posting on the new dvd releases, I mean I (figuratively) ran out and got them the day they released, (a more literal description would be I preordered on Amazon), but I am ashamed to say I haven't rewatched them yet. Instead I'll ask about the new comics coming out through Slave Labor Graphics, for which I am waiting with bated breath-

Looking through comments already made and the questions waiting to be answered que I see you plan on starting from your last episode, though not making a big point of it. (Just as you said you would if you could make new episodes.) You also were reported as saying that Disney is aware that the comics will squew slightly older than the original main demographic. You were also reported as still being wary of doing a 9/11 related issue. I was wondering if your thoughts had at all changed on the matter. {If you are currently 2 years behind in Ask Greg, but are starting the comics at 1996, that gives time to answer.}

I am sorry if this question has already been asked. The search engine would not allow me to search for "9/11". Or any numeric queries for that matter. I tried other queries like "September" and "center", but I may have not thought of all possibilties.

thank you,
Laura A

Greg responds...

I am beyond wary about tackling 9/11. But I'll have to eventually. Just not yet. I'm now plotting issue #7, so things might change slightly, but issues 1-9 are all set in 1996. I won't even get to early 1997 until issue number 10.

But when the series gets to September of 2001, I will indeed deal. Can't not. But I'll admit it scares the hell out of me.

Response recorded on December 29, 2006

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Darkmoonight89 writes...

I recently visited the CreatureComics.com sita and was wondering when they go on sale can I order one off line or do I have to go to a comic store? If so what store?

Greg responds...

I'm gonna suggest you check the local yellow pages for your nearest comic book store. I don't know whether or not they'll have copies (though issue #2 should be on sale NOW), but they can definitely order copies for you. The book can also be ordered on line at Amazon and other places, but it could take longer to get to you.

Response recorded on December 19, 2006

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Abbie writes...

Why can't gargoals have new episodes insteat of reruns? it's a great show but if Angle of the night is the last episode theres to many unanserwered questions like coldstone what happended to him? and Macbeth? or Demona? or Alixe? won't there be ANY more new episodes besides reruns?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

How about as a comic book?

Response recorded on December 14, 2006

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keemew2 writes...

Okay. I have read everysingle Owen/Puck question in the Archives as of this time (the newer questions that are not in the archives yet, however, have yet to be read cuase then I would have to comb through the recent answers list very carefully).
Anyway. I have noticed on thing that seems to be quite a trend with a lot, and I mean a ~lot~ of answers.
"I can't and/or won't answer that at this time."
So, my question is this. When? ~When~ will you let us know things? Will we ever be able to find out? Will you ever tell us? There is so much I want to know, but so little you are willign to tell us for now. Are you trying, oin some way, to manage to start the series out again from a real seasojn three on? Are you planning to find a way to make those spinnoffs? What is your cruel reasonign for stifling us of this knowledge that we so desperatly crave!? DO you realize how evil that makes you?
I was eleven when this show came on. I watched it as often as I could, I was excited because it was Disney and my ~dad~ liked it (he hates nearly anythign Disney related). Not to mention that it was the most challenging show I'd seen of all the shows that had been on (I really, really ~really~ loved the dark undertones of the series, it was new and interesting, not kiddified).
Yes, I know I am a drama queen. That isnt' th point.
So, is there any chance my question of 'when' can be answered?
I'll love you either way, but I'l love you more if I can get a good answer ;P.

Greg responds...

My "cruel reason" has never been a secret. I ALWAYS hoped to relaunch the series, and now I have (or we have) as a comic book. So the WHEN is now, in essence. No not every question will be answered in the first few issues, but some will... and given enough issues... all will. So pick up a copy and most important... SPREAD THE WORD!

Response recorded on December 13, 2006

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Lois writes...

Hi Greg, Any chance this series mite restart with all new episodes?
thanks for your time ;-)

Greg responds...

Any? Sure. But in the meantime, you might want to check out the comic book.

Response recorded on December 01, 2006

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Svafnae writes...

I wanted to know if you ever still write episodes or stories for Gargoyles, whether you believe it will ever air again or not?
Also, if one were to write a movie script, where could we send it for consideration?

Greg responds...

Any movie script or a Gargoyles movie script?

Anyway, I have been taking notes and etc. for years and years. Now I've got the comic and I'm actually writing stories again.

Response recorded on November 27, 2006

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Jessica Cariaga writes...

Hi Greg,
Does Elisa ever get married??? She is one of my favorite characters. Angela is my most favorite.

Greg responds...

My advice is to start picking up the comic book... In time, all will be revealed there...

Response recorded on October 06, 2006

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Caesu writes...

I've been a fan of Gargoyles since it was first broadcast. And I still enjoy watching it even now years later, and look forward to the long awaited DVD release. The show is very original, and I think it had a lot of life left in it still when it ended. Which brings on my question Ive thought about off and on while watching the show. Do you ever think the relationship between Demona and Angela was given absolution? There was no real closure in The Reckoning, and the episode Generations strung along without adding any development.

Greg responds...

I don't count "Generations" myself one way or another. And I'm not sure exactly what you mean in this context by "absolution," but there was no intent for true closure in "The Reckoning". None. I don't see "closure" happening anytime soon, but keep an eye out in the comic book for the relationship to progress.

Response recorded on September 11, 2006

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brandon doster writes...

I was woundering if you have ever thought about continueing the series on a website in writen form or something of the like??

Greg responds...

How about as a comic book?

Response recorded on August 29, 2006

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As many of you already know, the first issue of the new GARGOYLES comic book sold out its print run. There WILL be a second printing... and all the fans who bought copies and/or SPREAD THE WORD deserve a round of applause...


But please, let's not use this as an excuse to be complacent. We now need to sell out this second printing and encourage pre-orders on issue #2. Not to mention the two DVD sets.

This is NOT me asking people who've already bought the book to buy additional copies. This IS me asking people to continue to spread the word. (I can't tell you how many garg fans I just met in Minnesota, who had no idea that the comic was even out.) Contact the ELFQUEST fandom, the STAR TREK fandom the FILL-IN-THE-BLANK fandom. Contact local comic shops. Contact local conventions. Contact any community that might be interested.

Keep the good news rolling in...


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ASK GREG will be open up again today (Thursday, June 22) so that questions and especially G2006 CON JOURNALS can be posted. We'll stay open at least until the end of July.

In addition, Gorebash has been working on the site to allow Todd to answer some frequently asked questions for me by searching the archives. We haven't totally got the new system up and running, but the long awaited upgrade to ASK GREG is on the verge of reality here. REJOICE!!!

This should help us get through the queue MUCH faster.

But another thing that would help is still a bit of common sense on the part of posters. Try to search the FAQ or the ARCHIVES first. Ask your question here in the comment room. (And, gang, be nice to the newbies, ignorant or not.) Keep the queue as clean of garbage as possible.

And POST THOSE CON JOURNALS. Cut and paste them! It's important!!!!!

Also, post comments and questions about the new comic book that hit stores YESTERDAY (Thursday, June 21)!!! Copies of the first issue ("Nightwatch") WILL be available at the Gathering this weekend, but as Marty said, anything that can be done to encourage sales at local stores is essential.

[I realize from VERY recent personal experience that this can be frustrating. A drone at MY local comic shop was very insistent yesterday that the comic wasn't out yet. Do NOT let them tell you that. It IS out! Be persistent, insistent, but unfailingly POLITE, as it won't help the cause to alienate the guy who orders books for the store.]

This isn't simply about you guys buying a bunch of copies yourself. If EVERYONE who normally checks out ASK GREG bought ten copies, our sales would still, frankly, suck. Yes, I hope you guys support the book with cold hard cash (though as always I'd never ask you to spend money you don't have and/or need for food, shelter, education, etc.), but what I'm really COUNTING on you guys to do is spread the word. EVERYWHERE. We need to bring in a much larger crowd than simply the hard core fans. Word of mouth to individuals is great, but try to brainstorm ways to reach a lot of people on the net, at conventions, etc. Look at other rabid fandoms that might like Gargoyles, and LET. THEM. KNOW what they're missing! (Let them know.) BRAINSTORM NEW WAYS. NEW. NEW WAYS.

DO NOT TAKE FOR GRANTED that the book will just be an ongoing thing. If sales on the first couple issues suck then don't assume that there will be an issue #3. (That's how we got into the dilemma we're facing with the DVDs.)


Finally, for those of you attending the Gathering this weekend in Valencia: please come up to me and say hello. Many of you know me already. Some of you have met me briefly. Some of you are strangers. I'll admit in advance that though I am fearless when I'm "On Stage," ironically I get very shy trying to conduct small talk. So be patient with me. It usually takes me two cons to remember names and three to really get to know a person. But keep trying. I have made so many great friends at these conventions, and you could be one of them. I really do want to know you all.

It's a very exciting con this year. We've got so many great guests and events planned. Panels with the creators of Kim Possible, Talespin, Darkwing Duck, Ben Ten. Jim Cummings, the voice of Dingo, Don Karnage, Darkwing Duck, Pete, Winnie-The-Pooh, Tigger, Bonkers, etc., etc., etc. will be there. Voice directors, background artists, character designers, film editors, music editors, sound effects editors, storyboard artists, and tons of VOICE ACTORS. Nearly the entire writing staff and Voice cast of WITCH will be there. (And I hope you've been watching the episodes of WITCH that I produced which have been airing on Toon Disney and ABC Family's Jetix blocks.) Frank Paur will talk about Spawn, Iron Man and Dr. Strange. Tad Stones will talk about Hellboy. Keith David, Thom Adcox and Crispin Freeman will all BE IN THIS YEAR'S RADIO PLAY!!! Brigitte Bako, the voice of Angela, is attending her first convention EVER!! (So be extra nice to her.) I'm even doing a seminar on time travel.

So stop by, have fun, enjoy... and SPREAD THE WORD. (Have I mentioned that yet? SPREAD THE WORD!!!!)

Gargoyles is BACK!!!!

Greg Weisman

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Twana Joy writes...

How did you conclude Coldstone, Coldfire and Coldsteel's storyline or was you never given the chance to do that because they only aired 66 episodes?

Greg responds...

I haven't concluded it yet. But I will CONTINUE it in the new comic book series. Look for them to reappear within sooner than later.

Response recorded on June 16, 2006

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Scion writes...

What would be the most effective way of getting Disney to start up a new season of Gargoyles? Money? Petitions? Or maybe a plague of catchy t-shirts featuring the characters?
And how much of that would be necessary?
Also, as time passes, do you feel that a Gargoyle ressurgence is more and more unlikely? How long do you think it would be until it becomes too late?
Would you make another show for Disney, hoping that you can raise the needed funds and influence to continue Gargoyles again?

Greg responds...

The most effective thing is MONEY. Specifically, the best thing that people can do if they have spare cash is to buy one or both of the two DVD sets, especially Season Two, Volume One, to buy the comic book issues as they come out and to spend money to attend the Gathering year after year.

The second most effective thing at this point is communication... not with Disney, but with fellow fans, folks who have seen the show but aren't in the fandom and friends or relatives who know nothing about Gargoyles whatsoever. We need to spread the word BEYOND the immediate hard-core fans.

We need MORE, many more, PEOPLE to buy DVDs, comics and to attend the Gatherings. The larger the fanbase grows, the less expensive it is for everyone while at the same time the more money and attention the property gets. THAT is what will attract Disney's roving eye.

Gargoyles has its BEST shot in ten years RIGHT NOW. But if the DVDs and Comics don't sell... that moment will have passed.

And of course, I'd always be willing to do another show for Disney. In fact, I'm in post-production for W.I.T.C.H. for them right now, and my episodes have already started airing on Toon Disney and ABC Family's Jetix block. If that helps us with Gargoyles great, but mostly I'd refer you up to paragraphs one and two.

Response recorded on June 16, 2006

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French Kitty writes...

Hi again.
I forgot to ask this with my last post. About Elisa and Goliath's Halloween double-date, what would they have gone(or will go as) for the party? Goliath probably the same, but what about Elisa? Would she and Jason/Morgan dress together as a known couple (like Goliath and Elisa as Belle and the Beast)? If so as what?
And what would Delilah goes as?

Greg responds...

I'm not revealing this at this time. But check out the new Gargoyles comic book.

All will be revealed...

Response recorded on May 30, 2006

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French Kitty writes...

Hi Greg, how are you?

I know that you had a plan for Goliath and Elisa to go on a Halloween double-date. Would this be Elisa's decision? How long after Hunter's Moon III would this have taken place? How long after that would they have decided that that was pointless and become a couple? If the show comes back will this episode be aired?

Thanx, bye! >^-^<

Greg responds...

I won't answer this now, except to say BUY THE COMIC BOOK -- all will be revealed!

Response recorded on May 26, 2006

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Xodiac writes...

Everyone always asks whether there will ever be another season, or how it's coming along, or the like. I'm going to assume that, if one was in the works, you'd let us know. But I do have a few questions that are definitely related, although off to the side a little. To wit:

1) Is it even POSSIBLE for there to be another season? It certainly looks like Disney's given up on the series, so how likely is it another company would get the rights? What would they have to go through?

2) If there was another season, would The Goliath Chronicles be considered canon? Other than the fans almost unanimously hating it, there's really no justification to cut it from the continuity.

I hope you consider these as questions you are willing to answer, and not merely more irritating pleas for another season. :)

Greg responds...

1. The so-called THIRD SEASON OF GARGOYLES is now in the works... in comic book form. The folks at creaturecomics.com, SLG Publishing and Disney have teamed up to put out the new book with original canon stories due to hit the stands in June 2006.

2. I'm choosing to ignore the Goliath Chronicles in the comic book. The justification is that ... is that... well, heck, do I really NEED a justification?

Response recorded on March 08, 2006

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The Cat writes...

Hello again Greg,

I was wondering if the clock tower would ever be rebuilt? It seems like such a tragic loss to everyone. I mean, it was where the clan awoke at in the end of Season One and the majority of the Second Season. In fact, I prefered that back drop later on than the castle. The castle just seemed old, stuffy and carried with it a fair number of bad memories that I myself wouldn't necessarily want to ever be reminded of.

Greg responds...

The clock tower is in the process of being rebuilt in issue #1 of the new and upcoming GARGOYLES comic book. Keep an eye out for it in JUNE.

Response recorded on March 07, 2006

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Saka writes...

Hi Greg! Been working my way through the archives and I don't *think* anyone's asked this before, so here goes:

You've mentioned several times that you'd like to keep the series going in any form of media, including comics or novels. My question is, are there any artists or art styles you had in mind for a comic release? Well, that seems hypothetical, se let me reword it. Are there any artists whose work you've looked at and went "This style would work great for Dark Ages/Pendragon/whatever" or would you just try to get the original design team back? If (I wish) all the spinoff series were being produced at once, it would be neat to have different art styles for each one to establish a continuity.

Oh well, just some thoughts. Found out about Gathering 2004 too late to fit it in to my schedule but I'm looking forward to attending G2005!

Greg responds...

Did we see you at 2005? I hope so. If not, hope to see you in 2006.

Anyway, my original first choice for the comic was of course, Greg Guler. But Greg just doesn't have the time right now. He's still doing covers for the book, colored by fandom's own Stephanie Lostimolo. Our penciller for the interiors of the book is David Hedgecock and our colorist is William Terrell. I'm very excited about the pages I'm seeing from these guys. I hope you will be too.

Response recorded on February 24, 2006

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mr.mickman writes...

When Gargoyles return will the the show be focus on the Manhattan Clan or will we see further adventures of the other clans and introduce new clans in the show also I like to see the never before seen korean and chinese clans.

Greg responds...

Given enough ISSUES of the comic book, I plan to get to all of the above and much more. But unsurprisingly, the initial focus is on the Manhattan clan.

Response recorded on February 06, 2006

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Justin writes...

I assume a lot of us know your decision to make Lexington gay. I believe this to an incredibly bold move on your part for a television show geared at kids. I do support the decision however. I think it takes Gargoyles "one step further" from being a children's oriented show.

Not the homosexuality isn't a subject children can understand but rather, it moves away from the story book ending of "Boy meets girl, boy and girl get married" sort of thing. I applaud this move.

I also think in terms of in series story lines it creates yet another reproduction issue for the Manhattan clan, as Lexington will never have children. I don't have any specific questions as to his mate for two reasons.

1) I enjoyed the series because I watched it unfold before me, not because I KNEW what was coming next. Every turn was a new suprise. I remember such great moments as the Avalon clan not being eggs, and the mutates first being introduced. I loved the edge my seat experience each show had.

2) I have guessed by now that you feel the same way. I think you desperately want to hold this good stuff in because you ( and I) want the show back on the air. Not that every fan doesn't want it back, but I am willing to sit on my questions for as long as it takes until the show is back. I want to see it unfold on screen.

I will buy multiple copies of the DVD later this year

Greg responds...

Let me start with this... I don't really consider it a "decision" to make Lex gay... anymore than I considered it a decision to make Macbeth immortal or Xanatos machiavellian. It's just who he is.

Beyond that, I tend to agree with your two points. The show may not be returning to the air anytime soon, but with the new comic book series coming out, I am less and less inclined to give away ANYTHING. As it is, I know I've already given away WAY too much. Certain things that would, I believe, have been amazing surprises, are now only going to be interesting to the hardcore fan from the standpoint of execution. "Did he pull it off or not?"

The thought has crossed my mind to change things so that I can surprise you all. But I made a conscious decision not to change things for that reason. Some things may change, as nothing but the canon 65 are etched in stone. So if I come up with a better idea, I may go with that better idea. But otherwise...

So thanks for buying the DVDs and please keep an eye out for the comics...

Response recorded on December 15, 2005

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Kim J writes...

All I want know to is there going to be a new series.

Greg responds...

A new series of comic books.

Response recorded on November 11, 2005

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Vinnie writes...

Have you ever considered starting the Gargoyles comic book back up again under a another corporation, instead of Marvel comics? In this country you can get away with whole lot more with comics then cartoons.

Greg responds...

We (SLG and creaturecomics.com) are starting the Comic up. The first issue will appear in 2006.

Of course, "getting away with a whole lot more" isn't the objective. Never was. I just want to tell great stories. Besides, it's still a Disney license. Disney reads every script I write. They're not going to let me "get away with a whole lot more".

But as long as I can do what I've always done, I'm more than fine with that.

Response recorded on November 07, 2005

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Cheryl Kiai writes...

Can the fans raise money via a campaign to purchase the rights to Gargoyles and get the series produced again since Disney is not interested in producing it again thus far. Or can a fan representative initiate doing this by petitioning another company to buy it! Is it unreasonable to try this approach!

Greg responds...

Both suggestions, sweet as they are, are completely unrealistic. If fans collectively have that much disposable income at hand, I urge them to spend that money on the two DVDs, the upcoming comic book series from SLG and CCC and on the Annual GATHERINGS. In lieu of money, please help to SPREAD THE WORD!

At this point in time, these are THE best methods for increasing the series' profile and giving us a REAL chance at bringing it back.

Response recorded on November 07, 2005

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Janelle Turner writes...

are there any more gargoyles in the future? Will there be another series, or a live action film like the Ninja Turtles did?

Greg responds...

Gargoyles Comic Books with new original stories will begin to see print in 2006.

No current plans for an animated series or live action movie.

Response recorded on October 31, 2005

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Anonymous writes...

Heis,I'm from Mexico city, here we also like Gargoyles, I've a question that everybody likes the question, bun nobody knows the answer, and I have search, but I can find, sorry if the answer had been answered, but, if you or your partners start again the cartoon, its going to be start by the beginning, remaked, its going to begin after the 2nd season, or it going to count the Goliath chronolitics(I don't remember the real name but I know that it is TGC)sorry if I spell all wrong, I'm good talking english, but no writing in english ^_^'

Greg responds...

There are no current plans to restart the cartoon show as a cartoon show, and any decision would have to wait until there ARE current plans.

There ARE current plans to restart the series as a comic book, and my plan is to pick up where HUNTER'S MOON left off... ignoring the GOLIATH CHRONICLES.

Response recorded on October 12, 2005

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bazan writes...

Is there going to be any more episodes? I have seen pretty much seen all of them from the beginning. Is there going to be a cartoon movie or a computer animated movie? I know in about 1997, there was a cartoon movie, is it going to be released? and when?

Greg responds...

There was no '97 cartoon movie. You may be referring to various versions of the 5-part pilot, including the 5-part pilot, the version for the World Premeire which became the Video release and the syndicated re-edit (my least favorite of the three).

There are currently no plans for new episodes on television, but the old episodes are coming out on DVD, and new adventures will be released in comic book form in 2006.

Response recorded on October 11, 2005

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Samantha writes...

I was wondering if they were going to make any new Gargoyles shows. I've only just gotten interested in the show about five months ago and its enthralled me quite thourghly. Other sights I've seen had hinted there might be new ones coming out. I was wondering if it was true??

Greg responds...

Depends on how medium-particular you are, Samantha.

New "episodes" of GARGOYLES will be coming out in Comic Book form from Slave Labor Graphics and CreatureComics.com. I'll be writing these issues picking up where Hunter's Moon left off.

Watch for the new issues in 2006!

Response recorded on September 15, 2005

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San Diego ComicCon 2005

Hey guys,

I'm heading down to San Diego tomorrow for a brief sojourn at ComicCon. Specifically, I'll be participating (at least I'll be sitting there) at a Slave Labor Graphics Panel at 4pm on Saturday, 7-16-05. Stop by and say hello.

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Gargoyles Fanatic writes...

Gargoyles has easily been my favorite animated series since it's birth. I've just discovered this website today, and can't restrain myself from asking the simple question of: Will Gargoyles ever been continued in anyway some day? Tv or book? It would be the greatest thing since.. Gargoyles hit tv. Also, I've looked, probably not hard enough, but do any novels based on the series or otherwise exist? If so, I would love to get some.
A tremendous amount of thanks in advance.

Greg responds...

Slave Labor Graphics and Creature Comics.com has tentatative plans to start up a GARGOYLES comic book in the coming year. Keep an eye out here for more info.

There are no Gargoyles novels that I'm aware of, but I'd love to write one.

Response recorded on July 11, 2005

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Aves writes...

Considering that, since "The Journey," nothing horribly important happened in the rest of the series - except possibly the finale, and the death of all the clones (which, in the way it was done, would be relatively easy to get around) - if (various Gods willing) you did manage to resurrect the series or found a spin-off, would you pretend that the Goliath Chronicles never happened? Or would you make alterations to your Master Plan to allow for the events of the series? Or have you not decided/thought about it?

Greg responds...

I've thought about it a lot -- and gone back and forth a lot...

The current plan (which I hope to do in the new comic book series from Slave Labor Graphics and Creature Comics.Com) is very... nuancy.

I don't plan on denying the Chronicles, but I do plan on ignoring them. Eh, we'll see how it works...

Response recorded on June 27, 2005

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John writes...

Hi Greg,

Argh, the Que is full again with the usual "Hey, what did Titania say?" questions... they'll never learn... (note to self: never use stuff like this if you havn't signed for another 40 EPs...;9 )

Anyway, reading through some interresting questions (I HATE getting a cold ;) ), I stumbled across some "What would you do if the series will not etcetcetcpp." questions, asking about you "allowing someone to make comics out of it." and that got me thinking...

I don't know how long the copyright protection of a series is, but if we assume that it is around 30 years, would you try to sell the rights in 2026 or try to get some new sponsors who will take the series on then?
Another interresting media (you allreaddy used with the "Once there were three brothers" story") would be writing on the series (maybe under a pseudonym) as "Fanfic"...

However, I don't want to sound too negative, with the DVD's out Disney will HOPEFULLY realize what big mistakes they've made with erasing the show and the future erasing of 2D animations... they'll too never learn...

Have a nice day,
CU, John.

Greg responds...

I've decided that I'm not interested in doing Gargoyles as "fanfic". And I'm too vain to use pseudonyms in any case.

Copywrite protection is renewable. I've lost track of recent legislation, but Disney's easily got another 60+ years before they're copywrite expires. Maybe more like 90. And unlike Xanatos, I don't really plan to be around 90 years from now.

Of course, you wrote that message in 2003. Here in 2005, things do look a bit brighter. We've got the second DVD set on the way. We have a real shot at Garg comics. It's all good.

Response recorded on June 22, 2005

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Creature Comics.com

Creature Comics.com.

It doesn't quite exist yet. But, yes. It's coming. Or at least I'm starting to feel confident that it's coming. (Traditionally, this kinda confidence has a history of blowing up in my face, but what the heck, right?)

Want the backstory?

At the Gathering 2003 in New York City, I sat down for a while with Martin Lund. Some of you know him as Kai, I believe. At the time, I have to admit, I mostly knew him as Lexy's other half. (Sorry, Marty, can't quite bring myself to say "better half".) Anyway, Marty and I talked. About a lot of stuff, but mostly about how much we'd both like to see a new GARGOYLES comic book telling original stories for the fans.

Marty felt we could make it happen. And Marty got me to believe it was possible.

We soon partnered up with Greg Guler. Many of you have met Greg G. at various Gatherings. Greg was one of the main development artists who helped create GARGOYLES. (He did the key inspirational designs on a few minor characters that you might remember: Goliath, Elisa, Demona.) He was also the Lead Character Designer for the entire Second Season of the Series. Like me, Greg G. also has a comic book background. We both worked at DC Comics in the late eighties/early nineties -- though we never actually worked together back then. He did a bunch of stuff, but the thing I always rememered was his monthly work on HAWK & DOVE.

(When Greg & I first met in person, he was doing prop design at Disney. I kinda credit myself for giving him a push into character design. He's been one of WDTVA's chief character designers for years now. His credits there are almost endless.)

Anyway, Marty & Greg & I formed a partnership, which we soon called CREATURE COMICS. Our initial goal was to license and launch a new GARGOYLES comic book. Marty would handle the business end. Greg G. would handle the art end. Yours truly would handle the writing (and to a lesser extent be the big mouth mouthpiece for the group -- hence this ramble).

Of course, this was nearly TWO YEARS ago. But Marty does NOT give up. Money was our first problem, i.e. we had none, and *surprise, surprise* Disney wasn't keen on the idea of licensing the GARGOYLES property for free. In fact, because we were a start-up (up-start?) company with no track record, they actually wanted a LARGER license fee as, in essence, insurance, in case we screwed up. The good news was that they did LIKE the idea of having two of the original creators being in charge of the creative. (This would fortunately be of importance down the road.) They just weren't wild about a bunch of "amateurs" being put in charge of their property.

But as I said, Marty does NOT give up. Still, for the time being, we put a pin in the GARGOYLES idea. If that was too expensive, we'd start with an ORIGINAL property -- one that CREATURE COMICS could own. We'd prove ourselves on that. Then after we were huge successes, we'd be able to go to Disney again with that track record they felt they needed.

Turns out we had a problem here too. No money. (Funny how that keeps coming up.) So CREATURE COMICS morphed into CREATURE COMICS.COM. We'd launch the comic on the web. This seemed like a plan. But life/reality/actual paying work kept getting in the way. (We -- meaning Greg G. -- did manage to create a logo though, which should be revealed soon.)

Meanwhile, as I mentioned, Marty was busy NOT giving up. He maintained contact with Disney. They were still interested in having the GARGOYLES creators on a GARGOYLES comic book. (And I figure the relative success of the DVD didn't hurt our situation either.) It was just that pesky start-up status that they couldn't deal with. But believe it or not, DISNEY suggested a solution. They were (are) currently in the process of making a licensing deal with SLAVE LABOR GRAPHICS... i.e. a comic book company with an actual track record!

Now, as of this writing, to my knowledge, the deal between SLG and DISNEY is not yet fully, totally realized. As I understand it, they're VERY close. But it's not signed. So normally, I would TOTALLY not be discussing ANY OF THIS (this whole ramble would not exist). But Dan Vado, who runs SLG, spilled some beans last weekend. So we talked with him, and he was okay with us talking to you, with us being cautiously optimistic.

SLG is on the verge of licensing four properties from Disney: HAUNTED MANSION, ALICE IN WONDERLAND, TRON and... GARGOYLES.

GARGOYLES was NOT part of SLG's original pitch to Disney. But Disney hooked Marty, Greg & myself up with Dan. Everyone (Disney, Dan, Marty, Greg, Greg) really liked the idea of CCC packaging the creative on a new GARGOYLES comic for SLG. So THAT is the plan.

But I have to add the caveat, that at the moment, it's STILL only a plan. Because SLG hasn't signed on the dotted line with Disney, they have -- for obvious reasons -- not yet made any deal with us at CCC. As I said, I'm cautiously optimistic. But s--t happens, you know? So cross your fingers for us, but... well, it may still be a touch premature to ACTUALLY hold your breath.

Anyway... I'll be the writer. THE ONLY WRITER. So those of you looking to trade me in for Joss Whedon or Neil Gaiman are SOL. Greg Guler will be the Art Director. He may not pencil every issue, but he'll be making sure that every issue looks damn good. Marty, as usual, will handle the business end of things in his capacity as Executive Vice President of Not-Giving-Up.

Our direction is pretty straight forward. The book we'll be styled to look like the series, and my plan is to pick up pretty much where "Hunter's Moon" left off and do the "third season" that I wanted to do (as opposed to the GOLIATH CHRONICLE version). (The year is 1996. Although I'm probably not going to go out of my way to put a date in the content of the comic that'll scare away a new audience. There's always ASK GREG to fill people in on timeline details. And eventually, I'm hoping to catch up to the present.) I'm also eventually hoping that this thing is such a massive success that it'll lead to all the spin-offs we've been talking about for years. Not to mention those ORIGINAL PROPERTIES that CCC would own and that we still hope to do someday. But to some extent that won't be up to us. It'll be up to all of you.

Marty & Greg & I are all VERY excited! I'd say SPREAD THE WORD!!! But frankly, it's all a bit premature. We hope to begin finalizing things in the next month or so. (Dan's "leak" has certainly lit a bit of a fire. Hmmmm.... wonder if that wa his plan all along? Why, that little scamp!) Greg G. and I are both planning to be on hand for a bit with Disney & SLG at the San Diego ComicCon, so look for us there.

And of course, I'm hoping to be able to tell you a LOT more at the GATHERING 2005 in Las Vegas. Marty'll be there too. You can all hoist him on your shoulders, cuz honestly, he's the real hero in all of this. I get the juice, but he squeezed it.

So that's the scoopage, folks.

CREATURE COMICS.COM. It doesn't exist yet. But... damn... don't give up!

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Pyris Magmus writes...

Does disney have any plans to make a comic or allow someone else to do it? Since I believe they have no intention of making more episodes.

Greg responds...

I can't speak to Disney's current plans.

Response recorded on June 02, 2005

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