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REVELATIONS 2012-12 (Dec)

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Anonymous writes...

Hey, Greg. Thanks for answering all our insane questions.

Thinking specifically about Young Justice, were there any characters that you meant to be... not very likeable? I mean, obviously the villains are the ones we love to hate, but of the Team or JLA? Like, hypothetically, did you (or anyone else) ever say, 'Ya know what? Lets make [insert character's name here] a complete jerk.'

I'm not looking for validation for people to hate on any one character. I'm just womdering if it was ever part of the thought process in the show.

Thanks a lot!

Greg responds...

Not unlikeable, no, but there were characters that we wanted NOT to mesh with the others quite so well. We wanted things like anger-management issues, jealousy issues, insecurity issues, etc. There are, I believe, non-positive qualities to nearly every major character on the show. Hopefully, the audience finds the characters real, and perhaps likes them more for their faults...

Response recorded on December 27, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1) Did Artemis' poor relationship with her father make her leery of men at all? If so, did this cause her to have a difficult time trusting Wally early in their relationship and/or cause any strain in their relationship early on?
2) You stated that they had ups and downs during their relationship over the 5 year gap. Could you specify a bit? Were there large confrontations or temporary breakups? Or were they just typically small arguments, petty jealousy and/or similar situations?
3) Do Wally's parents know of Artemis' background and are they at all bothered by the fact that she comes from a criminal family?

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these!

Greg responds...

1. Probably.

1a. Probably.

2. I could, but I'm not going to. It's a SPOILER REQUEST.

3. Yes.

3a. Not particularly.

Response recorded on December 26, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, you've mentioned several times here and elsewhere that Wally was a very insecure person during the first season, but I never got that feeling from watching the show. I don't deny that he seemed to be overcompensating for something at times, but I never understood why he felt the need to. In comparison, I thought the show did a great job with Artemis as we saw her tough girl facade crack a few times, and got a good feeling for why she put up that facade.

So my question is; did the show actually explore Wally's insecurities as a person during the first season? And if not, what exactly was he insecure about and why did he feel that way?

He's my favorite character on the show, and I just feel like I missed something somewhere along the way. Thanks!

Greg responds...

1. I think we explored it, but whether we succeeded is not for me alone to judge.

2. I think, during Season One, he's insecure about his speed relative to the Flash. He's insecure about the fact that Flash didn't initially want him as a sidekick/protege. He's insecure with girls/women. Etc.

Response recorded on December 26, 2012

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Nina writes...

1. How old is Jim Daniels?
2. How old is Ultra-Humanite?
3. How old is Ripley?
4. How old is Norman?
5. How old is Jason Bard?

Greg responds...

1. By the end of Season One, Jim is 34.

2. By the end of Season One, his brain is 92.

3. Who?

4. I haven't done the math on him yet.

5. I'm not confirming or denying whether Jason Bard is still alive.

Response recorded on December 26, 2012

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Tom writes...

Young Justice: Invasion is the only comic series I've bought regularly (came close with the Jaime/Blue Beetle one couple of years ago). Like the TV series it's got a great mix of characters and tells a bunch of engaging stories at an all ages level. I love being able to read a series and share it with my younger brother (So many of the 'normal' series are intensely violent and feature sexual assault so often...).

So, thank you and your staff for making this series so great! It's always sold out at our local store. I'm sorry to hear that it's ending in two months.

What are your thoughts on how to keep comics relevant and get them to people, particularly younger crowds? Are downloads making a difference? Would releasing more series as longer graphic novels twice a year rather than shorter monthlies help? What about the content? Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

I don't claim to be an expert on these topics. Generally, I just write the kind of stories that _I_ would like to read.

Response recorded on December 26, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Alan Scott?
2. How old is Sandman?
3. How old is Bibbo?
4. How old is Banks?
5. How old is Shirley Mason?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not going to confirm that Alan Scott is alive or dead.

2. Ditto. But also ASKED AND ANSWERED.

3. By the end of Season One, Bibbo was 50.

4. Who?

5. She's less old than dead.

Response recorded on December 26, 2012

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Jurgan writes...

I just wanted to thank you for something else. Your lengthy rambles are what got me to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and from there most of Whedon's other work. Thank you so much for that- I have experienced many hours of enjoyment thus. I was surprised that you haven't commented on any of his post-Firefly work, as far as I can tell from searching the archives. If you don't mind, assuming you've seen the following, what did you think of:

1. Dollhouse?
2. The Avengers?
3. Cabin in the Woods?

Thanks again! Oh, and I've completely missed the boat on Young Justice, but I may be getting season 1 for Christmas. I'll let you know what I think!

Greg responds...

Please do.

1. I watched all of Dollhouse and will admit to mixed feelings. But it was long enough ago that I don't think I remember it clearly enough to speak to what exactly wasn't working for me. (And there was a lot I liked about it too.)

2. Great. There are little things I could quibble with, but in general, great.

3. Haven't seen it.

Response recorded on December 23, 2012

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Anonymous Writes writes...

Why Quit Kid Flash the Hero life

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 23, 2012

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Clark Cradic writes...

In the YJ universe, is Blue Devil a man in a costume or an actual demon?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 23, 2012

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I <3 Young Justice writes...

Issue 23 was awesome! I really liked the new depth that was giving to La'gann's and M'gann's relationship

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 21, 2012

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GhostDog401 writes...

Why doesn't Superboy have any mirrors?

Greg responds...

He doesn't want any.

Response recorded on December 21, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Calvin Durham?
2. How old is Sha'lain'a?
3. How old is Psycho-Pirate?
4. How old is Riker ?
5. How old is Wade Eiling?

Greg responds...

1. Don't know yet.

2. Don't know yet.

3. Don't know.

4. William Riker from Star Trek?

5. At the end of Season One, he was 74.

Response recorded on December 21, 2012

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Amelia writes...

Just dropping by to say that the latest comic issue was aweseome. It was nice to see Tim again. And the character development with La'gaan and M'gann in the bioship had me squealing like a mad pig- and I got a big laugh out of it afterwards when my friends reacted to the scene by basically saying "Wait, he's actually capable of not being a jerk?". I hope to see more of such development in the show itself. And Barbara... you've just reminded me why I love the character so much. Great job.

Greg responds...

Thanks. I'm really quite proud of the Players arc in the comic. And Chris and Zac's work has just been stellar.

Response recorded on December 21, 2012

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Melissa writes...

Wasn't it a bit hypocritical of M'gann to talk about not "focusing on parties" when she was going to a bridal shower, of all things?

Greg responds...

It's called irony.

Response recorded on December 21, 2012

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Shade234 writes...

1. Before Impulse left, it was raining ash, but after he left, it wasn't raining ash, and Happy Harbor looked slightly larger. Was this intentional?
2. I know Crash and Mode are Reach terms, but what do they mean? Like, is Crash synonymous to Cool, and Mode/moded similar to Defeated?

Greg responds...

1. Happy Harbor looks larger? I didn't notice that at all. As for the rest of your question, it's a SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

2. ASKED AND ANSWERED - in both the show and here at ASK GREG.

Response recorded on December 21, 2012

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Garfield Logan writes...

Hey Greg!

I started watching Young Justice this summer and can't get enough of it! I've never had cable tv, so I don't watch many shows, but this is the first show that I've been able to say I keep up with regularly. I particularly love the spinoff series, Black Manta's Celebrity Hot tub, and think that CN really should give it another chance. I hope that maybe someday fans will be able to rejoice upon seeing the likes of Lex Luthor, The Joker, or Queen Bee enter that fabled hot tub.

A few questions:

1. Is Beast Boy's hair black or green? The reason I ask is because in the show, it's black, but in the comics and promotional material, it's a slightly darker shade of green than his skin.

2. If Mrs. Martian didn't get woken up by Martian Manhunter in Failsafe, and died by the same beams the other members "died" from, would she herself slip into a coma?

3. I hope I'm not asking something with an obvious answer, but what was Artemis doing during Image? I was rewatching it the other day and noticed she didn't go with the team to Qurac.

4. It's totally fine if this isn't answered, I didn't exactly expect it to, but what's Gar's birthday? Dc has never given him a birth date in the comics and I was just curious. Hope it isn't a spoiler request.

Greg responds...

1. I think it's dark green in all of the above.

2. We'll never know.

3. Does it matter? Anyway, hopefully I'll get to tell that story some day.

4. I generally don't give characters birthdates unless it matters in a specific story.

Response recorded on December 21, 2012

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Shade234 writes...

Hi, Greg. I have some questions.
1. Why was Icon erased from the cover and/or erased from the Issues 21 and 23?
1a. You said it wasn't you who erased him. Who was it, and why?
2. Are Icon and Rocket not going to be in the show anymore?

Greg responds...

1. I honestly don't know. I was not given an explanation.

1a. The folks at DC.

1b. ASKED AND ANSWERED. (You know, up in question one. Seriously, why are you asking me the same question twice in the same post?)

2. They are and will continue to be in the television series.

Response recorded on December 21, 2012

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Danny P. writes...

1. How old is Catherine Cobert?
2. When was the android T. O. Morrow created?
3. How old is Lucius Fox?
4. How old is Perry White?
5. How old is Kevin Blankly?

Greg responds...

1. At the end of Season One, she was 28.


3. At the end of Season One, he was 52.

4. Don't know yet.

5. More dead than old.

Response recorded on December 21, 2012

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InLoveWithYJ writes...

I just wanna let you and BV know that I'm totally in love you YJ. The hiatus are like being on redrawls and watching reruns is like feeding on scraps from the bin. I ACHE with these longs waits and I can tell you right now I'm going to CRY if yj gets cancelled. Is there still hope?

Greg responds...

Stay strong. We're back January 5th.

Response recorded on December 21, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

* How old is Duk Trang?
* How old is Enos Polk?
* How old is Dragon King?
* How old is Henry Yarrow?
* How old is Rako?

Greg responds...

1. More dead than old.

2. Ditto.

3. I don't know yet. I'm working (slowly) on updating my timeline to include more minor characters from the comic book and series.

4. See the answer to question #1.

5. See the answer to question #3.

Response recorded on December 21, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is "Ugly" Mannheim?
2. Why is he credited "Mannheim" on one episode and "Manheim" on another (one "n"/two "nn"s)?
3. How old is Clement Lemar
4. How old is Zucco
5. How old is Alec Rois?

Greg responds...

1. I think this one will shock you: at the end of Season One, he was 23.

2. It should be two. Anything with one 'n' is a typo.

3. He's kinda more dead than old.

4. I don't know.

5. At the end of Season One, he was 68.

Response recorded on December 21, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

when can we consider "too late" to hope for CN to renew YJ for season 3?

Greg responds...

There's no such thing, unless you have an air date that you consider too late.

Also keep in mind that pick-ups and the public announcements of said pick-ups are two entirely different things with two entirely different timeframes.

Response recorded on December 21, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why is Brainiac called the Collector of Worlds and not Brainiac?

Greg responds...

Are you asking for an In-Universe answer or a behind-the-scenes answer?

Response recorded on December 21, 2012

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Brian writes...

Hi Greg, I'm a huge fan of Young Justice and am blow away after every episode. I am also a huge fan of Smallville too.
Seeing as both shows deal with Young superheroes I was wanted to just ask a couple of questions.
1) Are you familiar with Smallville? If so how familiar?
2) If so did it have any influence on your characters in Young Justice?
3) More particularly did Michael Rosenbaum's portrayal of Lex Luthor influence the way you write Lex on Young Justice?
4) Finally the Clark Kent presented on Smallville had a lot of very human flaws, something that I also noticed about Superman on Young Justice. Superman is often portrayed as an almost perfect individual so seeing those flaws on Smallville and Young Justice was a breath of fresh air. Did the Clark Kent of Smallville have any influence on how you wrote the character of Superman on Young Justice?
Thanks so much for your time and just know I am really hoping to see a season 3 of Young Justice, in my opinion anything less would be an insult to the brilliant product you and your team have produced

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I loved the pilot to Smallville, but quickly lost interest after that. I'd tune in occasionally when a promo piqued my interest - but I'm not going to base our version of Superman on anything at all from Smallville. I can't. I didn't see most of it."

[Response recorded on February 6, 2012.]

Response recorded on December 20, 2012

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What's the best way to support Young Justice, you ask?

BUY THE MERCHANDISE!!! That's right, buy our YJ companion comic (in electronic or print editions). (The advantage there is that you get the bonus of more story and character!)

And buy the Young Justice T-Shirt, currently being offered for sale by Hot Topic:


I've already purchased three myself. (That's right; I don't get 'em for free.) One for me, and one each for my genomorphs. So I've done my part!! Have you done yours?


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Well, I've finally caught up and cleaned out the ASK GREG queue. We'll plan to reopen the site- at least briefly - when Young Justice: Invasion #23 hits the stands later this month. Then again, when DC Nation starts up with new Young Justice: Invasion episodes on January 5th, 2013.

I'm looking forward to reading your responses to the new issues and episodes - and to Black Manta's Celebrity Hot Tub. (If there seems to be a demand, I might be tempted to write more of the latter for this site.)

But right now... I'm going to take a short break.

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Greg Bishansky writes...

I recently re-watched "Sentinel" and something I don't recall ever seeing brought up is that Nokkar speaks with an effect similar to Anubis. Two different voices, here's a clip:


First of all, I think this is a really cool effect, but I wonder what the reasons for him speaking like that are. Which voice is his "real voice," is there a translator built into his armor? Either way it does make him sound alien, and I like that. I'm just curious as to what your creative intent was here.

Greg responds...

The link wouldn't open for me, but NO. To the best of my recollection, we didn't double track Nokkar's voice (as we did with Anubis-as-Avatar), though we may very well have futzed it - especially with his helmet on, and that futzing may have been similar (though not the same) as the futz we used on Anubis (when not an Avatar and for his piece of the double-tracked voice when he was an Avatar).

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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13LuckyWishes writes...

Is the bioship originally Megan's or did J'onn give it to her after they got to earth? If the former is true, did she sneak it onto his own ship when she stowed away?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Anon writes...

Does it ever bother you that Young Justice is compared to Teen Titans a lot?

I mean, I loved Teen Titans as a kid, but I personally don't see much resemblance between the two shows other than the fact that they're DC heroes, and I think Young Justice is just brilliant.

Greg responds...

It doesn't seem like it is anymore. At least not here on this site.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Robin John Blake writes...

Who was Thomas Wayne father and was Thomas Wayne killed in 80's?

Greg responds...

1. I haven't done research on that.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Katie writes...

I live with roommates directly across the street from a church and directly above a funeral home. We have a gargoyle in the window facing the church. Is this bad? We've been experiencing weird happenings in the house and get uneasy in a particular area of the house and I'd like to know if removing the gargoyle might help. I know that they're meant to keep evil out of a church and that's why they face away from them, but I wonder if having a gargoyle facing the church is bringing bad vibes to my apartment.

Greg responds...

I doubt it. Probably the reverse. It's protecting you from something even worse.

(We're kidding around here, correct?)

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Luke writes...

Who were the two characters you wanted to include in the bridal shower scene in Satisfaction?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Diana writes...

What happened to the disc Robyn stole from Demona? Did the police find it in the wreckage of the airship?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Lorisa214 writes...

When Kid Flash, or Flash are running places, how do they know if they are going in the right direction? When Impulse was running across states, how would he know what state he's in? Like right now if someone told me to run to New York, New York, and I know it's South, & 6 hours by car, Maybe I could find it, cuz it's so iconic, and…a straight line from where I am. But if I had to find the Yukon, (In Canada…It's hard enough to find on a map) or North Carolina, I wouldn't. So how do they know where they are going without directions/GPS. Have they memorized the layout of the whole country? Stop & read signs? Do they have to take main roads to find where they want to go?
-Can Wally run across water?
- Could he do it carrying someone, or would their ears explode?
- Can Superman run across water?

Greg responds...

1. Yes to all of the above, probably.

2. If he's built up a big enough head of steam.

3. I would think so.

4. Run? No. But he can fly across it.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Lorisa214 writes...

Hello Greg.
I've noticed from both your work in Gargoyles, & Young justice that it seems very hard to affect the future by changing the past. It would seem that time travel can affect events, but not people? Like When Goliath went back in time and tried to talk with Demona, but when she woke up in their own timeline, was unchanged. Same with Impulse, he tried/continues to try to change his future, but somehow Nate still remembers what it was like before?
- Would everyone remember the difference in Barts timeline?
- How does Nate remember Bart, if they both said he would never be back to his time line, & so it stuck in the past?...So would then have never met ?

Greg responds...

1. No.


Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Lorisa214 writes...

Logically Artemis would have had to begin training, or step it up before her death in March.
- How long did she have to decide, & then begin training again?
- When she did decide to go undercover, how/why did she decide on her new weapons? She couldn't just stick to archery, that's a given. So what make her pick her equipment?
-Did she train with Wally, or Dick before their façade took place?
-How many days (weeks?) did Artemis wait before she told Wally?
- What if she said no?
-What month is Artemis's Birthday?

Greg responds...

1. You're assuming she EVER stopped training.

2. She's proficient in all the weapons that Tigress uses.

3. To a certain extent, although their regimens are very different.

4. I assume she's trained with Dick on and off for years, but again, see the answer to question one.

5. Tell him what?

6. I'm lost. No to what?

7. I haven't decided. Maybe she should be a Sagittarius.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. How long has Ray Palmer been active as the Atom?
2. How long has Plasticman been actives as a crime fighter?
3. How long has Blue Devil been active as a crime fighter?
4. How long was Zatara active as a crimefighter before he became Doctor Fate?
5. How long has Martian Manhunter been active as a crime fighter?

Greg responds...

1. Seven years before Team Year Zero.

2. Ditto.

3. Since June of Team Year Zero.

4. Twelve years before Team Year Zero.

5. Eight years before Team Year Zero.

NOTE: These dates relate to when they started fighting crime, not to when the public became aware of them fighting crime.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. How long has John Stewart been active as a Green Lantern?
2. How long has Guy Gardner been active as a Green Lantern?
3. How long has Black Canary been active as a crime fighter?
4. When did Wonder Woman return to being a crime fighter during the modern age?
5. How long has Hawkman and Hawkwoman been active as crime fighters?

Greg responds...

1. Three years before Team Year Zero.

2. Well, this is more complicated. Guy first became a Green Lantern seven years before Team Year Zero. Then came the coma. Guy then emerged from his coma in March of Team Year Zero.

3. Three years before Team Year Zero.

4. Nine years before Team Year Zero.

5. Six years before Team Year Zero.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

You mentioned Roy lost his parents, was he stilled raised on a reservation before being taken in by Ollie on Earth-16?

Greg responds...

There are a couple of different Speedy origins from the old, old comics. We'd probably combine them both - and maybe add something newer - but I haven't worked it all out yet, honestly.

Response recorded on December 18, 2012

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kagome writes...

has robin ever kissed Zatanna well i mean he leaned in first? because we have scene zatanna kiss robin 3 times, but not vice versa.

Greg responds...

Over the years? Yes.

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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Ann writes...

Is Happy Harbor's harbor(or haven) an artificicial one or a natural one? I also ask the same question about Bludhaven's harbor as well.
P.s If you don't know. Then I don't mind.
P.p.s Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to answer my "lucky stiff" question.

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

1a. I assume so, but I don't know.

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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Guest writes...

Stanford is one of the most expensive universities in the country. How are Wally and Artemis paying for it plus their apartment?

Greg responds...

Stanford also offers needs-blind admission. If you can get in, they'll figure out financial aid for you after the fact.

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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pupz writes...

Hi Greg!
If Superboy was made to be a replacement for Superman, why
would the scientists make him while knowing that he's only going to be half as powerful and therefore a poor replacement.
The fact Conner is half human means that his creators must of (logically) known that he'd
be a "inferior" version of Superman - So why bother?

The whole point of the cloning in the first place was to create a "Match" for Superman as Luthor put it, hence that psycho character called Match. When that failed, didn't settling for a downsized version defeat the purpose of the experiments in the first place?

In the comics, if was all justified by stating that the main goal of the scientists was just to unlock a dormant kryptonian ability (telekinesis) in Conner, but in your show that's not the case.

So what was their justification?

Thanks for answering our questions. :)

Greg responds...

This has been answered by the show itself. Clearly you saw the episode with Match, so I don't understand your confusion. They tried making a clone as powerful as Superman, but they couldn't control it. So they tried again. (The phrase "poor replacement" is your term, by the way, not one that I - or I think the Light - would subscribe to.) How does settling on a combined Superman/Luthor clone defeat any purpose, even knowing Project Kr wouldn't be as powerful as Project Match? I just don't follow your logic. You're assuming we live in a world of absolutes, and we don't. It's like saying, hey, I want a car that gets 100 miles to the gallon. And the engineers say, sorry, the best we can do is 85, and you say - well, then forget it, I don't want a car at all.

My response: enjoy your walk.

[Oh, and if the point of this post was really to get me to admit that we made a mistake by not including Conner's tactile telekinesis from the original comics, than (a) you're breaking one of our guidelines (specifically #13) and (b) you've failed, as WE LIKE OUR SHOW. (And personally, I don't much care for tactile telekinesis.)]

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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Melbie writes...

Assuming Sportsmaster knew about about Wally and Artemis's relationship judging from the scene at the cemetery in "Satisfaction," would you mind telling us how he heard about it and how he feels about it?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, I mind. Sorry.

2. I think you can guess.

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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Kevin writes...

1. Is Aqualad stronger then the average atlantean because he is an atlantean/human hybrid?
2. Do other atlanteans have telepathy with marine animals like Aquaman has?
3. Why can't Aquaman communicate with other sea animals telepathically?
4. Is there a difference biologically in an atlantean/human hybrid if the father was an atlantean and mother was a human as opposed to a human father and atlantean mother?
5. How many city states and other form of governments are there in Atlantis?

Greg responds...

1. Why does that follow?

2. Aquaman has telepathy with marine MAMMALS.

3. Reverse the question: Why should he be able to?

4. I'd think every individual would be unique. But I'm not a trained biologist.

5. I haven't counted.

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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gargoyles fan writes...

Hey Greg I have been meaning to ask this for a while, and I did check the archives but couldn't find anything on this, but I was wondering why do you answer fan questions? Its not a complaint I was just curious. Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

I've answered this often, most recently here: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=17563

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

how old is selena gonzalez?

Greg responds...

You'd have to ask Art & Franco.

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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lLight writes...

After season one, I figured Roy's serious personality might have been influenced by his programming. After seeing the original Roy, it is clear Roy has always been like that. Since Jim Harper is also a clone of the original Roy, my first question is this:

1) What is the reason for the personality difference between The two Roys and Jim Harper?

2) Was Jim Harper programmed to be a different hero?

3) In Season one, Jim explained to Superboy that he was Roy's uncle. It seems that this was programmed into him. Was this programmed into Red Arrow? In other words, did Roy know about his "relation" to Jim?

4) If Jim Harper were to pick up a bow and arrow, would he be a good archer?

5) Was Aqualad the only person on the Team who would know where Roy was hiding in the final episode of Season one?

Greg responds...

1. You see Roy after waking up from an eight year deep-freeze to find his arm amputated and a clone has taken over his life, and you think that gives you some indication of what he was like personality-wise back in the day? Seriously?

2. Well... yeah... (Is this a trick question?)

3. Yes.

4. Not without any training at all.

5. Do you mean before Aqualad found him there or after?

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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Black Manta Fan writes...

1) How did Aquaman find out about Kaldur's parentage?

2) How old was Kaldur when Calvin Durham assumed the role of his father? Assuming, of course, Aqualad was born.

3) When did Black Manta assume his villainous role? (This is like asking when did Clark Kent become Superman)

4) Do Black Manta's henchmen know his secret identity?

5) Does the Light know his secret identity?

Greg responds...



3. IS it like asking that? I'm not sure I agree.

4. What secret identity?

5. See above.

Response recorded on December 17, 2012

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Black Manta Fan writes...

1) What is Black Manta's civilian name?

2) What is the reason for his animosity towards Aquaman?

3) Is there a reason why you gave Black Manta a sophisticated persona? He strikes me as a high class villain, like Luthor. In the comics, he just seems like an angry guy.

4) I gotta admit, Black Manta has a handsome face. Who takes credit for this design?

5) How close were Black Manta and Calvin Durham before Durham's defection?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know.


3. We played him the way he made sense to us to play him.

4. Phil Bourassa.

5. Close.

Response recorded on December 14, 2012

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